Choose the correct word form comparatives

Контрольная работа 7 класс UNIT II




1. Choose the correct word-form

1). Clare dances … than Sue. (better, well,
the best)

2). Mark is as … as George. (taller, tall,
the tallest)

3). Peter is … student in the class. (good,
the best, the goodest)

4). This is … winter for 20 years. (the
baddest, the worst, worse)

5). The more cakes you eat, the … you get.
(fat, the fattest, fatter)

2. Choose the correct word-form (a verb +
adverb forms)

1). I opened the door slow/slowly.

2). Why are you angry/angrily? I
haven’t done anything.

3). Can you please repeat that careful/carefully?

4). Jane is studying hard/hardly for
her examinations.

5). “Where is Diane?” – “She was here but she
left sudden/suddenly”.

3. Выберите в правой колонке подходящее наречие.
Переведите предложения.

It is raining                                                             a. fast (быстро)

2.     He can speak Spanish                                            b. early (рано)

3.     Don’t cut
yourself. Use the knife …              
                 c. gracefully (

4.     Sorry, I don’t
understand you. Can you speak …?           d. quietly

5.     Modern cars go
very …                    
      e. heavily (
сильно, тяжело)

the war my grandmother worked very …          
f. carefully (осторожно)

you get up …, you’ll have a successful day.          
g. brightly (ярко)

kids never make noise, they usually play …          
fluently (бегло)

very hot today. The sun is shining …            
i. hard (много,

10. She moves like a
cat: very …                  
j. slowly

Поставьте наречие в скобках в нужную степень сравнения.

Пример: We don’t have time! Could you go …
(fast)? — We don’t have time! Could you go

1. Excuse me, I can’t
concentrate. Could you speak … (quietly)?
2. They came … (soon) than we thought.
3. After renovation in our flat we will feel … (comfortably). 
4. The winner of the beauty contest acted … (gracefully).

5. Создайте наречия от следующих прилагательных.

Nice, honest, easy, awful, fast, comic, high,
good, agreeable, serious.




1. Read the text  and translate.


     Whatever your age, the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award offers you fun, adventure and the chance to help others. The Award is open to everyone between the ages of 14 and 25 to take part in it. You may have different abilities and skills. There are three awards or levels: Bronze (for those over 14), Silver (for those over 15), and Gold (for those over 16). We assess (оцениваем) individual achievements and progress.

     Each award (level) has four sections:

  1. Service (helping people) – helping children, nature, First Aid, Public Services… more than 30 choices.                                                                               
  2. Expeditions (for adventurous people) – adventurous expeditions and explorations on foot, by bicycle, boat or canoe or on horseback.
  3. Skills (for mastering your abilities) – Arts, Crafts, Music, Fishing, Driving, Collections, Photography… more than 200 to choose from.
  4. Physical Recreation (for sporty people) – Athletics, Dancing, Football, Tennis, Water Sports, Yoga… choose from more than 200.

     The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award is a part of the International Award Association that unites (объединяет) different countries. But the names of the Award are different. For example, the President Award (Ireland, Kenya, and others), the Prince Henrique Award (Portugal), the Crown Prince Award (Jordan), and the Congressional Award (the USA).

2. Mark the statements with T if they are true and with F if they are false.

1). The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award is for people between fourteen and twenty-five years of age.

2). This award is for people who want to have fun.

3). Each level of the award has 6 sections.

4). The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award is very popular in all countries.

5). In many countries there are similar awards, but they have different names.


1. Choose the correct word-form (Comparatives)

1). Clare dances … than Sue. (better, well, the best)

2). Mark is as … as George. (taller, tall, the tallest)

3). Peter is … student in the class. (good, the best, the goodest)

4). This is … winter for 20 years. (the baddest, the worst, worse)

5). The more cakes you eat, the … you get. (fat, the fattest, fatter)

2. Choose the correct word-form (a verb + adverb forms)

1). I opened the door slow/slowly.

2). Why are you angry/angrily? I haven’t done anything.

3). Can you please repeat that careful/carefully?

4). Jane is studying hard/hardly for her examinations.

5). “Where is Diane?” – “She was here but she left sudden/suddenly”.


Mark the following statements with T if they are true and with F if they are false

1. There are some reports that girls are better at mathematics than boys.

2. British children can take part in the European championships.

3. In the report cards teachers write about the personal qualities of a pupil.

4. Children of your age can take part in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.

5. Louis Armstrong was a famous British violin player.




1. Read the text  and translate.


     Whatever your age, the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award offers you fun, adventure and the chance to help others. The Award is open to everyone between the ages of 14 and 25 to take part in it. You may have different abilities and skills. There are three awards or levels: Bronze (for those over 14), Silver (for those over 15), and Gold (for those over 16). We assess (оцениваем) individual achievements and progress.

     Each award (level) has four sections:

  1. Service (helping people) – helping children, nature, First Aid, Public Services… more than 30 choices.                                                                               
  2. Expeditions (for adventurous people) – adventurous expeditions and explorations on foot, by bicycle, boat or canoe or on horseback.
  3. Skills (for mastering your abilities) – Arts, Crafts, Music, Fishing, Driving, Collections, Photography… more than 200 to choose from.
  4. Physical Recreation (for sporty people) – Athletics, Dancing, Football, Tennis, Water Sports, Yoga… choose from more than 200.

     The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award is a part of the International Award Association that unites (объединяет) different countries. But the names of the Award are different. For example, the President Award (Ireland, Kenya, and others), the Prince Henrique Award (Portugal), the Crown Prince Award (Jordan), and the Congressional Award (the USA).

2. Mark the statements with T if they are true and with F if they are false.

1). The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award is for people between fourteen and twenty-five years of age.

2). This award is for people who want to have fun.

3). Each level of the award has 6 sections.

4). The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award is very popular in all countries.

5). In many countries there are similar awards, but they have different names.


1. Choose the correct word-form (Comparatives)

1). Clare dances … than Sue. (better, well, the best)

2). Mark is as … as George. (taller, tall, the tallest)

3). Peter is … student in the class. (good, the best, the goodest)

4). This is … winter for 20 years. (the baddest, the worst, worse)

5). The more cakes you eat, the … you get. (fat, the fattest, fatter)

2. Choose the correct word-form (a verb + adverb forms)

1). I opened the door slow/slowly.

2). Why are you angry/angrily? I haven’t done anything.

3). Can you please repeat that careful/carefully?

4). Jane is studying hard/hardly for her examinations.

5). “Where is Diane?” – “She was here but she left sudden/suddenly”.


Mark the following statements with T if they are true and with F if they are false

1. There are some reports that girls are better at mathematics than boys.

2. British children can take part in the European championships.

3. In the report cards teachers write about the personal qualities of a pupil.

4. Children of your age can take part in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.

5. Louis Armstrong was a famous British violin player.




1. Read the text  and translate.


     Whatever your age, the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award offers you fun, adventure and the chance to help others. The Award is open to everyone between the ages of 14 and 25 to take part in it. You may have different abilities and skills. There are three awards or levels: Bronze (for those over 14), Silver (for those over 15), and Gold (for those over 16). We assess (оцениваем) individual achievements and progress.

     Each award (level) has four sections:

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«Контрольная работа Английский язык 7 класс»

Помогите пожалуйста выполнить задания!
Choose the comparative form of the adjectives:





more difficult

the more difficult


the fatter


Choose the comparative degree of these adverbs.

1. badly



2. hard



3. early



Choose the superlative form of the adjective:



the least


the smallest

the smallerst


the more complicated

the most complicated

Write the superlative form of adverbs. Don’t write ‘the’ with the adverbs.

1. quickly

2. perfectly

3. terribly

Write the superlative form of the adjectives:

1. tall

2. good

3. heavy

Complete these sentences:

1. Catherine is (….)

than Meg. (pretty)

2. A holiday by the sea is (….)

than a holiday in the mountains. (good)

3. Neptune is (….)

planet in the solar system. (cold)

Write the comparative form of the adjectives:

1. slow

2. high

3. heavy

Complete with the correct part of speech.

1. She ate her dinner(….)

and went to bed. (quick)

2. Sally sings(….)

. (beautiful)

3. He wasn’t speaking very (….). I couldn’t understand him. (clear)

Помогите пожалуйста! Если будет правильный ответ, сделаю пять звезд, подпишусь. Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets (comparative or superlative).

1.     My house is (big)   than yours.

2.     This flower is (beautiful)  than that one.

3.     This is the (interesting)  book I have ever read.

4.     Non-smokers usually live (long)  than smokers.

5.     Which is the (dangerous)  animal in the world?

6.     A holiday by the sea is (good)  than a holiday in the mountains.

7.     It is strange but often a coke is (expensive)  than a beer.

8.     Who is the (rich)  woman on earth?

9.     The weather this summer is even (bad)  than last summer.

10.  He was the (clever)  thief of all.

11.  My sister thinks she’s(intelligent) than me, but I don’t agree!

12.  Avatar is probably(bad) film I’ve seen!

13.  What is(wet) month of the year in England?

14.  Do you think the Harry Potter films are(good) than the books?

15.  Who is(powerful) person in your country?

16.  I think Men in Black 1 was(funny) than Men in Black 3.

17.  Is Angelina Jolie(old) than Sandra Bullock?

18.  John is (nice) person that I know.


62 месяца назад

This bookcase is (more beautiful, the most beautiful) than that one. 25) Agree or disagree with sentences. 1. Swedish is an international language. 2. 126 mln people speak in Japanese. 3. English can easily borrow local words and phrases from the very countries into which it expands. 4. Americans speak American English. 26) Choose the correct variant. 1. We ___ the competition yesterday. A) Lose b) has lost c) lost 2. We ___ abroad every year. a) Travel b) travels c) are travelling 3. I ___ a composition tomorrow. A) Writes b) am writing c) will write 4. She ___ her homework. A) Just did b) has just done c) will just do 27) Complete the sentences: 1. The girl was … at jumping and running. (Good / well) 2. What’s the matter with you? — I feel…. (Bad/ badly) 3. He is a … skilled engineer. (High / highly) 4. It is … 5 o’clock. I must go home. (Near / nearly) 28) The word in capitals above each of the following sentences can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space. Fill each blank in this way. Example: IMPRESS Her dance made a great … on my friends. — Her dance made a great impression on my friends. 1. CROSS There were 1,000 lollipop ladies in the streets of London standing at zebra____ with their «Lollipop signs». 2. INFORM 80% of all _____ in the world’s computers is in English. 29) Choose the right form: 1. Hockey … in winter. a) Was played b) are played c) is played 2. If I had the money, I … that car. a) Buy b) would buy c) will buy 3. My brother … his face every morning. a) Washed b) wash c) washes 30) These sentences are the answer to the questions. Write down the questions. Begin your questions with «How». Example: It takes him 20 minutes to get to school. — How long does it take him to get to school? 1. Sir John Bouring could speak 28 languages. 2. The Thames is 334 kilometres long. 3. This nice dress is only 25 dollars. 4. My mother is thirty-five years old. 5. I would like little sugar. 31) Make questions: 1. Cheese is made from milk. (What?) 2. This house was built in 1991. ( When?)


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