Choose the correct word if the taxi


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А) Do you read books? Do they learn English? Do you want to know English? Do they speak Russian? Do you like books? Do they carry books in bags? Do you do exercises at home? Do they live far from school? Do you ask and answer questions?
Does he work very well? Does Ann like to write on the blackboard? Does he want to help us? Does Ann know English? Does he go to school? Does Ann speak English well? Does he carry books in bags? Does Ann read French books?
b) My school is near my house, I don’t live far from school. I like asking questions more than answering. I speak Russian, it’s my native language. Reading books is good for my mind. I want to learn English a lot.
Tim doesn’t like to write on the blackboard. Katty likes reading, especially French books. Peter doesn’t want to go to school. Why don’t you want to help us? I speak English well.

Лучше синица в руках, чем журавль в небе. 

You should be happy with what you have and value what you have than risk losing it trying to get something better.

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    Conditionals I, II, III.

    Variant 1

    1. Choose the correct item.

    1. If I move / I’ll move to Boston, I will live on Main Street.

    2. If we were late for class, our teacher will be/ would be angry.

    3. If you call / you’ll call your mother, she’ll be very happy.

    4. If you had phoned me yesterday, I had told / would have told you the news.

    5. If I had known / would know it was your birthday, I would have sent you a card.

    6. If the mechanic fixes our car on time, we drive / we’ll drive to Center villa.

    7. If I studied/ will study harder, I would get better marks.

    8. If it rains / it’ll rain today, we won’t go to the park.

    1. Choose the right word or phrase.

    1) If I were you, I … on holiday and relax.

    A) will go B) would go C) go

    2) If I … a car, I wouldn’t walk to work.

    A) did have B) had C) have

    3) If we weren’t tired, we … go to the party.

    A) would B) will C) did

    4) If we … by plane, we’d get there much quicker.

    A) go B) will go C) went

    5) I … very unhappy if my friends didn’t come to my party.

    A) would have been B) will be C) would be

    6) If the weather … good, we would go swimming.

    A) was B) would be C) were

    1. Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

    1. If they feel tired, they (go) to sleep earlier tonight.

    2. I (come) if I had time.

    3. If I had lost all my money, I (be) very unhappy.

    4. If it (rain), she’ll wear her new raincoat.

    5. If she (have) a good voice, she would become a singer.

    6. I wouldn’t say it if I (be) you.

    7. Your friend wouldn’t have phoned you if you (not/ meet) her in the street.

    8. If we (take) a taxi, we wouldn’t have missed the train.

    1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

    1. If I (have) a chance, I (go) to America.

    2. I’m sorry. If I (not/ be) late, we (not/ miss) a bus.

    3. I failed my exam today. If you (study) hard, you (pass).

    4. If I (win) lots of money in the lottery, I (buy) a new car.

    1. Finish these sentences.

    1. If they have time tomorrow, …

    2. We would go to the cinema if …

    3. If I weren’t busy, …

    4. If he had been on time, …

    Conditionals I, II, III.

    Variant 2

    1. Choose the correct item.

    1. If I’m not in a hurry tonight, I visit / I’ll visit to her.

    2. If we would live/ lived on another planet, we would see the Earth in the sky.

    3. If she isn’t / won’t be sick, she’ll go to school.

    4. If you had come to see the film, you had enjoyed / would have enjoyed it.

    5. If Tim drove / had driven more carefully, he wouldn’t have crashed.

    6. If they’re / they’ll be tired tomorrow, they won’t go to work

    7. If I had lots of money, I gave/ would give some to all my friends.

    8. If John doesn’t buy/ won’t buy a new car, he’ll buy a motorcycle.

    1. Choose the right word or phrase.

    1) If Sue … now, she will miss the bus.

    A) didn’t leave B) won’t leave C) doesn’t leave

    2) If my brother had an expensive car, he … really happy.

    A) would be B) will be C) was

    3) If I … a pop star, I would buy an enormous house.

    A) be B) were C) will be

    4) If it rains, the children … inside.

    A) played B) will play C) play

    5) If you had come in time, you ……………………. the lesson.

    A) wouldn’t miss B) would miss C) wouldn’t have missed

    1. Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

    1. If you (eat) too many cookies after dinner tonight, you will get a stomachache.

    2. If I (be) you, I wouldn’t buy that car.

    3. If you invited her to the dance, she (be) very pleased.

    4. If I drink too much coffee, I (get) a headache.

    5. If you (write) him a letter, he would know our address.

    6. If you had phoned me before you came, you (find) me at home.

    7. If I (not/ wake up) early yesterday, I would have been late for classes.

    8. We (leave) without her if she arrives late.

    1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

    1. If I (have) more time, I (tidy) the garden.

    2. If I (be) you, I (get) someone to help me.

    3. If she (ask) me yesterday, I (tell) her all about it.

    4. The party was great. If I (not/ be) ill, I (go) to the party.

    1. Finish these sentences.

    1. If John worked harder,…

    2. If the weather is bad tomorrow, …

    3. Their teacher would be happy, if…

    4. I would have gone to the swimming pool with you yesterday, if…


    I variant

    1. move

    2. would be

    3. call

    4. would have told

    5. had known

    6. ‘ll drive

    7. studied

    8. rains


    1. B

    2. B

    3. A

    4. C

    5. C

    6. C


    1. will go

    2. would come

    3. would have been

    4. rains

    5. had

    6. were

    7. hadn’t met

    8. had taken


    1. had, would go

    2. hadn’t been, wouldn’t have missed

    3. had studied, would have passed.

    4. won, would buy

    II variant


    1. ‘ll visit

    2. live

    3. isn’t sick

    4. would have enjoyed

    5. had driven

    6. ‘re

    7.would give

    8. doesn’t buy


    1. C

    2. A

    3. B

    4. B

    5. C


    1. eat

    2. were

    3. would be

    4. will get

    5. wrote

    6. would have found

    7. hadn’t woken up

    8. will leave


    1. had, would tidy

    2. were, would get

    3. had asked, would have told

    4. hadn’t been, would have gone

    Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

    If the weather is fine, we

    (go) for a walk.

    If I had a lot of money, I

    (buy) a house of my dream.

    If he

    (not hurry) so much, he wouldn’t have had an accident.

    If you

    (heat) water, it boils.

    If I see her, I

    (tell) her the news.

    Choose the correct word.

    We can’t go for a walk
    the rain stops.

    it snows a lot, we won’t go to school.
    I want to go to the cinema
    it’s on Sunday because I have a picnic with my parents.

    it rains till tomorrow, the town will be flooded.

    he is qualified, he can’t enter the contest.

    Choose the correct word.

    if I had looked at the map better.
    If he doesn’t do his homework, he
    a bad mark.
    If she
    late, she would not have missed the train.
    If I were you, I
    study French.
    If I lived in the countryside, I
    fresh air every day.

    Match the parts of the sentences.

    If he hadn’t missed the bus in the morning,

    he wouldn’t have been late for work.

    he wouldn’t have missed his plane.

    I will walk my dog in the park.

    I would build a hospital for animals.

    Choose the correct word.

    If I were you, I
    at home today.
    If he hadn’t called me, I
    the news.
    If I had set up an alarm clock, I
    late to work.
    If I get this job position, I
    a lot of money.
    If I were in his position, I
    so disappointed because of this.

    Complete the sentences with the correct present forms of the verbs in brackets.


    (have) some coffee if we have a break.

    If we had vacation in summer, we

    (spend) it in Peru.

    If she

    (listen) carefully, she wouldn’t have made so many mistakes in her project.


    (never do) such a terrible thing if I were you.


    (find) a good job if he studies well.

    Choose the correct word.

    It’s freezing outside. If I were you, I
    the coat on.
    If Adam had studied better, he
    his exams.
    If he had left home earlier, he
    the bus.
    If Sam invited me to the restaurant tonight, I
    If she is late again, I
    her mum.

    Choose the correct answer.

    If I have free time in the evening, I
    If Ann lived in the countryside, she
    If she had driven carefully, she
    an accident.
    If he had brought the newspaper, I
    the news.
    If I were in Spain, I

    Поставить глаголы в скобках в правильной форме.

    1. If I .

    (not to take) a taxi, I .

    (to miss) the train.

    2. If it .

    (to be) sunny tomorrow, we .

    (to go) to get a tan.

    3. If I .

    (to have) time tonight, I .

    (to finish) reading this book.

    4. If you .

    (to work) at the weekend, I .

    (to pay) you well.

    5. If you .

    (to ask) me for a help, I .

    (to help) you at once.

    6. If he .

    (to finish) the work this week, he .

    (can) go on holiday.

    7. You .

    (to pass) the exam unless you .

    (to work) hard.

    8. If she .

    (to phone) me, I .

    (to tell) her everything about it.

    9. If I .

    (to be) in your shoes, I .

    (to spend) all the time in a gym.

    10. If my brother .

    (to come) to visit me on Sunday, we .

    (to go) for a picnic.

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