Choose the correct word games

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2. Choose the correct word.

1. She has forotten … computer games.

a) playing b) play c) to play

2.I will refuse … part in this competition.

a) taking b) take c) to take

3. It is worth … Moscow.

a) visiting b) visit c) to visit

4. We enjoy… an excellent mark.

a) getting b) get c) to get

5. Tim must …homework.

a) doing b) do c) to do

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1) c) to play
2) b) take 
3) a) visiting — вроде так, но не уверен.
4) a) getting
5) b) do вот тут список глаголов, после которых употребляется герундий — глаголы с окончанием «ing». Надеюсь помог.

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1   A   1……………………….. people are invited to the party?

     B   Kate said she didn’t want 2……………………….. people there, so I only invited 3……………………….. of her close friends.

2   A   4……………………….. did this cost? It looks expensive!

     B   It didn’t cost 5……………………….. at all. The shop had so 6……………………….., they were trying to sell them quickly.

3   A   7……………………….. cheese do we have?

     B   I’m afraid we only have 8……………………….. . There ‘s 9……………………….. pasta either, so maybe it’s time to go shopping.

4   A   We’ve got 10……………………….. time before the film starts. Let’s buy some sweets. What types do you like?

     B   11……………………….., really. Only chocolates. Just buy 12……………………….. sweets for yourself. I haven’t got 13……………………….. money anyway.

5   A   14……………………….. money do you have on you?

     B   Just 15……………………….. coins. Why?

     A   I need to buy milk. It probably won’t cost 16………………………..

2 Listen again and choose the correct word or phrase.
1 Elena loves video games/ skateboarding.
2 Nick is a really bad pianist/guitarist.
3 Nick goes windsurfing/skateboarding all the time.
4 Dan plays sports / the piano at the weekend.
5 Dan’s sister was in the cinema club/model aeroplane club last year.
6 Linda loves video games / surfing.
7 All Linda’s friends are gamers / dancers.
8 Linda’s dance teacher said they are / they aren’t doing the same show.

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3 Choose the correct word or phrase. re How to play bandy Bandy is a great game. If you (1) learn /will learn the rules, you will enjoy watching it more. And if you (2) enjoy / will enjoy watching it more, you might want to play it, too! I’m sure that if you try it, you (3) love / will love it! Each bandy team has a maximum of eleven players, who hit the ball with their sticks. You pass the ball to your teammates and you try to get it into the other team’s net. If the ball (4) goes / will go in, you score a goal. The team with the most goals wins the match. match, eachr If you (5) stop/ will stop the ball incorrectly with your hands, it (6) is / will be called as a penalty. If you (7) hit / will hit another player with your elbow, it’s called ‘elbowing’. If you do anything like that, the referee (8) blows / is blowing his whistle and the other team gets a penalty. ium, Bandy is a lot of fun, and it is very popular in Russia, Sweden, Finland, Norway, and Kazakhstan,

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