Choose the correct word john says that he

Choose the correct word.

She says that he
her toys.
My sister has said that she
to the park at noon.
She said that he
her a message.
He said that his brother
up early in the morning.
Mary says that Peter
for her.

Choose the correct word.

Anna said that she
a very interesting book.
She said that she
to her father a while before.
Jane said that she
for her brother since 3 o’clock.
He says that Alice
that project.
He said that they
to study French 2 years before.

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

He said that he

(bring) parcel the day before.

She said that she

(finish) her work by 4 o’clock the day before.

He said that they

(meet) each other 10 years before.

John said that he

(sign) the contract on Sunday morning.

He said that she

(consult) the doctor the day before.

Choose the correct word.

Lisa said that she
there the day before.
She said that she
this dress the week before.
Jack said that he
his work by the next day.
She said that they
to the cinema the day before.
Jane says that she
me in the evening.

Choose the correct word.

He says that the lecture
Martha says that she
him her book.
Laura says that she
to the party.
Tim said that he
a lot of money the day before.
He says that he
the following week.

Choose the correct word.

John says that he
back in March.
She says that she
to the picnic.
He says that the parcel
on time.
She said that she
to Spain on holiday.
He said that he
his career in 2001.

Choose the correct word.

I can’t
the difference between these silk dress and the woolen one.
I wish Jack had
me about his accident.
You could have
something about this situation.
you the truth, I don’t like Mary.
Peter felt confused, but he didn’t

Срочно нужно решить тест по английскому


John said, ‘I’m sorry to disturb you, Eliza.

’ A John told that he was sorry to disturb Eliza.

В John told Eliza he was sorry to disturb her.

С John said to Eliza he had been sorry to disturb her.

2. He said, ‘Where is Jill going?

’ A He asked where was Jill going.

В He asked where Jill is going.

С He asked where Jill was going.

3. Sally said, ‘I would like to buy it.

A Salty said that she would like to buy it.

ВSally said she would have liked to buy it.

СSally said that she liked to buy it.

4. ‘If I had any instructions, I would know what to do, ’ said Mag.

A Mag said that if she had had any instructions she would have known what to do.

В Mag said if she had any instructions she knew what to do.

С Mag said that if she had any instructions she would know what to do.

5. Robby asked, ‘ Bobby, do you know the Old Barn Hotel?

It’s on the Carl Road.

A Robby asked Bobby if he knew the Old Bam Hotel that was on the Carl Road.

В Robby asked Bobby did he know the Old Bam Hotel ; it was on Carl Road.

С Robby asked Bobby where the Old Bam Hotel was.

6. The doctor asked, ‘How do you feel?

’ A The doctor asked how did I feel.

В The doctor asked how I felt.

С The doctor asked how I had felt.

7. ‘Will you be free tomorrow?

’ Colin asked Richard.

A Richard asked would Colin be free the next day.

В Colin asked Richard if he would be free the following day.

С Colin asked if Richard will be free tomorrow.

8. ‘Don’t open the door or answer the phone, ’ said her par­ents.

A Her parents said to her not to open the door or answer the phone.

В Her parents told her not to open the door and to answer the phone.

С Her parents told her neither to open the door nor to answer the phone.

9. ‘Why hasn’t he locked the car door?

’ the policeman said.

A The policeman asked why he hadn’t locked the car door.

В The policeman asked why hadn’t he locked the car door.

С The policeman asked why he didn’t lock the car door.

10. The students said, ‘We wish our exams were over.

A The students said they wished their exams had been o er.

В The students said that they wished their exams have been over.

С The students said they wished their exams were over.

11. Tom said, ‘Jerry has been my best friend since our early childhood.

A Tom told Jerry that he had been his best friend since their early childhood.

В Tom said that Jerry has been my best friend since our early childhood.

С Tom said that Jerry had been his best friend since their early childhood.

12. ‘Where is the nearest bus stop?

’ the old man addressed a policeman.

A The old man asked where was the nearest bus stop.

В The old man asked a policeman where the nearest bus stop was.

С The old man told a policeman where the nearest bus stop was.

13. The teacher said to us, ‘Be quiet, please.

’ A The teacher asked us be quiet.

В The teacher told us to be quiet.

С The teacher said to us to be quiet.

14. ‘Could you show me these jeans, please?

’ said the boy.

A The boy said to show him those jeans.

В The boy asked to show him those jeans.

С The boy asked if the salesgirl could show him these jeans.

15. ‘If I were you, I’d stop smoking, ’ Jeff said.

A Jeff said that if he were him he would have stopped smoking.

В Jeff said that if he had been him he would stop smoking.

С Jeff advised him to stop smoking.

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На данной странице находятся упражнения с ответами по английскому языку из рабочей тетради (Workbook) 8 класса УМК Spotlight. Упражнения из 6c.

Exercise 1. Rewrite the sentences using reported speech.
Упражнение 1. Перепишите предложения в косвенной речи.


1) “It’s so chilly this evening,” Jill said.
2) “Let’s meet at the train station at 7:00,” Diana said.
3) “We’re going away on holiday next week,” Sue said.
4) “Anthony was late this morning,” Tom said.
5) “My brother is in hospital,” Lucy said.
6) “I haven’t heard from Michael for quite some time,’ Paul said.
7) “We won the final match,” Charlie said.
8) “I’d like to go to summer camp,” John said.
9) “They’re getting married in the spring,” Patty said.
10) “You can visit us whenever you like,” Mary said.

1) “It’s so chilly this evening,” Jill said. – Jill said that it was so chilly that evening.
“Сегодня вечером так прохладно”, – сказала Джилл. – Джилл сказала, что сегодня вечером так прохладно.

2) “Let’s meet at the train station at 7:00,” Diana said. – Diana suggested meeting at the train station at 7:00.
“Давайте встретимся на железнодорожной станции в 7.00”, – сказала Диана. – Диана предложила встретиться на железнодорожной станции в 7.00.

3) “We’re going away on holiday next week,” Sue said. – Sue said that they were going away on holiday the week after / the following week.
“На следующей неделе мы уезжаем в отпуск”, – сказала Сью. – Сью сказала, что через неделю / на следующей неделе они уезжают в отпуск.

4) “Anthony was late this morning,” Tom said. – Tom said that Anthony had been late that morning.
“Сегодня утром Энтони опоздал”, – сказал Том. – Том сказал, что Энтони опоздал сегодня утром.

5) “My brother is in hospital,” Lucy said. – Lucy said that her brother was in hospital.
“Мой брат находится в больнице”, – сказала Люси. – Люси сказала, что ее брат находится в больнице.

6) “I haven’t heard from Michael for quite some time,’ Paul said. – Paul said that he hadn’t heard from Michael for quite some time.
“Я давненько не получал от Майкла никаких известий”, – сказал Пол. – Пол сказал, что давненько не получал от Майкла никаких известий.

7) “We won the final match,” Charlie said. – Charlie said that they had won the final match.
“Мы выиграли финальный матч”, – сказал Чарли. – Чарли сказал, что они выиграли финальный матч.

8) “I’d like to go to summer camp,” John said. – John said that he would like to go to a summer camp.
“Я бы хотел поехать в летний лагерь”, – сказал Джон. – Джон сказал, что хотел бы поехать в летний лагерь.

9) “They’re getting married in the spring,” Patty said. – Patty said that they were getting married in the spring.
“Они женятся весной”, – сказала Пэтти. – Пэтти сказала, что ни женятся весной.

10) “You can visit us whenever you like,” Mary said. – Mary said that I / we could visit them whenever I / we liked.
“Вы можете навестить нас, когда пожелаете”, – сказала Мэри. – Мэри сказала, что я могу / мы можем навестить их, когда пожелаю / пожелаем.

Exercise 2. Turn the following into reported questions.
Упражнение 2. Следующие вопросы передайте в косвенной речи.


1) Fred asked, “Are those snakes poisonous?”
2) “Have you seen Derek?” Terry asked me.
3) Dad asked Nancy, “Would you like me to pick you up?”
4) Jack asked the receptionist, “Does my room have Internet service?”
5) David asked Bill, “What is Moscow like?”
6) Rick asked Mary, “Have you had your photos developed yet?”
7) “Do you feel safe walking home at night?” Becky asked her brother.
8) “Is Hawaii part of the United States?” Frank asked his teacher.
9) Tom asked his friend, “Have you ever been to Australia?”
10) April asked me, “What are you doing?”

1) Fred asked, “Are those snakes poisonous?” – Fred asked if / whether the snakes were poisonous.
Фред спросил: “Те змеи ядовитые?” – Фред спросил, ядовиты ли те змеи.

2) “Have you seen Derek?” Terry asked me. – Terry asked me if / whether I had seen Derek.
“Ты видел Дерека?” – Терри спросил меня. – Терри спросил меня, видел ли я Дерека.

3) Dad asked Nancy, “Would you like me to pick you up?” – Dad asked Nancy if / whether she would like him to pick her up.
Папа спросил Нэнси: “Ты хочешь, чтобы я забрал тебя?” – Папа спросил Нэнси, хочет ли она, чтобы он забрал ее.

4) Jack asked the receptionist, “Does my room have Internet service?” – Jack asked the receptionist if / whether his room had Internet service.
Джек спросил администратора: “У меня в номере есть интернет?” – Джек спросил администратора, есть ли в его номере интернет.

5) David asked Bill, “What is Moscow like?” – David asked Bill what Moscow was like.
Дэвид спросил Билла: “Какова Москва?” – Дэвид спросил Билла, какова Москва.

6) Rick asked Mary, “Have you had your photos developed yet?” – Rick asked Mary if / whether she had had her photos developed yet.

7) “Do you feel safe walking home at night?” Becky asked her brother. – Becky asked her brother if / whether he felt safe walking home at night.
“Ты чувствуешь себя в безопасности, когда идешь домой вечером?” – Беки спросила ее брата. – Беки спросила ее брата, чувствует ли он себя в безопасности, когда идет домой вечером.

8) “Is Hawaii part of the United States?” Frank asked his teacher. – Frank asked his teacher if / whether Hawaii was part of the United States.
“Являются ли Гавайи частью Соединенных Штатов?” – Френк спросил своего учителя. – Френк спросил своего учителя, являются ли Гавайи частью Соединенных Штатов.

9) Tom asked his friend, “Have you ever been to Australia?” – Tom asked his friend if / whether he had ever been to Australia.
Том спросил своего друга: “Ты был в Австралии?” – Том спросил своего друга, был ли он когда-нибудь в Австралии.

10) April asked me, “What are you doing?” – April asked me what I was doing.
Эйприл спросила меня: “Что ты делаешь?” – Эйприл спросила меня, что я делаю.

Exercise 2. Report these tips.
Упражнение 2. Передайте в косвенной речи следующие советы, как в образце.


Tips on how to avoid sunstroke

– Avoid going out when the sun is at its highest.
– Wear a hat and light protective clothing.
– Do not forget to wear your sunglasses.
– Sit in the shade when outdoors.
– Do not schedule any outdoor activities around midday.
– Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration.
– Try to eat light meals only.

► The doctor told me to avoid going out when the sun is at its highest.

Tips on how to avoid sunstroke
Советы о том, как избежать солнечного удара

– Avoid going out when the sun is at its highest. – Избегайте выходить на улицу, когда солнце находится на своем пике.
The doctor told me to avoid going out when the sun is at its highest. – Доктор скала мне избегать выходить на улицу, когда солнце находится на своем пике.

– Wear a hat and light protective clothing. – Носите шляпу и легкую защищающую одежду.
The doctor told me to wear a hat and light protective clothing. – Доктор сказал мне носить шляпу и легкую защищающую одежду.

– Do not forget to wear your sunglasses. – Не забывайте носить свое солнечные очки.
The doctor told me not to forget to wear my sunglasses. – Доктор сказал мне не забывать носить мои солнечные очки.

– Sit in the shade when outdoors. – На улице сидите в тени.
The doctor told me to sit in the shade when I am outdoors. – Доктор сказал мне сидеть в тени, когда нахожусь на улице.

– Do not schedule any outdoor activities around midday. – В районе полудня не планируйте никаких мероприятий на улице.
The doctor told me not to schedule any outdoor activities around midday. – Доктор сказал мне не планировать никаких мероприятий на улице в районе полудня.

– Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration. – Пейте много воды, чтобы избежать обезвоживания.
The doctor told me to drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration. – Доктор сказал мне пить много воды, чтобы избежать обезвоживания.

– Try to eat light meals only. – Старайтесь есть только легкую пищу.
The doctor told me to try to eat light meals only. – Доктор сказал мне есть только легкую пищу.

Exercise 4. Complete the sentences. Use reported speech.
Упражнение 4. Завершить предложения в косвенной речи.


1) The receptionist said __ .
2) I asked my friend __ .
3) He asked the driver __ .
4) Someone told him __ .
5) My friend asked __ .
6) The teacher said __ .
7) My father told me __ .
8) The flight attendant asked __ .

1) The receptionist said that I would have to wait another quarter of an hour to see the doctor.
Администратор сказал, что мне надо подождать еще пятнадцать минут, чтобы посетить врача.

2) I asked my friend if I could borrow her sunglasses.
Я спросил подругу, могу ли я взять на время ее солнечные очки.

3) He asked the driver if he could wait while he quickly withdrew some money from the cash point.
Он спросил водителя, может ли он немного подождать, в то время как он быстро снимет деньги в пункте выдачи наличных.

4) Someone told him that his friend had been spreading nasty rumours about him.
Кто-то сказал ему, что его друг распускает про него отвратительные слухи.

5) My friend asked me if I could lend her €20.
Моя подруга спросила меня, могу ли я занять ей 20 евро.

6) The teacher said that everyone had passed the exam.
Моя подруга сказала, что все сдали экзамен.

7) My father told me that he was organising a surprise party for my mum.
Мой отец сказал мне, что он организовывает вечеринку-сюрприз для моей мамы.

8) The flight attendant asked me if I would like some water or orange juice.
Бортпроводник спросил меня, желаю ли я воды или апельсинового сока.

Choose the correct word.
1. John leads an unhealthy / unwelcome lifestyle.
2. We really like the landscape / peace and quiet in this village.
3. There is a low rate of unemployment / living in big cities.
4. It’s a crime to look / break into a house.
5. I miss the hustle and noise / bustle of LA.
6. I love saying / chatting with my friends.
7. Public transport is convenient / heavy in my town.
8. You are hometown / homesick when you miss home.
9. He’s installing / inventing outside lights in his garden.
10. I hate the constant / crowded noise in Paris.
11. He feels lonely / friendly away from his family.
12. Let’s check / surf the Net tonight.
13. On a hot day we do / play beach volleyball.
14. Everything is close / easy at hand in big cities.

Английский язык 7 класс Spotlight Английский в фокусе Ваулина. Progress Check 1. Номер №2


Перевод задания
Выберите правильное слово.

  1. Джон ведет нездоровый / нежелательный образ жизни.
  2. Нам очень нравится пейзаж / тишина и покой в этой деревне.
  3. В больших городах наблюдается низкий уровень безработицы / проживания.
  4. Вломиться / заглянуть в дом − преступление.
  5. Я скучаю по шуму и шуму / суете Лос−Анджелеса.
  6. Я люблю сказать / болтать с друзьями.
  7. Общественный транспорт в моем городе удобный / тяжелый.
  8. Вы hometown / homesick, когда скучаете по дому.
  9. Он устанавливает / изобретает уличное освещение в своем саду.
  10. Я ненавижу постоянный / многолюдный шум в Париже.
  11. Он чувствует себя одиноким / дружелюбным вдали от семьи.
  12. Давайте проверим / побродим по Интернету сегодня вечером.
  13. В жаркий день мы делаем / играем в пляжный волейбол.
  14. В больших городах все близко / легко под рукой.

1. John leads an unhealthy lifestyle.
2. We really like the peace and quiet in this village.
3. There is a low rate of unemployment in big cities.
4. It’s a crime to break into a house.
5. I miss the hustle and bustle of LA.
6. I love chatting with my friends.
7. Public transport is convenient in my town.
8. You are homesick when you miss home.
9. He’s installing outside lights in his garden.
10. I hate the constant noise in Paris.
11. He feels lonely away from his family.
12. Let’s surf the Net tonight.
13. On a hot day we play beach volleyball.
14. Everything is close at hand in big cities.

Перевод ответа
1. Джон ведет нездоровый образ жизни.
2. Нам очень нравится тишина и покой в этой деревне.
3. В больших городах наблюдается низкий уровень безработицы.
4. Вломиться в дом − преступление.
5. Я скучаю по шуму и суете Лос−Анджелеса.
6. Я люблю болтать с друзьями.
7. Общественный транспорт в моем городе удобный.
8. Вы скучаете по дому, когда скучаете по дому.
9. Он устанавливает уличное освещение в своем саду.
10. Я ненавижу постоянный шум в Париже.
11. Он чувствует себя одиноким вдали от семьи.
12. Давайте побродим по Интернету сегодня вечером.
13. В жаркий день мы играем в пляжный волейбол.
14. В больших городах все близко под рукой.

Опубликовано 22.08.2017 по предмету Английский язык от Гость
>> <<

Помогите пожалуйста. Срочно нужно!!!!!
A Choose the correct item
Dont be late. The film at 8:00 pm.
A is starting B will start C starts
A good way to …………………. a problem is to think
about it calmly and carefully.
A win B beat C gain
The plane took off ten minutes after the last
passenger had it.
A caught B booked C boarded
After living in London for a few months, Emma finally ………..driving on the left.
A used to B got used to C was used to
This picture …………………. at the beginning
of the century.
A was painted B had painted
C painted
It ……. like the bus is running late. Lets catch a taxi.
A is looking
B has looked
C looks
Look at Marthas expression. She ……………….
screaming any minute now!
A is starting B is going to start
C will start
Bob gets paid soon, he will not be able
to pay his bills.
A If B Unless
C When
Lisa have cooked this delicious meal.
She doesnt even know how to boil an egg!
A mustnt B shouldnt C cant
There was thick black coming out of the
burning building.
A fog B smoke C smog
Dans health has really ever since
he stopped eating junk food.
A developed B increased C improved
Mark said that he a great time in
London the previous summer.
A had had B would have C has had
Nathan is selfish to care about
what others think of him.
A very B too C enough
Michael must on the phone. Ive tried
calling him but his line is busy.
A have talked B be talking C talk
We ……. half the rubbish on the beach by the time
Jeff arrived.
A have cleaned up B had cleaned up
C had been cleaning up
What time does the train Bristol?
A arrive B get
C reach
Ben tells the jokes Ive ever heard.
A funnier B funniest C most funny
Neither Annabel Sue has ever flown in a
A or B and C nor
When his mother asked him if he knew
anything about the broken window, he just
his shoulders and said nothing.
A crossed B clenched C shrugged
Mr Adams speaks than anyone I know.
A slower
B more slowly
C the most slowly
Gary didnt mean you. He was just
in a bad mood.
A hurt B hurting C to hurt
Sue wanted to change the appearance of her living room, so she by a professional
interior designer.
A decorated it B had it decorated
C had decorated it
Anne asked her new classmate where.
A did he come B he came C does he come
John says that when he was a student, maths
his least favourite subject.
A were B has been C was
Make sure you wear a hat when youre
out in the weather.
A steaming B boiling C baking
My mum says shell never forget my dad
for the first time.
A to meet B she met C meeting
If Frank us, we wouldnt have
finished the project on time.
A wouldnt help B didnt help C hadnt helped
The burning of fossil fuels has a bad on
our environment.
A drawback B impact C fault
We for three hours before we
decided to take a break.
A must be trekking
B had been trekking
C have been trekking
Mum advised me the heavy box up the
A not to carry
B to not carry
C dont carry

Ответ оставил Гость

1- С starts 
16 — B beat 
2 — C boarded
17 — B got used to 
3 — A was painted 
18 — C looks
4 — B is going to start
19 — B unless 
5 — С cant 
20 — B smoke
6 — C improved
21 — A had had 
7 — B too 
22 — B be talking 
8 — B had cleaned up
23 — C reach
9 — B funniest 
24 — C nor
10 — C shrugged
25 — A slower 
11 — C to hurt
26 — B had it decorated  
12 — B he came from 
27 — C was
13 — A boiling
28 — C meeting
14 — C hadnt helped
29 — B impact 
15 — B had been trekking
30 — A not to carry 

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