Choose the correct word could should you turn on the light




6 лет назад

Английский язык

10 — 11 классы

Put the verbs in brackets into the future continuos or the future perfect.
1 A: Imagine. This time tomorrow I (sit) by the pool enjoying a coffee.
B:You’re so lucky

Choose the correct word.
2 Could/Should you turn on the light? It’s getting dark in here.

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(1 оценка)


6 лет назад

Светило науки — 13 ответов — 0 раз оказано помощи

1) I will be sitting
2) Could

(1 оценка)

1 Выберите нужное слово.

1 Не могли бы вы включить свет? Здесь становится темно.

2 Вы, должно быть, шутите.. Никто не мог съесть так много тортов.

3 Я думаю, тебе следует посетить стоматолога.

4 Завтра воскресенье. Тебе не нужно рано вставать.

5 Можно я одолжу машину сегодня вечером, пожалуйста?

6 Это не может быть его мама. Она выглядит так молодо.

7 Я мог бы прийти позже, но я не уверен.

8 Ты должно быть очень устал. Хочешь немного поспать?

9 Мне нужно идти в банк. У меня закончились деньги.

10 Тебе следует уважать пожилых людей.

1 Could (т.к. вежливый вопрос)

2 must (т.к. предположение, граничащее с уверенностью, а may выражает лишь допущение возможности)

3 ought to (т.к. выражение совета, желательности, рекомендации относительно настоящего или будущего)

4 needn’t (т.к. значение отсутствия необходимости, а не категорического обязательства для случая с must)

5 May (т.к. вопрос о разрешении на действие)

6 can’t (т.к. нейтральная форма запрета, а не категорический запрет для случая с must)

7 might (т.к. предположение с оттенком сомнения, неуверенности)

8 must (т.к. предположение, граничащее с уверенностью)

9 have to (т.к. выраженная необходимость в чем-то)

10 ought to (т.к. менее выраженая обязательность, чем для must-совершенно обязан)

Помогите решить, пожалуйста! 10 класс английский язык
2. Fill in :come up with, throw away, switch off, turn down, put on, cut down on. 1) Make sure ____you all the lights before you leave. 2) You should __a jumper rather than turn the heating on. 3) Dont____ those glass bottles. They can be recycled. 4) We must try to___ the amount of electricity we use. the heating at night. It helps me to sleep better. 6) We must ___a way to use less paper. # 3. Choose the correct word. 1) Could/Should you turn on the light? Its getting dark in here. 2) You must/may be joking. No one could eat so many cakes. 3) I think you might/ought to see a dentist. 4) Its Sunday tomorrow. You mustnt/neednt wake up early 5) Should/May I borrow the car tonight, please? 6) That mustnt/cant be his mother. She looks so young. 7) I might/can come later but Im not sure. 8) You must/ought to be very tired. Do you want to sleep for a while? 9) I have to/could go to the bank. Im out of money. 10) You must/ought to respect the elderly #5. Fill in the correct prepositions: away from, on, out of into, over. 1) I ran___ Mike yesterday on my way to work. 2) Weve run___ sugar. 3) Cars run__ gas4) He was so unhappy that he tried to run from ___school. 5) Slow down the car, you might run someone___ 6) If you run___ money, call us and we will help you 7) We cant ___run the facts #1. A) Match the words to form the phrases: 1 a peelings energy 2 power b transportation c station 3 global 4 excessive d habitats 5 vegetable e heap f 6 compost consumption 7 conservation g effects 8 negative h warming i packaging 9 modern 10 wildlife j programme B) Use the phrases in to complete the sentences below. has created a lot of traffic congestions l) The invention of 2) Temperatures are rising all over the planet because of 3) My local zoos runs a for most of their endangered species 4) Whenever I cook I always put the into a separate bin just for organic waste 5) Tell me about the poisonous gases have on the environment. 6) There is more than one nuclear near where I live. 7) We should all try to protect the in the areas we live. 8) Do you know you can put the eggshells on the 9) What is the level of this oven? when you buy electronic items 10) There is always

4. Fill in: must, mustn t, can, cant, needn t, have to. 1) A: Would you like to come out with us tonight? B: Oh, I cant. I___ study for my exams. 2) A: You ____feed the animals in the zoo. B: Im really sorry 3) A: Guess what! Ive just won a holiday to Bali. B: No way! You___ be joking 4) A: Im not feeling well. B: You__ see a doctor. 5) A: Look! Its Frank. B: It ____be. He said he was staying in tonight. 6) A: This article says people are wasting far too much electricity. B: Thats why we___ all try to save energy in the home. 7) A: You ___go now if you want to B: Thanks. See you tomorrow. 8) A: How about a game of chess? B: Sorry, but I___ finish my homework first. 9) A: Would you like me to pick you up later? B: No, you __better. Ill get the bus 10 A: Excuse me, sir. You___ use your mobile phone in here. B: Oh, Im sorry.

Помогите решить, пожалуйста! 10 класс английский язык
2. Fill in :come up with, throw away, switch off, turn down, put on, cut down on. 1) Make sure ____you all the lights before you leave. 2) You should __a jumper rather than turn the heating on. 3) Don’t____ those glass bottles. They can be recycled. 4) We must try to___ the amount of electricity we use. the heating at night. It helps me to sleep better. 6) We must ___a way to use less paper. # 3. Choose the correct word. 1) Could/Should you turn on the light? It’s getting dark in here. 2) You must/may be joking. No one could eat so many cakes. 3) I think you might/ought to see a dentist. 4) It’s Sunday tomorrow. You mustn’t/needn’t wake up early 5) Should/May I borrow the car tonight, please? 6) That mustn’t/can’t be his mother. She looks so young. 7) I might/can come later but I’m not sure. 8) You must/ought to be very tired. Do you want to sleep for a while? 9) I have to/could go to the bank. I’m out of money. 10) You must/ought to respect the elderly #5. Fill in the correct prepositions: away from, on, out of into, over. 1) I ran___ Mike yesterday on my way to work. 2) We’ve run___ sugar. 3) Cars run__ gas4) He was so unhappy that he tried to run from ___school. 5) Slow down the car, you might run someone___ 6) If you run___ money, call us and we will help you 7) We can’t ___run the facts #1. A) Match the words to form the phrases: 1 a peelings energy 2 power b transportation c station 3 global 4 excessive d habitats 5 vegetable e heap f 6 compost consumption 7 conservation g effects 8 negative h warming i packaging 9 modern 10 wildlife j programme B) Use the phrases in to complete the sentences below. has created a lot of traffic congestions l) The invention of 2) Temperatures are rising all over the planet because of 3) My local zoos runs a for most of their endangered species 4) Whenever I cook I always put the into a separate bin just for organic waste 5) Tell me about the poisonous gases have on the environment. 6) There is more than one nuclear near where I live. 7) We should all try to protect the in the areas we live. 8) Do you know you can put the eggshells on the 9) What is the level of this oven? when you buy electronic items 10) There is always
4. Fill in: must, mustn t, can, can’t, needn t, have to. 1) A: Would you like to come out with us tonight? B: Oh, I can’t. I___ study for my exams. 2) A: You ____feed the animals in the zoo. B: I’m really sorry 3) A: Guess what! I’ve just won a holiday to Bali. B: No way! You___ be joking 4) A: I’m not feeling well. B: You__ see a doctor. 5) A: Look! It’s Frank. B: It ____be. He said he was staying in tonight. 6) A: This article says people are wasting far too much electricity. B: That’s why we___ all try to save energy in the home. 7) A: You ___go now if you want to B: Thanks. See you tomorrow. 8) A: How about a game of chess? B: Sorry, but I___ finish my homework first. 9) A: Would you like me to pick you up later? B: No, you __better. I’ll get the bus 10 A: Excuse me, sir. You___ use your mobile phone in here. B: Oh, I’m sorry.

Ответ(ы) на вопрос:


Ппппрррааааааааапрльдлреуыыч. Ьлоавуеоомсчмоосааоьсарочросиомромааваппап

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Модальные глаголы — это глаголы, которые не используются самостоятельно; они выражают отношение говорящего к какому-либо действию или состоянию. Говорящий может оценивать действие как возможное, необходимое, разрешенное, запрещенное, приказываемое и т.п. Модальные глаголы часто используются в английском языке для выражения обязательства, долга, необходимости, разрешения, запрета, возможности, способности/неспособности, для выражения критического замечания, предложения или для того, чтобы дать совет.

К модальным глаголам относятся can/could (уметь, быть в состоянии/мог, умел), may/might (может/мог (используется для выражения вероятности или разрешения)), must/have to (должен («категоричный» глагол)/должен в связи с какими-то обстоятельствами), ought to (следует, нужно), shall/should (для предложения совместного действия, предложение услуги,совет), will/would (намерения, желания, обещания). Could, would, might — это формы глаголов в прошлом времени.

Насколько хорошо Вы знакомы с этой темой, проверим на упражнениях по теме.


  • 1 Exercise 1. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.
  • 2 Exercise 2. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.
  • 3 Exercise 3. Дополните предложения, используя must, may или can’t и инфинитив в правильной форме.
  • 4 Exercise 4. Дополните второе предложение так, чтобы его значение не отличалось от первого. Используйте от двух до пяти дополнительных слов, в т.ч. выделенное слово.
  • 5 Exercise 5. Дополните предложения, используя глаголы can, can’t, must, have to, might, should, needn’t и глагол в правильной форме.
  • 6 Exercise 6. Дополните реплики, используя can, can’t, must, have to, might, should, needn’t и глагол в скобках в нужной форме.
  • 7 Exercise 7. Дополните реплики, используя can, can’t, needn’t или have to.
  • 8 Exercise 8. Перепишите предложения, используя слова в скобочках, как в примере.
  • 9 Exercise 9. Прочитайте следующие ситуации и напишите, как бы вы на них отреагировали, используя модальные глаголы, как в примере.

Exercise 1. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

  1. May/Should I ask you a question?
  2. You should/need stay at home if you’re ill.
  3. You don’t have to/mustn’t be rude to your teachers.
  4. Parents can’t/don’t have to park their cars in front of the school gates.
  5. You may/have to ask for permission to leave the classroom.

Answers: 1. May 2. should 3. mustn’t 4. can’t 5. have to.

Exercise 2. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.


  1. Could/should you turn on the light? It’s getting dark in here.
  2. You must/may be joking. No one could eat so many cakes.
  3. I think you might/ought to see a dentist.
  4. It’s Sunday tomorrow. You mustn’t/needn’t wake up early.
  5. Should/May I borrow the car tonight, please?
  6. That mustn’t/can’t be his mother. She looks so young.
  7. I might/can come later but I’m not sure.
  8. You must/ought to be very tired. Do you want to sleep for a while?
  9. I have to/could go to the bank. I’m out of money.
  10. You must/ought to respect the elderly.

Answers: 1. Could 2. must 3. ought to 4. needn’t 5. may 6. can’t 7. might 8. must 9. have to 10. ought to.

Exercise 3. Дополните предложения, используя must, may или can’t и инфинитив в правильной форме.


  1. А: They only moved in a month ago.  B: They ….. (know) many people.
  2. А: Look. Jane is putting on her jacket. B: She ….. (go) out.
  3. А: Are we having lunch soon? B: You ….. (be) hungry already.
  4. А: Where’s Jane? B:I’m not sure. She ….. (go) out.
  5. А: I’ve been working all day. B: You ….. (be) tired.
  6. А: Why are those people in the street? B: I don’t know. There ….. (be) an accident.
  7. А: I can’t find my scarf. B: You ….. (leave) it at home.

Answers: 1. can’t know 2. must be going 3. can’t be 4. may have gone 5. must be 6. may have been 7. must have left/may, might, could have left.

Exercise 4. Дополните второе предложение так, чтобы его значение не отличалось от первого. Используйте от двух до пяти дополнительных слов, в т.ч. выделенное слово.


  1. Perhaps he overslept last night. He ….. (might) last night.
  2. There’s no way that she didn’t do her homework. She ….. (must) her homework.
  3. It wasn’t necessary for her to work yesterday. She ….. (needn’t) yesterday.
  4. She didn’t ask the teacher for help and now she can’t write the essay. She ….. (should) the teacher for help then she would be able to write the essay.
  5. I’m certain Tony didn’t cheat in the exam. He’s very honest. Tony ….. (can’t) in the exam. He’s very honest.

Answers: 1. might have overslept 2. must have done 3. needn’t have worked 4. should have asked 5. can’t have cheated.

Exercise 5. Дополните предложения, используя глаголы can, can’t, must, have to, might, should, needn’t и глагол в правильной форме.


  1. It’s a good idea to get a good night’s sleep before an exam А: You must get a good sleep before an exam. B: You should get a good night’s sleep before an exam.
  2.  Use of mobile phones in the classroom is forbidden. А: You mustn’t use your mobile phone in the classroom. B: You don’t have to use your mobile phone in the classroom.
  3. It’s necessary for students to finish the project by the end of the week. А: Students can finish the project by the end of the week. B: Students have to finish project by the end of the week.
  4. It’s possible that our Physics teacher will be away tomorrow. А: Our Physics teacher must be away tomorrow. B: Our Physics teacher may be away tomorrow.
  5. The school rules state that students are obliged to bring a doctor’s note when they are ill. А: Students must bring a doctor’s note when they are ill. B: Students should bring a doctor’s note when they are ill.
  6. It isn’t necessary for you to join your school’s swimming team. А: You don’t have to join your school’s swimming team. B: You mustn’t join your school’s swimming team.

Answers: 1. b 2. a 3. b 4. b 5. a 6. a

Exercise 6. Дополните реплики, используя can, can’t, must, have to, might, should, needn’t и глагол в скобках в нужной форме.


  1. А: I am freezing! B: You ….. (bring) a warm jacket with you.
  2. А: Would you like to come shopping with me? B: I’d love to, but I ….. (finish) my history project.
  3. А: Have you seen Jane? B: Not really. She ….. (be) in her room doing her homework but I’m not sure.
  4. А: I thought I saw Sam two days ago. B: You ….. (see) him. He’s been away on holiday for over a month.
  5. А: It hurts so much. B: You ….. (break) your arm.
  6. А: I was really bored last night. B: You ….. (come) to the theatre with us. We enjoyed it a lot.
  7. А: You …… (not/buy) me a present. B: I hope you will like it.

Answers: 1. should bring 2. have to finish 3. might be 4. can’t have seen 5. must have broken 6. should have come 7. needn’t have bought.

Exercise 7. Дополните реплики, используя can, can’t, needn’t или have to.


  1. A: Would you like to come out with us tonight? B: Oh, I can’. I ….. study for my exams.
  2. A: You ….. feed the animals in the zoo. B: I am really sorry.
  3. A: Guess what! I’ve just won a holiday to Bali.  B: No way! You ….. be joking.
  4. A: I am not feeling well. B: You ….. see a doctor.
  5. A: Look! it’s Frank. B: It ….. be. He said he was staying in tonight.
  6. A: This article says people are wasting far too much electricity.B: That’s why we ….. all try to save energy in the home.
  7. A: You ….. go now if you want to. B: Thanks. See you tomorrow.
  8. A: How about a game of chess? B: Sorry, but I ….. finish my homework first.
  9. A: Would you like me to pick you up later? B: No, you bother. I’ll get the bus.
  10. A: Excuse me, sir. You ….. use your mobile phone in here. B: Oh, I am sorry.

Answers: 1. have to 2. mustn’t 3. must 4. must 5. can’t 6. must 7. can 8. have to 9. needn’t 10. mustn’t.

Exercise 8. Перепишите предложения, используя слова в скобочках, как в примере.


  1. It’s forbidden to park here. (mustn’t). You mustn’t park here.
  2. I don’t think he is at home. (can’t)
  3. It’s a good idea to use natural fertilizers. (ought)
  4. It’s  allowed to take photographs here. (can)
  5. Maybe they’ll turn up later. (might)
  6. Please help me clean up. (could)
  7. It’s advisable to turn your TV off when not watching it. (should)
  8. It’s not necessary to water a cactus very often. (have)
  9. It’s forbidden to enter this area. (mustn’t)
  10. There’s a chance that it will snow tomorrow. (may)

Answers: 2. He can’t be at home. 3. We ought to use natural fertilizers. 4. You can take photographs here. 5. They might turn up later. 6. Could you help me clean up, please? 7. You should turn your TV off when you are not watching. 8. You don’t have to water a cactus very often. 9. You mustn’t enter this area. 10. It may snow tomorrow.

Exercise 9. Прочитайте следующие ситуации и напишите, как бы вы на них отреагировали, используя модальные глаголы, как в примере.


  1. Your friend has an awful toothache. What would you tell her? …»You ought to see a dentist»…
  2. Your friends invite you out but you’ve got lots of homework. What would you say?
  3. You see a sign which reads «No Swimming» and your friends are getting ready to dive into the water. What would you tell them?
  4. You see an injured dog on the street on the way home from school. What would you suggest to your friend?
  5. The window is open in the classroom and you’re cold. What would you ask the teacher?
  6. John tells you that Pat failed an exam but you find it hard to believe. How would you reply?
  7. Your friends invite you to a party. You’re not sure if you will go but you probably will. What would you say to them?
  8. You see a man throwing rubbish on the beach. What would you tell him?

Answers: 2.»I have to do my homework.» 3.»You mustn’t swim here. It is not allowed.»  4. «We should take this dog to the vet.» 5. «May I close the window, please?» 6. «Pat can’t have failed the exam.»  7. «I might come to the party.» 8. «You shouldn’t throw rubbish on the beach.»




  1. Английский язык. 8 класс: учеб. для общеобразоват. организаций/Ю.Е. Ваулина, Д. Дули, Просвещение, 2016.
  2. Английский язык. 10 класс: учеб. для общеобразоват. организаций: базовый уровень/О.В. Афанасьева, Д. Дули, Просвещение, 2016.

Модальные глаголы в английском языке (Modal verbs)

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