Choose the correct word or phrase to complete the sentences advertising aims to make the

Choose the correct word or phrase to complete the sentences:

1. If you … skiing, you wouldn’t have broken your leg.

a) didn’t go b) hadn’t gone c) don’t go

2. She begged him … anything.a) not to say b) do not say c) to not say

3. Can you … me the way to the supermarket?

a) say b) describe c) tell

4. He … to Paris ten days ago.

a) had come b) came c) has come

5. I can’t see you tonight because I … dinner with John.

a) have b) was having c) am having

6. She isn’t used … orders.

a) to taking b) taking c) to take

7. It’s 10 o’clock. He … his office by now.

a) reached b) will have reached c) reaches

8. I’ll do the shopping before I … to the hairdresser’s.

a) will go b) have gone c) go

9. If she … rich, she would buy a seaside cottage.

a) is b) were c) will be

10. I wish I … to him like that. I think I hurt his feelings.

a) didn’t speak b) hadn’t spoken c) isn’t spoken

Choose the correct word or phrase to complete the sentences:

1. Do you fancy … to Ann’s party?

a) go b) to go c) going

2. York is the town … I was born.

a) at which b) which c) where

3. If you … clearly, she would have understood.

a) explain b) had explained c) were explained

4. He’s lost … much weight that I hardly recognized him.

a) so b) such c) such as

5. She was killed … a knife.

a) by b) from c) with

6. He works … a teacher in a primary school.

a) such b) like c) as

7. This time next month I … in Cannes.

a) will sunbathe b) will be sunbathing c) will have sunbathed

8. «Come any time you can,» he … me

a) told b) said c) said to

9. Tom suggested … at Pierre’s.

a) meeting b) to meet c) to meeting

10. If you promise to behave yourself, I … you go to the party.

a) will let b) would let c) let

I. Choose the correct word or phrase in each sentence.
1. There’s someone at the door. It can / must be the postman.
2. Don’t worry, you don’t have to / mustn’t pay now.
3. It was 5 o’clock an hour ago. Your watch can’t / mustn’t be right.
4. In my opinion, the government might / should do something about this.
5. I suppose that our team must / should win, but I’m not sure.

II. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains some of these modal verbs: can, could, must, have to or should (including negative forms):

1. I’m sure that Helen feels really lonely.
2. You’re not allowed to park here.
3. It would be a good idea if Harry took a holiday.
4. Do I need a different driving licence for a motorbike?
5. Mary knows how to stand on her head.

III. Complete each sentence so that it contains might, might not, must, mustn’t, can’t or can. More than one answer may be possible.
1. I   ______ forget to phone Julie tonight.
2. Sue says she’s stuck in traffic and she ________ be late.
3. Tell Peter he _____ stay the night here if he wants to.
4. Me learn to fly! You ______ be joking!
5. Don’t be silly. You ___________ expect me to believe you!
6. Tim ___________ have got your letter as he doesn’t know your address.

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