Choose the correct word to fill in the gaps illusions can you imagine

ДОБАВИТЬ В ИЗБРАННОЕ   Progress check (Module 3 spotlight 9) V. 1Choose the correct word to fill in the gaps: illusions, shadow, mind, survived, staring, rustling, natural shades, alike, mythical, humped.Can you imagine what would happen if a dinosaur somehow________ and was still alive?Rosie couldn’t stop _____ at the beautiful rainbow as it was the first time she had ever seen one.Annie loves story books about dragons, giants and other _____________ creatures.Nessie has a long neck and a _____________ back.As the wind blew the leaves made a ______________ sound.Nancy and Susan look very much ____________ and others often think that they’re sisters.The artist has used ___________ of blue and green to paint this country scene.Optical _________ can force the eyes to see things in a different way.Wherever Tommy goes his puppy follows him like a __________.Many people believe that dreams are a way for our subconscious _________ to express our deeper thoughts and fears.Put the verbs into the correct PAST TENSE.Alice ____________________________(paint) for three years before she sold her first painting.While Emily ____________________ (read) a book her brother was listening to music.Jenny ___________________( drive) along a country road when a huge creature came out of nowhere and fell onto her car.Sam didn’t go to the exhibition because he __________________(not/finish) his project.Paul _______________________(not/watch) a film yesterday.When I was younger I __________ (use/go) for long walks in the countryside with my family.Form compound adjectives using these words: deep, well, good, blondHe is a ……..…-known English writer.Her brother is a cute ………..-haired boy.Diana is a very …….…-looking girl.The Kraken was a ………..-sea monster from Norwegian legend.Complete the gaps with the correct preposition or particle.Jack was nervous _____ camping in the forest.Have you heard _____ Bigfoot?We didn’t succeed ____ catching a big fish during our trip to Sakhalin.Lizzy feels ill. She must be coming _________with the flu.A strange feeling came __________me as I walked home.Alan came _________ a mysterious thing in the attic.Stephen King’s new book has just come_____.Choose the correct response.Last night I dreamt that a huge spider was chasing me.A That’s a thought B What do you think this means?Shall we go to the art gallery?A Why not B You could be right That’s horrible A I know B Poor you Progress check (Module 3 spotlight 9) V. 2Choose the correct word to fill in the gaps: reflection, glaring, sights, mind, illusion, investigators, natural shades, horrifying, giant, rustling.Old castles are very popular ____________ in Britain.Why are _________________ at Stewart so angrily? Has he done anything wrong?Andrew’s nightmare was absolutely _____________; he dreamt that a three-headed monster was approaching him, but he couldn’t move.According to Norwegian legend the Kraken was a _____________ monster that lived in the sea.Some people say they have heard the _____________ sound of her dress as she walked past them._________________ are still trying to find out what type of animal the skeleton they discovered belongs to.The artist has used ______________________ of red and brown to paint this country scene.People who see one picture inside another are experiencing an optical _______________.Patrick has a brilliant __________________, he’s training to be a famous scientist.Steve’s car was so shiny that he could see his own _____________________ in it.​

Module 3

1. Put the verbs into the correct tense (Past Simple or Past Continuous).

  1. While Tom _____________(read) Amely ______________(watch) a documentary on TV.

  2. Marvin ________(come) home, ___________(switch) on the computer and ______________ (check) his emails.

  3. The thief _____________(sneak) into the house, ___________(steal) the jewels and ______________ (leave) without a trace.

  4. Nobody ______________(listen) while the teacher ______________(explain) the tenses.

  5. While we ___________(do) a sight-seeing tour our friends ___________(lie) on the beach.

  6. He ________(wake) up and __________(look) at his watch.

2. Put the verbs into the correct tense (Past Simple or Past Perfect).

  1. The removal van __________(arrive) before they _____________(finish) packing.

  2. Before they ___________(move) to this town, they _________(live) in Chicago.

  3. After the kids ___________(eat) their lunch, they __________(take) a little nap.

  4. After school we always _________(meet) at the youth club.

  5. Soon after sunrise we __________(cycle) to an observation point that I ______ never ______(hear) of before.

  6. When I _________(come) home, my mother ______ already _________(prepare) dinner.

  7. When Monica ___________(finish) her homework, she ____________(go) out to play with her friends.

  8. When we ____________(meet) Andrew, we ____________(tell) him about our plans.

3. Choose the correct word to fill in the gaps: illusions, shadow, mind, survived, staring, rustling, natural shades, alike, mythical, humped.

  1. Can you imagine what would happen if a dinosaur somehow________ and was still alive?

  2. Rosie couldn’t stop _____ at the beautiful rainbow as it was the first time she had ever seen one.

  3. Annie loves story books about dragons, giants and other _____________ creatures.

  4. Nessie has a long neck and a _____________ back.

  5. As the wind blew the leaves made a ______________ sound.

  6. Nancy and Susan look very much ____________ and others often think that they’re sisters.

  7. The artist has used ___________ of blue and green to paint this country scene.

  8. Optical _________ can force the eyes to see things in a different way.

  9. Wherever Tommy goes his puppy follows him like a __________.

  10. Many people believe that dreams are a way for our subconscious _________ to express our deeper thoughts and fears.

4. Put the verbs into the correct PAST TENSE.

  1. Alice ____________________________(paint) for three years before she sold her first painting.

  2. While Emily ____________________ (read) a book her brother was listening to music.

  3. Jenny ___________________( drive) along a country road when a huge creature came out of nowhere and fell onto her car.

  4. Sam didn’t go to the exhibition because he __________________(not/finish) his project.

  5. Paul _______________________(not/watch) a film yesterday.

  6. When I was younger I __________ (use/go) for long walks in the countryside with my family.

5. Put the verbs into the correct PAST TENSE.

  1. Sophie ______________________(work) in the picture gallery for 23 years, now she is retired.

  2. John ____________________________(wash) the car when it started to rain.

  3. While John _______________________(draw) a picture Owen was watching a horror film.

  4. Pam didn’t go out last night because she ___________________(not/ finish) her homework.

  5. Carol ________________________(make) a phone call and then left the office.

  6. My brother Tim __________________(use/ make) fun of me all the time when we were kids.

1. Old castles are very popular SIGHTS in Britain.

2. Why are you GLARING at Stewart so angrily? Has he done anything wrong?

3. Andrew’s nightmare was absolutely HORRIFYING; he dreamt that a three-headed monster was approaching him, but he couldn’t move.

4. According to Norwegian legend the Kraken was a GIANT monster that lived in the sea.

5. Some people say they have heard the RUSTLING sound of her dress as she walked past them.

6. INVESTIGATORS are still trying to find out what type of animal the skeleton they discovered belongs to.

7. The artist has used NATURAL SHADES of red and brown to paint this country scene.

8. People who see one picture inside another are experiencing an optical ILLUSION.

9. Patrick has a brilliant MIND he’s training to be a famous scientist.

10. Steve’s car was so shiny that he could see his own REFLECTION in it.

А Выберите верное слово, чтобы заполнить пропуск.


а) Огромный кальмар отличается от других типов кальмаров, потому что у него есть острые шипы на щупальцах.

b) Многие описания монстров озер о существах с длинными шеями и спинами с горбами.


а) Старинные замки это очень популярные достопримечательности в Британии

b) Два рыбака сообщили о странном существе с 10тью ногами, увиденном вчера в озере.


а) Хотя многие люди говорят, что они видели снежного человека, пока не находили останков, которые бы доказали, что создание когда-то существовало.

b) Вы можете представить, чтобы случилось, если бы динозавр как-то выжил и был бы все еще жив в наши дни.


а) Рози не могла остановиться глазеть на красивую радугу, так как это был первый раз, когда она ее увидела.

b) Почему ты смотришь на Стюарта так сердито? Он сделал что-то не так?


а) Люди думают, что целаканты были вымершим видом рыб, пока рыбак не поймал одну в 1938 году.

b) Анни любит истории о драконах, великанах и других мифических существах.


а) Когда Ричард и Иан услышали разгневанные крики, они оглядели комнату, чтобы посмотреть, откуда они исходят.

b) Исследовательская команда заметила что-то необычное в области?


а) Прошлой ночью мне приснился сон, что сильный водоворот затащил меня на дно океана.

b) Ночной кошмар Эндрю был абсолютно ужасный; ему приснилось, что трехголовый монстр приближался к нему, а он не мог двигаться.


а) Луна была такой яркой, что Джеймс мог видеть свое отражение в озере

b) Когда Давид увидел тень странного животного в кустах, он начал дрожать как осиновый лист.


а) Яркое воображение Джонатана это то, что заставляет его писать леденящие истории о привидениях.

b) На самом деле волшебник заставил человека исчезнуть или это была просто оптическая иллюзия?

1 a) sights b) sightings

2 a) existed b) survived

3 a) staring b) glaring

4 a) extinct b) mythical

5 a) glanced b) spotted

6 a) violent b) horrifying

7 a) reflection b) shadow

8 a) imagination b) illusion

9th form

Module 3


A Choose the correct word to fill in the gaps.

e.g. sharp humped

a) The Colossal Squid differs from other types of squids in that it has sharp hooks on its tentacles.

b) Most descriptions of lake monsters are about creatures with long necks and humped backs.

1.  extinct    mythical

a) People thought the Coelacanth was a(n)

……………………. species of fish, until a

fisherman caught one in 1938.

b) Annie loves story books about dragons,

giants and other ……………………. creatures.

5.   survived   existed

a) Although many people say they have seen

Bigfoot, there are no fossil remains that

prove the creature ever ………………… .

b) Can you imagine what would happen if a

dinosaur somehow ………………… and

was still alive today?

2.   imagination   illusion

a) Jonathan’s vivid …………………. is what

makes him able to write spine-chilling

ghost stories.

b) Did the magician really make the man

disappear or was it just an optical


6.  sightings   sights

a) Old castles are very popular ……………..

in Britain.

b) Two fishermen reported ………………….

of a strange ten-legged creature in the

lake yesterday.

3.  glaring   staring

a) Rosie couldn’t stop ………………… at

the beautiful rainbow, as it was the first

time she had ever seen one.

b) Why are you ………………… at Stewart

so angrily? Has he done something wrong?

7.   spotted   glanced

a) When Richard and Ian heard the angry

shouts they ……………………. around the

room to see where they were coming from.

b) Has the research team …………………….

anything unusual in the area?

4.   reflection   shadow

a) The moon was so bright that James could

see his …………………. in the lake.

b) When David saw the …………………. of a

strange animal in the bushes, he started

shaking like a leaf.

8.   horrifying   violent

a) Last night I dreamt that a ………………….

whirlpool was pulling me to the bottom of

the ocean.

b) Andrew’s nightmare was absolutely

………………….; he dreamt that a threeheaded

monster was approaching him, but

he couldn’t move.

 B Fill in the missing word. There are three words you do not need to use.

similar  giant  lurks  glimpse  dull  appears  alike  mind  corridor  human fantasy  brain  impact


Eric has a brilliant ………………; he’s sure to become a famous scientist one day.


This couldn’t be a(n) ……………… print; it’s far too wide and half a metre long!


The old castle had a dark, mysterious

………………leading to the dungeons below.


The strange creature disappeared before we managed to catch a ……………… of it.


When Natasha is stressed out, she always

dreams that a snake-headed monster

……………… suddenly and starts chasing her.


According to Norwegian legend, the Kraken was a(n) ……………… monster that lived in the sea.


These two paintings look so much

……………… that you have to look really

closely to see the few differences they have.


 I don’t like this painting. I think the

……………… brown and grey colours the

artist has used give it a sad feeling.


 Garry really lives in a(n) ……………… world! He believes that he will be the one who will take pictures of Bigfoot first!


Cubism and Surrealism are two styles of

painting that have had a great ………………

on modern art.


C Put the verbs into the correct past tense.

19.   Sandra ……………… (paint) for three years before she sold her first painting.

20.   Benjamin ……………… (gasp) in horror when he saw the ghostly figure.

21.   It was the first time that Elizabeth ……………… (ever/see) pictures of Bigfoot.

22.   Claire ……………… (drive) along a country road, when a huge creature came out of nowhere                 and fell onto her car.

23.  The research team ……………… (find) an unusual fossil and took it back to the lab to examine   it.

24.   While Lisa ……………… (read) a book, her brother was listening to music.

25.   Alex didn’t go to the photographic exhibition

because he ……………… (not/finish) his homework.

Test 3

D Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets.

e.g. James believed in ghosts when he was a child. (used to)

James used to believe in ghosts when he was a child.

26.   In the past, my sister made fun of  Surrealist paintings, but now she loves them. (used to)


28.   Sally visited her grandparents quite often when she still lived in London. (would)



27.   Eleanor’s parents never bought her books about monsters when she was a child. (used to)


29.   When I was still at school, I read a new ghost story every week. (would)



E Underline the correct item.

30.   It can’t/may be a coincidence, but isn’t it strange that I was thinking about John at the exact moment he called me?

31.   You may not/can’t have seen a ghost. They’re not real!

32.   The style of that painting must/may be Cubism, because the artist has used square and rectangular shapes.

33.   Our house can’t/may be haunted; we’ve lived here for years and we’ve never seen or heard anything unusual going on.

34.   Susan may/must be at the photographic exhibition, but I’m not sure.

35.   The magician’s assistant hasn’t truly disappeared; our eyes may/must be playing tricks on us!

Everyday English

F Choose the correct response.

36  A: Do you have any idea what dreaming about wild animals means?

B: a I can’t say for sure.

     b That can’t be right.

38 A: Last night I dreamt that a huge spider was chasing me.

B: a That’s a thought!

     b What do you think this means?

37 A: Don’t worry, your dream probably means that you’re stressed.

B: a Is everything alright?

    b Do you really think so?

39 A: I woke up at 2:00 am and couldn’t get back to sleep.

B: a Poor you!

     b That’s a relief!

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