Choose the correct word my parents always hire rent

На данной странице находятся упражнения с ответами по английскому языку из рабочей тетради (Workbook) 10 класса УМК Spotlight. Упражнения из 5a.

Exercise 1. Match the words. Then, use the phrases to complete the sentences.
Упражнение 1. Соотнести слова и полученные фразы использовать в предложениях.


1) delayed
2) street
3) breathtaking
4) local
5) annual
6) guided
7) home

a) tour
b) comforts
с) festivals
d) view
e) dishes
f) vendors
g) flight

1) We had a __ of the bay and its volcanic island from our room.
2) They went on a __ of Paris and discovered its many interesting sites.
3) There are thousands of __ in Marrakech offering a variety of exotic goods.
4) I was dying for some __ after my two weeks in the jungle.
5) We arrived home hours late due to a __.
6) We always taste as many __ as we can when we are abroad.
7) The island hosts many __ including international cultural celebrations.

1) delayed flight – задержанный рейс
2) street vendors – уличные продавцы
3) breathtaking view – захватывающий дух вид
4) local dishes – местные блюда
5) annual festivals – ежегодные фестивали
6) guided tour – тур под руководством гида
7) home comforts – домашний комфорт

1) We had a breathtaking view of the bay and its volcanic island from our room. – Из нашей комнаты у нас был захватывающий дух вид на залив и его вулканический остров.
2) They went on a guided tour of Paris and discovered its many interesting sites. – Они отправились в тур под руководством гида в Париж и раскрыли для себя многие его интересные места.
3) There are thousands of street vendors in Marrakech offering a variety of exotic goods. – В Марракеш есть тысячи уличных торговцев, предлагающих разнообразие экзотических товаров.
4) I was dying for some home comforts after my two weeks in the jungle. – Я умирал от нехватки домашнего комфорта после двух недель в джунглях.
5) We arrived home hours late due to a delayed flight. – Мы прибыли домой из-за задержанного рейса.
6) We always taste as many local dishes as we can when we are abroad. – Когда мы за границей, мы пробуем как можно больше местных блюд.
7) The island hosts many annual festivals including international cultural celebrations. – Остров принимает (устраивает) много ежегодных фестивалей, включая международные культурные праздники.

Exercise 2. Cross the odd one out.
Упражнение 2. Определить лишнее слово.


1) peaks – hills – mountains – temples
2) parade – beach – contest – festival
3) souvenirs – handicraft – pottery – viruses
4) trails – campsites – hotels – hostels
5) selling trekking backpacking – climbing

1) peaks (вершины) – hills (холмы) – mountains (горы) – temples (храмы)
Лишнее слово temples (храмы), так как все остальные слова связаны с горами.

2) parade (парад) – beach (пляж) – contest (соревнование) – festival (фестиваль)
Лишнее слово beach (пляж), так как все остальные слова связаны с организованными мероприятиями.

3) souvenirs (сувениры) – handicraft (ремесло, ручная работа) – pottery (керамика) – viruses (вирусы)
Лишнее слово viruses (вирусы), так как все остальные слова связаны с ручной работой.

4) trails (активные приключенческие туры) – campsites (палаточные лагеря) – hotels (гостиницы) – hostels (общежития, гостиницы)
Лишнее слово trails (активные приключенческие туры), так как остальные слова обозначают места проживания.

5) selling (продажа) – trekking (восхождение в горы) – backpacking (турпоход) – climbing (подъем вверх, восхождение)
Лишнее слово selling (продажа), так как остальные слова связаны с горным туризмом.

Exercise 3. Tick the correct boxes.
Упражнение 3. Обозначьте правильное сочетание.


Spotlight 10 Workbook 5a ex3

Spotlight 10 Workbook 5a ex3

book a ticket – заказать (забронировать) билет
book a holiday – заказать (забронировать) отдых в отпуске
book a hotel room – заказать (забронировать) номер в гостинице
book a flight – заказать (забронировать) рейс

hire a car – взять на прокат машину
hire a tour guide – нанять гида

prolong a stay – продлить пребывание где-либо
prolong a speech – продлить выступление
prolong a visit – продлить визит

extend a stay – продлить пребывание
extend work permit – продлить разрешение на работу
extend a visit – продлить визит
extend a contract – продлить контракт

Exercise 4. Fill in: ancient, breathtaking, cheap, nasty, rocky, spectacular.
Упражнение 4. Вставить ancient, breathtaking, cheap, nasty, rocky, spectacular.


1) We like to go on cycling holidays and stay at ___ campsites.
2) We had to trek up a ___ mountain trail for six hours to get there.
3) The highlight of our visit to Peru was the ___ ruins of Machu Picchu.
4) My uncle caught a ___ virus when he was in Thailand.
5) I’ll always remember the ___ view from the top of Mont Blanc.
6) For me, Tibet has some of the most ___ scenery in the world.

1) We like to go on cycling holidays and stay at cheap campsites. – Мы любим проводить отпуск, катаясь на велосипедах, и останавливаться в дешевых палаточных лагерях.
2) We had to trek up a rocky mountain trail for six hours to get there. – Мы должны были в течение шести часов подниматься по скалистой горной дороге, чтобы дойти до места.
3) The highlight of our visit to Peru was the ancient ruins of Machu Picchu. — Кульминацией нашего визита в Перу стали древние руины Мачу-Пикчу.
4) My uncle caught a nasty virus when he was in Thailand. – Мой дядя подхватил страшный вирус, когда был в Таиланде.
5) I’ll always remember the breathtaking view from the top of Mont Blanc. – Я всегда буду помнить захватывающий вид с вершины горы Монблан.
6) For me, Tibet has some of the most spectacular scenery in the world. – Для меня Тибет имеет самый зрелищный ландшафт в мире.

Exercise 5. Underline the correct word.
Упражнение 5. Определить правильное слово.


1) We’ll go to an excursion / exhibition at the museum.
2) The west coast / seaside of Ireland is beautiful.
3) Our weekend tour / trip to Rome was great.
4) The astronauts left on a six-month voyage / journey into space.
5) We had to trek / step up a rocky mountain to reach the monastery.

1) We’ll go to an exhibition at the museum. – Мы пойдем на выставку в музей.
2) The west coast of Ireland is beautiful. – Западное побережье Ирландии красивое.
3) Our weekend trip to Rome was great. – Наш недельная поездка в Рим была отличной.
4) The astronauts left on a six-month voyage into space. – Астронавты отправились в шестимесячный полет в космос.
5) We had to trek up a rocky mountain to reach the monastery. – Чтобы попасть в монастырь, нам надо было взбираться по скалистой горе.

Exercise 6. Underline the correct word.
Упражнение 6. Определить правильное слово.


1) Tanya was very upset because she had left / forgot her handbag on the bus.
2) He ran as fast as he could but didn’t manage to take / catch the bus.
3) Are you sure we should cash / afford all our traveller’s cheques at once?
4) We tried / attempted a whole range of local dishes while in Turkey.
5) My parents always hire / rent a tour guide when they go abroad.
6) Our package holiday contained / included guided tours of all the major sites.

1) Tanya was very upset because she had left her handbag on the bus. – Таня была очень расстроена, потому что она оставила свою дамскую сумочку в автобусе.
2) He ran as fast as he could but didn’t manage to catch the bus. – Он бежал так быстро, как только мог, но так и не смог успеть на автобус.
3) Are you sure we should cash all our traveller’s cheques at once? – Ты уверен, что нам следует обналичить сразу все наши дорожные чеки.
4) We tried a whole range of local dishes while in Turkey. – Мы попробовали весь спектр местных блюд, пока были в Турции.
5) My parents always hire a tour guide when they go abroad. – Мои родители часто нанимают гида, когда они едут за границу.
6) Our package holiday included guided tours of all the major sites. – Наш комплексный отпуск включал туры под руководством гида по всем главным достопримечательностям.

5 “Holidays”



Match the words /phrases in Column A with the words /phrases in Column B.

A                           Column B

           1 delayed………..                     
A festival

           2 spectacular………..         
      B brochure

           3 annual…………                     
C excursion

           4 travel…….                  
           D flight

           5 trekking………….                 
E scenery  

B Fill in the correct word.

wits        bird’s eye view    
experience   fishing net      digestive system

6 Sometimes dolphins or seals get
caught in …. and are injured.

7 The haunted house ride scared Julie
out of her….. .

8 You have a … of the bay from the
top of that hill.

9 Travelling to China was truly a(n)….
of a lifetime.

10 Rubbish sometimes ends up in an
animal’s … and harms them.

C Choose the correct answer A, B, C.

11 By the time Bob came home, Laura …

     A cooked       B had cooked    C
was cooking

12 What … at 6 o’clock? I couldn’t
get in touch with you.

      A did you do      B had you
done      C were you doing

13 Mary left work very late. She …
letters all day.

      A was typing       B had typed       
C had been typing

14 She had been waiting … two hours
before she left.

      A since        B after      C

15 They … a lot of souvenirs during
their trip last year.

      A bought       B had
bought        C had been buying

D  Underline the correct word.

16 We’ll go to an excursion/exhibition
at the museum.

17 Our weekend tour/ trip to
Rome was great.

18 We had to trek/ step up a
rocky mountain to reach the monastery.

19 The west coast/seaside of
Ireland is beautiful.

20 My parents always hire/rent
a tour guide when they go abroad.

21 He ran as fast as he could but
didn’t manage to take/catch the bus.

E Fill in the correct word from the
list to from compound nouns.

       nasty   chilly   handicraft  
sickness         peaks    delays

22 You could see the snow … of the
Swiss Alps from our hotel window.

23 People should have a flu jab to
protect themselves from … viruses.

24 People were experiencing a number
of flight … due to the bad weather.

25 We had … weather for a couple of

26 She doesn’t enjoy flying because
she suffers from travel … .

27 He is a cabinetmaker, so he has a
very expensive set of …. tools.

F Choose the correct answer A, B, C.

 28 It’s getting late. We’d better
hit the … .

      A     port            B track                  
C road

29 Get … and I’ll drive you home.

       A  by      B in     C around

30 How often do you travel … train?

     A  in           B on         C by

31 I don’t know how you can get … on
such a low salary.

      A   by          B   on    C in

32 It might be off the beaten …, but
it’s a town well worth visiting.

      A   heart      B   road       C

Ответы к контрольной
работе №5
(вариант 2)


2- e

3- a

4- b

5- c

6- fishing net

7- wits

8- bird’s eye view


10 – digestive system

11- b 

12 – c

13 – c

14 – c

15 – a

16 – exhibition

17 – trip

18 – trek

19 – coast

20 – hire

21 – catch

22 — peaks

23 – nasty

24 – delays

25 – chilly

26 – sickness

27 – handicraft

28 – c

29 – b

30 – c

31 – a

32 — c

Test 5 (10).

I .Choose the correct item.

1. Ноw often do you travel in/by train?

2. When did you last go in/on holiday?

3. It is not very far. Let’s go by/on foot.

4. We arrived in/at the airport on time.

5. We’ll have to go in/by boat.

II. Fill in: around, in, on with, by, off.

1. I don’t get …. Betty. She is so selfish.

2. It’s difficult for people in wheelchairs to get …… this area.

3. Get ….. and I’ll drive you home.

4. How can you get….. on such a low salary?

5. I must get ….. now. See you later.

III. Use the correct Past Tense.

1.We (ask) Tina out yesterday but she (already make) plans for the day.

2. I (read) a book yesterday evening while my sister ( do) her homework.

3. Sarah (talk) on the phone when I ( come in).

4. I (not meet) my friends until I ( finish) my History project.

5. Brian ( surf) the Net for two hours when the computer (crash).

6. We ( unpack) our luggage as soon as we (get) to the hotel.

7. Children ( play) in the street for an hour when the rain (start).

8. Mary (cook) festive dinner before her guests (arrive).

IV. Complete the sentences: ancient, cheap, nasty, breathtaking, rocky, spectacular

1.We had to trek up a …………. mountain trail for 6 hours to get there.

2. My uncle caught a ………………. virus when he was in Thailand.

3. I’ll always remember the……………….. view from the top of Mont Blanc.

4. For me, Tibet has some of the most………………. scenery in the world.

5. We were greatly impressed by the ……………… ruins of Machu Picchu.

6. We like to go on cycling holidays and stay at ……………….campsites.

V. Choose the correct word.

1. My parents always hire/rent a tour guide when they go abroad.

2. We’ll go on a trekking exhibition/ excursion in the Alps in summer.

3. The flight was put up/ delayed due to bad weather.

4. The solemn candlelit procession kicks off/ on the festival.

5. Tourists visited countless/ cloudless temples, mountains, beaches.

6. You need to book/hire a room in advance or you won’t find a place to stay.

VI. Rewrite the sentences using the given words.

1. Tony packed his case, then Ann phoned.

already Tony …………………………when Ann phoned.

2. He had a good relationship with the hotel owner.

well He……………………………….the hotel owner.

3.It was the best holiday he had ever had.

never He……………………………. a good holiday.

4. They arrived at the hotel and immediately ordered lunch.

soon They …………………………………….arrived at the hotel.

Sorting the words

Divide words/phrases into the categories.



get an education

tough decision

share knowledge

lack of schools


bad conditions

Spelling the words

Fill in the gaps.

This event

money for charity.


to read this book in a day.

I read a

story of his life.

Frank is a very

person, he works 24 /7.

Paul pays his house

once a month.

They are

a baby. 

Matching the words

Match the words with their meanings.

Completing the table

Complete the table with the words below.













Choosing the words

Match the pictures and the words.





Single answer

Choose the correct answer.


are terrible here.

I wanted to

my story.

We have a lack

employers in our company.

My parents always

my decisions. 

Nowadays mass

is everywhere.

The test was very

, I couldn’t complete it..

Crossing out

Cross the odd ONE out.

Raise, money, event, conditions

Internet, media, mass, busy

Brief, well-paid, busy, money

Share, support, rent, expect 

Completing the table

Complete the table with the words below.






people’s attention




bring problems



Single answer

Choose the right answer.

This event was

by our company.

My sister and I sometimes

our clothes.

I really want to get a well-

job position when I graduate my university.

You must put it


It was

to believe that she survived such a horrible accident.

Our town

money to build a new church.

Filling the gaps

Complete the text.

If something bothers you, you can it with me

This show is by a well-known celebrity.

My father works as a surgeon, his job is well- .

Liz is very sensitive, she always needs to feel from her family and friends.

Kate is feeling unwell lately, she has the of vitamin B.

There are great in this new hospital.







Choosing the words

Choose the right answer.

There is a great charity share/event in my town.

People raise/build money for building a new Childrens Hospital.

The conditions/expect of the old hospital are poor, it doesnt have any proper equipment.

He shares/lacks a room with his friend in his college dormitory.

Matthew really wants to get his own place, so he position going to have a parttime job to rent/brief an apartment.

It was very tough/busy for Elizabeth to find a wellpaid job position in her small town.

Completing the table

Fill in the words to make the phrases.













Matching the phrases

Match the phrases to get the sentences.

I watch TV, read newspapers and of course

This concert was sponsored

She decided to move to a big city

and rent an apartment so she could find a proper work.

by a famous football player.

use my mobile phone to get information.

Filling the gaps

Choose the right answer.

Long way.

Is it easy for you to get to your school? Are there teachers in your school? Are there less than 20 pupils in class? If your answer is “yes” to all your questions, then you are a lucky person. It means that you have an easy access to .

Meanwhile, some children are not as lucky as you are, because they have to face real difficulties on their way to school. The road to school may take up to 5 hours, you may have to cross the river or go to school the dense forest.  






Exercise 2. Topic vocabulary in contrast. Choose the correct word.
1) These days, many parents find it difficult to assist / support a large family.
2) Forgetting to thank us for dinner is usual / typical of George.
3) My grandma doesnt have any close / near family her own age left.
4) In ancient / old times, people had a very different view of the world.
5) Who was to blame / fault for the argument?
6) Dont you know its kind / polite to close your mouth when you are eating?
7) Nathans parents were very enjoyed / pleased when they saw him in the school play.
8) I have a very good connection / relationship with my mother.

Ответ оставил Гость

1 support
2 typical
3 close
4 ancient
5 blame
6 polite
7 pleased
8 relationship

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