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Verified questions


For each noun in column I, write an adjective ending in ic in column II, and an adverb in column III.

I. NOUN hspace{1cm} II. ADJECTIVEhspace{1cm}III. ADVERB


Verified answer


Fill in the prefix in column I and the complete word in column III.

COLUMN Ihspace{1cm}COLUMN IIhspace{2cm}COLUMN III

_________ +Factor ___________ = ________________

Evilhspace{1cm}one who doeshspace{2cm}evildoer

Verified answer


Add all necessary punctuation marks, including end punctuation. Draw a line under words or phrases that should be in italics.

Scott Joplin composer of the song Maple Leaf Rag 1899 is the best known composer of the music known as ragtime surely you remember his music from the movie The Sting

Verified answer


Vous habitez dans un immeuble aˋ`{a} Geneˋ`{e}ve. Dites ouˋ`{u} chaque personne de limmeuble habitait avant.

  1. Jéroˆ^{o}me / aˋ`{a} Bordeaux

  2. Alice et Thomas / aˋ`{a} la campagne

  3. vous / dans la banlieue

  4. toi / chez tes grands-parents

  5. moi / dans un lotissement

  6. nous / aˋ`{a} San Francisco

  7. Marc et André / aˋ`{a} Paris

  8. les Dupont / aˋ`{a} Strasbourg

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Module test 3 (I variant)


A Choose the correct word to fill in
the gaps.

1/                        spotted           glanced

When Richard and Ian heard the angry shouts they ……around the room to see
where they were coming from.

Has the research team …..anything unusual in the area?

2/                        survived          

Although many people say they have seen Bigfoot, there are no fossil remains
that prove the creature ever ……………..

Can you imagine what would happen if a dinosaur somehow
…………………and was still alive today?

                        glaring          staring

a) Why
are you …………….at Stewart so angrily? Has he done something wrong?

b) Rosie
couldn’t stop ……………. at the beautiful rainbow, as it was the first
time she had ever seen one.

4/                         horrifying    

Last night I dreamt that a ……….. whirlpool was pulling me to the bottom
of the ocean.

Andrew’s nightmare was absolutely………….; he dreamt that a three-headed monster
was approaching him, but he couldn’t move.

5/                       sightings 

Old castles are very popular ………… in Britain.

Two fishermen reported ……… of a strange ten-legged creature in the lake

6/                        extinct            mythical

People thought the Coelacanth was a(n) …………species of fish, until a
fisherman caught one in 1938.

Annie loves story books about dragons, giants and other

7/                         refection       shadow

The moon was so bright that James could see his ……….. in the lake.

When David saw the …………… of a strange animal in the bushes, he
started shaking like a leaf.

8/                       imagination    illusion

a) Did
the magician really make the man disappear or was it just an optical

b) Jonathan’s
vivid ………………….is what makes him able to write spine-chilling
ghost stories.


B Fill in the missing word. There
are three words you do not need to use.

• similar
• giant • lurks • glimpse •  dull • appears • alike • mind • corridor • human •
fantasy • brain • impact

9/ These two paintings look so
much……… that you have to look really closely to see the few differences
they have.

10/  This couldn’t be a(n)
………………print; it’s far too wide and haft a metre tong!     

11/ Eric has a brilliant
………………; he’s sure to become a famous scientist one day.

12/ I don’t like this painting. I
think the……… brown and grey colours the artist has used give it a sad feeling

13/ According to Norwegian legend,
the Kraken           was a(n) ……………….monster that lived in the

14/  The old castle had a dark,
mysterious……….. leading to the dungeons below.

15/  Garry really lives in a(n)
……………… world! He believes that he will be the one who will take
pictures of Bigfoot first!

16/ When Natasha is stressed out,
she always dreams that a snake-headed monster………… suddenly and starts
chasing her.

17/ The strange creature disappeared
before we managed to catch a ………………of it.

18/ Cubism and Surrealism are two
styles of painting that have had a great ……………….. on modern art.



C Put the verbs into the correct
past tense.

19/  Benjamin …………. (gasp)
in horror when he saw the ghostly figure.

20 / Claire………….(drive)
along a country road when a huge creature came out of nowhere and fell onto
her car.

21/  While Lisa ……………….
(read) a book, her brother was listening to music.

22/  It was the first time that
Elizabeth ………… (ever/see) pictures of  Bigfoot.

23/  Sandra ………………(paint)
for three years before she sold her first painting.

/ Alex didn’t go
to the photographic exhibition because he ……………….(not/finish)
his homework.

25 / The research team
……………….(find) an unusual fossil and took it back to the lab
to examine it.

7×2= 14

D Rewrite the sentences using the
words in brackets.

e.g. James believed in ghosts when he
was a child. (used to)    James used to believe in ghosts when he was
a child.

26/  When I was still at school, I
read a new ghost story every week. (would)

27/  In the past, my sister made fun
of Surrealist paintings, but now she loves them. (used to)

28/  Eleanor’s parents never bought
her books about monsters when she was a child. (used to)

29/  Sally visited her grandparents
quite often when she still lived in London. (would)                                       

E Underline the correct item.

30/  Our house can’t/may be
haunted; we’ve lived here for years and we’ve never seen or heard anything
unusual going on.

31/  The style of that painting must/may
be Cubism, because the artist has used square and rectangular shapes.

32 / It can’t/may be a
coincidence, but isn’t it strange that I was thinking about John at the exact
moment he called me?

33/  Susan may/must be at the
photographic exhibition, but I’m not sure.

34/  The magician’s assistant hasn’t
truly disappeared; our eyes may/must be playing tricks on us!

35 / You may not/can’t have
seen a ghost. They’re not real!



F Choose the correct response.

/ A: Last night
I dreamt that a huge spider was chasing me.

B:   a 
 That’s a thought!

b   What do you think this means?

37/  A: I woke up at 2:00 am and
couldn’t get back to steep.

B:   a
Poor you!

 b That’s a relief!

38/  A: Your dream might mean that
you’ll meet someone new.

B:   a
  That’s horrible!

 b   You can’t be serious!

39/ A: Do you have any idea what
dreaming about wild animals means?

B:   a
  I can’t say for sure.

b   That can’t be right.

40/  A: Don’t worry, your dream
probably means that you’re stressed.

B:    a
  Is everything alright?

 b   Do you really think so?



G Read the text and match the
phrases (A-F) to the gaps (41-45). There is one extra phrase.

Nature’s joke? — the strange and wonderful PLATYPUS

platypus is a strange little creature found only in Australia. When the first
platypus was sent to Europe in the 19th century, the scientists who examined it
just could not believe their eyes. They believed the platypus was a joke, 41)
……. .They thought some fun-loving Australian had put the feet and nose of a
duck onto the body of a rat, 42)……..

platypuses are real, 43) …………… . Platypuses have a nose like a
duck, webbed feet like a duck, soft brown fur on their body and a long, flat
tail like a beaver. As if that weren’t strange enough, even though they are
mammals (which means they feed their babies milk), platypuses don’t give birth
to live babies 44) ……………! No wonder scientists couldn’t decide
for a very long time if platypuses were birds, reptiles or mammals.

the platypus has even more wonderful characteristics. Platypuses find their food
in rivers by using electric fields. And, if they are in danger, male platypuses
have sharp hooks on their feet 45) …………… .It’s no surprise
then, that this special, shy little animal is one of Australia’s most famous
creatures. A picture of the platypus appears on the Australian 20 cent coin.
Australians are very proud of their unique platypus.

A but instead lay eggs just like

B because of its extremely strange

C that produce poison strong enough
to kill a dog

D just to play a trick on them

E and there is no other creature like
them on Earth

F which makes them part-reptile,
part-mammal, part-bird                                                                                  5×3=15


H  Listen to some people talking on a
radio programme about dreams and match the speakers (1-5)to the statements

A         The speaker’s dream felt
very real.       

B         The speaker believes
that dreams have a special meaning.        

C         The speaker is
describing a dream that he/she has often.

D         The speaker is
describing a nightmare he/she had as a  child.                

E         The speaker’s dream came

46        Speaker 1

47        Speaker 2

48        Speaker 3

49        Speaker4

50        Speaker 5


Module test 3 (II variant)


A Choose the correct word to fill in
the gaps.

1/                        spotted           glanced

When Richard and Ian heard the angry shouts they ……around the room to see
where they were coming from.

Has the research team …..anything unusual in the area?

2/                     horrifying        

Last night I dreamt that a ……….. whirlpool was pulling me to the bottom
of the ocean.

Andrew’s nightmare was absolutely………….; he dreamt that a three-headed monster
was approaching him, but he couldn’t move.

refection       shadow

The car was so shiny that George could see his …………

When Mike saw the …………… of a strange animal in the bushes, he
started shaking like a leaf.

4/                     survived            

Although many people say they have seen Bigfoot, there are no fossil remains
that prove the creature ever ……………..

Can you imagine what would happen if a dinosaur somehow
…………………and was still alive today?

5/                       sightings 

Old castles are very popular ………… in Britain.

Two fishermen reported ……… of a strange ten-legged creature in the lake

6/                        extinct            mythical

People thought the Coelacanth was a(n) …………species of fish, until a
fisherman caught one in 1938.

Annie loves story books about dragons, giants and other

7/                         glaring          staring

Why are you …………….at Sue so angrily? Has she done something wrong?

Rachel couldn’t stop ……………. at the beautiful rainbow, as it was the
first time she had ever seen one.

8/                       imagination    illusion

a) Optical
….. can force eyes to see things in a different way.

Jonathan’s vivid ………………….is what makes him able to write
spine-chilling ghost stories.


B Fill in the missing word. There
are three words you do not need to use.

• similar
• giant • lurks • glimpse •  dull • appears • alike • mind • corridor • human •
fantasy • brain • impact

9/ Cubism and Surrealism are two
styles of painting that have had a great ……………….. on modern art.

10/  This couldn’t be a(n)
………………print; it’s far too wide and haft a metre tong!     

11/ Garry really lives in a(n)
……………… world! He believes that he will be the one who will take
pictures of Bigfoot first!

12/ I don’t like this painting. I
think the……… brown and grey colours the artist has used give it a sad feeling

13/ According to Norwegian legend,
the Kraken           was a(n) ……………….monster that lived in the

14/  The strange creature
disappeared before we managed to catch a ………………of it.

15/  The old castle had a dark,
mysterious……….. leading to the dungeons below.

16/ When Natasha is stressed out,
she always dreams that a snake-headed monster………… suddenly and starts
chasing her.

17/ Eric has a brilliant ………………;
he’s sure to become a famous scientist one day.

18/ These two paintings look so
much……… that you have to look really closely to see the few differences
they have.



C Put the verbs into the correct
past tense.

19/  Benjamin ………………(paint)
for three years before he sold her first painting.

20 / Charlie………….(drive)
along a country road when a huge creature came out of nowhere and fell onto
her car.

21/  Alan didn’t go to the
photographic exhibition because he ……………….(not/finish) his

22/  It was the first time that Kate
 ………… (ever/see) pictures of  Bigfoot.

23/  Sandra…………. (gasp)
in horror when she saw the ghostly figure.

/ While Leo
………………. (watch) TV, his mother was cooking dinner.

25 / The research team
……………….(find) an unusual fossil and took it back to the lab
to examine it.

7×2= 14

D Rewrite the sentences using the
words in brackets.

e.g. James believed in ghosts when he
was a child. (used to)    James used to believe in ghosts when he was
a child.

26/  In the past, my brother  made fun
of Cubism paintings, but now he loves them. (used to)

27/  When I was still at school, I
read a new ghost story every week. (would)

28/  Sandra visited her grandparents
quite often when she still lived in Paris. (would)                                       

29/  Eliza’s parents never bought her
books about monsters when she was a child. (used to)                             4×1=4

E Underline the correct item.

30/  The magician’s assistant hasn’t
truly disappeared; our eyes may/must be playing tricks on us!

31/  It can’t/may be a
coincidence, but isn’t it strange that I was thinking about John at the exact
moment he called me?

32 / The style of that painting must/may
be Cubism, because the artist has used square and rectangular shapes.

33/  You may not/can’t have
seen a ghost. They’re not real!

34/  Our house can’t/may be
haunted; we’ve lived here for years and we’ve never seen or heard anything
unusual going on.

35 / Susan may/must be at the
photographic exhibition, but I’m not sure.



F Choose the correct response.

/ A: Don’t
worry, your dream probably means that you’re stressed.

B:    a
  Do you really think so?

 b   Is everything alright?

37/  A: Do you have any idea what
dreaming about wild animals means?

B:   a
  I can’t say for sure.

b   That can’t be right.

38/  A: Your dream might mean that
you’ll meet someone new.

B:   a
  That’s horrible!

 b   You can’t be serious!

39/ A: I woke up at 2:00 am and
couldn’t get back to steep.

B:   a
 That’s a relief!

 b  Poor  you!

40/  A: Last night I dreamt that a
huge spider was chasing me.

B:   a 
 That’s a thought!

b   What do you think this means?



G Read the text and match the
phrases (A-F) to the gaps (41-45). There is one extra phrase.

Nature’s joke? — the strange and wonderful PLATYPUS

platypus is a strange little creature found only in Australia. When the first
platypus was sent to Europe in the 19th century, the scientists who examined it
just could not believe their eyes. They believed the platypus was a joke, 41)
……. .They thought some fun-loving Australian had put the feet and nose of a
duck onto the body of a rat, 42)……..

platypuses are real, 43) …………… . Platypuses have a nose like a
duck, webbed feet like a duck, soft brown fur on their body and a long, flat
tail like a beaver. As if that weren’t strange enough, even though they are
mammals (which means they feed their babies milk), platypuses don’t give birth
to live babies 44) ……………! No wonder scientists couldn’t decide
for a very long time if platypuses were birds, reptiles or mammals.

the platypus has even more wonderful characteristics. Platypuses find their
food in rivers by using electric fields. And, if they are in danger, male
platypuses have sharp hooks on their feet 45) …………… .It’s no
surprise then, that this special, shy little animal is one of Australia’s most
famous creatures. A picture of the platypus appears on the Australian 20 cent
coin. Australians are very proud of their unique platypus.

A just to play a trick on them

B that produce poison strong enough
to kill a dog

C which makes them part-reptile,
part-mammal, part-bird                                                                                 

D but instead lay eggs just like

E and there is no other creature like
them on Earth

F because of its extremely strange
appearance                                                                                                        5×3=15


H  Listen to some people talking on a
radio programme about dreams and match the speakers (1-5)to the statements

A         The speaker’s dream came

B         The speaker is
describing a dream that he/she has often.

C         The speaker is
describing a nightmare he/she had as a  child.                

D         The speaker believes
that dreams have a special meaning.        

E         The speaker’s dream felt
very real

46        Speaker 1

47        Speaker 2

48        Speaker 3

49        Speaker4

50        Speaker 5



1 вариант

1 glanced — spotted

2 existed-survived

3 glaring- staring

4  violent-horrifying

5 sights-sightings

6 extinct-mythical

7 reflection-shadow

8  illusion-imagination

9 alike

10 human

11 mind

12 dull

13 giant

14 corridor

15 fantasy

16 appears

17 glimpse

18 impact

19 gasped

20 was driving

21 was reading

22 had ever seen

23 had been painting

24 hadn’t finished

25 found

26  When I was still at school, I
would read a new ghost story every week

27 In the past, my sister used to
make fun of Surrealist paintings

28 …. never used to buy her books

29 Sally would visit her ….

30 can’t

31 must

32 may

33 may

34 must

35 can’t

36 b

37 a

38 b

39 a

40 b

41 B

42 D

43 E

44 A

45 C

46 D

47 B

48 E

49 C

50 A

2 variant

1 glanced-spotted

2 violent-horrifying

3 reflection-shadow

4 existed-survived

5 sights-sightings

6 extinct-mythical

7  glaring-staring

8 illusion-imagination

9 impact

10 human

11 fantasy

12 dull

13 giant

14 glimpse

15 corridor

16 appears

17 mind

18 alike

19 had been painting

20 was driving

21 hadn’t finished

22 had ever seen

23 gasped

24 was watching

25 found

26…used to make…

27 … would read…

28….would visit…

29… never used to buy ….

30 must

31 may

32 must

33 can’t

34 can’t

35 may

36 a

37 a

38 b

39 b

40 b

41 F

42 A

43 E

44 D

45 B

46 C

47 D

48 A

49 B

50 E

Помогите пожалуйста.
1.      Choose the correct
word for each sentence.
In most countries policemen carry ______ .
guns      b)
swords     c) masks
Members of Criminal Investigation department are
______ .
officers    b)
volunteers    c) detectives
 A police
officer can stop and search people if he ______ 
them of committing a crime.
prevents     b)
suspects    c) provides
The head of Scotland Yard is appointed by the Crown on
the ________ of Home Secretary.
a)     recommendation   b) provision   c) opinion
Courts decide both criminal and civil ____ .
 crimes    b) cases   
c)  procedures
The jury traditionally ____ of 12 ordinary people.
includes     b)
consists    c)   covers
The jurors discuss their ____ in a special room.                           
b)  situation    c) decision
If a person committed a_____, he/she cannot be a
crime   b)
mistake    c) disease
The jury reaches the verdict, but the ____   passes the sentence.
clerk    b)  judge  
c) police officer
 The verdict of
the jury must be ______ in cases of murder.  
b)  similar   c) different    

Автор: Гость

Опубликовано 22.08.2017 по предмету Английский язык от Гость
>> <<

Ребят помогите сделать дз
4 а) choose the correct word to make true sentences about people in 1900.
1 People plaed/didnt play football.
2 they used/didnt use computers.
3 they travelled/didnt travel in space.
4 they skied/didnt ski in the mountains.
5 they cycled/didnt cycle to work.
6 they watched/didnt watch TV.

Ответ оставил Гость

1. Played
2. didnt use
3. didnt travel
4. skied
5. cycled
6. didnt watch

Оцени ответ

Подпишись на наш канал в телеграм. Там мы даём ещё больше полезной информации для школьников!

Консультации по учебе, на самой крупной бирже
студенческих работ !

Ответы на Тесты по Английскому языку для всех курсов ПОЛИТЕХ (СПБСТУ) ИММИТ ИЭИТС ИСИ ИКНТ ИФНИТ ИПМЭИТ …

Наилучшим решением для поиска задачи является ввод 2-3 первых слов условия задачи !!!

How money do you have left?
Выберите один ответ:
b. a lot of
с. many ...

How money do you have left?
Выберите один ответ:
b. a lot of
с. many

I"m able to use steel in this design.
I can use ¥_ steel in this design. ...

I»m able to use steel in this design.
I can use ¥_ steel in this design.

Many people think that videogames are harmfal, thus ‚ should be banned immediately.
The most popular argument is that modern computer entertainment p ...

Many people think that videogames are harmfal, thus ‚ should be banned immediately.
The most popular argument is that modern computer entertainment promotes violence contributing to
affected moral values of youth. In my opinion ‚ computer games are in fact useful since there 15
no evidence that these products build violent behavior model, while the positive effects
include learning along with relaxing potential.
I strongly believe that I exposure to realistic depiction of violence in games has no effect on human
personality. Even children differentiate fictional environment from real-world and realize where specific
behavior models can be applied. Dr. Zendle from the University of York conducted scientific
experiments in 2018 but did not detect aggression increase in participants who played in realistic cruel
combat games Moreover as for me, the possibility to adopt violent way of behavior
completely diminishes the necessity to demonstrate cruelty in real life.
I consider such games possessing as much violence like many other objects of art in the
modern world: films, books, pictures, etc. All the mentioned objects are treated as art that possesses
deeper meaning and value. At the same time, many modem video products such as Witcher series
demonstrate developed plot, aesthetic value, and strong moral component. I think that
such activities may be compared to books and films in terms of their entertaining and learning
In conclusion , it is clear that such entertainment demonstrates a rather high level of violence
due to increased realism and improved graphics. ‚ it does not mean that they
should be banned since all other art pieces, such as films and books, sometimes demonstrate even higher
violence level. Positive characteristics of electronic games such as relaxation and entertainment need to
be studied instead. However, the appropriate gaming time should be considered since uncontrolled
exposure to computer monitor may indeed be harmful.

Company reputation and prestige are not important when it comes to job satisfaction.
Выберите один ответ:
Неверно ...

Company reputation and prestige are not important when it comes to job satisfaction.
Выберите один ответ:

Fill in the gap with the appropriate modal verb.
have to shows us that we are forced to follow an obligation, though we don"t want to do it. ...

Fill in the gap with the appropriate modal verb.
have to shows us that we are forced to follow an obligation, though we don»t want to do it.

Choose the correct word
Special software on the hard drive that enables the computer hardware to communicate and operate with the
computer software

Choose the correct word
Special software on the hard drive that enables the computer hardware to communicate and operate with the
computer software
Выберите один ответ:
а. operation system
b. output system
с. operating system

Match the groups of linkers with their functions.
Secondly/ What is more/ Furthermore/ A further advantage of To add more points
However/ On the oth ...

Match the groups of linkers with their functions.
Secondly/ What is more/ Furthermore/ A further advantage of To add more points
However/ On the other hand/ Although/ In spite of… To make contrasting points
Firstly/ To begin with/ In the first place To introduce points

Выберите один или несколько ответов:
У  a.adjectiveY
У Б. адмеь ¥ ...

Выберите один или несколько ответов:
У a.adjectiveY
У Б. адмеь ¥

Образуйте глагол от данного существительного:
Separator- separate У ...

Образуйте глагол от данного существительного:
Separator- separate У

6. Do not talk during the lesson. (not/to talk) ...

6. Do not talk during the lesson. (not/to talk)

to produce cans, foils, kitchen utensils, window frames, beer kegs, and aeroplane parts
Ответ: aluminium ...

to produce cans, foils, kitchen utensils, window frames, beer kegs, and aeroplane parts
Ответ: aluminium

We had a long by coach from the north to the south of the country.
Выберите один ответ:
а. trip
В. journey
с. travel ...

We had a long by coach from the north to the south of the country.
Выберите один ответ:
а. trip
В. journey
с. travel

Complele the sentences Бу putting the verbs in brackets into the past simple or
present perfect:
They have written < (to write) many history books t ...

Complele the sentences Бу putting the verbs in brackets into the past simple or
present perfect:
They have written < (to write) many history books together.

Complele the sentences by putting the verbs in brackets into the past simple or
present perfect:
What Korean food have you tried < (you/ to try)? ...

Complele the sentences by putting the verbs in brackets into the past simple or
present perfect:
What Korean food have you tried < (you/ to try)?

I"m sure you"ll enjoy it.
Выберите один ответ:
а. Predictions and hopes
b. Spontaneous ideas ...

I»m sure you»ll enjoy it.
Выберите один ответ:
а. Predictions and hopes
b. Spontaneous ideas

Choose the correct answer.
Most of girls are fans of love films because they are very
Выберите один ответ:
а. Romantic
b. Unemotional
c. Brutal

Choose the correct answer.
Most of girls are fans of love films because they are very
Выберите один ответ:
а. Romantic
b. Unemotional
c. Brutal
d. Novels

Make up questions
How often
do you mean?
speaks two languages?
do children behave badly?
is your office?
do you lose temp ...

Make up questions
How often
do you mean?
speaks two languages?
do children behave badly?
is your office?
do you lose temper?

1. The houses built many years ago are not as convenient as the modern ones.
2. The number of apartment houses
being built I for the population of M ...

1. The houses built many years ago are not as convenient as the modern ones.
2. The number of apartment houses
being built I for the population of Moscow is rapidly growing.
3. The workers building I this house used new construction methods.
4. At the conference they discussed new methods
used in building.
5. Here are some samples of the products of this plant
6. These are the samples of products
being sent
sent last month.
to different parts of the country.

Make up a sentence using Present Simple or Present Continuous. Choose positive, negative
or question.
Our secretary/usually/ to respond/ quickly.
O ...

Make up a sentence using Present Simple or Present Continuous. Choose positive, negative
or question.
Our secretary/usually/ to respond/ quickly.
Our secretary usually responds quickly.

A student is writing two paragraphs for an essay titled: "Аге women better at working
in teams than men?" Put these missing sentences in the correct  ...

A student is writing two paragraphs for an essay titled: «Аге women better at working
in teams than men?» Put these missing sentences in the correct places in the
Some people believe that women are better at working in teams than men. There are various reasons for this. Firstly,
women-are better listeners and
they also enjoy being in groups . Secondly,
women like to discuss ideas with other people.
On the other hand, women make decisions more slowly
than men. In addition,
men are usually in charge
of teams because they like to lead groups
Despite this, I пеп are more likely to disagree and argue
with other members of the team.

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