Choose the correct word i asked my mum

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6 I often think for / with / about him

2 ответа:











1. ask for всегда пишется

2. laugh at всегда пишется

3. look at всегда пишется

4. talk about

5. talk to

6. think about всегда пишется

Читайте также

2 предложение лучше так сделать:
A friend will always help and will support you

I want to be a president
I want to be a artist
I want to be a teache
I want to be a doctor
I want to be a elf

1.Was she drinking cold water?
2. What was she drinking?
<span>Who was drinking cold water? — вопрос к подлежащему </span>
 What water was she drinking?
3. Was she drinking cold or hot water?
4. She was drinking cold water, wasn’t she?

Hey. Hey. How are you? — Excellent. How was your vacation. -It was a wonderful day. I went to his uncle in the Crimea. -And what did you do there. — What, what. Went to sea decorate the tree. What do you usually celebrated at home? — No. I went to Germany. It’s cool. There are such beautiful boys. — Class. Then tell me, the lesson began. — Ok.

В задании требуется написать о том, что(по вашему мнению) будут делать люди, после того как позавтракают.
They’ll(They will) go to swim(Они пойдут плавать).
They’ll go to the hotel(Они пойдут в отель).

Choose the right forms to complete the sentences.
1) I asked mum (to teach/taught) me to bake cakes.
2) Sue (puts/put) her bag on the chair and left the classroom.
3) (Spell/spelt) your name, please.
4) Last summer dad (teaches/taught) me to play tennis.
5) Pupils mustn’t (bring/brought) their toys to school.
6) I (think/thought) about you all day yesterday.
7) Did you (sleep/slept) well? – Yes, I (sleep/slept) very well, thank you.
8) He saw the cat in the street and (bring/brought) it home.

ГДЗ Английский язык 5 класс (часть 1) Афанасьева. UNIT 3. Step 1. Номер №5


Перевод задания
Выбери правильную форму глагола и закончи предложения.
1) Я попросил маму (научить – научила) меня печь пирожные.
2) Сью (кладет – положила) свою сумку на стул и вышла из комнаты.
3) (Скажи по буквам – сказал по буквам) ваше имя, пожалуйста.
4) Прошлым летом папа (учит – научил) меня играть в теннис.
5) Ученики не должны (приносить – принесли) свои игрушки в школу.
6) Я (думаю – думал) о тебе вчера весь день.
7) Ты (спишь – спал) хорошо? – Да, я (сплю – спал) очень хорошо, спасибо.
8) Он увидел кошку на улице и (проносит – принес) ее домой.

1) I asked mum to teach me to bake cakes.
2) Sue put her bag on the chair and left the classroom.
3) Spell your name, please.
4) Last summer dad taught me to play tennis.
5) Pupils mustn’t bring their toys to school.
6) I thought about you all day yesterday.
7) Did you sleep well? – Yes, I slept very well, thank you.
8) He saw the cat in the street and brought it home.
Перевод ответа
1) Я попросил маму научить меня печь пирожные.
2) Сью положила свою сумку на стул и вышла из комнаты.
3) Скажи по буквам ваше имя, пожалуйста.
4) Прошлым летом папа научил меня играть в теннис.
5) Ученики не должны приносить свои игрушки в школу.
6) Я думал о тебе вчера весь день.
7) Ты спал хорошо? – Да, я спал очень хорошо, спасибо.
8) Он увидел кошку на улице и принес ее домой.


4. Choose the linking word given on the right.
1) I asked my mum to buy some flour______
I wanted to bake a cake for the dinner . : and but.
2) My mother likes tea_____
:and , but
3) I’m hungry_____
I haven’t had breakfast yet.
:so, because.
​( на фото продолжение задания).

Остались вопросы?

Новые вопросы по предмету Английский язык

A. Circle the correct answer.

1.’Has you brother gone out?’ Mum asked me.

Mum asked me if my brother has gone/had gone out.

2. ‘Do you know the answer?’ Miss Smith asked Ruby.

Miss Smith asked Ruby if she knew/had known the answer.

3. ‘Is this your car?’ the police officer said to the man.

The police officer asked the man if it is/was his car.

4. ‘Have you been to see the exhibition?’ I asked Benjamin.

I asked Benjamin if he went/had been to see the exhibition.

5. ‘Does your laptop need a new battery?’ Jerry asked me.

Jerry asked me if my laptop nedded/will need a new battery.

6. ‘Are you having a barbecue?’ I asked the Browns.

I asked the Browns if they were having/had been having a barbecue.

B. Write one word in each gap.

1.’Will you be at the party?’ Richard asked me.

Richard asked me if I would be at the party.

2. ‘May I ask you a few questions?’ the woman asked Ted.

The woman asked Ted if she might asked him a few questions.

3. ‘Can we go to the zoo tomorrow?’ Jane asked her father.

Jane asked her father if they could go to the zoo the following day.

4. ‘ Shall I study maths or English?’ Sally asked her best friend.

Sally asked her best friend whether she should study maths or English .

5. ‘Can you write with your left hand?’ Val asked me.

Val asked me whether I could write with my left hand.

6. ‘ Shall we play tennis or volleyball?’ Debbie asked her ister.

Debbie asked her sister if they should play tennis or volleyball.

7. ‘May I leave the table?’ Samantha asked her parents.

Samantha asked her parents if she might leave the table.

8. ‘Will our bus leave on time?’ Mum asked the driver.

Mum aske dthe driver whether our bus would leave on time.

C. Complete each second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words.

1.”When did your brother join the army?’ Rusy asked me.

Rudy asked me when my brother had joined the army.

2. ‘How was your trip to Turkey?’ I asked Katherine.

I asked Katherine how her trip to Turkey had been.

3. ‘How will we find your keys in the dark?’ Ashley asked Susie.

Ashley asked Susie how they would find her keys in the dark.

4. ‘Why was Rob on TV?’ Denise asked me.

Denise asked me why Rob had been on TV.

5. ‘ Who saw you at the park?’ the police officer asked me.

The police officer asked me who had seen me at the park.

6. ‘Who did you see at the park?’ the police officer asked me.

The police officer asked me who I had seen at the park.

D. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences.

1.My mum told me to tide my room.

2. I told the dog to stop following me.

3. The man told the woman to listen carefully.

4. The parrot told the boy to shut up.

5. Jenny’s grandma told her to push harder.

6. The magician told her to pick a card.

E. Choose the correct answer.

1.’Could you pass me the salt, please?’ I asked the man next to me.

I asked the man next to me to pass me the salt.

2. ‘Would you mind waiting a moment?’ the shop assistant asked the woman.

The shop assistant asked the woman to wait a moment.

3. ‘Please don’t leave your dirty football boots in the hall,’ Mum said to Doug.

Mum told to Doug not to leave his dirty football boots in the hall.

4. ‘Could you tell us where you were at six o’clock?’ the police officers asked Barry.

The police officers askef Barry to tell them where he had been at six o’clock.

5. ‘Could I have your e-mail address?’ I asked Mariella.

I asked Mariella to give me her e-mail address.

6. ‘Can I have a new Xbox for my birthday?’ I asked my mum.

I asked my mum to get me a new Xbox.

F. If the word or phrase in bold is correct, put a tick. If it is wrong, write the correct word or phrase.

1.I asked Tony why she had taken my CD without asking me.

2. Roger told Isabelle not to make any plans for the weekend.

3. √

4. Alexander asked his dad to give him some money for his school trip.

5. I told Jeremy not to move while I took his photograph.

6. √

Choose the correct word.

well from his accident.
a lot of experiments last week.
He came home and realized that he
his keys.
him yesterday.

Choose the correct answer

When he came home, she
with the dinner for two hours.
to call Jean yesterday.
Your room is still very messy. I
you to tidy up two days ago.
I discovered that the meeting
football yesterday at 5 o’clock.

Choose the correct answer

My room
very messy and my mum told me to clean it.
When she came home, he
for two hours.
him home yesterday at noon.
me with my homework yesterday.
a very harmful experiment.

Choose the correct word.

Mark for help yesterday.
I came home and noticed that I
my phone at work.
dinner yesterday at 5 o’clock when he came home.
my mum around the house when my dad came home.
I was taking shower when my little sister

Choose the correct word.

lunch yesterday for two hours when he came home.
TV yesterday from 5 to 6.
Did he
home early yesterday?
a letter to my friend yesterday at 6 o’clock.
dark when we came home.

Match the words with their definition.

damage or make harm to something

Choose the correct word.

I lived in Moscow when the war
When he was in London, he visited the places where he
in his childhood.
She cut her finger when she
my old friend last week.
dinner when he called me.

Срочно!! 66 баллов
Перевести вопросы в косвенную речь.

1.Mary asked, «What date is the concert?»

2.»Do you like mozart?» I asked Mary

3.»Did you play computer games yesterday?» mum asked us.

4.»Have you already cleaned your teeth?» mum asked John.

5.»Where are you going now?» Lena asked Bobby.

6.»Who broke the vase?» asked mum.

7.»Are we happy?» Susan asked me.

8.»Will we go for a wakk tonight?» I asked my friend.

Прошу срочно

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Новые вопросы по предмету Математика

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Список вопросов теста

Вопрос 1

Fill in the correct word













Варианты ответов
  • Peter is very …. He comes up with the most amazing stories
  • My brother is …. He’s friendly and enjoys talking to other people
  • My sister is very …. When she wants something she does everything she can to achieve it
  • Alice was …. She asked a lot of questions
  • Be …! We’ll be out of here in a minute.
  • Michael goes skateboarding in winter and windsurfing in summer. He is very ….

Вопрос 2

Choose the right answer:

Jennifer is tall and ……..

Варианты ответов
  • slim
  • straight

Вопрос 3

Choose the right answer:

Claudia has a pretty face with brown, wavy ……..

Варианты ответов
  • eyes
  • hair

Вопрос 4

Choose the right answer:

John is the young boy with the ……….blond hair.

Варианты ответов
  • spiky
  • skinny

Вопрос 5

Choose the right answer:

My brother has ……. hair.

Варианты ответов
  • big
  • long

Вопрос 6

Choose the right answer:

You have green eyes and  ……… blond hair.

Варианты ответов
  • curly
  • round

Вопрос 7

Choose the right answer:

My uncle is really tall with ……….

Варианты ответов
  • moustache
  • hair

Вопрос 8

Choose the right answer:

My hair is ………….

Варианты ответов
  • tall
  • shoulder-length

Вопрос 9

Choose the correct word:

I found the book really

Варианты ответов
  • bored
  • boring

Вопрос 10

Choose the correct word:

This football match was so

Варианты ответов
  • tiring
  • tired

Вопрос 11

Choose the correct word:

.  Karen is really…….. in diving.

Варианты ответов
  • interesting
  • interested

Вопрос 12

Choose the correct word:

Jack is …….. of spiders.

Варианты ответов
  • scaring
  • scared

Вопрос 13

Choose the correct word:

Our trip to Paris was so ….

Варианты ответов
  • exciting
  • excited

Вопрос 14

Choose the correct word:

Dad said he was really …….. in us.

Варианты ответов
  • dissapointing
  • dissapointed

Вопрос 15

Choose the correct word:

I am talking about the girl  …… sitting on the sofa.

Варианты ответов
  • who
  • which

Вопрос 16

Choose the correct word:

This is the skate-park  ……….. people come to skateboard.

Варианты ответов
  • which
  • where

Вопрос 17

Choose the correct word:

My mum made a cake  …… tasted really delicious.

Варианты ответов
  • which
  • who

Вопрос 18

Choose the correct word:

The girl  ……. hair is very long is my elder sister.

Варианты ответов
  • whose
  • who

Вопрос 19

Choose the correct word:

2004 was the year …….. we visited London. 

Варианты ответов
  • which
  • when

Вопрос 20

Fill in the correct preposition:

Варианты ответов
  • John gave ……………………… boxing two years ago because of health problems.
  • Shelly gave ……………… her book collection to the school library.
  • Give me ……………………….. my skateboard!

Вопрос 21

Put the adjectives into the correct order to complete the phrases:

              a(n) … … … artist

Варианты ответов
  • talented
  • teenage
  • Italian

Вопрос 22

Put the adjectives into the correct order to complete the phrases:

a(n) … … … student

Варианты ответов
  • interesting
  • young
  • Japanese

Вопрос 23

Put the adjectives into the correct order to complete the phrases:

  a … … …. boxer

Варианты ответов
  • famous
  • well-built
  • Russian

Вопрос 24

Read the following text and mark the statements T (true) or F (false). 

Leonardo da Vinci – a great artist and scientist (by Adam Wilson)

The person I admire the most is Leonardo da Vinci. He was born on 15th April 1452 in the town of Vinci, Italy. His full name was Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci, which means Leonardo, son of Piero from Vinci. He was not only one of the greatest painters of all time, but he was also an architect, sculptor, engineer, inventor, mathematician and musician.

Leonardo da Vinci was a very intelligent and imaginative man. He created many different designs. Some of them were for a bicycle, a helicopter, a parachute and even an aeroplane! He also liked to study everything in nature. You can find some of his notebooks in museums today. In them you can see drawings of plants and animals as well as detailed sketches of the human body!

Leonardo da Vinci paid a lot of attention to detail and his paintings are very realistic. The Mona Lisa, for example, is one of his best known works of art. It is a painting of a woman whose face often makes people wonder if she is smiling or not.

I admire Leonardo da Vinci for his amazing works of art and his great inventions. His artwork will last forever and people around the world admire it even today.

Варианты ответов
  • Leonardo da Vinci was born in Venice, Italy.
  • His father’s name was Paolo.
  • He designed a parachute.
  • Da Vinci studied the human body.

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