Choose the correct word hand foot head leg fingers hair laura wanted

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Spotlight 8.TEST 4

  1. Fill in the table with words from the list.

Shirt, baggy, nylon, pullover, floral, leather, smart, cotton, jeans, plain, casual, linen, checked, tight-fitting, polka-dot, T-shirt

    1. Clothes

    1. Style

    1. Pattern

    1. Material

  1. Rewrite the sentences into Passive Voice.

  1. Mother waters the flowers in the evening.

  2. A boy showed her the way.

  3. They will send us a box of fruit.

  4. In summer the boys often drive the horses to the fields.

  5. They have translated the book into 25 languages.

  6. You can’t use cameras in the museum.

  7. The manager is dictating a letter to her secretary right now.

  8. Someone was interviewing Dr Johnson.

  9. Nobody has used this room for ages.

  10. French priests built this cathedral.

  1. Fill in the necessary preposition: away, through, off, out, up with, on.

  1. The match was put … till the next month.

  2. It is rainy outside. Put … a raincoat.

  3. The firefighters managed to put … the fire.

  4. When you have finished, put … your books.

  5. She couldn’t put … his rudeness.

  6. Please put me … to Dr. Majerns.

  1. Fill in the necessary preposition: by, in, for, to, with.

  1. I want to buy a new dress ….. a change.

  2. I know denim is popular ….. teenagers.

  3. Green will always be …… fashion.

  4. I never pay much attention ……. the latest trends.

  5. Was this hat made ….. hand?

5. Choose the correct word: hand, foot, head, leg, fingers, hair.

  1. Laura wanted to go away for the weekend, but her father put his … down.

  2. Jenny is sitting an exam this morning, so keep your … crossed.

  3. When Lucy’s mum saw that her daughter had had tongue pierced, she lost her …!

  4. The first terrifying fifteen minutes of the film made my … stand on end.

  5. I want to curl my hair. Can you please give me a …?

  6. Are you serious or are you just pulling my …?

6. Use too or enough.

  1. He isn’t tall … to become a basketball player.

  2. Angela didn’t swim fast … to win the race.

  3. Wendy is … tired to continue working.

  4. They have saved … money to go on holiday.

  5. It’s …cold to play outside today.

7. Answer to the questions: Is it important for you to be fashionable? Why/why not? What type of clothes do you prefer to wear? What’s your favourite clothes shop?

Английский язык,

вопрос задал huhuhuqwetr,

8 месяцев назад

Ответы на вопрос

Ответил temirgaliev367



1. small

2. straight

3. muscular

4. slim

5. thing

6. short

7. fair hair

8. skinny

9. wide

10. in fashion

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Русский язык,
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Spotlight 8. TEST 4

1. Fill in the table with words from the list.

Shirt, baggy, nylon, pullover, floral, leather, smart, cotton, jeans, plain, casual, linen, checked, tight-fitting, polka-dot, T-shirt

    1. Clothes

    1. Style

    1. Pattern

    1. Material

2. Rewrite the sentences into Passive Voice.

1.Mother iswatering the flowers now.

2.A boy gave a cake to his brother.

3.They will sell a box of fruit.

4.In summer the boys often take pictures.

5.They had met the guests before we came.

6.You can’t buy cameras in this shop.

7.The manager will have written a letter by 4.

8.The boy was eating a pear when I saw him.

9.Nobody has done the homework.

10.You must cut your hair.

3. Choose the correct word: hand, foot, head, leg, fingers, hair.

1.Laura wanted to go away for the weekend, but her father put his … down.

2.Jenny is sitting an exam this morning, so keep your … crossed.

3.When Lucy’s mum saw that her daughter had had tongue pierced, she lost her …!

4.The first terrifying fifteen minutes of the film made my … stand on end.

5.I want to curl my hair. Can you please give me a …?

6.Are you serious or are you just pulling my …?

4. Read the text and mark the statements as true (T) or false (F).

Too cool for school

You’ve always wanted to be popular in school. You’ve dreamt a thousand times what it would be like to be the star of your school’s football team or that tall blonde girl who everyone fancies. ‘Cool’ people are attractive, confident and always wear stylish outfits. Everyone wants to hang out with them. But often “cool” people aren’t very nice! They can be selfish and bossy. At times they get impatient with people who might be shy or a bit quiet.If you really want to make some true friends, here are some tips. Don’t choose friends based on looks. What really matters in a friend is not being slim and beautiful but reliable and generous. Choose friends who are humorous, talkative and who never treat others badly. In fact, these are the people who are truly cool! Try to choose friends that you can actually benefit from. Those who are creative and have interests other than fashion and parties. Be flexible but don’t say or do things that make you feel uncomfortable just to make ‘cool’ people like you. Always speak your mind. Those who really care for you will still be your friends- even if at times you drive them crazy. Remember: real friends are those you can open up to. Those who will hold their tongue and will never give away your secrets. Take a minute and think. What really matters? Making friends that count or counting friends?

1.Popular kids in school are often selfish and bossy.

2.It is better to hold your tongue and never speak your mind or you will end up all alone.

3.You will benefit more from having one friend who is interesting than having ten who are boring.

4.A true friend will care for you even if at times you get on their nerves.

5. “Cool” people are usually ugly.

5.Complete the sentences by putting the verb have into the correct form.

1 Emily ……….. her newspaper (deliver) every morning.

2 The Campbells ………………………….their kitchen (paint) at the moment.

3 I ………………………….my hair (cut) short last week because I needed a change.

4 He……………………………..his car (service) by the mechanic next Tuesday.

5 She ……………………………………………her carpet (clean) yesterday when I called.

6 I………………..just …………………………my picture (take) by a professional photographer.

Адрес публикации:


(TEST 4)

Rewrite the sentences into Passive Voice.

1)      They
will send us a box of fruit.

2)      A boy
showed her the way.

3)      In
summer the boys often drive the horses to the fields.

4)      They
have translated the book into 25 languages.

5)      You
can’t use cameras in the museum.

6)      The
manager is dictating a letter to her secretary right now.

7)      Mother waters the
flowers in the evening.

8)       Someone
was interviewing Dr Johnson.

9)      Nobody
has used this room for ages.

10)   French
priests built this cathedral.

Fill in the necessary preposition: away, through, off, out, up
with, on.

1)      Please
put me … to Dr. Majerns.

2)      It is
rainy outside. Put … a raincoat.

3)      The
firefighters managed to put … the fire.

4)      The
match was put … till the next month.

5)      When
you have finished, put … your books.

6)      She
couldn’t put … his rudeness.

Fill in the necessary preposition: by, in, for, to, with.

1)      I
never pay much attention ……. the latest trends.

2)      I want
to buy a new dress ….. a change.

3)      Green
will always be …… fashion.

4)      I know
denim is popular ….. teenagers.

5)      Was
this hat made ….. hand?

Choose the correct word: hand, foot, head, leg, fingers,

  1. The first
    terrifying fifteen minutes of the film made my … stand on end.
  2. Laura wanted
    to go away for the weekend, but her father put his … down.
  3. When Lucy’s
    mum saw that her daughter had had tongue pierced, she lost her …!
  4. I want to
    curl my hair. Can you please give me a …?
  5. Jenny is
    sitting an exam this morning, so keep your … crossed.
  6. Are you
    serious or are you just pulling my …?

Fill in the table with words from the list.

baggy, nylon, pullover, floral, leather, smart, cotton, jeans, plain, casual,
linen, checked, tight-fitting, polka-dot, T-shirt





Use too or enough.

  1. It’s …cold to
    play outside today.
  2. He isn’t tall
    … to become a basketball player.
  3. Wendy is …
    tired to continue working.
  4. Angela didn’t
    swim fast … to win the race.
  5. They have
    saved … money to go on holiday.

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  • Choose the correct word from those in brackets my grandmother always
  • Choose the correct word from the options
  • Choose the correct word from the list to complete the sentences
  • Choose the correct word from the list to complete each sentence
  • Choose the correct word from the list for each sentence