Choose the correct word konstantin juggles really good well

Choose the correct word (выбрать правильное слово) Konstantin juggles really good / well Vera walks quickly / quick

She`s a careful / carefully driver

Maxim s really badly / bad at Maths

My teacher speaks softly / soft

Darya sings bad / badly.

Перед вами страница с вопросом Choose the correct word (выбрать правильное слово) Konstantin juggles really good / well Vera walks quickly / quickShe`s a careful / carefully driverMaxim s really badly / bad at MathsMy teacher speak?, который относится к
категории Английский язык. Уровень сложности соответствует учебной программе для
учащихся 5 — 9 классов. Здесь вы найдете не только правильный ответ, но и
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Choose the correct word (выбрать правильное слово) Konstantin juggles really good/well Vera walks quickly/quick
She`s a careful/carefully driver
Maxim s really badly/bad at Maths
My teacher speaks softly/soft
Darya sings bad/badly

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Choose the correct word (выбрать правильное слово) Konstantin juggles really good/well Vera walks quickly/quick
She`s a careful/carefully driver
Maxim s really badly/bad at Maths
My teacher speaks softly/soft
Darya sings bad/badly

1 ответ:




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The car has crashed. He was to go home and<span> pack his things. He was flying to London the next morning.

Слушайте и пойте! Раскрась меня в красный, раскрась меня в синий, раскрась меня в радугу, тоже! Уток коричневые, книги зеленые, пенал розового цвета. Какова цвет солнце сегодня? я думаю, солнце желтое!

My working day starts with breakfast. I think this is a good charge for the day. After that I’m going to give myself up straight into the bath. After that, I put on casual clothes and go to school. After attending classes, I’m going home to do homework. After school, I see my favorite TV transmission and engaged in preparation for sleep. 

ПЕРЕВОД. Мой рабочий день начинается с завтрака. Мне кажется, это хороший заряд энергией на весь день. После этого я иду приводить себя в порядок прямиком в ванну. После этого, я надеваю повседневную одежду и иду в школу. После посещения занятий я иду домой делать уроки. После уроков я просматриваю мои любимые теле передачи и занимаюсь приготовлением  ко сну.

Has just gone
has been learning
have known
has painted
has been sleeping

L. How long you to wait for me? I am really very sorry. 2. Ring me up at 11 o’clock,  I will not sleep yet.
3. When l have come home yesterday, my sister had already returned  and was sitting at the fireplace looking through some old
 4. He has been writing the composition for three hours and he said he soon would finish it as he had thought over the conclusion now.
Hello, Nick! Where  are you going?-I am going  to the library. b. Have you ever been to Moscow?-Yes, I was  there last summer. to
 7. Hardly  l (to go out
when(to remember) that I(to leave) my umbrella.

8. He asked me when I would come next time.
 9. When we have come to the station, our train had
already left , and we had to wait for two hours before another
one would  come. 10. The child won’t be healthy unless you give him
much fruit.

Task2express the same in the Passive voice where possible.

.He brought her some beautiful shells from the south.- Some beautiful shells were brought by him from the south.
 2, we shall do the
translation in the evening.- The translation should be done by us in the evening
 3. The workers can finish the building
of the house very soon — The building of the house could be finished very soon
4. The young mothers look after their babies with
great care. — The babies are looked after their mother with great care
5. He has a sharp sense of humour. —
6. They are speaking about
him now. -He is spoken by them
 7. Nobody answered my call. — My call was not answered
8, This hat suits you. —
9. hope you
will take great care of them. — I hope they will be taken great care of you
 10. She owns the car.- The car is owned by her.

Английский язык 5 — 9 классы Наталий Наталий






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2019-05-23 02:27:44

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280 просмотров

Choose the correct word (выбрать правильное слово) Konstantin juggles really good/well Vera walks quickly/quick

She`s a careful/carefully driver

Maxim s really badly/bad at Maths

My teacher speaks softly/soft

Darya sings bad/badly

Английский язык


(29 баллов)

10 Май, 18

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0 не интересует


(60 баллов)

10 Май, 18

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(29 баллов)

10 Май, 18


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