Choose the correct word in italics ответы

Помогите пожалуйста

10. Choose the correct words in italics in each sentence.

1. The US has a bigger/more bigger market than France.
2. This dress is more cheaper/cheaper than that.
3. There aren’t as many designers in London than/as in Paris.
4. This year’s designs are prettier/more pretty than last year.
5. John Galliano is one of greatest/the greatest designers in the British fashion
6. I think Stella is most talented/more talented than Susan.
7. Susan is less creative/the least creative of the group.
8. The quality of the clothes in the stores is worse/worst than ever before.
9. The price in France is the same as/than in the UK.
10. The price in the US is lower/the lower than in the UK.

11. Complete the text using the comparative or superlative form of the adjective in brackets.

Giorgio Armani, founder of the Armani Group, agrees that the last year has been the (1 bad) ____ for many years for fashion and luxury goods companies. When the economy is down, people don’t want to spend money. Now, things are slowly getting (2 good) _____ , and customers are becoming (3 optimistic) _______ , but they are (4 careful) _______ about what they buy than they were before. Quality and value for money are becoming (5 important) ______ and it is (6 hard) _____ for companies to sell something just because it has a designer label. People expect luxury goods to last (7 long)____ than other goods. Consumers are (8 interested) ____ in fashion in design than ever before, but they expect to be able to buy the (9new) _______ styles for less.

помогите решить!
Choose the correct words in italics.
1 Many / Much shops sell online these days.
2 We haven’t got some / much knowledge about e-commerce security.
3 Do we need to spend many / a lot of money on security?
4 We have a few / little problems at the moment.
5 Some / A little websites are easier to navigate than others.
6 Nasser has a few / little knowledge of web design.

Остались вопросы?

Новые вопросы по предмету Математика

Choose the correct words in italics. A: Hello. I’d like to apply for the job of sales assistant, B: Well, I hope you had ve had the right kind of experience. (1) Did you do/Have you done this kind of job before? A: Yes, I (2) did/have. B: Where? A: Well, I (3) had/ve had some experience in a music shop. B: Oh, really? A: Yes. I (A) worked/ve worked there two years ago. B: (5) Were you/Have you been a sales assistant? A: No, I (6) wasn’t/haven’t. I (7) was/ve been a cleaner. B: Oh, I’m sorry. We need someone who (8) had/’s had experience as a sales assistant.

Ответы на вопрос

A: Hello. I’d like to apply for the job of sales assistant.

B: Well, I hope you’ve had the right kind of experience. (1) Have you done this kind of job before?

A: Yes, I (2) have.

B: Where?

A: Well, I (3) ‘ve had some experience in a music shop.

B: Oh, really?

A: Yes. I (4) worked there two years ago.

B: (5) Were you a sales assistant?

A: No, I (6) wasn’t. I (7) was a cleaner.

B: Oh, I’m sorry. We need someone who (8)’s had experience as a sales assistant.

Новые вопросы

1 Choose the correct words in italics. Listen and check.
1 I went / was going to the dentist five times last year.
2 My computer broke down / was breaking down yesterday.
3 Hilary fell on the ice last winter and broke / was breaking her arm.
4 We were relaxing in the garden when / while we suddenly heard a loud noise.
5 Karl didn’t hear the doorbell because he listened / was listening to his iPod.
6 After I left university, I worked in a bank and then I moved / was moving to an
insurance company.
7 My cousin couldn’t visit us in August because she did / was doing a summer course.
8 I was having a shower when / while the phone rang.​

1) I went to the dentist five times last year.
2) My computer broke down yesterday.
3) Hilary fell on the ice last winter and broke her arm.
4) We were relaxing in the garden when we suddenly heard a loud noise.
5) Karl didn’t hear the doorbell because he was listening to his iPod.
6) After I left university, I worked in a bank and then I moved to an insurance company.
7) My cousin couldn’t visit us in August because she was doing a summer course.
8) I was having a shower when the phone rang.


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