Choose the correct word for each definition visual and mechanical things


2Choose the correct word for each definition.

1This happens when you cant see something that was there before, appear / disappear

2This is the time when you are seven years old. childhood / adventure

3This is the opposite of‘normal’, terrible / strange

4This describes how you feel when something is not right, disappeared / worried

5If you see something far way, you see it in the hide / distance.

6This describes something that’s bad. worried / terrible

7This is when you look at something for the first time, hide / notice

8This means something happened because of bad luck, unfortunately / thoughtfully

3Write a word from the box in each gap to complete the text.childhood • disappeared • distance • notice strange • terrible • unfortunately • worriedI remember a story I read in my (1)__It was an adventure

story about pirates. In the story, the pirates helped people. I thought that was

(2)—1 always thought that pirates were very bad and they did

(3)-things to people. The story was about a group of people

who were (4)-because of a bad man who lived on their island.

That man made them work all the time and (5)_, he didn’t

give them any money. One day, the pirates came to the island.

The man didn’t (6)-them when they arrived and the pirates

took him away in their ship. The people of the island were very happy.

They all climbed to the top of the hill to see the pirates’ ship in the

(7)-as it left. When the ship (8)__ they had

a big party.

4Each of the words in bold is in the wrong sentence. Write a word in bold from another sentence to replace the incorrect one.

1I can see something very dark and scary in the childhood.

2Leslie was unfortunately about the man returning to her front door.

3Did you disappeared that the window was open when we got home?

4She’s got many wonderful memories from her distance.5A woman was standing in front of me, but then she notice.

6Did you hear that worried noise coming from the kitchen?7She wanted to leave the room but strange the door was closed.

Сила слова!

2 Выберите правильное слово для каждого определения.

1 Это происходит, когда вы не можете увидеть что-то, что там было раньше, появляются / исчезают

2 Это время, когда вы семь лет. Детство / приключения

3 Это противоположно of’normal «, ужасно / странно

4 Здесь описывается, как вы чувствуете, когда что-то не так, исчез / беспокоит

5 Если вы видите что-то далеко путь, вы видите его в спрятать / расстояние.

6 Это описывает то, что это плохо. беспокоятся / ужасно

7 Это когда вы смотрите на что-то в первый раз, скрыть / уведомление

8 Это означает, что-то случилось из-за невезения, к сожалению / задумчиво

3 Написать слово из коробки в каждом промежутке завершить текст.Детство • исчез • Расстояние • уведомление странное • страшный • • беспокоятся, к сожалению,Я помню историю, которую я прочитал в моем (1) __ Это было приключение

История о пиратах. В истории, пираты помогли людям. Я думал, что

(2) — 1 всегда думал, что пираты были очень плохо, и они сделали

(3) -things людям. История была о группе людей,

которые были (4) -из-за плохой человек, который жил на их острове.

Этот человек сделал их все время работать и (5) _, он не

давать им деньги. Однажды, пираты пришли на остров.

Человек не (6) -them, когда они прибыли, и пираты

взял его в свой корабль. Народ острова были очень счастливы.

Все они поднялись на вершину холма, чтобы увидеть корабль пиратов в

(7) -В он оставил. Когда корабль (8) __ они имели

большая партия.

4 Каждый из слов жирным шрифтом в неправильном предложении. Написать слово жирным шрифтом с другой предложении заменить неправильный один.

1 я вижу что-то очень темное и страшное в детстве.

2 Лесли, к сожалению, о человеке, возвращаясь к своей двери.

3 Ты исчез, что окно было открыто, когда мы вернулись домой?

4 Она получила много замечательных воспоминаний от ее расстояния.5 Женщина стояла передо мной, но потом она заметила.

6 Ты слышал, что беспокоит шум из кухни?7 Она хотела выйти из комнаты, но странно дверь была закрыта.

Предмет: Английский язык,

автор: daniilbabanin0199



Автор ответа: POMbI4











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Choose the right word for each definition.

1. A cooked meal prepared in a restaurant and eaten at home
а)to spoil your appetite
б)a take away
2. To do physical work that leads to you becoming hungry
а)to work up an appetite
б)to wine and dine
3.Commercially prepared food bought for convenience
а)processed food
б)fave food
4. Read the text «Breakfast in Indonesia». Widuri talks about the foods she eats for breakfast, lunch and dinner in Indonesia.
Danu: Okay, Widuri. So you are from Indonesia.
Widuri: Yes.
Danu: So I would like to hear about some typical Indonesia food. Let’s talk about breakfast.
Widuri: Breakfast. Okay. Let me see. Actually, Indonesian eat rice. We eat rice every day, three times a day for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
But there is no specific and typical breakfast actually in Indonesia. For example, in my house, my mom will prepare both bread and rice. And sometimes, we also have porridge. But usually, people will prefer rice rather than bread. But then, we will eat that and drink milk every morning.
Danu: So what is your favorite breakfast?
Widuri: My favorite one, I prefer the lighter one, which is bread than strawberry jam, and of course, the milk.
Danu: Okay. I see. So what about lunch, Widuri, in Indonesia?
Widuri: But lunch, of course, I will eat rice. In cafeteria, at my school, we have a lot of menus, rice menus. For example, fried rice. That one is very famous in Indonesia. And then rice with curry, rice with soup, rice with chicken, fried chicken. There are a lot of menus actually in Indonesia. But basically, of course, we eat rice.
Danu: Okay. That’s interesting. Do you have any snacks during the evening time?
Widuri: That’s not really common actually. We don’t really have snack time or tea time like that in Indonesia. But if you want to have snacks, then the snacks will be traditional foods from Indonesia like cakes.
Danu: So what kind of cakes are they?
Widuri: Wow. If I mention the name, it’s probably hard to remember, but the name is like kue cubit. Do you know that food?
Danu: Kue cubit.
Widuri: Yeah.
Danu: That’s interesting. That sounds very funny.
Widuri: Yeah. It is. The cake is very small. That’s why we call it cubit. It’s like you pinch the cake. So small but it’s very sweet. You can have chocolate toppings or green tea toppings and strawberry jam on it.
Danu: I see. So Widuri, could you talk about dinner in Indonesia?
Widuri: Dinner. Hmm, actually, there are a lot of menus like pasta or rice again or other things. But for me and my family, we usually have fruits and salad for dinner. You know, it’s healthy lifestyle.
Danu: I see. So Widuri, you said you usually eat rice for three times a day.
Widuri: Yes.
Danu: So do you eat the same rice with same side dishes or curry or soup?
Widuri: Yeah. Usually, my mom will cook every morning and then, she will cook again in the afternoon. But usually, same menu.
Danu: Okay. Widuri, so salad and some fruits. That’s interesting. Is it normal in Indonesia? Could you talk a bit about the salad and the fruits?
Widuri: Yeah. Even though Indonesian eat rice three times a day, but my family prefers a healthier lifestyle such as salad and fruits.
My friends also do that, I think, because we don’t want to get fat, and fruit and salads for dinner is the best way to keep your body slim. And we usually have salad without toppings. You know, sometimes, the toppings makes you fat.
Danu: So what kind of salads and what kind of fruits do you eat?
Widuri: Indonesian is tropical country. There are a lot of fruits like watermelon, apples, oranges. And then we also have srikaya. Do you know srikaya?
Danu: I have not heard about it before.
Widuri: Then it’s fruit from Indonesia. Its name is srikaya. The shape is like pineapple but it has different taste, of course. It’s not sour. It’s sweet. Its name is srikaya.
And for salad, we eat the usual salad like lettuce and the tomatoes, something like that mixed with the fruits.
Danu: Oh, you mix the salad with the fruits.
Widuri: Yes, of course.
Danu: That’s interesting. So what’s your favorite fruit? I mean, fruit.
Widuri: My favorite fruits will be orange, I think.
Danu: Okay. Sounds like a healthy way to live.
Widuri: Yeah.
Danu: That’s why you have such a nice slim figure.
Widuri: Yeah. Thank you.
Danu: You are welcome. Thank you very much.
Widuri: Thank you.
Write true or false.
1. Widuri says that sometimes they have porridge:
2. Widuri says that people have a lot of menus like pasta or rice for dinner:
3. Widuri and his friends don’t eat salads:

Помогите пожалуйста.
1.      Choose the correct
word for each sentence.
In most countries policemen carry ______ .
guns      b)
swords     c) masks
Members of Criminal Investigation department are
______ .
officers    b)
volunteers    c) detectives
 A police
officer can stop and search people if he ______ 
them of committing a crime.
prevents     b)
suspects    c) provides
The head of Scotland Yard is appointed by the Crown on
the ________ of Home Secretary.
a)     recommendation   b) provision   c) opinion
Courts decide both criminal and civil ____ .
 crimes    b) cases   
c)  procedures
The jury traditionally ____ of 12 ordinary people.
includes     b)
consists    c)   covers
The jurors discuss their ____ in a special room.                           
b)  situation    c) decision
If a person committed a_____, he/she cannot be a
crime   b)
mistake    c) disease
The jury reaches the verdict, but the ____   passes the sentence.
clerk    b)  judge  
c) police officer
 The verdict of
the jury must be ______ in cases of murder.  
b)  similar   c) different    

Автор: Гость

Choose the letter that identifies the correct form of the underlined pronoun.

In 18041804, Meriwether Lewis and William Clark began his‾(1)overset{(1)}{underline{text{his}}} expedition to the land west of the Mississippi. Both were familiar with the frontier through his or her‾(2)overset{(2)}{underline{text{his or her}}} service in the army. Lewis and Clark hired Toussaint Charbonneau as interpreter and guide. With him came his Indian wife, Sacajawea, whom‾(3)overset{(3)}{underline{text{whom}}} was the sister of a Shoshone chief. The married couple, Charbonneau and her‾(4)overset{(4)}{underline{text{her}}}, accompanied the group even though Sacajawea had recently given birth to a baby boy. She carried them‾(5)overset{(5)}{underline{text{them}}} on her back and was an invaluable Indian interpreter.

The group encountered many hardships on their‾(6)overset{(6)}{underline{text{their}}} journey. At one point, of ten of the men struck off on his‾(7)overset{(7)}{underline{text{his}}} own; the party skirmished with a group of Native Americans. Later, Lewis himself‾(8)overset{(8)}{underline{text{himself}}} was accidentally shot by one of his men. After Lewis recovered, Clark and himself‾(9)overset{(9)}{underline{text{himself}}} continued to St. Louis and their journey’s end. No American explorers had been as successful as them‾(10)overset{(10)}{underline{text{them}}}.

A. themselves

B. they

C. he

D. Correct as is

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