Choose the correct word from those in brackets my grandmother always

choose the correct word from those in brackets.

1 my grandmother always ____ me about her childhood, (says/tells)
2 «don’t do that!» she ____ them, (say/told)
3 did she ____ you where she had put my books? (say/tell)
4 when I was introduced to the actor he ____ a few words to me. (said/told)
5 that little boy is very bad. he ____ a lot of lies, (says/tells)
6 she ____ to me she didn’t know what to do. (said/told)
7 he often ____ things like that, (says/tells)

ks (Выберите необходимые слова и заполните пропуски):

1. Our family is neither big… small.

A nor В or С and D but

2. My mother is … 38years old.

A nor В even С only D enough

3. My father’s firm is … from our house.

A the same В twice С near D far

4. It… me half an hour to get to the college.

A goes В takes С looks D consists

5. I go to my college … bus.

A at В by Con D in

6. As to my …. I am slim.

A mother В parents С appearance D father

7. Everybody in our family is easy to get… with.

A each other В along

С others D together

8. We often go … to the country.

A away В down С off D up

9. The carpet is of the … colour.

A some В same С more D most

10. There are a lot of books in the …

A shelves В bookcase С wardrobe D furniture

2) Choose the proper grammar form of the verb and fill in the gaps (Выберите необходимую грамматическую форму глагола и заполните пропуски):

My mother usually … a lot of time at her job.

A has spent В spends С is spent D was spent

As a rule, she … sweaters for my brother.

A knits В is knit С has knit D had knit

Last week we … our friends to our place.

A invited В have invited С invite D were invited

All that morning my brother… computer games.

A is playing В was playing С play D plays

We … our free time together tomorrow.

A spend В spent С will spend D is spent

Yesterday we … by our relatives.

A visited В were visited С was visited D have visited

They … down to the country in two days.

A will go В go С have gone D went

I… to music all the evening.

A listen В was listening

С has listening D is listening

She … the dinner not long ago.

A has cooked В cook

С cooks D cooked

She always …me with my homework.

A helps В help С helping D shall help

3) The text contains different mistakes: 2 — in grammar, 4 — in spelling. Correct the mistakes and rewrite the text.

(Текст содержит разные ошибки: 2 — грамматические, 4 — в правописании. Исправьте ошибки и перепиши­те текст):

I always go to the swiming pool with my trends. We get there by bus, as a rule. Sometimes I takes my brother with us. We usualy spending two hours there. Everything is always alright, becouse everybody is easy to get along with.

4) Answer these multiple-choice questions about your friend

(Ответьте на следующие вопросы множественного выбора о вашем друге).

1. What is his father?

A a worker В as a worker С a kind man

2. Where does he study?

A at the college В in the street С in one of the houses

3. How many people does his family consist of?

A four relatives В three members С two brothers

4. What is his height?

A 170 cm В 60 kg С 170 kg

5. What is his weight?

A 170 cm В 60 kg С 170 kg

6. Where does he live?

A in the firm В at the firm С in the flat

7. Where does he spend his free time?

A at the disco В at the college С at the school


I.Fill in : supportive, moody, selfish, patient, dedicated, loyal, trusting, mean, jealous, respected

1. When all her other ​friends ​ deserted her, Steve ​remained ………. .

2. He had always been very ………..of his brother’s good ​looks.

3. It was………. of him to make her stay late.

4. He was very hard-working and …………to his research.

5. My classmates were very helpful and……………. when I was ill.

6. You are a universally admired and …………. musician and songwriter.

7. She’s a ………. woman—she can be happy one minute and angry the next.

8. A …………….. child believes everything you tell him and follows where you lead.

9. Be …………., your time will come.

10. If a ship is sinking and you refuse to let anyone else into your 4-person lifeboat, you’re extremely …………..

II. Put the verbs in the correct present tense:

1. Friends always ……….(help) us to express ourselves.

2. They …………..(think) of going to France for a week.

3. Judy is a really caring person. I………….(know) her since we met at primary school.

4. I’am sorry that I haven’t written back sooner. I ………….(study) for exams since March.

5. Our plane……….. ( arrive) early in the morning.

III. Fill in: out for, down on, forward to, after, up:

1. I ​look ……………… ​hearing from you.

2. I told her to look ……… the word in the dictionary.

3. Look ………… broken glass on the floor.

4. I looked ……….. my younger brother and sister while my parents were working.

5. “A lot of people look …………… us because we’re homeless,” she says.

IV. Fill in: on, about, with, at

1. Lana keeps house well, she is good … housekeeping.

2. Be careful ….. your thoughts – they are the beginning of deeds.

3. Extreme sports are my passion.I am keen …..rock climbing and paragliding.

4. Whoever is careless …… the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.(A.Einstein)

5. I am so happy to see her enthusiastic …….. reading.

V. Translate into English:

Попасть на фильм, следить за модой, оказывать холодный прием, сдаваться, быть сокращенным, высмеивать, ладить с кем-либо, действовать кому-либо на нервы, пустая трата времени, не выносить, разглядывать витрины, тусоваться, сходиться во взглядах, написать строчку, смеяться над, издеваться, высококвалифицированный, чувство юмора, телефон доверия, дразнить.



  1. Loyal

  2. Jealous

  3. Mean

  4. Dedicated

  5. Supportive

  6. Respected

  7. Moody

  8. Trusting

  9. Patient

  10. Selfish


  1. Help

  2. Are thinking

  3. Have known

  4. Have been studying

  5. Arrives


  1. Forward to

  2. Up

  3. Out for

  4. After

  5. Down on


  1. At

  2. With

  3. On

  4. With

  5. About


  1. catch a film

  2. be into fashion

  3. give someone the cold shoulder

  4. give up

  5. be made redundant

  6. make fun of

  7. get on well with

  8. get on one’s nerves

  9. waste of time

  10. can’t stand

  11. go window shopping

  12. hang out

  13. see eye to eye

  14. drop a line

  15. laugh at

  16. bully

  17. highly qualified

  18. sense of humor

  19. helpline

  20. tease

1.Fill in the gaps with the word:

dishonest patient moody shoulder neck

1.One minute she is happy and the next she is sad. She is so …….

2.His family gave me a cold …..

3.My grandma is very …… , she never shouts at me

4.Mary is a real pain in the ……

5.Jane cannot be trusted, she is very ……..

2. Choose the correct word.

1 James and I get along very well although we don’t always see eye to eye/ear.

2 I can’t stand Michael. He’s a pain in the back/neck.

3 Get off my back/shoulder and stop teasing me! I’m really not in the mood!

4 She’s so annoying! She always gets on my neck/nerves!

5 No one likes our new classmate and everybody gives him the cold eye/shoulder when he comes in.

6 I’ve never seen Luke in such a bad mood; he’s like a bear with a sore back/head.

3.Put the verbs in the correct tense.

  1. A: … (she/study) all day?

B: Yes, she … (sit) exams tomorrow.

  1. A: … (you/play) this computer game before?

B: Yes, I … (play) it every day for the past week.

  1. I think I …( go )out tonight.

  2. I … (get0 a taxi. I’m too tired to walk.

4.Complete the gaps with a word derived from the word in brackets.

  1. I will lend him my car – he’s very … (care).

  2. Don’t be … (self)! There’s enough for everyone!

  3. Have a look at my … (collect).

  4. … (relax) techniques are taught here.

5. Fill in: at, about, on, for.

  1. Are you good … sports?

  2. Tina is very excited … going shopping later.

  3. John is really keen … football.

  4. He works … a small company.

Test. Variant 2

  1. Fill in: jealous, moody, borrow, earn, experience, runs.

  1. Bill always says unkind things to me. He’s so … .

  2. Can I … £ 10 to go to the cinema, Dad?

  3. Do you have any … as a waitress?

  4. He really enjoys his Saturday’s job, but he doesn’t … very much.

  5. John is happy one minute and sad the next. He’s so … .

  6. Mr Smith … his own business.

2. Choose the correct word.

1.Me and my sister always argue as we don’t see eye to eye/ear.

  1. Friends should never be selfish / creative

  2. This loud music is really getting on my ears / nerves

  3. Those shoes were a real bargain /price I bought them for $1

4. My brother is very good at crafts and always has some interesting ideas. He is such a patient / moody person

5. It`s difficult to deal with John. He’s a pain in the back/neck.

6.He was so furious, that really looked like like a bear with a sore back/head.

3.Put the verbs in the correct tense.

  1. A: What … (you/do) all summer since you got here?

B: I … (swim) and … (cycle) mostly.

  1. A: How long … (Patrick/work) there?

B: He … (be) at that company for five years.

  1. Look at the clouds. It’s …( rain).

  2. I promise I … (do) it tomorrow.

4.Complete the gaps with a word derived from the word in brackets.

  1. Andrea is a … (beauty) little girl.

  2. He is a … (talent) teacher.

  3. I don’t really agree with your … (suggest).

  4. They looked at him in … (amaze).

5.Fill in: on, with, in, for.

  1. I’m not keen … watching TV.

  2. Be careful … your money. Don’t spend it all at once.

  3. He isn’t interested … Maths.

  4. Did you apply … that job?

Backpack, trek, camping, prolong

Coast, handicraft, beach, holidays

 Spectacular, scenery, snowy, view

 Trail, shade , trek, climb

Excursion, leaflet, pottery, traveler

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