Choose the correct word land is staying with a


A 1 Choose the correct word.

1 Ian is staying with a …….. family in Italy.

A typical C social B contact D host

2 Ann had …….. surgery after the accident.

A muscle B plastic C special D scar

3 My sister …….. when she is embarrassed.

A yawns C blushes B sneezes D coughs

4 Sam never …….. her temper.

A loses B gives C misses D stays

5 You shouldn’t …….. about other people.

A embarrass C irritate B gossip D obsess

6 Jeff is a bit …….. . He should go on a diet.

A thin C overweight B well-built D middle-aged

7 Wendy is always …….. and smiling.

A annoying C cheerful B popular D generous

8 You should …….. alert when you’re driving at night.

A keep B stay C take D make

9 His heart …….. when he saw the boat leaving.

A moved B fell C lost D sank

10 …….. etiquette is rules of behaviour.

A Social C Foreign B Culture D Family

11 When we burn fossil …….., we produce carbon dioxide.

A exhausts B gases C powers D fuels

12 Warm temperatures in the Arctic are causing the ice to …….. .

A happen B melt C drop D form

13 He works at a …….. station in Antarctica.

A research B youth C science D survey

14 Sea …….. are rising due to global warming.

A reserves B waves C levels D piles

15 Paul took a …….. course to learn how to live in the mountains.

A survival B marine C warrior D rescue

16 The hotel has a …….. offer on room rates for the long weekend.

A serious B special C typical D classic

17 He followed the …….. through the forest.

A shore C hike B footpath D wilderness

18 There are a lot of …….. in Antarctica because of the cold temperatures.

A drizzles C heatwaves B floods D blizzards

19 Dinosaurs became a(n) …….. species millions of years ago.

A threatened C extinct B natural D protective

20 The weather is becoming ……..; changing from day to day.

A rocky C breathtaking B unpredictable D mild

21 Can you …….. this problem?

A answer B work C solve D get

22 A freediver’s lungs …….. in size on the way up to the surface.

A double B shrink C breathe D hold

23 Students often work part-time to …….. money.

A have B win C take D earn

24 A smokejumper …….. out of an aeroplane into a fire zone.

A throws C goes B parachutes D leaves

25 Sara Campbell is a world …….. freediver.

A winner C champion B experience D leader

26 Molly wants to …….. up UFO hunting as a hobby.

A pick B take C get D make

27 It’s a lifeguard’s ……. to rescue people in danger of drowning.

A duty C training B skill D knowledge

28 Joe wants to …….. for the managerial job.

A write C interview B apply D work

29 Jake is very …….. and likes to find out about everything.

A curious C creative B enthusiastic D polite

30 Mike is so ………He only cares about himself!

A lazy В rude С selfish

31Brian is a really ……..person. He never seems to be in a bad mood.

A patient В cheerful С honest

32Exercise increases heart…….

A muscle В flow С rate

33Pete dusted his bedroom and now he can’t stop……….!

A sneezing В snoring С blushing

34Kate her sister while her parents are at work.

A gives up В takes care С looks after

35A smile is a sign of friendliness in the USA.

A long В high С wide

36Sam was ……………….when Sally took his iPod without asking. He really shouted at her!

A furious В demanding С passionate

37Greet an American with a …..handshake.

A heavy В hard С firm

38He has difficulty understanding social…….

A etiquette В behaviour С culture

39Sarah is a(n)………….. person. She’s sure of herself.

A outgoing В self-confident С generous

A 2 Circle the correct item.

1 Animals that live in Antarctica must adapt /alter to extreme temperatures.

2 They lost / missed their way in the forest.

3 The rescue team noticed / spotted the survivors.

4 Some animals are in great threat / danger from global warming.

5 We admired the natural / stunning view of the bay.

6 Simon took / held a deep breath and dived into the water.

7 Kim works hard to take / reach her goals.

8 Max is tired of the hustle and buzz / bustle of the big city.

9 Eva hopped / leapt at the chance to go on holiday.

10 Tom deals / struggles with customers in his job.

11 Take a deep breath / dive.

12 Some students live on college / campus.

13 Fire fighters carry / put out fires.

14 Sue is a nurse. She works hours / shifts.

15 Part-time workers usually earn low cash /wages.

A 3 Fill in the correct word derived from the word in brackets.

1 Steve wants to be a ………………………………………when he grows up. (SCULPT)

2 Janet is the ………………………………………….at our office. (RECEPTION)

3 Charlie is a ………………………………; he is learning all about his new job. (TRAIN)

4 Her father is a famous ………………………….. (ACT)

5 I’m looking for a job as a research…….(ASSIST)

6 He is very ……………………………. — nobody knows about his scientific experiment. (SECRET)

7 This is a list of marine animals in …………………..order. (ALPHABET)

8 The athlete is v e r y …………………..and loves to train at the gym. (ENERGY)

9 Acid rain is ……………………. to the environment.(HARM)

10 David is so …………………………………..; he doesn’t think about anyone else but himself. (SELF)

11 They usually stay home on …………………………….days. (RAIN)

12 Exam stress is ………………………….. for your sleep problems. (RESPOND)

13 The schoolchildren had an ……………………………..time at the aquarium. (ENJOY)

14John was very …………………………………… to get back home; so he walked quickly. (PATIENT)

15 Jeff strongly………………………………..with Kim’s statement; he didn’t like it at all. (AGREE)

16 It is ………………………. to drive without wearing a seatbelt. (LEGAL)

17My dog has been very……………………….. lately, he just lies on the sofa and sleeps all day. (ACTIVE)

18 When we hiccup our breathing becomes ……..(REGULAR)

19 Larry’s classmates tease him because he is very shy; they can be so ………………………….. (KIND)

A 4 Fill in: do, play or go in the correct form.

1 Every Sunday my friends and I……….paintballing in the country.

2 You should ………aqua aerobics; it’s great exercise.

3 Yesterday she ………… at the jungle park.

4 Do you want to ………… cards with us in the park?

5 Susan likes to …………bird watching in the forest.

A5 Choose the correct word.

1 The hikers did/made it all the way across the

valley without stopping to rest.

2 You will get/come lost if you don’t stay on the

hiking trail.

3 The wooded area is home/house to deer, moose

and black bears.

4 The path moves/passes the forest and leads to

an open field.

5 Most domestic animals like cats and dogs are


6 The sun rises/raises and sets every day.

7 He threatened/warned us that a blizzard was on its way.

8 The temperature will drop/sink below freezing tonight.

9 Marine biologists are studying threatened/extinct species in the Arctic.

10 Sometimes animals must change/adapt to their environment.

11 Carbon dioxide is dangerous because it traps/catches heat in the Earth’s atmosphere.

22 Arctic polar bears are under danger/threat of losing their natural habitat.

13 Global warming is causing the Earth to heat/rise up.

14 Power plants burn fossil gases/fuels like coal to create energy.

15 Dangerous gases like carbon dioxide surround/hold the Planet.

16 The ice sheets/blankets that cover Greenland and Antarctica are melting rapidly.

17 Scientists believe that global warming may be the cause of hard/extreme weather such as floods


B1 Choose the correct item.

1 If it is windy, we …….. kite surfing.

A go B will go C would go

2 I wish I …….. my first aid kit on my camping trip.

A had brought B bring C brought

3 If I …….. you, I would go ice climbing.

A am B had been C were

4 I …….. sailing when I go on holiday next month.

A am going B will go C go

5 If they had brought a compass, they …….. their


A won’t lose B wouldn’t have lost

C wouldn’t lose

6 This tent fits four people. I …….. it.

A am buying B buy C will buy

7 We will go sailing …….. it rains.

A if B since C unless

8 If they ……… a fire, they wouldn’t have kept


A didn’t light B won’t light C hadn’t lit

9 If you ……… ice in water, it floats.

A will drop B would drop C drop

10 The train to London ……… at 9:00 am tomorrow.

A leaves B going to leave

C is leaving

11 James ……… to Nicaragua tonight.

A flies B going to fly C is flying

12 I promise I …….. a life jacket when I go river


A am wearing B will wear C wear

13 Paul ……… up for a sailing course this summer.

A is going to sign B signing

C signs

14 I wish I …….. more friends who liked extreme


A have B had had C had

15 Phillip …….. paintballing in the forest this


A went B is going C goes

16 Lisa would love …….. a job in a big advertising


A to get B get C getting

17 Ann is looking forward …….. work.

A to starting B starting C start

18 Sam’s job is …….. than Lee’s.

A most tiring B tiring C more tiring

19 What …….. later?

A you do B you doing

C are you doing

20 Mike gets paid as …….. Paul.

A much as B more than

C much more

21 Joe doesn’t mind …….. late.

A to work B working C work

22 That music …….. good.

A sound B sounds C is sounding

23 Maggie enjoys …….. to university.

A going B to go C go

24 After …….. for two hours, he felt better.

A to have slept B slept

C having slept

25 Steven …….. this car for years.

A has had B was having

C has been having

26 Pete …….. be at work. He’s not at home.

A may B can’t C must

27 Brian can’t stand …….. .

A garden B gardening C to garden

28 The weather was hot enough …….. .

A sunbathing B to sunbathe C sunbathe

29 Fay …….. English for six years now.

A has learnt B was learning C has been learning

30 They …….. the party an hour ago.

A have left B left C have been leaving

31 The tea was too hot …….. .

A to drink B drink C drinking

32 It …….. since this morning.

A has rained B rained C has been raining

33Emily …….. a scholarship to a top university last


A has been winning B won C has won

B2Choose the correct preposition.

1 I am fascinated by/about the idea of ghosts andhaunted houses.

2 Carla is curious in/about robots and how they


3 All of the information is on/at my laptop.

4 Andrew is interested in /of science fiction.

5 Steve is enthusiastic about/at finding UFOs.

6 Let’s head back at/to the hotel.

7 Our tour bus passed by/on some old ruins.

8 The old temple is at/in the middle of nowhere.

9 Suddenly, there were hundreds of

mosquitoes buzzing around/from us.

10 The monkey ran at/in to the jungle.

11 It all started at/ with a discussion about making the Internet

easier to use.

12 They listed the results according to /with popularity.

13 They disagree on /for most issues about the Internet.

14 The first ten results appeared at/on the webpage.

15 John was inspired by /with a website he saw and started his own online business.

6 She responded by /to my request with an email.

B3 Put the words in brackets in to the correct conditional tense.

1 A: If .I………………………………………………………..

(have) the time, I would take up whitewater rafting.

B: Really? I’m too afraid.

2 A: James, you’re all wet!

B: Well, if I had heard the weather forecast, I

……………………………………. (take) an umbrella.

3 A: I’m not sure how to get back to the

campsite now.

B: If w e ………………………………………………………….

(stay) on the trail, we wouldn’t have lost

our way.

4 A: Tom didn’t win the swimming competition.

B: Well, if he had trained more, he ……………….

…………………………………………… (win) a medal.

5 A: What would you do if you were lost in the


В: I ………………………………………………………………..

(build) a signal fire.

6 A: I have a nasty cut.

B: If I ………………………………………………. (be) you,

I would see a doctor.

Test 4th Term — 7th form


1. Choose the correct word

1. Ian is staying with a …….. family in Italy.

A typical B contact C social D host

2. Ann had …….. surgery after the accident.

A muscle B plastic C special D scar

3. Jeff is a bit …….. . He should go on a diet.

A thin B well-built C overweight D middle-aged

4. Wendy is always …….. and smiling.

A annoying B popular C cheerful D generous

5. …….. etiquette is rules of behaviour.

A Social B Culture C Foreign D Family

6. Kim works hard to….. her goals.

A take B reach C make D held

7. Max is tired of the hustle and…..of the big city.

A buzz B rustle C bustle D noise

8. Eva …. at the chance to go on holiday.

A hopped B reached C took D leapt

9. Mike is so …. . He only cares about himself!

A lazy B rude C self-confident D selfish

10. Sam was …. when Sally took his iPod without asking. He really shouted at her!

A furious В demanding С passionate D exciting


2. Circle the correct item.

1. Liz …….. be at home. Her car isn’t in the drive way.

A can’t B must C might

2. Souvenirs …. in the museum gift shop.

A will be bought B were bought C can be bought

3. Steven …….. this car for years.

A has had B was having C has been having

4. Paul hopes …….. abroad this year.

A to move B move C moving

5. Tom seems …….. himself at the wedding reception.

A to enjoy B enjoying C to be enjoying

6. They …….. the party an hour ago.

A have left B left C have been leaving

7. The tea was too hot …….. .

A to drink B drink C drinking

8. It …….. since this morning.

A has rained B rained C has been raining

9. Emily …….. a scholarship to a top university last year.

A has been winning B won C has won

10. James … last year in Brazil.

A spent В has spent С has been spending

11. Jack … around the world since January.

A has been travelling В travelled С travels

12. They’re tired. They …. all day.

A garden В gardened С have been gardening

13. The new museum … next week.

A was opened В is opened С will be opened

14. An ancient bomb ….. near Mexico City.

A has been discovered B had discovered C discovered

15. The Great Wall of China …. over 2,000 years ago.

A has been built B was built C built


3. Read the information about a film star. For each question (1-5), choose the correct answer (A, B or C ).

One glamorous Cat Lady!

How a glamorous Hollywood star decided to take a walk on the wild side….

During the 1960s, Tippi Hedren became one of the most famous stars in Hollywood. Her

success may not have been immediate but it was certainly big. Tippi began her career as a fashion model. This led her to appear in some TV advertisements, including a fateful appearance in an advert for a diet drink. World famous director Alfred Hitchcock spotted Tippi in the advert; Tippi’s good looks, elegant style and confident manner impressed him and he picked her to star in one of his most famous films “The Birds”. When the film came out, Tippi was a hit with the public and the critics. But nobody could have guessed that Tippi would soon make a commitment that would take her life in a completely new direction.

In 1972, Tippi was finishing a film made on location in Africa when she learnt that the big cats featured in the film had nowhere to go. The situation distressed Tippi and she desperately wanted to help these animals. Tippi decided to take time out from the glamourous world of film-making in order to set up an eighty acre wildlife habitat called Shambala for retired and unwanted big cats at the edge of the Mojave Desert, 64 kilometres northeast of Los Angeles, California.

Shambala is not just a temporary shelter; the sanctuary provides a home for over 70 big cats including lions, tigers, cougars, black and spotted leopards, panthers, bobcats, and a jungle cat. Some of the rescued cats had suffered neglect and mistreatment in roadside zoos and circus shows; but most came from the homes of private citizens who realized they had purchased an animal they couldn’t handle.

Tippi also set up the ROAR foundation which primarily aims to educate the public about the dangers of private ownership of exotic animals. The foundation raises much needed funds for Shambala so that it can remain a place where big cats can live out their days in dignity. The public are able to enjoy occasional safari visits to Shambala and can even ‘adopt a wild one’, which they can visit at the reserve a few times each year. Tippi hopes that one day sanctuaries like Shambala won’t be necessary, but for now her work to protect these beautiful creatures goes on.

Match the headings (A-D) to the paragraphs(1-4).

A- Safe Place

B- The main aim is to educate people about the risks

C- Famous fashion model

D- Big cats are in danger

1. Tippi first worked….

A for a diet drink company.

B as a fashion model.

C in commercials.

2. Tippi’s film, The Birds,

A was very popular.

B was unsuccessful.

C never appeared at the cinema.

3. Tippi decided to set up Shambala

A after she made a film about animal cruelty.

B after she ended her film career.

C as she was very concerned for  the welfare of exotic animals.

4. The majority of animals at Shambala come from….

A circus shows.

B animal shelters.

C ordinary people.

5. The main purpose of Tippi’s Foundation is….

A to get people to donate money.

B to inform people about the risks of owning wild animals.

C to take people on safari visits.


4. You will hear about five people who have made changes in their lives. Match the speakers (1-5) to the sentences (A – F). There is one extra heading.

A A fresh start in a new country.

B A different life being your own boss.

C A place of my own.

D A new opportunity in the workforce.

E An easier life without the 9-5 routine.

F Bigger and better than before.

Speaker 1

Speaker 2

Speaker 3

Speaker 4

Speaker 5

Everyday English

5. Choose the correct response.

1 A: Hi, I’m Robert Evans.

   B: a That’s fine.

        b Pleased to meet you.

2 A: You’re welcome and sorry again.

   B: a Don’t worry about it.

        b That would be great.

3 A: What can I do for you?

   B: a I understand.

        b I’m afraid I have a complaint.

4 A: I can’t study with so much noise.

   B: a I’ve just moved in.

       b I didn’t know it was a problem.

5 A: I’ll make sure it won’t happen again.

   B: a I’d appreciate that.

        b Not at all.

6 A: Can I talk to you for a minute?

   B: a Sure.       b Excuse me.



1B  2A  3C  4C  5B   (1С, 2D, 3A, 4B)


1E, 2A, 3C, 4B, 5D

Дано ответов: 2

24) hotel

25) rules

26) joking

27) school

28) rent

29) You can have a picnic in the park.

32) You can watch football at the stadium.

30) You can see works of art at the gallery.

33) You can buy things in a department store.

31) You can have a snack at a fast food restaurant.


04 Июнь, 20




29.picnic of art things

31.have a snack

Объяснение:ема чо сложного


04 Июнь, 20

Choose the Correct word or phrase

1) what time does your plane [land/landing] on Sunday?

2) I’ll send you a text message when I [get/am getting] there.

3) They [are staying/stay] in Chicago for a month.

4) The train for London [will leave/leaves] at 9am tomorrow morning.

5) Jason and his dad [is/are] travelling to Berlin on Tuesday.

6) Will you call me as soon as you [arrive/arriving?]

Найди верный ответ на вопрос ✅ «Choose the Correct word or phrase 1) what time does your plane [land/landing] on Sunday? 2) I’ll send you a text message when I [get/am …» по предмету 📙 Английский язык, а если ответа нет или никто не дал верного ответа, то воспользуйся поиском и попробуй найти ответ среди похожих вопросов.

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Главная » Английский язык » Choose the Correct word or phrase 1) what time does your plane [land/landing] on Sunday? 2) I’ll send you a text message when I [get/am getting] there. 3) They [are staying/stay] in Chicago for a month.

Страница 18 из 53

*A. Fill in the correct word. Вставьте правильное слово.

• restaurant • zoo • gallery • cottage • store • palace • pool • library • sports • tent • park
e.g. Bill and Joy go for a walk in the park on Sundays.

1. The Queen lives in a big palace.
2. They are staying in a small tent at the campsite.
3. Timothy is keeping fit at the sports centre.
4. I’m taking this book back to the library.
5. Why don’t we go swimming in the swimming pool?
6. They live in a cottage in the country.
7. There are lots of works of art in the gallery.
8. This is a really big department store. They sell everything here!
9. My sister wants to see the animals at the zoo.
10. I’m hungry. Can we go to a fast food restaurant?


например, Билл и Джой гуляют в парке по воскресеньям.
1. Королева живет в большом дворце.
2. Они живут в небольшой палатке на территории лагеря.
3. Тимоти поддерживает форму в спортивном центре.
4. Я отношу эту книгу назад в библиотеку.
5. Почему бы нам не поплавать в плавательном бассейне?
6. Они живут в коттедже за городом.
7. В галерее много произведений искусства.
8. Это действительно большой торговый центр. Здесь все продают!
9. Моя сестра хочет увидеть животных в зоопарке.
10. Я голоден. Мы можем пойти в ресторан быстрого питания?

*B. Choose the correct item. Выберите правильный вариант.

e.g. Bruce lives in a large block of _ .
         A. flats B. hotels C. tents

11. They are staying in a fantastic _ while they’re on holiday.
     A. boat B. beach C. hotel
12. Are you _ ? I totally disagree.
     A. talking B. joking C. speaking
13. We pay the _ for our house every month.
     A. rent B. rules C. price
14. There are too many _ about what we can and can’t do.
     A. timetables B. grounds C. rules
15. He’s going to the International Summer _ in August.
     A. School B. Flats C. House

11 – C, 12 – B, 13 – A, 14 – C, 15 – A.


Брюс живет в большом многоквартирном доме
11. Они остановились в фантастическом отеле на время отпуска.
12. Вы шутите? Я полностью не согласен.
13. Мы ежемесячно платим арендную плату за дом.
14. Слишком много правил о том, что мы можем, а что не можем.
15. В августе он едет в Международную летнюю школу.

*C. Underline the correct words. Подчеркни правильные слова.

e.g. You can buy bread / have a snack at the baker’s.

16. You can have a picnic/watch a film in the park.
17. You can exercise/relax at the gallery.
18. You can find a book/have a snack at a fast food restaurant.
19. You can see fish/watch football at the stadium.
20. You can buy things/see animals in a department store.


Вы можете купить хлеб / перекусить в пекарне.
16. Вы можете устроить пикник в парке.
17. Вы можете расслабиться в галерее.
18. Вы можете перекусить в ресторане быстрого питания.
19. На стадионе вы можете посмотреть футбол.
20. Вы можете покупать вещи в универмаге.

*D. Underline the correct item. Подчеркните правильный элемент.

e.g. You must/mustn’t talk during the test. It’s against the rules.

21. You must/can’t have a party in here. It’s not allowed.
22. He must/mustn’t park his car here. It’s not allowed.
23. You must/can’t do your homework. That’s the rule.
24. You must/can’t wear a seatbelt when you’re in a car. That’s the law.
25. You must/mustn’t eat in the library. It’s forbidden.


например, Вы должны / не должны разговаривать во время теста. Это против правил.
21. Вы не можете устраивать здесь вечеринки. Это не разрешено.
22. Он не должен парковать здесь свою машину. Это не разрешено.
23. Вы должны делать домашнее задание. Это правило.
24. Вы должны пристегиваться ремнем безопасности, когда находитесь в машине. Это закон.
25. Вы не должны есть в библиотеке. Это запрещено.

*E. Write the correct form of the adjective in brackets. Напишите правильную форму прилагательного в скобках.

This is Tony Pratt and his sister, Fiona. Tony is e.g. taller (tall) than Fiona, but she is 26) older (old) than him. She is the 27) oldest (old) student in her class. They both like running, but Tony is 28) faster (fast) than Fiona. In fact, Tony is the 29)  fastest (fast) boy in their school. Sometimes they argue, but Tony thinks Fiona is the 30) best (good) sister in the world.


Это Тони Пратт и его сестра Фиона. Тони выше Фионы, но она 26) старше его. Она 27) самая старшая ученица в своем классе. Им обоим нравится бегать, но Тони 28) быстрее Фионы. Фактически, Тони 29) самый быстрый мальчик в школе. Иногда они спорят, но Тони думает, что Фиона 30) самая лучшая сестра в мире.

*F. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. Расположите слова в правильном порядке, чтобы получились предложения.

e.g. to / go / school / has / Tracy / to. Tracy has to go to school.

31. uniform/wear/to/I/have/a.
     I have to wear a uniform.
32. washing up/needn’t/the/You/do.
     You needn’t do the washing up.
33. house/keep/to/They/have/the/clean.
     They have to keep the house clean.
34. early/wake/have/don’t/to/We/up.
     We don’t have to wake up early.
35. her/has/make/bed/She/to.
     She has to make her bed.


Трейси должна ходить в школу.
31. Я должен носить форму.
32. Вам не нужно мыть посуду.
33. Они должны содержать дом в чистоте.
34. Нам не нужно рано вставать.
35. Она должна заправить постель.

*G. Match the questions to the answers. Сопоставь вопросы и ответы.

e.g. Shall we go the gym? F

36. How about going to the aquarium?               C
37. Shall we go to that new department store?  E
38. Why don’t we go to the zoo?                        A
39. How about visiting Glenda?                         B
40. Why don’t we go home?                              D

A. OK. I want to see the monkeys.
B. I’d rather not. I don’t like her.
C. I don’t really like fish.
D. That sounds good. I want to go to bed.
E. Brilliant idea! I need some new clothes.
F. Yes, I need some exercise.

36 – C, 37 – E, 38 – A, 39 – B, 40 – D.


e.g. Почему бы нам не сходить в спортзал? 
36. Как насчет сходить в аквариум?
37. Почему бы нам не сходить в тот новый универмаг?
38. Почему бы нам не пойти в зоопарк?
39. Как насчет посетить Гленду?
40. Почему бы нам не пойти домой?

A. OK. Я хочу увидеть обезьян.
B. Я бы не стал. Она мне не нравится.
C. Я не очень люблю рыбу.
D. Звучит хорошо. Я хочу лечь спать.
E. Блестящая идея! Мне нужна новая одежда.
F. Да, мне нужны упражнения.

*H. Read the text and answer the questions. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.

Dear Kirsten,
Hi! How are you? I’m writing to say thank you for letting me stay with you.
Your family’s flat is very different from our cottage. The rooms in your flat are smaller than the rooms in our cottage. We can go for a walk in the countryside, but we can’t go to the cinema or the theatre. We can enjoy peace and quiet, but we can’t see a lot of people. I guess no one can have everything they want.
Visit me soon.
All my love,

Дорогая Кирстен,
Здравствуй! Как дела? Я пишу, чтобы поблагодарить вас за то, что позволили мне остаться с вами.
Квартира вашей семьи сильно отличается от нашего коттеджа. Комнаты в вашей квартире меньше комнат в нашем коттедже. Мы можем пойти погулять за город, но нельзя пойти в кино или театр. Мы можем наслаждаться тишиной и покоем, но не видим много людей. Я думаю, никто не может получить все, что хочет.
Приезжай ко мне в ближайшее время.
Со всей любовью,

e.g. What kind of home does Amy live in? A cottage.

41. What kind of home does Kirsten live in?
      A flat. 
42. Which home has the biggest rooms?
      The cottage.
43. Which home is close to a cinema and a theatre?
      The flat.
44. Which home is in the countryside?
      The cottage.
45. Which home is peaceful and quiet?
     The cottage.


например, В каком доме живет Эми?
В коттедже.
41. В каком доме живет Кирстен?
В квартире
42. В каком доме самые большие комнаты?
В коттедже (имеется в виду коттедж Эми)
43. Какой дом находится недалеко от кинотеатра и театра?
В квартире (В коттедже (имеется в виду квартира Кирстен)
44. Какой дом в деревне?
В коттедже (имеется в виду коттедж Эми)
45. В каком доме тихо и спокойно?
В коттедже (имеется в виду коттедж Эми)

*I. Listen to two people talking about an aquarium and complete the advertisement. Послушайте, как два человека говорят об аквариуме, и дополните рекламу.

Georgia Aquarium
Visit the World’s Largest Aquarium and enjoy more than 46) 100,000 fish and sea mammals from around the world. Sharks, whales, 47) penguins and many more!
You can even touch anemones and starfish!
Adults S24.00
Child S 48) 18.00
Opening Hours
Monday – Thursday 10am – 5pm
Friday – Sunday 9am – 49) 6pm
You 50) must book in advance!


Аквариум Джорджии
Посетите крупнейший в мире аквариум и насладитесь более чем 46) 100,000 рыбами и морскими млекопитающими со всего мира. Акулы, киты, 47) пингвины и многое другое!
Вы даже можете потрогать анемоны и морские звезды!
Взрослые S24.00
Детский S48) 18.00
Часы работы
Понедельник − четверг 10.00 − 17.00
Пятница − воскресенье 9.00 − 49) 18.00
Вы 50) должны забронировать заранее!

Аудио к заданию:

− Why don’t we visit the Georgia Aquarium today? I heard it has more than 100,000 fish and sea mammals from all around the world.
− Really? What kinds of fish and mammals?
− Sharks, whales, penguins and lots of other kinds too. You can even touch some of them, like the anemones and starfish.
− Wow! It sounds like a great idea! Is it expensive?
− Not really. It’s 24 dollars for adults and 18 dollars for children.
− All right then. Today is Saturday. Do you think it is open after 3 o’clock?
− Of course. The advert says that from Fridays to Sundays it stays open until 6 pm. There’s just one little problem.
− What?
− It says here you must book the tickets in advance.
− Let’s book them then for next Saturday.

Перевод аудио:

− Почему бы нам сегодня не посетить Аквариум Джорджии? Я слышала, что здесь обитает более 100,000 рыб и морских млекопитающих со всего мира.
− В самом деле? Какие виды рыб и млекопитающих?
− Акулы, киты, пингвины и многие другие тоже. Вы даже можете потрогать некоторых из них, например, анемонов и морских звезд.
− Ух ты! Звучит как отличная идея! Это дорого?
− На самом деле, нет. 24 доллара для взрослых и 18 долларов для детей.
− Тогда все в порядке. Сегодня суббота. Как вы думаете, он открыт после 3 часов?
− Конечно. В объявлении сказано, что с пятницы по воскресенье он работает до 18:00. Есть только одна маленькая проблема.
− Что?
− Здесь написано, что билеты нужно бронировать заранее.
− Тогда давай забронируем их на следующую субботу.

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