Choose the correct word i am pupil


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    Вправа 6. Choose the correct answer:
    1. I a pupil of the forth form.
    — are
    — is
    — am

    2. My mother excuses when I want to play football after school.
    — always make
    — make always
    — always makes

    3. Our pupils speak French in class.
    — dont speak
    — doesnt speaks
    — dont speaks

    4. My sister eight years old.
    — not is
    — is not
    — are not

    5. Anny books sometimes.
    — reads
    — read
    — not read

    6. The flowers watered by Jenny.
    — normally is
    — are normally
    — normally are

    7. My mother in England now.
    — is
    — are
    — am

    8. My friend me on Mondays.
    — phone
    — phones
    — phoning

    9. I what it is about.
    — knows
    — know
    — dont knows

    10. My brother in the office.
    — working
    — work
    — works

    Задать свой вопрос

    2 ответа

    2019-06-14 10:35:12

    1 am 2 always makes 3 don’t speak 4 is not 5 reads 6 are normally 7 is 8 phones 9 know 10 works

    Anastasija Kosteeva 2019-06-14 10:37:37

    1 — a)
    2 — a)
    3 — a)
    4 — b)
    5 — a)
    6 — b)
    7 — a)
    8 — b)
    9 — b)
    10 — c)
    ну я мыслю ты понял)

    • Вопросы ответы

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    Choose the correct word.
    Example: How (much)/many does this drees cost? — 20 pounds.
    The children will go ti the seaside in a few / a little days.
    How many/much students are there in the classroom?
    There are only a few/a little museums in the town.But they are very interesting.
    He did’t have many/much apples last summer.
    The scientist only had a few/a little time to solve the problem.
    Because of the rain we couldn’t spend many/much time outside.

    имя,  класс_____________________________

    6 класс Модуль 5


    I.       Choose
    the correct word.

    1.      I
    am making/doing a list of presents for my family members.

    2.      What
    activities do you make/do during the celebration?

    3.      Let’s
    make/do the invitation cards.

    4.      We’re
    making/doing a cake now.

    5.      In
    the summer my grandparents make/do the gardening.

    6.      Linda
    makes/does all her work before she goes home.

    II.    Match
    the words to form the phrases.

    1)  make                                                   a)
    the streets

    2)  watch                                                 b)

    3)  wear                                                   c)

    4)  decorte                                                           d)

    5)  exchange                                            e)
    a costume

    6)  light                                                    f)
    the fireworks

    III. Put
    the verbs in brackets in the Present Continuous.

    It is Christmas Day. Mrs Foster (1.
    watch)______________TV at the moment. Mr Foster

    (2. make)________________ a phone
    call. The boys (3. sing)____________
    Christmas  carols. Their
    grandparents (4. sit) __________________ on the sofa. _____ they
    (5.listen)_________ to the boys? Yes? They are. The girl  ___ (6. not/listen)
    __________ to her brothers,  she  (7. open) ___________ her gifts. It is very
    cold outside. It (8. snow) __________________ now. So the Foresters (9. stay)
    ____________ at home tonight.

    IV. Ask
    the  questions.

    is playing the guitar now.






    Фамилия, имя,  класс_____________________________

    класс Модуль 5


    Choose the correct word.

    1.      In
    the morning people do/make some preparations.

    2.      What
    do you make/do on that day? – We watch parades.

    3.      He
    is making/doing his homework.

    4.      Make/do
    the washing-up, piease.

    5.      I
    making/doing a phone call.

    6.      Ken
    often makes/does a lot of mistakes when he writes.

    Match the words to form the phrases.

    1)      celebrate                                            a)
    the drums

    2)      make                                                  b)
    flowers and sweets

    3)      blow                                                   c)
    New Year’s Eve

    4)      play                                                    d)

    5)      offer                                                   e)
    a party horn

    6)      perform                                              f)

    III.      Put the verbs
    in brackets in the Present Continuous.

    It is Christmas Day. It isn’t
    cold outside. It (1. snow) __________________ _now. We (2. play)
    ____________ in the park. My sister and I (3. make) ___________ a snowman. She
    (4. put) ______________ a red hat on the snowman. It’s so funny! My friend ____
    (5.make) _______________ the snowman with us. What ______ (6. he/do) __________
    at the moment? He (7. play) __________________snowballs with other children.
    They (8. laugh)__________   . Look! Our dog (9.catch)  _____________

    IV.      Ask the questions.

    is reading a magazine now.








    making , 2- do, 3- make, 4- making, 5 – do, 6- does

    c, 2 f, 3 e, 4 a, 5 d, 6 b

    is watching, 2- is making, 3- are singing, 4-are sitting, 5- are they
    listening, 6- isn’t listening, 7- is opening, 8- is snowing, 9- are staying.


    make , 2- do, 3- doing, 4- do, 5 – making,  6- makes.

    c, 2 f, 3 e, 4 a, 5 d, 6 d

    is snowing, 2- are playing, 3- are making, 4-is putting, 5- isn’t making, 6- is
    he doing, 7- is playing, 8- are laughing, 9- is catching.

    237 просмотров

    1 Choose the correct words.

    1 We have much / a lot of / a little students at our school this year.

    2 A few / Any / A little friends are coming to dinner this evening.

    3 I haven’t got some / much / many time before I catch the train.

    4 Do you like some / much / any of the songs on their new album?

    5 Terry can speak a few / a little / much Greek.

    6 I hope you like black coffee. There isn’t many / some / any milk!

    7 I haven’t seen much / many / a few films this year. Have you?

    2 Complete the sentences. Use a, the or – (no article).

    1 Do you want to speak to Mum? She’s in ______ kitchen.

    2 ______ fast cars can be dangerous.

    3 There’s a barn and a small house at the end of the lane. Freya lives in ______ house.

    4 There’s ______ beautiful lake near our house.

    5 Did you see ______ Queen on TV last night?

    6 Bella’s dad is ______ teacher at our school.

    7 We don’t buy a lot of food from ______ shop in the village.

    3. Write affirmative () or negative () sentences or questions (?) with the correct form of there is or there are.

    1  a lot of young people / in the village _______________________________________

    2 ? much pollution / in the city centre _______________________________________

    3  a lot of monuments / in my city _______________________________________

    4  any space / in the car park _______________________________________

    5 ? any cinemas / in your town _______________________________________

    6  a lot of traffic / on Friday afternoons _______________________________________

    5 Complete the sentences with the words below. There are two words you do not need.

    ban crops economy farmyard law plough respect wheat

    1 Fox hunting was important to the rural ____________ . It created jobs.

    2 The hunt sometimes went across farmers’ fields and damaged the ____________ .

    3 We must ____________ nature and try to protect the environment.

    4 The farm welcomes tourists, and children can see the animals in the ____________ .

    5 My grandfather grows ____________ for the bakeries in town.

    6 Many people in the countryside didn’t want the government to ____________ hunting.

    6 Choose the correct words.

    1 Drive at / through / over the gate and you will see the main road.

    2 He turned in / – / up left.

    3 Turn in / to / onto Churchill Road.

    4 She was walking at / straight / along Queen Street.

    5 Go past / on / after the supermarket.

    6 Just follow / along / across the lane towards the café and you’ll see the postbox.

    Английский язык

    29 Май, 18


    237 просмотров

    Дан 1 ответ

    A lot of

    a few



    a little



    2 the






    3 There are a lot of young people in the village.

    Is there much pollution in the city centre?

    There are a lot of monuments in my city.

    There isn’t any space in the car park.

    Are there any cinemas in your town?

    There is a lot of traffic on Friday afternoons.

    5 1 economy

    2 crops

    3 respect

    4 farmyard

    5 wheat

    6 ban

    6 through






    29 Май, 18

    Обучайтесь и развивайтесь всесторонне вместе с нами, делитесь знаниями и накопленным опытом, расширяйте границы знаний и ваших умений.

    поделиться знаниями или
    запомнить страничку

    • Все категории
    • экономические
    • гуманитарные
    • юридические
    • школьный раздел
    • разное

    Популярное на сайте:

    Как быстро выучить стихотворение наизусть? Запоминание стихов является стандартным заданием во многих школах. 

    Как научится читать по диагонали? Скорость чтения зависит от скорости восприятия каждого отдельного слова в тексте. 

    Как быстро и эффективно исправить почерк?  Люди часто предполагают, что каллиграфия и почерк являются синонимами, но это не так.

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    2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in brackets.
    Il. I am
    (tall) than my sister.
    12. My mum thinks that cats are
    (good) than dogs.
    13. It is the
    (interesting) book of these three.
    14. My car
    (fast) than yours.
    15. A blue whale is
    (heavy) than twenty-five elephants.
    16. You look
    (thin) than last month. Have you lost weight?
    17. English is
    (difficult) than History.
    18. She is the
    (nice) person of all I know.
    19. Monday is the
    (bad) day of the week. We have seven lessons.
    20. Computers are
    (cheap) than mobile phones.
    21. Janet is the
    (intelligent) girl in the class.
    22. Your dress is
    (expensive) than mine.
    3. Choose the correct item.
    23. Visitors can’t have to / don’t have to clean their rooms at a hotel. The cleaners do it.
    24. You can’t / must / mustn’t get permission to invite friends in your room.
    25. The students needn’t / mustn’t/ have to drive on campus. It’s forbidden.
    26. You mustn’t/ must / can’t pay the rent. That’s the rule.
    27. I’m afraid you can/can’t/ needn’t go out now. It’s too late.
    28. He has to /can’t / mustn’t do his homework every day.
    29. You look ill. You must/can/have to go to the doctor.
    30. People can/mustn’t/ must stop at the red line. It’s the rule.
    31. Students can/ must / mustn’t put posters on the walls. It’s forbidden.
    32. You can’t/ must / can haye party here. It isn’t allowed.
    4. Read the text and answer the questions.

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    Помогите расстивить предлоги:
    1. I was a pupil … a secondary school, now I am a student … a college.
    2. I go … my college … bus because it is far … out house.
    3. My mother is a slim and slender woman … blue eyes and fair hair.
    4. There is a picture … the table … the wall.
    5. There are two chairs … the desk.

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