Choose the correct word i was disappointed with the film

Choose the correct word.
I I was disappointing / disappointed with the film. I had expected it to be better. 2 Are you interesting / interested in football? 3 The new project sounds exciting /excited. I’m looking forward to working on it. 4 It’s embarrassing /embarrassed when you have to ask people for money. 5 Do you casily get embarrassing / embarrassed? 6 I had never expected to get the job. I was rcally amazing /amazed when I was offered it. 7 She has really learnt very fast. She has made amazing / amazed progress. 8 I didn’t find the situation funny, I was not amusing / amused. 9 It was a really ferrifving / terrified experience. Everybody was very shocking /shocked. 10 Why do you always look so boring / bored? Is your life really so boring / bored? 11 He’s one of the most boring/ bored people I’ve ever met. He never stops talking and he never s anything interesting /interested

помогите пожалуйста!​


1- expected

2- Interested








10-boring, bored


Интересные вопросы

`1.` I was  disappointed with the film. I had expected it to be better.

`2.` Are you interested in football ?

`3.` The football match was quite exciting . I enjoyed it.

`4.` It’s sometimes embarrassing when you have to ask people for money.

`5.` Do you easily get  embarrassed?

`6.`  I had never expected to get the job . I was really  amazed when I was offered it.

`7.` She has really learnt very fast . She has made astonishing  progress.

`8.`  I didn’t find the situation funny. I was not  amused.

`9.` Why do you always look so bored ? Is your life really so boring?

`10.` He’s one of the most boring people I’ve ever met. He never stops talking and he never says anything interesting .

EX31 :

`1.`If you do exercise every day, you will keep fit.

`2.` If they don’t get up early, they will miss the bus.

`3.` If the weather is fine, we will play soccer.

`4.`  If he watches TV too much, his eyes will be tiring.


UNIT 98. Adjectives ending in –ing and –ed (boring/
bored etc)


Many adjectives end in -ing and -ed, for example: boring
and bored. Study this
example situation:

Jane has been doing the same
job for a very long time. Every day she does exactly the same thing again
and again. She doesn’t enjoy her job any more and would like to do
something different.

Jane’s job is boring.

Jane is bored (with her job).

Somebody is bored if something (or
somebody else) is boring.
Or, if something is boring,
it makes you bored. So:

Jane is bored because her job is boring.

Jane’s job is boring, so Jane is bored. (not Jane is boring)

If a person is boring, this means that they
make other people bored:

George always talks about the
same things. He’s really boring.


Compare adjectives ending in -ing and —ed:

In these examples, the —ing adjective tells you
about the job.

I’m bored with my job

I’m not interested in my job any more.

I get very tired doing my job.

I’m not satisfied with my job.

My job makes me depressed. (etc.)

In these examples, the -ed adjective tells you how
somebody feels (about the job)

Compare these examples:


Julia thinks politics is interesting.

Did you meet anyone interesting at the party?


It was surprising that he passed the



The movie was disappointing. We expected
it to be much better.


The news was shocking.


Julia is interested in politics.

(not interesting in politics)

Are you interested in buying a car?

I’m trying to sell mine.


Everybody was surprised that he passed the


We were disappointed with the movie. We expected it to be much


I was shocked when I heard the news.



Complete the sentences for each
situation. Use the word in brackets+ —ing
or -ed.


The movie wasn’t as good as we
had expected. (disappoint


The movie was ____ disappointing. ______


We were _____ disappointed ______ with the


Donna teaches young children. It’s
a very hard job, but she enjoys it. (exhaust


She enjoys her job, but it’s
often ____________________.

At the end of a day’s work,
she is often ____________________.



It’s been raining all day. I
hate this weather. (depress


This weather is ____________________.

This weather makes me ____________________.

It’s silly to get ____________________
because of the weather.




Clare is going to Mexico next
month. She has never been there before. (excit…)


It will be an ____________________
experience for her.

Going to new places is
always ____________________.

She is really ____________________
about going to Mexico.




Choose the correct word.


I was disappointing /disappointed with the film.
I had expected it to be better.

(disappointed is correct)


Are you interesting /interested in football?


The new project sounds exciting /excited. I’m
looking forward to working on it.


It’s embarrassing /embarrassed when you have to ask people
for money.


Do you easily get embarrassing /embarrassed?


I had never expected to get
the job. I was really amazing /amazed
when I was offered it.


She has really learnt very
fast. She has made amazing /amazed


I didn’t find the situation
funny. I was not amusing /amused.


It was a really terrifying /terrified
experience. Everybody was very shocking


Why do you always look so boring /bored? Is your life
really so boring /bored?


He’s one of the most boring /bored people I’ve
ever met. He never stops talking and he never says anything interesting /interested.


Complete each sentence using a word
from the box.









surprising/ surprised


He works very hard. It’s not ____
surprising _____ that he’s always


I’ve got nothing to do. I’m


The teacher’s explanation was ________________.
Most of the students didn’t understand it.


The kitchen hadn’t been
cleaned for ages. It was really _____________

I don’t visit art galleries
very often. I’m not particularly _____________in art.

There’s no need to get _____________just
because I’m a few minutes late.

The lecture was _____________I
fell asleep.





I’ve been working very hard
all day and now I’m _____________

I’m starting a new job next
week. I’m very _____________ about it.

Steve is good at telling funny
stories. He can be very _____________.

Helen is a very _____________person.
She knows a lot, she’s travelled a lot and she’s done lots of different





Choose the correct word of the adjective!

1. I was disappointing/disappointed with the film. I had expected it to be better.
2. are you interesting/interested in football?
3. it’s sometimes embarrassing/embarrassed when you have to ask people for money.
4. Do you easily get embarrassing/embarrased?
5. I had never expected to get the job. I was really amazing/amazed when I was offered it.
6. I didn’t find the situation funny. I was not amusing/amused.

1. dissapointed
2. interested
3. embarrasing
4. embarrased
5. amazed
6. amused


1. Disappointed
2. Interested
3. Embarrassed
4. Embarrassed
5. Amazed
6. Amused

Circle the correct word.
1. She is interested / interesting in meeting new people.
2. Peter looks very bored / boring. I don’t think he is enjoying the lesson.
3. I am so excited / exciting! I’m going to London tomorrow.
4. The film was disappointed / disappointing. I didn’t like it at all.

Английский язык 7 класс рабочая тетрадь Spotlight Английский в фокусе Ваулина. 3b. Who’s who?. Номер №2


Перевод задания
Обведите правильное слово.
1. Ей interested / interesting знакомиться с новыми людьми.
2. Питер выглядит очень bored / boring. Не думаю, что ему нравится урок.
3. Я так excited / exciting! Завтра я еду в Лондон.
4. Фильм disappointed / disappointing. Мне это совсем не понравилось.

1. She is interested in meeting new people.
2. Peter looks very bored. I don’t think he is enjoying the lesson.
3. I am so excited! I’m going to London tomorrow.
4. The film was disappointing. I didn’t like it at all.

Перевод ответа
1. Ей интересны новые знакомства.
2. Питер выглядит очень скучающим. Не думаю, что ему нравится урок.
3. Я так взволнован! Завтра я еду в Лондон.
4. Фильм разочаровал. Мне он совсем не понравился.


Exercise 1: Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.

1. A. loved B. stopped C. played D. lived

2. A. laughed B. selected C. liked D. crossed

3. A. crooked B. finished C. arrived D. blessed

4. A. phoned B. enjoyed C. boiled D. cooked

5. A. followed B. fixed C. missed D. talked

6. A. prepared B. allowed C. terminated D. filled

7. A. finished B. committed C. laughed D. worked

8. A. interpreted B. wretched C. dogged D. ordered

9. A. watched B. pushed C. washed D. changed

10. A. purchased B. staved C. cleaned D. arranged

Exercise 2: Divide the words into three columns.

checked pulled paused notified maintained wiped

opened fixed wanted charged finished evaluated

naked aged permitted cooked molded divided

stayed closed repaired needed pushed steamed

/t/ /d/ /ıd/

Exercise 3: Complete the words: types of film.

1. d_ _ _m_ _ _ _ _ _ 4. sci_ _ _ _-fic_ _ _ _ film 7. a_ _ _a_ _ _ _

2. ro_ _ _ _ _ _ co_ _ _ _ 5. ac_ _ _ _ film 8. de_ _ _ _ _ _ _ film

3. c_ _ _ _y 6. fa_ _ _ _ film 9. ho_ _ _ _ film

Exercise 4: Choose the best option to fill in the blank.

1. In 1939, this ………………… was made to tell stories about the real life of Abraham

Lincoln as a young man.

A. biopic B. science fiction film

C. action film D. horror film

2. When watching that …………………, we can’t help laughing at the stupid things of the

main actor.

A. documentary B. comedy C. action film D. horror film

3. My son feels very happy when he sees that ………………… with a lot of cute animals.

A. horror film B. biopic C. thriller film D. animation

4. Most ………………… say that this film is worth watching.

A. plots B. settings C. critics D. acting

5. He acts very well. I’m sure that yesterday he stayed up all night reading the ……………

A. acting B. character C. survey D. script

6. Before you go to the cinema, you can watch the trailer and read ………….. of the film.

A. reviews B. disaster C. critic D. character

7. That was a ……………. and boring horror film so I slept from the beginning to the end.

A. shocking B. entertaining C. gripping D. predictable

8. I didn’t expect the movie to be so interesting and so …………………! I cried at the end

of the film.

A. moving B. violent C. confusing D. hilarious

9. According to our latest survey, Batman is one of 10 ………………… films this summer.

A. must-see B. violence C. embarrassed D. stunt

10. Woody Allen is one of some directors who ………………… in their own films and

receive positive reviews.

A. set B. star C. recommend D. make

11. The film had such a sudden and ………………… ending that no one can imagine.

A. disappointed B. must-see C. predictable D. shocking

12. Watching ………………… films may make people more aggressive.

A. hilarious B. violent C. entertaining D. gripping

Exercise 6: Complete the sentences with although, in spite of/despite.

1. ……………………….. the weather was bad, we enjoyed our trip.

2. The children slept well ……………………….. the noise.

3. ……………………….. earning a low salary, Linda gave money to her parents.

4. John rarely sees Paul ……………………….. they live in the same town.

5. Julie failed the exam ……………………….. of working very hard.

6. ……………………….. it was cold, she didn’t put on her coat.

7. Tom went to work ……………………….. not feeling very well.

8. Anna never learned the language ……………………….. she lived there for two years.

9. ……………………….. the difficulty, they managed to climb to the top of the mountain.

10. I couldn’t eat ……………………….. I was very hungry.

Exercise 7: Underline the correct answers.

1. He’s such a monotonous speaker. I was bored/ boring stiff.

2. Most sequels are disappointed/ disappointing.

3. I had such a tired/ tiring day I went straight to bed.

4. Everyone’s very excited/ exciting about the news.

5. That lamp produces a very pleased/ pleasing effect.

6. The whole school was saddened/ saddening by the tragic event.

7. I don’t like watching depressed/ depressing films on my own.

8. I was amazed/ amazing when she toid me she’d got divorced.

9. He’s such a bored/ boring guy. He only ever talks about himself.

10. I’m very interested/ interesting in films and theatre.

11. No one knew what would happen next. We were all intrigued/ intriguing.

12. It was a very interested/ interesting situation.

13. There’s been some very surprised/ surprising news.

14. His mother was disgusted/ disgusting by what she found under her bed.

15. Their hamburgers are disgusted/ disgusting.

16. Dad always arrives home from work thoroughly exhausted/ exhausting.

17. He’s always showing off. It’s really annoyed/ annoying.

18. I think Alex is one of the most annoyed/ annoying people I’ve ever met. He can’t

keep still for a second.

19. I walked into this restaurant and there was Andy with a strange woman. He seemed

really embarrassed/ embarrassing.

20. She kept talking about her boyfriend problems all night. It was rather embarrassed/


Exercise 8: Complete the sentences with the correct form of adjectives.

1. The film wasn’t as good as we had expected. (disappoint)

a. The film was ………………………..

b. We were ……………………….. with the film.

2. Diana teaches young children. It is a very hard job but she enjoys it. (exhaust)

a. She enjoys her job but it is often ………………………..

b. At the end of a day’s work, she is often ………………………..

3. It has been raining all day. I hate this weather, (depress)

a. This weather is ………………………..

b. This weather makes me ………………………..

4. Sarah is going to the USA next month. She has never been there before. (excite)

a. It will be an ………………………..experience for her.

b. She is really ………………………..about going to the USA.

Exercise 9: Complete the sentences with the correct form of adjectives.

1. I do the same thing every day. My job is very ……………………….. bore

2. I have nothing to do. I’m ……………………….. bore

3. My job is very varied. I find it ……………………….. depress

4. Cheer up. Don’t feel so ……………………….. There are plenty of other jobs. depress

5. I heard a very ……………………….. story. It will make you laugh. interest

6. It’s not ……………………….. that you failed the exam. You never did any surprise


7. I don’t understand this exercise. I’m very ……………………….. confuse

8. The lesson was really ……………………….. I almost fell asleep. bore

9. I was ……………………….. by her behavior. It was very funny. amuse

10. I was ……………………….. by the news. I didn’t expect it. surprise

Exercise 10: Put the adjective in brackets in the correct form.

1. I was (amaze) ……………………… to hear that Simon got married.

2. She said it was not as (interesting) ……………………… as she had expected.

3. It’s hardly (surprise) …………………….. that you caught a cold. You never wear a jacket.

4. At times, English can be a (confuse) ……………………… language to learn.

5. I’m not going to watch it. It sounds really (bore) ………………………

6. I’m (worry) ……………………… when reading that economy is getting worse.

7. Aren’t you (exhaust) ……………………… after running all that way?

8. Try not to get (annoy) ……………………… by the noise. You’ll get used to it.

9. The wet weather can be (depress) ………………………

10. There is nothing more (satisfy) ……………………… than a good meal.

Exercise 11: Rewrite the sentences without changing their meaning-

1. Although Tom was a poor student, he studied very well.

-> In spite of

2. Mary could not go to school because she was sick.

-> Because of

3. Although the weather was bad, she went to school on time.

-> Despite

4. My mother told me to go to school although I was sick.

-> In spite of

5. Because there was a big storm, I stayed at home.

-> Because of

6. Tom was admitted to the university although his grades were bad.

-> Despite

7. Although she has a physical handicap, she has become a successful woman.

-> Despite

8. In spite of his good salary, Tom gave up his job.

-> Although

9. Though he had not finished the paper, he went to sleep.

-> In spite of

10. In spite of the high prices, my daughter insists on going to the movies.

-> Even though


Exercise 1: Write questions for the underlined part.

1. John went to Vietnam in 2000.

2. My mother is cooking in the kitchen at the moment.

3. She likes playing table tennis.

4. It takes him 20 minutes to go to school by bike.

5. I received a letter from John last week.

6. Minh usually takes exercises after getting up.

7. I brush my teeth twice a day.

8. Nga has an appointment at 10:30 this morning.

9. She goes to bed at 9 p.m.

Press ESC to close






Your answer:

Right answer:

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Unit 98 Прилагательные (Adjectives) на -ing и -ed. Прилагательные, образованные от глаголов (boring/bored etc.)

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Unit 98 Прилагательные (Adjectives) на -ing и -ed. Прилагательные, образованные от глаголов (boring/bored etc.)

Previous Story

oing to Mexico. 98.2 Choose the correct word. 1 I was disappointing / disappointed with the movie. I had expected it to be better. (disappointed is correct) 2 I’m not particularly interesting / interested in football. 3 The new project sounds exciting / excited. I’m looking forward to working on it. 4 It can be embarrassing/ embarrassed when you have to ask people for money. 5 Do you easily get embarrassing / embarrassed? 6 I’d never expected to get the job. I was amazing/amazed when I was offered it. 7 She’s learnt very fast. She’s made amazing/ amazed progress. 8 I didn’t find the situation funny. I was not amusing / amused. 9 I’m interesting/interested in joining the club. How much does it cost? 10 It was a really terrifying / terrified experience. Everybody was very shocking/shocked. 11 Why do you always look so boring/bored? Is your life really so boring/bored? 12 He’s one of the most boring/bored people I’ve ever met. He never stops talking and he never says anything interesting/interested. 98.3 Complete each sentence using a word from the box. amusing/amused annoying/annoyed boring/bored

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