Choose the correct word in italics to complete the text my company




1 год назад

Английский язык

5 — 9 классы

Choose the correct words in italics

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1. do

2. got

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5. up

6. place

7. active

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1 год назад

Светило науки — 15 ответов — 0 раз оказано помощи

1. do


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Choose the correct words in italics


УМО                                                             зам.директора
по УР

О. Г.                                               __________Шестых Е.И.

г                                                      «____»__________2019 г


учебной дисциплине «Иностранный язык»

групп 1 курса  2019- 2020 уч.г.

09.02.03 Программирование
в компьютерных системах,

обслуживание и ремонт автомобильного транспорта

08.02.01 Строительство
и эксплуатация зданий и сооружений

19.02.10 Технология
продукции общественного питания

08.01.18 Электромонтажник
электрических сетей и электрооборудования

19.01.04 Пекарь  

08.01.25 Мастер
отделочных строительных и декоративных работ;

15.01.35 Мастер слесарных

15.01.05 Сварщик
(ручной и частично механизированной сварки (наплавки);

Преподаватель: ____________ /Борисова


№ 1

1   w Listen to a conversation between
Tim and Janey. Choose the correct answer from the words in italics.

1   Tim is free / busy on Friday night.

2   Tim works in a cinema / hospital.

3   The café closes at 11.30 / 12.00.

4   Tim works / doesn’t work on Saturday
and Sunday.

5   Janey asks Tim to go to a café / a

points for each correct answer


2   w Listen to the rest of the
conversation between Tim and Janey. For questions 1–5, complete the sentences.
Use one or two words or a number in each space.

1   Janey plays tennis with her ____________________

2   She plays tennis at ____________________ on

3   Tim and Janey agree to meet at

4   Ahmet’s nationality is ____________________.

5   Tim’s email address is

points for each correct answer


3   Choose the correct
word in italics.

1   Ruben works in a large company but / because
he doesn’t like it.

2   I study English but / because it’s
important for my job.

3   Leila’s mother speaks Arabic but / and

4   Harry likes playing football and / but
jogging in the park.

5   I love my job because / but I work
with interesting people.

points for each correct answer


4   Choose the best
answers to complete the text.

My name is Rob and I’m Australian, but I live in the
UK. I am a 1__________. I decorate people’s houses and other
buildings like offices, too. People are happy when their houses look better. I 2__________
freelance and I love my job because I often work outside. My job starts early
in the morning, so I 3__________ at six o’clock. I finish
work at 4__________ and go home.

I’m married to Diana. She’s from Canada and she’s a 5__________.
She says 6__________ job is very interesting. She 7__________
start work early in the morning because she works in the afternoon and evening,
so she never cooks in the evening. I 8__________ make dinner.
I like cooking and 9__________ favourite dish is spaghetti.
After dinner, I watch TV or listen 10__________ music.

1   a painter                  b paints            c

2   a to work                 b work             c

3   a get up                   b gets up          c to
get up

4   a past half four        b half past four
c four half past

5   a photographer        b photo            c

6   a hers                      b she                c

7   a does                     b not                c

8   a sometimes            b always          c never

9   a me                        b my                c

10 a to                         b with              c

point for each correct answer


5   Read the text.
Circle the correct answer a, b or c.

1   Married couples often meet because of their

     a families                b jobs              c

2   In their house Pierre and Annika talk to each
other in __________.

     a Danish                 b French          c

3   Children in international families can learn more
than one language __________.

     a from their parents

     b at school

     c from television

4   Annika and Pierre’s children like to speak
__________ the most.

     a English                 b German        c

5   Many people speak international languages like

     a German                b Danish          c Arabic

points for each correct answer


6   Read the text again.
Decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F). If there is no information
about this, choose ‘not given’ (NG).

1   About 350 million people study English around the
world. __________

2   English is the main language of all sports.

3   Children around the world learn English by
watching television. __________

4   Children in multicultural families can often
practise English at home. __________

5   It’s not possible to tell people what languages to
speak. __________

points for each correct answer


Multicultural families

People travel a lot more these days, so more and more
people get married to someone from another country. Often couples meet through
working in different countries. They usually speak different languages, but
communicate in a common language. For example, Annika, from Denmark, is married
to Pierre, from France. At home they speak German as their common language. In
these multicultural families, the children often learn two or three languages
from their mother and father. Annika and Pierre’s children speak Danish, French
and German, but the family also sometimes uses English and the children use it
at school. In fact the children prefer speaking English because they say it is

Nowadays, millions of people speak international
languages such as Arabic and Spanish, but English has the most speakers in the
most countries around the world. It is a very important language for work,
study and travel. There are about 350 million native speakers and about 850
million people speak it as a second language. Multicultural families use it for
a number of reasons. Some families use English because it is easy for the
children to learn just one main language. Also, children around the world hear
lots of English in their daily lives. English is the language of films, pop music
and many sports like football. Children are often interested in these things
and speaking English makes it possible for them to understand them more easily.
In multicultural families, children are often able to use English because the
parents use it as a second language. Some people say that people use English
too much, but it is difficult to tell people what language they should speak.
Multicultural families are an interesting example of this in real life. 

7   Write an email to
your new boss, Jean Davis. Write 30–40 words.

In your email, you should …

•    say you need to have a meeting with her on

•    suggest a place for the meeting.

•    include the correct opening and closing for an
email to a manager you don’t know well.


Student B

8   Work with a partner.
Make arrangements to go out with your friend at the weekend.

•    Tell your friend what you want to do (e.g. the
cinema, a restaurant, a concert, a sports match).

•    You want to go on Saturday evening.

•    You work on Friday evening.

1   w Listen to a conversation between
Tim and Janey. Choose the correct answer from the words in italics.

1   Tim is free / busy on Friday night.

2   Tim works in a cinema / hospital.

3   The café closes at 11.30 / 12.00.

4   Tim works / doesn’t work on Saturday
and Sunday.

5   Janey asks Tim to go to a café / a

points for each correct answer


2   w Listen to the rest of the
conversation between Tim and Janey. For questions 1–5, complete the sentences.
Use one or two words or a number in each space.

1   Janey plays tennis with her ____________________

2   She plays tennis at ____________________ on

3   Tim and Janey agree to meet at

4   Ahmet’s nationality is ____________________.

5   Tim’s email address is

points for each correct answer


3   Choose the best
answers to complete the text.

My name is Rob and I’m Australian, but I live in the
UK. I am a 1__________. I decorate people’s houses and other
buildings like offices, too. People are happy when their houses look better. I 2__________
freelance and I love my job because I often work outside. My job starts early
in the morning, so I 3__________ at six o’clock. I finish
work at 4__________ and go home.

I’m married to Diana. She’s from Canada and she’s a 5__________.
She says 6__________ job is very interesting. She 7__________
start work early in the morning because she works in the afternoon and evening,
so she never cooks in the evening. I 8__________ make dinner.
I like cooking and 9__________ favourite dish is spaghetti.
After dinner, I watch TV or listen 10__________ music.

1   a painter                  b paints            c

2   a to work                 b work             c

3   a get up                   b gets up          c to
get up

4   a past half four        b half past four
c four half past

5   a photographer        b photo            c

6   a hers                      b she                c

7   a does                     b not                c

8   a sometimes            b always          c never

9   a me                        b my                c

10 a to                         b with              c

point for each correct answer


4   Read the text.
Circle the correct answer a, b or c.

1   Married couples often meet because of their

     a families                b jobs              c

2   In their house Pierre and Annika talk to each
other in __________.

     a Danish                 b French          c

3   Children in international families can learn more
than one language __________.

     a from their parents

     b at school

     c from television

4   Annika and Pierre’s children like to speak
__________ the most.

     a English                 b German        c

5   Many people speak international languages like

     a German                b Danish          c

points for each correct answer


5   Read the text again.
Decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F). If there is no information
about this, choose ‘not given’ (NG).

1   About 350 million people study English around the
world. __________

2   English is the main language of all sports.

3   Children around the world learn English by
watching television. __________

4   Children in multicultural families can often
practise English at home. __________

5   It’s not possible to tell people what languages to
speak. __________

points for each correct answer


Multicultural families

People travel a lot more these days, so more and more
people get married to someone from another country. Often couples meet through
working in different countries. They usually speak different languages, but
communicate in a common language. For example, Annika, from Denmark, is married
to Pierre, from France. At home they speak German as their common language. In
these multicultural families, the children often learn two or three languages
from their mother and father. Annika and Pierre’s children speak Danish, French
and German, but the family also sometimes uses English and the children use it
at school. In fact the children prefer speaking English because they say it is

Nowadays, millions of people speak international
languages such as Arabic and Spanish, but English has the most speakers in the
most countries around the world. It is a very important language for work,
study and travel. There are about 350 million native speakers and about 850
million people speak it as a second language. Multicultural families use it for
a number of reasons. Some families use English because it is easy for the
children to learn just one main language. Also, children around the world hear
lots of English in their daily lives. English is the language of films, pop music
and many sports like football. Children are often interested in these things
and speaking English makes it possible for them to understand them more easily.
In multicultural families, children are often able to use English because the
parents use it as a second language. Some people say that people use English
too much, but it is difficult to tell people what language they should speak.
Multicultural families are an interesting example of this in real life. 

6   Choose the correct
word in italics.

1   Ruben works in a large company but / because
he doesn’t like it.

2   I study English but / because it’s
important for my job.

3   Leila’s mother speaks Arabic but / and

4   Harry likes playing football and / but
jogging in the park.

5   I love my job because / but I work
with interesting people.

points for each correct answer


7   Write an email to
your new boss, Jean Davis. Write 30–40 words.

In your email, you should …

•    say you need to have a meeting with her on

•    suggest a place for the meeting.

•    include the correct opening and closing for an
email to a manager you don’t know well.


Student B

8   Work with a partner.
Make arrangements to go out with your friend at the weekend.

•    Tell your friend what you want to do (e.g. the
cinema, a restaurant, a concert, a sports match).

•    You want to go on Saturday evening.

•    You work on Friday evening.

Вариант 1

1 1 busy   2 hospital   3 12.00   4
doesn’t work   5 a restaurant

2 1 boss   2 5.00   3 7.30   4
Turkish   5 tim@mymail

3 1 but   2 because   3 and   4
and   5 because

4 1 a   2 b   3 a   4 b   5 a   6
c   7 c   8 b   9 b   10 a

5 1 b   2 c   3 a   4 a   5 c

6 1 F   2 F   3 NG   4 T   5 F

7 See separate mark scheme

8 See separate mark scheme

Вариант 2

1 1 busy   2 hospital   3
12.00   4 doesn’t work   5 a restaurant

2 1 boss   2 5.00   3
7.30   4 Turkish   5 tim@mymail

3 1 a   2 b   3 a   4 b  
5 a   6 c   7 c   8 b   9 b   10 a

4 1 b   2 c   3 a   4 a  
5 c

5 1 F   2 F   3 NG   4
T   5 F

6 1 but   2 because   3
and   4 and   5 because

separate mark scheme

separate mark scheme

Тексты для аудирования. Вариант 1.

Exercise 1

Tim       Hello, Janey. How are you?

Janey   Fine, thanks Tim. How are you?

Tim       Yes, I’m fine thank you.

Janey   Shall we meet on Friday night?

Tim       I’m sorry, I’m busy then. I work on Friday nights now.

Janey   Oh really? At the hospital?

Tim       No. I work at the hospital, but I also play guitar in a
band. On Friday nights we play in a café until late. The café closes at twelve
and we play until eleven thirty.

Janey   Oh OK. Are you free on Saturday

Tim       Yes, I am. I don’t work at the café on Saturday and
Sunday. What shall we do?

Janey   Em … Would you like to go to
the cinema?

Tim       I’m sorry but I don’t really like going to the cinema. I
prefer watching TV at home.

Janey   OK. Would you like to go to the new pizza restaurant in the
city centre instead?

Tim       That sounds nice.

Exercise 2

Janey   Great. What time do you want to have dinner?

Tim       Can we meet at half past six?

Janey   I’m sorry but I usually play tennis with my boss David on
Saturdays. We usually meet for a coffee at half past four and then play tennis
at five. Can we meet later, at seven thirty?

Tim       Sure – seven thirty is fine. Oh, and can my friend Ahmet

Janey   Of course he can.

Tim       Do you know Ahmet?

Janey   No, I don’t.

Tim       He’s very nice. He’s Turkish and he works with me at the
hospital, and he also loves Italian food. Oh, Janey, I don’t know the
restaurant address. Could you email it to me?

Janey   Yes, of course. What’s your

Tim       It’s

Janey   Sorry, can you repeat that?

Tim       Of course. It’s

Janey   OK. Shall I call the restaurant and book a table for three?

Tim       Yes please, that’d be great,




проведения  контрольно-срезовых работ

учебной дисциплине «Иностранный язык»

групп 1 курса  2019- 2020 уч.г.


№ Группы

дисциплины/ МДК





Иностранный язык

Борисова Ю.В.













Помогите пожалуйста

10. Choose the correct words in italics in each sentence.

1. The US has a bigger/more bigger market than France.
2. This dress is more cheaper/cheaper than that.
3. There aren’t as many designers in London than/as in Paris.
4. This year’s designs are prettier/more pretty than last year.
5. John Galliano is one of greatest/the greatest designers in the British fashion
6. I think Stella is most talented/more talented than Susan.
7. Susan is less creative/the least creative of the group.
8. The quality of the clothes in the stores is worse/worst than ever before.
9. The price in France is the same as/than in the UK.
10. The price in the US is lower/the lower than in the UK.

11. Complete the text using the comparative or superlative form of the adjective in brackets.

Giorgio Armani, founder of the Armani Group, agrees that the last year has been the (1 bad) ____ for many years for fashion and luxury goods companies. When the economy is down, people don’t want to spend money. Now, things are slowly getting (2 good) _____ , and customers are becoming (3 optimistic) _______ , but they are (4 careful) _______ about what they buy than they were before. Quality and value for money are becoming (5 important) ______ and it is (6 hard) _____ for companies to sell something just because it has a designer label. People expect luxury goods to last (7 long)____ than other goods. Consumers are (8 interested) ____ in fashion in design than ever before, but they expect to be able to buy the (9new) _______ styles for less.

Choose the correct words to complete the text.

I don’t earn much money as a farm worker. (Moreover / However), my job is rewarding in many ways. (For instance / In spite of this), it’s great being outside all day. (In my opinion / Nevertheless), the best part of my job is working with all the different animals on the farm. Actually, I can’t think of another job I’d like to do more. (On the other hand / In other words), I’ve got the right job for me and (as I see it / such as), money isn’t everything.

Ответы на вопрос


I don’t earn much money as a farm worker. However, my job is rewarding in many ways. For instance, it’s great being outside all day. In my opinion, the best part of my job is working with all the different animals on the farm. Actually, I can’t think of another job I’d like to do more. In other words, I’ve got the right job for me and as I see it, money isn’t everything.


Нужно перевести слова, и подобрать по смыслу предложений.

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