Choose the correct word переводчик

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Выберите нужное слово

выберите правильное слово

Choose the correct word from those in brackets.

BÀI 4: Choose the correct word.

Listen to the song and choose the correct word to complete the gaps.

Your student is asked to choose the correct word to complete the sentence.

Choose the correct word for each definition.

Choose the correct word in brackets and underline it.

Choose the correct word (a, b, or c) to fill in the gaps in the sentences.

Выберите слово или фразу (а, Ь, cord), чтобы заполнить пробелы в предложениях

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 7. Точных совпадений: 7. Затраченное время: 51 мс

Others who had inspired (if that is the correct word) the totalitarian menaces of the 20th century had long been dead by the time their ideas came to fruition.
И другие, те, кто вдохновили (если так можно выразиться) тоталитарные угрозы XX века, давным давно были мертвы к тому времени, когда их идеи осуществились.

And if you type the correct word for the one for which the system already knows the answer, it assumes you are human, and it also gets some confidence that you typed the other word correctly.
При вводе правильного слова, того, для которого ответ известен, система считает вас человеком, а также получает уверенность в правильности ввода другого слова.

Mr. Rivas Posada noted that the Spanish text used the word “executables” in the third line of paragraph 10; that did not appear to be the correct word, and he wondered whether it was an accurate translation of the English version.
Г-н Ривас Посада отмечает, что в тексте на испанском языке в третьей строке пункта 10 используется слово «executables»; это слово не представляется ему правильным, и он спрашивает, является ли это точным переводом с английского языка.

» ‘Enjoy’ is maybe not the correct word for our life,» said Vadim Drobiz, director of the Center for the Research of the Federal and Regional Alcohol Market.
«Пожалуй, сказать, что «удовольствие» — это вся наша жизнь, будет неправильно, — комментирует директор Центра исследований федерального и регионального рынков алкоголя Вадим Дробиз.

Other things being equal, I choose the cheaper one.
При прочих равных я выберу тот, который дешевле.

I don’t know what the correct answer is.
Я не знаю правильного ответа.

As we have a thorough knowledge of the market you will surely agree that we should choose the advertising media for this campaign.
Поскольку мы за долгие годы хорошо изучили здешний рынок, Вы, бесспорно, согласитесь с тем, что мы будем определять выбор рекламных средств.

Please tell me the correct time.
Пожалуйста, скажите мне точное время.

Of two evils, choose the less
Из двух зол выбирай меньшее

Tell me the correct answer.
Скажи мне правильный ответ.

The well-organised Muslim Brotherhood gathered for a counter-demonstration, although acting cautiously they did not choose the Tahrir Square but rather a mass prayer on the other side of the Nile, outside the Cairo University.
Хорошо организованные «Братья-мусульмане», в свою очередь, призвали к противоположной демонстрации, но, из предосторожности, не на площади Тахрир, а после массовой молитвы на другом берегу Нила перед Каирским университетом.

I gave the correct answers to the questions.
Я дал правильные ответы на вопросы.

Forex for beginners will come a lot easier if you choose the right dealing center.
Форекс для начинающих будет даваться гораздо легче, если сделать правильный выбор дилингового центра.

Nobody could give the correct answer.
Никто не мог дать правильного ответа.

To protect your pending order, choose the appropriate SL/TP levels.
Для защиты вашего отложенного ордера выберите соответствующие уровни SL/TP.

Put the words in the correct order
Расположите слова в правильном порядке

In the menu bar (or in the Standard toolbar), you can choose the type, time frame, grid, chart shift, auto scroll, and the scale of the chart.
В главном меню или в «Стандартной» панели управления есть возможность настроить тип, период, отображение сетки, сдвиг, автопрокрутку, масштаб графика, а так же вызвать окно свойств графика.

Please ask your customer for the correct one.
Узнайте, пожалуйста, у Вашего клиента правильный номер.

Примеры употребления слов в разных контекстах собраны автоматически из открытых источников с помощью технологии поиска на основе двуязычных данных. В случае обнаружения неточностей или замечаний к тексту, используйте опцию «Сообщить о проблеме» или напишите нам

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Choose the correct word. перевод - Choose the correct word. русский как сказать

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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]


Выберите правильное слово.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]


Выберите правильное слово.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]


выбрать правильное слово.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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Поддержка инструмент перевода: Клингонский (pIqaD), Определить язык, азербайджанский, албанский, амхарский, английский, арабский, армянский, африкаанс, баскский, белорусский, бенгальский, бирманский, болгарский, боснийский, валлийский, венгерский, вьетнамский, гавайский, галисийский, греческий, грузинский, гуджарати, датский, зулу, иврит, игбо, идиш, индонезийский, ирландский, исландский, испанский, итальянский, йоруба, казахский, каннада, каталанский, киргизский, китайский, китайский традиционный, корейский, корсиканский, креольский (Гаити), курманджи, кхмерский, кхоса, лаосский, латинский, латышский, литовский, люксембургский, македонский, малагасийский, малайский, малаялам, мальтийский, маори, маратхи, монгольский, немецкий, непальский, нидерландский, норвежский, ория, панджаби, персидский, польский, португальский, пушту, руанда, румынский, русский, самоанский, себуанский, сербский, сесото, сингальский, синдхи, словацкий, словенский, сомалийский, суахили, суданский, таджикский, тайский, тамильский, татарский, телугу, турецкий, туркменский, узбекский, уйгурский, украинский, урду, филиппинский, финский, французский, фризский, хауса, хинди, хмонг, хорватский, чева, чешский, шведский, шона, шотландский (гэльский), эсперанто, эстонский, яванский, японский, Язык перевода.

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    1) derecho

    2) correcto

    3) bien

    4) adecuado, apropiado


    1) derecho

    2) cierto, razón

    3) derecha

    4) derecha


    1) exactamente

    2) inmediatamente

    3) justo

    4) totalmente, completamente

    5) a la derecha

    6) bien, correctamente


    1) enderezar

    2) corregir


    de acuerdo, bien

    — righteously
    — righteousness
    — rightful
    — rightfully
    — rightly
    — rightness
    — righto
    — right-oh
    — rights
    — right angle
    — right-angled
    — right-hand
    — right-handed
    — right wing


    de derecha

    — by rights
    — by right
    — get
    — keep on the right side of
    — get right
    — go right
    — not in one’s right mind
    — not quite right in the head
    — not right in the head
    — put right
    — put/set to rights
    — right away
    — right-hand man
    — right now
    — right of way
    — serve right




    a la derecha

    justo / exactamente





    1 a la derecha, hacia la derecha

    right, I’m going to bed bueno, yo me voy a la cama

    1 corregir



    all right! ¡bien!, ¡conforme!, ¡vale!

    it serves you «(him, etc)» right te (le, etc) está bien empleado




    precisamente, justo

    derecho, directamente



    a la derecha

    bueno, honrado


    apropiado, adecuado, debido




    the Right la derecha (en la política)






    I raɪt


    1) ( correct) <answer/interpretation> correcto

    to be right — <<person>> tener* razón, estar* en lo cierto; <<clock>> estar* bien

    to be right ABOUT something/somebody — tener* razón en cuanto a algo/alguien

    to be right IN something: am I right in thinking this has happened before? si no me equivoco esto ya había pasado antes ¿no?; to get something right: you got two answers right acertaste dos respuestas; did I get your name right? ¿entendí bien tu nombre?; I guess you’re Bobby — that’s right! tú tienes que ser Bobby — el mismo! or así es!; two o’clock tomorrow, right? — right! — a las dos mañana ¿de acuerdo? — de acuerdo! or (esp Esp fam) vale!

    3) (good, suitable) adecuado, apropiado

    4) (just, moral) (pred)

    to be right to + inf — hacer* bien en + inf

    it’s too quiet: something’s not right — hay demasiado silencio, algo pasa

    b) (fit, healthy) (colloq) bien

    6) ( complete) (BrE colloq) (before n)

    8) (before n) <side/ear/shoe> derecho



    1) (correctly, well) bien, correctamente


    a) (all the way, completely)

    he was right here/there — estaba aquí mismo/allí mismo

    3) <turn/look> a la derecha




    right to something/+ INF — derecho a algo/+ inf

    in her/his/its own right: she is Queen in her own right es Reina a título propio or por derecho propio; she is also a composer in her own right ella también es compositora; the title is his by right el título le corresponde a él; by what right? — ¿con qué derecho?

    to put o set something to rights — (esp BrE) arreglar algo


    on o to my/your right — a mi/tu derecha

    to make o (BrE) take a right — girar or torcer* or doblar a la derecha


    transitive verb

    b) ( redress) <<injustice>> reparar



    1) justo

    it is/seems only right that she should get the biggest share — es/me parece justo que ella reciba la mayor parte, está/me parece bien que ella reciba la mayor parte

    to do the right thing, do what is right — hacer lo correcto, actuar correctamente

    2) apropiado, adecuado; oportuno

    to choose the right moment for sth/to do sth — elegir el momento oportuno para algo/para hacer algo

    the balance of humour and tragedy is just right — el equilibrio entre humor y tragedia es perfecto

    «is there too much salt in it?» — «no, it’s just right» — -¿tiene demasiada sal? -no, está en su punto justo

    Mr Right — el novio soñado, el marido ideal

    I just happened to be in the right place at the right time — dio la casualidad de que estaba en el sitio adecuado en el momento adecuado

    if the price is right — si el precio es razonable

    he’s on the right side of 40 — tiene menos de 40 años

    to say the right thing — decir lo que hay que decir, tener las palabras justas

    we’ll do it when the time is right — lo haremos en el momento oportuno or a su debido tiempo

    3) correcto, exacto

    «she’s your sister?» — «that’s right!» — -¿es tu hermana? -¡eso es! or ¡así es! or ¡exacto!

    she said she’d done it, isn’t that right, mother? — dijo que lo había hecho ¿no es así, madre? or ¿a que sí, madre?

    you mean he offered to pay? is that right, Harry? — ¿dices que se ofreció a pagar? ¿es eso cierto, Harry?

    the right answer — la respuesta correcta; (Math) la solución correcta

    right you are! * — ¡vale!, ¡muy bien!

    to get sth right — acertar en algo; hacer algo bien

    you didn’t get it right, so you lose five points — no acertaste or te equivocaste, así que pierdes cinco puntos

    is this the right house? — ¿es esta la casa?

    are you sure you’ve got the right number? — (Telec) ¿seguro que es ese el número?

    to put sb right — sacar a algn de su error; enmendar la plana a algn

    I’m confused, and I wanted you to put me right — tengo dudas y quisiera que tú me las aclararas

    is this the right road for Segovia? — ¿es este el camino de Segovia?, ¿por aquí se va a Segovia?

    it’s not the right shade of green — no es el tono de verde que yo busco

    the right side of the fabric — el (lado) derecho de la tela

    is the skirt the right size? — ¿va bien la falda de talla?

    it’s not the right size/length — no vale de talla/de largo

    — get on the right side of sb


    to be right — tener razón, estar en lo cierto

    to be right about sth/sb, you were right about there being none left — tenías razón cuando decías que no quedaba ninguno

    you were right about Peter, he’s totally unreliable — tenías razón en lo de Peter or con respecto a Peter: no hay quien se fíe de él

    am I right in thinking that we’ve met before? — si no me equivoco ya nos conocemos ¿no?

    you were right in calling the doctor, it was appendicitis — hiciste bien en llamar al médico, era apendicitis


    it will all come right in the end — todo se arreglará al final

    to put sth/sb right, I hope the garage can put the car right — espero que me sepan arreglar el coche en el taller

    — be/feel as right as rain

    6) derecho

    7) (Math) recto





    right away — en seguida, ahora mismo, ahorita (mismo) (Mex, And)

    it happened right before our eyes — ocurrió delante de nuestros propios ojos

    she was standing right behind/in front of him — estaba justo detrás/delante de él

    he was standing right in the middle of the road — estaba justo en el centro or (CAm) en el mero centro de la calle

    right now — ahora mismo; (justo) ahora

    he could tell right off that I was a foreigner — reconoció de inmediato que yo era extranjero

    right on! * ¡eso es!, ¡de acuerdo!

    she should come right out and say so — debería ser clara y decirlo

    it fell right on top of me — me cayó justo encima

    2) justo, inmediatamente

    I’ll do it right after dinner — lo haré justo or inmediatamente después de cenar

    come right in! — ¡ven aquí dentro!


    their house is right at the end of the street — su casa está justo al final de la calle

    she was a very active old lady, right to the end — fue una anciana muy activa hasta el final

    there is a fence right round the house — hay una valla que rodea la casa por completo

    4) bien, correctamente

    you did right to/not to invite them — hiciste bien en invitarlos/en no invitarlos

    it’s him, right enough! — ¡seguro que es él!


    to do right by sb — portarse como es debido con algn

    don’t worry about the pay, John will see you right — no te preocupes por el sueldo, John se encargará de que te paguen lo que te corresponde

    to treat sb right — tratar bien a algn


    6) bien

    7) a la derecha

    eyes right! — (Mil) ¡vista a la derecha!

    to turn right — torcer a la derecha

    left II, 1., 1)

    right, who’s next? — a ver, ¿quién va ahora?

    right then, let’s begin! — ¡empecemos, pues!


    by rights the house should go to me — lo suyo or lo propio es que la casa me correspondiera a mí

    to be in the right — tener razón, estar en lo cierto

    to put or set sth to rights — arreglar algo

    to set or put the world to rights — arreglar el mundo

    wrong 3.

    what gives you the right or what right have you got to criticize me? — ¿qué derecho tienes tú a criticarme?

    as of right — por derecho propio

    by right of — por or en razón de

    to own sth in one’s own right — poseer algo por derecho propio

    right of way — derecho de paso; (Aut etc) prioridad

    abode, assembly, exercise, reserve 2., 1)

    civil rights — derechos civiles

    film rights — derechos cinematográficos

    human rights — derechos humanos

    insist on your legal rights — hazte valer tus derechos legales

    they don’t have voting rights — no tienen derecho al voto or de voto

    to be (well) within one’s rights — estar en su derecho

    women’s rights — derechos de la mujer

    reading from right to left — leyendo de derecha a izquierda

    to keep to the right — (Aut) circular por la derecha

    our house is the second on the right — nuestra casa es la segunda a or de la derecha

    on or to my right — a mi derecha

    to be on or to the right of sth/sb — (Pol) estar a la derecha de algo/algn


    to take or make a right — girar a la derecha

    7) (Boxing) derechazo ; derecha



    enderezar; corregir; reparar; enderezar

    he tried to right himself but the leg was broken — intentó ponerse de pie pero tenía la pierna rota

    to right itself — enderezarse; rectificarse

    to right a wrong — deshacer un agravio, reparar un daño



    right back N — (Sport) lateral derecho(-a); lateral derecho

    right half N — (Sport) medio (volante) derecho


    to take or make a right turn — (Aut) girar a la derecha; (Pol) dar un giro a la derecha

    * * *

    I [raɪt]


    1) ( correct) <answer/interpretation> correcto

    to be right — <<person>> tener* razón, estar* en lo cierto; <<clock>> estar* bien

    to be right ABOUT something/somebody — tener* razón en cuanto a algo/alguien

    to be right IN something: am I right in thinking this has happened before? si no me equivoco esto ya había pasado antes ¿no?; to get something right: you got two answers right acertaste dos respuestas; did I get your name right? ¿entendí bien tu nombre?; I guess you’re Bobby — that’s right! tú tienes que ser Bobby — el mismo! or así es!; two o’clock tomorrow, right? — right! — a las dos mañana ¿de acuerdo? — de acuerdo! or (esp Esp fam) vale!

    3) (good, suitable) adecuado, apropiado

    4) (just, moral) (pred)

    to be right to + inf — hacer* bien en + inf

    it’s too quiet: something’s not right — hay demasiado silencio, algo pasa

    b) (fit, healthy) (colloq) bien

    6) ( complete) (BrE colloq) (before n)

    8) (before n) <side/ear/shoe> derecho



    1) (correctly, well) bien, correctamente


    a) (all the way, completely)

    he was right here/there — estaba aquí mismo/allí mismo

    3) <turn/look> a la derecha




    right to something/+ INF — derecho a algo/+ inf

    in her/his/its own right: she is Queen in her own right es Reina a título propio or por derecho propio; she is also a composer in her own right ella también es compositora; the title is his by right el título le corresponde a él; by what right? — ¿con qué derecho?

    to put o set something to rights — (esp BrE) arreglar algo


    on o to my/your right — a mi/tu derecha

    to make o (BrE) take a right — girar or torcer* or doblar a la derecha


    transitive verb

    b) ( redress) <<injustice>> reparar


    English-spanish dictionary > right

  • 2

    3 (correct, true) [choice, conditions, decision, direction, road etc] bon/bonne ; [word] juste ; ( accurate) [time] exact ; to be right [person] avoir raison ; [answer] être juste ; I was right to distrust him j’avais raison de me méfier de lui ; you were right about her, she’s a real gossip tu avais raison à son sujet, c’est une vraie commère ; you’re quite right! tu as tout à fait raison! ; that’s the right answer c’est la bonne réponse ; she got all the answers right elle a répondu juste à toutes les questions ; that ‘s right c’est ça ; that’s right, call me a liar! iron c’est ça, traite-moi de menteur! ; that can’t be right ça ne peut pas être ça ; what’s the right time? quelle est l’heure exacte? ; it’s not the right time to go away on holiday GB ou vacation US ce n’est pas le bon moment pour partir en vacances ; I hear you’re going away on holiday GB ou vacation US, is that right? on m’a dit que tu partais en vacances, est-ce que c’est vrai? ; so you’re a student, is that right? alors tu es étudiant, c’est ça? ; am I right in thinking that…? ai-je raison de penser que…? ; I think I am right in saying that je pense ne pas me tromper en disant que ; is this the right train for Dublin? c’est bien le train pour Dublin? ; is this the right way to the station? est-ce que c’est la bonne direction pour aller à la gare? ; to do sth the right way faire qch comme il faut ; the right side of a piece of material l’endroit d’un tissu ; make sure it’s facing the right side ou way up fais bien attention à ce qu’il soit à l’endroit ; to get one’s facts right être sûr de ce qu’on avance ; you’ve got the spelling right l’orthographe est bonne ; I can’t think of the right word for it je n’arrive pas à trouver le mot juste ; they’ve been rehearsing that scene for weeks and they still haven’t got it right ils répètent cette scène depuis des semaines et elle n’est toujours pas au point ; let’s hope he gets it right this time espérons qu’il y arrivera cette fois-ci ; it’s not the right size ce n’est pas la bonne taille ; it wouldn’t look right if we didn’t attend ça serait mal vu si on n’y assistait pas ; how right you are! comme vous avez raison! ; time proved him right le temps lui a donné raison ;


    GB ( ready) prêt ; are you right? tu es prêt?

    1 ( of direction) à droite ; to turn right tourner à droite ; she looked neither right nor left elle n’a regardé ni à droite ni à gauche ; they looked for him right, left and centre

    ils l’ont cherché partout ; they are arresting/killing people right, left and centre

    ils arrêtent/tuent les gens en masse ;

    8 ( very well) bon ; right, let’s have a look bon, voyons ça.

    Big English-French dictionary > right

  • 3

    λέγω =⟩ λέχω (A),


    A pick up, etc.: tenses for signf. 1 and 11, [tense] fut.

    λέξω Od.24.224

    : [tense] aor.

    ἔλεξα A.Pers. 292

    :—[voice] Med., [tense] fut. in pass. sense

    λέξομαι E. Alc. 322

    : [tense] aor.

    ἐλεξάμην Il.21.27

    (trans.); [dialect] Ep.

    ἐλέγμην Od.9.335


    λέκτο 4.451

    :—[voice] Pass., [tense] aor.

    ἐλέχθην Il.3.188

    : also post-Hom. in these senses, but only in compos., esp. with ἀπο-, ἐκ-, κατα-, συν-; post-Hom. [tense] pf. εἴλοχα (κατ-, συν-), [voice] Pass. εἴλεγμαι, in these senses rarely λέλεγμαι (v. the compds.); also [tense] fut. λεγήσομαι ( συλ-): [tense] aor. 2 ἐλέγην (κατ-, συν-):—gather, pick up,

    ὀστέα.. λέγωμεν Il.23.239

    , cf. Od.24. 72, Pi.P.8.53; αἱμασιάς τε λέγων picking out stones for building walls, Od.18.359 (ubi


    Sch., cf.

    λογάς 2

    ), cf. 24.224:—[voice] Med., gather for oneself,

    ἐπὶ δὲ ξύλα πολλὰ λέγεσθε Il.8.507


    ὀστέα λευκὰ λέγοντο 24.793


    φάρμακα λέξασθαι A.R.3.807


    2 [voice] Med., choose for oneself, pick out,

    λέξαιτο.. ἄνδρας ἀρίστους Od.24.108


    κούρους Il.21.27

    :—[voice] Pass., to be chosen,

    εἰ.. λεγοίμεθα πάντες ἄριστοι 13.276


    b so, but not freq., after Hom.,

    λ. ποντιᾶν ψάφων ἀριθμόν Pi.O.13.46

    , cf. A.Ag. 570;

    καθ’ ἓν ἕκαστον λ. Isoc.2.45

    ; also καὶ σὲ δ’ ἐν τούτοις λέγω count you among.., A.Pr. 973; λ. τινὰ οὐδαμοῦ count him as naught, S.Ant. 183; κέρδος λ., εἰ .. count it gain, that.., ib. 462:—[voice] Med., λέξατο πάντας [ναύτας] Pi.P.4.189:—[voice] Pass.,

    λέγεσθαι ἐν τοῖς ἱππικωτάτοις X.Oec.11.20


    ἐνὶ πρώτῃσι λέγεσθαι Call.Del.16

    : [tense] fut. [voice] Med. in pass. sense,

    ἐν τοῖς οὐκέτ’ οὖσι λέξομαι E.


    2 recount, tell over,

    οὔ τι διαπρήξαιμι λέγων ἐμὰ κήδεα Od.14.197


    σὺ δέ μοι λέγε θέσκελα ἔργα 11.374


    τὰ ἕκαστα λέγων 12.165

    ; ὅσα τ’ αὐτὸς.. ἐμόγησε, πάντ’ ἔλεγ 23.308: so in Trag., λ. τύχας, πάθη, μόχθους, etc., A.Pr. 633, Pers. 292, Ag. 555, etc.; also Ἀγαμέμνονι.. λέγ’ ὀνείδεα repeated reproaches against him, Il.2.222; so perh.

    ψεύδεα πολλὰ λ. Hes.Th.27



    infr. 111):—[voice] Med., τί σε χρὴ ταῦτα λέγεσθαι; why need’st thou tell the tale thereof? Il.13.275; and so, μηκέτι ταῦτα λεγώμεθα νηπύτιοι ὥς ib. 292, cf. Od.3.240, 13.296;

    μηκέτι νῦν δήθ’ αὖθι λεγώμεθα Il.2.435


    III say, speak, first in Hes.Th.27 (v. supr.11.2): [tense] fut.

    λέξω Emp.38.1

    , A.Ag. 859, Hdt.4.14, Th.2.48, Antipho 6.33, etc.: [tense] aor.

    ἔλεξα Anacr.45

    , Pl.Sph. 217e, Antipho 1.15 (rare in Pl. and the Orators, common in some dialects, as Boeotian, IG7.504.2 ([place name] Tanagra), Thessalian, ib.9(2).461.21, Ionic,

    v.l. in

    Hp.Aër. 12): [tense] pf.

    λέλεχα Gal.16.249

    , λέλεγα and

    λέλογας Hsch.

    ( εἴρηκα in correct writers):—[voice] Pass., [tense] fut.

    λεχθήσομαι Th.5.86

    , Pl.Ti. 67c, etc.: also [tense] fut. [voice] Med. in pass. sense, S.OC 1186, E.Hec. 906 (lyr.), etc.; and

    λελέξομαι Th.3.53

    (v.l. λέξεται), Pl.R. 457b: [tense] aor. ἐλέχθην (never ἐλέγην in this sense) S.OT 1442, Th.6.32, etc.: [tense] pf.

    λέλεγμαι Pi.N.8.20

    , Hdt.2.21, S.Ph. 389, etc. ( εἴλεγμαι in this sense only in compd. δι-): rare in compds. (only ἀντιλέγω, ἐπιλέγω, καταλέγω, προλέγω), the [tense] pres. in most compds. being supplied by ἀγορεύω, the [tense] fut. by ἐρῶ, the [tense] aor. by εἶπον, the [tense] pf. by εἴρηκα:

    1 say, speak, never in Hom., first in Hes. l.c., freq. from Hdt. and Trag. downwds.; of all kinds of oral communications,

    ἐκέλευε λέγειν εἴ τι θέλοι Hdt.8.58

    ; so λέγοις ἄν speak, say on, Pl.Plt. 268e, etc.;

    λ. μῦθον A.Pers. 698


    ψευδῆ λ. Id.Ag. 625


    ἀληθῆ λ. Pl.Phlb. 12b

    (so in [voice] Pass.,

    λόγος λέλεκται πᾶς S.Ph. 389

    ); of oracles, say, declare, Hdt.8.136; ὥσπερ τοὔνομα λέγει indicates, Pl. Prt. 312c: with Preps.,

    λ. ἀμφί τινος A.Th. 1017

    , E.Hec. 580;

    περί τινος Xenoph.34.2

    , Democr.165, S.Aj. 151 (anap.), Th.2.48; ὑπέρ τινος in his defence, S.El. 555, X.HG1.7.16; κατά τινος against him, Thgn.1240a, X.HG1.5.2; λ. ἐπί τισι εὐχὰς ἀγαθάς express good wishes for them, A.Supp. 625 (anap.); λ. τά τινος take his part, D.8.64; λ. πρός τι in reference or in answer to.., S.Ant. 753, etc.;

    εἴς τι X.Mem. 1.5.1


    2 c. acc. et inf., say that.., Pi.P.2.59, etc.: with neg. οὐ, Pl.R. 348c, etc., but μή ib. 346e, X.Smp.4.5 ([voice] Pass.), and usu. in later Gr., LXX Ge.38.22;

    λ. μὴ εἶναι ἀνάστασιν Ev.Matt.22.23

    : freq. also folld. by ὡς, ὅτι (generally so in the [voice] Act. voice) when the subject of the relative clause may become the object of the principal Verb, γυναῖκα λέγουσιν, ὡς κάθηται .. X.Cyr.7.3.5, etc.: rarely c. part., λ. Οἰδίπουν ὀλωλότα speak of him as dead, S.OC 1580;

    λέγουσιν ἡμᾶς ὡς ὀλωλότας A.Ag. 672


    λέξασ’ ἀδελφῷ σ’ ἐνθάδ’ ὄντα E.Hel. 888

    :—[voice] Pass.,

    λέξεται ἔχων Id.IT 1047

    , cf. A.Ag. 170 (cj.).

    3 λέγειν τινά τι say something of another, esp. κακὰ λ. τινά speak ill of him, revile him, Hdt.8.61;

    ἀγαθὰ λ. τινάς Ar.Ec. 435

    ; τὰ ἔσχατα, τὰ ἀπόρρητα λ. ἀλλήλους, X.Mem.2.2.9, D.18.123; also εὖ or κακῶς λ. τινά, A.Ag. 445 (lyr.), S.El. 524, cf. 1028;

    εὖ λ. τὸν εὖ λέγοντα X.Mem.2.3.8


    5 λ. τινὰ ποιεῖν τι tell, command one to do, A.Ch. 553, S.Ph. 101, X.Cyr.4.1.22, etc.: so with τινι, S.OC 840, D.19.150 (no obj. expressed in A.Ag. 925, S.OC 856); λέγε τὸν ἐρωτῶντα ἵνα.. εἴπῃ σοι .. Astramps.Orac.p.1 H.;

    ὡς ὁ νόμος λέγει D.22.20


    ὁ λέγων μὴ μοιχεύειν Ep.Rom.2.22


    6 λ. τι say something, i.e. speak to the point or purpose, βούλῃ λέγειν τι, καὶ λέγων μηδὲν κλύειν; S.Ant. 757; λέγω τι; am I right? the answer being λέγεις, Id.OT 1475;

    κινδυνεύεις τι λέγειν Pl.Cra. 404a


    ἴσως ἄν τι λέγοις X.Mem.2.1.12

    , cf. Cyr.1.4.20; opp. οὐδὲν λέγει has no meaning, no authority,

    οὐδὲν λ. τὸ σωφρόνως τραφῆναι Ar.Eq. 334

    , cf. V.75; οὐδὲν λέγεις nonsense! Id.Th. 625; but οὐδὲν λέγειν, also, say what is not, lie, Id.Av.66, Pl. Ap. 30b; also εὖ γε λέγεις, εὖ λέγεις, εὖ ἂν λέγοις, good news!, that is well!, ib. 24e, Grg. 447b, Prt. 310b; καλῶς, ὀρθῶς λ., you are right, X. Mem.3.3.4, 3.6.8; κοὔπω λέγω and what is more, Herod.7.44; τί λέγεις; τὸν ἔποπα παῖ καλεῖς; Ar.Av.57, cf. Ec. 298 (lyr.).

    8 at the beginning of letters or documents, Ἄμασις Πολυκράτεϊ ὧδε λέγει.., Μαρδόνιος τάδε λέγει .., etc., Hdt.3.40, 8.140. ά, etc.;

    τὰ γράμματα ἔλεγε τάδε Id.1.124

    , etc.; γράμμασι λέγον τάδε, of an inscription, Th.6.54: in roman edicts,

    Μάρκος Μέττιος Ῥοῦφος.. λέγει POxy. 237 viii 28

    (i A.D.).

    9 wish to say, mean,

    οὔτοι γυναῖκας ἀλλὰ Γοργόνας λέγω A.Eu.48

    ; τί τοῦτο λέγει, πρὸ Πύλοιο; what does

    πρὸ Πύλοιο


    Ar.Eq. 1059

    , cf. 1021, 1375, Ec. 989, Pl. Phd. 60e: freq. in Platonic dialogue, πῶς λέγεις; how do you mean? in what sense do you say this? Ap. 24e, al.; ἢ πῶς λέγομεν; or what do we mean to say? Grg. 480b; πῶς δὴ οὖν αὐτὸ λέγεις; Phdr. 265c; ποῖόν τί ποτε ἄρα λέγοντ ές φασι .. what they can possibly mean by saying.., Tht. 181c, al.: c. dupl. acc.,

    τοιοῦτόν τι σὲ λέγειν τὸ κρεῖττον Grg. 489d

    , al.: freq. (esp. in Trag.) to explain more fully, εἴσω κομίζου καὶ σύ, Κασάνδραν λέγω you, I mean Cassandra, A.Ag. 1035;

    ὁ μάντις, υἱὸν Οἰκλέους λ. Id.Th. 609

    , cf. 658 (v.l.), Pr. 946;

    ποταμός, Ἀχελῷον λέγω S.Tr.9

    , cf. 1220, Ph. 1261, E.Ph. 987; ἐμὲ λέγων meaning me, Isoc.12.215;

    τὸ δ’ ὑμεῖς ὅταν λέγω, τὴν πόλιν λ. D.18.88

    : sts., however, the word after λέγω is put in appos. with the word to be expld.,

    Ἀντικλείας.., τῆς σῆς λέγω τοι μητρός A.Fr. 175

    , cf. Th. 658 cod. M;

    περὶ τῶνδε.., λέγω δὲ Φωκέων D.19.152


    παρ’ ὧν.., τούτων τῶν τὴν Ἀσίαν οἰκούντων λέγω Id.8.24

    , cf. Pl.Smp. 202b: abs.,

    μηδενὸς ὄντος ἐν [τῇ χώρᾳ] λέγω D.1.27


    10 ὡς λέγουσι as they say, S.Ant.23, etc.;

    ὡς λ. μοι Id.OC 1161

    :—[voice] Pass., λέγεται it is said, inf., X.Mem.1.2.30, al.; but also πατρὸς λέγεται γενέσθαι .. Id.Cyr.1.2.1; θανεῖν ἐλέχθη he was said to have been killed, S.OT 292; so

    λεγόμενον ἐρέω Pi.P.5.108

    : τὸ λεγόμενον abs., as the saying goes, Th.7.68, cf. Pl.Grg. 447a, Smp. 217e, etc.;

    τὸ λ. δὴ τοῦτο Id.Grg. 514e

    : ὁ λεγόμενος γραῶν ὕθλος the so-called.., Id.Tht. 176b;

    οἱ λ. αὐτόνομοι εἶναι X.HG6.3.8

    ; οἱ λ. ὅτι .. of whom it is said that.., Id.Cyr.8.6.16.

    12 boast of, tell of,

    τὴν ἑαυτοῦ ῥώμην X.Cyr.1.3.10

    ; in Poets, sing of,

    θέλω λ. Ἀτρείδας Anacreont.23.1


    14 say or send word by another, X.An.1.9.25, 7.4.5.

    16 nominate, Lat. dicere [dictatorem], D.C.Fr.36.26 ([voice] Pass.). (Cf. Lat. lègo, legio, legulus (‘olivegatherer’).)

    Greek-English dictionary (Αγγλικά Ελληνικά-λεξικό) > λέγω

  • 4

    λέγω =⟩ λέχω (A),


    A pick up, etc.: tenses for signf. 1 and 11, [tense] fut.

    λέξω Od.24.224

    : [tense] aor.

    ἔλεξα A.Pers. 292

    :—[voice] Med., [tense] fut. in pass. sense

    λέξομαι E. Alc. 322

    : [tense] aor.

    ἐλεξάμην Il.21.27

    (trans.); [dialect] Ep.

    ἐλέγμην Od.9.335


    λέκτο 4.451

    :—[voice] Pass., [tense] aor.

    ἐλέχθην Il.3.188

    : also post-Hom. in these senses, but only in compos., esp. with ἀπο-, ἐκ-, κατα-, συν-; post-Hom. [tense] pf. εἴλοχα (κατ-, συν-), [voice] Pass. εἴλεγμαι, in these senses rarely λέλεγμαι (v. the compds.); also [tense] fut. λεγήσομαι ( συλ-): [tense] aor. 2 ἐλέγην (κατ-, συν-):—gather, pick up,

    ὀστέα.. λέγωμεν Il.23.239

    , cf. Od.24. 72, Pi.P.8.53; αἱμασιάς τε λέγων picking out stones for building walls, Od.18.359 (ubi


    Sch., cf.

    λογάς 2

    ), cf. 24.224:—[voice] Med., gather for oneself,

    ἐπὶ δὲ ξύλα πολλὰ λέγεσθε Il.8.507


    ὀστέα λευκὰ λέγοντο 24.793


    φάρμακα λέξασθαι A.R.3.807


    2 [voice] Med., choose for oneself, pick out,

    λέξαιτο.. ἄνδρας ἀρίστους Od.24.108


    κούρους Il.21.27

    :—[voice] Pass., to be chosen,

    εἰ.. λεγοίμεθα πάντες ἄριστοι 13.276


    b so, but not freq., after Hom.,

    λ. ποντιᾶν ψάφων ἀριθμόν Pi.O.13.46

    , cf. A.Ag. 570;

    καθ’ ἓν ἕκαστον λ. Isoc.2.45

    ; also καὶ σὲ δ’ ἐν τούτοις λέγω count you among.., A.Pr. 973; λ. τινὰ οὐδαμοῦ count him as naught, S.Ant. 183; κέρδος λ., εἰ .. count it gain, that.., ib. 462:—[voice] Med., λέξατο πάντας [ναύτας] Pi.P.4.189:—[voice] Pass.,

    λέγεσθαι ἐν τοῖς ἱππικωτάτοις X.Oec.11.20


    ἐνὶ πρώτῃσι λέγεσθαι Call.Del.16

    : [tense] fut. [voice] Med. in pass. sense,

    ἐν τοῖς οὐκέτ’ οὖσι λέξομαι E.


    2 recount, tell over,

    οὔ τι διαπρήξαιμι λέγων ἐμὰ κήδεα Od.14.197


    σὺ δέ μοι λέγε θέσκελα ἔργα 11.374


    τὰ ἕκαστα λέγων 12.165

    ; ὅσα τ’ αὐτὸς.. ἐμόγησε, πάντ’ ἔλεγ 23.308: so in Trag., λ. τύχας, πάθη, μόχθους, etc., A.Pr. 633, Pers. 292, Ag. 555, etc.; also Ἀγαμέμνονι.. λέγ’ ὀνείδεα repeated reproaches against him, Il.2.222; so perh.

    ψεύδεα πολλὰ λ. Hes.Th.27



    infr. 111):—[voice] Med., τί σε χρὴ ταῦτα λέγεσθαι; why need’st thou tell the tale thereof? Il.13.275; and so, μηκέτι ταῦτα λεγώμεθα νηπύτιοι ὥς ib. 292, cf. Od.3.240, 13.296;

    μηκέτι νῦν δήθ’ αὖθι λεγώμεθα Il.2.435


    III say, speak, first in Hes.Th.27 (v. supr.11.2): [tense] fut.

    λέξω Emp.38.1

    , A.Ag. 859, Hdt.4.14, Th.2.48, Antipho 6.33, etc.: [tense] aor.

    ἔλεξα Anacr.45

    , Pl.Sph. 217e, Antipho 1.15 (rare in Pl. and the Orators, common in some dialects, as Boeotian, IG7.504.2 ([place name] Tanagra), Thessalian, ib.9(2).461.21, Ionic,

    v.l. in

    Hp.Aër. 12): [tense] pf.

    λέλεχα Gal.16.249

    , λέλεγα and

    λέλογας Hsch.

    ( εἴρηκα in correct writers):—[voice] Pass., [tense] fut.

    λεχθήσομαι Th.5.86

    , Pl.Ti. 67c, etc.: also [tense] fut. [voice] Med. in pass. sense, S.OC 1186, E.Hec. 906 (lyr.), etc.; and

    λελέξομαι Th.3.53

    (v.l. λέξεται), Pl.R. 457b: [tense] aor. ἐλέχθην (never ἐλέγην in this sense) S.OT 1442, Th.6.32, etc.: [tense] pf.

    λέλεγμαι Pi.N.8.20

    , Hdt.2.21, S.Ph. 389, etc. ( εἴλεγμαι in this sense only in compd. δι-): rare in compds. (only ἀντιλέγω, ἐπιλέγω, καταλέγω, προλέγω), the [tense] pres. in most compds. being supplied by ἀγορεύω, the [tense] fut. by ἐρῶ, the [tense] aor. by εἶπον, the [tense] pf. by εἴρηκα:

    1 say, speak, never in Hom., first in Hes. l.c., freq. from Hdt. and Trag. downwds.; of all kinds of oral communications,

    ἐκέλευε λέγειν εἴ τι θέλοι Hdt.8.58

    ; so λέγοις ἄν speak, say on, Pl.Plt. 268e, etc.;

    λ. μῦθον A.Pers. 698


    ψευδῆ λ. Id.Ag. 625


    ἀληθῆ λ. Pl.Phlb. 12b

    (so in [voice] Pass.,

    λόγος λέλεκται πᾶς S.Ph. 389

    ); of oracles, say, declare, Hdt.8.136; ὥσπερ τοὔνομα λέγει indicates, Pl. Prt. 312c: with Preps.,

    λ. ἀμφί τινος A.Th. 1017

    , E.Hec. 580;

    περί τινος Xenoph.34.2

    , Democr.165, S.Aj. 151 (anap.), Th.2.48; ὑπέρ τινος in his defence, S.El. 555, X.HG1.7.16; κατά τινος against him, Thgn.1240a, X.HG1.5.2; λ. ἐπί τισι εὐχὰς ἀγαθάς express good wishes for them, A.Supp. 625 (anap.); λ. τά τινος take his part, D.8.64; λ. πρός τι in reference or in answer to.., S.Ant. 753, etc.;

    εἴς τι X.Mem. 1.5.1


    2 c. acc. et inf., say that.., Pi.P.2.59, etc.: with neg. οὐ, Pl.R. 348c, etc., but μή ib. 346e, X.Smp.4.5 ([voice] Pass.), and usu. in later Gr., LXX Ge.38.22;

    λ. μὴ εἶναι ἀνάστασιν Ev.Matt.22.23

    : freq. also folld. by ὡς, ὅτι (generally so in the [voice] Act. voice) when the subject of the relative clause may become the object of the principal Verb, γυναῖκα λέγουσιν, ὡς κάθηται .. X.Cyr.7.3.5, etc.: rarely c. part., λ. Οἰδίπουν ὀλωλότα speak of him as dead, S.OC 1580;

    λέγουσιν ἡμᾶς ὡς ὀλωλότας A.Ag. 672


    λέξασ’ ἀδελφῷ σ’ ἐνθάδ’ ὄντα E.Hel. 888

    :—[voice] Pass.,

    λέξεται ἔχων Id.IT 1047

    , cf. A.Ag. 170 (cj.).

    3 λέγειν τινά τι say something of another, esp. κακὰ λ. τινά speak ill of him, revile him, Hdt.8.61;

    ἀγαθὰ λ. τινάς Ar.Ec. 435

    ; τὰ ἔσχατα, τὰ ἀπόρρητα λ. ἀλλήλους, X.Mem.2.2.9, D.18.123; also εὖ or κακῶς λ. τινά, A.Ag. 445 (lyr.), S.El. 524, cf. 1028;

    εὖ λ. τὸν εὖ λέγοντα X.Mem.2.3.8


    5 λ. τινὰ ποιεῖν τι tell, command one to do, A.Ch. 553, S.Ph. 101, X.Cyr.4.1.22, etc.: so with τινι, S.OC 840, D.19.150 (no obj. expressed in A.Ag. 925, S.OC 856); λέγε τὸν ἐρωτῶντα ἵνα.. εἴπῃ σοι .. Astramps.Orac.p.1 H.;

    ὡς ὁ νόμος λέγει D.22.20


    ὁ λέγων μὴ μοιχεύειν Ep.Rom.2.22


    6 λ. τι say something, i.e. speak to the point or purpose, βούλῃ λέγειν τι, καὶ λέγων μηδὲν κλύειν; S.Ant. 757; λέγω τι; am I right? the answer being λέγεις, Id.OT 1475;

    κινδυνεύεις τι λέγειν Pl.Cra. 404a


    ἴσως ἄν τι λέγοις X.Mem.2.1.12

    , cf. Cyr.1.4.20; opp. οὐδὲν λέγει has no meaning, no authority,

    οὐδὲν λ. τὸ σωφρόνως τραφῆναι Ar.Eq. 334

    , cf. V.75; οὐδὲν λέγεις nonsense! Id.Th. 625; but οὐδὲν λέγειν, also, say what is not, lie, Id.Av.66, Pl. Ap. 30b; also εὖ γε λέγεις, εὖ λέγεις, εὖ ἂν λέγοις, good news!, that is well!, ib. 24e, Grg. 447b, Prt. 310b; καλῶς, ὀρθῶς λ., you are right, X. Mem.3.3.4, 3.6.8; κοὔπω λέγω and what is more, Herod.7.44; τί λέγεις; τὸν ἔποπα παῖ καλεῖς; Ar.Av.57, cf. Ec. 298 (lyr.).

    8 at the beginning of letters or documents, Ἄμασις Πολυκράτεϊ ὧδε λέγει.., Μαρδόνιος τάδε λέγει .., etc., Hdt.3.40, 8.140. ά, etc.;

    τὰ γράμματα ἔλεγε τάδε Id.1.124

    , etc.; γράμμασι λέγον τάδε, of an inscription, Th.6.54: in roman edicts,

    Μάρκος Μέττιος Ῥοῦφος.. λέγει POxy. 237 viii 28

    (i A.D.).

    9 wish to say, mean,

    οὔτοι γυναῖκας ἀλλὰ Γοργόνας λέγω A.Eu.48

    ; τί τοῦτο λέγει, πρὸ Πύλοιο; what does

    πρὸ Πύλοιο


    Ar.Eq. 1059

    , cf. 1021, 1375, Ec. 989, Pl. Phd. 60e: freq. in Platonic dialogue, πῶς λέγεις; how do you mean? in what sense do you say this? Ap. 24e, al.; ἢ πῶς λέγομεν; or what do we mean to say? Grg. 480b; πῶς δὴ οὖν αὐτὸ λέγεις; Phdr. 265c; ποῖόν τί ποτε ἄρα λέγοντ ές φασι .. what they can possibly mean by saying.., Tht. 181c, al.: c. dupl. acc.,

    τοιοῦτόν τι σὲ λέγειν τὸ κρεῖττον Grg. 489d

    , al.: freq. (esp. in Trag.) to explain more fully, εἴσω κομίζου καὶ σύ, Κασάνδραν λέγω you, I mean Cassandra, A.Ag. 1035;

    ὁ μάντις, υἱὸν Οἰκλέους λ. Id.Th. 609

    , cf. 658 (v.l.), Pr. 946;

    ποταμός, Ἀχελῷον λέγω S.Tr.9

    , cf. 1220, Ph. 1261, E.Ph. 987; ἐμὲ λέγων meaning me, Isoc.12.215;

    τὸ δ’ ὑμεῖς ὅταν λέγω, τὴν πόλιν λ. D.18.88

    : sts., however, the word after λέγω is put in appos. with the word to be expld.,

    Ἀντικλείας.., τῆς σῆς λέγω τοι μητρός A.Fr. 175

    , cf. Th. 658 cod. M;

    περὶ τῶνδε.., λέγω δὲ Φωκέων D.19.152


    παρ’ ὧν.., τούτων τῶν τὴν Ἀσίαν οἰκούντων λέγω Id.8.24

    , cf. Pl.Smp. 202b: abs.,

    μηδενὸς ὄντος ἐν [τῇ χώρᾳ] λέγω D.1.27


    10 ὡς λέγουσι as they say, S.Ant.23, etc.;

    ὡς λ. μοι Id.OC 1161

    :—[voice] Pass., λέγεται it is said, inf., X.Mem.1.2.30, al.; but also πατρὸς λέγεται γενέσθαι .. Id.Cyr.1.2.1; θανεῖν ἐλέχθη he was said to have been killed, S.OT 292; so

    λεγόμενον ἐρέω Pi.P.5.108

    : τὸ λεγόμενον abs., as the saying goes, Th.7.68, cf. Pl.Grg. 447a, Smp. 217e, etc.;

    τὸ λ. δὴ τοῦτο Id.Grg. 514e

    : ὁ λεγόμενος γραῶν ὕθλος the so-called.., Id.Tht. 176b;

    οἱ λ. αὐτόνομοι εἶναι X.HG6.3.8

    ; οἱ λ. ὅτι .. of whom it is said that.., Id.Cyr.8.6.16.

    12 boast of, tell of,

    τὴν ἑαυτοῦ ῥώμην X.Cyr.1.3.10

    ; in Poets, sing of,

    θέλω λ. Ἀτρείδας Anacreont.23.1


    14 say or send word by another, X.An.1.9.25, 7.4.5.

    16 nominate, Lat. dicere [dictatorem], D.C.Fr.36.26 ([voice] Pass.). (Cf. Lat. lègo, legio, legulus (‘olivegatherer’).)

    Greek-English dictionary (Αγγλικά Ελληνικά-λεξικό) > λέχω

  • 5

    * * *




    ); the gender is borne out by the genitive tein hlautar, Vellekla; as also by the




    (App.) 336, in an old transcript of the lost vellum Vatnshyrna (see

    Kjaln. S.

    Ísl. ii. 403, where hlautinn):—the blood of sacrifice, used for soothsaying; this word is


    to be derived from hlutr (hlautr), as an abbreviated form, for hlaut-blóð = sanguis sortidicus, and refers to the rite, practised in the heathen age, of enquiring into the future by dipping bunches of chips or twigs into the blood, and shaking them; those twigs were called teinar, hlaut-teinar, hlaut-viðr, blót-spánn,

    q. v.

    ; the act of shaking was called hrista teina, to shake twigs,


    1; kjósa hlautvið, to choose lot chips,


    In Vellekla the true reading is


    hann (earl Hakon) valdi (from velja,


    vildi) tein hlautar, meaning the same as kjósa hlautvið in


    , an emendation borne out by the words ‘felldi blótspán’ (Fagrsk.

    l. c.

    ) in the prose text, which is a paraphrase of the verse; the explanation of the passage in

    Lex. Poët.

    is no doubt erroneous. It was also called fella blótspán, see that word, p. 71. The walls of the temple inside and out, the altars, and the worshippers were sprinkled with the blood, the flesh of the slain cattle was to be eaten (whereas the blood was a sacrifice, as well as the means of augury, and was not to be eaten); this rite is described in

    Hkr. Hák. S.



    16: en blóð þat allt er þar kom af (

    i. e.

    from the slain cattle) þá var þat kallat hlaut ok hlaut-bollar þat er blóð þat stóð í, ok hlaut-teinar, þat var svá gört sem stöklar ( bunches); með því skyldi rjóða stallana öllu saman, ok svá veggi hofsins útan ok innan, ok svá stökkva á mennina; en slátr ( the meat) skyldi hafa til mann-fagnaðar: the passages in

    Eb. ch.

    4, p. 6 new


    , in

    Kjaln. S. ch.

    2, and in


    (App.), are derived from the same source as the passage in


    , but present a less correct and somewhat impaired text; even the text in


    is not quite clear,


    the phrase, þat var gört sem stökkull, which


    means that the hlaut-teinar were bound up in a bunch and used for the sprinkling. The blood-sprinkling mentioned in Exod. xii. 22 illustrates the passage above cited;


    hleyti, hljóta, and hlutr.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > HLAUT

  • 6

    vērus, a, um, adj. [etym. dub.; cf. Zend var, believe; Sanscr. var, choose, wish], true, real, actual, genuine, etc. (opp. falsus, fictus).



    secerni blandus amicus a vero et internosci tam potest adhibitā diligentiā, quam omnia fucata et simulata a sinceris atque veris,

    Cic. Lael. 25, 95:

    perspicere, quid in quāque re verum sincerumque sit,

    id. Off. 2, 5, 18:

    vera an falsa,

    Ter. And. 5, 4, 19:

    res vera (opp. ficta),

    Cic. Lael. 7, 24:

    verus ac germanus Metellus,

    id. Verr. 2, 4, 66, § 147; cf.:

    ipsus verus Harpax,

    Plaut. Ps. 4, 7, 111:

    vera mea uxor,

    id. As. 1, 1, 46 (dub.;

    al. verum): color,

    Ter. Eun. 2, 3, 27:


    id. And. 5, 1, 20:


    Plaut. Cas. 2, 6, 17:

    vera et perfecta amicitia,

    Cic. Lael. 6, 22:

    vera, gravis, solida gloria,

    id. Phil. 5, 18, 50:


    id. Rep. 6, 23, 25:

    causa verissima,

    id. Ac. 2, 4, 10:


    Hor. C. 3, 5, 29:


    id. Ep. 1, 17, 57:


    id. A. P. 425:


    legitimate, Prop. 2, 9, 17:

    verius ergo quid sit,

    Mart. 8, 76, 7:

    ut verum esset, suā voluntate sapientem descendere, etc.,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 6, 11:

    id si ita est, ut, etc…. sin autem illa veriora, ut, etc.,

    id. Lael. 4, 14.—


    Subst.: vērum, i, n., what is true or real, the truth, the reality, the fact:

    interesse oportet, ut inter rectum et pravum, sic inter verum et falsum,

    Cic. Ac. 2, 11, 33:

    notionem veri et falsi nullam habere,

    id. ib.:

    verum dicere,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 89; Ter. And. 2, 6, 6:

    si simile veri quid invenerim,

    Cic. Ac. 2, 20, 66; id. Rep. 3, 5, 8:

    si verum scire vis,

    id. Att. 12, 41, 3:

    si verum quaerimus,

    id. Tusc. 2, 23, 55:

    verum quidem si audire volumus,

    id. Brut. 73, 256:

    verum non libenter audire,

    Mart. 8, 76, 8:

    minor est tua gloria vero,

    Ov. H. 15 (16), 143:

    ut quid hujus veri sit, sciam,

    Plaut. Aul. 4, 10, 72; cf.:

    non pervident quid sit in vero,

    actually, really, Lact. 1, 17, 1.—So the freq. construction of the gen. veri with similis, similiter, and similitudo (by many also joined together [p. 1979] in one word, verisimilis, etc.):

    narrationem jubent veri similem esse,

    Cic. de Or. 2, 19, 80:

    id quod veri simile occurrit,

    id. Tusc. 2, 2, 5:

    veri simillimum mihi videtur, quodam tempore, etc.,

    id. Inv. 1, 3, 4:

    veri similiora,

    id. N. D. 1, 24, 66:

    res similis veri,

    Liv. 26, 38, 9:

    simillimum veri,

    Cic. Tusc. 5, 4, 11:

    quod est magis verisimile,

    Caes. B. G. 3, 13:

    veri similiter fingere,

    App. Mag. p. 293:

    veri similius,

    id. ib. and p. 312; Tert. Apol. 16:

    veri similitudinem sequi,

    Cic. Ac. 2, 33, 107; Sen. Ben. 4, 33, 2; genuine, Plin. 34, 7, 17, § 66; cf.

    , in a reversed order: similitudo veri,

    Cic. Part. Or. 11, 40; id. Univ. 3:

    res facit controversiam aut de vero aut de recto aut de nomine,

    respecting fact, id. Or. 34, 121:

    nec procul a vero est, quod,

    from the truth, Ov. Tr. 5, 6, 27:

    ex vero positum permansit Equiria nomen,

    id. F. 2, 859:

    in vero esse,

    to be true, Lact. 1, 11, 31; 1, 17, 1:

    teneras aures mordaci radere vero,

    Pers. 1, 107.— Plur.:

    recta et vera loquere,

    Plaut. Capt. 5, 2, 7:

    vera dico,

    id. Am. 1, 1, 239; 2, 1, 12; 2, 2, 55 al.:

    artem se tradere vera ac falsa dijudicandi,

    Cic. de Or. 2, 38, 157:

    qui species alias veris… caput (= alias ab iis quae verae sunt, Orell.),

    Hor. S. 2, 3, 208:

    adjecta veris credibilis rerum imago,

    Quint. 4, 2, 123:

    vis dicam tibi veriora veris?

    Mart. 6, 30, 6.




    Like rectus, consonant with reason or good morals, i. e. right, proper, fitting, suitable, reasonable, just (class.):

    ah, Idnest verum?

    Ter. And. 4, 1, 5:

    cum aliquid verum ac rectum esse dicitur,

    Cic. Leg. 3, 15, 34:

    quod est rectum, verum quoque est,

    id. ib. 2, 5, 11:

    omnia recta, vera,

    id. Tusc. 3, 27, 64:

    lex vera atque princeps,

    id. Leg. 2, 4, 10:

    quibus peritia et verum ingenium est,

    Sall. H. 1, 111 Dietsch:

    ea, si vera existimare voles, maxume hortabuntur,

    id. ib. 4, 61, 3 ib.:

    nil Grosphus nisi verum orabit et aequum,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 12, 23.—


    Esp., verum est, with subject-clause (so most freq. = aequum est, etc.):

    neque verum esso, qui suos fines tueri non potuerint, alienos occupare,

    Caes. B. G. 4, 8:

    (Cato) negat verum esse, allici benevolentiam cibo,

    Cic. Mur. 35, 74:

    verum est, (agrum) habere eos, quorum sanguine ac sudore partus sit,

    Liv. 2, 48, 2; 3, 40, 11; 24, 48, 11;

    28, 13, 7: metiri se quemque suo modulo ac pede, verum est,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 7, 98; id. S. 2, 3, 212:

    verius esse, Ti. Sempronio imperium habenti tradi exercitum quam legato,

    Liv. 35, 8, 6:

    me verius unum Pro vobis foedus luere,

    Verg. A. 12, 694: si verum est, with acc. and inf., if the view is correct, Cic. N. D. 3, 31, 77; Liv. 30, 26, 7.— Rarely with ut:

    praeclarum illud est, et, si quaeris, rectum quoque et verum, ut, etc.,

    right and just, Cic. Tusc. 3, 29, 73:

    si verum est, quod nemo dubitat, ut populus Romanus superarit, etc.,

    Nep. Hann. 1, 1.—


    Subst.: vērum, i, n., honor, duty:

    in senatu parsilla, quae vero pretium aut gratiam anteferebat,

    Sall. J. 16, 1.—


    Speaking or containing the truth, true, veracious, = veridicus (rare):

    sum verus?

    Ter. And. 2, 5, 12:


    Ov. H. 16, 123:

    Apollinis os,

    id. M. 10, 209:

    judicium viri eruditissimi ac super ista verissimi,

    Plin. Ep. 9, 25, 2; 2, 9, 4; cf.:

    quo viro nihil firmius, nihil verius,

    id. ib. 4, 22, 3:

    verissimus et sapientissimus judex,

    most conscientious, Cic. Rosc. Am. 30, 84.— Advv.



    Lit., truly, just so, certainly, doubtless, even so, yes, as a confirmatory reply (ante-class. and rare, while vero is classical; v. vero init.): So. Facies? Ch. Verum, Ter. Heaut. 5, 3, 11; Plaut. As. 4, 2, 45. Ct. Men’ quaerit? Sy. Verum, Ter. Ad. 4, 2, 4; id. Eun. 2, 3, 56; 5, 6, 18.—




    In gen., as a strongly corroborative adversative particle, but in truth, but not with standing, but yet; and after negative clauses, but even, but:

    merito maledicas mihi, si id ita factum est: Verum haud mentior, resque uti facta, dico,

    Plaut. Am. 2, 1, 23; 1, 2, 22; Ter. And. prol. 4; id. Eun. 1, 2, 103; id. Heaut. 3, 3, 37:

    in optimorum consiliis posita est civitatium salus: praesertim cum, etc…. Verum hunc optimum statum pravis hominum opinionibus eversum esse dicunt,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 34, 51:

    quod ejus (Hermagorae) peccatum reprehendendum videtur, verum brevi,

    id. Inv. 1, 9, 12:

    quae non dicunt, verum intellegi volunt,

    Quint. 8, 5, 12:

    sed nos non, quid nobis utile, verum quid oratori necessarium sit, quaerimus,

    Cic. de Or. 1, 60, 254: ea sunt omnia non a naturā, verum a magistro, id. Mur. 29, 61; Verg. E. 3, 35.—


    In the construction non modo (solum, tantum)… verum etiam (quoque), not only but also:

    non modo agendo, verum etiam cogitando,

    Cic. Cael. 19, 45; id. Verr. 2, 2, 66, § 161:

    non solum naturā et moribus, verum etiam studio et doctrinā,

    id. Lael. 2, 6:

    non ingrato tantum, verum etiam invido et crudeli animo,

    Just. 21, 6, 7:

    servavit ab omni Non solum facto, verum opprobrio quoque turpi,

    Hor. S. 1, 6, 84: non modo… verum ne… quidem, not only not but not even, Cic. Rep. 3, 30, 42.—


    In partic.


    In a transition, but, yet, still (freq. and class.):

    non edepol nunc, ubi terrarum sim scio, si quis roget… Ilicet, mandata eri perierunt una et Sosia, Verum certum’st confidenter hominem contra adloqui,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 183:

    deinde hoc vobis confirmo, etc…. verum quod ego laboribus, etc…. me persecuturum esse polliceor, etc.,

    Cic. Verr. 1, 17, 51: verum schemata lexeôs duorum sunt generum, Quint. 9, 3, 2:

    verum etiamsi quis summa desperet,

    id. 12, 11, 26:

    verum veniat sane,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 2, 31, § 76 et saep.—Strengthened by enim, vero, and (in class. prose) enimvero, but truly, but indeed:

    verum enim, quando bene promeruit, fiat,

    Ter. Ad. 2, 1, 47: verum vero inter offam atque herbam, ibi vero longum intervallum est, Cato ap. Gell. 13, 17, 1:

    verum hercle vero,

    Plaut. Curc. 3, 5:

    si ullo in loco ejus provinciae frumentum tanti fuit, quanti, etc. Verum enim vero cum, etc.,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 3, 84, § 194; so,

    verum enim vero,

    id. de Or. 3, 14, 54 N. cr.; Sall. C. 20, 10; Liv. 4, 4, 8.—


    In breaking off the current of discourse (cf. sed), but however, but:

    exspectabantur Calendae Januariae, fortasse non recte. Verum praeterita omittamus,

    Cic. Phil. 5, 12, 31: verum quidem haec hactenus;

    cetera quotiescumque voletis,

    id. Tusc. 3, 34, 84:

    sed hoc nihil ad me… Verum hoc (ut dixi) nihil ad me. Illud ad me, etc.,

    id. de Or. 2, 32, 139.—


    vērō, in truth, in fact, certainly, truly, to be sure, surely, assuredly:

    eho, mavis vituperari falso, quam vero extolli?

    Plaut. Most. 1, 3, 21:

    iste eum sese ait, qui non est, esse: et qui vero est negat,

    id. Capt. 3, 4, 35: Tox. Amplectere sis. Lemn. Ego vero, id. Pers. 5, 1, 12; cf. Curt. 6, 3, 5: As. Ego non novi adulescentem vostrum. St. Veron’? As. Serio, Plaut. Truc. 2, 2, 47:

    veron’ serio?

    id. Merc. 4, 1, 19:

    itane vero obturbat?

    Ter. And. 5, 4, 23: Ch. Vah, gloriare evenisse ex sententiā? Sy. Non hercle vero, verum dico, id. Heaut. 4, 5, 18:

    quod de domo scribis… ego vero tum denique mihi videbor restitutus, si, etc.,

    Cic. Fam. 14, 2, 3; cf.

    even at the beginning of a letter: ego vero cupio te ad me venire,

    I do really wish, id. ib. 14, 16, 10; so,

    ego vero vellem,

    id. ib. 4, 6, 1:

    cum effusis gaudio lacrimis cupere vero diceret, etc.,

    Liv. 27, 19, 12; Plin. Ep. 9, 20, 1.—

    Esp., in apodosis, tum vero: postea quam ad causam dicendam ventum est, tum vero sine metu omnes erant, etc.,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 2, 29, § 70; Sall. J. 94, 3; Stat. Th. 1, 412; cf.

    tum, III. B. 1.—Ironically: sane quia vero hae mihi patent semper fores,

    Ter. Eun. 1, 2, 9:

    multum vero haec eis jura profuerunt,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 47, § 124:

    turpem vero actionem, etc.,

    id. Phil. 13, 11, 25:

    egregiam vero laudem refertis,

    Verg. A. 4, 93.—With immo:

    immo vero indignum facinus faxo ex me audies,

    Ter. And. 5, 2, 13. —


    In corroborative replies, yes, certainly, by all means, assuredly, etc. (class.; while verum in this sense is only ante-class.): De. An quid est etiam amplius? He. Vero amplius, Ter. Ad. 3, 4, 23; id. Eun. 3, 1, 12: M. Fuisti saepe, credo, in scholis philosophorum. A. Vero, ac libenter quidem, Cic. Tusc. 2, 11, 26:

    sed tu orationes nobis veteres explicabis? Vero, inquam, Brute,

    id. Brut. 87, 300:

    tu vero, inquam, Tite,

    id. ib. 85, 292:

    nos vero, inquit ille,

    id. Fin. 4, 28, 80: M. Cadere, opinor, in sapientem aegritudinem tibi dixisti videri. A. Et vero ita existimo, id. Tusc. 3, 6, 12.—With immo, nay rather: De. Quin tu mi argentum cedo. Ph. Immo vero uxorem tu cedo, Ter. Phorm. 5, 8, 43:

    sed da mihi nunc, satisne probas? Immo vero et haec, etc.,

    Cic. Ac. 1, 3, 10:

    immo vero, inquit, ii vivunt, qui, etc.,

    id. Rep. 6, 14, 14: S. Quid domi? pluresne praesunt negotiis tuis? L. Immo vero unus, inquit, id. ib. 1, 39, 61.—And, to strengthen negative answers, joined with minime: S. Quid? totam domum num quis alter, praeter te, regit? L. Minime vero, Cic. Rep. 1, 39, 61; 3, 32, 44; id. Ac. 1, 1, 2; id. Off. 3, 6, 29 al.—


    In urgent or encouraging expostulation, but, though, however, etc.: Ni. Cape hoc tibi aurum, Chrysale, i, fer filio. Ch. Non equidem accipiam. Ni. Cape vero:

    odiose facis,

    take it though, Plaut. Bacch. 4, 9, 139:

    respice vero,

    id. Ep. 1, 1, 3:

    ostende vero,

    id. ib. 5, 2, 58:

    minue vero iram,

    Ter. Phorm. 2, 3, 88.—


    To indicate a climax, even, indeed:

    neque solum in tantis rebus, sed etiam in mediocribus vel studiis vel officiis, vel vero etiam negotiis contemnendum,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 3, 4:

    quod cum tam multi homines audissent, statim ad me defertur: immo vero, ut quisque me viderat, narrabat,

    id. Verr. 1, 7, 19:

    nec vero jam meo nomine abstinent,

    id. Rep. 1, 3, 6:

    neque vero id satis habuit,

    Nep. Epam. 4, 5.—


    Transf., as a strongly corroborative adversative particle, but in fact, but indeed, however (always placed after a word):

    ne T. quidem Postumius contemnendus in dicendo: de re publicā vero non minus vehemens orator, quam bellator fuit,

    Cic. Brut. 77, 269:

    non vero tam isti (sc. mortui sunt) quam tu ipse, nugator,

    id. Sen. 9, 27:

    dixisti non auxilium mihi, sed me auxilio defuisse. Ego vero fateor hercule, quod viderim mihi auxilium non deesse, idcirco me illi auxilio pepercisse,

    id. Planc. 35, 86; id. Rep. 1, 7, 12:

    ubi per exploratores Caesar certior factus est, tres jam copiarum partes Helvetios id flumen transduxisse, quartam vero partem citra flumen Ararim reliquam esse,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 12.—In transitions:

    age vero ceteris in rebus quali sit temperantiā, considerate,

    Cic. Imp. Pomp. 14, 40:

    nec vero tibi de versibus respondebo,

    id. Phil. 2, 8, 20.—


    vērē, according to truth, truly, really, in fact; properly, rightly, aright:

    hoc quom fit, ibi non vere vivitur,

    Ter. Heaut. 1, 1, 102 Fleck.:

    honestum, quod proprie vereque dicitur, id in sapientibus est solis,

    Cic. Off. 3, 3, 13:

    quis putare vere potest, etc.,

    id. Rep. 1, 17, 28:

    vere ducere,

    id. ib. 1, 38, 60:

    verene hoc memoriae proditum est? etc.,

    id. ib. 2, 15, 28:

    immo, si vere volumus dicere, jam incohavit bellum,

    Liv. 41, 23, 13:

    omnia vere vates locuta est,

    Verg. A. 6, 188:

    vere an dolo,

    Spart. Sev. 5.— Comp.:

    libentius quam verius,

    Cic. Mil. 29, 78:

    Ligures latrones verius quam justi hostes,

    Liv. 40, 27, 10.— Sup.:

    verissime loquor,

    Cic. Att. 5, 21, 7:

    verissime dicere,

    id. Rep. 2, 4, 8.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > verus

  • Страница 22

    Now I know — Теперь я знаю

    Vocabulary — Словарик

    1. Choose the correct word — Выбери правильное слово


    1. mobile phone — мобильный телефон
    2. helmet — шлем
    3. hairbrush — расческа
    4. roller blades — роликовые коньки
    5. gloves — перчатки

    2. Look and write — Посмотри н напиши глагол, соответствующий картинке


    1. sail — плавать под парусом
    2. skate — кататься на коньках
    3. dive — нырять
    4. ski — кататься на лыжах

    3. Write the numbers — Напиши числа


    1. sixty
    2. thirty
    3. ninety-five
    4. a hundred
    5. eighty-one
    6. fifty

    Grammar — Грамматика

    4. Read and choose — Прочитай и выбери


    1. Не is a great cook. Не can cook really well. — Он замечательный повар. Он умеет очень хорошо готовить.
    2. Look! Mary is dancing! — Посмотри! Мэри танцует!
    3. Can you ride a bike? — Ты умеешь кататься на велосипеде?
    4. Harry and Тот aren’t sleeping. They’re in the garden. — Гарри и Том не спят. Они в саду.


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