Choose the correct word i had breakfast quick

Choose the correct word (выбрать правильное слово) Konstantin juggles really good / well Vera walks quickly / quick

She`s a careful / carefully driver

Maxim s really badly / bad at Maths

My teacher speaks softly / soft

Darya sings bad / badly.

Перед вами страница с вопросом Choose the correct word (выбрать правильное слово) Konstantin juggles really good / well Vera walks quickly / quickShe`s a careful / carefully driverMaxim s really badly / bad at MathsMy teacher speak?, который относится к
категории Английский язык. Уровень сложности соответствует учебной программе для
учащихся 5 — 9 классов. Здесь вы найдете не только правильный ответ, но и
сможете ознакомиться с вариантами пользователей, а также обсудить тему и
выбрать подходящую версию. Если среди найденных ответов не окажется
варианта, полностью раскрывающего тему, воспользуйтесь «умным поиском»,
который откроет все похожие ответы, или создайте собственный вопрос, нажав
кнопку в верхней части страницы.


измерительных материалов

проведения контрольной работы

английскому языку



Цель  работы:
оценить уровень сформированности
предметных компетенций ,в том числе овладение межпредметными понятиями и
способность использования универсальных учебных действий (УУД) в учебной,
познавательной и социальной практике.

Документы, определяющие содержание контрольной работы

Содержание и
структура контрольной работы по иностранному языку определяется на основе
Федерального компонента Государственного стандарта среднего (полного) общего
образования по иностранному языку (базовый уровень) (приказ Минобразования
России от 05.03.2004 № 1089 «Об утверждении Федерального компонента государственных
стандартов начального общего, основного общего и среднего (полного) общего
образо-вания») с учетом Примерных программ по иностранным языкам («Новые го-сударственные
стандарты по иностранному языку. 2–11 классы». Образование в документах и
комментариях. М.: АСТ: Астрель, 2004), а также общеевропейских компетенций
владения иностранным языком (Общеевропейскиекомпетенции владения  иностранным
языком: Изучение, преподавание, оценка. МГЛУ, 2003)  и содержания
учебников, включённых в Федеральный перечень на 2018/19 учебный год.

Структура варианта контрольной работы

Письменная часть
работы состоит из 6 заданий.
из заданий 1,3, 5, 6 считается выполненным верно, если правильно указана буква.
Задание 2 – выбор слова, задание 4 – словообразование.
6 – написание личного письма.

В таблице 1
приведено распределение заданий по основным видам умений и навыков.

Таблица 1 Распределение заданий контрольной работы по содержанию и видам
умений и навыков

умения и навыки





















В табл. 2 приведен
кодификатор проверяемых требований к уровню подготовки.

Таблица 2




в работе

виды деятельности, умения и навыки


Лексические навыки


Лексические навыки






Говорение: вести
беседу в стандартных ситуациях общения


Писать личное

5. Распределение заданий контрольной
работы по уровню сложности

Распределение заданий
по уровню сложности приведено в табл. 3.

Таблица 3


в работе

Уровень сложности











6. Система оценивания
выполнения отдельных заданий и контрольной работы в целом

Правильное выполнение каждого из заданий 1-5
оценивается 1 баллом. Задание 2 считается выполненным верно, если правильно
выбрано слово. Задание 4 считается выполненным верно, если правильно написана
форма слова. Ответ на задание 4 считается неверным, если форма слова содержит
орфографическую ошибку. Выполнение задания 6 оценивается от 0 до 10 баллов.

оценивания выполнения задания 6 «Личное письмо»

10 баллов)



3 балла

2 балла

1 балл

0 баллов








полные ответы на три заданных вопроса. Правильно

обращение,  завершающая

фраза и
подпись. Есть благодарность,

о предыдущих контактах,выражена

на будущие контакты



ответы на три заданных вопроса,

НО на
один вопрос    дан неполный

Есть 1–2  на-

в стилевом




о предыдущих





ответы на заданные вопросы, НО на два вопроса даны неполные

ИЛИ ответ на один вопрос

Имеется более 2-х нарушений в

оформлении письма и в соблюдении




ответы на

вопроса ИЛИ текст

не соответству-

требуемому объему


ция текста

логично выстроен и разделен

абзацы;  правильно использованы языковые средства для передачи


текста соответствует

письменного этикета

Текст в
основном логично выст
poен,  НО

(1–2)  при использовании средств логической

И/ИЛИ деле-

нии на
абзацы. ИЛИ имеются отдельные  нарушения в структурном



выстроен нело-

допущены многочисленные

ошибки в

текста письма ИЛИ оформление текста не


этикета, принятого в стране







разнообразная лек-

сика и

соответствующие поставленной

задаче  (допуска-

ется не
более 2-х языковых оши-

бок,  не



не затрудняющие понимание  (до-

не более 4-х не грубых   язы-



не затрудняющие понимание  (до-


более 5 
негрубых   языковых оши-











фия и



ческие и

ошибки практически отсут-

(допускается не

2-х, незатрудняющих понимание




ошибки не затруд-

понимание  (допускается не

3–4  ошибок)





ки и/или




Максимальный первичный
балл – 50.

по переводу первичных баллов в отметки по пятибалльной шкале

Таблица 4

Отметка по

пятибалльной шкале





Первичные баллы





7. Продолжительность работы

выполнение работы по английскому языку дается 80 минут.

8. Дополнительные
материалы и оборудование

материалы и оборудование не требуются.


I. Choose the correct

1 The spotlight was
placed so as to ….. the statue from above.

A elaborate  B illuminate
 C decorate  D lighten

2 The jockey’s career was
given a ….. when he won the Royal Ascot.

A jump  B boost  C rise  D

3 The fish ….. as Ross
held it in his hands.

A squirmed  C swung  B
twisted  D twirled

4 I found the situation
so funny that I couldn’t ….. a straight face!

A hold  B put  C take  D

5 Ken made the decision
to leave Canada on a(n) ….. .

A desire  B whim  C purpose
D idea

6 Jeff hopes his company
will ….. internationally.

A enlarge B increase C
expand D develop

7 It was difficult to
….. the model because it consisted of so many pieces.

A assemble B collect C
stack D place

8 Jessie buys tabloids
newspapers in order to catch up on celebrity ….. .

A talk  B gossip C chat  D

9 I was amazed by the
acrobats who seemed to be able to ….. gravity!

A control B master C defy 
D escape

10 The recent celebrity
scandal ….. quite a stir.

A brought  B made  C
provoked  D caused

II. Circle the correct

1 Tightrope walking is
not a job for the free-spirited / faint-hearted!

2 It is said that
happiness is the key to fortune /success.

3 The jockey competed in
the prestigious /notorious Royal Ascot race.

4 I don’t think Matthew holds
/ stands
a chance of winning the tournament.

5 The charity provides
poor children with a heavy / hearty meal.

III. Choose the correct

1 If we go to the
festival, we ….. ice sculptures.

A will see  C had seen  B
would have seen  D saw

2 The actors ….. after
the audition last week.

A will be hired  B are
hired  C were hired  D have been hired

3 If I break my leg, I
….. to the circus tonight.

A go  B will go  C had
gone  D would go

4 The performers introduced
….. to the crowd.

A ourselves  B itself  C
themselves D himself

5 This art gallery …..
by thousands of tourists each year.

A was visited  B is
visited  C has been visited  D is being visited

6 If Sue raised the
money, she ….. free art classes at the community centre.

A will offer  B would
offer  C has offered  D offers

7 We ….. to the
festival if it isn’t raining today.

A go B went C will go D
would go

8 Concert tickets …..
at the box office until this Friday.

A will be sold B was sold
C are sold  D were being sold

9 If I were you, I …..
the art exhibition next Friday.

A won’t miss  B don’t
miss  C wouldn’t have missed  D wouldn’t miss

10 When people buy Jim’s
paintings, the money ….. to a children’s art centre.

A went B goes  C would go
D had gone

11 He ….. to be the
best acrobat in the world in his time.

A is considered  B will
be considered  C was considering  D was considered

12 Jenny wishes she …..
to the circus today.

A would have gone  B went
 C had gone  D would go

IV. Complete
the sentences with the word derived from the words in bold.

1. The car was probably
the most important ____ of the 20th century. (INVENT)

2. Are you taking the
trip for business or ____? (PLEASE)

3. It’s  ____ for him to
hang out with children of his age (NATURE)

4. The
worst thing about cars is that they are so

5. The Birmingham-based
firm has over 300 _____ (EMPLOY)

6. They have a wonderful ______
of old toys at the museum in town (COLLECT)

7. You have to practice
hard if you want to work as a ______  (MUSIC).

8. What is the name of
David’s driving _____ (INSTRUCT)?

V. Speaking. Choose the
correct response.

1 A: This handbag matches
the dress perfectly.

B: a So it does.

b It really suits you.

2 A: Do you like this

B: a Thanks, I’ll get it.

b Yes, that’s really

3 A: What’s the dress

B: a It’s strictly

b It’s a special

4 A: How about a cocktail

B: a Sure, I’d love to.

b That’s what I was

5 A: How about this one,

B: a You look nice today.

b I’ll go and try it.

Writing. You have 30 minutes to do this task.

have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Frank.

… Yesterday
I went to our school library to prepare for my exam. Is there a library at
your school? Do you and your friends often take books from the library? Why
/why not? What kind of books are there in your school library? …

him a letter and answer his 3 questions.

100- 120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

have 30 minutes to do this task.


I 1B 2 C 3 A 4 D 5 B 6 C 7 A 8 B 9 C 10 D

II 1 faint-hearted 2 success 3 prestigious 4

III 1 A 2 A 3 B 4 C 5 B 6 B 7 C 8 A 9 D 10 B 11 A 12 B

IV 1 invention 2 pleasure 3 natural 4 noisy 5 employees
6 collection 7 musician 8 instructor

V 1 B 2 B 3 A 4 B 5 B



Цель: формирование системы объективной и достоверной оценки качества общего образования школьников; определение уровня сформированности предметных компетенций и предметных умений по английскому языку.

Форма проведения промежуточной аттестации: тестирование.  Тестовая работа составлена в 3 вариантах на основе Федерального компонента государственного стандартного образования, утвержденного приказом Минобразования России от 05 марта 2004 года № 1089 «Об утверждении федерального компонента государственных стандартов начального общего, основного и среднего (полного) общего образования»; программы общеобразовательных учреждений учебно-методического комплекта «Spotlight 10» для 10 класса общеобразовательных учреждений, авторы Афанасьева О.В., Дули Д., Михеева И.В. и др.- 5-е изд. — М.: Просвещение. 2012.

Каждый вариант тестовой работы состоит из одной части.

Данный тест содержит 10 заданий с кратким ответом.

В экзаменационной работе предложены следующие разновидности заданий с кратким ответом:

•        задания открытого типа на запись самостоятельно сформулированного правильного ответа (№8,9);

•        задания на выбор и запись одного или нескольких правильных ответов из предложенного перечня ответов (№1-7,10).

Задание 1: Составить выражение из предложенных вариантов.

Задание 2: Выбрать временную форму глагола.

Задание 3: Сопоставить слово и его определение.

4: Выбрать временную форму глагола..

5: Заполнить пропуски в предложениях предложенными вариантами ответов

6: Выбрать временную форму глагола..

7: Поставить прилагательные в нужную форму.

8: При помощи суффиксовпрефиксов составить отрицательную форму прилагательных

9: Выбрать правильный ответ из нескольких омофонов.

10: Выбрать подходящий модальный глагол.

За каждый правильный ответ экзаменуемый получает по 1 баллу. За неверный ответ или его отсутствие выставляется 0 баллов. Максимальное количество баллов за работу — 60.

На выполнение экзаменационной работы отводится 1 урок (40 минут).  Дополнительные материалы и оборудование не используются.

Критерии оценки:

Оценка «5» — 55-60 балла;

Оценка «4» — 43-54 баллов;

Оценка «3» — 30-42 баллов;

Оценка «2» — 30 и менее баллов.


Exercise 1

Match the words in column A with the words in column B:

  1. Hang out

A window shopping

  1.  Surf

B the Internet

  1.  Go

C text messages

  1. Send

D online

  1. Chat

E with friends

Exercise 2

Complete the sentences with the correct past form of the verb in brackets.

  1. Jane ………. (watch) TV while I ………. (water) the plants.

A was watching, had watered;       B was watching, was watering;         C would watch, would water

  1. Ian ………. (ask) Tina out yesterday but she ……… (already/make) plans.

A had asked, had already made;     B was asking, already made;            C  asked, had already made

  1. Who ………. (you/talk) to on the phone when I ………. (come) in?

A  were you talking, came;             B you talked, came;                          C had been you talking, had come

  1. Two days ago Yvonne ………. (return) the book I ………. (lend) her.

A  returned, had lent;                      B had returned, lent;                         C would return, lend

  1. Owen ………. (type) his essay when the computer ………. (crash).

A typed, had been crashing;           B was typing, crashed;                      C had typed, crashed

Exercise 3

Match the types of schools (1-5) to the descriptions (A-E):

  1. boarding school
  2. single-sex school
  3. co-educational school
  4. state school
  5. private school
  1. a school for boys and girls;
  2. a school you usually have to pay to go to;
  3. a school for only boys or only girls;
  4. a school owned by the government;
  5. a school which students live in during school term.

Exercise 4

Fill in the gap with the correct present form of the verb in brackets:

  1. She ……….. (sleep) since noon. Should we wake her up?

A sleeps                                        B has slept                                       C  has been sleeping

  1. I ……. (not/read) this book. Can I borrow it for a week or so?

A  haven’t read                              B am not reading                             C doesn’t read

  1. They must be at the sports ground now. They usually ……. (play) basketball on Fridays.

A plays                                          B play                                              C are playing

  1. Maria is good at languages. She …….. (speak) French, Spanish and German.

A speaks                                        B speak                                            C is speaking

  1. ….. (cook) breakfast right now. Can you call a little later?

A cook                                           B has been cooking                          C  am cooking

  1. Jane ………. (play) tennis since 2 o’clock.

A  has been playing                       B have been playing                         C plays

  1. She can’t come to the phone now because she ……. (study) for tomorrow’s test.

A studys                                         B  is studying                                    C have studied

  1. I ……… (finish) my work already. I’m ready to go for a walk with you.

A  have finished                             B have been finishing                       C finish

  1. ……….. (you / come) to my party this Saturday?

A you coming                                 B do you come                                  C are you coming

  1. I (not/eat) a fried meal since I began to follow a diet.

A haven’t eaten                               B am not eating                                 C doesn’t eat

Exercise 5

Fill in: contest, rent, exhibition, insect repellent, hire.

1) Our guide suggested going to an interesting _________ at the local museum and watching some unusual paintings and sculptures.

2) We put some __________ on so as to keep mosquitoes away.

3) The teacher advised James to take part in a writing __________.

4) I’d prefer to ____________ a flat instead of staying in a hotel.

5) Tom had to ______ a driver for a while as he couldn’t drive a car himself after the operation.

Exercise 6

Choose the correct future tense.

1.  When we go to Paris, we will climb/will have climbed the Eiffel Tower.

2.  James will have completed/will complete his studies by the end of the year.

3.  Kim will be performing/will have performed in the school concert next week .

4.  The team will be leaving/will  have left the office by 9 o’clock tomorrow.

5.  ‘We’ve run out of milk.’ ‘Really? I will buy/will be buying some more this afternoon’.

Exercise 7

Put the adjectives into the correct form.

1. The rabbit is (slow) than a cheetah, but the snail is (slow) of all.

2. Children these days seem to become ( rude) and ( rude).

3. Which of these houses is (expensive)?

4. He had to admit that Mary was much ( slim) than her sister.

5. To get promotion you must work ( hard) and be (responsible).

Exercise 8

Make these adjectives negative using prefixes UN-; IL-; IM-; IR-; DIS-; MIS-; IN-; -LESS.

1.likely, 2.pleasant,, 4.possible,

Exercise 9

Choose the correct word.

  1. Would you like  some dessert/desert?
  2. These trousers are very loose/lose on you. Get a smaller size.
  3. Climate change affects/effects the whole world.
  4. The weather/whether is nasty today.
  5. Today she is wearing her hair loose/lose.

Exercise 10

Choose the correct modal verb.

  1. Sorry, I’m late. – You might/should wear a watch.
  2. Could/Would I use your mobile phone, please? – Yes, of course.
  3. We mustn’t/needn’t go shopping this week, we’ve got plenty of food.
  4. Should/May I borrow your book, please?
  5. You mustn’t/shouldn’t park your car on double yellow lines.
  6. You shouldn’t/mustn’t be so rude with Mary, she is very sensitive.
  7. You should/must obey the laws, or you will get in jail.
  8. May/must I call you next week, please?
  9. It might/should rain tomorrow. You should take an umbrella with you.
  10. You must be/should be exhausted after all your hard work.


Exercise 1

Match the words in column A with the words in column B:

  1. Send

A online

  1. Go

B the Internet

  1. Chat

C text messages

  1. Surf

D window shopping

  1.  Hang out

E with friends

Exercise 2

Complete the sentences with the correct past form of the verb in brackets.        

  1. Yesterday evening I ………. (not meet) my friends until after I ………. (finish) my homework.

A didn’t meet, finished                         B didn’t meet, had finished                  C hadn’t met, had finished

  1. James ……… (paint) the house for hours before he ………. (take) a break.

A painted, took                                     B had painted, was taking                    C had been painting, took

  1. Dina ………. (work) on the computer for three hours before she …………. (start) getting ready to go out.

A had been working, started                 B had worked, had started                   C worked, started

  1. We ……….. (wander) around the town when we ………. (meet) Mary.

A wandered, were meeting                    B were wandering, had met                C were wandering, met

  1. She ……….. (wait) for two hours before she ………. (leave).

A had been waiting, left                        B had been waiting, was leaving         C waited, left

Exercise 3

Match the types of schools (1-5) to the descriptions (A-E):

  1. boarding school
  2. single-sex school
  3. co-educational school
  4. state school
  5. private school
  1. a school owned by the government;
  2. a school you usually have to pay to go to;
  3. a school for only boys or only girls;
  4. a school for boys and girls;
  5. a school which students live in during school term.

Exercise 4

Fill in the gap with the correct verb form. Use Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous:

  1. We ……. (write) this report for four hours. I’m tired. Let’s have a break.

A have been writing                            B are writing                               C write

  1. The sun ………. (rise) in the east.

A rise                                                   B is rising                                    C rises

  1. What is Linda doing? – She ……. (cook) dinner.

A is cooking                                        B has cooked                               C cooks

  1. ……… (you/read) any English books in the original lately?

A you reading                                      B are you reading                        C have you read

  1. Let’s ask Anna to make apple pie for dessert. She ……. (make) great apple pies.

A makes                                               B has been making                      C make

  1. John …… (visit) France several times.

A visits                                                 B has visited                                C is visiting

  1. Please be quiet. My children ………. (sleep) now.

A are sleeping                                       B is sleeping                               C has been sleeping

  1. How often does Peter go to the swimming pool? – He ………. (go)  to the swimming pool every day.

A is going                                             B has been going                         C goes

  1. She can’t go to the movies. She ……….. (not/do) her homework yet.

A hasn’t done                                        B isn’t done                                  C doesn’t do

  1. When is the best time to call you? – I usually ………. (work) till nine in the evening. Call me around ten, if you can.

A am working                                       B work                                         C works

Exercise 5

Fill in: beggars, breathtaking, excursion, craftsmen, countless, candlelit.

1. In the town there were _________ cafes, shops, temples and small hotels.

2. In the streets you could see ________ and shoeshine boys.

3. A __________ procession was a part of the festival.

4. The view of this lake was really _________!

5. _________ sell their handicrafts along the streets.

Exercise 6

Choose the correct future tense.

1.  This time tomorrow, I will leave/will be leaving for the airport.

2.  I will collect/will have collected you from Peter’s house on my way home.

3.  ‘How is your project coming along? Is it done?’  ‘Not yet, but I will finish/ will have finished it by the time the holidays are over.’

4.  ‘What are your plans for the weekend?’   ‘I am spending/will have spent some time with my friends.’

5. Richard is such a poor guy, he has got the flu, but his elder sister will have taken/is going to take care of him, she’s a nurse.

Exercise 7

Put the adjectives into the correct form.

1. He lives a bit ( far) than his parents.

2. It’s ( interesting ) film I’ve ever seen. I didn’t like it at all.

3. Is he (smart) person in the family? — No, his brother is much (smart) than he.

4. The job of a doctor is (hard) one in the world.

5. It was (bad) hotel in my life, it’s difficult to find something (bad).

Exercise 8

Make these adjectives negative using prefixes UN-; IL-; IM-; IR-; DIS-; MIS-; IN-; -LESS.

1.lucky, 2.understand,, 4.literate, 5.mortal.

Exercise 9

Choose the correct word.

  1. Sahara is the biggest dessert/desert in the world.
  2. The affect/effect of Mozart’s music is amazing!
  3. I wondered weather/whether he liked classical music.
  4. Due to climate changes the weather/whether is becoming more and more unpredictable.
  5. If you loose/lose your credit card, don’t forget to block it.

Exercise 10

Choose the correct modal verb.

1) I think you might/should see a dentist.

2) You must/may be joking. No one could eat so many cakes.

3) It’s Sunday tomorrow. You mustn’t/needn’t wake up early.

4) Should/May I borrow the car tonight, please?

5) I wonder if Paul and Jim have got lost. – They can’t/mustn’t get lost because they have got a map.

6) You must/ought to be very tired. Do you want to sleep for a while?  

7) Should/May I borrow your pen, please?

8) I have to/could go to the grocery store. My fridge is empty.

9) Could/Should you pass me some sugar?  I like sweet tea.

10) You must be/can’t be very proud of your son, he is a champion.


Exercise 1

Match the words in column A with the words in column B:

  1. Hang out

A the Internet

  1.  Surf

B with friends

  1.  Go

C text messages

  1. Send

D online

  1. Chat

E window shopping

Exercise 2

Complete the sentences with the correct past form of the verb in brackets.

  1. Jane ………. (watch) TV while I ………. (water) the plants.

A was watching, had watered;       B was watching, was watering;         C would watch, would water

  1. James ……… (paint) the house for hours before he ………. (take) a break.

A painted, took                                     B had painted, was taking                    C had been painting, took

  1. Who ………. (you/talk) to on the phone when I ………. (come) in?

A  were you talking, came;             B you talked, came;                          C had been you talking, had come

  1. We ……….. (wander) around the town when we ………. (meet) Mary.

A wandered, were meeting                    B were wandering, had met                C were wandering, met

  1. Owen ………. (type) his essay when the computer ………. (crash).

A typed, had been crashing;           B was typing, crashed;                      C had typed, crashed

Exercise 3

Match the types of schools (1-5) to the descriptions (A-E):

  1. boarding school
  2. single-sex school
  3. co-educational school
  4. state school
  5. private school
  1. a school owned by the government;
  2. a school which students live in during school term;
  3. a school for only boys or only girls;
  4. a school for boys and girls;
  5. a school you usually have to pay to go to.

Exercise 4

Fill in the gap with the correct present form of the verb in brackets:

  1. We ……. (write) this report for four hours. I’m tired. Let’s have a break.

A have been writing                            B are writing                               C write

  1. I ……. (not/read) this book. Can I borrow it for a week or so?

A  haven’t read                              B am not reading                             C doesn’t read

  1. What is Linda doing? – She ……. (cook) dinner.

A is cooking                                        B has cooked                               C cooks

  1. ….. (cook) breakfast right now. Can you call a little later?

A cook                                           B has been cooking                          C  am cooking

  1. Let’s ask Anna to make apple pie for dessert. She ……. (make) great apple pies.

A makes                                               B has been making                      C make

  1. Jane ………. (play) tennis since 2 o’clock.

A  has been playing                       B have been playing                         C plays

  1. Please be quiet. My children ………. (sleep) now.

A are sleeping                                       B is sleeping                               C has been sleeping

  1. I ……… (finish) my work already. I’m ready to go for a walk with you.

A  have finished                             B have been finishing                       C finish

  1. She can’t go to the movies. She ……….. (not/do) her homework yet.

A hasn’t done                                        B isn’t done                                  C doesn’t do

  1. I (not/eat) a fried meal since I began to follow a diet.

A haven’t eaten                               B am not eating                                 C doesn’t eat

Exercise 5

Fill in: contest, exhibition, beggars, breathtaking, hire.

1) Our guide suggested going to an interesting _________ at the local museum and watching some unusual paintings and sculptures.

2) The view of this lake was really _________!

3) Tom had to ______ a driver for a while as he couldn’t drive a car himself after the operation.

4)  In the streets you could see ________ and shoeshine boys.

5)  The teacher advised James to take part in a writing __________.

Exercise 6
Choose the correct future tense.

1.  This time tomorrow, I will leave/will be leaving for the airport.

2.  James will be completed/ will have completed his studies by the end of the year.

3.  Kim will be performing/will be performed in the school concert next week .

4.  ‘What are your plans for the weekend?’   ‘I am spending/will have spent some time with my friends.’

5.  ‘We’ve run out of milk.’ ‘Really? I will buy/will have been buying some more this afternoon’.

Exercise 7

Put the adjectives into the correct form.

1. The rabbit is (slow) than a cheetah, but the snail is (slow) of all.

2. It’s ( interesting ) film I’ve ever seen. I didn’t like it at all.

3. Which of these houses is (expensive)?

4. The job of a doctor is (difficult) one in the world.

5. To get promotion you must work ( hard) and be (responsible).

Exercise 8

Make these adjectives negative using prefixes UN-; IL-; IM-; IR-; DIS-; MIS-; IN-; -LESS.

1.likely,,, 4.mortal, 5.understand.

Exercise 9

Choose the correct word.

  1. If you loose/lose your credit card, don’t forget to block it.
  2. Would you like  some dessert/desert?
  3. Climate change affects/effects the whole world.
  4. I wondered weather/whether he liked classical music.
  5. Today she is wearing her hair loose/lose.

Exercise 10

Choose the correct modal verb.

  1. I’ve got a terrible toothache. – I think you might/should see a dentist..
  2. We mustn’t/needn’t go shopping this week, we’ve got plenty of food.
  3. May/must I come in, please?
  4. You must/ought to be very tired. Do you want to sleep for a while?
  5. You mustn’t/shouldn’t park your car on double yellow lines.
  6. You shouldn’t/mustn’t be so rude with Mary, she is very sensitive.
  7. I have to/could go to the grocery store. My fridge is empty.
  8. You should/must obey the laws, or you will get in jail.
  9. It might/should rain tomorrow. You should take an umbrella with you.
  10. Could/Should you pass me the salt?  I’d like to put some in my soup.


Test A

Test B

Test C


1 e, 2 b, 3 a, 4 c, 5 d


1 c, 2 d, 3 a, 4 b, 5 e


1 b, 2 a, 3 e, 4 c, 5 d


1 b; 2 c; 3 a; 4 a; 5 b


1 b, 2 c, 3 a, 4 c, 5 a


1 b; 2 c; 3 a; 4 c; 5 b


1 e, 2 c, 3 a, 4 d, 5 b


1 e, 2 c, 3 d, 4 a, 5 b


1 b, 2 c, 3 d, 4 a, 5 e


1c, 2 a, 3 b, 4 a, 5 c, 6 a, 7 b, 8 a, 9 c, 10 a


1 a, 2 b, 3 a, 4 c, 5 a, 6 b, 7 a, 8 c, 9 a, 10 b


1 a, 2 a, 3 a, 4 c, 5 a, 6 a, 7 b, 8 a, 9 a, 10 a


1 excursion, 2 insect repellent, 3 contest, 4 rent, 5 hire


1 countless, 2 beggars, 3 candlelit, 4 breathtaking, 5 craftsmen


1 excursion, 2 breathtaking, 3 hire, 4 beggars, 5  contest


1 will climb; 2 will have completed; 3 will be performing; 4 will have left; 5 will buy


 1 will be leaving; 2 will collect; 3 will have finished; 4 am spending; 5 is going to take


1 will be leaving; 2 will have completed; 3 will be performing; 4 am spending; 5 will buy


1 Slower, the slowest; 2 ruder, ruder; 3 the most expensive; 4 slimmer; 5 harder, more responsible


1 farther; 2 the least interesting; 3 the smartest, smarter; 4 the hardest; 5 the worst, worse


1 Slower, the slowest; 2 the least interesting; 3 the most expensive; 4 the most difficult; 5 harder, more responsible


1 unlikely, 2 unpleasant, 3 illegal, 4 impossible, 5 in/unactive


1 unlucky, 2 misunderstand, 3 helpless, 4 illiterate, 5 immortal


1 unlikely, 2 helpless, 3 illegal, 4 immortal, 5 misunderstand


1 dessert, 2 loose, 3 affects, 4 weather, 5 loose


1 desert, 2 effect, 3 whether, 4 weather, 5 lose


1 lose, 2 dessert, 3 affects, 4 whether, 5 loose


1 should, 2 could, 3 needn’t, 4 may, 5 mustn’t, 6 shouldn’t, 7 must, 8 may, 9 might, 10 must be


1 should, 2 must,3 needn’t, 4 may, 5 can’t, 6 must, 7 may, 8 have to, 9 could, 10 must be


1 should, 2 needn’t, 3 may, 4 must, 5 mustn’t, 6 shouldn’t, 7 have to, 8 must, 9 might, 10 could

Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

If the weather is fine, we

(go) for a walk.

If I had a lot of money, I

(buy) a house of my dream.

If he

(not hurry) so much, he wouldn’t have had an accident.

If you

(heat) water, it boils.

If I see her, I

(tell) her the news.

Choose the correct word.

We can’t go for a walk
the rain stops.

it snows a lot, we won’t go to school.
I want to go to the cinema
it’s on Sunday because I have a picnic with my parents.

it rains till tomorrow, the town will be flooded.

he is qualified, he can’t enter the contest.

Choose the correct word.

if I had looked at the map better.
If he doesn’t do his homework, he
a bad mark.
If she
late, she would not have missed the train.
If I were you, I
study French.
If I lived in the countryside, I
fresh air every day.

Match the parts of the sentences.

If he hadn’t missed the bus in the morning,

he wouldn’t have missed his plane.

I would build a hospital for animals.

he wouldn’t have been late for work.

I will walk my dog in the park.

Choose the correct word.

If I were you, I
at home today.
If he hadn’t called me, I
the news.
If I had set up an alarm clock, I
late to work.
If I get this job position, I
a lot of money.
If I were in his position, I
so disappointed because of this.

Complete the sentences with the correct present forms of the verbs in brackets.


(have) some coffee if we have a break.

If we had vacation in summer, we

(spend) it in Peru.

If she

(listen) carefully, she wouldn’t have made so many mistakes in her project.


(never do) such a terrible thing if I were you.


(find) a good job if he studies well.

Choose the correct word.

It’s freezing outside. If I were you, I
the coat on.
If Adam had studied better, he
his exams.
If he had left home earlier, he
the bus.
If Sam invited me to the restaurant tonight, I
If she is late again, I
her mum.

Choose the correct answer.

If I have free time in the evening, I
If Ann lived in the countryside, she
If she had driven carefully, she
an accident.
If he had brought the newspaper, I
the news.
If I were in Spain, I

A hasn’t done B isn’t done C doesn’t do

10. When is the best time to call you? I usually ……. (work) till nine in the evening. Call me around ten, if you can.

A am working B work C works

Exercise 5

Fill in: beggars, breathtaking, excursion, craftsmen, countless, candlelit.

1. In the town there were _________ cafes, shops, temples and small hotels.

2. In the streets you could see ________ and shoeshine boys.

3. A __________ procession was a part of the festival.

4. The view of this lake was really _________!

5. _________ sell their handicrafts along the streets.

Exercise 6

Choose the correct future tense.

1. This time tomorrow, I will leave/will be leaving for the airport.

2. I will collect/will have collected you from Peter’s house on my way home.

3. ‘How is your project coming along? Is it done?’ ‘Not yet, but I will finish/ will have finished it by the time the

holidays are over.’

4. ‘What are your plans for the weekend?’ ‘I am spending/will have spent some time with my friends.’

5. Richard is such a poor guy, he has got the flu, but his elder sister will have taken/is going to take care of him, she’s a


Exercise 7

Put the adjectives into the correct form.

1. He lives a bit ( far) than his parents.

2. It’s ( interesting ) film I’ve ever seen. I didn’t like it at all.

3. Is he (smart) person in the family? — No, his brother is much (smart) than he.

4. The job of a doctor is (hard) one in the world.

5. It was (bad) hotel in my life, it’s difficult to find something (bad).

Exercise 8

Make these adjectives negative using prefixes UN-; IL-; IM-; IR-; DIS-; MIS-; IN-; -LESS.

1.lucky, 2.understand,, 4.literate, 5.mortal.

Exercise 9

Choose the correct word.

1. Sahara is the biggest dessert/desert in the world.

2. The affect/effect of Mozart’s music is amazing!

3. I wondered weather/whether he liked classical music.

4. Due to climate changes the weather/whether is becoming more and more unpredictable.

5. If you loose/lose your credit card, don’t forget to block it.

Exercise 10

Choose the correct modal verb.

1) I think you might/should see a dentist.

2) You must/may be joking. No one could eat so many cakes.

3) It’s Sunday tomorrow. You mustn’t/needn’t wake up early.

4) Should/May I borrow the car tonight, please?

5) I wonder if Paul and Jim have got lost. They can’t/mustn’t get lost because they have got a map.

6) You must/ought to be very tired. Do you want to sleep for a while?

7) Should/May I borrow your pen, please?

8) I have to/could go to the grocery store. My fridge is empty.

9) Could/Should you pass me some sugar? I like sweet tea.

10) You must be/can’t be very proud of your son, he is a champion.

Прочитайте текст, выполните задания

I woke up late yesterday. I only got up at a quarter to eight and I haven’t got enough time to do my morning exercises or take a shower. I washed my face and hands and dressed quickly. I had a light meal and gave my son some money for his school lunch. “Can I have some money for an ice-cream, too, Daddy” he asked. “Don’t ask silly questions”, I said angrily. “Why did I say that?” I thought as I drove to the office, I went through the red light, and a policeman stopped and fined me. I was five minutes late to work and met my chief at the door. He saw me but didn’t talk to me. I didn’t have much to do, but I was very tired in the afternoon. When I got home I spoke angrily to my wife and son.

I had supper, watched a football match on the telly and went to bed.

1. Choose the correct title for the text.

a) The Best Day in my life
b) A Bad Day
c) A Bad Chief
d) Some Money for an Ice-cream

2. Put the sentences into the correct order.

a) The chief met me at the door.
b) My son asked some money for an ice-cream.
c) I got up late yesterday.
d) I watched TV after supper.
e) I was fined by the policeman.

3. Choose the correct variant to complete the sentences.

1) The text tells about … .

a) a bad father
b) a brave policeman
c) an angry chief
d) an unlucky day

2) The man in the story told about … .

a) a bad dream
b) his great talents
c) a day in his life
d) his son and chief

3) The day was not good that’s why….

a) he broke his leg
b) fell ill
c) his chief punished him
d) at home he was not kind to his wife and son

4) The man drove to his office… .

a) five minutes earlier
b) just in time
c) at the wrong time
d) and was stopped by his chief

4. Write short answers to the questions.

1. What did the man do in the morning?
2. Who met the man at the door of the office?
3. Why did he speak angrily to his wife and son?
4. Was it a good or a bad day for the author?​

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*A. Fill in the correct word. Введите правильное слово.

• dusting • cake • phone • decorations • homework • celebrate • fireworks • tea • gardening • flowers • costumes
e.g. Everyone is getting ready to celebrate New Year’s Day. Все готовятся встретить Новый год.

1. The room looks lovely with all the decorations on the walls.
2. Can I make a phone call?
3. The living room is dirty. We must do some dusting.
4. I’m sorry. I can’t go out tonight because I’m doing my homework.
5. Mum is making a cake for my birthday!
6. At Halloween, we all wear strange costumes.
7. Susan is doing the gardening. She loves plants and flowers.
8. He loves to watch the fireworks in the sky on Guy Fawkes’ Night.
9. Are you thirsty? Molly is making some tea.
10. He gives his mother flowers on her birthday.


1. Комната прекрасно смотрится со всеми украшениями на стенах.
2. Могу ли я позвонить по телефону?
3. В гостиной грязно. Мы должны немного протереть пыль.
4. Мне очень жаль. Я не могу выйти сегодня вечером, потому что делаю домашнее задание.
5. Мама делает торт на день рождения!
6. На Хэллоуин мы все одеваем странные костюмы.
7. Сьюзен занимается садоводством. Она любит растения и цветы.
8. Он любит смотреть фейерверк в небе в ночь Гая Фокса.
9. Вы хотите пить? Молли заваривает чай.
10. Он дарит маме цветы на ее день рождения.

*B. Underline the correct word. Подчеркните правильное слово.

e.g. He is doing/ making the decorations for the party. Он doing/ making украшения для вечеринки.

11. They do/ make wreaths at this time of year.
12. Dad does/ makes a special dish on his birthday.
13. Please do/make the dusting today.
14. She is doing/making the washing−up.
15. Mum is doing/making the shopping.


11. Они делают венки в это время года.
12. Папа готовит особое блюдо на свой день рождения.
13. Пожалуйста, сделай уборку сегодня.
14. Она моет посуду.
15. Мама делает покупки.

*C. Choose the correct item. Выберите правильный вариант.

e.g. It’s a great party! Come _ and have some fun.
      A. over B. under C. to

16. The house is very messy. You can help me to _ up.
     A. work     B. take    C. clean
17. On New Year’s Day, we like to _ TV.
     A. listen    B. watch C. eat
18. This is a great game. Why don’t you _ in?
     A. join       B. go       C. come
19. She wants to play a game of _ chairs.
     A. talented B. musical C. dramatic
20. I love it when we _ gifts.
     A. exchange B. lose C. return

16 – C, 17 – B, 18 – A, 19 – B, 20 – A.


16. В доме очень беспорядочно. Вы можете помочь мне прибраться.
17. В Новый год мы любим смотреть телевизор.
18. Это отличная игра. Почему бы тебе не присоединиться?
19. Она хочет поиграть в музыкальные стулья.
20. Я люблю, когда мы обмениваемся подарками.

*D. Underline the correct word. Подчеркните правильное слово.

e.g. It is/are raining today.

21. They is/ are having a party.
22. She is/are washing the car.
23. They is/ are watching a film.
24. Is/Are she listening to the radio?
25. Is/ Are you eating my sandwich?


Сегодня идет дождь.
21. Они устраивают вечеринку.
22. Она моет машину.
23. Они смотрят фильм.
24. Она слушает радио?
25. Ты ешь мой бутерброд?

*E. Write the correct form of the verb in brackets. Напишите правильную форму глагола в скобках.

This e.g. is (be) Mandy Lambert and his mother, Liz. They 26) are (be) from Barnsley. Everyone says Mandy 27) looks (look) like Liz. In the picture, she 28) is sitting (sit) on a boat. Mandy and Liz 29) are smiling (smile) and they 30) are having (have) a great time.


Это Мэнди Ламберт и его мать Лиз. Они 26) из Барнсли. Все говорят, что Мэнди 27) выглядит ка Лиз. На фото она 28) сидит на лодке. Мэнди и Лиз 29) улыбаются и прекрасно 30) проводят время.

*F. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. Поставьте слова в правильном порядке, чтобы получились предложения.

e.g. to/Peter/going/the/festival/is.
Peter is going to the festival.

31. is / wearing / what / they ?
     What are they wearing?
32. is / guitar / not / Susan / today / playing / the.
     Susan is not playing the guitar today.
33. the / eating / is / why / not / sandwiches / he ?
     Why is he no eating the sandwiches?
34. watching / not / Brian / is / TV.
     Brian is not watching TV.
35. they / enjoying / their / holiday / are ?
     Are they enjoying their holiday?


Питер едет на фестиваль.
31. Во что они одеты?
32. Сьюзен сегодня не играет на гитаре.
33. Почему он не ест бутерброды?
34. Брайан не смотрит телевизор.
35. Им нравится отдыхать?

*G. Match the responses to the questions. Сопоставьте ответы на вопросы.

e.g. Are you having fun?                                                    F

36. Do you like the party?                          C
37. What do you have in mind?                 B
38. Would you like to include a card?        A
39. What are the sandwiches like?            E
40. Are you doing anything at the moment?  D

A. Yes, please. I have it ready.
B. A dozen white roses.
C. Yes, it’s fantastic.
D. No, not really.
E. They’re horrible.
F. Yes, we are.

36 – C, 37 – B, 38 – A, 39 – E, 40 – D.


например Весело ли тебе? F
36. Тебе нравится вечеринка?
37. Что у тебя на уме?
38. Хотели бы вы приложить карту?
39. Каковы бутерброды?
40. Вы что−нибудь делаете в данный момент?

А. Да, пожалуйста. У меня это уже готово.
B. Дюжина белых роз.
C. Да, это фантастика.
D. Нет, не совсем.
E. Они ужасные.
F. Да.

*H. Read the text and answer the questions. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.

This is a picture of my sister at her birthday party. Her name is Claire and in this picture she is wearing her favourite T−shirt and a party hat. Our house is full of decorations and Claire is having a great time. She is laughing with her friends. They are eating sandwiches and everybody is listening to happy music. You can’t see our parents in this picture because they are in the kitchen. They are making all the food and drinks.

Это фотография моей сестры на ее дне рождения. Ее зовут Клэр, и на этой фотографии она одета в свою любимую футболку и праздничную шляпу. Наш дом полон декораций, и Клэр прекрасно проводит время. Она смеется со своими друзьями. Они едят бутерброды, и все слушают веселую музыку. На этой фотографии наших родителей не видно, потому что они на кухне. Они готовят всю еду и напитки.

e.g. What is Claire wearing? Her favourite T−shirt.
например, Что носит Клэр? Свою любимую футболку.

41. What kind of hat is Claire wearing?
A party hat.
42. What is Claire doing?
Having a great time / laughing with her friends.
43. What are Claire’s friends eating?
44. What is everybody listening to?
Happy music
45. Where are Claire’s parents?
In the kitchen


41. В какую шляпу одета Клэр?
праздничная шляпа.
42. Что делает Клэр?
прекрасно проводит время и смеется со своими друзьями.
43. Что едят друзья Клэр?
44. Что все слушают?
веселую музыку.
45. Где родители Клэр?
на кухне.

*I. For questions 46−50, listen and tick the correct box. Для вопросов 46−50, послушайте и отметьте правильный квадрат.

e.g. What is Marian doing to prepare for the party?
     а)   b) √   c)

46. What is Gladys buying Brenda for her birthday?
     а)   b) √   c)
47. What is Ian wearing?
     а) √   b)   c)
48. What is Leroy taking to the party?
     а)   b) √  c)
49. What is the weather like in Wigan today?
     а)   b)   c) √
50. What date is the festival?
     а)   b) √  c)

46 – b, 47 – a, 48 – b, 49 – c, 50 – b.


например, Что делает Мэриан, чтобы подготовиться к вечеринке?
а. делать украшения
b. вытирать пыль √
c. делать покупки
46. Что Глэдис покупает Бренде на день рождения?
47. Во что одет Йэн?
48. Что Лерой берет с собой на вечеринку?
49. Какая погода сегодня в Уигане?
50. Какого числа фестиваль?

Аудио к заданию:

What is Marian doing to prepare for the party? (2 раза)
− Hi, Marian! You look busy.
− Yes, I’m really tired. There’s so much dust here.
− Why don’t you take rest while I’ll put away the shopping?
− Great idea! Then we can make the decorations together.
What is Gladys buying Brenda for her birthday? (2 раза)
− Hi, Gladys! What are you doing here?
− Hi! I’m buying a present for Brenda’s birthday.
− Really? Are you getting a handbag?
− No, that’s my handbag. I’m buying her this lovely watch.
What is Ian wearing? (2 раза)
− Oh, I need some new clothes.
− Why? That T−shirt looks great!
− Thanks. But my boss likes me to wear a suit and a tie.
− That must be expensive.
What is Leroy taking to the party? (2 раза)
− Hey, Leroy, what are you taking to the party?
− Well, Jane is making some sandwiches and I’m brigning a cake.
− OK. I’ll bring some Cola then.
What is the weather like in Wigan today? (2 раза)
− Hi, Wigan! The weather is terrible here. It snows every winter.
− But it’s summer, Alan.
− I know but it’s raining. And that’s why the weather is still awful.
What date is the festival? (2 раза)
− Oh, I can’t wait for the festival to start.
− Does it start on the 17th this year?
− No, it starts on the 18th and finishes on the 21st.

Перевод аудио:

Что делает Мэриан, чтобы подготовиться к вечеринке? (2 раза)
− Привет, Мариан! Ты выглядишь занятой.
− Да, я очень устала. Здесь столько пыли.
− Почему бы тебе не отдохнуть, а я разложу покупки?
− Отличная идея! Потом мы сможем вместе делать украшения.
Что Глэдис покупает Бренде на день рождения? (2 раза)
− Привет, Глэдис! Что ты здесь делаешь?
− Здравствуй! Я покупаю подарок на день рождения Бренды.
− В самом деле? Ты берешь эту сумочку?
− Нет, это моя сумочка. Я покупаю ей эти прекрасные часы.
Во что одет Иэн? (2 раза)
− Ой, мне нужна новая одежда.
− Зачем? Эта футболка выглядит великолепно!
− Спасибо. Но моему начальнику нравится, когда я ношу костюм и галстук.
− Это должно быть дорого.
Что Лерой берет с собой на вечеринку? (2 раза)
− Привет, Лерой, что ты возьмешь на вечеринку?
− Ну, Джейн готовит бутерброды, а я принесу торт.
− ОК. Тогда я принесу колы.
Какая погода сегодня в Уигане? (2 раза)
− Привет, Уиган! Погода здесь ужасная. Каждую зиму идет снег.
− Но сейчас лето, Алан.
− Знаю, но идет дождь. И поэтому погода так или иначе ужасная.
Какого числа фестиваль? (2 раза)
− Ой, не могу дождаться начала фестиваля.
− В этом году он начнется 17 числа?
− Нет, он начинается 18−го и заканчивается 21−го.

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