Choose the correct word or phrase the prime minister was has criticised

A. Choose the correct word or phrase.

1   The prime minister was / has criticised for his recent actions.

2   When I walked past the Wilsons’ house, their new sofa was / has being delivered.

3   Our teacher was / has told us to take our favourite book to school tomorrow.

4   I think my mobile was / has been stolen!

5   Jonathan was / has chosen to play the lead role in the school play.

6   I’m sleeping downstairs because my bedroom is being painted / has been painting.

7   This picture was / has probably taken during the winter.

8   Your essays must be / have handed in on Friday morning.

9   Someone was / has left their wallet on the floor.

10   Did you hear about the bank being / having robbed?

11   Treasure Island was / has written by Robert Louis Stevenson.

12   It was a real shock when my dad was / has fired from his job.

13   The Vikings had visited America before it was / has discovered by Columbus.

14   When we got to the airport, we learned that our flight was / had been delayed.

15   Was / Has your ticket for the concert tomorrow paid for by you or your parents?


1 was   2 was   3 has   4 has   5 was

6 is being painted   7 was   8 be

9 has   10 being   11 was   12 was

13 was   14 had   15 Was

B. Complete using the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets.

1   The Earth ………………………… (hold) by the gravity of the Sun and orbits around it.

2   The first feature-length comedy film ………………………… (create) by Charlie Chaplin.

3   The award for best video ………………………… (present) later this evening.

4   By the time you read this, I ………………………… (arrest) for murder.

5   I don’t know whether our tests ………………………… (mark) yet or not.

6   Radio waves ………………………… (discover) by Marconi.

7   You wouldn’t think it to look at him now, but Jack ………………………… (bully) when he was at school.

8   Your application ………………………… (consider) and we will let you know was soon as we’ve made a decision.

 The roof of the car can ………………………… (lower) by pressing this button here.

10   Our tent ………………………… (blow) over in the night by the wind.

11   Chess ………………………… (play) for around two thousand years now.

12   Two men ………………………… (question) at this moment by police in connection with the burglary.


1 is held   2 was created

3 is going to/will be presented

4 will have been arrested

5 have been marked

6 were discovered

7 was bullied

8 is being considered

9 be lowered   10 was blown

11 has been played

12 are being questioned

C. Write sentences in the passive.

1   Our car / service / a mechanic / at the moment.


2   A man / shoot / an air gun / outside the petrol station last night.


3   Gunpowder / invent / the Chinese.


4   At the surgery yesterday, I / examine / Dr Peterson / and I / give / a prescription.


5   I went to see it because I / tell / it was a good film / all my friends.


6   This photograph / take / my grandfather.


 It looked like the window / break / a hammer / some time before.


 Our dog / give / an injection / a special syringe / the vet.


 The winning goal in last night’s match / score / Donatello / a brilliant free kick.


10   Your cheque / send / last Friday and / should / deliver / to you tomorrow.



 Our car is being serviced by a mechanic at the moment.

2   A man was shot with an air gun outside the petrol station last night.

3   Gunpowder was invented by the Chinese.

4   At the surgery yesterday, I was examined by Dr Peterson and I was given a prescription.

5   I went to see it because I had been told it was a good film by all my friends.

6   This photograph was taken by my grandfather.

7   It looked like the window had been broken with a hammer some time before.

8   Our dog was given an injection with a special syringe by the vet.

9   The winning goal in last night’s match was scored by Donatello with a brilliant free kick.

10   Your check was sent last Friday and should be delivered to you tomorrow.

D. Rewrite using the phrase given.

1   They have been building the new road for a long time now. (under construction)


2   They had been training the horse for the race for over a year. (in training)


3   They have been discussing the issue in Parliament. (under discussion)


4   They had been observing the criminal for the past two weeks. (under observation)


5   They have been using this plane for over 25 years now. (in use)


6   They have been developing the Cyborg D423 robot for over ten years. (in development)



1   The new road has been under construction for a long time now.

2   The horse had been in training for the race for over a year.

3   The issue has been under discussion in Parliament.

4   The criminal had been under observation for the past two weeks.

5   This plane has been in use for over 25 years now.

6   The Cyborg D423 robot has been in development for over ten years.

E. Rewrite in the passive starting with the words given.

1   People say that Bali is a beautiful island.

     It ………………………………………………

2   People generally think that life won’t be found on Mars.

     It ………………………………………………

3   It is generally said that Christmas is too commercialised.

     Christmas ………………………………………………

4   People often argue that prison doesn’t work.

     It ………………………………………………

5   People have suggested that the school should start to produce a magazine.

     It ………………………………………………

6   People say that crocodile tastes like squid.

     Crocodile ………………………………………………

7   It is said that the Vikings discovered America before Columbus.

     The Vikings ………………………………………………

8   People think that heart disease is caused by eating the wrong things.

     Heart disease ………………………………………………


1   is said that Bali is a beautiful island.

2   is generally thought that life won’t be found on Mars.

3   is generally said to be too commercialised.

4   is often argued that prison doesn’t work.

5   has been suggested that the school start to produce a magazine.

6   is said to taste like squid.

7   are said to have discovered America before Columbus.

8   is thought to be caused by eating the wrong things.

F. Choose the correct answer.

 We …………… a swimming pool put in this week.

      A   get      are having

      C   have     D   have got

 Why don’t you get a doctor …………… at your arm?

      A   to look      looked

      C   look     D   be looking

 My teeth were a little yellow so I …………… by the dentist.

      A   had cleaned them

      B   have them cleaned

      C   was cleaned them

      D   had them cleaned

 Stuart’s thinking of having ……………!

      A   shaved his head

      B   his head shaving

      C   his head shaved

      D   shaved to his head

 My sister …………… her ear pierced last weekend.

      A   made      got

      C   did     D   took

 Mum and Dad didn’t fancy cooking, so we got a pizza …………… .

      A   be delivered

      B   to be delivered

      C   delivered

      D   deliver

 You should …………… a professional to check your house for earthquake damage.

      A   have      make

      C   take     D   get

 Kelly wanted to have a live band …………… at her wedding.

      A   to be played      play

      C   played     D   been playing

 Can we …………… this summer?

      A   get installed air-conditioning

      B   get air-conditioning to install

      C   have installed air-conditioning

      D   have air-conditioning installed

10   We …………… while we were on holiday.

      A   were burgled our house

      B   had our house burgled

      C   had burgled our house

      D   got burgled our house


1 B   2 A   3 D   4 C   5 B

6 C   7 D   8 B   9 D   10 B

G. Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words in each gap.

1   Someone has scratched my car on the door!   been

     My car ……………………………… on the door!

2   Tommy is having an operation right now.   being

     Tommy ……………………………… right now.

3   Has Fiona invited you to her party?   been

     Have ……………………………… party?

4   Shakespeare probably wrote this play in 1587.   written

     This play ……………………………… Shakespeare in 1587.

5   The government is considering a new law to ban smoking following new research.   considered

     A new law to ban smoking ……………………………… following new research.

6   My mum told me to go to Megagrocers.   sent

     I ……………………………… my mum.

7   I didn’t understand a word so I asked my teacher and she explained it to me.   got

     I didn’t understand a word so I ……………………………… it to me.


1   has been scratched

2   is being operated on

3   you been invited to Fiona’s

4   was probably written by

5   is being considered

6   was sent to Megagrocer’s by

7   got my teacher to explain

H. Find the extra word.

Wedding disaster

(1) My wedding had been being arranged for months. I knew exactly what I (2) wanted for that special day. I had the caterers to give me a menu and (3) have got them to provide me with samples so that I could be sure we (4) would have the best food. I also wanted to have us a string quartet play (5) classical music and I arranged that, too. My dress was been being made (6) specially and I had told the dressmaker put silver thread in it. Finally, the (7) big day got arrived. My dress was being delivered in the morning, but by (8) ten it still hadn’t arrived. They called me and said it had been being (9) damaged! I was furious! I had my best friend quickly to pop out and get (10) a new dress. I had got my lawyer to call to get my money back.


1 being   2 to   3 have   4 us   5 been

6 told   7 got   8 being   9 to   10 had

I. Rewrite with the indirect object at the end of the sentence.

1   My dad got me a great computer game!


2   Dave sent Jill a really nice letter.


3   I threw Colin the ball.


4   The waiter offered us a menu.


5   The hotel provides its guests with satellite television.


6   My grandma taught me this song.



1   My dad got a great computer game for me.

2   Dave sent a really nice letter to Jill.

3   I threw the ball to Colin.

4   The waiter offered a menu to us.

5   The hotel provides satellite television to/for its guests.

6   My grandma taught this song to me.

J. Write one word in each gap.

The European Diet

It’s hard for us to imagine what (1) ………………… included in the European diet before America (2) ………………… discovered (3) ………………… Columbus in 1492. So many ingredients which today (4) ………………… grown all over the world (5) ………………… unknown to medieval Europeans. Potatoes, tomatoes, maize and chocolate (6) ………………… all originally imported from the New World. Until then, meals had (7) ………………… prepared using ingredients native to Europe, such as root vegetables. Of course, spices such as pepper (8) ………………… been traded and added to food for centuries. When the potato (9) ………………… first introduced, it was surprisingly unpopular. It (10) ………………… considered to be poisonous and it took a long time to become common. There is a story of Parmentier, a French army officer, who (11) ………………… potatoes planted in the royal garden and (12) ………………… Marie Antoinette to wear a potato flower to make them fashionable. The poor peasants were curious about the new plants and many of them (13) ………………… stolen to be planted in their own gardens. It was the start of French fries!


1 was   2 was   3 by   4 are   5 were   6 were   7 been

8 had   9 was   10 was   11 had/got   12 got   13 were

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Выберите правильный вариант. 1. The prime minister was/has criticized for his recent actions. 2. When I walked past the Wilson’s house, their new sofa was/has being delivered. 3. Our teacher was/has told us to take our favourite book at school tomorrow. 4. I think my mobile was/has been stolen. 5. Jonathan was/ has chosen to play the leading role in the school play. 6. The picture was/has probably taken during the winter. 7. Your essays must be/have handed in on Friday morning. 8. Someone was/ has left their wallet on the floor. 9. Did you hear about the bank being/having robbed 10. Treasure Island was/haswritten by Robert Louis Stevenson. 11. Was/Has your ticket for the concert tomorrow paid for by you or your parents 12. When we got to the airport, we learned that our flight was/has been delayed. 13. The Vikings had visited America before it was/has discovered by Columbus. 14.When we got to the airport,we learned that our flight was/had been delayed. 15.Was/Has your ticket for the concert tomorrow paid for by you or your parents.



1. was
2. was
3. has
4. has
5. was
6. was
7. be
8. has
9. being
10. was
11. was
12. has
13. was
14. had
15. was


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      Bu sahifa navigatsiya:

    • B Complete using the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets. (96 bet) The Earth………….. (hold

    A Choose the correct word or phrase. (96 bet)

    1. The prime minister was / has criticised for his recent actions.

    2. When I walked past the Wilsons’ house, their new sofa was / has being delivered.

    3. Our teacher was / has told us to take our favourite book to school tomorrow.

    4. I think my mobile was / has been stolen!

    5. Jonathan was / has chosen to play the lead role in the school play.

    6. I’m sleeping downstairs because my bedroom is being pain ted / has been painting.

    7. This picture was / has probably taken during the winter.

    8. Your essays must be / have handed in on Friday morning.

    9. Someone was / has left their wallet on the floor.

    10. Did you hear about the bank being / having robbed?

    11. Treasure Island was / has written by Robert Louis Stevenson.

    12. It was a real shock when my dad was / has fired from his job.

    13. The Vikings had visited America before it was / has discovered by Columbus.

    14. When we got to the airport, we learned that our flight was / had been delayed.

    15. Was /Has your ticket for the concert tomorrow paid for by you or your parents?

    B Complete using the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets. (96 bet)

    1. The Earth………….. (hold) by the gravity of the Sun and orbits around it.

    2. The first feature-length comedy film……………….(create) by Charlie Chaplin.

    3. The award for best video………………..(present) later this evening.

    4. By the time you read this, I………………..(arrest) for murder.

    5. I don’t know whether our tests ………..(mark) yet or not.

    6. Radio waves…………………..(discover) by Marconi.

    7. You wouldn’t think it to look at him now, but Jack…………..(bully) when he was at school.

    8. Your application…………..(consider) and we will let you know as soon as we’ve made a decision.

    9. The roof of the car can……………… (lower) by pressing this button here.

    10. Our tent …………………………. (blow) over in the night by the wind.

    11. Chess …………………………… (play) for around two thousand years now.

    12. Two men………………………. (question) at this moment by police in connection with the burglary.

    Do’stlaringiz bilan baham:

    11) Yes, of course you can / are able to open the window if you‟re too hot!

    4. Write a form of must, have to, need or need to in each gap to complete the sententces. If more than one possibility is correct, write all possibilities.


    Oh, I …. remember to get some potatoes on the way home tonight.


    Jason … see the headmaster during the next break. I wonder what it‟s



    We …… light lots of candles during the power cut two nights ago.


    I‟ll ….. start doing my Christmas cards soon. It‟s nearly December.


    Carl, you … run into the street like that without looking first. It‟s dan-



    People with solar-powered cars ….worry about the price of petrol.


    I wouldn‟t like to … get up at five o’clock every morning.


    We … do any washing-up after the picnic because we‟d used disposa-

    ble plates and cutlery.


    Do professional musicians … practise every day?

    10) I … have bothered cooking all that food; they‟d eaten before they arrived.

    5. *Complete each sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words in each gap.

    1) His lights are on so I‟m pretty sure Dan is at home.


    Dan …………..

    his lights are on.


    Susie‟s car‟s not here so she‟s almost certainly taking Dabber to the

    vet. be

    Susie ………………………………

    Dabber to the vet since her car‟s not here.


    There‟s no way that boy‟s Simon. He‟s much taller!


    That …………………………………………Simon. He‟s much taller!


    I‟m certain the Winners don‟t think we‟re coming tonight; we ar-

    ranged it for next Tuesday. expecting

    The Winners …………………

    tonight; we arranged it for next Tuesday.


    I bet you were exhausted after such a long journey!


    You …………………………..

    exhausted after such a long journey!


    The only explanation is that Evan was on the phone to someone in



    Evan ……………………………………….

    on the phone to someone in Australia!


    There‟s no way Casey won the disco dancing competition – he‟s got

    two left feet!




    the disco dancing competition – he‟s got two left


    8) I don‟t believe Helen‟s been trying to call us all day. The phone hasn‟t

    rung once.



    …………………………… to call us all day. The phone hasn‟t rung once.

    6. Use the words in the box only once to complete the sentences in the table. The meaning of the sentences will help you.

    able cannot could had have might must needn’t mustn’t ought should will



    I … have left my bag on the bus.

    expressing certainty

    In a few months, I‟ll be … to buy a car.

    expressing future ability

    I … drive when I was thirteen years

    expressing past ability


    No, you … have any more pocket

    expressing refusing a request


    I think you … consider a career in the

    expressing giving advice

    armed forces.

    I … forget to phone Julie tonight!

    expressing personal obligation

    I … to have a filling at the dentist‟s.

    expressing external obligation in

    the past

    You don‟t … to do Exercise D for

    expressing a lack of obligation


    You … have to work a lot harder if

    expressing future obligation

    you want to get a good report.

    They … to arrive at about 8.

    expressing probability

    Sean … have got stuck in traffic.

    expressing possibility

    I … have worried so much about

    expressing a lack of past obligation

    Jan‟s present. She loved it!

    7. Circle the correct answer.

    1) … I have a look at those shoes in the window, please?

    A Must

    C Should

    B Would

    D Could

    2) We … pay for the tickets as Josie won a competition.

    A mustn‟t

    C could‟t

    B didn‟t have to

    D hadn‟t to


    3) You … really make such a mountain out of such a molehill!

    A can‟t

    C mightn‟t

    B won‟t

    D shouldn‟t

    4) You won‟t … to connect to the Internet once you‟ve got broadband as you‟re online twenty-four hours a day.

    A need

    C ought

    B must

    D able

    5) I hope we … find the cinema easily.

    A could

    C might

    B may

    D can

    6) We couldn‟t find a hotel room so we … sleep in the car. It was awful!

    A must

    C had to

    B should

    D could

    7) We‟d love to … afford to go on a round-the-world cruise.

    A can

    C will have to

    B be able to

    D have to

    8) Fiona can‟t … about the meeting. I reminded her this morning!

    A forget

    C have forgotten

    B be forgetting

    D have been forgetting

    9) She could … in the garage when we came round, which would explain

    why she didn‟t hear the bell.

    A work

    C have worked

    B be working

    D have been working

    10) You‟ll … tell the police that your house was broken into.

    A have to

    C had to

    B must

    D should

    8. Write a modal or semi-modal in each gap to replace the phrase in brackets. Add any other words you need.

    1)Bruce … (is able to) finish most crosswords in under ten minutes.

    2)Charlotte didn‟t get to the Craig David concert because she … (wasn’t able to) get tickets.

    3)I … (had the opportunity to go) to Oxford but I decided to go to a more modern university.

    4)You … (were wrong to tell) Angus. You know he can‟t keep a secret!

    5)If you have a cashpoint card, you … (are not forced to) go Into the bank to get money from your account.

    6)We … (were made to) apologize to the police for wasting their time.


    7)That … (almost definitely wasn’t) the last can of soda in the fridge. I bought loads this morning!

    8) You … (were you obliged to) talk about two photographs during the Interview?

    9)Children … (are not allowed to) be left unattended.

    10)The weather … (will probably) be good tomorrow.

    9. Choose the correct answer.


    Choosing to go to a gym regularly (1) … change your life for the better. Don‟t let it be a decision you regret!

    Good gyms have a lot to offer. They (2) … provide exercise equipment that is just too expensive to buy and their trained staff are (3) … to provide quality health and fitness advice. But if you‟re planning to join a gym, you (4)…

    definitely ask to look round before you become a member. There are a number of things to bear in mind before choosing which gym to join. Before the law changed a few years ago, anyone (5) … set up a gym and even today gyms (6) … employ trained fitness instructors. Find out what qualifications the staff have. lf they‟re untrained, it‟s best to go elsewhere. You (7) … be put off by the gym‟s hard sell. Just because they want you to sign up – they want your money, after all – that doesn‟t mean you (8) … decide there and then. See a few gyms before you make your final decision.

    Ask yourself: What kind of equipment and facilities do they have?

    There‟s little point joining a gym and then thinking a few months later, “I (9) …

    have chosen a gym with a pool.” Do you (10) … book equipment in advance, or can you just tum up and use it? How busy does the gym get? It (11) … be very pleasant turning up to find there‟s no room in the changing room and there‟s a huge queue for each piece of equipment. It (12) … also be a good idea to talk to people who already go to that gym to find out their opinion.





    A can



    ought to



    B could





    C might


    have to


    will have to

    D may







    A mustn‟t






    B don‟t have to





    C can‟t


    have to



    D shouldn‟t







    A mustn‟t



    won‟t have to



    B couldn‟t


    doesn‟t have to




    C won‟t





    D mightn‟t



    4) A


    8) A can‟t

    1)2 A




    B can





    C would


    has to



    D have to


    ought to

    10. Write one word in each gap.

    When I broke my arm a week ago, I guess it (1) … to have hurt. But it didn‟t! We were doing PE at school, and we were making a pyramid. We (2) … to stand on each other‟s shoulders. I was right at the top. We (3) … have been doing it properly because suddenly the pyramid collapsed and we all fell. I landed on my arm. Mr. Jenkins (4) … have known immediately that I‟d broken my arm because he sent someone to call an ambulance. «Sit still, and don‟t move your arm at all until the ambulance comes», he said. I (5) … still remember the feeling — my arm was numb, and looked very strange, but there was no pain at all. I remember thinking: «It (6) … be broken. If it was broken, I‟d be in agony». I suppose not feeling any pain (7) ……………………. have been because I was in shock. The plaster (8) … come off in about three weeks but it (9) … have to stay on longer. It depends on whether the break has healed properly or not. The next three weeks may (10) … be the best three weeks of my life – no basketball, no playing in the playground, no swimming – but I‟m counting my blessings. It (11) … have been a lot worse!

    11.**Translate into English.

    1.Она могла очень хорошо одеваться, но не очень хорошо себя вести в обществе. 2. Можно ли мне взглянуть на карту вин? 3. Джек вряд ли может себе позволить подарить тебе такое дорогое кольцо. 4. Не может быть, чтобы деньги так изменили его. 5. Вы можете заказать себе все, что угодно. 6. Здесь нельзя курить и употреблять крепкие алкогольные напитки. 7. Я уверена, что «перекусы» очень вредны для здоровья. 8. Они наверняка содержат жиры, необходимые для получения дополнительной энергии. 9. Человек должен поддерживать водный баланс в организме. 10. Тебе не следует столько времени проводить в магазинах и тратить столько денег на бесполезные покупки. 11. Неужели ты еще не купила подарки своим родителям? 12. Скорее всего, ей подарили эту машину на день рождения. 13. Надо ли давать чаевые в этом ресторане? 14. Петр наверняка предпочтет самолет поезду, если соберется в отпуск. 15. Каждый должен заплатить свои долги. 16. Если бы только я мог бросить курить!




    Форма залога показывает, является ли подлежащее в предложении (лицо / предмет) производителем или объектом действия, выраженного сказуемым. Страдательный залог показывает, что лицо / предмет испытывает действие на себе.

    The big cake was baked by Sam.

    Сэмом был испечен большой торт.

    noun + BE (in the correct form) + V3 (+ by / with + noun)


    Tense / Verb



    Present Simple

    They grow bananas in

    Am / is / are + V3

    tropical areas.

    Bananas are grown in tropical


    Present Continuous

    They are redecorating

    Am / is / are + being + V3

    the café.

    The café is being redecorated.

    Present Perfect

    Has anyone peeled the

    have/has + been + V3


    Have the carrots been peeled?

    Past Simple

    They served the meal

    was / were + V3

    in an elegant dining

    The meal was served in an


    elegant dining room.

    Past Continuous

    We asked for coffee

    was / were + being + V3

    while they were pre-

    We asked for coffee while the

    paring the bill.

    bill was being prepared.

    Past Perfect

    Someone had eaten all

    had + been + V3

    the food by the time I

    All the food had been eaten

    got there.

    by the time I got there.

    Future Simple

    We will deliver your

    will + be + V3

    pizza in forty minutes.

    Your pizza will be delivered

    in forty minutes.

    be going to

    Overweight customers

    is / are going to + be + V3

    are going to sue Burg-

    Burgerland is going to be


    sued by overweight custom-



    Future Perfect

    They will have har-

    will + have + been + V3

    vested all the grapes

    All the grapes will have been

    by the end of Septem-

    harvested by the end of Sep-




    You should brush the

    modal + be + V3

    chicken breast with oil

    The chicken breast should be

    and then fry it.

    brushed with oil and then


    Modal + perfect in-

    They should have de-

    modal + have + been + V3


    livered the groceries

    The groceries should have

    by now.

    been delivered by now.

    Gerund (-ing)

    I don‟t like people tell-

    being + V3

    ing me what to do in

    I don‟t like being told what to

    the kitchen.

    do in the kitchen.



    Конструкция have something done выражает побуждение лица/объекта к действию или изменению состояния.

    noun + have/get (in the correct form) + noun + past participle

    (+ by/with + noun)

    Время / глагол

    Пример употребления

    Present Simple

    Every Friday Joe has his car washed.

    Каждую пятницу Джо моет свою машину. (моет не

    сам, а отгоняет на мойку).

    Present Continu-

    I am having a swimming pool built now.


    Я сейчас строю бассейн. (группа рабочих занимается

    этим, а не я самостоятельно)

    to be going to

    He is going to have his eyes tested.

    Он собирается проверить зрение. (пойдет в больницу,

    где его проверят окулисты)

    Past Simple

    I had the new dress made.

    Я cшила новое платье. (cшили в ателье)

    Where did you have your hair cut? – Где ты подстрига-

    лась? (кто-то делал стрижку)


    Present Perfect

    I haven’t had the film developed yet.

    Я еще не проявил фотопленку. (не отнес ее на проявку

    в фото-центр)

    Past Continuous

    They were having their new house decorated at that mo-


    Они декорировали свой дом в тот момент. (группа ра-

    бочих выполняла отделку, а не сами хозяева)

    Future Simple

    She will have her new book issued by Express Publishing.

    Она выпустит свою новую книгу. (выпустит изда-

    тельство, а не сам автор)

    Future Continuous

    I will be having my windows cleaned at that time.

    В это время я буду мыть окна. (не сама, нанятые


    Present Perfect

    I have been having my sight tested for an hour already.


    Я уже час проверяю зрение. (не сам, а врач)

    Past Perfect

    I had had the fence painted by the end of the week.

    К концу недели я покрасила забор. (наемные рабочие


    Past Perfect Con-

    They had been having the house tidied for an hour when I


    visited them.

    В их доме убирались уже час, когда я к ним зашел.

    модальные глаго-

    We must have our washing machine repaired.


    Нам нужно починить стиральную машинку. (отдать

    ее в ремонт)

    Вариантом выражения have something done является конструкция get something done, которая более употребительная в разговорной речи.

    Your beard is too long. I think you should get it trimmed.

    Твоя борода очень длинная, тебе нужно ее подстричь.

    I need some copies. Do you know where I can get them made around


    Мне нужно несколько копий. Ты не знаешь, где я могу их сделать поблизости?



    В английском языке не существует неопределенно-личных предложений, т. е. предложений, в которых не упоминается лицо, совершающее действие. Поэтому русским предложениям «Говорят…/ Сообщают…» со-


    ответствуют предложения, в которых инфинитив употребляется в функции сложного подлежащего.

    Эта конструкция строится по следующей схеме:

    подлежащее + сказуемое (обычно глагол в страдательном залоге) + инфинитив

    He is known to work to the USA.

    Известно, что он работает в США.

    Случаи употребления


    В страдательном залоге (Passive Voice) с глаголами

    чувственного восприятия:

    to hear


    Bob was heard to laugh heartily.

    to see


    Было слышно, как искренне сме-

    to watch

    наблюдать /

    ялся Боб.


    to feel


    to observe


    to notice

    замечать и др.

    обозначающими умственную дея-

    Philip was supposed to be a young


    man without money.

    to know


    Предполагали, что Филипп был

    to think


    молодым человеком без средств к

    to consider /

    думать / пола-


    to believe /


    to suppose

    to expect


    to imagine


    to find

    находить / узна-


    to trust


    to assume

    допускать /

    предполагать и


    После этих глаголов в составе конструкции часто используется глагол to be.

    to make


    Little Bob was made to put on

    some warm clothes.

    Маленького Боба заставили

    надеть теплую одежду.


    в значении сообщения:

    He is said to have been making the

    to say


    best cheese in the area for over thir-

    to report


    ty years.

    to state


    Говорят, он производит лучший

    сыр в округе вот уже более 30


    в действительном залоге (Active Voice) с глаголами

    to seem


    They are unlikely to come in time.


    Они вряд ли придут вовремя.

    to happen


    (случается, слу-

    The work proved to be useful.


    Работа оказалась полезной

    to prove


    (= Работа, как оказалось, была




    to be likely


    They seemed to have forgotten

    to be unlikely

    вряд ли


    to be sure /


    Они, казалось, забыли его.

    to be certain



    to turn out


    (оказалось) и др.

    1. Choose the correct word or phrase.

    1)The prime minister was / has criticised for his recent actions.

    2)When I walked past the Wilsons‟ house, their new sofa was / has being delivered.

    3)Our teacher was / has told us to take our favourite book to school to-


    4)I think my mobile was / has been stolen!

    5)Jonathan was / has chosen to play the lead role in the school play.

    6)I‟m sleeping downstairs because my bedroom is being painted / has been painting.

    7)This picture was / has probably taken during the winter.

    8) Your essays must be / have handed in on Friday morning.

    9)Someone was / has left their wallet on the floor.

    10)Did you hear about the bank being / having robbed?

    11)Treasure Island was / has written by Robert Louis Stevenson

    12)It was a real shock when my dad was / has fired from his job.


    Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

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    Комплексное использование лексико-грамматических знаний в обучении английскому языку.

    Test 1.

    1. Choose the correct answer.

    1. I’ve always dreamt __ China.

    A to visit B of visiting C I visit D visit

    1. The travel agency is arranging for us __ at a really nice hotel.

    A stay B of staying C to stay D staying

    1. My dad says he always regrets __ more.

    A to not travel B not travelling C he not travel D of not travelling

    1. John seems keen __ how to drive as soon as he can.

    A of learning B he learn C for learn D to learn

    1. Now, class, I’d like you all to write __ a description of your last holiday.

    A me B to me C it me D about me

    1. When you arrive __, have your passport ready.

    A to the airport B in the airport C on the airport D at the airport

    1. The Jones have invited us __ to Australia with them this summer.

    A going B for going C about going D to go

    1. The in-flight entertainment may differ __ that advertised.

    A to B from C in D at

    2. Water has damaged part of this text about at school. Read it and decide what think each of the original words was. Write the words in the blank spaces.

    Sport at school

    I used to wear glasses when I was at school, and so I, 1 ***** sport very difficult. I wanted to be involved 2 ***** school sports competitions, and I loved the idea of teams competing 3 ***** each other, but being on the rugby team, for example, 4***** having to take off my glasses, and that meant 5 ***** I couldn’t see! And it’s difficult 6 ***** catch a ball when you can’t see it! So, I wasn’t very good and the captains always 7***** sure that I wasn’t on their team. This meant I 8 ***** free to do other activities, like being on the debating team, and actually I preferred to 9***** things I was good at doing 10 ***** than have everyone laugh at me.

    1. _______________________

    2. _______________________

    3. _______________________

    4. _______________________

    5. _______________________

    6. _______________________

    7. _______________________

    8. _______________________

    9. _______________________

    10. _______________________

    3. Match to make sentences.

    1 The fax machine has broken __

    A out by physicists which prove that time can speed up and slow down.

    2 A number of experiments have been carried

    B on enormously in recent years.

    3 Whoever came __

    C off for over three hours yesterday.

    4 The electricity was cut __

    D down, so I’m afraid you’ll have to wait until tomorrow

    5 I’d like to find __

    E off a very nasty smell when it’s heated.

    6 This chemical gives __

    F up with that idea should have won the Nobel Prize.

    7 Cancer treatments have come __

    G through to the Radiology Department, please.

    8 I wonder if you could put me __

    H out much more about technology in the Bronze Age.

    4. If a line is correct, put a tick next (V) next to the member. If there is an extra word in a line, write it next to the number.

    1. _______________ Last month, I wrote to a few local television station asking if

    2. _______________ they gave away the free tickets to any shows. A week later,

    3. _______________ they sent to me two tickets for a quiz show. I went with my

    4. _______________ best friend Angie last night. It was an excellent! The show

    5. _______________ is called Know Them Or Not? and contestants have to

    6. _______________ answer questions about a lots of different people in their lives,

    7. _______________ like friends, relatives and colleagues. There are ten contestants

    8. _______________ to start with, but one of them gets knocked out at the end of

    9. _______________ each round. I’d like to go into on a show like that one day

    10. _______________ but, for now, I’m much happy just to have been in the audience.

    5. Circle the extra word in each line.

    Being in the news

    1. The many people who appear in the news for the first time

    2. find that a sudden fame has a negative effect on their lives.

    3. The national press can be an unforgiving and the loss of

    4. the privacy that comes with fame is an extra problem at a

    5. difficult time. This is especially the case when a someone is

    6. in the news because of a tragedy or the serious crime. Just

    7. at the moment when you are under a most stress, you find

    8. microphones and the cameras in your face. The media have

    9. a responsibility to inform the public, but an innocent people

    10. are often hurt the demand for the scandal.

    6. Choose the correct answer.

    1. The government is trying to convince people __ the need for higher taxes.

    A with B of C that C for

    1. I believe that judges should be independent __ the government.

    A to B from C with D on

    1. Local residents object __ the new power station in their area.

    A to have B having C of having D to having

    1. Do you think they should ban people __ smoking in public places?

    A from B that C in D of

    1. The MP asked __ the prime minister was aware if the growing social problem.

    A that B him C if D what

    1. Most people seem to agree __ the newspapers criticism of the government.

    A on B to C with D that

    1. I don’t think people should rely __ the state, even if they are unemployed.

    A to B with C on D by

    1. The mayor was attacked __ public money.

    A for wasting B to waste C he waste D of wasting

    7. Choose the correct answer.

    1. It was __ windy that that I couldn’t stand up!

    A so B such C enough D too

    1. Everyone had __ a good time when we went bowling that we agreed to go again.

    A so B such C enough D too

    1. Emma and Karen used to be __ good friends that I’m surprised they don’t get on now.

    A so B such C enough D too

    1. I hope I’ve got __ money to pay for this meal!

    A so B such C enough D too

    1. I’m sorry, but I’ve got __ much work.

    A so B such C enough D too

    1. My mum was __ angry that I knew I’d better disappear for a while.

    A so B such C enough D too

    1. They were __ beautiful shoes that I decided I had to get them.

    A so B such C enough D too

    1. The earthquake was __ powerful that the town was destroyed.

    A so B such C enough D too

    1. The shot was __ quick for the goalkeeper and the ball hit back of the net.

    A so B such C enough D too

    1. I had __ a bad headache that I went to lie down for a while.

    A so B such C enough D too

    8.Choose the correct word or phrase.

    1. The prime minister was/has criticized for his recent actions.

    2. When I walked past the Wilson’s house, their new sofa was/has being delivered.

    3. Our teacher was/has told us to take our favourite book to school tomorrow.

    4. I think my mobile was/has been stolen!

    5. Jonathan was/has chosen to play the lead role in the school play.

    6. I’m sleeping downstairs because my bedroom is being painted/had been painting.

    7. This picture was/has probably taken during the winter.

    8. Your essays must be/have handed in on Friday morning.

    9. Someone was/has left their wallet on the floor.

    10. Did you hear about the bank being/having robbed?

    11. Treasure Island was/has written by Robert Louis Stevenson.

    12. It was a real shock when my dad was/has fired from his job.

    13. The Vikings had visited America before it was/has discovered by Columbus.

    14. When we got to the airport, we learned that our flight was/had been delayed.

    15. Was/Has your ticket for the concert tomorrow paid for by you or your parents?

    The Prime minister ____ criticised for his recent actions. When I walked past the Wilsons’ house, their new sofa ____ being delivered. Our teacher ____ told us to take our favourite book to school tomorrow. I think my mobile ____ been stolen! Jonathan ____ chosen to play the lead role in the school play. I’m sleeping downstairs because my bedroom ____. This picture ____ probably taken during the winter. Your essays must ____ handed in on Friday morning. Someone ____ left their wallet on the floor. Did you hear about the bank ____ robbed? Treasure Island ____ written by Robert Louis Stevenson. It was a real shock when my dad ____ fired from his job. The Vikings had visited America before it ____ discovered by Columbus. When we got to the airport, we learned that our flight ____ been delayed. ____ your ticket for the concert tomorrow paid for by you or your parents?


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