Choose the correct word living in country

Choose the correct word.
1. Living in countryside/rural/village areas is safer than in big cities.
2. When you go diving in cold water, you need to have a rope/life jacket/wetsuit.
3. I’m afraid of flying, especially when the plane takes in/up/off.
4. No previous/earlier/extraordinary experience is needed for this job.
5. Sophie lives on the suburbs/outskirts/residential area of London.
6. You need a fresh air /an open air/ an outdoor instructor to learn how to ski.

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Новые вопросы по предмету Английский язык


Тест. Английский язык, 11 класс

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Choose the correct word/phrase to complete each sentence

Список вопросов теста

Вопрос 1

Choose the correct word/phrase to complete each sentence

They live in an idyllic country ___, with roses around the door.

Варианты ответов
  • cottage
  • manor
  • hut

Вопрос 2

Choose the correct word/phrase to complete each sentence

This impressive ___ dates from the 14th century.

Варианты ответов
  • cottage
  • manor
  • apartment

Вопрос 3

Choose the correct word/phrase to complete each sentence

All the factories in this town are  in the ___ area near the railway.

Варианты ответов
  • industrial
  • residential
  • country

Вопрос 4

Choose the correct word/phrase to complete each sentence

This is a(n) ___ area; you won’t find any office buildings here.

Варианты ответов
  • industrial
  • residential
  • trade

Вопрос 5

Choose the correct word/phrase to complete each sentence

The farmer had a lot of horses living in a spacious ___ behind the barn.

Варианты ответов
  • shed
  • stable
  • shack

Вопрос 6

Choose the correct word/phrase to complete each sentence

If you need any tools to work in the garden, you can find them in the little ___ behind the barn.

Варианты ответов
  • shed
  • stable
  • shade

Вопрос 7

Choose the correct word/phrase to complete each sentence

The street ___ said that the bags he was selling were made of genuine leather.

Варианты ответов
  • hawker
  • beggar
  • salesclerk

Вопрос 8

Choose the correct word/phrase to complete each sentence

Jane feels sorry for street ___ and always gives them a couple of coins.

Варианты ответов
  • hawkers
  • beggars
  • salesclerks

Вопрос 9

Choose the correct word/phrase to complete each sentence

When Julie goes away for the holiday, she takes everything but the kitchen ___ with her.

Варианты ответов
  • drain
  • sink
  • basin

Вопрос 10

Choose the correct word/phrase to complete each sentence

Don’t throw money down the ___ renovating the house you rent.

Варианты ответов
  • drain
  • sink
  • swimming pool

Вопрос 11

Choose the correct word/phrase to complete each sentence

Your clothes are ___! Have you been repairing your car again?

Варианты ответов
  • filthy
  • ruined
  • run-down

Вопрос 12

Choose the correct word/phrase to complete each sentence

They will demolish the old ___ building because it’s dangerous to live in it.

Варианты ответов
  • dirty
  • ruined
  • run-down

Вопрос 13

Choose the correct word/phrase to complete each sentence

Modern Mexicans are ___ of the Mayan civilisation.

Варианты ответов
  • descendants
  • ancestors
  • relations

Вопрос 14

Choose the correct word/phrase to complete each sentence

The wooden jug cannot be used to keep milk in it. It’s only for ___ use.

Варианты ответов
  • ornamental
  • armamental
  • accidental

Вопрос 15

Choose the correct word/phrase to complete each sentence

Let’s wait for sunny weather to paint the ___ of our house so that it will dry faster.

Варианты ответов
  • exterior
  • interior
  • material

Вопрос 16

Choose the correct word/phrase to complete each sentence

Tracy found a ___ cat in the parking lot and took it home with her.

Варианты ответов
  • stray
  • free
  • abandoned

Вопрос 17

Choose the correct word/phrase to complete each sentence

Many ___ were late for work becaused the 7.30 train was delayed.

Варианты ответов
  • commuters
  • committees
  • commitments

Вопрос 18

Choose the correct word/phrase to complete each sentence

This ___ between Ian and Tracy has to end; they shouldn’t be arguing like that all the time.

Варианты ответов
  • conflict
  • contour
  • encounter

Вопрос 19

Choose the correct word/phrase to complete each sentence

Homeless people occasionally find shelter in the ___ warehouse down the street.

Варианты ответов
  • abandoned
  • stray
  • office

Вопрос 20

Choose the correct word/phrase to complete each sentence

Beverly Hills is famous for its ___ mansions of celebrities.

Варианты ответов
  • posh
  • stray
  • lonely

Вопрос 21

Choose the correct word/phrase to complete each sentence

People who live in shanty towns often have to ___ basic utilities.

Варианты ответов
  • do without
  • do up
  • do out

Вопрос 22

Choose the correct word/phrase to complete each sentence

You ___ to start work at 9am every day.

Варианты ответов
  • have
  • must
  • should

Вопрос 23

Choose the correct word/phrase to complete each sentence

He ___ have misunderstood what you told him.

Варианты ответов
  • might
  • was allowed to
  • had better

Вопрос 24

Choose the correct word/phrase to complete each sentence

___ I help you clean up this mess?

Варианты ответов
  • Shall
  • Will
  • Can’t

Вопрос 25

Choose the correct word/phrase to complete each sentence

Oi! You ___ throw your litter into the rubbish bin!

Варианты ответов
  • must
  • shall
  • may

Вопрос 26

Choose the correct word/phrase to complete each sentence

You ___ turned the music down; it wasn’t bothering me at all.

Варианты ответов
  • didn’t need to
  • needn’t have
  • mustn’t have

Вопрос 27

Choose the correct word/phrase to complete each sentence

We ___ have avoided the heavy traffic if we’d left home earlier.

Варианты ответов
  • should
  • could
  • can’t

Вопрос 28

Choose the correct word/phrase to complete each sentence

You ___ park your motorbike on the pavement; you’ll get a fine if you do so.

Варианты ответов
  • don’t have to
  • shouldn’t
  • must

Вопрос 29

Choose the correct response

Our noisy neighbours are moving away soon.

Варианты ответов
  • It’s a disgrace!
  • What a relief!
  • It’s really annoying!

Вопрос 30

Choose the correct response

Can I have a quick word with you?

Варианты ответов
  • That’s a fair point!
  • Sure. What is it?
  • It doesn’t bother me.

Вопрос 31

Choose the correct response

Oh! The bus is late again!

Варианты ответов
  • Well, I don’t mind.
  • That’s annoying!
  • Sorry about that.

Вопрос 32

Choose the correct response

Sam’s parked in front of our driveway again.

Варианты ответов
  • Of course, what do you expect?
  • It really gets on my nerves!
  • It doesn’t really bother me.

Вопрос 33

Choose the correct response

I promise to pay for your broken window.

Варианты ответов
  • Er… I don’t know.
  • I appreciate that!
  • I’m sorry about that.

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«Английский язык (в 2 частях)», Верещагина И.Н., Афанасьева О.В.

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«Английский язык (в 2 частях)», Верещагина И.Н., Афанасьева О.В.

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«Английский язык (в 2 частях)», Верещагина И.Н., Афанасьева О.В.

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«Английский язык (в 2 частях)», Верещагина И.Н., Афанасьева О.В.

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На этой странице находятся все задания с полными, готовыми решениями из учебника Starlight 10, Progress Check 3.

Ex. 1. Fill in: hustle, boundary, antique, lined, early, adapt, virtually, break, feature, quaint, spectacular, cope, season, trendy, restore.
Вставить слова: hustle, boundary, antique, lined, early, adapt, virtually, break, feature, quaint, spectacular, cope, season, trendy, restore.


1) The country road was __ with trees.
2) From the top of the tower there is a __ view of the countryside.
3) I can’t stand the __ and busde of big cities.
4) According to research, lizards can __ to changes in their environment easily.
5) It’s __ impossible to be there by Friday.
6) A thick hedge forms the __ between the two gardens.
7) They set off in the __ hours of the morning.
8) I don’t know how he can __ with all this pressure.
9) His car is so old that he calls it‘my __’!
10) They decided to __ the old fireplace by themselves.
11) He didn’t __ his promise. He had everything ready by noon.
12) People who commute daily usually buy a(n) __ ticket to save money.
13) There are a lot of __ shops to visit.
14) There are a lot of __ old villages in England.
15) An interesting __ of this old house is the underfloor heating system.

1) The country road was lined with trees. – Вдоль сельской дороги росли деревья.
2) From the top of the tower there is a spectacular view of the countryside. – С вершины башни открывался живописный вид на сельскую местность.
3) I can’t stand the hustle and busde of big cities. – Я не выношу суеты больших городов.
4) According to research, lizards can adapt to changes in their environment easily. – По исследованиям, ящерицы легко могут адаптироваться к изменениям в своей среде.
5) It’s virtually impossible to be there by Friday. – Это практически невозможно быть здесь к среде.
6) A thick hedge forms the boundary between the two gardens. – Густая живая изгородь образует границу между двумя садами.
7) They set off in the early hours of the morning. – Они отправились в самые первые часы утра.
8) I don’t know how he can cope with all this pressure. – Я не знаю, как он может справиться со всем этим давлением.
9) His car is so old that he calls it‘my antique’! – Его машина такая старая, что он называет ее “мой антиквариат”!
10) They decided to restore the old fireplace by themselves. – Они решили самостоятельно восстановить старый камин.
11) He didn’t break his promise. He had everything ready by noon. – Онне нарушал своего обещания. К полудню у него все было готово.
12) People who commute daily usually buy a season ticket to save money. – Люди, которые каждый день ездят из пригорода в город, покупают проездной, чтобы сэкономить деньги.
13) There are a lot of trendy shops to visit. – Существует множество модных магазинов для посещения.
14) There are a lot of quaint old villages in England. – В Англии есть много причудливых деревень.
15) An interesting feature of this old house is the underfloor heating system. – Интересная особенность этого старого дома заключается в системе обогрева, расположенной под полом.

Ex. 2. Fill in the correct word.
Вставить слова: Вставить правильное слово.


1) The actors were dressed __ original costumes.
2) The match was put __ due to bad weather.
3) I came __ Sue at the fair.
4) She didn’t want to part __ her collection, but she had to as there was no room.
5) He adapted easily __ the new environment.

1) The actors were dressed in original costumes. – Актеры были одеты в оригинальные костюмы.
2) The match was put off due to bad weather. – Матч был отложен из-за плохой погоды.
3) I came across Sue at the fair. – Я столкнулся со Сью на ярмарке.
4) She didn’t want to part with her collection, but she had to as there was no room. – Она не хотела расставаться со своей коллекцией, но ей пришлось, потому что не было места.
5) He adapted easily to the new environment. – Он легко приспособился к новой среде.

Ex. 3. Choose the correct word.
Выбрать правильное слово.


1) The restaurant was good, but pretty/rather too expensive for me.
2) I was disappointed not to win, but still quite/rather pleased to come third.
3) The place is quite/rather famous for its festival.
4) They had a rather/quite good idea about what to do.
5) It was pretty/quite a surprise to see her again.

1) The restaurant was good, but rather too expensive for me. – Ресторан был хорошим, но для меня слишком дорогой.
2) I was disappointed not to win, but still quite pleased to come third. – Я был разочарован тем, что не победил, но все равно мне приятно от того, что пришел третьим.
3) The place is quite famous for its festival. – Это место весьма известно своим фестивалем.
4) They had a rather good idea about what to do. – У них была весьма хорошая идея по поводу того, что делать.
5) It was quite a surprise to see her again. – Было весьма удивительно снова увидеть ее.

Ex. 4. Fill in: be/get used to, used to, would in the correct form.

Вставить в правильной форме be/get used to, used to, would.


1) I __ living in the countryside. I just love it.
2) As a child, he __ always spend his holidays with his grandparents.
3) He didn’t like his new neighbourhood at first, but he __ it now.
4) While on holiday, we often __ get up early and walk on the beach.
5) He __ drive to work before he bought a car.

1) I am used to living in the countryside. I just love it. – Я привык жить в деревне. Я просто люблю это.
2) As a child, he used to (или would) always spend his holidays with his grandparents. – Будучи ребенком, он имел обыкновение всегда проводить каникулы с бабушкой и дедушкой.
3) He didn’t like his new neighbourhood at first, but he is used to it now. – Сначала ему не понравился его новый район, но теперь он к нему привык.
4) While on holiday, we often used to get up early and walk on the beach. – Будучи на отдыхе, мы имели обыкновение часто вставать рано и гулять по пляжу.
5) He didn’t use to drive to work before he bought a car. –
Он не имел обыкновения ездить на машине на работу до того, как купил машину.

Ex. 5. Complete the sentences with a word derived from the word in capitals.

Преобразовать слово и вставить в контекст.


1) The hostel was run by a nice __FRIEND__ woman.
2) The singer made a __SPECTACLE__ appearance at the concert.
3) They managed to make the festival a __MEMORY__ occasion.
4) There’s a wide __CHOOSE__ of dishes to sample.
5) The __WARM__ of the islanders will make your stay unique.

1) The hostel was run by a nice friendly woman. – Гостиницей управляла симпатичная дружелюбная женщина.
2) The singer made a spectacular appearance at the concert. – Выступление этого певца на концерте было зрелищным.
3) They managed to make the festival a memorable occasion. – Им удалось сделать фестиваль запоминающимся событием.
4) There’s a wide choice of dishes to sample. – Для пробы есть много блюд.
5) The warmth of the islanders will make your stay unique. – Теплый прием жителей острова сделает ваше пребывание уникальным.

Ex. 6. Complete the second sentence using the word in bold. Use two to five words.

Допишите втрое предложение, испoльзуя от двух до пяти слов, включая предложенное.


1) The use of dictionaries isn’t permitted during the exam.
allowed You __ dictionaries during the exam.

2) She didn’t allow me to go out.
made She __ in.

3) I expect he was satisfied with the service.
been He __ satisfied with the service.

4) You ought to pay the bill straight away.
better You __ the bill straight away.

5) There were a lot of people in the room.
packed The room __ people.

1) The use of dictionaries isn’t permitted during the exam.
allowed You are not allowed to use dictionaries during the exam. – Вам не разрешается пoльзоваться словарями во время экзамена.

2) She didn’t allow me to go out.
made She made me stay in. – Она заставила меня остаться дома.

3) I expect he was satisfied with the service.
been He must have been satisfied with the service. – Должно быть, он был удовлетворен услугой.

4) You ought to pay the bill straight away.
better You had better pay the bill straight away. – Вам keit сразу оплатить счет.

5) There were a lot of people in the room.
packed The room was packed with people. – Комната была набита людьми.

Test 4th Term — 7th form


1. Choose the correct word

1. Ian is staying with a …….. family in Italy.

A typical B contact C social D host

2. Ann had …….. surgery after the accident.

A muscle B plastic C special D scar

3. Jeff is a bit …….. . He should go on a diet.

A thin B well-built C overweight D middle-aged

4. Wendy is always …….. and smiling.

A annoying B popular C cheerful D generous

5. …….. etiquette is rules of behaviour.

A Social B Culture C Foreign D Family

6. Kim works hard to….. her goals.

A take B reach C make D held

7. Max is tired of the hustle and…..of the big city.

A buzz B rustle C bustle D noise

8. Eva …. at the chance to go on holiday.

A hopped B reached C took D leapt

9. Mike is so …. . He only cares about himself!

A lazy B rude C self-confident D selfish

10. Sam was …. when Sally took his iPod without asking. He really shouted at her!

A furious В demanding С passionate D exciting


2. Circle the correct item.

1. Liz …….. be at home. Her car isn’t in the drive way.

A can’t B must C might

2. Souvenirs …. in the museum gift shop.

A will be bought B were bought C can be bought

3. Steven …….. this car for years.

A has had B was having C has been having

4. Paul hopes …….. abroad this year.

A to move B move C moving

5. Tom seems …….. himself at the wedding reception.

A to enjoy B enjoying C to be enjoying

6. They …….. the party an hour ago.

A have left B left C have been leaving

7. The tea was too hot …….. .

A to drink B drink C drinking

8. It …….. since this morning.

A has rained B rained C has been raining

9. Emily …….. a scholarship to a top university last year.

A has been winning B won C has won

10. James … last year in Brazil.

A spent В has spent С has been spending

11. Jack … around the world since January.

A has been travelling В travelled С travels

12. They’re tired. They …. all day.

A garden В gardened С have been gardening

13. The new museum … next week.

A was opened В is opened С will be opened

14. An ancient bomb ….. near Mexico City.

A has been discovered B had discovered C discovered

15. The Great Wall of China …. over 2,000 years ago.

A has been built B was built C built


3. Read the information about a film star. For each question (1-5), choose the correct answer (A, B or C ).

One glamorous Cat Lady!

How a glamorous Hollywood star decided to take a walk on the wild side….

During the 1960s, Tippi Hedren became one of the most famous stars in Hollywood. Her

success may not have been immediate but it was certainly big. Tippi began her career as a fashion model. This led her to appear in some TV advertisements, including a fateful appearance in an advert for a diet drink. World famous director Alfred Hitchcock spotted Tippi in the advert; Tippi’s good looks, elegant style and confident manner impressed him and he picked her to star in one of his most famous films “The Birds”. When the film came out, Tippi was a hit with the public and the critics. But nobody could have guessed that Tippi would soon make a commitment that would take her life in a completely new direction.

In 1972, Tippi was finishing a film made on location in Africa when she learnt that the big cats featured in the film had nowhere to go. The situation distressed Tippi and she desperately wanted to help these animals. Tippi decided to take time out from the glamourous world of film-making in order to set up an eighty acre wildlife habitat called Shambala for retired and unwanted big cats at the edge of the Mojave Desert, 64 kilometres northeast of Los Angeles, California.

Shambala is not just a temporary shelter; the sanctuary provides a home for over 70 big cats including lions, tigers, cougars, black and spotted leopards, panthers, bobcats, and a jungle cat. Some of the rescued cats had suffered neglect and mistreatment in roadside zoos and circus shows; but most came from the homes of private citizens who realized they had purchased an animal they couldn’t handle.

Tippi also set up the ROAR foundation which primarily aims to educate the public about the dangers of private ownership of exotic animals. The foundation raises much needed funds for Shambala so that it can remain a place where big cats can live out their days in dignity. The public are able to enjoy occasional safari visits to Shambala and can even ‘adopt a wild one’, which they can visit at the reserve a few times each year. Tippi hopes that one day sanctuaries like Shambala won’t be necessary, but for now her work to protect these beautiful creatures goes on.

Match the headings (A-D) to the paragraphs(1-4).

A- Safe Place

B- The main aim is to educate people about the risks

C- Famous fashion model

D- Big cats are in danger

1. Tippi first worked….

A for a diet drink company.

B as a fashion model.

C in commercials.

2. Tippi’s film, The Birds,

A was very popular.

B was unsuccessful.

C never appeared at the cinema.

3. Tippi decided to set up Shambala

A after she made a film about animal cruelty.

B after she ended her film career.

C as she was very concerned for  the welfare of exotic animals.

4. The majority of animals at Shambala come from….

A circus shows.

B animal shelters.

C ordinary people.

5. The main purpose of Tippi’s Foundation is….

A to get people to donate money.

B to inform people about the risks of owning wild animals.

C to take people on safari visits.


4. You will hear about five people who have made changes in their lives. Match the speakers (1-5) to the sentences (A – F). There is one extra heading.

A A fresh start in a new country.

B A different life being your own boss.

C A place of my own.

D A new opportunity in the workforce.

E An easier life without the 9-5 routine.

F Bigger and better than before.

Speaker 1

Speaker 2

Speaker 3

Speaker 4

Speaker 5

Everyday English

5. Choose the correct response.

1 A: Hi, I’m Robert Evans.

   B: a That’s fine.

        b Pleased to meet you.

2 A: You’re welcome and sorry again.

   B: a Don’t worry about it.

        b That would be great.

3 A: What can I do for you?

   B: a I understand.

        b I’m afraid I have a complaint.

4 A: I can’t study with so much noise.

   B: a I’ve just moved in.

       b I didn’t know it was a problem.

5 A: I’ll make sure it won’t happen again.

   B: a I’d appreciate that.

        b Not at all.

6 A: Can I talk to you for a minute?

   B: a Sure.       b Excuse me.



1B  2A  3C  4C  5B   (1С, 2D, 3A, 4B)


1E, 2A, 3C, 4B, 5D

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