Choose the correct word said or told

Опубликовано 12.06.2017 по предмету Английский язык от Гость
>> <<

Choose the correct word (say,tell).
1)He ___ he lived in Moscow.
2)Do you know how to ___ «thank you» in German?
3)Can you ___ anything about your job?
4)Please, ___ me the truth.
5)He ___ me he was an actor.
6)I didnt hear what he ___ in reply.
7)They ___ he is a good writer.
8)Never ___ never.
9)___ me who your friend is and Ill ___ you what you are
10)He ___ me a lie. I can hardly believe it.

Ответ оставил Гость

1. Told
2. Say
3. Tell
4. Tell
5. Told
6. Said
7. Say
8. Say
9. Tell, tell
10. Told

Оцени ответ

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Ответ:1 said




привет поможешь еще с двумя заданиями пожалуйста?)))

Помогу конечно только скажи какие

Fill in the correct pronoun (Впиши подходящее по смыслу местоимение).

1. ‘We painted our house red.’ — My friends said that
had painted
house red.
2. We haven’t got a key.’ — My parents said
didn’t have a key.
3. ‘Susan has lost her passport this week.’ — Mary said that Susan had lost her passport

у тебя есть вк ?

Автор ответа: alinamoroz230



1 said




Интересные вопросы

Make up tag questions.
a) You like this music,
b) Jane is telling the truth,
c) Pupils mustn’t chew gum in this school,
d) They don’t shake hands when they meet,
e) Mike can’t run in the race today,
f) I know a lot of jokes,
g) You don’t understand German,
h) He lives in London,
i) It doesn’t eat bread,
j) You are writing to Liz,​


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    Английский язык

    5 — 9 классы

    01.06.2020 21:39

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        Английский язык,

        вопрос задал leranovikova0831,

        7 месяцев назад

        Ответы на вопрос

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        1)She said she couldn’t come to the party
        2)Did Kelly tell anything about me?

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        Сумма 4 последующих цифр равна 74. Найдите эти цифры. Решите, пожалуйста.

        Choose the correct word.

        She says that he
        her toys.
        My sister has said that she
        to the park at noon.
        She said that he
        her a message.
        He said that his brother
        up early in the morning.
        Mary says that Peter
        for her.

        Choose the correct word.

        Anna said that she
        a very interesting book.
        She said that she
        to her father a while before.
        Jane said that she
        for her brother since 3 o’clock.
        He says that Alice
        that project.
        He said that they
        to study French 2 years before.

        Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

        He said that he

        (bring) parcel the day before.

        She said that she

        (finish) her work by 4 o’clock the day before.

        He said that they

        (meet) each other 10 years before.

        John said that he

        (sign) the contract on Sunday morning.

        He said that she

        (consult) the doctor the day before.

        Choose the correct word.

        Lisa said that she
        there the day before.
        She said that she
        this dress the week before.
        Jack said that he
        his work by the next day.
        She said that they
        to the cinema the day before.
        Jane says that she
        me in the evening.

        Choose the correct word.

        He says that the lecture
        Martha says that she
        him her book.
        Laura says that she
        to the party.
        Tim said that he
        a lot of money the day before.
        He says that he
        the following week.

        Choose the correct word.

        John says that he
        back in March.
        She says that she
        to the picnic.
        He says that the parcel
        on time.
        She said that she
        to Spain on holiday.
        He said that he
        his career in 2001.

        Choose the correct word.

        I can’t
        the difference between these silk dress and the woolen one.
        I wish Jack had
        me about his accident.
        You could have
        something about this situation.
        you the truth, I don’t like Mary.
        Peter felt confused, but he didn’t

        1. Fiona her friend that she was shopping with her mother.
        2. The teacher he would ask ten question in the exam.
        3. Scientists the illness could infect many people.
        4. Sertap Erener the reporters after the Eurovision Song Contest that she was very happy.
        5. Our manager us that he had to stay in Belgium a few days more.
        6. I my father that I didn’t want to go with him.
        7. He that I had to finish my homework.
        8-9. You me that he he wasn’t coming to the field trip.
        10. I am so surprised! I can’t believe Julia that to you.
        11. I am so surprised! I can’t believe Julia you that.
        12. I am so surprised! I can’t believe Julia that.
        Correctness =
        Correct answers:


        Choose the correct verb (tell or say).

        One example (0) has been done for you.

        Eg. : 0 — told 1.

        He told / said me that he could not come to the party.

        2. It’s not true.

        You are telling / are saying lies.

        3. I like it when Bob tells / says stories.

        He’s a great storyteller.

        4. It’s snowing.

        I knew it would and I told / said so.

        5. It’s snowing.

        I knew it would and I told / said you so.

        Вопрос Choose the correct verb (tell or say)?, расположенный на этой странице сайта, относится к
        категории Английский язык и соответствует программе для 5 — 9 классов. Если
        ответ не удовлетворяет в полной мере, найдите с помощью автоматического поиска
        похожие вопросы, из этой же категории, или сформулируйте вопрос по-своему.
        Для этого ключевые фразы введите в строку поиска, нажав на кнопку,
        расположенную вверху страницы. Воспользуйтесь также подсказками посетителей,
        оставившими комментарии под вопросом.

        Главная » Английский язык — 5 — 9 классы

        Jim what happened.
        3. They asked me a lot of questions but I didn’t(say,tell) anything.

        Ответ №1

        Ответ:1 said




        Ответ №2


        1 said




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