Choose the correct word could you lend borrow

Choose the correct word.

Could you (borrow/lend) me your pen for a moment?

It is smart to only (borrow/lend) books, CDs and DVDs to close
friends; otherwise, you may never have them back.

When my car broke down, my boyfriend was kind enough to
(borrow/lend) me his car for a few days.

I offered to (borrow/lend) my notes to the girl who missed
class, but another student had already (borrowed/lent) the notes to her.

Banks are (lending/borrowing) more money to consumers as the
economy continues to improve.

When Sarah and I eat lunch together, she often (borrows/lends)
me money when I forget my purse at home.

Kenny (borrowed/lent) money from David.

Could you (lend/borrow) me the third book from the Hunger Games

Oh my God! You look like you are freezing. Let me (borrow/lend)
you a heavier coat.

Choose the correct word.

Could you (borrow/lend) me your pen for a moment?

It is smart to only (borrow/lend) books, CDs and DVDs to close
friends; otherwise, you may never have them back.

When my car broke down, my boyfriend was kind enough to
(borrow/lend) me his car for a few days.

I offered to (borrow/lend) my notes to the girl who missed
class, but another student had already (borrowed/lent) the notes to her.

Banks are (lending/borrowing) more money to consumers as the
economy continues to improve.

When Sarah and I eat lunch together, she often (borrows/lends)
me money when I forget my purse at home.

Kenny (borrowed/lent) money from David.

Could you (lend/borrow) me the third book from the Hunger Games

Oh my God! You look like you are freezing. Let me (borrow/lend)
you a heavier coat.

Choose the correct word.

Could you (borrow/lend) me your pen for a moment?

It is smart to only (borrow/lend) books, CDs and DVDs to close
friends; otherwise, you may never have them back.

When my car broke down, my boyfriend was kind enough to
(borrow/lend) me his car for a few days.

I offered to (borrow/lend) my notes to the girl who missed
class, but another student had already (borrowed/lent) the notes to her.

Banks are (lending/borrowing) more money to consumers as the
economy continues to improve.

When Sarah and I eat lunch together, she often (borrows/lends)
me money when I forget my purse at home.

Kenny (borrowed/lent) money from David.

Could you (lend/borrow) me the third book from the Hunger Games

Oh my God! You look like you are freezing. Let me (borrow/lend)
you a heavier coat.

borrow or lend – Exercise

Task No. 6331

borrow or lend? – Choose the correct word.

Do you need help?

borrow or lend

  1. Could you me some money, please?
  2. Some pupils can books from their school.
  3. Will you me your umbrella till tomorrow?
  4. Should I him my football?
  5. You may my bike, but be careful.
  6. Could I your cup?
  7. You can your book to Steve.
  8. Why do students so much money from their parents?
  9. Peter won’t his car to anyone.
  10. Will your mother you some money?

Обучайтесь и развивайтесь всесторонне вместе с нами, делитесь знаниями и накопленным опытом, расширяйте границы знаний и ваших умений.

поделиться знаниями или
запомнить страничку

  • Все категории
  • экономические
  • гуманитарные
  • юридические
  • школьный раздел
  • разное

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