Choose the correct word our capital city has pollution

237 просмотров

1 Choose the correct words.

1 We have much / a lot of / a little students at our school this year.

2 A few / Any / A little friends are coming to dinner this evening.

3 I haven’t got some / much / many time before I catch the train.

4 Do you like some / much / any of the songs on their new album?

5 Terry can speak a few / a little / much Greek.

6 I hope you like black coffee. There isn’t many / some / any milk!

7 I haven’t seen much / many / a few films this year. Have you?

2 Complete the sentences. Use a, the or – (no article).

1 Do you want to speak to Mum? She’s in ______ kitchen.

2 ______ fast cars can be dangerous.

3 There’s a barn and a small house at the end of the lane. Freya lives in ______ house.

4 There’s ______ beautiful lake near our house.

5 Did you see ______ Queen on TV last night?

6 Bella’s dad is ______ teacher at our school.

7 We don’t buy a lot of food from ______ shop in the village.

3. Write affirmative () or negative () sentences or questions (?) with the correct form of there is or there are.

1  a lot of young people / in the village _______________________________________

2 ? much pollution / in the city centre _______________________________________

3  a lot of monuments / in my city _______________________________________

4  any space / in the car park _______________________________________

5 ? any cinemas / in your town _______________________________________

6  a lot of traffic / on Friday afternoons _______________________________________

5 Complete the sentences with the words below. There are two words you do not need.

ban crops economy farmyard law plough respect wheat

1 Fox hunting was important to the rural ____________ . It created jobs.

2 The hunt sometimes went across farmers’ fields and damaged the ____________ .

3 We must ____________ nature and try to protect the environment.

4 The farm welcomes tourists, and children can see the animals in the ____________ .

5 My grandfather grows ____________ for the bakeries in town.

6 Many people in the countryside didn’t want the government to ____________ hunting.

6 Choose the correct words.

1 Drive at / through / over the gate and you will see the main road.

2 He turned in / – / up left.

3 Turn in / to / onto Churchill Road.

4 She was walking at / straight / along Queen Street.

5 Go past / on / after the supermarket.

6 Just follow / along / across the lane towards the café and you’ll see the postbox.

Английский язык

29 Май, 18


237 просмотров

Дан 1 ответ

A lot of

a few



a little



2 the






3 There are a lot of young people in the village.

Is there much pollution in the city centre?

There are a lot of monuments in my city.

There isn’t any space in the car park.

Are there any cinemas in your town?

There is a lot of traffic on Friday afternoons.

5 1 economy

2 crops

3 respect

4 farmyard

5 wheat

6 ban

6 through






29 Май, 18


pollution, cyclone, global warming, poverty, endangered, famine in the correct form. There is one extra word.
1. Because of ________ our planet gets hotter and hotter.
2. The oil spill near Alaska in 1989 was the worst case of water _____ in history.
3. ________ are very common in South East Asia.
4. There are a lot of ________ species on the planet.
5. We say that people live in _______ when they don’t have enough money to pay for their food or housing.

Задания для формирования функциональной грамотности. Развитие глобальной компетенции на уроках английского языка.


Ф.И.О. разработчика: Воронкова Ирина Витальевна

Название ОО: МБОУ «СОШ №12 имени А.И. Виноградова» г. Брянска

Read and do the exercises.

Pollution Solutions

Adapted from the “Pollution Solutions ”article by L. Prescott, which appeared in Ranger Rick magazine

Air Care

Worldwide, the stinky problem of pollution has grown. More and more factories, cars, and trucks add their bad breath to the air. But the battle against air pollution is also growing. Many U.S. cities still have dirty air. So most states are ma­king tougher laws against air pollution. And scien­tists are looking for ways to make factories and cars run cleaner.

Cleaner Rain?

Chemicals called sul­fates puff out of coal-bur­ning factories around the world. When the sulfates mix with clouds, acid rain falls and harms lakes, rivers and plants — and the crea­tures that need them. Also, the wind blows the air around. So, sulfates from one place can fall as acid rain many miles away. The good news is that many countries are working hard to end acid rain. Scientists are figuring out ways to make coal burn more cleanly. And in many parts of North America, the amount of sulfates in the air has dropped. So less acid rain is falling!

Dirty Water?

Nearly half of the lakes in North America are pol­luted. Often, companies dump chemical wastes into water. But scientists are finding a solution to this problem, too. Some rivers have been made much cleaner. And there are big plans to clean up the Great Lakes, the Chesapeake Bay, the Mississippi River, and other bodies of water.

Good Energy News

When we burn coal and oil for energy, we cause pollution. But little by little we’re getting more energy from the sun and the wind. This energy is clean and renewable (that means we’ll never run out of it). Energy from the sun now helps heat and light more than 100,000 homes in the United States. More good news: many electric com­panies have discovered that saving energy is better than making more energy. So they can send experts to homes in the U.S. to look for energy «leaks»-places where energy is be­ing wasted. Everyone needs to have his/her home checked for leaks.

Poisons In Food

Farmers often spray chemicals on crops to pro­tect them against pests. These chemicals are called pesticides. Scientists have found that pesticides often end up in our food. Pesti­cides can cause health problems — especially for kids. But here’s the good news: the U.S. government is helping farmers find ways to protect crops without us­ing many pesticides.

Cleaner Cars

Cars are the world’s biggest air polluters. But scientists are trying to in­vent cars that pollute less. Farmers in Illinois are try­ing a fuel in their tractors made from soybeans. And there are electric minivans being used in at least six U.S. cities.


In 1993, each person in the United States threw away about four pounds (1.8 kg) of trash daily. Put it all together and you’d fill 45,000 trash trucks every day! About 1/3 of this waste comes from packaging. But here’s a bit of good news. Some compa­nies have begun to use less packaging. And lot of U.S. cities have started recy­cling projects. In these ways we’ve begun making less trash. Everyone should look at what they throw away and try to throw away less.

So, dear world, you may be covered with dirt and gasping for air. But many people are working hard to fix you, and many kids are rooting for you, too. By the time these kids have grown up, you may do your clean old self again!

Exercise 1. True or False?

  1. Many U.S. cities have dirty air.

  2. Most of the states in America don’t have laws against air pollution.

  3. Scientists are looking for ways to make factories and cars run cleaner.

  4. Sulfates come out of coal-burning factories only in America.5)

  5. Nobody cares about acid rain.

  6. All of the lakes and rivers in America are polluted.

  7. Energy is renewable.

  8. Pesticides can often be found in food.

  9. Cars don’t cause air pollution.

  10. In 1993, each person in The United States threw away 45 pounds of trash a day.

  11. Everyone should throw away less trash.

Exercise 2. Fill in all the gaps.

pollution, rubbish, cans, environment, packaging, protect, is thrown, in danger, prohibited, pollute, bins, clearing up.

People get a lot of food from the sea. Nevertheless, we have made the sea a very dirty place. If we are not careful ………. will kill many of the animals and plants in the sea. A lot of rubbish………. into the sea. Sea animals, fish and birds are ………. . Some animals try to eat the……….. , they die. Oil from the ships, chemicals and waste ……….. the sea and kill whales and dolphins, fish and sea birds.

Luckily, many people realize now that we must look after the sea and ………. it. They say polluting the sea should be strictly……….. Groups of people who care about the ………. spend their free time clearing up litter from the beaches. People collect ……….. , bottles and ……….and put them into different ………. for further recycling.

Exercise 3.Choose the correct word to fit into each sentence. Make necessary changes.

1) to pollute, pollution a) The water ____ here. You cannot swim.

b) This factory ____ the air.

c) Fish die because of water ____.

2) to protect, protection a) You can ____animals if you send money to

the World Wildlife Fund.

b) The _____of animals is the aim of the World Wildlife


3) to recycle, recyclable a) Buy only_____goods.

b) Can you _____these plastic containers?

4) to collect, collection a) His _____of stamps is very big.

b) He _____toy animals.

Exercise 4.Make sentences.

  1. must, protect, we, nature.

  2. think, I, can, children, animals, help.

  3. is, it, important, the Earth, to save.

  4. be in charge, should, we, of the planet.

  5. healthy, people, keep, must, our planet.

Exercise 5. Fill in the prepositions.

Our planet Earth is our home. It’s big and nice. There are a lot ____ forest, mountains, rivers, lakes, seas and oceans. The forests are full ____ animals.

The oceans are full of fishes. We live because we breathe air, drink water and eat food, growing ____ our planet. ____ hundreds of years nature has been serving people. They didn’t think ____ it. Industrial progress has caused certain ecological problem. Factories and plants put waste ____ the atmosphere and water. Air in big cities is awful because of transport. Forests are burnt ____ fires caused by careless people. A lot of animals and birds are killed or die ____ them.

Chemical wastes kill fish ____ the rivers, lakes, seas and oceans. Can we solve the problem ____ pollution? Yes, if we plant trees.

They clean air ____ our cities. We mustn’t make fires in the forests.

We must help animals and birds and not disturb wildlife.

Nature riches will not last forever. It’s our duty to do our best to protect the environment.

Exercise 6. Write down, what you do to take care of the Earth?

1 задание- низкий уровень трудности

2 задание – низкий уровень трудности

3 задание – средний уровень трудности

4 задание- средний уровень трудности

5 задание- высокий уровень трудности

6 задание- высокий уровень трудности

№ задания

Тип функциональной грамотности

Составная часть ФГ (действие, компетенция)

Проверяемое умение

Форма задания

Максимальный балл


Глобальная компетенция

Осмысливать и оценивать содержание текста

Сформировать детальное понимание текста

Задание «истина», «ложь»



Глобальная компетенция

Использовать информацию из текста

Использовать информацию из текста для решения практической задачи

Вставить пропущенное слово



Глобальная компетенция

Использовать информацию из текста

Использовать информацию из текста

Вставить пропущенное слово



Глобальная компетенция

Использовать информацию из текста

Использовать информацию из текста

Составить предложение



Глобальная компетенция

Использовать информацию из текста

Использовать информацию из текста

Вставить предлог



Глобальная компетенция

Сопоставить авторские идеи со своей

собственной картиной мира;


вне текстовые знания

житейский опыт и знания создать письменное

(устное) высказывание с

опорой на читательский и

жизненный опыт

Развёрнутый ответ


Помогите пожалуйста.
1.      Choose the correct
word for each sentence.
In most countries policemen carry ______ .
guns      b)
swords     c) masks
Members of Criminal Investigation department are
______ .
officers    b)
volunteers    c) detectives
 A police
officer can stop and search people if he ______ 
them of committing a crime.
prevents     b)
suspects    c) provides
The head of Scotland Yard is appointed by the Crown on
the ________ of Home Secretary.
a)     recommendation   b) provision   c) opinion
Courts decide both criminal and civil ____ .
 crimes    b) cases   
c)  procedures
The jury traditionally ____ of 12 ordinary people.
includes     b)
consists    c)   covers
The jurors discuss their ____ in a special room.                           
b)  situation    c) decision
If a person committed a_____, he/she cannot be a
crime   b)
mistake    c) disease
The jury reaches the verdict, but the ____   passes the sentence.
clerk    b)  judge  
c) police officer
 The verdict of
the jury must be ______ in cases of murder.  
b)  similar   c) different    

Автор: Гость

1 invented    found out

a) When John found out that a research company wanted to buy his gadget, he couldn’t believe it.

b) Mike invented the device, but it was his brother who put it on the market.

2 colleagues    employees

a) Professor Smith thanked his close colleagues for their support in his research.

b) The company’s business is growing, so it needs to hire more employees.

3 salary    wage

a) The pizza delivery boy thought his wage was rather low for a full day’s work.

b) If Jane gets the promotion, it will add an extra four thousand pounds to her annual salary.

4 Geography    Earth Science

a) Mary wants to travel to all those countries she studied in her Geography class.

b) Jason finds Earth Science fascinating, because he learns a lot of things about the formation and history of our planet.

5 raise    lift

a) Jake’s back hurts because he tried to lift a very heavy box on his own.

b) You don’t have to raise your voice. I can hear you very well!

6 toddler    infant

a) Of course Annie can’t talk yet; she’s just a four-month old infant!

b) Jamie is such a cute toddler!  He’s just learning to walk and he keeps falling down all the time.

Module 4a
Environmental protection

Variant I

I. Written

1.excessive — …

2. create — …

3. recycle — …

4.rubbish- …

5. reusable — …

6. decompose — …

7.campaign — …

8. stuff- …

алюминий — …

лампочка — …

11. выпускать,
высвобождать- …

— …

13. ополаскивать,
промыть- …

14. энергия-

— …

16. накопление,

II. Choose the
correct word to fill in the gaps: reuse, cut, throw, compost, consumption, encourage,
fertilizer, harm, oil, reduce.

1. Too much
central heating can ______ indoor plants.

2. Put the potato
peelings on the ______ heap.

3. We ______ students
to develop their own ideas.

4. The ______ of
energy has increased steadily.

5. The ______ company
was found guilty on ten counts of pollution, and was punished with a $250
million fine.

6. The department
is trying to ______ down on waste.

7. ______ is
a natural or chemical substance that is spread on the land or given to plants,
to make plants grow well.

8. We must ______
energy demand.

9. All our
packaging is safe for ______.

10. US consumers______
away around 100 billion plastic bags annually.

Module 4a
Environmental protection

Variant II

I. Written

1. fertiliser —

2. reduce — …

3. swap — …

4.compost — …

5. waste — …

6. harm — …

7. congestion- …

8. reuse- …

9. консервная
банка — …

— …

11. сокращать
— …

— …

13. нефть-

14. выбрасывать-

побуждать — …

16. материал,
состав, вещество- …

II. Choose the correct
word to fill in the gaps: excessive, campaign, rinse,
rubbish, create, decompose,
replaced, bulb, recycle, released.

1. The advertising
______ has improved sales.

2. Please, pick the______ up off the ground.

3. He was called
on the carpet by his boss to explain his ______ spending.

4. Microbes ______
organic waste into a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide.

5. The software
makes it easy to ______ colourful graphs.

6. A new kind of
light ______ that uses very little electricity.

7. Oil was ______
into the sea.

8. Paper bags have
been largely ______ by plastic bags.

9. If shampoo
comes into contact with your eyes, ______ well with water.

10. They’re
studying various ways to ______ garbage into fuel.

The KEY:

Module 4a
Environmental protection

Variant I

I. Written

1. чрезмерный,
избыточный- …

2. создавать-

3. перерабатывать
(для повторного использования)- …

4. мусор,
отбросы; макулатура- …

5. многоразового
применения- …

6. разлагаться,
гнить- …

7. кампания,
акция- …

8. материал,
состав, вещество- …

9. aluminium- …

10.light bulb- …

11. release — …

12. replace- …

13. rinse- …

14. energy- …

15. switch off-

16. congestion-

II. Choose the
correct word to fill in the gaps: reuse, cut, throw, compost, consumption,
encourage, fertilizer, harm, oil, reduce.

1. harm

2. compost

3. encourage

4. consumption

5. oil

6. cut

7. Fertilizer

8. reduce

9. reuse

10. throw

Module 4a
Environmental protection

Variant II

I. Written

1. удобрение-

2. сокращать,
уменьшать- …

3. менять,
обменивать- …

4. составное
удобрение, удобрять (землю)- …

5. отходы
(производства)- …

6. причинять
вред; наносить ущерб- …

7. накопление,
скопление, собирание- …

8. снова
использовать- …

9. tin- …

10. wrap- …

11. cut down on-

12. consumption-

13. oil- …

14. throw away-

15. encourage —

16. stuff— …

II. Choose the
correct word to fill in the gaps: excessive, campaign, rinse,
rubbish, create, decompose,
replaced, bulb, recycle, released.

1. campaign

2. rubbish

3. excessive

4. decompose

5. create

6. bulb

7. released

8. replaced

9. rinse


Module 4bEnvironmental Issues

Variant I

I. Written

1. conservation —

2. lifestyle — …

3. adoption — …

4. wildlife — …

5. quality — …

6. certificate —

7. enclosure — …

8. rainforest —

9. повышать
— …

10. выброс-

11. окружающая
среда — …

12. снабжать;
доставлять — …

13. усилие
— …

14. улучшать
— …

15. электростанция
— …

16. изменение
климата — …

II. Choose the
correct word to fill in the gaps: adopt, extinct, congested, crop,
electricity, habitat, power
species, modified, pollutes.

1. Rice is the main ______
grown in the area.

2. Dinosaurs have
been ______ for millions of years.

3. Genetically ______
foods were first put on the market in the early 1990s.

4. The factory ______
the air and water.

5. The streets of
our town are often ______.

6. Turn off the
lights so we don’t waste ______.

7. We were
watching monkeys in their natural ______.

8. The nuclear ______
station gets its benefit from cheaper fuel costs.

9. Do you want to c
one of our adorable animals?

10. Many endangered ______
now face extinction.

Module 4bEnvironmental Issues

Variant II

I. Written

1. climate
change — …

2. pollute — …

3. environmental
issue — …

4. natural — …

5. crop — …

6. increase — …

7. adopt — …

8. electricity —

9. образ
жизни — …

10. генетически
модифицированный — …

11. загон,
огороженное место — …

12. перегружать,
переполнять — …

13. электростанция
— …

среда обитания — …

15. вымерший
— …

16. вид(ы)-

II. Choose the
correct word to fill in the gaps: adoption, wildlife, conservation, effort, endangered,
environment, rainforest, improved, quality, emissions.

1. He put a lot of ______
into finishing the project on time.

2. They are ______
animals, and we must help them.

3. When you adopt
an animal you get an (a) ______ certificate

4. We all have a
responsibility to protect the ______.

5. The weather ______
toward evening.

6. We were all
unhappy with the ______ of the service.

7. The ______
from cars are responsible for a lot of our air pollution.

8. The ______
of tropical forests is of crucial importance.

9. Bonfires can be
fatal for ______.

10. The Amazon
river basin contains the world’s largest tropical ______.

Module 4bEnvironmental Issues

Variant I

I. Written

сохранение — …

2. образ
жизни — …

3. принятие
под опеку — …

4. дикая
природа — …

качество — …

сертификат — …

загон, огороженное место — …

тропический лес — …

9. increase — …

10. emission — …

11. environment
— …

12. provide with
— …

13. effort — …

14. improve — …

15. power
station — …

16. climate
change — …

II. Choose the
correct word to fill in the gaps: adopt, extinct, congested, crop,
electricity, habitat, power

modified, pollutes.

1. crop

2. extinct

3. modified

4. pollutes

5. congested  

6. electricity

7. habitat

8. power

9. adopt

10. species

Module 4bEnvironmental Issues

Variant II

I. Written

изменение климата — …

загрязнять — …

3. проблема
охраны окружающей среды — …

естественный — …

5. сельскохозяйственная
культура — …

повышать — …

принимать — …

8. электричество
— …

9. lifestyle — …

10. genetically
modified — …

11. enclosure —

12. congest — …

13. power
station — …

14. habitat — …

15. extinct — …

16. species- …

II. Choose the
correct word to fill in the gaps: adoption, wildlife, conservation, effort, endangered,
environment, rainforest, improved, quality, emissions.

1. effort

2. endangered

3. adoption

4. environment

5. improved

6. quality

7. emissions

8. conservation

9. wildlife

10. rainforest



A Fill in the sentences with the correct word from below.

• polluted  • swept  • affect  • poverty  • save  • habitat  • hunting  • lay  • suffers  • raises

1 Don’t swim in the lake; it’s very ………polluted……….. .

2 It’s against the law to go ……….hunting………………………. for animals without a licence.

3  Millions of people live in ……poverty………….. in Africa.

4 Doctors ………save………………………. people’s lives every day.

5 This city …suffers…………….. from floods every year.

6 The charity …raises…………….. money to help poor families in Africa.

7 The observation team monitors animals in their natural …habitat……………..  

8 Sea turtles usually ……lay………………………. their eggs at night.

9 Hurricanes ………..affect……………………… millions of people every year.

10  The storm caused landslides which …swept…………….. houses out to sea.

B Choose the correct item.

1 Our class makes a donation to a local charity every year.

2  The volunteer team helped search for survivors after the earthquake.

3 Karin supports many issues, including fighting poverty.

4 The charity event takes place once a year.

5 He promised the locals to help clean the neighbourhood.

6 Paul had a steep fall and broke his leg.


C Choose the correct item.

1 The tornado ….B…. some houses in town last week.

 A has destroyed  

 B destroyed

 C has been destroying

2 Peter has …C….. published his third novel.

 A yet B for  C just

3 Have you ever ….B…. to Australia?

 A go B gone C been

4 Trevor has …B….. climbed a mountain.

 A ever B never C yet

5 If their team …A….. better, they would have won the game.

 A had played

 B will play

 C would play

6 They haven’t been abroad ..B…… years.

 A yet B for  C since

7 Martha …A….. as a volunteer since 2010.

 A has been working

 B was working

 C worked

8 Molly ….C…. to Cameroon last year.

 A has travelled

 B was travelling

 C travelled

9 I wish I ….C…. enough money to go on holiday next month.

 A had  B had had  

 C have

10 Last weekend, we …C….. around the campfire and sang songs.

 A sat

 B have sat

 C were sitting

11 Tony couldn’t walk because he …A….. his ankle.

 A has twisted

 B had twisted

 C have twisted

12 Jack isn’t here. He ..B…… skateboarding.

 A has gone B has been going

 C has been

13 Laura …C….. in Pakistan since 2008.

 A was living   B lived   C has lived

14 I wish it ..A…… so much yesterday.

 A didn’t rain

 B hadn’t rained

 C hasn’t rained

15 If I …B….. the lottery, I would donate some money to charity.

 A had won  B won C win  


D Read the text and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).

                                   тут типа текст должен быть

1 Scott left New York City because he wanted to change jobs. F  

2 Mercy Ships is a charity hospital in Liberia, Africa.  T  

3 Doctors and staff don’t get paid on Mercy Ships.  T  

4 Scott volunteered as a doctor on a floating hospital. F  

5 Unsafe water caused many of the illnesses of Mercy Ships’ patients. T  

6 “Charity: water’s” first project was in Uganda. T  

7 17 million people now receive clean water from Scott’s charity. F  

Everyday English

E Choose the correct response.

1 What are you doing?

2 Would you mind helping me?

3 What time?

4 Can I give you a hand?

5 Around six would be great.  A Of course not!

B At five o’clock.

C Actually, I’ve nearly finished.

D OK, see you tomorrow.

E I’m just collecting donations.

1 ……E………  2 ……C………  3 ……B………  4 …A…………  5 ……D………

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  • Choose the correct word or phrase перевод
  • Choose the correct word or phrase you can get
  • Choose the correct word or phrase why does jimmy always speak
  • Choose the correct word or phrase wendy was doing
  • Choose the correct word or phrase underlined in each sentence