Choose the correct word london

36. Напишите ответы.

Сколько вы знаете о Лондоне?

1) Лондон, столица Великобритании, стоит на реке Темза.

2) Британский премьер министр живет на улице Даунинг, дом 10.

3) Известные двухэтажные автобусы красного цвета.

4) Биг Бен расположен на Здании парламента.

5) Если вам нравятся картины и рисование, лучшее место в Лондоне это Национальная галерея.

6) Хайд парк это большой парк около центра Лондона. Лондонцы очень любят его.

7) Уйатхол это не зал, а улица в центре Лондона.

8) Посетители Здания парламента могут послушать дебаты в Палате Лордов и в Палате Общин.

9) Памятник Адмиралу Нельсону находится в середине Трафалгарской площади.

10) В Лондоне британская королева живет в Букингемском дворце.

11) Лондонское метро самое старое в мире.

12) памятник королеве Виктории находится перед Букингемским дворцом.

13) Юнион Джек это британский флаг.

14) Самое старое место в Лондлне это лондонская башня.

15) самый большой музей в Лондоне это Британский музей.

1) Thames;

2) ten;

3) red;

4) the Houses of Parliament;

5) the National Gallery;

6) Hyde;

7) a street;

8) the House of Commons;

9) Admiral Nelson;

10) Buckingham Palace;

11) the world;

12) Buckingham Palace;

13) flag;

14) the Tower of London;

15) the British Museum.

Choose the correct word : ______ does the train arrive in London?

— At 11 o`clock.

А) Why

б) When

в) Where

г) What.

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6 лет назад

Английский язык

5 — 9 классы

Помогите срочно!
Choose the correct answer
1)London is ……… crowded at this time of the year.
A) very B) much C) as
2) I belive trevelling by car is ………. more convenient than travelling by train.
A) much B) very C) as
3) The show ……real doctors/
A) focuses B) Features C) draws

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(5 оценок)



6 лет назад

Светило науки — 9 ответов — 0 раз оказано помощи

nezachto my young friend

(5 оценок)

Read the text below and choose the correct word (A, B, C or D) for each space.

London Parks

London is famous (1) … its parks and gardens. Some of them belong to the Crown, but they are all open to the public, and the entrance is free of charge. In St James’s Park, you can watch and (2) … swans, ducks, geese, and other water birds. Hyde Park (3) … to be a hunting ground and is still popular with horse riders.

Those who like a good argument should go to the Speakers’ Corner to listen to individuals (4) … speeches on various subjects. Regent’s Park now houses London Zoo and open-air theatre where Shakespeare’s plays are staged in summer. Not (5) … the parks are in the city centre. Greenwich and Richmond are located in the suburbs. All these areas of green give the city dwellers an excellent (6) … to enjoy some peace away from traffic and crowded streets.

Task 1. Complete the sentences with the correct word: fry, slice, dessert, aisle, run, attracts, order, tub, spicy, servers.
1) London … millions of tourists evety year. *
2) Mexican food is hot and … *
3) Ed’s cafe … breakfastt and lunch daily. *
4) Joe can eat a big … of ice cream all by himself. *
5) What would you like to …, madam? *
6) Andy is creative because he lets his imagination … wild. *
7) Her favourite … is apple pie. *
8) Can I have a … of bread, please? *
9) Heat the oil and … the mushrooms for 10 minutes. *
10) Can you get a carton of juice from the drinks …? *
Task 2. Choose the correct item.
1) There is … sugar in the cupboard. *
2) How … onions do we need? *
3) There isn’t … salt in the soup. *
4) John likes … cola. *
5) Can I have … juice, please? *
6) He went to the bakery … some bread *
to buy
7) There aren’t … strawberries in the fridge. *
8) Do you fancy … take away? *
to order
9) There’s very … flour in the cupboard. *
10) … is a good form of exercise. *
To run
11) There are … bananas in the bowl. *
a lot of
12) I can’t … to the dinner party tonight. *
to go
13) I’d like … a salad, please. *
to have
14) Anna eats … sweets. *
too much
too many
a lot


1) London attracts millions of tourists evety year.  

2) Mexican food is hot and spicy.

3) Ed’s cafe servers breakfast and lunch daily.  

4) Joe can eat a big tub of ice cream all by himself.  

5) What would you like to order, madam?  

6) Andy is creative because he lets his imagination run wild.  

7) Her favourite dessert is apple pie.  

8) Can I have a slice of bread, please?  

9) Heat the oil and fry the mushrooms for 10 minutes.  

10) Can you get a carton of juice from the drinks aisle?  


1) There is some sugar in the cupboard.  

2) How many onions do we need?  

3) There isn’t enough salt in the soup.  

4) John likes drinking cola.  

5) Can I have some juice, please?  

6) He went to the bakery to buy some bread  

7) There aren’t any strawberries in the fridge.  

8) Do you fancy ordering take away?  

9) There’s very little flour in the cupboard.  

10) Running is a good form of exercise.  

11) There are a lot of bananas in the bowl.  

12) I can’t go to the dinner party tonight.

13) I’d like to have a salad, please.  

14) Anna eats too many sweets.


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