Choose the correct word for each definition unwanted message

Choose the letter that identifies the correct form of the underlined pronoun.

In 18041804, Meriwether Lewis and William Clark began his‾(1)overset{(1)}{underline{text{his}}} expedition to the land west of the Mississippi. Both were familiar with the frontier through his or her‾(2)overset{(2)}{underline{text{his or her}}} service in the army. Lewis and Clark hired Toussaint Charbonneau as interpreter and guide. With him came his Indian wife, Sacajawea, whom‾(3)overset{(3)}{underline{text{whom}}} was the sister of a Shoshone chief. The married couple, Charbonneau and her‾(4)overset{(4)}{underline{text{her}}}, accompanied the group even though Sacajawea had recently given birth to a baby boy. She carried them‾(5)overset{(5)}{underline{text{them}}} on her back and was an invaluable Indian interpreter.

The group encountered many hardships on their‾(6)overset{(6)}{underline{text{their}}} journey. At one point, of ten of the men struck off on his‾(7)overset{(7)}{underline{text{his}}} own; the party skirmished with a group of Native Americans. Later, Lewis himself‾(8)overset{(8)}{underline{text{himself}}} was accidentally shot by one of his men. After Lewis recovered, Clark and himself‾(9)overset{(9)}{underline{text{himself}}} continued to St. Louis and their journey’s end. No American explorers had been as successful as them‾(10)overset{(10)}{underline{text{them}}}.

A. themselves

B. they

C. he

D. Correct as is


1 year(s) ago

Choose the correct word for each definition and complete the sentences below вставить слово — an activity that you do regularly, especially in order to earn money or a place where you do this. вставить слово-any type of work that needs special training or a particular skill. вставить слово-general professional progress that you make during your working life, especially if you continue to get better jobs and earn more money. вставить слово — a job or profession. вставить слово — regular paid work that you do for an employer. И вот какие слова нужно вставить Gareer, Job, Work, Occupation, Profession. Даю 20 Поинтов пж пж пж ​

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1.      Choose the correct
word for each sentence.
In most countries policemen carry ______ .
guns      b)
swords     c) masks
Members of Criminal Investigation department are
______ .
officers    b)
volunteers    c) detectives
 A police
officer can stop and search people if he ______ 
them of committing a crime.
prevents     b)
suspects    c) provides
The head of Scotland Yard is appointed by the Crown on
the ________ of Home Secretary.
a)     recommendation   b) provision   c) opinion
Courts decide both criminal and civil ____ .
 crimes    b) cases   
c)  procedures
The jury traditionally ____ of 12 ordinary people.
includes     b)
consists    c)   covers
The jurors discuss their ____ in a special room.                           
b)  situation    c) decision
If a person committed a_____, he/she cannot be a
crime   b)
mistake    c) disease
The jury reaches the verdict, but the ____   passes the sentence.
clerk    b)  judge  
c) police officer
 The verdict of
the jury must be ______ in cases of murder.  
b)  similar   c) different    

Автор: Гость

8 A copy
3 Read this article from a newspaper and for each question, choose the correct answer, A, B or C.
1 A copies
B editor
C print
Thank you and Goodbye!
2 A readers B copies
C the media
This is a short message from the (1) of this
3 A inform B print C click
newspaper to all our wonderful (2) — who
4 A copy
B inform C print
5 A readers
have bought our newspaper for years. We are
B copies
C editors
very sorry to (3)
C inform
of our sad news, but
6 A journalists B readers
next week will be the last week of this daily
7 A editor B the media
C print
newspaper. We would like to thank all the people
B inform C click
who have enjoyed our newspaper over the years,
but it is time for a change. Unfortunately, we do
not have a lot of money, and it is too expensive to
(4) — so many(5) of our newspaper every
day. Many (6)— who have worked with us for
years have decided to stop working, but younger
ones will try to find other jobs in (7)—.
We hope that you will use other news sites
online, where you can watch video clips and read
the news every day. It’s fast and easy — you just
need to (8) — on a page and the news is there.
Again, thank you for all the years that you have
been with us.
помогите пожалуйста​


2 Choose the correct word for each definition.​

1 ответ:












Читайте также

1) in
2) at
3) in
но я не уверена во 2

Узнайте как читать новые слова и предложения; сначала прочитайте их себе, затем в слух, как можно быстрее.

1. fed

2. were you doing; I was feeding

3. was doing; was playing

4. began

5. was cooking

6. were you doing; came

7. Were you having

8. didn’t go

9. went

10. was sleeping

11. were playing, started

12. saw; was crossing

13. began

14. was repairing

15. finished

16. were playing

17. didn’t go; was writing

18. came; came

19. came; was making

20. didn’t go

I did my homework last Sunday

Ай агри, что она ненавидит плохую погоду, которую мы имеем в России, и разводили разные породы собак и других животных в России, а также в Англии очень межстротно много достопримечательностей. Борис, я полностью согласен, поскольку он говорит о России, что есть много достопримечательностей, которые многие туристы приезжают полюбоваться на великую Россию. В России много больших и малых городов, в которых есть музеи, магазины и т. Д. Шарлотта говорит, что в Америке, которые идут туда, есть люди, которые демонстрируют возможности, так как Америка говорит, что Шарлотта обладает замечательными чертами, она также говорит, что она боится ходить по темным улицам, потому что есть маньяки, убийцы, насильники.

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