Choose the correct word to fill in the blanks there is always the

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A. Choose the correct word.
1. The plane ….showed the passengers what to do in case of emergency.
A staff B team C crew
2. The …..rain caused the driver to lose control of his car.
A massive B heavy C huge
3. There was a lot of ……in the park.
A waste B rubbish C litter
4. It’s important to save up for a ……day.
A cloudy B rainy C sold
5. Thick …..covered the fields.
A fog B smoke C fumes
B. Fill in the correct preposition.
6. The earthquake left the town …..ruins.
7. What … happened here?
8. Tiger are wild…..nature.
9. The patient is now…..of danger.
10. The building was engulfed ……flames.
C. Fill in the missing word. There is one word you do not need to use: species, drought, homelessness, famine, aid, poverty, hurricane, pollution, flood, rescue.
11. Local authorities have to cope with the problem of…….
12. The ……destroyed several towns.
13. The …..caused the crop failure (неурожай).
14. They are living in extreme …..
15. We’re doing a project on air…..
16. ……waters destroy everything in their path.
17. Doctors gave them emergency first….before they were taken to the hospital.
18. An endangered…… is an animal or plant that’s considered at risk of extinction.
19. There were reports of refugees dying of ……
D. Choose the correct item.
20. Clara and her class are looking forward to visit/visiting.
21. I’m glad to hear/hearing that no one was hurt in the earthquake.
22. We stopped to look/looking at the wildflowers.
23. They made him to return/return all the money he had borrowed
24. He can to run/run very fast.
25. I would like to do/doing something different for my birthday this year.
26. It’s no use to cry/crying over spilt milk.
27. He always remembers to lock/locking the door when he leaves.
28. Let me to help/help you carry these bags.
29. They are not sleeping. I can hear them to talk/talking.
E. Complete the sentences with the words derived from the words in bold.
30. I cannot accept your. INVITE
31. ……can help learning process. REPEAT
32. The ….. called only one witness. DEFEND
33. We need …… on how to handle this issue. GUIDE
F. Fill in the blanks with used to, be used to, get used to and the appropriate form of the verbs in brackets
34. The city …..(attract)tourists before the flood hit.
35. Frank couldn’t …..(drive) on the left.
36. Mary…..(get) up early.

1 invented    found out

a) When John found out that a research company wanted to buy his gadget, he couldn’t believe it.

b) Mike invented the device, but it was his brother who put it on the market.

2 colleagues    employees

a) Professor Smith thanked his close colleagues for their support in his research.

b) The company’s business is growing, so it needs to hire more employees.

3 salary    wage

a) The pizza delivery boy thought his wage was rather low for a full day’s work.

b) If Jane gets the promotion, it will add an extra four thousand pounds to her annual salary.

4 Geography    Earth Science

a) Mary wants to travel to all those countries she studied in her Geography class.

b) Jason finds Earth Science fascinating, because he learns a lot of things about the formation and history of our planet.

5 raise    lift

a) Jake’s back hurts because he tried to lift a very heavy box on his own.

b) You don’t have to raise your voice. I can hear you very well!

6 toddler    infant

a) Of course Annie can’t talk yet; she’s just a four-month old infant!

b) Jamie is such a cute toddler!  He’s just learning to walk and he keeps falling down all the time.

В Fill in the correct word.
• stay • have • visit • go • spend • buy • taste • post • fly • travel • attend
6. They are going to … sightseeing in the afternoon.
7. Anna decided to … around the world.
8. She wants to… in a hotel.
9. How are you going to … your weekend?
10. When Sue and Paul go on holiday they always … souvenirs.
11. We can … the museum this afternoon.
12. Why don’t we … a picnic?
13. Do you know where I can … these letters?
14. She wants to … a performance at the theatre.
15. We always … the local food when we’re on holiday.
16. When are you going … to London?

C Choose the correct item.
17. I want to … a picture of the fountain.
A go B take C hire
18. He …fishing in the afternoon.
A sees B goes C takes
19. Excuse me. Where can I … some stamps?
A send B buy C post
20. We want to… shopping.
A have B go C spend
21. Mark is going to … a performance of the Nutcracker.
A be B attend C visit
22. What is the best way to … to Kuala Lumpur?
A be В travel C post

D Underline the correct word.
23. We are late so/because we live too far.
24. I was hungry, so/because I went to the fast food restaurant.
25. He is tired so/because he didn’t sleep.
26. You have got a lot of homework, so/because you can’t play basketball.
27. She is wearing a coat so/because it’s cold today.
E Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Continuous, going to or will.
28. There are black clouds in the sky. It’s _______________ (rain).
29. We _______________(go) to France next week.
30. Be careful! You ‘re _______________(have) an accident.
31. She _______________(study) history at university next year.
32. Someone’s at the door! I ______________ (get) it! СРОЧНО ПОМОГИТЕ ПРОШУ ВАС​

помогите прошу!
B.     Choose
the correct words.

 1.      There are a lot of flowers in the greenhouse/ appointment.

2.      I don`t like science fiction/ comedy.
3.      News/ Sitcoms make me laugh.

4.      On Saturdays I help my mom around/ down the

5.      Harry Potter always sleeps in the dormitory/ dungeon.

6.      When we go camping my father always put up/
a tent.

7.      We set off/ of in the morning.

8.      I get along with/ to my friends very

Read about national parks.
Choose the correct word (a, b, or c) to fill each gap (1—7). There is an example (0) at the beginning.
National Parks are special places on (0)  Earth . They (1)_____________a large
area. Some parks (2)_____________mountains and rivers. Others (3)_____________
homes for plans and animals. A lot of people visit national parks every year. Some choose the closest park, others go to the places that
are (4)______________away. But in every park
the (5)______________ is very special. People
learn about the important role of each bird, tree
and flower in the (6)______________. They also
learn       the       importance       of      protecting
(7) ______________, because some animals and
plants may (8) ______________if they are not
protected. It is good when people are (9) _                      _ about nature around them.
0    ;a Earth                     b  world                          с nature
1     a appear                    b  cover                          с support
2    a protect                   b  discover                      с help
3    a appear                    b  cover                          с provide
4    a over                       b  far                              с through
5     a wildlife                  b  pollution                     с air
6    a Earth                     b  nature reserve            с environment
7    a ponds                     b  nature                        с babies
8    a disappear               b  disturb                       с destroy
9    a close                      b  in charge                    с concerned

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