Choose the correct word it has been all day

На данной странице находятся упражнения с ответами по английскому языку из рабочей тетради (Workbook) 8 класса УМК Spotlight. Упражнения из 5d.

Exercise 1. Match the pictures to the correct description.
Упражнение 1. Соотнесите картинки и описания.


Spotlight 8 Workbook 5d

1) freezing cold & snowy
2) windy
3) boiling hot
4) cloudy
5) chilly & foggy

1) freezing cold & snowy (ответ E)
морозно и снежно

2) windy (ответ B)

3) boiling hot (ответ D)
очень жарко

4) cloudy (ответ A)

5) chilly & foggy (ответ C)
прохладно и туманно

Exercise 2. Underline the correct word.
Упражнение 2. Определите правильное слово.


1) Take your coat with you. It’s a bit heavy / nippy outside.

2) Is there anyone in the garden or is it just the wind drizzling / whistling through the trees?

3) It has been roaring / pouring all day.

4) All flights have been cancelled because of the strong / huge snowstorm.

5) The rain isn’t that bad; it’s only howling / drizzling.

6) Be careful not to stay too long under the light / scorching sun.

1) Take your coat with you. It’s a bit nippy outside.
Возьмите с собой пальто. На улице немного морозно.

2) Is there anyone in the garden or is it just the wind whistling through the trees?
В саду кто-то есть, или это просто ветер проносится со свистом через деревья?

3) It has been pouring all day.
Весь день идет ливень.

4) All flights have been cancelled because of the huge snowstorm.
Все рейсы были отменены из-за огромной снежной бури.

5) The rain isn’t that bad; it’s only drizzling.
Дождь не такой сильный; всего лишь моросит.

6) Be careful not to stay too long under the scorching sun.
Будь осторожен и не оставайся слишком долго под палящим солнцем слишком долго.

Exercise 3. Fill in the correct word: snow, rain, showers, mild, clouds, breezes, sun, storms, colder, winds.
Упражнение 3. Соотнесите картинки и описания.


“Hi! I’m Tom Wells. The weather this week is going to be quite variable. For the first half of the week, the northwest part of the country is going to have 1) __ temperatures, blue skies and gentle 2) __ . But as the week moves on, 3) __ will gather bringing some light 4) __ which may turn into heavy 5) __ . The weather in the north, however, will be much 6) __ with high 7) __ and a possibility of violent 8) __ . During the early hours of the night expect some 9) __ fall. Drivers are warned to take care when driving in the morning because of the possibility of ice on the roads. Yet, there is good news for the weekend. The weather will clear up with plenty of 10) __ on both days.”

“Hi! I’m Tom Wells. The weather this week is going to be quite variable. For the first half of the week, the northwest part of the country is going to have mild temperatures, blue skies and gentle breezes. But as the week moves on, clouds will gather bringing some light showers which may turn into heavy rain. The weather in the north, however, will be much colder with high winds and a possibility of violent storms. During the early hours of the night expect some snow fall. Drivers are warned to take care when driving in the morning because of the possibility of ice on the roads. Yet, there is good news for the weekend. The weather will clear up with plenty of sun on both days.”

Привет, Я Уэллс. Погода на этой неделе будет весьма изменчивой. В течение первой половины недели северо-западная часть страны будет иметь мягкие температуры, голубое небо и легкий бриз. Но с течением недели облака сгустятся, принеся легкий ливень, который может превратиться в сильный дожди. Однако погода на севере будет намного холодней с сильными ветрами и вероятностью сильных штормов. В течение ранних ночных часов ожидается небольшой снег. Водителям следует быть осторожными во время езды утром из-за вероятности наледи на дорогах. Однако есть и хорошие новости на эти выходные. В оба выходных дня погода прояснится и будет много солнца.

Exercise 4. Match the pictures to the phrases. Then, use the phrases in the correct form to complete the sentences.
Упражнение 4. Соотнесите картинки и фразы. Затем испoльзуйте фразы в правильной форме в предложениях.


Spotlight 8 Workbook 5d ex4

a. to be on cloud nine
b. to feel under the weather
с. to save up for a rainy day
d. to be a bolt from the blue
e. to see which way the wind blows

1) It is important not to spend all your earnings and __.
2) Look! She’s so happy! She seems __.
3) Tom wants to go home. He’s __.
4) The news that Jim was fired came as __.
5) I’m not going to make a decision now. I’m just waiting __.

a. to be on cloud nine – быть на седьмом небе от счастья (картинка 3)
b. to feel under the weather – неважно себя чувствовать (картинка 1)
с. to save up for a rainy day – экономить на черный день (картинка 2)
d. to be a bolt from the blue – как гром среди ясного неба (картинка 5)
e. to see which way the wind blows – посмотреть, куда ветер дует; не торопиться с решением (картинка 4)

1) It is important not to spend all your earnings and save up for a rainy day. – Важно не тратить все свои заработанные деньги и экономить на черный день.

2) Look! She’s so happy! She seems to be on cloud nine. – Посмотри! Она так счастлива! Кажется, что на седьмом небе от счастья.

3) Tom wants to go home. He’s feeling under the weather. – Том хочет уехать домой.
4) The news that Jim was fired came as a bolt from the blue. – Новость о том, что Джим был уволен, была как гром среди ясного неба.

5) I’m not going to make a decision now. I’m just waiting see which way the wind blows to.
Я не собираюсь принимать решение сейчас. Я подожду и посмотрю, куда подует ветер.


How many people do you communicate (0)with in a day? Probably a lot more (1)as you did ten years ago. With a few pieces of equipment, we can “talk” to people in more and more ways, not (2)just face-to-face and on the phone, but also via the Internet. It is very important, therefore,(3) for everyone to try and improve their communication skills. Despite all the technological advances of (4)last years, the art of good conversation is still at the heart of successful communication. (5)So it’s a good idea to remember the four golden rules of good communication. Firstly, be as clear as you can.
Misunderstandings arise if we don’t say exactly (6)what we mean. Secondly, we have to work (7)hard at listening. Pay attention to what the other person is saying. Thirdly, ask (8)other people what they think, don’t only tell them what you think. And finally show respect for people, give them time to say what they want, and (9)be interest in what they say.
If you (10) follow these rules, you will be a good communicator.

Подборка по базе: Домашнее задание для подготовки презентаций с докладами по курсу, ЭФ Зачетное задание.docx, Анализ и диагностика. Задание 1..doc, Домашнее задание по всем формам.docx, Практическое задание 2 инфо.docx, Практическое задание 1 инфо.docx, 6кл истор оеч тема 2.docx, философия — задание.docx, Предварительное следствие задание 1.docx, Практическая работа Тема 1.pdf

Part B. Subject area: “People and Society”

Exercise 1. Topic vocabulary in contrast. Choose the correct answer.

1) Everyone said they had enjoyed themselves at the wedding.

A — enjoyed

2) Mary seems to go out with a different group of friends almost every night.

A — group

3) People can become very bad-tempered when they are stuck in traffic for a long time.

В — bad-tempered

4) More and more people are living into old age and it’s a serious social problem.

D — old

5) Stephanie seems to be very popular with her classmates.

D — popular

6) Most ordinary people have no idea what it’s like to be famous.

В — ordinary

7) When my parents got divorced, my best friend was very sympathetic and

listened to all my problems.

С — sympathetic

8) Rita’s very sensitive and easily gets upset when people criticise her.

В — sensitive

9) Police were called in when the crowd of people began to get violent.

A — crowd

10) My dad says he once met Robbie Williams when he was still unknown.

A – unknown
Exercise 2. Topic vocabulary in contrast. Choose the correct word.

1) These days, many parents find it difficult tosupport a large family.

2) Forgetting to thank us for dinner is typical of George.

3) My grandma doesn’t have any close family her own age left.

4) In ancient times, people had a very different view of the world.

5) Who was to blame for the argument?

6) Don’t you know it’spolite to close your mouth when you are eating?

7) Nathan’s parents were verypleased when they saw him in the school play.

8) I have a very goodrelationship with my mother.

Exercise 3. Phrasal verbs. Complete using the correct form of the words in italics. You need to use one word twice.

Some of us seem to be infinitely kind, while others seem to 1) look down on everyonearound them. Some of us never forget an argument, while others 2) make up and forgiveeasily. As we 3) grow up, our personality develops and we find that we 4) get on with certain people more than others. Who we are seems to have a large genetic element, butis also influenced by those who 5) bring us up. If we 6) look up to our parents orother family members, we may want to be like them. On the other hand, if our parents seem to 7) put us down all the time and we 8) fall out with them a lot, then perhapswe will develop quite different personalities.

Exercise 4. Phrasal verbs. Write a phrasal verb in the correct form to replace the words in italics. And any other words you need.

1) The doctor said that the old woman had died passed away peacefully in her sleep.

2) I always support back upmy brother when he gets into trouble.

3) Tony seems to have really fallen in love with fallen forVanessa.

4) Mark is such a bully and treats badly picks on the younger boys at school.

5) I was surprised was taken aback when Michaela said I’d hurt her feelings.

6) Richard finally met the woman of his dreams and got married and started to live quietly settled down in Australia.

7) I saw Mrs Khan in the centre of town and she asked for news about asked after you.
Exercise 5. Phrases and collocations. Write one word in each gap.

1) Could you do me a favour and ask Oliver to see me in my office?

2) I don’t have many ambitions, but I’d like to graduate and then start a family.

3) As we walked down the street, Helen took pity on the beggar and gave him some money.

4) Nadia’s hair looked awful, but I didn’t have the courage to tell her.

5) My dad can’t stand losing an argument and always has to have the last word.

6) The new law seemed to meet with everyone’s approval.

7) Can you take care of your little sister for a minute while I go to the shop?

8) When you first fall in love, the whole world seems a beautiful place.

9) I don’t really make friends very easily because I’m quite shy.

10) I didn’t recognise Ed when I saw him because he was in disguise.

11) You’re in a very good mood. Why are you so happy?

12) If you keep breaking your promises, people won’t trust you any more.

13) I had a really strange dream last night about my best friend.
Exercise 6. Word patterns. Choose the correct answer.

  1. The government is trying to convince people of the need for higher taxes.

2) I believe that judges should be independent from the government.
3) Local residents object to having the new power station in their area.
4) Do you think they should ban people from smoking in public places?
5) The MP asked if the prime minister was aware of the growing social problem.

6) Most people seem to agree with the newspapers’ criticism of the government.

7) I don’t think people should rely on the state, even if they are unemployed. 

8) The mayor was attacked for wasting public money.


Exercise 7. Word patterns. Find the extra word in each line.

1) Hell, said Jean-Paul Sartre, is other people, and whether you agree with
2) or not, we are all have to learn to live together. We may not always
3) approve of that other people’s behaviour, but we do have to live with it.
4) It is impossible to force other people in to behave exactly how we think
5) they should behave. Of course, the law bans from all kinds of behaviour
6) and if you can convince to enough people, you might be able to get the
7) government to pass a new law. Mostly, though, you have to let off people
8) live their own lives, in the same way you expect them to allow you for to
9) live your life.You don’t have to pretend it that you like how some other
10) people live, but letting them to be themselves is often the only choice .

Exercise 8. Word formation. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line.

I had a really stupid 1) argumentwith my best friend the other day. It all ARGUE

started because we were talking about 2) marriage and having a family. MARRY

I said that 3) politenessis important when you are married and she said POLITE

that she thought that was rubbish and that4) kindness is much more KIND

important. Well, we were 5) ableto agree and, in the end, she ABLE

left without saying goodbye. I do hope it doesn’t spoil our 6) friendship FRIEND

Exercise 9. Word formation. Complete the sentences by changing the form of the word in capitals when this is necessary.

1) My best friend has a great personality and everyone likes her.
2) I have a good relationship with my mum and I can talk to her about anything.
3) They’ve just published a book of George Bush’s correspondences and it looks really interesting.
4) Jenny seemed willing to talk about her argument with Nancy, but I eventually got the facts.
5) As I waited for Kelly to arrive at the cinema, I bit my nails nervelessly
6) Ignore what Sharon says about you. It’s just jealousness.
7) In the past, children were expected to be very obeyed
8) Brenda blames her unhappiness on being single, but I’m not so sure.
9) Tom knew that being chosen as class president was a real achievement.
10) Kevin’s so sensitive that you have to be very careful what you say to him.
Задание 2


Exercise 1. Fill in “say” or “tell” in the correct form.

1) Jack told me that he was enjoying his new job.

2) Tom said it was a nice restaurant but I didn’t like it much.

3) The doctor said that I would have to rest for at least a week.

4) Ann told Tom that she was going away.

5) Our teacher said he was pleased with our work.

6) Yesterday my friend said he hadn’t told anyone my secret.

7) Stop telling lies!

8) Could you please tell me your name?

9)The little girl said her prayers and went to bed.

10)I really can’t tell Jane from Kate. They are twins.

11)“I haven’t got enough money,” he said to John.

12)He said he would meet us later.
Exercise 2. Yesterday you met a friend of yours, Charlie. Report what Charlie told you.

1. Charlie said that he was thinking of going to Canada.

2. Charlie said that his father was in hospital.

3. Charlie said that Nora and Jim were getting married next month.

4. Charlie said that he hadn’t seen Bill for a while.

5. Charlie said that Margaret had had a baby.

6. Charlie said that he didn’t know what Fred was doing.

7. Charlie said that he would tell Jim he saw (had seen) me.

8. Charlie said that I could come and stay with him if I was ever in London.

9. Charlie said that he had seen Jack at a party a few months ago and he had seemed fine.
Exercise 3.Report these questions beginning I asked..

1. I asked what Peter’s address was.
2. I asked when the new manager was coming.
3. I asked how she knew my name. 
4. I asked why all the windows were open.
5. I asked how many books she wanted.

6. I asked where they kept the money.

7. I asked what time the meeting was.

8. I asked when the last train left.

9. I asked how the photocopier worked.

10. I asked how often Ann went shopping.
Exercise 4.Report the following commands.

  1. The doctor said to eat more fruit and vegetables.
  2. He told to me,that i need to read the instr. before i switch on the machine.
  3. Mrs. Lane told her babysitter not to let the children eat any sweets. 

4. She told us to shut he door but dont lock it.
5. I told him to he dont come before 6 o clock.

6. Mrs Lane told her babysitter not to take the dog into the children`s bedroom.

7. He asked “Could you close all the windows? It’s too cold in the room.
Exercise 5. Turn the following dialogue into Reported Speech.

Sally asked Diane If she had applied for the job.

Diane told her it had been fine but she was wondering if she wanted the job because she would have to move to Manchester.

Sally asked what she would do then.

Diane told Sally that if they offered her the job, she couldn’t accept it.
Exercise 6. First state if the following statements are true (T) or false (F) then turn from Direct into Reported speech.

1)The teacher said that Paris is the capital of France.

2.The little boy told her that he hadn’t broken the window.
3.She told him to eat his dinner.
4.Jane asked Helen if she had seen that film.
5.Fiona said that she had had an argument with Mark the day before.
6.The manager explained that the new guests would arrive the next day.
7.George said that Greece is was hotter than England.
8.Simon asked the stranger where the post office was.
9.Michael said that he might go sailing the next week.
10. The mother told her children not to eat with their fingers.

Exercise 7. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

1) If she , hadn’tbroken,the window, she wouldn’t have had to pay for a new one.

2) If it hadn’t been cold, they wouldn’t have lit the fire.
3) If she studied more, she would be a better student.
4) They wouldn’t have seen the Queen if they hadn’t visited London on that day.
5) If you should win that competition, you will be rich.
6) If I lived in France, I would speak French well.
7) If they had locked the doors, the burglars wouldn’t have got in.
8) We will have a party if Alan passes his driving test.
9) I will give John your message if I should see him today.
10) They wouldn’t had any money if their cousin hadn’t lent them some.
11) Those plants don’t grow if you don’t water them.
12) I would buy that bag if it had been cheaper.
13) If she had opened  the letter, she would have been surprised.
Exercise 8. Choose the correct answer in sentences 1-5.

1) If you don’t hurry, you’ll miss the train.

2) What can I do if she refuses to listen to me?

3) His French won’t improve unless he studies more.

4) If I had more time, I would take up tennis.

5) If I were in your position, I’d buy a new suit.

Choose the correct verb form А, В, С or D to fill the spaces in 6-10.

6) I ____ happy to advise you if you’d asked me.

В would have been  

7) If she ____ her driving test, she would have bought a car.

D had passed

8) I wouldn’t have lent him the money if he ____ desperate.

С hadn’t been

9) If you’d run faster, you ____ the bus.

С could’ve caught

10) If I hadn’t worked hard when I was young I ____ where I am now.

D wouldn’t be
Exercise 9. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. Add a comma where necessary.

1.If the dog , keeps barking, the neighbours will complain.

2. The boss will be angry if you arrive late for work again.

3. If you eat too much, you’ll be sick!

4. If the weather is bad on Saturday, we will stay at home.

5. You should see a doctor if you don’t feel well.

6. If you study hard, you will pass your exam.
Exercise10. Use the correct tense form:

If you 1) see this film, we2) will discuss it later. If she 3) has a problem, I 4) will help her. If we 5) travel by car, we 6) will save a lot of money. If he not 7) give her flowers once a week she 8) will be offended. If they 9) blame him, it 10) will serve him right. When the children 11) come home for Christmas, the parents 12) will be happy. When the summer season 13) comes, there 14) will be a lot of tourists here. When you 15) go to shopping, use your credit card. You 16) will feel better, after you 17) takes the tablet. We 18) will buy their car after father 19) gets his salary. I not 20) try on this dress before I 21) know how much it 22) will be. I 23) wake you up as soon as I 24) get up. They 25) will make an announcement about the plane as soon as it 26) lands. As soon as Tom 27) fix the engine we 28) will continue our journey. As soon as he 29) writes to me I 30) let you know. We 31) will lie in the sun and 32) swim in the warm sea unless the weather 33) changes for the worse. She not 34) will not marry him unless he 35) gives up his bad habits. You not 36) will not lose weight unless you 37) eat less. We 38) will have a good time while our holiday 39) lasts. I 40) keep you here, until you 41) tell the truth.

Exercise 11. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

Dear Julie, I am writing to thank you for my birthday present. I was so happy to receive it — I had so many lovely presents, I don’t know what doing with them all! On my birthday I want for a meal with some friends and afterwards we went dancing at that new club on Poplar Street. If you haven’t been, it’s certainly worth going there. Now that l’m old enough drive, I’m busy taking driving lessons. Dad said he would let me use his car as long as I promise to be careful. Well, I must go now. I hope hearing from you soon. Love, Madeline.

Exercise 12 put the verbs in brackets in the infinitive or the –ing form.

1) I hate travelling by train, (travel)

2) He left without saying goodbye, (say)

3) She managed to lose a lot of weight, (lose)

4) Swimming helps you keep fit, (swim)

5) They made him to tell them the truth, (tell)

6) Matt goes to jog every morning, (jog)

7) We are sorry informing you that you have failed the exam, (inform)

8) I’d love to go to the cinema tonight, (go)

9) I look forward to seeing you again soon, (see)

10) It’s no use trying to make him change his mind, (try)

11) Sue went to the library to borrow some books, (borrow)

12) I don’t know how to dothis exercise, (do)

Exercise 13. Put the verbs in brackets into the infinitive or-ing form.

My mother is an amazing woman. She is 87 years old and she still enjoys 1) going out(go out) for a walk every day. She doesn’tmind 2) doing all her housework and she’s glad 3) to help her elderly neighbours when they can’t 4) go to the shops. She’s too old 5) to,dig the garden any moreshe stopped 6) doing that last year but she’s still healthy enough 7) to, mow the grass! In the summer she still goes 8) swimming when it’s warm and she lets her grandchildren 9) bury her in the sand. She often says, «It’s no good 10) being alive if you don’t enjoy yourself.» I’d love 11) to be like my mother when I’m her age.



Цель: формирование системы объективной и достоверной оценки качества общего образования школьников; определение уровня сформированности предметных компетенций и предметных умений по английскому языку.

Форма проведения промежуточной аттестации: тестирование.  Тестовая работа составлена в 3 вариантах на основе Федерального компонента государственного стандартного образования, утвержденного приказом Минобразования России от 05 марта 2004 года № 1089 «Об утверждении федерального компонента государственных стандартов начального общего, основного и среднего (полного) общего образования»; программы общеобразовательных учреждений учебно-методического комплекта «Spotlight 10» для 10 класса общеобразовательных учреждений, авторы Афанасьева О.В., Дули Д., Михеева И.В. и др.- 5-е изд. — М.: Просвещение. 2012.

Каждый вариант тестовой работы состоит из одной части.

Данный тест содержит 10 заданий с кратким ответом.

В экзаменационной работе предложены следующие разновидности заданий с кратким ответом:

•        задания открытого типа на запись самостоятельно сформулированного правильного ответа (№8,9);

•        задания на выбор и запись одного или нескольких правильных ответов из предложенного перечня ответов (№1-7,10).

Задание 1: Составить выражение из предложенных вариантов.

Задание 2: Выбрать временную форму глагола.

Задание 3: Сопоставить слово и его определение.

4: Выбрать временную форму глагола..

5: Заполнить пропуски в предложениях предложенными вариантами ответов

6: Выбрать временную форму глагола..

7: Поставить прилагательные в нужную форму.

8: При помощи суффиксовпрефиксов составить отрицательную форму прилагательных

9: Выбрать правильный ответ из нескольких омофонов.

10: Выбрать подходящий модальный глагол.

За каждый правильный ответ экзаменуемый получает по 1 баллу. За неверный ответ или его отсутствие выставляется 0 баллов. Максимальное количество баллов за работу — 60.

На выполнение экзаменационной работы отводится 1 урок (40 минут).  Дополнительные материалы и оборудование не используются.

Критерии оценки:

Оценка «5» — 55-60 балла;

Оценка «4» — 43-54 баллов;

Оценка «3» — 30-42 баллов;

Оценка «2» — 30 и менее баллов.


Exercise 1

Match the words in column A with the words in column B:

  1. Hang out

A window shopping

  1.  Surf

B the Internet

  1.  Go

C text messages

  1. Send

D online

  1. Chat

E with friends

Exercise 2

Complete the sentences with the correct past form of the verb in brackets.

  1. Jane ………. (watch) TV while I ………. (water) the plants.

A was watching, had watered;       B was watching, was watering;         C would watch, would water

  1. Ian ………. (ask) Tina out yesterday but she ……… (already/make) plans.

A had asked, had already made;     B was asking, already made;            C  asked, had already made

  1. Who ………. (you/talk) to on the phone when I ………. (come) in?

A  were you talking, came;             B you talked, came;                          C had been you talking, had come

  1. Two days ago Yvonne ………. (return) the book I ………. (lend) her.

A  returned, had lent;                      B had returned, lent;                         C would return, lend

  1. Owen ………. (type) his essay when the computer ………. (crash).

A typed, had been crashing;           B was typing, crashed;                      C had typed, crashed

Exercise 3

Match the types of schools (1-5) to the descriptions (A-E):

  1. boarding school
  2. single-sex school
  3. co-educational school
  4. state school
  5. private school
  1. a school for boys and girls;
  2. a school you usually have to pay to go to;
  3. a school for only boys or only girls;
  4. a school owned by the government;
  5. a school which students live in during school term.

Exercise 4

Fill in the gap with the correct present form of the verb in brackets:

  1. She ……….. (sleep) since noon. Should we wake her up?

A sleeps                                        B has slept                                       C  has been sleeping

  1. I ……. (not/read) this book. Can I borrow it for a week or so?

A  haven’t read                              B am not reading                             C doesn’t read

  1. They must be at the sports ground now. They usually ……. (play) basketball on Fridays.

A plays                                          B play                                              C are playing

  1. Maria is good at languages. She …….. (speak) French, Spanish and German.

A speaks                                        B speak                                            C is speaking

  1. ….. (cook) breakfast right now. Can you call a little later?

A cook                                           B has been cooking                          C  am cooking

  1. Jane ………. (play) tennis since 2 o’clock.

A  has been playing                       B have been playing                         C plays

  1. She can’t come to the phone now because she ……. (study) for tomorrow’s test.

A studys                                         B  is studying                                    C have studied

  1. I ……… (finish) my work already. I’m ready to go for a walk with you.

A  have finished                             B have been finishing                       C finish

  1. ……….. (you / come) to my party this Saturday?

A you coming                                 B do you come                                  C are you coming

  1. I (not/eat) a fried meal since I began to follow a diet.

A haven’t eaten                               B am not eating                                 C doesn’t eat

Exercise 5

Fill in: contest, rent, exhibition, insect repellent, hire.

1) Our guide suggested going to an interesting _________ at the local museum and watching some unusual paintings and sculptures.

2) We put some __________ on so as to keep mosquitoes away.

3) The teacher advised James to take part in a writing __________.

4) I’d prefer to ____________ a flat instead of staying in a hotel.

5) Tom had to ______ a driver for a while as he couldn’t drive a car himself after the operation.

Exercise 6

Choose the correct future tense.

1.  When we go to Paris, we will climb/will have climbed the Eiffel Tower.

2.  James will have completed/will complete his studies by the end of the year.

3.  Kim will be performing/will have performed in the school concert next week .

4.  The team will be leaving/will  have left the office by 9 o’clock tomorrow.

5.  ‘We’ve run out of milk.’ ‘Really? I will buy/will be buying some more this afternoon’.

Exercise 7

Put the adjectives into the correct form.

1. The rabbit is (slow) than a cheetah, but the snail is (slow) of all.

2. Children these days seem to become ( rude) and ( rude).

3. Which of these houses is (expensive)?

4. He had to admit that Mary was much ( slim) than her sister.

5. To get promotion you must work ( hard) and be (responsible).

Exercise 8

Make these adjectives negative using prefixes UN-; IL-; IM-; IR-; DIS-; MIS-; IN-; -LESS.

1.likely, 2.pleasant,, 4.possible,

Exercise 9

Choose the correct word.

  1. Would you like  some dessert/desert?
  2. These trousers are very loose/lose on you. Get a smaller size.
  3. Climate change affects/effects the whole world.
  4. The weather/whether is nasty today.
  5. Today she is wearing her hair loose/lose.

Exercise 10

Choose the correct modal verb.

  1. Sorry, I’m late. – You might/should wear a watch.
  2. Could/Would I use your mobile phone, please? – Yes, of course.
  3. We mustn’t/needn’t go shopping this week, we’ve got plenty of food.
  4. Should/May I borrow your book, please?
  5. You mustn’t/shouldn’t park your car on double yellow lines.
  6. You shouldn’t/mustn’t be so rude with Mary, she is very sensitive.
  7. You should/must obey the laws, or you will get in jail.
  8. May/must I call you next week, please?
  9. It might/should rain tomorrow. You should take an umbrella with you.
  10. You must be/should be exhausted after all your hard work.


Exercise 1

Match the words in column A with the words in column B:

  1. Send

A online

  1. Go

B the Internet

  1. Chat

C text messages

  1. Surf

D window shopping

  1.  Hang out

E with friends

Exercise 2

Complete the sentences with the correct past form of the verb in brackets.        

  1. Yesterday evening I ………. (not meet) my friends until after I ………. (finish) my homework.

A didn’t meet, finished                         B didn’t meet, had finished                  C hadn’t met, had finished

  1. James ……… (paint) the house for hours before he ………. (take) a break.

A painted, took                                     B had painted, was taking                    C had been painting, took

  1. Dina ………. (work) on the computer for three hours before she …………. (start) getting ready to go out.

A had been working, started                 B had worked, had started                   C worked, started

  1. We ……….. (wander) around the town when we ………. (meet) Mary.

A wandered, were meeting                    B were wandering, had met                C were wandering, met

  1. She ……….. (wait) for two hours before she ………. (leave).

A had been waiting, left                        B had been waiting, was leaving         C waited, left

Exercise 3

Match the types of schools (1-5) to the descriptions (A-E):

  1. boarding school
  2. single-sex school
  3. co-educational school
  4. state school
  5. private school
  1. a school owned by the government;
  2. a school you usually have to pay to go to;
  3. a school for only boys or only girls;
  4. a school for boys and girls;
  5. a school which students live in during school term.

Exercise 4

Fill in the gap with the correct verb form. Use Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous:

  1. We ……. (write) this report for four hours. I’m tired. Let’s have a break.

A have been writing                            B are writing                               C write

  1. The sun ………. (rise) in the east.

A rise                                                   B is rising                                    C rises

  1. What is Linda doing? – She ……. (cook) dinner.

A is cooking                                        B has cooked                               C cooks

  1. ……… (you/read) any English books in the original lately?

A you reading                                      B are you reading                        C have you read

  1. Let’s ask Anna to make apple pie for dessert. She ……. (make) great apple pies.

A makes                                               B has been making                      C make

  1. John …… (visit) France several times.

A visits                                                 B has visited                                C is visiting

  1. Please be quiet. My children ………. (sleep) now.

A are sleeping                                       B is sleeping                               C has been sleeping

  1. How often does Peter go to the swimming pool? – He ………. (go)  to the swimming pool every day.

A is going                                             B has been going                         C goes

  1. She can’t go to the movies. She ……….. (not/do) her homework yet.

A hasn’t done                                        B isn’t done                                  C doesn’t do

  1. When is the best time to call you? – I usually ………. (work) till nine in the evening. Call me around ten, if you can.

A am working                                       B work                                         C works

Exercise 5

Fill in: beggars, breathtaking, excursion, craftsmen, countless, candlelit.

1. In the town there were _________ cafes, shops, temples and small hotels.

2. In the streets you could see ________ and shoeshine boys.

3. A __________ procession was a part of the festival.

4. The view of this lake was really _________!

5. _________ sell their handicrafts along the streets.

Exercise 6

Choose the correct future tense.

1.  This time tomorrow, I will leave/will be leaving for the airport.

2.  I will collect/will have collected you from Peter’s house on my way home.

3.  ‘How is your project coming along? Is it done?’  ‘Not yet, but I will finish/ will have finished it by the time the holidays are over.’

4.  ‘What are your plans for the weekend?’   ‘I am spending/will have spent some time with my friends.’

5. Richard is such a poor guy, he has got the flu, but his elder sister will have taken/is going to take care of him, she’s a nurse.

Exercise 7

Put the adjectives into the correct form.

1. He lives a bit ( far) than his parents.

2. It’s ( interesting ) film I’ve ever seen. I didn’t like it at all.

3. Is he (smart) person in the family? — No, his brother is much (smart) than he.

4. The job of a doctor is (hard) one in the world.

5. It was (bad) hotel in my life, it’s difficult to find something (bad).

Exercise 8

Make these adjectives negative using prefixes UN-; IL-; IM-; IR-; DIS-; MIS-; IN-; -LESS.

1.lucky, 2.understand,, 4.literate, 5.mortal.

Exercise 9

Choose the correct word.

  1. Sahara is the biggest dessert/desert in the world.
  2. The affect/effect of Mozart’s music is amazing!
  3. I wondered weather/whether he liked classical music.
  4. Due to climate changes the weather/whether is becoming more and more unpredictable.
  5. If you loose/lose your credit card, don’t forget to block it.

Exercise 10

Choose the correct modal verb.

1) I think you might/should see a dentist.

2) You must/may be joking. No one could eat so many cakes.

3) It’s Sunday tomorrow. You mustn’t/needn’t wake up early.

4) Should/May I borrow the car tonight, please?

5) I wonder if Paul and Jim have got lost. – They can’t/mustn’t get lost because they have got a map.

6) You must/ought to be very tired. Do you want to sleep for a while?  

7) Should/May I borrow your pen, please?

8) I have to/could go to the grocery store. My fridge is empty.

9) Could/Should you pass me some sugar?  I like sweet tea.

10) You must be/can’t be very proud of your son, he is a champion.


Exercise 1

Match the words in column A with the words in column B:

  1. Hang out

A the Internet

  1.  Surf

B with friends

  1.  Go

C text messages

  1. Send

D online

  1. Chat

E window shopping

Exercise 2

Complete the sentences with the correct past form of the verb in brackets.

  1. Jane ………. (watch) TV while I ………. (water) the plants.

A was watching, had watered;       B was watching, was watering;         C would watch, would water

  1. James ……… (paint) the house for hours before he ………. (take) a break.

A painted, took                                     B had painted, was taking                    C had been painting, took

  1. Who ………. (you/talk) to on the phone when I ………. (come) in?

A  were you talking, came;             B you talked, came;                          C had been you talking, had come

  1. We ……….. (wander) around the town when we ………. (meet) Mary.

A wandered, were meeting                    B were wandering, had met                C were wandering, met

  1. Owen ………. (type) his essay when the computer ………. (crash).

A typed, had been crashing;           B was typing, crashed;                      C had typed, crashed

Exercise 3

Match the types of schools (1-5) to the descriptions (A-E):

  1. boarding school
  2. single-sex school
  3. co-educational school
  4. state school
  5. private school
  1. a school owned by the government;
  2. a school which students live in during school term;
  3. a school for only boys or only girls;
  4. a school for boys and girls;
  5. a school you usually have to pay to go to.

Exercise 4

Fill in the gap with the correct present form of the verb in brackets:

  1. We ……. (write) this report for four hours. I’m tired. Let’s have a break.

A have been writing                            B are writing                               C write

  1. I ……. (not/read) this book. Can I borrow it for a week or so?

A  haven’t read                              B am not reading                             C doesn’t read

  1. What is Linda doing? – She ……. (cook) dinner.

A is cooking                                        B has cooked                               C cooks

  1. ….. (cook) breakfast right now. Can you call a little later?

A cook                                           B has been cooking                          C  am cooking

  1. Let’s ask Anna to make apple pie for dessert. She ……. (make) great apple pies.

A makes                                               B has been making                      C make

  1. Jane ………. (play) tennis since 2 o’clock.

A  has been playing                       B have been playing                         C plays

  1. Please be quiet. My children ………. (sleep) now.

A are sleeping                                       B is sleeping                               C has been sleeping

  1. I ……… (finish) my work already. I’m ready to go for a walk with you.

A  have finished                             B have been finishing                       C finish

  1. She can’t go to the movies. She ……….. (not/do) her homework yet.

A hasn’t done                                        B isn’t done                                  C doesn’t do

  1. I (not/eat) a fried meal since I began to follow a diet.

A haven’t eaten                               B am not eating                                 C doesn’t eat

Exercise 5

Fill in: contest, exhibition, beggars, breathtaking, hire.

1) Our guide suggested going to an interesting _________ at the local museum and watching some unusual paintings and sculptures.

2) The view of this lake was really _________!

3) Tom had to ______ a driver for a while as he couldn’t drive a car himself after the operation.

4)  In the streets you could see ________ and shoeshine boys.

5)  The teacher advised James to take part in a writing __________.

Exercise 6
Choose the correct future tense.

1.  This time tomorrow, I will leave/will be leaving for the airport.

2.  James will be completed/ will have completed his studies by the end of the year.

3.  Kim will be performing/will be performed in the school concert next week .

4.  ‘What are your plans for the weekend?’   ‘I am spending/will have spent some time with my friends.’

5.  ‘We’ve run out of milk.’ ‘Really? I will buy/will have been buying some more this afternoon’.

Exercise 7

Put the adjectives into the correct form.

1. The rabbit is (slow) than a cheetah, but the snail is (slow) of all.

2. It’s ( interesting ) film I’ve ever seen. I didn’t like it at all.

3. Which of these houses is (expensive)?

4. The job of a doctor is (difficult) one in the world.

5. To get promotion you must work ( hard) and be (responsible).

Exercise 8

Make these adjectives negative using prefixes UN-; IL-; IM-; IR-; DIS-; MIS-; IN-; -LESS.

1.likely,,, 4.mortal, 5.understand.

Exercise 9

Choose the correct word.

  1. If you loose/lose your credit card, don’t forget to block it.
  2. Would you like  some dessert/desert?
  3. Climate change affects/effects the whole world.
  4. I wondered weather/whether he liked classical music.
  5. Today she is wearing her hair loose/lose.

Exercise 10

Choose the correct modal verb.

  1. I’ve got a terrible toothache. – I think you might/should see a dentist..
  2. We mustn’t/needn’t go shopping this week, we’ve got plenty of food.
  3. May/must I come in, please?
  4. You must/ought to be very tired. Do you want to sleep for a while?
  5. You mustn’t/shouldn’t park your car on double yellow lines.
  6. You shouldn’t/mustn’t be so rude with Mary, she is very sensitive.
  7. I have to/could go to the grocery store. My fridge is empty.
  8. You should/must obey the laws, or you will get in jail.
  9. It might/should rain tomorrow. You should take an umbrella with you.
  10. Could/Should you pass me the salt?  I’d like to put some in my soup.


Test A

Test B

Test C


1 e, 2 b, 3 a, 4 c, 5 d


1 c, 2 d, 3 a, 4 b, 5 e


1 b, 2 a, 3 e, 4 c, 5 d


1 b; 2 c; 3 a; 4 a; 5 b


1 b, 2 c, 3 a, 4 c, 5 a


1 b; 2 c; 3 a; 4 c; 5 b


1 e, 2 c, 3 a, 4 d, 5 b


1 e, 2 c, 3 d, 4 a, 5 b


1 b, 2 c, 3 d, 4 a, 5 e


1c, 2 a, 3 b, 4 a, 5 c, 6 a, 7 b, 8 a, 9 c, 10 a


1 a, 2 b, 3 a, 4 c, 5 a, 6 b, 7 a, 8 c, 9 a, 10 b


1 a, 2 a, 3 a, 4 c, 5 a, 6 a, 7 b, 8 a, 9 a, 10 a


1 excursion, 2 insect repellent, 3 contest, 4 rent, 5 hire


1 countless, 2 beggars, 3 candlelit, 4 breathtaking, 5 craftsmen


1 excursion, 2 breathtaking, 3 hire, 4 beggars, 5  contest


1 will climb; 2 will have completed; 3 will be performing; 4 will have left; 5 will buy


 1 will be leaving; 2 will collect; 3 will have finished; 4 am spending; 5 is going to take


1 will be leaving; 2 will have completed; 3 will be performing; 4 am spending; 5 will buy


1 Slower, the slowest; 2 ruder, ruder; 3 the most expensive; 4 slimmer; 5 harder, more responsible


1 farther; 2 the least interesting; 3 the smartest, smarter; 4 the hardest; 5 the worst, worse


1 Slower, the slowest; 2 the least interesting; 3 the most expensive; 4 the most difficult; 5 harder, more responsible


1 unlikely, 2 unpleasant, 3 illegal, 4 impossible, 5 in/unactive


1 unlucky, 2 misunderstand, 3 helpless, 4 illiterate, 5 immortal


1 unlikely, 2 helpless, 3 illegal, 4 immortal, 5 misunderstand


1 dessert, 2 loose, 3 affects, 4 weather, 5 loose


1 desert, 2 effect, 3 whether, 4 weather, 5 lose


1 lose, 2 dessert, 3 affects, 4 whether, 5 loose


1 should, 2 could, 3 needn’t, 4 may, 5 mustn’t, 6 shouldn’t, 7 must, 8 may, 9 might, 10 must be


1 should, 2 must,3 needn’t, 4 may, 5 can’t, 6 must, 7 may, 8 have to, 9 could, 10 must be


1 should, 2 needn’t, 3 may, 4 must, 5 mustn’t, 6 shouldn’t, 7 have to, 8 must, 9 might, 10 could


I Choose the odd word:

Fascinating/ boring/attractive/enjoyable

II Choose the correct verbs:

1. In childhood we often fought about everything with my brother, but now we ______ on well.

Make/do/ get/take

2. This jewel has been ______ down through my family.

Hanged/ handed/handled/given

3. After divorce Elena had difficulties with money, she realized she could not ____ a new house.


4. My sister used to _____ on my nerves, but now we rarely see each other as she moved to another town.


5. If you had tried, you _____ have done it.

could/can/are able to/was able to

III Choose the correct words:

1. I wish I could take _____ everything I said yesterday.

Off/ back/through/out

2. The teacher told me ____ all the difficulties I may face during the test, so now I feel more confident.


3. When I saw him with a girl I thought that she was his sister, but now I realize it was his girlfriend because I found out that he has no ____.


4. You should keep an _____ on your little brother.


5. According to psychologists, rows are good for relationships when people are able to reach some kind of _______.


IV Fill in the gaps with the following words . Make necessary changes.

Come from, hand down, come alive, ancestors, find out, keep you company, residence, in-laws, provoke, cope with

In a big company you always have somebody to keep your company

I started out on my research about my ancestors

We moved to our new residence last spring.

We are going to stay with the in-laws this weekend.

My mother comes from Tula. She finished school there and her family moved here.

A talent for singing has been handed down from generation to generation in my family.

Our lovely town comes alive In summer when a lot of visitors come to spend their holidays.

He usually copes with a difficult situation in his family.

The girl often provokes a lot of rows in our class.

I was surprised to find out about some facts of the connections we had.

V Choose the correct translation:

1. Я бы никогда не подумал, что это возможно, если бы не увидел этого своими глазами.

I would have thought it possible if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes.

I wouldn’t have thought it possible if I saw it with my own eyes.

I wouldn’t have thought it possible if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes.

2. Он бы не стал ссориться с этим мужчиной, если бы знал, что он твой родственник.

He wouldn’t have quarrelled with this man if he had not known this man was your relative.

He wouldn’t have quarrelled with this man if he had known this man was your relative.

He wouldn’t quarrelled with this man if he had known this man was your relative.

V I Translate the sentences:

Ты проиграешь игру, если не подготовишься.  — You will lose the game if you don’t prepare for it.

Если бы ты купил пальто, тебе бы не было так холодно.  — If you bought a coat you wouldn’t feel so cold.

Если бы ты подписал документы вчера, мы бы отослали их.  — If you had signed the papers yesterday, we would have sent them.

VII Translate the sentences from Russian into English:

Мы пьем кофе каждый понедельник.  — We drink coffee every Monday.

Ты работаешь по выходным? – Нет, я не работаю по выходным, я работаю по будням.  — Do you work at weekends? — No, I don’t, I work on weekdays.

Она готовит обед каждый день.  — She cooks dinner every day.

Что он сейчас делает? – Он готовит обед.  — What is he doing now? — He is cooking dinner.

Как долго он готовит обед? – Он готовит обед с часу.  — How long has he been cooking dinner? — He has been cooking dinner since one o’clock.

Мама уже приготовила обед? – Да.  — Has mother already cooked dinner? Yes, she has.

Как долго ты жаришь (to roast) курицу? – Я жарю ее в течение 2 часов.  —How long have you been roasting a chicken? I have been roasting it for two hours.

Ты ходил вчера в театр? – Нет, я не ходил вчера в театр. Я ходил в кино.  Did you go to the theatre yesterday?  — No, I didn’t go to the theatre yesterday. I went to the cinema.

В то время когда я смотрела телевизор, моя сестра готовила обед.  —While I was watching TV my sister was cooking dinner.

Вчера я приготовила обед к 5 часам. — I had cooked dinner by five o’clock yesterday.


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