Choose the correct word to complete the sentences my cousin


Use the code to write the words. Then choose the correct word to complete the sentences.
Leo paints pictures of animals.
A My cousin knows how to a computer.
B I was the of a photography competition.
C John wants to be a tennis .
D Leah is a great . She makes fantastic food! E Tom beautiful music.
F Do you children’s books?
G Maria is a flamenco .
Пожалуйста помогите,дам 40 баллов​


1 Choose the correct words to complete the
1 I love talk / talking to my friend and I love go!
going shopping with her too.
2 i sing / am singing in the school hall on Fridays.
3 The film was / were very exciting.
4 In my free time, I usually stay / stay usually
at home.
5 That is / was a very good barbecue last Sunday.

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Choose do or make to complete the sentences
I need to _______ my homework.
I can’t _____ cookies for the party.
On Saturdays we usually ___________ the gardening.
Can I ____________ a phone call?
You must be quiet. You mustn’t ______ a noise.

Match the words to form collocations.


a meal
a speech
in order

Choose the correct item.
Can we decorate/have the house?
Let`s exchange/spend gifts now!
Diwali is/lasts five days.
This party is absolutely/well brilliant!
Thanks for your being/listening.
That looks like a fun game. Can I join/run in?

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct Present Continuous form.
I (write) ___________ this e-mail to let you know that we 22. (have) _____ a great time in Florida.
I (work) __________________ very hard at the moment.
(you/ take) any holidays in July?
John _______________ (not/run) in the street.
My mum and her friends ___________ (drink) coffee?

Correct the mistakes:
We eating a lot of sweets at the moment. …………………..
He is drive a car at present. ……………………………………..
My friends are plant a tree in the park. ………………………
I is meeting my cousin on Monday. ………………………….
They are read not an interesting article. …………………………..

Write questions and short answers.

you / write / a test?
Q: ____________
A: Yes, ________
two dogs / play / in your school?
Q: _______________
A: No, ___________
Maria / get up / now?
Q: _______________
A: No, ___________
your friends / sit / on their chairs?
Q: __________________
A: Yes, ______________

Match the responses to the questions.
What is her house like?
What do you think of games?
Do you like a present?
Who is this girl?
Shall we meet at 7?
Not bad at all. I like pin the tail on the donkey.
My classmate.
Nothing special. It`s old and it`s got only one room.
Sure. How about going to the restaurant then?
It`s awful! And I don`t really like it!


Ответ или решение1

Шаров Глеб

  1. Since my cousin moved away, I see him more frequently than I did before.
  2. Of all the girls, Mary’s dresses are the most beautiful.
  3. I like it when Jane does the washing up. She washes the plates more carefully than I do.
  4. David always sings the most loudly of all.
  5. Polly’s eyes are not very good. From this distance you can see more clearly than her.
  6. Sooner or later everyone in your class will choose a career for themselves.
  7. Why don’t you come to see me often? I miss you.

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