Choose the correct word have you heard were you hearing

Josh: Hey Annie, is that you? I thought you were away at university!

Annie: Oh hi, Josh! Yeah, I am.


Josh: Oh, OK! So how are you finding student life?

Annie: Oh Josh, I absolutely love it!


Josh: That’s so cool! What are you studying again?


The lectures and seminars are really


Josh: That’s good.


Josh: I can imagine! It certainly wouldn’t be my cup of tea!


So tell me, what are your plans?

Josh: I’ve decided to become an electrician and I’ve started an apprenticeship. It’s going really well.


That’s great!

Josh: Yeah, thanks, I’m really happy. The course is practical but you learn plenty of theory, too. I miss all of you guys who have gone away to university, though.


My flat mates won’t mind. They’re cool!

Josh: Thanks, Annie! I might just do that!

Решите задание пожалуйста
A Choose the correct word/phrase to fill in the gaps.
e.g. rush hour prime time
a) You should leave early tomorrow if you want to avoid the rush hour traffic.
b) I can’t believe they’re showing such violent films on prime time TV! Many young people watch at this hour.

1 chat text
a) It’s annoying when people sit and……………………. in the cinema. It really spoils the atmosphere of the film.
b) Bob decided to………………………………..Mary and apologise to her, as he was too nervous
to do it face to face. 5 temper mood
a) Don’t try and resolve your conflict with Mark now. He’s in a very bad
b) When Tim saw the broken window, he lost his ……………………………………and started shouting.

2 advertisements announcements
a) It’s really annoying that nearly half the pages in this magazine are taken up by………………………………………..
of beauty products.
b) Haven’t you heard about the train strike tomorrow? There’ve been radio …………………. …………………..
about it all morning. 6 gave away gave out
a) I don’t believe Jack secret
information about the company There
must be some mistake.
b) As soon as Mrs Tyler……………………………………
our report cards, she asked us if we had any questions about our marks.
3 report coverage
a) There will be a special …………….. about the growing problem of global warming on TV tonight. Let’s watch and see what we can do to help.
b) Live . . ……………. of the flood showed a number of survivors being saved by helicopter rescue teams. 7 certificate degree
a) Before he can join the basketball team, Nick has to bring a medical…………………………………..
stating that there’s nothing wrong with his health.
b) Sam has helped the police department solve very difficult cases, as he has a…………………………
in Criminal Law.
4 downloaded installed
a) My brother has …………….. an electronic dictionary on his computer.
b ) Jane has………………. some great recipes from the Internet, and tries a different one every week. 8 grapevine headline
a) Have you read the …………… in this morning’s paper? A lion escaped from the city zoo!
b) I heard through the …………… that Johr is getting a promotion. Is that true?

Spotlight 8 Test 7 ОТВЕТЫ — контрольная работа № 7 по английскому языку в 8 классе с ответами из сборника контрольных заданий УМК серии «Английский в фокусе» для учащихся 8 класса общеобразовательных организаций. Авторы: Ю.Е. Ваулина и др./ М.: Просвещение. Цитаты из пособия указаны в учебных целях.


 A Choose the correct word/phrase to fill in the gaps.
1 chat text
a) It’s annoying when people sit and ….. chat…..  in the cinema. It really spoils the atmosphere of the film.
b) Bob decided to……. text………Mary and apologise to her, as he was too nervous to do it face to face.
2 advertisements announcements
a) It’s really annoying that nearly half the pages in this magazine are taken up by ……. advertisements……..of beauty products.
b) Haven’t you heard about the train strike tomorrow? There’ve been radio ……. announcements……. about it all morning.
3 report coverage
a) There will be a special …… report…. about the growing problem of global warming on TV tonight. Let’s watch and see what we can do to help.
b) Live ….. coverage…… of the flood showed a number of survivors being saved by helicopter rescue teams.
4 downloaded installed
a) My brother has …… installed …….an electronic dictionary on his computer.
b) Jane has ….. downloaded…….some great recipes from the Internet, and tries a different one every week.
5 temper mood
a) Don’t try and resolve your conflict with Mark now. He’s in a very bad …… mood………
b) When Tim saw the broken window, he lost his …… temper……..and started shouting.
6 gave away gave out
a) I don’t believe Jack …… gave away…… secret information about the company. There must be some mistake.
b) As soon as Mrs Tyler …… gave out……… our report cards, she asked us if we had any questions about our marks.
7 certificate degree
a) Before he can join the basketball team, Nick has to bring a medical …… certificate…… stating that there’s nothing wrong with his health.
b) Sam has helped the police department solve very difficult cases, as he has a ……. degree……. in Criminal Law.
8 grapevine headline
a) Have you read the …… headline……. in this morning’s paper? A lion escaped from the city zoo!
b) I heard through the …… grapevine…….that John is getting a promotion. Is that true?

 В Fill in the missing word.
9 We found out the ….. • shocking…….. news of Bill’s illness yesterday.
10 Jane’s ……. • editor……told her to write an article on the state of the country’s schools for the following month’s issue of the magazine.
11 Mark got a part-time job as a reporter at the local news station, as he wants to start a career in the …… • media……….
12 Having the TV on while she’s studying has a very negative……. • impact………on Jane’s ability to concentrate.
13 In order to……………to the Internet you need a modem and a working telephone line.
14 Although he is being accused of……. • connect……., Peter insists that no part of his sociology paper has been copied from any other source.
15 TV networks should …….. • broadcast………. more educational programmes for children. There’s too much junk on TV nowadays.
16 The weather …… • forecast……. for tomorrow is predicting heavy rain. Maybe we should cancel our plans for a picnic.
17 Our teacher asked us to write a(n) …..• review…….. of our favourite film, as homework.
18 When the ……. • presenter…… started asking the actress personal questions, she threatened to leave in the middle of the show.
19 David couldn’t remember what time his geography class started, so he checked his ……… • timetable………to find out.
20 The TV station interrupted its regular programme to give the …… • breaking….. news of a hurricane approaching the country.


 C Underline the correct item.
21 Should/May I have some information about Performing Arts universities in Britain, please?
22 You don’t have to/can’t attend university to get your diploma. There are long distance learning programmes online which can provide you with a very good education.
23 Sue can’t have/must have been at the party last night. She’s on holiday in Italy right now.
24 Karen may/has to leave school early tomorrow. She has a dentist appointment after school.
25 If Mary gets permission from her parents, she may/must study in France next year.
26 If you want to succeed in life, you should/need to work hard, and always keep to your goals.
27 Jane has a talent in writing. She needs to/should take part in the short story competition at school this month.
28 If your roommates are too noisy, you ought to/need to study at the student library. It’s quiet there.
29 George should have/must have studied a lot for the history exam. He got very high marks.
30 Students mustn’t/needn’t run in the school corridors. It’s against the rules.

Everyday English

 D Fill in to, on, for, from, about.
31 Tim was absent…..FROM……..class yesterday, as he had the stomach flu.
32 Don’t worry….ABOUT……your new job. With the skills you have, I’m sure you’ll do very well.
33 Dan has so many personal problems that it’s difficult for him to concentrate …..ON…… his studies right now.
34 The bully at school is being mean…..TO….. a number of students. I’m going to report it immediately.
35 Bob always blames other people…..FOR…….. his mistakes. Maybe he should take responsibility for his own actions more often.

 E Choose the correct response.
36 What’s the best way to do better in my exams ?    E You could revise more often during the year.
37 How did you do in your maths test?    A Pretty well.
38 I’ll try my best to pass the history test next time.      D That’s the spirit!
39 Why don’t you get a full-time job and go to evening school?       В That’s easier said than done.
40 Tom’s decided to postpone his studies for a year.       C How come?


F Read the text and match the phrases (A to F) to the gaps (41 to 46). There is one extra phrase.


 Last summer, my friend Katie and I decided to go on a summer holiday together. We really needed to take
time away from work and our busy city schedules 41)…..D…… We both wished to something exciting and
challenging, but at the same time, we wanted our excursion to be a truly educational experience. Luckily, a colleague at work had told Katie about a holiday package which combined training in wildlife survival skills
along with nature exploration. The idea seemed appealing, 42)…..F…….
On the first day of the programme, we met our instructor, who told us to bear in mind that this was a
first-time experience for all the members in the group 43)….B…… which was quite a relief to hear. At the
start of the programme, we developed a deep understanding of plants and animals in the wild. After that,
we 44)…..E……. as well as recognise their particular eating habits and native habitats. We also learned how
to gather wild plants and prepare them for food or medicine.
During our last week, we mastered the art of building shelters out of trees and bushes, learned how to
locate clean water 45)……A….. We actually accomplished things we could never have imagined doing, and
most importantly, we discovered what a wide range of beautiful things nature has to offer us.

A and build fires just by rubbing two sticks together
В and that everyone could learn at their own pace
C but we weren’t very keen on the idea at first
D and do something different for a change E went on to learn how to identify different species of animals
F so we set off the following week for our exciting adventure


 G Listen to the speakers and choose the correct answer for each question.
46 You will hear a teacher talking to her student about how to improve his marks. What advice does she give him?
A To revise more often.             В To take part in a study group.           C To take better notes.
47 You will hear a girl talking about doing homework. Which of the following is true?
A She studies best in the company of her classmates.           В She finds it more relaxing to study in the evenings.            C She studies some subjects best while listening to music.
48 You will hear a girl talking about her school subjects. Which subject will be more useful for her in the future?
 A English            В Biology            C Arts
49 You will hear a young man talking about his experience of starting university. What did he find most difficult?
A Living away from home.           В Working and studying at the same time.          C Getting to know new people.
50 You will hear a teacher talking about computers in education. What is his opinion?
A There should be computers in the school library.         В Computer skills aren 4 necessary for students.           C He prefers more traditional ways of research.

Spotlight 8 Test 7 Module 7 ОТВЕТЫ — контрольная работа № 7 по английскому языку в 8 классе с ответами из сборника контрольных заданий УМК серии «Английский в фокусе» для учащихся 8 класса. Авторы: Ю.Е. Ваулина и др.

Вернуться к списку контрольных работ Spotlight 8 Test booklet Ответы.

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*A. Fill in the correct word. Вставьте правильное слово.

• weekly • ghost • ruined • puzzled • rush • knock • mines • worried • introduce • naughty • loud
e.g. He heard a loud noise and ran.

1. The streets were empty. It was like a ghost town.
2. The police were puzzled. They had no idea who stole the money.
3. Can I introduce myself? My name is Henry Smith.
4. Fred was very naughty yesterday. He didn’t do his homework.
5. There were many ruined buildings in the town that people wanted to rebuild.
6. There are a lot of weekly health magazines that give good advice about diets.
7. We have got a lot of time. You don’t need to rush.
8. She was worried because her sister didn’t come home after school.
9. You must knock on the door before you enter my room.
10. There are many gold mines in South Africa.


например, Он услышал громкий шум и побежал.
1. Улицы были пусты. Это было похоже на город−призрак.
2. Полиция была озадачена. Они понятия не имели, кто украл деньги.
3. Могу я представиться? Меня зовут Генри Смит.
4. Фред вчера был очень непослушным. Он не сделал уроки.
5. В городе было много разрушенных зданий, которые люди хотели восстановить.
6. Есть много еженедельных журналов о здоровье, которые дают полезные советы о диетах.
7. У нас много времени. Тебе не нужно торопиться.
8. Она волновалась, потому что ее сестра не пришла домой после школы.
9. Вы должны постучать в дверь, прежде чем войти в мою комнату.
10. В Южной Африке много золотых шахт.

*B. Match the adjectives to their opposites. Сопоставь прилагательное с его противоположным по значению.

e.g. wealthy B

11. relaxed     C
12. crowded   A
13. clean        E
14. beautiful   F
15. busy         D

A. deserted
B. poor
C. stressed
D. quiet
E. polluted
F. ugly

11 – C, 12 – A, 13 – E, 14 – F, 15 – D.


например, богатый B
11. расслабленный
12. многолюдный
13. чистый
14. красивый
15. занятой

А. заброшенный
B. бедный
C. напряженный
D. тихий
E. загрязненный
F. некрасивый

*C. Complete the types of buildings. Завершите типы построек.

e.g. garage

16. hotel
17. post office
18. restaurant
19. saloon
20. school


например, гараж
16. отель
17. почтовое отделение
18. ресторан
19. бар
20. школа

*D. Write the correct past form of the irregular verbs. Напишите правильную форму прошедшего времени неправильных глаголов.

e.g. have – had

21. drink – drank
22. see – saw
23. go – went
24. find – found
25. hear – heard
26. come – came
27. read – read
28. give – gave
29. make – made
30. be – was / were


например, иметь − имел
21. пить − пил
22. видеть − видел
23. идти − ходил
24. найти − нашел
25. слышать − слышал
26. приходить − пришел
27. читать − читал
28. давать − давал
29. сделать − сделал
30. быть – был / были

*E. Write the Past Simple form of the verbs in brackets. Запишите глаголы в скобках в форме Past Simple.

e.g. Judy went (go) to the cinema with friends last night.

31. Mike walked (walk) to school yesterday.
32. Walt Disney died (die) in 1966.
33. I spent (spend) €40 on a new dictionary.
34. My parents decided (decide) to take a few days off work and paint the house.
35. Mark didn’t sing  (not / sing) at the karaoke last night.
36. Our teacher said (say) that the class was very good today.
37. Peter shouted (shout) at his sister this morning.
38. My grandparents met (meet) during the war.
38. Be careful. We paid (pay) a lot of money for that vase.
40. I’m sorry. I didn’t do (not / do) my homework last night.


например, Вчера вечером Джуди ходила (ходить) в кино с друзьями.
31. Майк вчера ходил в школу пешком.
32. Уолт Дисней умер в 1966 году.
33. Я потратил 40 евро на новый словарь.
34. Мои родители решили взять отпуск на несколько дней и покрасить дом.
35. Марк вчера вечером не пел в караоке.
36. Наша учительница сказала, что класс (урок) сегодня был очень хорошим.
37. Питер накричал на сестру сегодня утром.
38. Мои бабушка и дедушка познакомились во время войны.
38. Будьте осторожны. Мы заплатили много денег за эту вазу.
40. Мне очень жаль. Вчера вечером я не сделала домашнее задание.

*F. Choose the correct response. Выбери правильный ответ.

e.g. What was in it? C

41. Excuse me. Is this Mr Brown’s Office?   A
42. Here you are.                                         D
43. Do any of these look familiar?                F
44. Thank you very much.                            B
45. What does it look like?                           E

A. Yes. What can I do for you?
B. You’re welcome.
C. Some money and a camera.
D. Thank you.
E. It’s black with a silver handle.
F. Yes, the one in the corner is mine.

41 – A, 42 – D, 43 – F, 44 – B, 45 – E.


например, Что в нем было? C
41. Простите. Это офис мистера Брауна?
42. Вот, держите.
43. Что−нибудь из этого вам знакомо?
44. Большое спасибо.
45. Как это выглядит?

А. Да. Что я могу сделать для вас?
B. Пожалуйста.
C. Немного денег и фотоаппарат.
D. Спасибо.
E. Он черный с серебряной ручкой.
F. Да, тот, что в углу, мой.

*G. Read the text and choose the best word A, B or C for each space. Прочтите текст и выберите лучшее слово A, B или C для каждого пропуска.

Saturday, 14th June
I had a great day! I woke up 46) at 8 o’clock and the sky 47) was blue. I met Larry and George at the port at nine and we left for Little Island. The sea was calm and the trip only 48) took an hour. When we 49) arrived, we went swimming and then we had a picnic on the beach.
50) In the afternoon we went for a walk around the island. We found an empty house on the top of a hill. There 51) were a lot of strange paintings on the walls of the house. It was cool!
When we came out of the house, the sky was grey and then it started to rain. We decided to leave the island but then the sea was 52) very rough. The boat moved up and down and from side to side. We 53) were afraid but it was also fun. It took 54) us two hours to get back but we arrived safely.
When I got home, mum was very worried but I 55) told her that I had had a really great day!

e.g. A. an B. the C. a

46. A. on      B. at      C. of
47. A. had    B. was   C. were
48. A. was    B. last   C. took
49. A. came B. got    C. arrived
50. A. On     B. In      C. At
51. A. were  B. was   C. had
52. A. much B. lot     C. very
53. A. was    B. were C. are
54. A. our     B. us     C. them
55. A. said   B. heard C. told

46 – B, 47 – B, 48 – C, 49 – C, 50 – B, 51 – A, 52 – C, 53 – B, 54 – B, 55 – C.


Суббота, 14 июня
У меня был отличный день! Я проснулся 46) в 8 часов и небо 47) было синим. Я встретил Ларри и Джорджа в порту в девять, и мы отправились на Литл−Айленд. Море было спокойным и поездка 48) заняла всего час. Когда мы 49) приехали, мы пошли купаться, а потом устроили пикник на пляже.
50) Днем мы пошли гулять по острову. Мы нашли пустой дом на вершине холма. Там 51) было много странных картин на стенах дома. Это было круто!
Когда мы вышли из дома, небо было серым, а потом пошел дождь. Мы решили покинуть остров, но тогда море было 52) очень бурным. Лодка двигалась вверх−вниз и из стороны в сторону. Нам 53) было страшно, но было весело. 54) Нам потребовалось два часа, чтобы вернуться, но мы прибыли благополучно.
Когда я пришел домой, мама очень волновалась, но я 55) сказал ей, что у меня был действительно отличный день!

*H. You will hear two people talking about a town in the past. Listen and circle the correct answer A, B or C. Вы услышите, как два человека говорят о городе в прошлом. Прослушайте и обведите правильный ответ A, B или C.

e.g. Mary and her Grandpa are looking at
A. old photographs.
B. old paintings.
C. old books.

56. In the place of the Cathedral Hotel, there is
     A. a music college.
     B. an art college.
     C. a business college.
57. In the past, Manchester was
     A. interesting.
     B. dangerous.
     C. beautiful.
58. A lot of people worked in
     A. restaurants.
     B. the mines.
     C. shops.
59. In the past, Market Street was
     A. busy.
     B. quiet.
     C. boring.
60. Today, the library has
     A. many visitors.
     B. very few visitors.
     C. no visitors at all.

56 – A, 57 – A, 58 – B, 59 – A, 60 – A.


например, Мэри и ее дедушка смотрят
А. старые фотографии.
B. старые картины.
C. старые книги.
56. На месте гостиницы «Собор» находится
А. музыкальное училище.
B. художественный колледж.
C. бизнес−колледж.
57. В прошлом Манчестер был
А. интересный.
B. опасный.
C. красивый.
58. Многие люди работали в
A. рестораны.
B. шахты.
C. магазины.
59. В прошлом Маркет−стрит была
A. оживленной.
B. тихой.
C. скучной.
60. Сегодня в библиотеке
A. много посетителей.
B. очень мало посетителей.
C. никаких посетителей.

Аудио к заданию:

− Grandad, this old photography exhibition is very interesting. Look! This picture is from 1900s. Does that building still exist today?
− No, that was the “Cathedral” hotel. Today in its place there is a modern building – the College of Music.
− I see. Grandad, was Manchester very different when you were young?
− Yes, a lot of things have changed but it has never stopped to be interesting city to live in.
− Really? What was different by then?
− First of all, a lot of people worked in the mines. It was really hard work and very dangerous. And back then Manchester wasn’t as beautiful as it is now. Market Street, for example, was busy with people doing their shopping but it didn’t have as many nice buildings as it does today.
− Oh, yes. Those modern glass buildings are very beautiful but I like old buildings like the Portico Library.
− Oh, the Library! It had so many visitors back then!
− It’s still the same. A lot of people visit the Portico Library today, even though they’ve got televisions and the Internet.
− That’s true!

Перевод аудио:

− Дедушка, эта старинная фотовыставка очень интересна. Смотри! Это фото 1900−х годов. Это здание все еще существует сегодня?
− Нет, это была гостиница «Собор». Сегодня на его месте находится современное здание − Музыкальный колледж.
− Понятно. Дедушка, Манчестер был совсем другим, когда ты был молод?
− Да, многое изменилось, но жить в этом городе всегда интересно.
− В самом деле? Что изменилось с того времени?
− Во−первых, много людей работало на шахтах. Это была действительно тяжелая работа и очень опасная. И тогда Манчестер не был таким красивым, как сейчас. Маркет−стрит, например, была заполнена людьми, делавшими покупки, но на ней было не так много красивых зданий, как сегодня.
− О, да. Эти современные стеклянные здания очень красивы, но мне нравятся старые здания, такие как библиотека Портик.
− О, библиотека! Тогда в ней было столько посетителей!
− Все до сих пор также. Многие люди сегодня посещают библиотеку Портик, даже несмотря на то, что у них есть телевизоры и Интернет.
− Это правда!

TEST 3 (Module 3)

V- 1

1. In each line choose one word that doesn’t belong to the group:

1)       hook, tentacle, tail, extinct;

2)       sharp, head, giant, horrifying;

3)       mythical, ape, squid, hedgehog;

4)       humped back, short neck, snake-like head, survive.

2. Complete the sentences.

giants, horrifying, extinct, illusion, sightings

1)    Two fisherman reported …  of a strange ten-legged creature in the lake yesterday.

2)    Did the magician really make the man disappear or was it just an optical ?

3)    We’ve all heard well-known stories about mythical … .

4)    The Kraken is a … deep-sea monster.

5)    People thought the coelacanth was a(n) … species of fish, until a fisherman caught one in 1938.

3. Choose the correct answer.

1)    This time last week we were lying / lied on a beach.

2)    After Bill had mown / had been mowing the lawn, he collected the grass cuttings for compost.

3)    The research team found / was founding an unusual fossil and took it back to the lab to examine it.

4)    Sandra had been painting / had painted for three years before she sold her first painting.

5)    Claire was driving / drove along a country road when a huge creature came out of nowhere and fell onto her car.

6)    Jim hadn’t finished / had been finishing all his homework by the time he went to bed.

7)    Benjamin gasped / was gasping in horror when he saw the ghostly figure.

4. Choose the correct words in the sentences.

1)          Susan may / must be at the photographic exhibition, but I’m not sure.

2)          The magician’s assistant hasn’t truly disappeared; our eyes may / must be laying tricks on us!

3)          It can’t / may be a coincidence, but isn’t it strange that I was thinking about John at the exact moment he called me?

4)          The style of that painting must / may be Cubism, because the artist has used square and rectangular shapes.

5)          Our house can’t / may be haunted; we’ve lived here for years and we’ve never seen or heard anything unusual going on.

6)          You may not/ can’t have seen a ghost. They’re not real!

5. Choose the correct words in the sentences.

1)    In the past, my sister used to make / use to made fun of Surrealist paintings, but now she loves them.

2)    When I was still at school, I would read / would to read a new ghost story every week.

3)    James used to believe / use to believe in ghosts when he was a child.

4)    Eleanor’s parents never used to buy / used to bought her books about monsters when she was a child.

5)    Sally would to visit / would visit her grandparents quite often when she still lived in London.

6. Choose the correct preposition.

1)          Sue thought about / of a good idea to raise money.

2)          Will knew from / of experience not to walk though the woods at night.

3)          They succeeded in / at working out the answer.

4)          Jack was nervous about / in camping in the forest.

5)          Have you heard of / from Bigfoot?

7. Choose the correct words in the sentences.

1)    Eve came up / came across with a great idea for a story.

2)    Dave came across / came over a secret passage in the castle.

3)    Lee feels ill. He must be coming down / coming up with the flu.

4)    A strange feeling came over/ came down me as a walked home.

5)    I can’t wait for Spielberg’s new film to come out / came up.

TEST 3 (Module 3)

V- 1

1. In each line choose one word that doesn’t belong to the group:

1)       hook, tentacle, tail, extinct;

2)       sharp, head, giant, horrifying;

3)       mythical, ape, squid, hedgehog;

4)       humped back, short neck, snake-like head, survive.

2. Complete the sentences.

giants, horrifying, extinct, illusion, sightings

1)    Two fisherman reported …  of a strange ten-legged creature in the lake yesterday.

2)    Did the magician really make the man disappear or was it just an optical ?

3)    We’ve all heard well-known stories about mythical … .

4)    The Kraken is a … deep-sea monster.

5)    People thought the coelacanth was a(n) … species of fish, until a fisherman caught one in 1938.

3. Choose the correct answer.

1)    This time last week we were lying / lied on a beach.

2)    After Bill had mown / had been mowing the lawn, he collected the grass cuttings for compost.

3)    The research team found / was founding an unusual fossil and took it back to the lab to examine it.

4)    Sandra had been painting / had painted for three years before she sold her first painting.

5)    Claire was driving / drove along a country road when a huge creature came out of nowhere and fell onto her car.

6)    Jim hadn’t finished / had been finishing all his homework by the time he went to bed.

7)    Benjamin gasped / was gasping in horror when he saw the ghostly figure.

4. Choose the correct words in the sentences.

1)          Susan may / must be at the photographic exhibition, but I’m not sure.

2)          The magician’s assistant hasn’t truly disappeared; our eyes may / must be laying tricks on us!

3)          It can’t / may be a coincidence, but isn’t it strange that I was thinking about John at the exact moment he called me?

4)          The style of that painting must / may be Cubism, because the artist has used square and rectangular shapes.

5)          Our house can’t / may be haunted; we’ve lived here for years and we’ve never seen or heard anything unusual going on.

6)          You may not/ can’t have seen a ghost. They’re not real!

5. Choose the correct words in the sentences.

1)    In the past, my sister used to make / use to made fun of Surrealist paintings, but now she loves them.

2)    When I was still at school, I would read / would to read a new ghost story every week.

3)    James used to believe / use to believe in ghosts when he was a child.

4)    Eleanor’s parents never used to buy / used to bought her books about monsters when she was a child.

5)    Sally would to visit / would visit her grandparents quite often when she still lived in London.

6. Choose the correct preposition.

1)          Sue thought about / of a good idea to raise money.

2)          Will knew from / of experience not to walk though the woods at night.

3)          They succeeded in / at working out the answer.

4)          Jack was nervous about / in camping in the forest.

5)          Have you heard of / from Bigfoot?

7. Choose the correct words in the sentences.

1)    Eve came up / came across with a great idea for a story.

2)    Dave came across / came over a secret passage in the castle.

3)    Lee feels ill. He must be coming down / coming up with the flu.

4)    A strange feeling came over/ came down me as a walked home.

5)    I can’t wait for Spielberg’s new film to come out / came up.

TEST 3 (Module 3)

V- 2

1. In each line choose one word that doesn’t belong to the group:

5)       mythical, ape, squid, hedgehog;

6)       humped back, short neck, snake-like head, survive;

7)       hook, tentacle, tail, extinct;

8)        sharp, head, giant, horrifying.

2. Complete the sentences.

giants, fantasy, humped, illusion, sightings

6)    Nessie has a long neck and a … back.

7)    … of strange creature have been reported by people all over the world.

8)     We’ve all heard well-known stories about mythical … .

9)    Garry really lives in a(n) … world !He believes that he will be   the one who will take pictures of Bigfoot first!

10)           People who see one picture inside another are experiencing an optical … .

3. Choose the correct answer.

8)     We were walking / walked for an hour when it started to rain.

9)    I didn’t sleep well last night because I was warring / worried about my exam.

10)           Paul didn’t watch / wasn’t watching a DVD yesterday.

11)           Wendy had been cooking / had cooked dinner for over two hours before the guests arrived.

12)           While Lisa was reading / read a book, her brother was listening to music.

13)           It was the first time that Elizabeth had ever seen / had ever been seeing pictures of Bigfoot.

14)           Alex didn’t go to the photographic exhibition because he had not finished / had hot been finishing his homework.

4. Choose the correct words in the sentences.

7)          The style of that painting must / may be Cubism, because the artist has used square and rectangular shapes.

8)           Our house can’t / may be haunted; we’ve lived here for years and we’ve never seen or heard anything unusual going on.

9)          You may not/ can’t have seen a ghost. They’re not real!

10)      Susan may / must be at the photographic exhibition, but I’m not sure.

11)      The magician’s assistant hasn’t truly disappeared; our eyes may / must be laying tricks on us!

12)      It can’t / may be a coincidence, but isn’t it strange that I was thinking about John at the exact moment he called me?

5. Choose the correct words in the sentences.

6)    Eleanor’s parents never used to buy / used to bought her books about monsters when she was a child.

7)    Sally would to visit / would visit her grandparents quite often when she still lived in London.

8)     In the past, my sister used to make / use to made fun of Surrealist paintings, but now she loves them.

9)    When I was still at school, I would read / would to read a new ghost story every week.

10)           James used to believe / use to believe in ghosts when he was a child.

6. Choose the correct preposition.

6)          Jack was nervous about / in camping in the forest.

7)          Have you heard of / from Bigfoot?

8)           Sue thought about / of a good idea to raise money.

9)          Will knew from / of experience not to walk though the woods at night.

10)      They succeeded in / at working out the answer.

7. Choose the correct words in the sentences.

1)    A strange feeling came over/ came down me as a walked home.

2)    I can’t wait for Spielberg’s new film to come out / came up.

3)    Eve came up / came across with a great idea for a story.

4)    Dave came across / came over a secret passage in the castle.

5)    Lee feels ill. He must be coming down / coming up with the flu.

TEST 3 (Module 3)

V- 3

1. In each line choose one word that doesn’t belong to the group:

9)       hook, tentacle, tail, extinct;

10)  humped back, short neck, snake-like head, survive;

11)  sharp, head, giant, horrifying;

12)  mythical, ape, squid, hedgehog.

2. Complete the sentences.

giant, mind, mysterious, violent, imagination

11)           Jonathan’s vivid  is what makes him able to write spine-chilling (страшный, ужасный) ghost stories.

12)           According (В зависимости) to Norwegian legend, the Kraken was a(n)  monster that lived in the sea.

13)           Eric has a brilliant ; he’s sure to become a famous scientist one day.

14)           The old castle had a dark, … corridor leading to the dungeons(темницы) below.

15)           The Kraken would create a … whirlpool to pull ships down to the bottom of the sea.

3. Choose the correct answer.

15)           Kate was bored because she hadn’t gone out / hadn’t been going out all weekend.

16)           John was washing / washed the car when it started to rain.

17)           Benjamin gasped / was gasping in horror when he saw the ghostly figure.

18)           Daniel felt ill last night because he  had eaten / had been eating the lawn, he collected the grass cuttings for compost.

19)           The research team found / was founding an unusual fossil and took it back to the lab to examine it.

20)           Sandra had been painting / had painted for three years before she sold her first painting.

21)           Claire was driving / drove along a country road when a huge creature came out of nowhere and fell onto her car.

4. Choose the correct words in the sentences.

13)      Susan may / must be at the photographic exhibition, but I’m not sure.

14)      The magician’s assistant hasn’t truly disappeared; our eyes may / must be laying tricks on us!

15)      Our house can’t / may be haunted; we’ve lived here for years and we’ve never seen or heard anything unusual going on.

16)      You may not/ can’t have seen a ghost. They’re not real!

17)      It can’t / may be a coincidence, but isn’t it strange that I was thinking about John at the exact moment he called me?

18)      The style of that painting must / may be Cubism, because the artist has used square and rectangular shapes.

5. Choose the correct words in the sentences.

11)           In the past, my sister used to make / use to made fun of Surrealist paintings, but now she loves them.

12)           Sally would to visit / would visit her grandparents quite often when she still lived in London.

13)           When I was still at school, I would read / would to read a new ghost story every week.

14)           James used to believe / use to believe in ghosts when he was a child.

15)           Eleanor’s parents never used to buy / used to bought her books about monsters when she was a child.

6. Choose the correct preposition.

11)      Sue thought about / of a good idea to raise money.

12)      Will knew from / of experience not to walk though the woods at night.

13)      Have you heard of / from Bigfoot?

14)      They succeeded in / at working out the answer.

15)      Jack was nervous about / in camping in the forest.

7. Choose the correct words in the sentences.

1)    Eve came up / came across with a great idea for a story.

2)    A strange feeling came over/ came down me as a walked home.

3)    I can’t wait for Spielberg’s new film to come out / came up.

4)    Dave came across / came over a secret passage in the castle.

5)    Lee feels ill. He must be coming down / coming up with the flu.

TEST 3 (Module 3)

V- 4

1. In each line choose one word that doesn’t belong to the group:

13)  humped back, short neck, snake-like head, survive;

14)  hook, tentacle, tail, extinct;

15)  sharp, head, giant, horrifying;

16)  mythical, ape, squid, hedgehog.

2. Complete the sentences.

mythical, survived, horrifying, illusion, sights

16)           Did the magician really make the man disappear or was it just an optical … ?

17)           Andrew’s nightmare was absolutely ; he dreamt that a three-headed monster was approaching him, but he couldn’t move.

18)           Old castle are very popular … in Britain.

19)           Can you imagine what would happen if a dinosaur someone … and was still alive today?

20)           Every culture has stories of … creatures.

3. Choose the correct answer.

22)           While Lisa was reading / read a book, her brother was listening to music.

23)           It was the first time that Elizabeth had ever seen / had ever been seeing pictures of Bigfoot.

24)           Benjamin gasped / was gasping in horror when he saw the ghostly figure.

25)           This time last week we were lying / lied on a beach.

26)           After Bill had mown / had been mowing the lawn, he collected the grass cuttings for compost.

27)           The research team found / was founding an unusual fossil and took it back to the lab to examine it.

28)           Sandra had been painting / had painted for three years before she sold her first painting.

4. Choose the correct words in the sentences.

19)      Our house can’t / may be haunted; we’ve lived here for years and we’ve never seen or heard anything unusual going on.

20)      You may not/ can’t have seen a ghost. They’re not real!

21)      Susan may / must be at the photographic exhibition, but I’m not sure.

22)      The magician’s assistant hasn’t truly disappeared; our eyes may / must be laying tricks on us!

23)      It can’t / may be a coincidence, but isn’t it strange that I was thinking about John at the exact moment he called me?

24)      The style of that painting must / may be Cubism, because the artist has used square and rectangular shapes.

5. Choose the correct words in the sentences.

16)           Eleanor’s parents never used to buy / used to bought her books about monsters when she was a child.

17)           Sally would to visit / would visit her grandparents quite often when she still lived in London.

18)           In the past, my sister used to make / use to made fun of Surrealist paintings, but now she loves them.

19)           When I was still at school, I would read / would to read a new ghost story every week.

20)           James used to believe / use to believe in ghosts when he was a child.

6. Choose the correct preposition.

16)      Jack was nervous about / in camping in the forest.

17)      Have you heard of / from Bigfoot?

18)      Sue thought about / of a good idea to raise money.

19)      Will knew from / of experience not to walk though the woods at night.

20)      They succeeded in / at working out the answer.

7. Choose the correct words in the sentences.

1)    A strange feeling came over/ came down me as a walked home.

2)    I can’t wait for Spielberg’s new film to come out / came up.

3)    Eve came up / came across with a great idea for a story.

4)    Dave came across / came over a secret passage in the castle.

5)    Lee feels ill. He must be coming down / coming up with the flu.

TEST 3 (Module 3)

V- 5

1. In each line choose one word that doesn’t belong to the group:

17)  mythical, ape, squid, hedgehog;

18)  hook, tentacle, tail, extinct;

19)  sharp, head, giant, horrifying;

20)  humped back, short neck, snake-like head, survive.

2. Complete the sentences.

glanced, violent, glaring, staring, existed

21)           Although many people say they have seen Bigfoot, there are no fossil remains that prove the creature ever … .

22)           When Richard and Ian heard the angry shouts they  around the room to see where they were coming from.

23)           Last night I dreamt that a … whirlpool was pulling me to the bottom of the ocean.

24)           Why are you … at Stewart so angrily? Has he done something wrong?

25)           Rosie couldn’t stop … at the beautiful reendow, as it was the first time she had ever seen one.

3. Choose the correct answer.

29)           Daniel felt ill last night because he  had eaten / had been eating the lawn, he collected the grass cuttings for compost.

30)           After Bill had mown / had been mowing the lawn, he collected the grass cuttings for compost.

31)           Kate was bored because she hadn’t gone out / hadn’t been going out all weekend.

32)           John was washing / washed the car when it started to rain.

33)           Claire was driving / drove along a country road when a huge creature came out of nowhere and fell onto her car.

34)           Jim hadn’t finished / had been finishing all his homework by the time he went to bed.

35)           Benjamin gasped / was gasping in horror when he saw the ghostly figure.

4. Choose the correct words in the sentences.

25)      It can’t / may be a coincidence, but isn’t it strange that I was thinking about John at the exact moment he called me?

26)      The style of that painting must / may be Cubism, because the artist has used square and rectangular shapes.

27)      Susan may / must be at the photographic exhibition, but I’m not sure.

28)      The magician’s assistant hasn’t truly disappeared; our eyes may / must be laying tricks on us!

29)      Our house can’t / may be haunted; we’ve lived here for years and we’ve never seen or heard anything unusual going on.

30)      You may not/ can’t have seen a ghost. They’re not real!

5. Choose the correct words in the sentences.

21)           James used to believe / use to believe in ghosts when he was a child.

22)           Eleanor’s parents never used to buy / used to bought her books about monsters when she was a child.

23)           In the past, my sister used to make / use to made fun of Surrealist paintings, but now she loves them.

24)           When I was still at school, I would read / would to read a new ghost story every week.

25)           Sally would to visit / would visit her grandparents quite often when she still lived in London.

6. Choose the correct preposition.

21)      Will knew from / of experience not to walk though the woods at night.

22)      They succeeded in / at working out the answer.

23)      Sue thought about / of a good idea to raise money.

24)      Jack was nervous about / in camping in the forest.

25)      Have you heard of / from Bigfoot?

7. Choose the correct words in the sentences.

1)    Dave came across / came over a secret passage in the castle.

2)    Lee feels ill. He must be coming down / coming up with the flu.

3)    Eve came up / came across with a great idea for a story.

4)    A strange feeling came over/ came down me as a walked home.

5)    I can’t wait for Spielberg’s new film to come out / came up.







21)    extinct;

22)    head;

23)    mythical;

24)    survive.

1)        mythical;

2)        survive;

3)        extinct;

4)        head.

1)        extinct;

2)        survive;

3)        head;

4)        mythical.

1)        survive.

2)        extinct;

3)        head;

4)        mythical.

1)        mythical;

2)        extinct;

3)        head;

4)        survive.


1) sightings

2) illusion

3) giants

4) horrifying

5) extinct

1) humped

2) sightings

3) giants

4) fantasy

5) illusion

1) imagination

2) giant

3) mind

4) mysterious

5) violent

1) illusion

2) horrifying

3) sights

4) survived

5) mythical

1) existed

2) glanced

3) violent

4) glaring

5) staring


1) were lying 

2) had mown 

3) found

4) had been painting

5) was driving

6) hadn’t finished 

7) gasped

1) were walking 

2) was worrying 

3) didn’t watch 

4) had been cooking 

5) was reading

6) had ever seen

7) had not finished

1) hadn’t gone out 

2) was washing 

3) gasped

4) had been eating 

5) found

6) had been painting

7) was driving

1) was reading

2) had ever seen

3) gasped

4) were lying 

5) had mown 

6) found

7) had been painting

1) were lying 

2) had been eating 

3) had mown 

4) was washing 

5) was driving

6) had not finished

7) gasped


1) may

2) must

3) may

4) must

5) can’t

6) can’t

1) must

2) can’t

3) can’t

4) may

5) must

6) may

1) may

2) must

3) can’t

4) can’t

5) may

6) must

1) can’t

2) can’t

3) may

4) must

5) may

6) must

1) may

2) must

3) may

4) must

5) can’t

6) can’t


1) used to make

2) would read

3) used to believe

4) used to buy

5) would to visit

1) used to buy

2) would to visit

3) used to make

4) would read

5) used to believe

1) used to make

2) would to visit

3) would read

4) used to believe

5) used to buy

1) used to buy

2) would to visit

3) used to make

4) would read

5) used to believe

1) used to believe

2) used to buy

3) used to make

4) would read

5) would to visit


1) of

2) from

3) in

4) about

5) of

1) about

2) of

3) of

4) from

5) in

1) of

2) from

3) of

4) in

5) about

1) about

2) of

3) of

4) from

5) in

1) from

2) in

3) of

4) about

5) of


1) came up

2) came across

3) coming down

4) came over

5) come out

1) came over

2) come out

3) came up

4) came across

5) coming down

1) came up

2) came over

3) come out

4) came across

5) coming down

1) came over

2) come out

3) came up

4) came across

5) coming down

1) came across

2) coming down

3) came up

4) came over

5) come out

«5» 35- 37 points

«5» 32- 37 points

«4» 28-34 points

«4» 24-31 points

«3» 19-27 points

«3» 15-23 points

«2» 18  … points

«2» 14  … points

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