Choose the correct word or phrase wendy was doing

A. Choose the correct word or phrase.

1   The prime minister was / has criticised for his recent actions.

2   When I walked past the Wilsons’ house, their new sofa was / has being delivered.

3   Our teacher was / has told us to take our favourite book to school tomorrow.

4   I think my mobile was / has been stolen!

5   Jonathan was / has chosen to play the lead role in the school play.

6   I’m sleeping downstairs because my bedroom is being painted / has been painting.

7   This picture was / has probably taken during the winter.

8   Your essays must be / have handed in on Friday morning.

9   Someone was / has left their wallet on the floor.

10   Did you hear about the bank being / having robbed?

11   Treasure Island was / has written by Robert Louis Stevenson.

12   It was a real shock when my dad was / has fired from his job.

13   The Vikings had visited America before it was / has discovered by Columbus.

14   When we got to the airport, we learned that our flight was / had been delayed.

15   Was / Has your ticket for the concert tomorrow paid for by you or your parents?


1 was   2 was   3 has   4 has   5 was

6 is being painted   7 was   8 be

9 has   10 being   11 was   12 was

13 was   14 had   15 Was

B. Complete using the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets.

1   The Earth ………………………… (hold) by the gravity of the Sun and orbits around it.

2   The first feature-length comedy film ………………………… (create) by Charlie Chaplin.

3   The award for best video ………………………… (present) later this evening.

4   By the time you read this, I ………………………… (arrest) for murder.

5   I don’t know whether our tests ………………………… (mark) yet or not.

6   Radio waves ………………………… (discover) by Marconi.

7   You wouldn’t think it to look at him now, but Jack ………………………… (bully) when he was at school.

8   Your application ………………………… (consider) and we will let you know was soon as we’ve made a decision.

 The roof of the car can ………………………… (lower) by pressing this button here.

10   Our tent ………………………… (blow) over in the night by the wind.

11   Chess ………………………… (play) for around two thousand years now.

12   Two men ………………………… (question) at this moment by police in connection with the burglary.


1 is held   2 was created

3 is going to/will be presented

4 will have been arrested

5 have been marked

6 were discovered

7 was bullied

8 is being considered

9 be lowered   10 was blown

11 has been played

12 are being questioned

C. Write sentences in the passive.

1   Our car / service / a mechanic / at the moment.


2   A man / shoot / an air gun / outside the petrol station last night.


3   Gunpowder / invent / the Chinese.


4   At the surgery yesterday, I / examine / Dr Peterson / and I / give / a prescription.


5   I went to see it because I / tell / it was a good film / all my friends.


6   This photograph / take / my grandfather.


 It looked like the window / break / a hammer / some time before.


 Our dog / give / an injection / a special syringe / the vet.


 The winning goal in last night’s match / score / Donatello / a brilliant free kick.


10   Your cheque / send / last Friday and / should / deliver / to you tomorrow.



 Our car is being serviced by a mechanic at the moment.

2   A man was shot with an air gun outside the petrol station last night.

3   Gunpowder was invented by the Chinese.

4   At the surgery yesterday, I was examined by Dr Peterson and I was given a prescription.

5   I went to see it because I had been told it was a good film by all my friends.

6   This photograph was taken by my grandfather.

7   It looked like the window had been broken with a hammer some time before.

8   Our dog was given an injection with a special syringe by the vet.

9   The winning goal in last night’s match was scored by Donatello with a brilliant free kick.

10   Your check was sent last Friday and should be delivered to you tomorrow.

D. Rewrite using the phrase given.

1   They have been building the new road for a long time now. (under construction)


2   They had been training the horse for the race for over a year. (in training)


3   They have been discussing the issue in Parliament. (under discussion)


4   They had been observing the criminal for the past two weeks. (under observation)


5   They have been using this plane for over 25 years now. (in use)


6   They have been developing the Cyborg D423 robot for over ten years. (in development)



1   The new road has been under construction for a long time now.

2   The horse had been in training for the race for over a year.

3   The issue has been under discussion in Parliament.

4   The criminal had been under observation for the past two weeks.

5   This plane has been in use for over 25 years now.

6   The Cyborg D423 robot has been in development for over ten years.

E. Rewrite in the passive starting with the words given.

1   People say that Bali is a beautiful island.

     It ………………………………………………

2   People generally think that life won’t be found on Mars.

     It ………………………………………………

3   It is generally said that Christmas is too commercialised.

     Christmas ………………………………………………

4   People often argue that prison doesn’t work.

     It ………………………………………………

5   People have suggested that the school should start to produce a magazine.

     It ………………………………………………

6   People say that crocodile tastes like squid.

     Crocodile ………………………………………………

7   It is said that the Vikings discovered America before Columbus.

     The Vikings ………………………………………………

8   People think that heart disease is caused by eating the wrong things.

     Heart disease ………………………………………………


1   is said that Bali is a beautiful island.

2   is generally thought that life won’t be found on Mars.

3   is generally said to be too commercialised.

4   is often argued that prison doesn’t work.

5   has been suggested that the school start to produce a magazine.

6   is said to taste like squid.

7   are said to have discovered America before Columbus.

8   is thought to be caused by eating the wrong things.

F. Choose the correct answer.

 We …………… a swimming pool put in this week.

      A   get      are having

      C   have     D   have got

 Why don’t you get a doctor …………… at your arm?

      A   to look      looked

      C   look     D   be looking

 My teeth were a little yellow so I …………… by the dentist.

      A   had cleaned them

      B   have them cleaned

      C   was cleaned them

      D   had them cleaned

 Stuart’s thinking of having ……………!

      A   shaved his head

      B   his head shaving

      C   his head shaved

      D   shaved to his head

 My sister …………… her ear pierced last weekend.

      A   made      got

      C   did     D   took

 Mum and Dad didn’t fancy cooking, so we got a pizza …………… .

      A   be delivered

      B   to be delivered

      C   delivered

      D   deliver

 You should …………… a professional to check your house for earthquake damage.

      A   have      make

      C   take     D   get

 Kelly wanted to have a live band …………… at her wedding.

      A   to be played      play

      C   played     D   been playing

 Can we …………… this summer?

      A   get installed air-conditioning

      B   get air-conditioning to install

      C   have installed air-conditioning

      D   have air-conditioning installed

10   We …………… while we were on holiday.

      A   were burgled our house

      B   had our house burgled

      C   had burgled our house

      D   got burgled our house


1 B   2 A   3 D   4 C   5 B

6 C   7 D   8 B   9 D   10 B

G. Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words in each gap.

1   Someone has scratched my car on the door!   been

     My car ……………………………… on the door!

2   Tommy is having an operation right now.   being

     Tommy ……………………………… right now.

3   Has Fiona invited you to her party?   been

     Have ……………………………… party?

4   Shakespeare probably wrote this play in 1587.   written

     This play ……………………………… Shakespeare in 1587.

5   The government is considering a new law to ban smoking following new research.   considered

     A new law to ban smoking ……………………………… following new research.

6   My mum told me to go to Megagrocers.   sent

     I ……………………………… my mum.

7   I didn’t understand a word so I asked my teacher and she explained it to me.   got

     I didn’t understand a word so I ……………………………… it to me.


1   has been scratched

2   is being operated on

3   you been invited to Fiona’s

4   was probably written by

5   is being considered

6   was sent to Megagrocer’s by

7   got my teacher to explain

H. Find the extra word.

Wedding disaster

(1) My wedding had been being arranged for months. I knew exactly what I (2) wanted for that special day. I had the caterers to give me a menu and (3) have got them to provide me with samples so that I could be sure we (4) would have the best food. I also wanted to have us a string quartet play (5) classical music and I arranged that, too. My dress was been being made (6) specially and I had told the dressmaker put silver thread in it. Finally, the (7) big day got arrived. My dress was being delivered in the morning, but by (8) ten it still hadn’t arrived. They called me and said it had been being (9) damaged! I was furious! I had my best friend quickly to pop out and get (10) a new dress. I had got my lawyer to call to get my money back.


1 being   2 to   3 have   4 us   5 been

6 told   7 got   8 being   9 to   10 had

I. Rewrite with the indirect object at the end of the sentence.

1   My dad got me a great computer game!


2   Dave sent Jill a really nice letter.


3   I threw Colin the ball.


4   The waiter offered us a menu.


5   The hotel provides its guests with satellite television.


6   My grandma taught me this song.



1   My dad got a great computer game for me.

2   Dave sent a really nice letter to Jill.

3   I threw the ball to Colin.

4   The waiter offered a menu to us.

5   The hotel provides satellite television to/for its guests.

6   My grandma taught this song to me.

J. Write one word in each gap.

The European Diet

It’s hard for us to imagine what (1) ………………… included in the European diet before America (2) ………………… discovered (3) ………………… Columbus in 1492. So many ingredients which today (4) ………………… grown all over the world (5) ………………… unknown to medieval Europeans. Potatoes, tomatoes, maize and chocolate (6) ………………… all originally imported from the New World. Until then, meals had (7) ………………… prepared using ingredients native to Europe, such as root vegetables. Of course, spices such as pepper (8) ………………… been traded and added to food for centuries. When the potato (9) ………………… first introduced, it was surprisingly unpopular. It (10) ………………… considered to be poisonous and it took a long time to become common. There is a story of Parmentier, a French army officer, who (11) ………………… potatoes planted in the royal garden and (12) ………………… Marie Antoinette to wear a potato flower to make them fashionable. The poor peasants were curious about the new plants and many of them (13) ………………… stolen to be planted in their own gardens. It was the start of French fries!


1 was   2 was   3 by   4 are   5 were   6 were   7 been

8 had   9 was   10 was   11 had/got   12 got   13 were

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  • Английский язык

Choose the correct word or phrase:
Wendy (1) was doing/did the dishes when she heard a scream. She ran to the window to see what happened. She didn’the notice anything strange while she (2) looked/was looking out the window. She (3) was deciding/decided ton go outside to find out what happened. While she (4) was walking/walked to the front door, she picked up her mobile phone. She was ready tof call the police if something terrible happened. When she (5) was arriving/arrived in her front garden, she heard the scream again. It was coming from her neighbour’s house. She (6) was walking/ walked to their house. When her neighbour (7) opened/was opening the door, WhEndy saw what was happening. Her neighbour (8) watched/was watching a flimsy angry the screams were coming from the TV!

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Новые вопросы

Вопрос по английскому языку:

Variant-2I. Choose the correct word or phrase in each sentence.1. I think you had better / would better take a pullover with you.2. Sorry, I can’t stay any longer. I have to / might go.3. It’s a school rule, all the pupils have to / must wear a uniform.4. Let’s tell Anna. She could / might not know.5. Jones could / must be president if Smith has to resign.II. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains some of these modal verbs: can, could, must, have to or should (including negative forms):1. I’m sure that Brenda isn’t over thirty.2. What would you advise me to do?3. You needn’t come with me if you don’t want to.4. It’s possible for anyone to break into this house.5. The dentist will see you soon. I don’t think he’ll be long.III. Complete each sentence so that it contains might, might not, must, mustn’t, can’t or can. More than one answer may be possible.1. We’re not sure but we _________ go to Prague for Christmas this year.2. Bill cooked the lunch, so you _________ expect anything special!3. You really ________ start spending more time on your work.4. That’s really stupid idea! You _______-be serious, surely!5. You ________ realize it, but this is very important to me.6. Tell Mike he _________ take my book if he needs it.IV. Modal Verbs in the Past. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains can’t, might, must, should or needn’t.1. 1. I’m sure that David took your books by mistake.2. It was a mistake to park outside the police station.3. I’m sure that Liz hasn’t met Harry before.4. It was unnecessary for you to clean the floor.5. Heather possibly hasn’t left yet.6. I’m sure they haven’t eaten all the food. It’s not possible!7. Jack is supposed to have arrived half an hour ago.8. Perhaps Pam and Tom decided not to come.9. I think it was the cat that took the fish from the table!10. It was a waste of time worrying, after all!V. Correct any errors in these sentences. Some sentences are correct.1. It was funny that she should have remembered me.2. You mustn’t have been so unkind!3. I couldn’t have managed without you.4. I have no idea who it was, but I suppose it would have been Ann.5. Look, there’s $30 in my wallet. I shouldn’t have gone to the bank after all.VI. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given.1. Our worrying so much was a waste of time.needn’tWe ____________________________________________________ so much.2. It’s just not possible for the cat to have opened the fridge.possiblyThe cat __________________________________________________________ the fridge.3. It would have been possible for Helen to take us in her car.couldHelen ________________________________________________us a lift.4.It’s possible that the last person to leave didn’t lock the door.mightThe last person ____________________________________ the door unlocked.5. School uniform wasn’t compulsory at my school.wearWe ___________________________________ school uniform at my school.

                                                 FINAL  TEST

A. Choose the best answer

1. What will you do/are doing this evening? Do you want to come to the cinema?

2. Where were you going when I saw/I was seeing you yesterday?

3. Since the end of June, I am/ I have been in France.

4. When I got home, I realized I left/ I had left my books at school.

5. By the time we get to the cinema, the film will have started/ has started.

6. What do you think of the party? Are you having/ do you have a good time?

7. This is the best ice-cream I had ever tasted/ I have ever tasted.

8. How much is a ticket to London costing/ does a ticket to London cost?

B. Put the words in brackets in a suitable tense.

1. What time ( the shops close)…………on Thursday?

2. How long ( you study )……………….English?

3. I can’t play tennis at the moment. I ( break ) …a bone in my foot.

4. You’d better take a pullover in case you ( feel )……….cold.

5. Sorry, I’m late. ( you wait )……………for long?

6. Where ( Sam go )…………..for his holidays last year?

7. The Egyptians ( build )………….the pyramids over 4,500 years ago.

8. This time next week we (sit )………..on the plane to New York.

C. Choose the best answer.

1. Will you be able/have to help me with cooking?

2. I don’t think you must/should eat any more.

3. I might have left/might leave my wallet in the shop.

4. That mustn’t/can’t be Ann. She is in Canada.

5. We must have brought/should have brought our raincoats. We’re going to get wet.

6. The children haven’t/don’t have to go to school tomorrow.

7. We needn’t have bought/must not have bought so much food. There is plenty for everyone.

8. I’ll wait here. Mary should/can be back soon.

D. Underline the errors in these sentences. Rewrite each sentence.

1. Many pet dogs are losing every year.


2. The injured man was been taken to hospital.


3. A new bridge is be built across the river.


4. All the food at the party was ate.


5. Nothing   will being decided before next Saturday.


6. The match is playing on Friday evening.


7. The robber unlocked the door by a false key.


8. This book was writing by Sam’s father.


E. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains a passive form.

1. The authorities have closed the casino.


2. The clubs have postponed the match.


3. People all over the world speak English.


4. The authorities have opened the new swimming pool.


5. Someone left this purse in the classroom yesterday.


6. The city council has banned traffic from the city centre.


7. People have elected a new government.


8. Someone broke into the flat last night.


F. Choose the correct word or phrase in each sentence.

1. If you phoned/had phoned me yesterday, I had given/would have given you the news.

2. If you took/would have taken more exercise, you might feel/had felt better.

3. If Tim drove/had driven more carefully, he wouldn’t  have crashed/didn’t crash.

4. If you had come/came to see the film, you had enjoyed/would have enjoyed it.

5. If I’d known/ I would know it was your birthday, I would send/would have sent you a card.

6. If people had helped/helped one another more often, the world might be/was a better place.

7. If our team had tried/tried harder, we had won/ could have win.

8. If you would have worn/wore a coat, you wouldn’t get/didn’t get cold.

G. Choose the correct verb in each sentence.

1. Helen enjoyed/chose to learn French.

2. I really can’t stand/afford to travel by plane.

3. Do you mind/want coming back in half an hour?

4. Tina suggested/meant to buy some potatoes, but she forgot.

5. Emily denied/refused opening the office sale.

6. Bill admitted/agreed making a serious mistake.

7. My parents disliked/decided to send me to a different school.

8. I really like/fancy a trip to the country.

E. Choose the correct word or phrase in each sentence.

1. I’m having my hair cutting/cut/to have cut tomorrow.

2. The children were took/taken/taking to the seaside for the day.

3. I was sending/sent/send here by the manager.

4. Kate is having her car services/servicing/serviced tomorrow.

5. Sue had her windows breaking/broken/broke by vandals.

6. David has been offer/offering/offered a new job in Brazil.

7. I’ve just had my bike repaired/repair/repairing.

F. Complete the word in each sentence with a prefix.

     out- , over-, under-, re-

1. My alarm clock didn’t go off, and so I…slept this morning.

2. Pete packed some shirts and socks, some…wear, and blue jeans.

3. It’s very cold this morning, so wear your…coat.

4. Our team was completely…played by the team from Wales.

5. I’ve decided to …write my letter, because I made too many mistakes.

6. Steve…cooked the meat, and in was burnt in places.

7. I have to…do my homework because I got all the answers wrong.

8. The staff went on strike because they were…paid and overworked.

H. Complete  the word in each sentence with a suffix.

    -less, -ly, -y, -ish, -ic, -al, -ous  

 1. Everyone thanked the firefighters for their hero…efforts.

 2. Paul received most of his music…education from his mother.

 3. The government is going to provide more houses for home…people.

 4. Lisa’s mother….qualities made her a favourite with children.

 5. This road is extremely dander…when the weather is bad.

 6. On rain… days, we spend a lot of time indoors watching TV.

 7. It was very fool…of you to leave all the doors and windows open.

 I. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs

go out with, fall behind, put up with, throw away, be into, take off, set up, shop around, try on, break up with

1. I started to … with him two months ago.

2. You need a lot of time to… the equipment.

3. We had an argument and I decided to.. him.

4. The plane isn’t going to… late.

5. When you buy clothes, first… them…

6. I can’t….your bad behaviour.

7. When I want to buy something, I first… to compare prices.

8. My mother’s… my old toys…

9. If I… with my studying, my teacher always helps me.

10. When I was younger, I… watching cartoons.

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TEST 4 B (Module 4)

*A. Fill in the correct word / phrase.  Вставьте правильное слово / фразу. 

• news • interview • cartoon • documentary  • weather report • chat show
• новости • интервью • мультфильм • документальный • прогноз погоды • ток−шоу


Saturday, 4th November
Channel 3
11:00 African Safari Adventure
Interesting wildlife documentary about animals in Africa
13:00 WHAT!
A chance to hear all the gossip about your favourite pop stars, actors and celebrities. Find out the truth as you listen to an 1) interview with Celine Dion
17:30 The Simpsons
2) Cartoon about the Simpson family.
18:00 Live at 6
International 3) news programme covering today’s events, business and sport, as well as a complete 4) weather report.
19:30 Oprah
5) Chat show with host Oprah Winfrey. Special guest today – Matt Damon.


Суббота, 4 ноября
Канал 3
11:00 Африканское приключение сафари
Интересная дикая природа, например, документальный фильм о животных в Африке
13:00 ЧТО!
Возможность услышать все сплетни о любимых поп−звездах, актерах и знаменитостях. Узнайте правду, слушая 1) интервью с Селин Дион
17:30 Симпсоны
2) Мультфильм о семье Симпсонов.
18:00 Прямой эфир в 6
Международная программа 3) новостей, охватывающая сегодняшние события, бизнес и спорт, а также полная 4) _.
19:30 Опра
5) Ток−шоу с ведущей Опрой Уинфри. Специальный гость сегодня − Мэтт Дэймон.

*B.Complete the sentences with the correct word. Дополните предложения правильным словом.

• music • horoscopes • gossip • text messages • fashion • article
• музыка • гороскопы • сплетни • текстовые сообщения • мода • статья

e.g. I read an interesting article about the media.
например, Я прочитал интересную статью о СМИ.


6. My mother often buys a popular magazine to read gossip about famous people’s lives.
7. The music programme plays all the latest hits.
8. Penny likes to send text messages to her friends.
9. Helen buys She magazine for its fashion tips.
10. Horoscopes try to tell you what will happen in the future.


6. Моя мама часто покупает популярный журнал, чтобы читать сплетни о жизни известных людей.
7. В музыкальной программе звучат все последние хиты.
8. Пенни любит отправлять текстовые сообщения своим друзьям.
9. Хелен покупает журнал She за его модные советы.
10. Гороскопы пытаются рассказать вам, что произойдет в будущем.

*C. Underline the correct word.  Подчеркните правильное слово.

e.g. The fireman pulled the baby to safe / safety.
например, Пожарный вытащил ребенка в безопасное место.


11. The bear ran off / went off before I could take a photograph.
12. They were surprised / surprising to hear they won the prize.
13. That athlete attended / broke the world record once again.
14. The meat smells horrible. It has gone off / on.
15. James brave / bravely fought the lion.
16. It can be difficult to come on / up with new ideas.
17. What does the weather article / report say?
18. I like the fashion and beauty advice / strips in this magazine.
19. Sally loves watching the Sports Channel as it is very exciting / excited.
20. Fashion magazines are attractive / popular to teenagers.


11. Медведь убежал прежде, чем я успел сделать снимок.
12. Они были удивлены, узнав, что выиграли приз.
13. Этот спортсмен снова побил мировой рекорд.
14. Мясо ужасно пахнет. Оно испортилось.
15. Джеймс храбро сражался со львом.
16. Придумывать новые идеи может быть непросто.
17. Что говорится в прогнозе погоды?
18. Мне нравятся советы о моде и красоте в этом журнале.
19. Салли любит смотреть спортивный канал, потому что он очень увлекательный.
20. Модные журналы привлекательны для подростков.

*D. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Continuous.  Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Past Continuous.

e.g. Tony was walking (walk) home when it started raining.
например, Тони шел домой, когда пошел дождь.


21. What were you doing (you/do) yesterday afternoon?
22. I was working (work) on my computer all day Sunday.
23. Ian was taking (take) notes during the lesson.
24. We were planning (plan) to go to the cinema, but we stayed home instead.
25. The students were studying (study) hard because they wanted to pass the exam.


21. Что вы делали вчера днем?
22. В воскресенье я работал за компьютером весь день.
23. Ян делал записи во время урока.
24. Мы собирались пойти в кино, но остались дома.
25. Студенты усердно работали, потому что хотели сдать экзамен.

*E. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.   Поместите глаголы в скобках в Past Simple или Past Continuous.

e.g. She left (leave) school when she was 16.
например, Она бросила (бросить) школу, когда ей было 16 лет.


26. When I was young, I played (play) in the school football team.
27. My uncle Jim was travelling (travel) to Rome when I phoned him.
28. Steve got dressed (get dressed), had breakfast and then went to work.
29. He was cooking (cook) when the lights went out.
30. David was riding (ride) his bicycle while Kevin was skateboarding.
31. Dad did (do) the washing up before mum came home.
32. We went (go) on holiday in July.
33. He passed (pass) the exam without difficulty.
34. A woman from Vancouver found (find) a bear in her kitchen.
35. The detective asked, “What were you doing (you/do) at the time of the robbery?”


26. В молодости я играл в школьной футбольной команде.
27. Мой дядя Джим ехал в Рим, когда я позвонил ему.
28. Стив оделся, позавтракал и пошел на работу.
29. Он готовил, когда погас свет.
30. Дэвид катался на велосипеде в то время, как Кевин катался на скейтборде.
31. Папа вымыл посуду перед тем, как мама пришла домой.
32. В июле мы ездили в отпуск.
33. Я сдал экзамен без труда.
34. Женщина из Ванкувера нашла медведя на своей кухне.
35. Детектив спросил: «Чем вы занимались во время ограбления?»

*F. Choose the correct response. Подберите правильный ответ.

e.g. I passed all my exams! F                            A. What a story! How did it do that?
36. I broke my arm and can’t play in the match. B. Wow! How long did it take you?
37. Listen to this – George had a car accident!  C. Oh dear! I hope you get well soon.
38. Did you hear about the giraffe that flew a plane? D. Really? Did you take it to the police?
39. I climbed Mount Everest.                               E. How dreadful! Was he hurt?
40. You won’t believe this. I found a wallet in the street. F. That’s great news. Your parents will be pleased.


например, Я сдала все экзамены! F А. Какая история! Как это у него получилось?
36. Я сломал руку и не могу играть в матче. B. Вау! Сколько времени это заняло у вас?
37. Послушай это − Джордж попал в автомобильную аварию! C. О боже! Я надеюсь, что ты скоро поправишься.
38. Вы слышали о жирафе, который летел на самолете? D. В самом деле? Вы отнесли его в полицию?
39. Я поднялся на Эверест. E. Как ужасно! Был ли он ранен?
40. Вы не поверите. Я нашел кошелек на улице. F. Это отличные новости. Ваши родители будут довольны.


36 – C, 37 – E, 38 – A, 39 – B, 40 – D.

*G. Read the text and answer the questions.

Help Hearts
On 20th August, a ‘Help Hearts’ charity event took place in the town in Whitefall. A group of nurses from one of the local hospitals came up with the idea and over 1000 people of all ages took part.
Luckily, it was a sunny day. Everyone had fun either swimming, walking or windsurfing. Thanks to the event, £5,000 was raised for the charity.
Bob Keene, one of the people who organised the event, said, “We wanted to do something useful for others and this seemed the most fun thing to do.”
The hospital administrators were so proud, they decided to make the event part of the hospital’s yearly calendar.

Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.
Сердца помощи
20 августа в городе Уайтфолл прошла благотворительная акция «Help Hearts». Идея пришла в голову группе медсестер из одной из местных больниц, в которой приняли участие более 1000 человек всех возрастов.
К счастью, было солнечно. Всем было весело плавать, гулять или заниматься виндсерфингом. Благодаря мероприятию на благотворительность было собрано 5000 фунтов стерлингов.
Боб Кин, один из организаторов мероприятия, сказал: «Мы хотели сделать что−то полезное для других, и это казалось самым интересным занятием».
Администрация больницы была так горда, что решила сделать мероприятие частью годового календаря больницы.

e.g. When did the event take place? On 20th August.
например, Когда прошло мероприятие? 20 августа.

41. What was the name of the organisation that raised the money?
42. Who planned the event?
43. How many people took part?
44. What was the weather like during the event?
45. What happened as a result of the event?

41. Как называлась организация, которая собирала деньги?
42. Кто спланировал мероприятие?
43. Сколько человек приняли участие?
44. Какая была погода во время мероприятия?
45. Что произошло в результате события?


41. “Help Hearts”
42. A group of nurses.
43. Over 1,000 people.
44. It was a sunny day.
45. £5,000 was raised for the charity. The hospital administrators decided to make it part of the hospital’s yearly calendar.


41. «Сердца помощи»
42. Группа медсестер.
43. Более 1000 человек.
44. Было солнечно.
45. Было собрано 5000 фунтов стерлингов. Администрация больницы решила сделать его частью годового календаря больницы.

*H. Listen to the reports. What are they about? Number them in the order you hear them.  Послушайте отчеты. О чем они? Пронумеруйте их в том порядке, в котором вы их слышите.

e.g. new technology 1
например, новая технология

Аудио к заданию:

1. A new exhibition is opening today at Hillington Science Centre. Come and see the newest British robots. Open from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m., Monday to Saturday. For one week only!
2. World Number 1 tennis champion Roger Federer won his third title at the US Open in New York on Sunday. The Swiss player won 6−2, 4−6, 7−5, 6−1.
3. Cravendale Mall opened just three months ago and had become the most popular place for shopping and entertainment. It has helped the local community a lot because many people have found jobs there.
4. Eight puppies that someone left outside a local supermarket are now safe, thanks to the staff. The pups are around six weeks old and are looking for loving homes. If you can help, call Dogs Trust on 020 7837 006.
5. The government is planning a new programme worth £280 million to help change school children’s unhealthy eating habits. Children will have the chance to eat healthier foods in school canteens, such as salads and home−cooked meals, and there will be less junk food on offer.
6. A man in his 40s broke into the Natwest Bank today at 11.30 am and stole £500,000. Were you in Greg Street at this time? If you have any information, please contact your local Police station.

Перевод аудио:

1. Сегодня в научном центре Хиллингтона открывается новая выставка. Приходите посмотреть на новейших британских роботов. Открыта с 9:00 до 17:00, с понедельника по субботу. Всего на одну неделю!
2. Чемпион мира по теннису номер 1 Роджер Федерер выиграл свой третий титул на Открытом чемпионате США в Нью−Йорке в воскресенье. Швейцарский игрок выиграл 6−2, 4−6, 7−5, 6−1.
3. Торговый центр Cravendale Mall открылся всего три месяца назад и стал самым популярным местом для покупок и развлечений. Это очень помогло местному сообществу, потому что многие люди нашли там работу.
4. Восемь щенков, которых кто−то оставил у местного супермаркета, теперь в безопасности благодаря персоналу. Щенкам около шести недель, и они ищут любящий дом. Если вы можете помочь, позвоните в Dogs Trust по телефону 020 7837 006.
5. Правительство планирует новую программу стоимостью 280 миллионов фунтов стерлингов, чтобы помочь школьникам изменить нездоровые пищевые привычки. У детей будет возможность есть более здоровую пищу в школьных столовых, такую как салаты и домашние блюда, и в продаже будет меньше нездоровой пищи.
6. Сегодня в 11.30 человек в возрасте 40 лет ворвался в банк Natwest и украл 500 000 фунтов стерлингов. Вы были в это время на Грег−стрит? Если у вас есть какая−либо информация, обратитесь в местный полицейский участок.


46. a new shopping centre  3
47. a rescue                         4
48. a bank robbery               6
49. school meals                  5
50. a sports event                2


46. новый торговый центр  3
47. спасение  4
48. ограбление банка  6
49. школьное питание  5
50. спортивное мероприятие  2

Conditionals I, II, III.

Variant 1

  1. Choose the correct item.

  1. If I move / I’ll move to Boston, I will live on Main Street.

  2. If we were late for class, our teacher will be/ would be angry.

  3. If you call / you’ll call your mother, she’ll be very happy.

  4. If you had phoned me yesterday, I had told / would have told you the news.

  5. If I had known / would know it was your birthday, I would have sent you a card.

  6. If the mechanic fixes our car on time, we drive / we’ll drive to Center villa.

  7. If I studied/ will study harder, I would get better marks.

  8. If it rains / it’ll rain today, we won’t go to the park.

  1. Choose the right word or phrase.

1) If I were you, I … on holiday and relax.

A) will go B) would go C) go

2) If I … a car, I wouldn’t walk to work.

A) did have B) had C) have

3) If we weren’t tired, we … go to the party.

A) would B) will C) did

4) If we … by plane, we’d get there much quicker.

A) go B) will go C) went

5) I … very unhappy if my friends didn’t come to my party.

A) would have been B) will be C) would be

6) If the weather … good, we would go swimming.

A) was B) would be C) were

  1. Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

  1. If they feel tired, they (go) to sleep earlier tonight.

  2. I (come) if I had time.

  3. If I had lost all my money, I (be) very unhappy.

  4. If it (rain), she’ll wear her new raincoat.

  5. If she (have) a good voice, she would become a singer.

  6. I wouldn’t say it if I (be) you.

  7. Your friend wouldn’t have phoned you if you (not/ meet) her in the street.

  8. If we (take) a taxi, we wouldn’t have missed the train.

  1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

  1. If I (have) a chance, I (go) to America.

  2. I’m sorry. If I (not/ be) late, we (not/ miss) a bus.

  3. I failed my exam today. If you (study) hard, you (pass).

  4. If I (win) lots of money in the lottery, I (buy) a new car.

  1. Finish these sentences.

  1. If they have time tomorrow, …

  2. We would go to the cinema if …

  3. If I weren’t busy, …

  4. If he had been on time, …

Conditionals I, II, III.

Variant 2

  1. Choose the correct item.

  1. If I’m not in a hurry tonight, I visit / I’ll visit to her.

  2. If we would live/ lived on another planet, we would see the Earth in the sky.

  3. If she isn’t / won’t be sick, she’ll go to school.

  4. If you had come to see the film, you had enjoyed / would have enjoyed it.

  5. If Tim drove / had driven more carefully, he wouldn’t have crashed.

  6. If they’re / they’ll be tired tomorrow, they won’t go to work

  7. If I had lots of money, I gave/ would give some to all my friends.

  8. If John doesn’t buy/ won’t buy a new car, he’ll buy a motorcycle.

  1. Choose the right word or phrase.

1) If Sue … now, she will miss the bus.

A) didn’t leave B) won’t leave C) doesn’t leave

2) If my brother had an expensive car, he … really happy.

A) would be B) will be C) was

3) If I … a pop star, I would buy an enormous house.

A) be B) were C) will be

4) If it rains, the children … inside.

A) played B) will play C) play

5) If you had come in time, you ……………………. the lesson.

A) wouldn’t miss B) would miss C) wouldn’t have missed

  1. Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

  1. If you (eat) too many cookies after dinner tonight, you will get a stomachache.

  2. If I (be) you, I wouldn’t buy that car.

  3. If you invited her to the dance, she (be) very pleased.

  4. If I drink too much coffee, I (get) a headache.

  5. If you (write) him a letter, he would know our address.

  6. If you had phoned me before you came, you (find) me at home.

  7. If I (not/ wake up) early yesterday, I would have been late for classes.

  8. We (leave) without her if she arrives late.

  1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

  1. If I (have) more time, I (tidy) the garden.

  2. If I (be) you, I (get) someone to help me.

  3. If she (ask) me yesterday, I (tell) her all about it.

  4. The party was great. If I (not/ be) ill, I (go) to the party.

  1. Finish these sentences.

  1. If John worked harder,…

  2. If the weather is bad tomorrow, …

  3. Their teacher would be happy, if…

  4. I would have gone to the swimming pool with you yesterday, if…


I variant

  1. move

  2. would be

  3. call

  4. would have told

  5. had known

  6. ‘ll drive

  7. studied

  8. rains


  1. B

  2. B

  3. A

  4. C

  5. C

  6. C


  1. will go

  2. would come

  3. would have been

  4. rains

  5. had

  6. were

  7. hadn’t met

  8. had taken


  1. had, would go

  2. hadn’t been, wouldn’t have missed

  3. had studied, would have passed.

  4. won, would buy

II variant


1. ‘ll visit

2. live

3. isn’t sick

4. would have enjoyed

5. had driven

6. ‘re

7.would give

8. doesn’t buy


  1. C

  2. A

  3. B

  4. B

  5. C


  1. eat

  2. were

  3. would be

  4. will get

  5. wrote

  6. would have found

  7. hadn’t woken up

  8. will leave


  1. had, would tidy

  2. were, would get

  3. had asked, would have told

  4. hadn’t been, would have gone


We can use these words both as adjectives and as adverbs:

deep, early, fast, hard, high, late, long, low, near, right, straight, wrong (For hardly, nearly, etc, see C.

In informal English, the adjectives cheap, loud, quick and slow can be adverbs.


They sell cheap clothes in the market. They sell things cheap/cheaply there.

Back already! That was quick. Come as quick/quickly as you can.

C Hard, hardly, near, nearly, etc

There are some pairs of adverbs like hard and hardly which have different meanings.

Here are some examples.

/ tried hard, but I didn’t succeed.

I’ve got hardly any money left, {hardly any = very little, almost none)

Luckily I found a phone box quite near. I nearly fell asleep in the meeting, {nearly = almost)

Rachel arrived late, as usual. I’ve been very busy lately, {lately = in the last few days/weeks)

The plane flew high above the clouds. The material is highly radioactive, {highly = very)

We got into the concert free, {free = without paying)

The animals are allowed to wander freely, {freely = uncontrolled)

D Good and well

Good is an adjective, and well is its adverb. The opposites are bad and badly.


Natasha is a good violinist. She plays the violin very well.

Our test results were good. We all did well in the test.

I had a bad night. I slept badly last night.

Well can also be an adjective meaning ‘in good health’, the opposite of ill.

My mother was very ill, but she’s quite well again now. How are you? ~ Very well, thank you.

109 Exercises

Friendly, hard, hardly, etc (A-C)

Decide if each

underlined word is an adjective or an adverb.

  • That new building is rather ugly. adjective
  • I’d like to arrive early if I can. adverb
  1. 1 haven’t seen you for a long time.
  2. Why are you wearing that silly hat?
  3. Very young children travel free.
  4. The temperature is quite high today.
  5. We nearly missed the bus this morning
  6. Do you have to play that music so loud?

2 Friendly, hard, hardly, etc (A-C)

Complete the conversation. Decide if you need ly with the words in brackets.

Mark: How did you get on with Henry today?

Sarah: Oh, we had a nice lunch and some (►) lively (live)conversation. Henry was charming, as usual.

He gave me a lift back to the office, but it was (1)………………. (hard) worth risking our lives to

save a few minutes. He (2) (near) killed us.

Mark: What do you mean?

Sarah: Well, we’d sat a bit too (3)………………… (long) over our meal, and we were

(4)……………………..(late) getting back to work. Henry drove very (5)………… (fast). I tried

(6) ………………….. (hard) to keep calm, but I was quite scared. We went (7)…………… (wrong)

and missed a left turn, and Henry got annoyed. Then a van came round the corner, and it was
coming (8)………. (straight) at us. I don’t know how we missed it.

Mark: Well, I’m glad you did. And next time you’d better take a taxi.

3 Good and well (D)

Complete the conversation. Put in good, well (x2), bad, badly and ill.

Rachel: How did you and Daniel get on in your tennis match?

Matthew: We lost. I’m afraid we didn’t play very (►) well. Daniel made some (1)……………. mistakes.

It wasn’t a very (2)…………… day for us. We played really (3)………………………

Andrew: I heard Daniel’s in bed at the moment because he isn’t very (4)………………
Matthew: Yes, I’m afraid he’s been (5)……………. for several days, but he’s better now.

4 Friendly, hard, hardly, etc (A-D)

Complete the conversation. Choose the correct form.

Daniel: Is it true you saw a ghost last night?

Vicky: Yes, I did. I went to bed (►)

late/lately, and I was sleeping (1) bad/badly. I suddenly woke up in

the middle of the night. I went to the window and saw the ghost walking across the lawn. Daniel: Was it a man or a woman? Vicky: A woman in a white dress. I had a (2)

good/well view from the window, but she walked very (3) fast/fastly. She wasn’t there very (4) long/longly. I’d (5) hard/hardly caught sight of her before she’d gone. I (6) near/nearly missed her. Daniel: You don’t think you’ve been working too (7) hard/hardly? You’ve been looking a bit pale (8) late/lately.

Vicky: I saw her, I tell you. Daniel: It isn’t very (9)

like/likely that ghosts actually exist, you know. I expect you were imagining it.

Test 18 Adjectives and adverbs (Units 104-109)

Test 18A

Choose the correct word or phrase.

► We walked

stew/slowly back to the hotel.

  1. We could walk free/freely around the aircraft during the flight.
  2. The young/The young man with dark hair is my sister’s boyfriend.
  3. I’m getting quite hungry/hungrily.
  4. The man looked thoughtful/thoughtfully around the room.
  5. Have I filled this form in right/rightly?
  6. I think Egypt is a fascinated/fascinating country.
  7. The two sisters do alike/similar jobs.
  8. I’m pleased the plan worked so good/goodly/well.
  9. She invented a new kind of wheelchair for the disabled/the disabled people.
  10. I’m very confused/confusing about what to do.
  11. They performed the experiment scientifically/scientificly.
  12. The hostages must be very afraid/frightened people.

Test 18 B

Put the words in the right order to form a statement.

► a / bought / coat/ I I new / red
/ bought a new red coat.

  1. a / is / nice / place / this
  2. biscuit / can’t / find /1 / large / the / tin
  3. a / behaved / in / silly / Tessa / way
  4. coffee / cold / getting / is / your
  5. a / house / in / live / lovely / old / stone / they
  6. for / hospital / ill / is / mentally / the / this

Test 18C

Write the words in brackets and add ly, ing or ed only if you need to.

Janet: Is this the (►) new (new…) car you’ve just bought?

Nigel: That’s right. Well, it’s second-hand of course.

Janet: It’s (►) exciting (excit…) buying a car, isn’t it?

Nigel: Well, it was a bit of a problem actually because I didn’t have much money to spend. But I managed

to find one that wasn’t very (1) (expensive…).

Janet: It looks very (2) (nice…), I must say.

Nigel: It’s ten years old, so I was (3)……………………. (surpris…) what good condition it’s in. The man

I bought it from is over eighty, and he always drove it very (4)……………………… (careful…),he

said. He never took it out if it was raining, which I find (5)……………………. (amus…).

Janet: I think (6)……………………. (elder…) people look after their cars better than young people

Nigel: He was a (7)…………………….. (friend…) old chap. He even gave me all these maps

(8) (free…).

Test 18 D

Write a second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. Use the word in brackets.

► Jonathan was stupid, (behaved)
Jonathan behaved stupidly.

  1. The drink had a strange taste, (tasted)
  2. Obviously, sick people need to be looked after, (the)
  3. The dog slept, (asleep)
  4. The young woman was polite, (spoke)
  5. The train was late, (arrived)
  6. The film’s ending is dramatic, (ends)
  7. Polly gave an angry shout, (shouted)
  8. Billiards is a game for indoors, (indoor)
  9. The clown amused people, (amusing)
  10. There was almost no time left, (any)

Test 18 E

Some of these sentences are correct, but most have a mistake. If the sentence is correct, put a tick (/»). If it is incorrect, cross the sentence out and write it correctly.

  • Your friend looked rather ill. V
  • It was-a-steel long-pipe. It was a long steel pipe.
  1. I tasted the soup careful.
  2. It’s a beautiful old English church.
  3. Are they asleep children?
  4. It’s a school for the deaf people.
  5. It’s a leather new nice jacket.
  6. The riches are very lucky.
  7. You handled the situation well.
  8. He used a green paper thick towel.
  9. Our future lies with the young.
  10. The course I started was bored.
  11. I often talk to the two old next door.
  12. The smoke rose highly into the air.
  13. It feels warm in here.
  14. We felt disappointing when we lost
  15. Everyone seemed very nervously.
  16. Tessa drives too fastly.
  17. This scenery is really depressing.

110 Comparative and superlative forms

We form the comparative and superlative of short adjectives (e.g. cheap) and long adjectives (e.g. expensive) in different ways.


Short word, e.g. cheap: cheaper (the) cheapest

Long word, e.g. expensive: more expensive (the) most expensive

For less and least, see Unit 112A.

There are some less expensive ones here, look.

B Short and long adjectives

One-syllable adjectives (e.g. small, nice) usually have the er, est ending.

Your hi-fi is smaller. Emma needs a bigger computer.

This is the nicest colour. This room is the warmest. But we use more, most before words ending in ed.

Everyone was pleased at the results, but Vicky was the most pleased.

We also use more, most with three-syllable adjectives (e.g. ex-cit-ing) and with longer ones. The film was more exciting than the book. This dress is more elegant. We did the most interesting project. This machine is the most reliable.

Some two-syllable adjectives have er, est, and some have more, most. Look at this information.


  1. Words ending in a consonant + y have er, est, e.g. happy * happier, happiest.
    Examples are: busy, dirty, easy, funny, happy, heavy, lovely, lucky, pretty, silly, tidy
  2. Some words have er, est or more, most, e.g. narrow narrower, narrowest or more narrow, most namt
    Examples are: clever, common, cruel, gentle, narrow, pleasant, polite, quiet, simple, stupid, tired
  3. The following words have more, most, e.g. useful * more useful, most useful.
    a Words ending in ful or less, e.g. careful, helpful, useful; hopeless

b Words ending in ing or ed, e.g. boring, willing; annoyed, surprised

c Many others, e.g. afraid, certain, correct, eager, exact, famous, foolish, frequent, modern, nervous, normal, recent

C Spelling

There are some special spelling rules for the er and est endings.

  1. e -> er, est, e.g. nice ~> nicer, nicest, large ~> larger, largest.
    Also brave, fine, safe, etc
  2. y-> ier, iest after a consonant, e.g. happy -> happier, happiest.
    Also lovely, lucky, pretty, etc
  3. Words ending in a single vowel letter + single consonant letter -> double the consonant
    e.g. hot -> hotter, hottest, big -> bigger, biggest.

Also fit, sad, thin, wet, etc (but w does not change, e.g. new -> newer)

For more details, see page 371.

D The comparison of adverbs

Some adverbs have the same form as an adjective, e.g. early, fast, hard, high, late, long, near. They form the comparative and superlative with er, est.

^ Note also the spelling of earlier and earliest.

Many adverbs are an adjective + ly, e.g. carefully, easily, nicely, slowly. They form the comparative and superlative with more, most.

We could do this more easily with a computer.

Of all the players it was Matthew who planned his tactics the most carefully.

In informal English we use cheaper, cheapest, louder, loudest, quicker, quickest and slower, slowest rather than more cheaply, the most loudly, etc. Melanie reacted the quickest. You should drive slower in fog.

Note the forms sooner, soonest and more often, most often.

Try to get home sooner. I must exercise more often.

E Irregular forms

Good, well, bad, badly and far have irregular forms.


good/well better best

bad/badly worse worst

far farther/further farthest/furthest

You’ve got the best handwriting. How much further are we going?

We can use elder, eldest + noun instead of older, oldest, but only for people in the same family. My elder/older sister got married last year.

F Comparing quantities

We use more, most and their opposites less and least to compare quantities. I haven’t got many books. You’ve got more than I have. The Hotel Bristol has the most rooms. Trevor spends less on clothes than Laura does. Emma made the least mistakes.

  • 110 Exercises

    1 The comparison of adjectives (A-B)

    Complete the sentences. Use these adjectives: beautiful, expensive, high, interesting, tall

    The giraffe is taller than the man.

  • The CD is more expensive than the cassette.
  1. Detective stories than algebra.
  2. The top of the mountain than the clouds.
  3. The acrobat than the clown.

2 The comparison of adjectives (A-B)

Tom is a United fan. He never stops talking about them. Put in the superlative form of the adjectives.

  • Everyone’s heard of United. They’re the most famous (famous) team in the world.
  • They’ve got a long history. They’re the oldest (old) club in England.
  1. They’ve got lots of money. They’re the (rich) club in the country.
  2. Their stadium is new. It’s the (modern) stadium in Europe.
  3. United are wonderful. They’re the…………………………………. (great) club in the world.
  4. And what a team! It’s the ………………………………………. (exciting) team ever.
  5. They’ve got lots of fans. They’re the ……………………. (popular) team in the country.
  6. United have won everything. They’re the …………………(successful) team ever.
  7. They’re good to watch. They play the ……………….. (attractive) football.
  8. United fans are happy. We’re the ……………………… (happy) people in the world.

3 The comparison of adjectives (A-C)

Complete the advertisements with the comparative form of the adjective.

  • Use Get-It-Clean and you’ll get your floors cleaner
  • Elegant Wallpapers simply look more elegant
  1. Watch a Happy Video and you’ll feel……………………………..
  2. Wear a pair of Fast Shoes and you’ll be a…………………….. runner.
  3. Helpful Cookbooks are a ………. guide to cooking.
  4. Wash your hair with Lovely Shampoo for …………… hair.
  5. Try a Big-Big Burger and you’ll have a ……………………. meal.
  6. Restful Beds give you a ………………… night.
  7. Wear Modern Fashions for a look.

4 The comparison of adverbs (D)

Put in the comparative form of these adverbs: carefully, early, easily, high, long, loud, often, smartly

  • I was too nervous to go higher than halfway up the tower.
  • We could have found the place more easily with a map.
  1. Do you have to wear those old jeans, Mike? Can’t you dress ……………………. … ?
  2. You needn’t go yet. You can stay a bit
  3. There are lots of break-ins. They happen …………………………. nowadays.
  4. If you do it again , you won’t make so many mistakes.
  1. The film starts at eight, but we should get to the cinema a few
    minutes …..
  1. We can’t hear. Could you speak a bit ……….. ?

5 Irregular forms (E)

Matthew and Emma are walking in the country. Put in further, furthest, better, best, worse and worst.

Emma: I’m not used to country walks. How much (►) further is it?

Matthew: Not far. And it gets better. We’ve done the (1) ………………… part. Look, the path gets

easier. It goes downhill from here. I hope you’re feeling (2)……………………… now, Emma.

Emma: I feel dreadful, actually, (3) ……………………… than before.

Matthew: Oh, dear. Do you want to have a rest?
Emma: No, the (4) ………………………. thing would be to get home as soon as we can. I’m not very fit,

you know. This is the (5) ……………………… I’ve walked for a long time.

6 Comparing quantities (F)

Put in more, most, less (x2) and least.

Laura: Our new car is smaller, so it uses (►) less petrol. They tested some small cars, and this one costs

the (1)…………………… to run of all the cars in the test. It’s very economical, so Trevor likes

it. He wants to spend (2) on motoring.

Harriet: Can you get three people in the back?

Laura: Not very easily. We had (3)………………………… room in our old car. (4)……………………..

cars take five people, but not this one.

7 Comparative and superlative forms (A-F)

Write the correct forms.

  • You’re the lac-kyest person I know. luckiest
  • The situation is getting difficulter. more difficult
  1. I was happyer in my old job.
  2. I’ve got the most small office.
  3. This photo is the goodest.
  4. Last week’s meeting was mere-sheFt.
  5. Money is the importantest thing.
  6. Is Rachel elder than Vicky?
  7. This game is exciteger than the last one.
  8. Of all the students, Andrew does the mere work.
  9. This month has been weter than last month.
  10. The prices are mere-low here.
  11. I feel mere-bad than I did yesterday.

111 Comparative and superlative patterns (1)

A Introduction

There are a number of different sentence patterns with comparative and superlative forms, e.g. older than me, the sweetest man in the world.

B The comparative and than

We often use a phrase with than after a comparative. This restaurant is nicer than the Pizza House. I had a bigger meal than you. The steak is more expensive than the fish.

C The superlative

We normally use the before a superlative.

The quickest way is along this path. The last question is the most difficult. Note the pattern with one of.

Michael Jackson is one of the most famous pop singers ever.

After a superlative we can use in or of. We use in with places and with groups of people, e.g.

55 месяцев назад

Choose the correct word or phrase in each sentence. 1. While I washed / was washing my hair, the phone rang / ringed.

2. How did you felt / feel yesterday afternoon? 3. When I got / was getting home, I received / was receiving a phone call. 4. Last summer I was going / went swimming every weekend. 5. When the dog bit / was biting Laura’s leg, she screamed / was screaming. 6. We sang / sung some songs and then ate / eat some sandwiches. 7. When you fell / felt over the cliff, what happened / was happening next? 8. While Mary washed-up / was washing-up, she broke / was breaking a cup. 9. I didn’t see / saw where the bus stop was, so I was missing / missed the bus. 10. What did you do / were you doing when I phoned / was phoning you last night? There was no reply.


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  • Choose the correct word or phrase to complete the sentences advertising aims to make the
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