Choose the correct word i must should


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  • Наша доска вопросов и ответов в первую очередь ориентирована на школьников и студентов из России и стран СНГ, а также носителей русского языка в других странах.
  • Для посетителей из стран СНГ есть возможно задать вопросы по таким предметам как Украинский язык, Белорусский язык, Казакхский язык, Узбекский язык, Кыргызский язык.
  • На вопросы могут отвечать также любые пользователи, в том числе и педагоги.

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    1. He correctly defined the terms. The answer sounded correct.

    2. She quickly adjusted the fees. She adapted quickly to any situation.

    3. He measured the floor exactly. They proved to be perfectly exact measurements.

    4. The stillness of the tomb was awful. The tomb was awfully still.

    5. It was a dangerous lake to swim in. The man was dangerously drunk. The gas smelled dangerous.

    6. She performed magnifinectly. It was a magnificently beautiful performance.

    7. Her voice sounds beautiful. She sang the song exactly as it was written. We heard it perfectly.

    8. He was a very sensible person. He acted very sensibly.

    9. Mike wrote too slowly on the exam. He always writes slowly.

    10. Talk softly or don’t talk at all. The music played softly.

    11. Andrea knows the material very well. She always treats us well.

    12. You must send payments regularly. We deal on a strictly cash basis.

    13. The mechanic’s tools were good. The foreman said that his work was well done.

    14. She worked carefully with the sick child. She was a very careful worker.

    15. He did not pass the course as easily as he thought he would.

    16. I find this novel very interesting. It was interestingly written.



    1. Ann walks heavily.

    2. Betty is beautiful.

    3. Jin speaks Chinese fluently.

    4. David arrived late.

    5. Sue learned Japanese quickly.

    6. Sharon usually sings sadly.

    7. Bill understands Spainsh well.

    8. The women work hard.

    9. Mei Li dresses beautifully.

    10. I like to live in a clean house.

    11. The soup tastes good.

    12. The orchestra sounds bad.

    13. Eric likes to sing sad songs.

    14. The eagle sees well.

    15. Adriana ran fast.


    1a. Adverb

    1b. Adjective

    2a. Adjective

    2b. Adverb

    3a. Adjective

    3b. Adverb

    4a. Adverb

    4b. Adjective

    5a. Adjective

    5b. Adverb

    Modal verbs 1                                        Name______________________

    Task #1 Choose the correct word.

    1. I think you might/ought to see a doctor.
    2. Should/May I borrow your book, please?
    3. I have to/could go to the grocery store. My fridge is empty.
    4. You must/ought to be very hungry. Would you like an apple.
    5. Could/Should you pass me some sugar?  I like sweet tea.
    6. You must be/can’t be very proud of your son he is a champion.
    7. You must be/should be exhausted after all your hard work.
    8. She mustn’t/shouldn’t stay in bed all day unless she is ill.
    9. It’s very late. The children must/can’t be sleeping.
    10. Susan has broken her leg. She can’t/have to walk now.

    Task #2 Fill in:  must(2), mustn’t, can, can’t, could(2), may, might, have to.

    1. Guess what! Our team has just won the game. No way!                        

    You ………. be joking!

    1. Excuse me, sir. You ……… park here. It’s forbidden.  
    2. How about to watch a movie? Sorry, but I ……… finish my homework.
    3. Look! It’s Jane! No, it ………. be. She is in Paris on business.
    4. ……….. I turn the light off, please.
    5. ……….. I have your name, please.
    6. I think it ……….. be warm soon.
    7. ……….. you help me please? I think I got lost.
    8. The streets ……….. get very slippery when it rains.
    9. You ……….. be very thirsty, it’s hot outside.


    Task #1 Choose the correct word.

    1. I think you might/ought to see a doctor.
    2. Should/May I borrow your book, please?
    3. I have to/could go to the grocery store. My fridge is empty.
    4. You must/ought to be very hungry. Would you like an apple.
    5. Could/Should you pass me some sugar.  I like sweet tea.
    6. You must be/can’t be very proud of your son he is a champion.
    7. You must be/should be exhausted after all your hard work.
    8. She mustn’t/shouldn’t stay in bed all day unless she is ill.
    9. It’s very late. The children must/can’t be sleeping.
    10. Susan has broken her leg. She can’t/have to walk now.

    Task #2 Fill in:  must(2), mustn’t, can, can’t, could(2), may, might, have to.

    1. Guess what! Our team has just won the game. No way! You must be joking!
    2. Excuse me, sir. You mustn’t park here. It’s forbidden.  
    3. How about to watch a movie? Sorry, but I have to finish my homework.
    4. Look! It’s Jane! No, it can’t be. She is in Paris on business.
    5. Could I turn the light off, please.
    6. May I have your name, please.
    7. I think it might be warm soon.
    8. Could you help me please? I think I got lost.
    9. The streets can get very slippery when it rains.
    10. You must be very thirsty, it’s hot outside.

    Modal verbs 2                                        Name______________________

    Task #1 Choose the correct word.

    1. I can/could speak English but I can’t write it very well.
    2. She can’t/needn’t spend 3 weeks in Rome, she has to come back to work.
    3. You mustn’t/shouldn’t park your car on double yellow lines.
    4. You shouldn’t/mustn’t be so rude with Mary, she is very sensitive.
    5. You should/must obey the laws, or you will get in jail.
    6. Should/May I borrow your pen, please?
    7. You needn’t/have to buy any cat food. We’ve got plenty.
    8. I think you ought to/might take your dog to a vet.
    9. May/must I call you next week, please?
    10. It might/should rain tomorrow. You should take an umbrella with you.

    Task #2 Fill in: should(2), shouldn’t, must, mustn’t, have to(2), can, can’t, may.  

    1. You ……….. turn your TV off when not watching it.
    2. Excuse me sir, you ……….. smoke here, it’s forbidden.
    3. I can’t go to the movie theater with you today, I ……….. work.
    4. You ……….. obey your parents until you are 18.
    5. You ………… smoke it’s very bad for your health.
    6. We don’t ……….. go to school in August.
    7. I ……….. cook a very delicious chocolate cake with walnuts.
    8. I ……….. speak Spanish, but I would like to learn it.
    9. You ……….. be honest and  sincere with your friends.

    10………… I borrow your car for a weekend, please?


    Task #1 Choose the correct word.

    1. I can/could speak English but I can’t write it very well.
    2. She can’t/needn’t spend 3 weeks in Rome, she has to come back to work.
    3. You mustn’t/shouldn’t park your car on double yellow lines.
    4. You shouldn’t/mustn’t be so rude with Mary, she is very sensitive.
    5. You should/must obey the laws, or you will get in jail.
    6. Should/May I borrow your pen, please?
    7. You needn’t/have to buy any cat food. We’ve got plenty.
    8. I think you ought to/might take your dog to a vet.
    9. May/must I call you next week, please?
    10. It might/should rain tomorrow. You should take an umbrella with you.

    Task #2 Fill in: should(2), shouldn’t, must, mustn’t, have to(2), can, can’t, may.  

    1. You should turn your TV off when not watching it.
    2. Excuse me sir, you mustn’t smoke here, it’s forbidden.
    3. I can’t  go to the movie theater with you, I have to work.
    4. You must obey your parents until you are 18.
    5. You shouldn’t smoke it’s very bad for your health.
    6. We don’t have to go to school in August.
    7. I can cook a very delicious chocolate cake with walnuts.
    8. I can’t speak Spanish, but I would like to learn it.
    9. You should be honest and  sincere with your friends.

    10.May I borrow your car for a weekend, please?

    Тест по теме «Модальные глаголы» (9 класс)

    Вариант 1

    I.Choose the correct word.

    1. Should / Could you open the window? It’s too hot in the room.

    2. I have to / could go to the dentist. I have a terrible toothache.

    3. May / Should I borrow your bicycle tomorrow, please?

    4. The summer holidays begins tomorrow, so we needn’t / mustn’t go to school.

    5. I think you ought / might to see a doctor.

    6. You may / must be joking. He couldn’t eat so many ice-creams.

    7. That mustn’t / can’t be his car. He isn’t so rich to have »Rolls-Royce».

    8. I can / might do it later but I’m not sure.

    9. You must / ought to be polite with your parents.

    10. You must / ought to be very hungry. Would you like a sandwich?

    II.Fill in: must, mustn’t, can, can’t, needn’t, have to

      1. A: I can’t sleep. I have a headache.

    B: You ____ take an aspirin.

      1. A: People are wasting too much water.

    B: I think we ____ try to save water at home.

      1. A: How about going to the cinema now?

    B: Sorry, I can’t. I ___ prepare for the project.

      1. A: Would you like me to help you?

    B: No, you ____ bother. I’ll do it by myself.

      1. A: Ann is coming. Look!

    B: It ____ be. She is in America now.

      1. A: You ____ take pictures in the zoo.

    B: I’m sorry.

      1. A: Would you like to play football?

    B: No, I ____ help my dad with shopping.

      1. A: What a lucky! I’ve won a million!

    B: You ____ be joking.

      1. A: Excuse me, you ___ use your camera here.

    B: I’m sorry.

      1. A: If you are tired, you ___ go home now.

    B: Thank you. Good bye.

    III.Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use the word in bold. Use two to five words.

        1. It’s necessary for you to answer the questions now.

    need You ……………. now.

        1. You should see a doctor.

    better You …………….. a doctor.

        1. You mustn’t walk on the flowerbed.

    allowed You ……………. on the flowerbed.

        1. It’s not a good idea for you to go out tonight.

    not You …………….. tonight.

        1. You should be very careful with a child.

    to You …………….. very careful with a child.

    Тест по теме «Модальные глаголы» (9 класс)

    Вариант 2

    I.Choose the correct word.

    1. She may / must be joking. She couldn’t eat so many ice-creams.

    2. I can / might do it later but I’m not sure.

    3. You must / ought to be very hungry. Would you like a hot dog?

    4. Should / Could you open the window? It’s too hot in the classroom.

    5. You must / ought to be polite with your parents.

    6. The summer holidays begins tomorrow, so we needn’t / mustn’t go to school.

    7. I have to / could go to the dentist. I have a terrible toothache.

    8. I think you ought / might to see a doctor.

    9. That mustn’t / can’t be his car. He isn’t so rich to have »Rolls-Royce».

    10. May / Should I borrow your laptop tomorrow, please?

    II.Fill in: must, mustn’t, can, can’t, needn’t, have to

      1. A: Ann is coming. Look!

    B: It ____ be. She is in America now.

      1. A: If you are tired, you ___ go home now.

    B: Thank you. Good bye.

      1. A: Excuse me, you ___ use your camera here.

    B: I’m sorry.

      1. A: People are wasting too much water.

    B: I think we ____ try to save water at home.

      1. A: What a lucky! I’ve won a million!

    B: You ____ be joking.

      1. A: How about going to the cinema now?

    B: Sorry, I can’t. I ___ prepare for the project.

      1. A: I can’t sleep. I have a headache.

    B: You ____ take an aspirin.

      1. A: You ____ take pictures in the zoo.

    B: I’m sorry.

      1. A: Would you like me to help you?

    B: No, you ____ bother. I’ll do it by myself.

      1. A: Would you like to play football?

    B: No, I ____ help my dad with shopping.

    III.Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use the word in bold. Use two to five words.

        1. It’s not a good idea for you to go out tonight.

    not You …………….. tonight.

        1. You should be very careful with a child.

    to You …………….. very careful with a child.

        1. You should see a doctor.

    better You …………….. a doctor.

        1. It’s necessary for you to answer the questions now.

    need You ……………. now.

        1. You mustn’t walk on the flowerbed.

    allowed You ……………. on the flowerbed.

                                       Тест  «Modal Verbs»10 класс.

    Автор:Кайчева М.Н.                                            

    Task #1Choose the correct word.

    I think you might/ought
    see a doctor.

    Should/May I borrow your book, please?

    I have
    go to the grocery store. My fridge is empty.

    You must/ought
    to be very hungry. Would you like an apple.

    Could/Should you pass me some sugar?  I like
    sweet tea.

    You must be/can’t
    very proud of your son he is a champion.

    You must be/should
    exhausted after all your hard work.

    She mustn’t/shouldn’t
    stay in bed all day unless she is ill.

    It’s very late.
    The children must/can’t be sleeping.

    10. Susan has broken her leg. She can’t/have to
    walk now.

    Task #2Fill i:must (2), mustn’t, can, can’t, could(2), may,
    might, have to.

    Guess what! Our
    team has just won the game. No way!           

    You ……….be joking!

    Excuse me, sir.
    You ……… park here. It’s forbidden. 

    How about to
    watch a movie? Sorry, but I ……… finish my homework.

    Look! It’s Jane!
    No, it ………. be. She is in Paris on business.

    ……….. I turn the light off, please.

    ………..I have your name, please.

    I think it ………..
    be warm soon.

    ……….. you help me please? I think I got

    The streets ………..
    get very slippery when it rains.

    10. You ……….. be very thirsty, it’s hot outside.


    Task #1Choose the correct word.

    11. I think you might/ought to see a doctor.

    12. Should/May I borrow your book, please?

    13. I have to/could go to the grocery store.
    My fridge is empty.

    14. You must/ought to be very hungry. Would
    you like an apple.

    15. Could/Should you pass me some sugar.  I like
    sweet tea.

    16. You must be/can’t be very proud of your
    son he is a champion.

    17. You must be/should be exhausted after
    all your hard work.

    18. She mustn’t/shouldn’t stay in bed all
    day unless she is ill.

    19. It’s very late. The children must/can’t be

    20. Susan has broken her leg. She can’t/have to
    walk now.

    Task #2Fill in :must (2), mustn’t, can, can’t, could(2), may,
    might, have to.

    11. Guess what! Our team has just won the game. No way!
    You must be joking!

    12. Excuse me, sir. You mustn’t park here. It’s

    13. How about to watch a movie? Sorry, but I have to
    finish my homework.

    14. Look! It’s Jane! No, it can’t be. She is in
    Paris on business.

    15. Could I turn the light off, please.

    16. May I have your name, please.

    17. I think it might be warm soon.

    18. Could you help me please? I think I got lost.

    19. The streets can get very slippery when it

    20. You must be very thirsty, it’s hot outside.

    Modal verbs 2                                        

    Task #1Choose the correct word.

    I can/could
    speak English but I can’t write it very well.

    She can’t/needn’t
    spend 3 weeks in Rome, she has to come back to work.

    You mustn’t/shouldn’t
    park your car on double yellow lines.

    You shouldn’t/mustn’t
    be so rude with Mary, she is very sensitive.

    You should/must
    obey the laws, or you will get in jail.

    Should/May  I borrow your pen, please?

    You needn’t/have
    buy any cat food. We’ve got plenty.

    I think you ought
    take your dog to a vet.

    May/must I call you next week, please?

    10. It might/should rain tomorrow. You should take
    an umbrella with you.

    Task #2Fill in  :should (2), shouldn’t, must, mustn’t, have
    to(2), can, can’t, may

    You ………..
    turn your TV off when not watching it.

    Excuse me sir,
    you ……….. smoke here, it’s forbidden.

    I can’t go to the
    movie theater with you today, I ……….. work.

    You ………..
    obey your parents until you are 18.

    You …………
    smoke it’s very bad for your health.

    We don’t ………..
    go to school in August.

    I ………..
    cook a very delicious chocolate cake with walnuts.

    I ………..
    speak Spanish, but I would like to learn it.

    You ………..
    be honest and  sincere with your friends.

    10………… I borrow your car for a
    weekend, please?


    Task #1Choose the correct word.

    I can/could
    speak English but I can’t write it very well.

    She can’t/needn’t
    spend 3 weeks in Rome, she has to come back to work.

    You mustn’t/shouldn’t
    park your car on double yellow lines.

    You shouldn’t/mustn’t
    be so rude with Mary, she is very sensitive.

    You should/must
    obey the laws, or you will get in jail.

    Should/May I borrow your pen, please?

    You needn’t/have
    buy any cat food. We’ve got plenty.

    I think you ought
    take your dog to a vet.

    May/must I call you next week, please?

    10. It might/should rain tomorrow. You
    should take an umbrella with you.

    Task #2Fill in :should (2), shouldn’t, must, mustn’t, have to(2),
    can, can’t, may

    You should
    turn your TV off when not watching it.

    Excuse me sir,
    you mustn’t smoke here, it’s forbidden.

    I can’t  go to
    the movie theater with you, I have to work.

    You must
    obey your parents until you are 18.

    You shouldn’t
    smoke it’s very bad for your health.

    We don’t have
    go to school in August.

    I can cook
    a very delicious chocolate cake with walnuts.

    I can’t
    speak Spanish, but I would like to learn it.

    You should
    be honest and  sincere with your friends.

    10.            May I borrow
    your car for a weekend, please?

    Choose the correct word.

    do your homework.

    brush my teeth.

    Your hands are dirty. You
    clean them.

    talk loudly in the classroom.

    tidy my room.

    Match the modal verb in the sentence with its function.

    Jim can climb a mountain very fast

    This work must be done at once

    He must consult his teacher

    when you are able to do something

    you are obliged to do something

    there is a necessity in doing something

    Choose the correct word.

    I didn’t feel very well yesterday. I
    eat anything.

    look at me when I am talking to you.

    I was reading a book an hour ago. It
    be here somewhere!

    play the piano since she was a child.

    do her project on time.

    Write down must/must not.

    We have a lot of work tomorrow. You

    be late.


    tell anyone what I just told you. It’s a secret.

    The museum isn’t free. You

    pay to get in.


    tell lies. It’s not good.

    Susan isn’t a millionaire. She

    go to work.

    Write down must/must not.


    do my washing because my mother told me so.


    hurry. We have got a little time.


    smoke inside the building.

    You can borrow my clothes, but you

    get them dirty.


    miss the train, or we’ll be late.

    Fill in: can, could, may, might, should, would.

    Your brother

    install a new programme on his computer.


    cycle since he was 2 years old.


    solve this problem.

    you like some tea?


    go out in 5 minutes.

    Choose the correct word.

    go to bed now.

    read this rule once again.

    go home now.

    speak French fluently.

    The students
    use a periodic table at the Chemistry lessons.

    Choose the correct word.

    My grandmother
    cook delicious cakes.

    drive a car.

    My sister
    play the piano very well.

    ask his advice.

    remember a lot of new words.

    Тест на модальные глаголы в английском языке

    Доброго времени суток всем читающим наш портал и покоряющим английский язык! Сегодня предлагаем проверить свои знания и решить тест на модальные глаголы в английском языке. Проводить практические занятия по уже освоенной теории нужно в обязательном порядке, поскольку без практики изученная информация быстро забывается и общий уровень знаний не повышается. Мы же всегда выступаем за то, чтобы прогресс в изучении языка был непрерывным, поэтому соберитесь с силами, настройтесь на серьезный лад и присоединяйтесь к закреплению темы «модальный английский глагол». Как всегда, сначала вспомним основные теоретические моменты, а уж затем ударно поработаем над практикой. Итак, начинаем!


    • Как правильно решать тест на модальные глаголы в английском языке
      • Modal Verbs
      • Modal Verbs 2
      • Can & Could
      • Can & Could 2
      • Modal Verbs Uses
      • Modal Verbs Uses 2
      • Modal Verbs Uses 3
      • Modal Verbs Uses 4
      • Modal Verbs 3
      • Modal Verbs 4

    Как правильно решать тест на модальные глаголы в английском языке

    Прежде всего напомним, какую роль играют в английских высказываниях модальные глаголы. Этот грамматический класс предназначен для того, чтобы указывать на возможность, желание или необходимость выполнения какого-либо действия. Иначе говоря, сам по себе модальный глагол не несет как таковой смысловой нагрузки, поэтому используется он всегда в паре с обычным глаголом, обозначающим действие. При этом смысловой глагол употребляется в своей начальной форме.

    • You can take my umbrella, if you want. — Вы можете взять мой зонт, если хотите.
    • We must go there, hurry up. — Мы должны туда пойти, поспешим.
    • Your son should be more patient. — Вашему сыну следует быть более терпеливым

    Это что касается назначения modal verbs. Но, конечно, все тесты на модальные глаголы в английском языке в основном ориентированы на грамматику данной части речи, поэтому давайте кратко пройдемся по основным нюансам употребления подобных слов.

    В первую очередь отметим, что modal verbs не зависимы от типа подлежащего, т.е. не изменяются по лицам и числам. Единственным исключением здесь является модальный глагол have to, форма которого при подлежащем в 3 лице ед. ч. меняется на has to.

    • I have to tell your dad about that. — Мне придется рассказать твоему отцу об этом.
    • He has to listen to me. — Он должен прислушаться ко мне.

    Также важно иметь в виду, что английские модальные глаголы способны самостоятельно создавать вопросительные и отрицательные предложения. Опять же, за исключением глагола have to, которому требуется участие вспомогательного do (does, did).

    • May we see him? — Можем мы его увидеть?
    • You mustn’t believe all they say. — Вы не должны верить всему, что говорят.
    • She doesn’t have to make any more decisions. — Ей не придется больше принимать какие-либо решения.

    Тестирование на модальные глаголы в английском языке уделяет особое внимание и времени свершения действий. В большинстве случаев modal verbs используются в простом Настоящем или Будущем, причем нисколько не изменяя свою форму. Но ряд модальных глаголов также имеет эквивалентные синонимы для обозначения прошедшего и будущего времен. Вспомним их с помощью небольшой таблицы.

    Настоящее время Прошедшее Будущее
    can could will be able to
    may might will be allowed to
    have to had to will have to

    Здесь же заметим, что ввиду сходства значений с have to must формально может использовать его форму прошедшего и будущего, но только если при этом не искажается смысл высказывания. Поэтому будьте крайне внимательны при сверке с ответами теста на модальные глаголы в английском.

    И, наконец, вновь вернемся к значению modal verbs. Не секрет, что многие представители данной части речи между собой схожи по смыслу. Этот нюанс наглядно демонстрируют сложные тесты на модальные глаголы на английском языке, содержащие коварные вопросы. Ученики часто путаются в контекстах подобных заданий и совершают досадные ошибки. Поэтому перед выполнением практической работы рекомендуем еще раз повторить основные черты каждого глагола. И для этого нам вновь понадобится вспомогательная таблица.

    Глагол Значение
    can мочь, уметь, быть в состоянии, иметь физическую возможность
    may возможность, вежливая просьба, вероятность, разрешение, позволение
    must необходимость, долг, обязанность (по внутренним ощущениям, самостоятельное решение)
    have to необходимость, долг, обязанность (решение принято под влиянием внешних обстоятельств)
    should следует, надлежит (совет, рекомендация)
    ought to формальный синоним should, используется крайне редко

    Вот и все, что необходимо было повторить для подготовки к написанию практической работы. Теперь осталось самое главное – сконцентрировать свое внимание на заданиях и пройти проверку на отлично! Мы уверены, что это вам под силу, а даже если совершения ошибок и не удастся избежать, вы всегда будете знать, какие конкретно нюансы темы стоит изучить еще раз. Именно для этого мы предоставляем на модальные глаголы в английском языке тесты с ответами, ведь разбор совершенных ошибок – ключ к улучшению знаний и достижению совершенного уровня владения английским. Итак, успешного выполнения работы!

    Пройдите тест на модальные глаголы английского языка

    Modal Verbs

    Chose the correct option.


    Remember, you’re in a library, you

    speak loudly.


    Don’t forget to take an umbrella. It

    rain later.


    wear jewellery to school?



    be ill. I’ve just seen her.


    I was using my mobile a minute ago. It

    be somewhere here.



    be hungry. You’ve just eaten lunch.



    make pancakes. I’ve already made some.



    borrow up to four books at a time.


    I’ve just bought a lottery ticket. I

    become rich soon.

    Modal Verbs 2

    Continue to choose the correct option.


    Mr. Black

    be away this weekend, but we’re not sure.


    Paul has finally got the job. He

    be really pleased.


    Don’t ride so fast. You

    have an accident.



    do the shopping. Dad has already done it.


    bring our own music to the school disco?


    Stella can’t find her car keys. They

    be in her bag.



    take any electronic devices on school trips.



    be at home. His car is outside.



    vacuum the carpet. Phil’s already cleaned the room.



    speak Spanish fluently. He’s been there for only a week.

    Can & Could

    Complete the sentences, write can /can’t / could / couldn’t


    The French soldier is happy because he dance with the girl.


    Yesterday Helen hang the banner for the festival.


    The businessman Mr Black had no money so he pay the bills.


    Barbara gets up early so she wash her hair.


    Peter got good marks at Geography since he tell the lesson quite well.


    The wind was so strong that Julio walk properly.


    Last Friday morning Sonia do her test very well.


    Lorenzo surf because he took lessons last summer.

    Can & Could 2

    Complete the sentences, write can /can’t / could / couldn’t


    There was no television so they listen to the radio.


    The lights went out but Alice light a candle.


    The famous singer arrived late but the audience enjoy at the concert.


    Today it’s Martha’s birthday so she blow the candles in the strawberry cake.


    It’s Saturday and Emilio wear sports clothes.


    It was very hot but David switch on the big fan.


    Martin eat fast food because he gets fat.


    Thomas stop kicking pebbles on the way home.

    Grammar practice

    Modal Verbs Uses

    Decide and write which of the modal verbs in the list correspond to the different uses. Sometimes more than one modal is possible: could, may, must, be used to, needn’t, have to, would rather, don’t have to, can, would, had better


    to ask for something politely: ,


    to offer to do something: ,


    to express a strong advice:


    absence of obligation: ,


    to express preferences:


    to express obligation: ,


    to be accustomed to doing something:

    Modal Verbs Uses 2

    will, mustn’t, should, need, get used to, used to, might, ought to, may,


    to express possibility: ,


    to express future predictions:


    to become accustomed to doing something:


    to express habits or routines in the past:


    to express prohibition:

    Modal Verbs Uses 3

    Choose the correct word or phrase to complete the following sentences.


    We are not completely sure but Cindy

    come back tomorrow.


    When I was a child, in the summer afternoons we

    play in the street with boys and girls from the neighbourhood


    I have some more wine, please?



    believe my eyes. Is George the one who is standing over there?



    be the richest person in the village. He’s just bought two luxurious cars.



    have studied more for the final exam and spend less time playing with the computer.


    My bedroom

    redecorating. I’m tired of the old furniture.

    Modal Verbs Uses 4

    Continue to choose the correct word or phrase to complete the following sentences.



    rather you checked my exercise before giving it to the teacher


    I use your mobile phone? It’s an emergency.


    In many schools of England students

    wear uniforms. It is compulsory.


    Sara’s daughter

    write perfectly when she was seven.



    let you know when I have more information about the matter.


    The worst

    have happened, but fortunately everybody came back safe and sound.


    The problem was so difficult that even the teacher

    solve it.

    More modal verbs.

    Modal Verbs 3

    Fill in the blanks with proper modal verbs. Use short form negative verbs: can’t, mustn’t, etc.


    When Susan was five, she read and write.


    I (need) get up early today. Because it is Sunday.


    I wear school uniform at my school.


    You smoke here. It is forbidden.


    you turn on the lights, please?


    I help my mother with the housework. She is tired.


    If you go to bed late, you be late for the school.


    You do your homework if you want to go out.


    you help me with the cleaning?

    Modal Verbs 4

    Continue to fill in the blanks with proper modal verbs


    Rose obey the rules but she didn’t.


    You pay the taxes regularly otherwise you be punished.


    You park here. You find a parkland.


    She win the match because she was ill.


    My father is very talented. He paint very well.


    It is raining heavily. You take your umbrella.


    When I was a young man, I run fast.


    elephants jump? No, they .


    You pick up these flowers. Otherwise, my mother get angry with you.


    My mother go to the dentist. She has a terrible toothache.

    Теперь вы проверили свои знания на тему модальных глаголов английского языка и можете сделать выводы, нужно подтянуть грамматику по этой грамматике или это усвоенный материал и нужно двигаться дальше, развивать словарный запас и больше общаться на английском языке. Учите английский язык, удачи!

    Просмотры: 5 703

    Вопрос по английскому языку:

    Variant-2I. Choose the correct word or phrase in each sentence.1. I think you had better / would better take a pullover with you.2. Sorry, I can’t stay any longer. I have to / might go.3. It’s a school rule, all the pupils have to / must wear a uniform.4. Let’s tell Anna. She could / might not know.5. Jones could / must be president if Smith has to resign.II. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains some of these modal verbs: can, could, must, have to or should (including negative forms):1. I’m sure that Brenda isn’t over thirty.2. What would you advise me to do?3. You needn’t come with me if you don’t want to.4. It’s possible for anyone to break into this house.5. The dentist will see you soon. I don’t think he’ll be long.III. Complete each sentence so that it contains might, might not, must, mustn’t, can’t or can. More than one answer may be possible.1. We’re not sure but we _________ go to Prague for Christmas this year.2. Bill cooked the lunch, so you _________ expect anything special!3. You really ________ start spending more time on your work.4. That’s really stupid idea! You _______-be serious, surely!5. You ________ realize it, but this is very important to me.6. Tell Mike he _________ take my book if he needs it.IV. Modal Verbs in the Past. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains can’t, might, must, should or needn’t.1. 1. I’m sure that David took your books by mistake.2. It was a mistake to park outside the police station.3. I’m sure that Liz hasn’t met Harry before.4. It was unnecessary for you to clean the floor.5. Heather possibly hasn’t left yet.6. I’m sure they haven’t eaten all the food. It’s not possible!7. Jack is supposed to have arrived half an hour ago.8. Perhaps Pam and Tom decided not to come.9. I think it was the cat that took the fish from the table!10. It was a waste of time worrying, after all!V. Correct any errors in these sentences. Some sentences are correct.1. It was funny that she should have remembered me.2. You mustn’t have been so unkind!3. I couldn’t have managed without you.4. I have no idea who it was, but I suppose it would have been Ann.5. Look, there’s $30 in my wallet. I shouldn’t have gone to the bank after all.VI. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given.1. Our worrying so much was a waste of time.needn’tWe ____________________________________________________ so much.2. It’s just not possible for the cat to have opened the fridge.possiblyThe cat __________________________________________________________ the fridge.3. It would have been possible for Helen to take us in her car.couldHelen ________________________________________________us a lift.4.It’s possible that the last person to leave didn’t lock the door.mightThe last person ____________________________________ the door unlocked.5. School uniform wasn’t compulsory at my school.wearWe ___________________________________ school uniform at my school.

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