Choose the correct word strong winds the coast

2 Choose the correct word.
1 Strong winds blew/hit/formed the coast.
2 He made /did/watched his best.
3 They conquered/reached/achieved the summit.
4 Jane was surprised/confused/depressed by the map and had no idea where to go.
5 All of the members of the expedition survived/set/suspected.
3.Put the verbs in brackets into the correct past tense. Помогите пожалуйста

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Новые вопросы по предмету Английский язык

1. Complete the sentences using one of the words. Endangered hurricane global disaster homeless supplies donations challenging war money 1. I wish there were only peace and no on our planet. 2. The eco camp was the most experience in my life. 3. The earthquake left a lot of people 4. It’s been the worst natural for our country. 5. A strong is now coming to the coast of Florida. 6. Celebrities are raising to help poor countries. 7. The sea turtle is an species. 8. People need food and medical 9. The earth temperature rises and causes warming 10. They’ve made generous to the World Wildlife Fund. a 2. Choose the correct word. 1. Would you like to have/do/make a donation to our charity? 2. The concert wants to rise/raise/rose money for charity. 3. Do you want to join this conservation/conserve/conserved project? 4. Jill’s having a runny/sore/high throat and a temperature. 5. A situation when a lot of people have no food for a long time is called poverty/war/famine. 6. We won’t go on a mountain hike, there may be an) avalanche/tsunami/f lood. 7. I fell and sprained my stomach/nose/ankle. 8. We have supported/campaigned/inspected against killing whales for years already 9. If you’re never/just/ever in St. Petersburg, come and see us. 10. She fell off her bike and bruised/pulled/split her knee. 3. Fill in the gaps with prepositions. 1. I took your bag instead of mine mistake. 2. They went a ten-kilometre hike.​

Тест по английскому:
1. Complete the comparative sentences so that they are true. Use the correct form of the adjectives in brackets and add any other necessary words.
1 A mouse is __________________ (big) a rat.
2 Summer is __________________ (warm) spring in the UK.
3 Midnight is __________________ (early) noon.
4 A snake is __________________ (long) a worm.
5 A tiger is __________________ (dangerous) than a cat.
6 Ice is much __________________ (cold) water.
7 A bicycle is __________________ (expensive) a car.

1 Avatar is __________________ film ever.
2 The Burj Khalifa in Dubai is __________________ building in the world.
3 The blue whale is __________________ animal on the planet.
4 The Mariana Trench is __________________ point in the Earth’s oceans.
5 Usain Bolt is __________________ man in the world.
6 Chandra Bahadur Dangi is __________________ person on record.
7 Bologna University in Italy is __________________ university in the world.

3. Complete the answers to the questions. Use too or enough and the word in brackets.
1 Why didn’t you make a cake last night? (flour)
Because there wasn’t _______________________ left.
2 Did you pass your geography exam? (difficult)
Probably not. The questions were _______________________ .
3 Can we go camping this weekend? (warm)
No, we can’t. It isn’t _______________________ for camping.
4 Would you like this desk in your bedroom? (space)
I would, but I haven’t got _______________________ .
5 Are we going by bus or by train? (slow)
I prefer the train. The bus is _______________________ .
6 Shall we climb to the top of that hill? (tired)

4 Choose the correct answers.
1 I love flying my kite when it’s ___ .
a icy b windy c misty
2 I don’t mind wet weather because I like watching ___ run down the window.
a clouds b raindrops c storms
3 It was very cold last night and the car windows were covered with ___ this morning.
a frost b shower c cloud
4 I often take my umbrella with me when I go out in case it ___ .
a storms b rains c shines
5 Be careful going for a walk in the winter as it’s easy to slip on ___ .
a rain b mist c ice
6 If there’s a ___ , it’s a good idea to stay indoors.
a sun b snow c storm
7 People often say that ___ makes them happy.
a sunshine b lightning c thunder
8 Children love playing out in ___ weather if they are wearing warm clothes.
a snowy b sunny c cloudy
9 It was difficult to see in the ___ , but then he noticed her walking towards him.
a wind b mist c snow
10 In the winter, I love watching ___ fall. It’s amazing that each one is different.
a showers b winds c snowflakes
Mark: ___ / 10

5 Read the definitions of natural disasters and write the correct words.
1 These often happen in places where it is very hot and there are lots of trees. _______________________
2 A violent storm with very strong winds that move in a circle. _______________________
3 This happens when many people catch an illness and it is difficult to control. _______________________
4 This is a huge wave which comes in, destroys buildings and floods an area. _______________________
5 This happens when there is a lot of rain and wet earth moves down a hill or mountain. _______________________


2. Fill in the missing word. There are two words you do not need to use.

1. The heavy rain caused the driver to lose control of his car and crash into a tree.

2. What started out as a light breeze soon became a very strong wind.

3. The well-trained lifeguard was able to rescue the drowning swimmer and quickly bring him to safety.

4. The lead actor felt under the  weather and Daniel was asked to replace him in the school play.

5. The big earthquake caused many buildings to collapse and people were left homeless.

6. When the avalanche hit the area, dozens of people were snowed in for many hours.

7. Cars and factories produce toxic fumes that harm the environment.

8. A terrible flood caused by three days of continuous rain has destroyed many houses inthe small fishing village.

9. drought will occur in an area when it hasn’t rained for an unusually long period of time.

10. The terrible fire left dozens of buildings in ruins

A. Complete using the comparative forms of the words in capitals.

 Your brother is much ………………………. (TALL) than mine.

 This island used to be much ………………………. (GREEN) before the forest fires.

 Slow down! You’re ………………………. (FIT) than me and I can’t keep up!

 Veronica seems ………………………. (HAPPY) since she moved schools.

 It’s actually ………………………. (TRENDY) to wear your hair up this year.

 As the time for the performance got nearer, I got ………………………. (NERVOUS).

 Old people are often ………………………. (WISE) than young people.

 Why don’t you try and find a ………………………. (CHEAP) computer game and save some money?

 Matt seems to have got even ………………………. (LAZY) than he used to be and almost never studies.

10   If the problem gets any ………………………. (SERIOUS), we may need to inform the manager about it.

11   If you work ………………………. (QUICKLY), you’ll finish sooner and then you can go home earlier.

12   Ben says he’s feeling much ………………………. (WELL) after his illness.

13   I have even ………………………. (LITTLE) free time this year than I did last year.

14   The news was much ………………………. (BAD) than anyone had feared.

15   You’ll need to be able to run ………………………. (FAR) than this if you’re going to do the marathon.


1 taller   2 greener   3 fitter   4 happier

5 trendier/more trendy   6 more nervous

7 wiser   8 cheaper   9 lazier   10 more serious

11 more quickly   12 better   13 less   14 worse

15 farther/further

B. Complete using the superlative forms of the words in capitals.

 I think Mohammed Ali was the ………………………. (GREAT) boxer that ever lived.

 It was the ………………………. (BORING) film I had ever seen.

 Our teacher told us that the student with the ………………………. (HIGH) mark would get a prize.

 Ginger is one of the ………………………. (LUCKY) cats alive – he’s been hit by a car three times and has never been hurt!

5   Out of all the students in my music school, I practise ………………………. (OFTEN).

6   The Pacific is the ………………………. (DEEP) ocean in the world.

7   That’s the ………………………. (UGLY) fish I’ve ever seen!

8   I was ill before the exam and I did ………………………. (BADLY) out of the whole class.

9   The ………………………. (FAR) I’ve run in one day is about ten kilometres.

10   Don’t you think this would be the ………………………. (LOVELY) spot for a picnic?

11   But that’s the ………………………. (CRAZY) idea I’ve ever heard!

12   I asked the assistant to show me the ………………………. (MODERN) phone they had.

13   I told the manager that it was the ………………………. (BAD) hotel I had ever stayed in.

14   Who do you think is the ………………………. (LITTLE) talented actor to win an Oscar?

15   Out of all the members of the choir, Jason sang ………………………. (WELL).


1 greatest   2 most boring   3 highest   4 luckiest

5 (the) most often   6 deepest   7 ugliest

8 (the) worst   9 farthest/furthest   10 loveliest

11 craziest   12 most modern   13 worst

14 least   15 (the) best

C. Circle the correct word.


Crime Does Pay, the (1) later / latest comedy from director Sam Martin, has to be one of the (2) little / least interesting films I have ever seen. The acting is terrible and the story is much (3) worse / worst than Martin’s other flop, Escape. Crime Does Pay was apparently (4) more / most expensive than any other film this year, but it’s hard to see where the money went. The plot concerns a gang of burglars who decide to steal the (5) more / most valuable painting in the world. Fine, except these criminals are far (6) less / least amusing than they should be. There isn’t a single real laugh in the whole movie. When I saw it, even (7) younger / youngest members of the audience thought it was stupidly childish. Dean Richards, playing Scarnose, does a slightly (8) better / best job than the others, but there isn’t much in it. When will Hollywood realise that as ticket prices get (9) higher / highest, more people are finding that the (10) well / best form of entertainment is to spend an evening at home with a DVD?


1 latest   2 least   3 worse   4 more   5 most

6 less   7 younger   8 better   9 higher   10 best

D. Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words in each gap.

1   I have never read a better book than this one.   ever

     This is the …………………………………………… read.

2   Nobody has ever been this far into the jungle.   the

     This is …………………………………………… has ever been into the jungle.

3   I have never worked so hard in my whole life.   ever

     It was the …………………………………………… in my whole life.

4   Liam is the tallest boy in the class.   than

     Every other boy in the class …………………………………………… Liam.

5   This is the nicest beach along this part of the coast.   than

      This …………………………………………… the others along this part of the coast.

6   I read that Mount Everest is the highest mountain.   no

     I read that …………………………………………… Mount Everest.

7   Has anyone ever been this far north before?   the

     Is …………………………………………… has ever been?

8   The painting Ed did is the ugliest one you can imagine.   than

      You can’t imagine …………………………………………… the one Ed did.

9   This stamp is rarer than any other in my collection.   more

      The other stamps in my collection …………………………………………… this one.

10   Nobody in the class runs as fast as Pedro.   Runner

       Pedro …………………………………………… in the class.


1 best book I have ever

2 the farthest/the furthest


3 hardest I have ever worked

4 is shorter than

5 beach is nicer than

6 no mountain is higher than

7 the farthest/the furthest


8 an uglier painting/a painting uglier than

9 are more common/commoner than

10 is the fastest runner

E. Rewrite each sentence using so…that.

1   John can see over the wall because he is tall.


2   I’m sure my sister will go to university because she is clever.


3   I can’t stop playing this computer game because it’s good.


4   Tim can’t come out because he has a lot of work to do.


5   It’s hot, which means I can’t sleep.


6   Tina arrived late, which meant she missed the train.


7   We don’t have any money for luxuries because we have a lot of bills to pay.


8   It takes a day to get to Australia because it’s very far away.



1   John is so tall that he can see over the wall.

2   My sister is so clever that I’m sure she will go to university

3   This computer game is so good that I can’t stop playing it.

4   Tim has so much work to do that he can’t come out.

5   It’s so hot that I can’t sleep.

6   Tina arrived so late that she missed the train.

7   We have so many bills to pay that we don’t have any money for luxuries.

8   Australia is so far away that it takes a day to get there.

F. Match to make sentences.

1   Last year, winter started so …………

2   Last winter, there were so …………

3   Last year, we had such …………

4   Last winter, there was so …………

5   Last winter, there was such a lot of …………

6   Last winter was so …………

A   many storms that we had floods.

B   cold that the water in the pipes froze.

C   a cold winter that I had to sleep with a hat on!

D   suddenly that many people were taken by surprise.

E   much snow that I skied nearly every day.

F   snow that many wild animals died.


1 D   2 A   3 C   4 E   5 F   6 B

G. Circle the correct word or phrase.

1   I don’t think there’s enough pizza / pizza enough for everyone.

2   I’m afraid you’re not enough old / old enough to see this film.

3   Luckily, we got to the box office enough early / early enough and got the tickets.

4   Anne’s enough sensible / sensible enough to realise she needs to work hard this year.

5   If you don’t train enough hard / hard enough, you’ll never win the race.

6   Have you got enough credits / credits enough to call Yiota on your mobile?

7   It should be enough warm / warm enough for a picnic this weekend.

8   I don’t think I’m good enough for getting / to get into the swimming team.

9   Are you sure you’ve got enough chairs for us all to sit down / we all sit down?

10   In mountaineering, you have to be strong enough for pull / to pull yourself up with your fingers.


1 enough pizza   2 old enough   3 early enough

4 sensible enough   5 hard enough   6 enough credits

7 warm enough   8 to get   9 us all to sit down   10 to pull

H. Tick (✓) the correct sentences. If a sentence is incorrect, write another word to replace the word in bold.

1   I wanted to get some new trainers but they were too expensive.   ………………….

2   Japanese is a too difficult language for Westerners to learn.   ………………….

3   Daniel’s too good at art and he’s starting art school next year.   ………………….

4   Don’t invite too many people to the party or we won’t have enough room.   ………………….

5   If you try to write your essay too quickly, you’ll make mistakes.   ………………….

6   My new computer is too fast and can run all the latest programs.   ………………….

7   Joanne was fined for driving too fast.   ………………….

8   Carol couldn’t climb over the wall because it was too high.   ………………….

9   Cornwall is too beautiful and we go there every year on holiday.   ………………….

10   My grandparents are too old to work now and have retired.   ………………….

11   It was too dark for me to see the map and I got lost.   ………………….

12   My best friend is too funny and always makes me laugh.   ………………….


1 ✓   2 very/really

3 very/really/extremely

4 ✓   5

6 very/really/extremely

7 ✓   8

9 very/really/extremely

10 ✓   11

12 very/really/extremely

I. Choose the correct answer.

1   It was …………… windy that I couldn’t stand up!

      A so   B such   C enough   D too

2   Everyone had …………… a good time when we went bowling that we agreed to go again.

      A so   B such   C enough   D too

3   Emma and Karen used to be …………… good friends that I’m surprised they don’t get on now.

      A so   B such   C enough   D too

4   I hope I’ve got …………… money to pay for this meal!

      A so   B such   C enough   D too

5   I’m sorry, but I’ve got …………… much work to do to come to the beach today.

      A so   B such   C enough   D too

6   My mum was …………… angry that I knew I’d better disappear for a while.

      A so   B such   C enough   D too

7   They were …………… beautiful shoes that I decided I had to get them.

      A so   B such   C enough   D too

8   The earthquake was …………… powerful that the town was destroyed.

      A so   B such   C enough   D too

9   The shot was …………… quick for the goalkeeper and the ball hit the back of the net.

      A so   B such   C enough   D too

10   I had …………… a bad headache that I went to lie down for a while.

      A so   B such   C enough   D too


1 A   2 B   3 B   4 C   5 D   6 A   7 B   8 A   9 D   10 B

J. Write one word in each gap.


‘Hello, and welcome to Crimestoppers, the show that lets you, the viewer, help the police. We’ve had (1) ………………… a lot of letters this week that it’s difficult to know where to begin. We’ll start with the story of Mrs Pat Williams, of Cambridge. Last Friday, Pat decided to go into town with her baby daughter. It’s (2) ………………… far to walk so they went to the bus stop. They waited (3) …………………a long time that baby Caroline started to cry. Pat picked the baby up out of the pram and she was (4) ………………… busy she didn’t notice the man beside her until it was (5) ………………… late. He grabbed her handbag and ran off (6) ………………… quickly for her to catch him. It all happened (7) ………………… fast that there was nothing anyone could do. Police are appealing for witnesses. Maybe you were in the area. Maybe you think that what you saw is (8) ………………… unimportant that the police won’t be interested. Remember that no detail is (9) ………………… small to be useful to the police. Call us here at Crimestoppers now.’


1 such   2 too   3 such   4 so   5 too

6 too   7 so   8 so   9 too

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