Choose the correct word package packed holidays are organized by a

Module 5-7 Spotlight 10


Task 1.  Choose the correct word.

  1. Package/packed holidays are organized by a tour operator.
  2. I think we will take/catch a taxi directly from the airport to our hotel.
  3. They are planning to visit Spain and are going to employ/hire a car.
  4. The doctor wrote him a prescription/recipe for two tablets.
  5. Yesterday I fell off the bike and now I have a pain/ache in the knee.
  6. Jennifer has you always wanted to perform on screen/stage but she has been too scared to do it.

Task 2.  Fill in the gaps with the or  (no article).

  1. … Lake Titicaca which is between … Bolivia and … Peru is the world’s highest large lake.
  2. … Virgin Islands were bought by … United States from … Denmark in 1917 and are popular tourist centres.
  3. … New Caledonia is an island in … Pacific Ocean.
  4. … Turkey is situated on two continents, … Asia and … Europe.
  5. …New York City is situated at the mouth of … Hudson River on the East coast of … USA.

Task 3.  Put the verbs in brackets into the correct past tense.

  1. We … (dance) when the music … (stop).
  2. I … (not/feel) well last night.
  3. “Are you going shopping tonight?”        “No, I … (go) yesterday.”
  4. “Did you see Nathan?”        “No, he … (leave) by the time I arrived at his house.”
  5. “Where is Scott?”        “He … (talk) on the phone when I saw him.”
  6. “Did Alan arrive on time?”        “No, I … (wait) for an hour before he arrived.”

Task 4.  Chose the correct answer.

  1. A cinema is a place where films _____.  
  1. show                         B. are shown                        C. are showing
  1. When we arrived at the airport, we found that the flight _____.
  1. had been cancelled         B. is being cancelled                C. has been cancelled
  1. ‘The TV is too loud. Can you turn it _____?’
  1. on                         B. up                        C. down
  1. The walls gave _____ a smell of paint for a week.
  1. off                         B. back                        C. away
  1. _____-confident people may have expectations that are not realistic.
  1. well-                 B. self-                        C. good-
  1. You’re a _____-looking guy, so why can’t you get a girlfriend?
  1. well-                 B. self-                        C. good-
  1. Does she get _____ well with her step mother?
  1. around                B. in                        C. off
  1. I hate travelling by boat because I get sea _____ .
  1. sick                        B. ill                        C. pain
  1. The dog looks as if it ______ hungry.
  1. will be                B. were                C. had been
  1. I wish I ______ speak better Spanish.
  1. could                B. will be able                C. would can
  1. When did the London Olympics _____ place?
  1. find                B. hold                        C. take
  1. Fiona is so _____; she sometimes eats a whole packet of biscuits without offering a single one to anyone else.

A.        hungry                B. greedy                C. starving

  1. We are going _____ holiday at the end of July.

A.        at                        B. on                        C. to

Task 5.

Установите соответствие между заголовками 1-8 и текстами A-G. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

  1. National language
  2. Freedom of media
  3. Customs and traditions
  4. Public transport
  1. Geography
  2. Leisure and sport
  3. Modern history
  4. Economic outlook
  1. Lithuania is situated on the eastern Baltic coast and borders Latvia in the north, the Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation and Poland in the southwest, and Belarus in the southwest and east. The geometrical centre of Europe lies in eastern Lithuania 25km north of its capital Vilnius. The landscape varies between lowland plains and hilly uplands and has a complex network of rivers.
  2. Lithuania has historically been the least developed of the Baltic republics, with a smaller industrial base and greater dependence on agriculture. Sugar beet, cereals, potatoes and vegetables are the main crops. Lithuania’s foreign trade has gradually changed during the 19908, and now the European Union, not Russia, is its main trading partner.
  3. Lithuanian is the mother tongue for 80% of the population. After the country joined the European Union in 2004 this language has become one of the EU official languages. Lithuania has a large number of dialects for such a small territory, including High Lithuanian and Low Lithuanian.
  1. Lithuania offers different opportunities for a nice vacation. You can explore a range of large sand dunes and pine forests while hiking in the Curonian Spit National Park, take part in some action sports in Nida, a village that makes a true paradise for sailing, windsurfing, paragliding and kiting, or try out more extreme sports, such as hot-air ballooning and gliding.
  1. Those who are interested in folklore may enjoy their stay in Lithuania in any season of the year. The Mardi Gras celebrations are held in various Lithuanian cities and small towns at the beginning of February. The Folklore Festival is held in Vilnius’ Old Town during in May. There you can see craft fairs, taste traditional dishes, join song and parties and listen to psalms.
  2. Lithuania’s TV market is dominated by commercial channels. The radio market is similarly competitive. Lithuania’s media are free and operate independently of the state, and there are no government-owned newspapers. However, politicians do occasionally attempt to influence editorial policy.
  3. In cities and towns there are buses and trolleybuses, which usually run from 05.00 to 23.00, but times do vary between routes. You can’t pay the fare to the driver in cash but you can buy coupons from him. Coupons can be also bought at news kiosks before boarding. Minibuses are less crowded but more expensive.









Task 1.

  1. Package  2. take  3. hire  4. prescription  5. pain  6. stage 

Task 2.

  1. —, —, —            2. the, the, —    3. —, the    4. —, —, —     5. —, the, the

Task 3.

1.        We were dancing when the music stopped.

2.        I did not feel well last night.

3.        “Are you going shopping tonight?”        “No, I went yesterday.”

4.        “Did you see Nathan?”        “No, he had left by the time I arrived at his house.”

5.        “Where is Scott?”        “He was talking on the phone when I saw him.”

6.        “Did Alan arrive on time?”        “No, I had been waiting for an hour before he arrived.”

Task 4.

  1. A cinema is a place where films _____.  
  1. show                         B. are shown                        C. are showing
  1. When we arrived at the airport, we found that the flight _____.
  1. had been cancelled         B. is being cancelled                C. has been cancelled
  1. ‘The TV is too loud. Can you turn it _____?’
  1. on                         B. up                        C. down
  1. The walls gave _____ a smell of paint for a week.
  1. off                         B. back                        C. away
  1. _____-confident people may have expectations that are not realistic.
  1. well-                 B. self-                        C. good-
  1. You’re a _____-looking guy, so why can’t you get a girlfriend?
  1. well-                 B. self-                        C. good-
  1. Does she get _____ well with her step mother?
  1. around                B. on                        C. off
  1. I hate travelling by boat because I get sea _____ .
  1. sick                B. ill                        C. pain
  1. The dog looks as if it ______ hungry.
  1. will be                B. were                C. had been
  1. I wish I ______ speak better Spanish.
  1. could                B. will be able                C. would can
  1. When did the London Olympics _____ place?
  1. find                B. hold                        C. take
  1. Fiona is so _____; she sometimes eats a whole packet of biscuits without offering a single one to anyone else.

A.        hungry                B. greedy                C. starving

  1. We are going _____ holiday at the end of July.

A.        at                        B. on                        C. to

Task 5.















Класс: 10

Тема: Контрольная работа

Цель: определение уровня овладения знаниями в использовании лексического материала по теме «Отпуск. Путешествия» и Past Tenses.


1. Закрепить знания фактического материала, проверить умения употреблять Past Tenses, лексику по теме.

2. Развивать навыки письма, чтения.

3. Воспитывать самостоятельность, аккуратность, усидчивость.

Ход урока.

Control Work

Task 1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct past tense.

We … (dance) when the music … (stop).

I … (not/feel) well last night.

Are you going shopping tonight?”   “No, I … (go) yesterday.”

Did you see Nathan?”     “No, he … (leave) by the time I arrived at his house.”

Where is Scott?”     “He … (talk) on the phone when I saw him.”

Did Alan arrive on time?”    “No, I … (wait) for an hour before he arrived.”

Jane … (watch) TV while I … (water) the flowers.

Jan … (ask) Tina out yesterday but she … (already/make) plans.

Who … (you /talk) to on the phone when I …(come) in?

Yesterday evening I …(not/meet) my friends until after I … (finish) my homework.

Task 2. Choose the correct word.

Package/packed holidays are organized by a tour operator.

I think we will take/catch a taxi directly from the airport to our hotel.

They are planning to visit Spain and are going to employ/hire a car.

The doctor wrote him a prescription/recipe for two tablets.

Yesterday I fell off the bike and now I have a pain/ache in the knee.

Jennifer has you always wanted to perform on screen/stage but she has been too scared to do it.

Task 3. Fill in: by, on, off, around, in.

I don’t get … very well with Tom.

Ann’s train gets … at 6 pm.

I must get … now. See you later.

It’s easy to get … the city by public transport.

I can get … on $50 a week.

Task 4. Fill in: in, on, by.

You can buy drinks and snacks … board the ship.

I usually go to school … foot.

My flight arrives … London at 10 pm.

I’m looking forward to going … holidays.

We’ll get to the airport faster if we go …car.

Task 5. Choose the correct response.

A.How was your holiday?

B. a) Don’t ask.

b) How awful!

2. A: We arrived late at the airport and we missed our plane.

B: a) Did you have a nice holiday?

b) Oh, I’m sorry to hear that!

3. A: My friend had left her passport at home.

B: a) Oh, no!

b) I’ll tell you what.

4. A: It rained every day on our holiday.

B: a) What a nightmare!

b) I just don’t understand it.

5. A: What a fantastic suntan!

B: a) Yes, it was great!

b) Thanks.


Испытуемый должен в 1 задании записать правильную форму глагола, во втором задании обвести правильное слово, в 3 и 4 заданиях вставить нужный предлог в пропуск, в 5 задании выбрать правильный ответ под буквой В и записать в виде теста.

Ответы. Keys:

Task 1.

were dancing, stopped

didn’t feel

had gone

had left

was talking

was waiting

was watching, was watering

asked, had made

were you talking, came

didn’t meet, had finished

Task 2.







Task 3.






Task 4.






Task 5.






Категория: Иностранный язык.

Контрольная работа по мудулям 5-7 к Умк `Spotlight`

Module 5-7 Test. Spotlight 10

Task 1 Choose the correct word.

1. Package / packed holidays are organized by a tour operator.

2. I think we will take/ catch a taxi directly from the airport to our hotel.

3. They are planning to visit Spain and are going to employ/ hire a car.

4. The doctor wrote him a prescription/ recite for two tables.

5. Yesterday I fell off the bike and now I have a pain/ ache in the knee.

6. Jennifer has you always wanted to perform on screen/ stage but she has been too scared to do it.

Task 2. Fill the gaps with the or – (no article)

1. …. . Lake Titicaca which is between……. . Bolivia and ………Peru is world’s highest large lake.

2. …. . Virgin Islands were bought by…… nited States from……. . Denmark in 1917 and are popular tourist.

3. …… new Caledonia is an island in………… Pacific Ocean.

4. ……… Turkey is situated on two continents, Asia and……. Europe.

5. ………. . New York City is situated at the mouth of………Hudson River on the East coast of…. . SA.

Task 3. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct past tense.

1. We …. . (dance) when the music………stop.

2. I ………. . (not/feel)well last night.

3. “Are you going shopping tonight?” No, I ………. (go) yesterday.

4. “Did you see Nathan?” “No, he ……. . (leave) by the time I arrived at his house.

5. “Where is Scott?” “He ………. (talk) on the phone when I saw him”.

6. “Did Alan arrive on time?” “No, I………. . (wait) for an hour before he arrived. ”

Task 4. Chose the correct answer.

1. A cinema is a place where films_____________.

A. Show B. are shown C. are showing.

2. When we arrived at the airport, we found that the flight _____________.

A. Had been cancelled b. is being cancelled C. has been cancelled.

3“The TV is too loud. Can you turn it __________?

A. On B. up C. down.

4. The walls gave _________ a smell of paint for a week.

A. off B. back C. away

5. ________ confident people may have expectations that are not realistic.

A. well – B. self – C. good-

6. You’re a ________-looking guy, so why can’t you get a girlfriend?

A. well– B. self– C. good-

7. Does she get _________well with her step mother?

A. around B. in C. pain

8. I hate travelling by boat because I get sea _________.

A. sick B. ill C. pain

9. The dog looks as if it ________ hungry.

A. will be B. were С. had been

10. I wish I __________speak better Spanish.

A. could B. will be able C. would can

11. When did the London Olympics ________ place?

A. find B. hold C. take

12. Fiona is so ________; she sometimes eats a whole packet of biscuits without offering a single one to anyone else.

A. hungry B. greedy C. starving

13. We are going _________ holiday at the end of July.

A. at B. on C. to

Метки: Иностранный язык

Module 7 Spotlight 10

Test 7

Task 1. Choose the correct word.

  1. Package/packed holidays are organized by a tour operator.

  2. I think we will take/catch a taxi directly from the airport to our hotel.

  3. They are planning to visit Spain and are going to employ/hire a car.

Task 2. Fill in the gaps with the or (no article).

  1. … New Caledonia is an island in … Pacific Ocean.

  2. … Turkey is situated on two continents, … Asia and … Europe.

  3. …New York City is situated at the mouth of … Hudson River on the East coast of … USA.

Task 3. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct past tense.

  1. We … (dance) when the music … (stop).

  2. I … (not/feel) well last night.

  3. “Are you going shopping tonight?” “No, I … (go) yesterday.”

Task 4. Chose the correct answer.

  1. When we arrived at the airport, we found that the flight _____.

  1. had been cancelled B. is being cancelled C. has been cancelled

  1. The walls gave _____ a smell of paint for a week.

  1. off B. back C. away

  1. I hate travelling by boat because I get sea _____ .

  1. sick B. ill C. pain

  1. When did the London Olympics _____ place?

  1. find B. hold C. take

  1. Fiona is so _____; she sometimes eats a whole packet of biscuits without offering a single one to anyone else.

A. hungry B. greedy C. starving

  1. We are going _____ holiday at the end of July.

A. at B. on C. to

Task 5.

Установите соответствие между заголовками 1-8 и текстами AG. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

  1. National language

  2. Freedom of media

  3. Customs and traditions

  4. Public transport

  1. Geography

  2. Leisure and sport

  3. Modern history

  4. Economic outlook

  1. Lithuania is situated on the eastern Baltic coast and borders Latvia in the north, the Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation and Poland in the southwest, and Belarus in the southwest and east. The geometrical centre of Europe lies in eastern Lithuania 25km north of its capital Vilnius. The landscape varies between lowland plains and hilly uplands and has a complex network of rivers.

  2. Lithuania has historically been the least developed of the Baltic republics, with a smaller industrial base and greater dependence on agriculture. Sugar beet, cereals, potatoes and vegetables are the main crops. Lithuania’s foreign trade has gradually changed during the 19908, and now the European Union, not Russia, is its main trading partner.

  3. Lithuanian is the mother tongue for 80% of the population. After the country joined the European Union in 2004 this language has become one of the EU official languages. Lithuania has a large number of dialects for such a small territory, including High Lithuanian and Low Lithuanian.

  1. Lithuania offers different opportunities for a nice vacation. You can explore a range of large sand dunes and pine forests while hiking in the Curonian Spit National Park, take part in some action sports in Nida, a village that makes a true paradise for sailing, windsurfing, paragliding and kiting, or try out more extreme sports, such as hot-air ballooning and gliding.

  1. Those who are interested in folklore may enjoy their stay in Lithuania in any season of the year. The Mardi Gras celebrations are held in various Lithuanian cities and small towns at the beginning of February. The Folklore Festival is held in Vilnius’ Old Town during in May. There you can see craft fairs, taste traditional dishes, join song and parties and listen to psalms.

  2. Lithuania’s TV market is dominated by commercial channels. The radio market is similarly competitive. Lithuania’s media are free and operate independently of the state, and there are no government-owned newspapers. However, politicians do occasionally attempt to influence editorial policy.

  3. In cities and towns there are buses and trolleybuses, which usually run from 05.00 to 23.00, but times do vary between routes. You can’t pay the fare to the driver in cash but you can buy coupons from him. Coupons can be also bought at news kiosks before boarding. Minibuses are less crowded but more expensive.








Test 7

Task 1. Choose the correct word.

  1. The doctor wrote him a prescription/recipe for two tablets.

  2. Yesterday I fell off the bike and now I have a pain/ache in the knee.

  3. Jennifer has you always wanted to perform on screen/stage but she has been too scared to do it.

Task 2. Fill in the gaps with the or (no article).

  1. … Lake Titicaca which is between … Bolivia and … Peru is the world’s highest large lake.

  2. … Virgin Islands were bought by … United States from … Denmark in 1917 and are popular tourist centres.

  3. … New Caledonia is an island in … Pacific Ocean.

Task 3. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct past tense.

  1. “Did you see Nathan?” “No, he … (leave) by the time I arrived at his house.”

  2. “Where is Scott?” “He … (talk) on the phone when I saw him.”

  3. “Did Alan arrive on time?” “No, I … (wait) for an hour before he arrived.”

Task 4. Chose the correct answer.

  1. A cinema is a place where films _____.

А. show B. are shown C. are showing

  1. ‘The TV is too loud. Can you turn it _____?’

А. on B. up C. down

  1. The walls gave _____ a smell of paint for a week.

А. off B. back C. away

  1. You’re a _____-looking guy, so why can’t you get a girlfriend?

А. well- B. self- C. good-

  1. Does she get _____ well with her step mother?

А. around B. in C. off

  1. The dog looks as if it ______ hungry.

А. will be B. were C. had been

  1. I wish I ______ speak better Spanish.

А. could B. will be able C. would can

Task 5.

Установите соответствие между заголовками 1-8 и текстами AG. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

  1. National language

  2. Freedom of media

  3. Customs and traditions

  4. Public transport

  1. Geography

  2. Leisure and sport

  3. Modern history

  4. Economic outlook

  1. Lithuania is situated on the eastern Baltic coast and borders Latvia in the north, the Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation and Poland in the southwest, and Belarus in the southwest and east. The geometrical centre of Europe lies in eastern Lithuania 25km north of its capital Vilnius. The landscape varies between lowland plains and hilly uplands and has a complex network of rivers.

  2. Lithuania has historically been the least developed of the Baltic republics, with a smaller industrial base and greater dependence on agriculture. Sugar beet, cereals, potatoes and vegetables are the main crops. Lithuania’s foreign trade has gradually changed during the 19908, and now the European Union, not Russia, is its main trading partner.

  3. Lithuanian is the mother tongue for 80% of the population. After the country joined the European Union in 2004 this language has become one of the EU official languages. Lithuania has a large number of dialects for such a small territory, including High Lithuanian and Low Lithuanian.

  1. Lithuania offers different opportunities for a nice vacation. You can explore a range of large sand dunes and pine forests while hiking in the Curonian Spit National Park, take part in some action sports in Nida, a village that makes a true paradise for sailing, windsurfing, paragliding and kiting, or try out more extreme sports, such as hot-air ballooning and gliding.

  1. Those who are interested in folklore may enjoy their stay in Lithuania in any season of the year. The Mardi Gras celebrations are held in various Lithuanian cities and small towns at the beginning of February. The Folklore Festival is held in Vilnius’ Old Town during in May. There you can see craft fairs, taste traditional dishes, join song and parties and listen to psalms.

  2. Lithuania’s TV market is dominated by commercial channels. The radio market is similarly competitive. Lithuania’s media are free and operate independently of the state, and there are no government-owned newspapers. However, politicians do occasionally attempt to influence editorial policy.

  3. In cities and towns there are buses and trolleybuses, which usually run from 05.00 to 23.00, but times do vary between routes. You can’t pay the fare to the driver in cash but you can buy coupons from him. Coupons can be also bought at news kiosks before boarding. Minibuses are less crowded but more expensive.








Входные тесты по английскому языку

Оценка 5

Входные тесты по английскому языку

В материале представлены входные тесты по английскому языку по УМК Spotlight для 3,4,6,7,10,11 классов. Тесты предназначены для проверки усвоения учащимися материала по темам, пройденным за курс с 2 по 10 классы. Работы содержат от 5 до 30 заданий, которые помогут учителю выявить пробелы в знаниях учащихся.

Материалы на данной страницы взяты из открытых истончиков либо размещены пользователем в соответствии с договором-офертой сайта. Вы можете сообщить о нарушении.


Match the types of holidays to their definitions

a holiday on which you spend your time doing an activity such as hiking, whitewater rafting, rock-climbing

travelling to watch and take pictures of wild animals

travelling on a ship for pleasure and visiting a number of places

a holiday organized by a travel agency

the activity of walking long distances in the countryside


Write down what you can/can’t do on a safari.



take photos

watch the animals

touch the lions

feed the animals


Put the phrase under the right picture.

By train

By ship

By plane

By coach (by bus)

On foot

By car


Read the advertisement and complete the table.

A one-day kayaking trip is the best opportunity to discover Kamchatka. You are going to look at grottos and volcanoes. You will meet seals and sea otters.

A kayaking trip lasts 3 hours.

We are going to reach the Signalniy Cape and have lunch right in our kayaks.

Departure: 10am, 1pm, 4pm, 7pm.

It is good to wear sunglasses and a cap. 

Don’t forget your camera!

Travel by:

Things to see:

Animals to watch:

Lunch at:

Number of trips:

Things to take:


1. seals 2. sea otters


1. sunglasses 2. a cap 3. a camera

1. grottos 2. volcanoes



Name: Sally 1)

Place: 2)

Date/leave: 3) June

Date/come back: 4) July

Travel by: 5)

A ticket costs: 6) .


32 pounds






Choose the correct item.

1. Dolphins

swim, but they



I borrow  your bike? – Yes, you


3. I want to travel to Karelia. — You

plan your trip first.

4. When you go hiking, you

be careful.


Read the text and underline the correct item

I prefer to have a holiday at/in the seaside. I do not like crowds when I am at/on holiday. My family and I always have our holiday on the coast. The sea and sunshine that is what we look at/forward to every summer. Hotels at the large seaside towns are rather expensive, so we usually go in/to a holiday camp.

Reading, Vocabulary & Grammar

Read the text and fill in the gaps transforming words in brackets.

Do you know how

(enjoy) it can be to rest by a lake? A lake can bring a very real sense of calmness and beauty. It is so

(relax)! There are

(lot) of ways to enjoy the lake by trying out things like water


You have a great

(choose) of lakes in different countries!


Match the headings to the paragraphs. 

There are 44 species of mammals and 170 bird species, 9 amphibian species, 5 reptile species and 19 fish species. The most important animal here is the elk.

Losiny Ostrov (Elk Island) National Park is the first national park of Russia. It is situated in Moscow and Moscow Oblast. Two rivers, Yausa and Pechorka begin here. The park was once the hunting ground of Tsars such as Ivan the Terrible.

Here you can choose a guided tour about flora and fauna of the area, you’ll find out why elks live there, or enjoy another excursion about the historical past, about old Russian traditions.


Enjoy and Learn


Vocabulary & Grammar

Choose the correct item.

1. Matt likes to

 by coach.

2. You 

 take photographs in the museum.

3. Dan wants to visit 

sites in Egypt.

4. Patty likes travelling 


5. Holly is going on a 

 to see the wild animals.

6. You can

in Himalayas.

7. Sara wants to take a 

 down the Nile.

8. Peter likes walking. He goes 

 every summer.

9. You 

 buy souvenirs here. We’ve got a big selection.

10. They stay at a nice 

 when they go on holiday.

Vocabulary & Grammar

Fill in the missing words. Three words are extra.

1. Last summer we went to Rome and there in an excellent hotel.

2. It’s a good idea to in the wildlife tour and take wonderful pictures.

3. The cheapest way to go to Oxford from London is by .

4. This area is the park; the state protects it.

5. I prefer a holiday, I like sunbathing.

6. Would you like to travel ?

7. Go to Suzdal, you’ll the beautiful countryside and the old Russian architecture.


don’t like










Vocabulary & Grammar

Read the text and fill in the gaps transforming the words in the brackets.

(book) a summer holiday at our Centre means that you can use all the outdoor

(activity) the Centre features. From fun-packed water sports, such as sailing, kayaking, windsurfing, to challenging kinds such as abseiling, climbing the high ropes, there

(be) really

(some) for everyone. If the sun is out and the heat of the day becomes too much, cool yourself off in the fabulous Subtropical

(Swim) Pool with a wave machine. It is really



Listen to two people talking about a holiday and complete the table.






Swim in

10 islands

ancient sites

two swimming pools

8th September

12 nights on board

25th August


Read the text and choose the right item.

Paris is the most beautiful capital in Europe. It is also the capital of fashion. Paris is a historic capital; it is interesting for art lovers. If you visit Paris for the first time, you must see the Eiffel Tower, the Champs de Elysees and the Arc de Triomphe. You can see the Eiffel Tower on postcards, paintings, and stamps. Paris is also known for its gastronomical excellence. Dining in one of the city’s fine restaurants is unforgettable. The Parisians are proud of their city. Paris combines the old with the modern. Paris has its own charm.

1. Paris is interesting for art lovers because of

a) restaurants.

b) old buildings.

c) museums.

2Paris is famous for

c) its food.

b) modernism.

c) parks.

3. They say that the symbol of Paris is

a) the Arc de Triomphe.

b) the Eiffel Tower.

c) Haussmann.

4. Paris has its own charm because

a) it’s a new city.

b) it combines the old and the modern.

c) there are a lot of restaurants.

#5 (Holidays)

Complete the sentences
using the words in bold. Use two to five words.

1.      Bob
prepared dinner, then Joy came home. When Joy came home, …………………. dinner. (already)

2.      The
last time he had seen her was at her birthday party in June. He …………………………her
birthday party in June. (since)

3.      Tim
checked in and then Anna arrived. Tim ……………….Anna arrived (before)

4.      Ian
and Peter don’t have a good relationship. Ian and Peter ………….each other (on)

5.      They
decided to stay two more weeks. They decided to ………………..two weeks. (prolong)

Fill in: around, by,
in, on with, off.

1.      I
don’t know how you can get ……. on such a low salary.

2.      I
don’t get ……….Brian. I don’t like his attitude.

3.      How
are you going to get …… in the city?

4.      I
must get …….. now. It’s too late.

5.      His
train gets ………….at 8 a.m.

Match the words

1.       Home                                           
A. scenery

2.      Nasty                                            
B. dishes

3.      Local                                             
C. festival

4.      Spectacular                                   
D. comforts

5.      Annual………………………… 
.E. virus

Choose the correct word.

1.      I
think  I’ll go on a trip abroad; I need a change of setting scenery.

2.      Let’s
sit under this tree in the shade shadow.

3.      They
are handing out brochures leaflets on bicycle safety.

4.      You
can easily employ hire a car once you’re there.

5.      Package
holidays work out a lot cheaper.

Use the correct past form
of the verbs in the brackets.

1.       I
……..(drive) to work when I heard the news on the radio.

2.      What
………. (do) at 6 o’clock? I couldn’t get in touch with you.

3.      We
……… (wander) around town when we bumped into Mary.

4.      Mary
left work very late. She ……… (type) letters all day.

5.      Pat
……… (eat) all the chocolates by the time I got back.

6.      They
…….. (buy) a lot of souvenirs during their trip last year.

7.      I
……… (walk) along the canal last night when  a great  idea occurred to me

8.      Diana
………….( work) on the computer for three hours before she ……. (start)
getting ready to go out.

9.      Jane
…………..(watch) TV while  I ………(water) the plants.

10.  Owen       
(type) his essay when the computer ……… (crash).

11.  James
………(paint) the house for hours before he …….. (take)  a break.

Total: 35 points

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