Choose the correct word do your parents

b Re-order the words to make questions.
1 do/do/ parents / what/your
What do your parents do?
2 girlfriend / student/is/a/your
3 what / at / you/ do / the /weekend / do
4 out/ how / you / go / often / do
5 did/go/last/where / you/Saturday
6 a / did / time / nice / you / have

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Новые вопросы по предмету Английский язык

Task 2. Choose the correct word or phrase. Выберите верное слово или фразу.
1. Paul bring /brings his lunch to school.
2. I dol does my homework every night at 7.
3. My Sister and I live lives near our school
4. Susan doesn t spend/ spends a lot of time online.
5. Do you / You do like to wake up early in the morning?
6. I doesn’t/ don’t have breakfast before school
7. Does Do her dad drive her to school every day?
8. They gets get dressed in their uniforms.
9. Sally and I play/ are playing a computer game right now
10. My dad drives is driving his car to work every morning.
11. We golare going to a photography club every Tuesday and Wednesday.
12. I don’t dol am not doing my homework at the moment.
13. Are you chatting Do you chat with friends online now?
14. What do your parents usually do/ are your parents usually doing at the weekend?
15. Hi, Robert! What do you do /are you doing at the moment?
16. They aren’t having don’t have their lunch right now

2 GRAMMAR word order in questions Circle the correct form. 1 Does your sister have Your sister has a job? 2 Hello, I can / can I help you? 3 Where were you/you were born? 4 Do the children want / Want the children a drink? 5 a Did you see / Saw you the football match on TV last night? 6 What does do your boyfriend / does your boyfriend do? 7 Where she learnt / did she learn to speak English? 8 What time do you get up / get you up in the morning? Re-order the words to make questions. 1 do / do / parents / what / your What do your parents do? 2 girlfriend / student /is/a/ your 3 what / at / you / do / the / weekend / do 4 out /how/you/go/ often / do 5 did/go/last/where/you / Saturday 6 a/did / time / nice / you/ have ? 2 GRAMMAR word order in questions Circle the correct form . 1 Does your sister have Your sister has a job ? 2 Hello , I can / can I help you ? 3 Where were you / you were born ? 4 Do the children want / Want the children a drink ? 5 a Did you see / Saw you the football match on TV last night ? 6 What does do your boyfriend / does your boyfriend do ? 7 Where she learnt / did she learn to speak English ? 8 What time do you get up / get you up in the morning ? Re — order the words to make questions . 1 do / do / parents / what / your What do your parents do ? 2 girlfriend / student / is / a / your 3 what / at / you / do / the / weekend / do 4 out / how / you / go / often / do 5 did / go / last / where / you / Saturday 6 a / did / time / nice / you / have ?​

Exercise 2. Topic vocabulary in contrast. Choose the correct word.
1) These days, many parents find it difficult to assist / support a large family.
2) Forgetting to thank us for dinner is usual / typical of George.
3) My grandma doesnt have any close / near family her own age left.
4) In ancient / old times, people had a very different view of the world.
5) Who was to blame / fault for the argument?
6) Dont you know its kind / polite to close your mouth when you are eating?
7) Nathans parents were very enjoyed / pleased when they saw him in the school play.
8) I have a very good connection / relationship with my mother.

Ответ оставил Гость

1 support
2 typical
3 close
4 ancient
5 blame
6 polite
7 pleased
8 relationship

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Самостоятельная работа №1 для учащихся 7 класса (Module 1)

Вариант 1.

  1. Fill in: facilities, hustle and bustle, huge, isolated, peephole.

  1. Do you feel … on the farm?

  2. She doesn’t miss the … of London.

  3. This shopping mall is really … !

  4. What sports … does your school have?

  5. Always look through the … before answering.

  1. Choose the correct word.

  1. Teenagers like hanging out/on at shopping centres at weekends.

  2. Don’t run for/after the burglar.

  3. I’m crazy about/of playing board games.

  4. This store has so many comics to choose from/in.

  5. My mum goes shopping at/on Saturday.

  1. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.

  1. Mrs Deker (drive) her kids to school every morning.

  2. Be quiet! Your little brother (sleep).

  3. I never (do) my homework at night.

  4. I (not go) to the theatre this evening.

  5. She (not know) where her house is.

  6. (You, feed) the sheep every day?

  7. Leo (be) often late for our meetings.

  8. (Your parents, work) today?

  9. These cookies (smell) fantastic!

  1. Put the sentences in the correct order to make a dialogue.

  1. Two tickets, return to Barbican, please.

  2. That’s $10.00

  3. Next, please.

  4. You’re welcome.

  5. Here you are. Which line do I take, please?

  6. Thanks a lot.

  7. Take the Circle line.

Вариант 2.

  1. Fill in: block of flats, miss, landscapes, close at hands, install.

  1. In the city, you have everything … .

  2. I … the people from my hometown.

  3. Did you … an alarm system yesterday?

  4. Most of my friend live in … .

  5. You can enjoy beautiful … in this area.

  1. Choose the correct word.

  1. My sister went for a drive on/in the carousel.

  2. You can shop for/about surfing gear in Sydney.

  3. Did you run with/into Jamie on your way home?

  4. Are they going to/at the beach in the morning?

  5. I can’t make pizza because we ran after/out of cheese.

  1. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.

  1. At the morning they (skateboard) in the park.

  2. (Your sister, travel) to London every week?

  3. I (hate) rainy weather!

  4. (He, leave) next Friday?

  5. The legend (say) if they fly away, the Tower will fall down.

  6. I (not think) it’s a good idea.

  7. Why (she, be) in such a hurry?

  8. This coffee (taste) good.

  9. I (not play) golf this afternoon because it’s too wet.

  1. Put the sentences in the correct order to make a dialogue.

  1. That’s $10.00

  2. Single, please. How much is it?

  3. Here you are.

  4. Yes, please.

  5. Single or return?

  6. One ticket, please.

  7. Thank you.

Keys: V-1.

  1. Isolated, hustle and bustle, huge, facilities, peephole.

  2. Out, after, about, from, on.

  3. Drives, is sleeping, do, am not going, doesn’t know, do you feed, is, are your parents working, smell.

  4. C,a,b,e,g,f,d.


  1. Close at hand, miss, install, block of flats, landscapes.

  2. On, for, into, to, out of.

  3. Are skateboarding, does your sister travel, hate, is he leaving, says, don’t think, is she, tastes, am not playing.

  4. D, f, e, b, a, c, g.

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