Choose the correct word clothes

3 OKET Read the text and for each question, choose the correct word or phrase,
A, B or C
Some people care too much about clothes. To them, clothes are the (1) things
in their lives. They often buy (2) shoes in the shop or the (3) fashions of
the year. They usually like items that are (4) than casual dothes and (5)
just plain white. They are only (6) when they’ve got money to spend.
Of course, you don’t have to spend lots of money to have nice items. It’s (7)
to shop carefully than to just buy (8)thing you can find. If you buy clothes
that are (9) than expensive clothes but look the same, you’ll be able to buy
more clothes. It’s also (10) to buy things you need than things you want. In
other words, if you’ve already got two coats, it’s probably not the (11) idea
to buy one more!
1 A important B more important C most important
2 A most expensive B more expensive C the most expensive
3 A newer
B newest
C more new
4 A smart
B smarter
C smartest
5 A more colourful B colourful C more colourful than
6 A happy
B happler
B better
C best
7 A good
B the cooler C cool
8A the coolest
B cheap
C cheaper
9 A cheaper than
B more useful C mo


Choose the correct word or phrase

Some people care too much about clothes. To them, clothes are _______things in their lives.

the most important

most important

more important


Остались вопросы?

Новые вопросы по предмету Английский язык

1. Find fifteen more items of clothing in the wordsearch and write them below.


1   ………………………..

2   ………………………..

3   ………………………..

4   ………………………..

5   ………………………..

6   ………………………..

7   ………………………..

8   ………………………..

9   ………………………..

10   ………………………..

11   ………………………..

12   ………………………..

13   ………………………..

14   ………………………..

15   ………………………..


trousers, boots, skirt, jacket, leggings, trainers, scarf, tracksuit,

jumper, jeans, socks, sweatshirt, cardigan, shorts, pyjamas

2. Write three items of clothing which:

 only girls and women usually wear.


 people often wear to do sport.


 people often wear on a cold day.


 people often wear on a hot, sunny day.


(Possible answers)

1 dress, skirt, leggings   2 trainers, tracksuit, shorts

3 scarf, boots, coat   4 cap, T-shirt, shorts

3. Look at the pictures (A-F). Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?.

1   The girl with the cap has got a long coat.

2   The boy with the shorts hasn’t got socks.

3   They boy with the cap has got trainers.

4   The girl with the jacket has got a long skirt.

5   The girl with the dress has got a cardigan.

6   They boy with the scarf has got jeans.


1 F   2 F   3 T   4 F   5 T   6 T

4. Listen and match the names with pictures A-F in exercise 3. Write the letters in the boxes.


1 C   2 A   3 F   4 E   5 B   6 D

5. Listen again. For each teenager, find one item of clothing in the picture that is not in the description.

 Ave has got a cap.

 Ethan …………………………..

 Zoe …………………………..

 Logan …………………………..

 Mia …………………………..

 Lucas …………………………..


2   Ethan has got socks.

3   Zoe has got boots.

4   Logan has got trainers.

5   Mia has got shoes.

6   Lucas has got trainers.


1   Ava    Ava has got a jacket. She’s got a skirt and boots.

2   Ethan    Ethan has got a T-shirt and shorts. He’s got trainers too.

3   Zoe    Zoe has got a jumper and black trousers.

4   Logan    Logan has got a scarf. He’s got a sweatshirt and jeans.

 Mia    Mia has got a dress and a cardigan.

 Lucas    Lucas has got a cap and a tracksuit.

6. Look at the photo. Write a description of the woman’s clothes or the man’s clothes.


He has got a jumper, jeans and shoes. He’s got a jacket.

She’s got a T-shirt, jeans and boots. She’s got a scarf.

Extra exercises

1. Circle the words that are different.

 boots      scarf      shoes

 cardigan      jumper      skirt

 dress      jeans      leggings

 coat      jacket      shorts

 cap      socks      hat

 tie      tracksuit      trainers


1 scarf   2 skirt   3 dress   4 shorts   5 socks   6 tie

2. Complete the sentences with the adjectives below.

dark      long      plain      short-sleeved      smart      tight

1   I’m wearing a dress to my job interview because I need to look ……………………….

2   You have to wear ………………………. trousers to the restaurant. You can’t wear shorts.

3   This jacket is ………………………. It isn’t very comfortable.

4   Wear a ………………………. shirt to the barbecue. It’s a beautiful day.

5   People in my country usually wear ………………………. colours in the winter and lighter colours in the summer.

6   I’m looking for a ………………………. white T-shirt to wear under this jumper.


1 smart   2 long   3 tight   4 short-sleeved   5 dark   6 plain

3. Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.

1   My brother is a female / male model.

2   That photo is fake / real. You haven’t really got blue eyes.

3   It’s an ordinary / a special day, so I’m going to the hairdresser’s in the morning.

4   Kate hasn’t really got fair hair. It isn’t her artificial / natural colour.


1 male   2 fake   3 a special   4 natural

4. Complete the sentences with the negative form of the adjectives below.

friendly      happy      kind      necessary      tidy      usual

 Those children are very …………………… They say bad things to people who are different from them.

 Lily is …………………… with her new haircut. It’s very short.

 I think make-up is …………………… I prefer to look natural.

 The shop assistants are very …………………… in that shop. I never buy my clothes there.

 Sam can’t find his favourite T-shirt. His room’s very ……………………

 My cousin’s clothes are …………………… She often makes them herself.


1 unkind   2 unhappy   3 unnecessary   4 unfriendly

5 untidy   6 unusual

5. Complete the dialogues with the words below.

afraid     busy     cool     fancy     how     idea     let’s     love     shall     sounds

Dialogue 1

Chloe   Do you 1……………………. Playing tennis this afternoon?

Poppy   I’m 2……………………. I can’t. I’m going swimming with my sister.

Chloe   What about tomorrow afternoon?

Poppy   Yes, I’d 3……………………. to. 4……………………. I book a tennis court?

Chloe   Great 5…………………….!

Dialogue 2

Mark   6……………………. Go to the new burger bar tomorrow.

Sean   Sorry. I’m 7……………………. I’m going to the beach with my cousins.

Mark   8……………………. about going bowling in the evening?

Sean   That 9……………………. fun.

Mark   Come to my house at 7.30. We can go together.

Sean   10…………………….


1 fancy   2 afraid   3 love   4 Shall   5 idea   6 Let’s

7 busy   8 How   9 sounds   10 Cool

Вопрос №

Choose the antonyn to ` LOOSE`


Вопрос №

This floral bouse with buttons … you perfectly! You look so nice in it!

goes well

Вопрос №

Choose the correct word combination

a beautiful loose long green plain woolen coat
a loose plain woolen beautiful long green coat
a plain loose long beautiful green woolen coat
a beautiful long loose green plain woolen coat
a loose plain beautiful long green woolen coat

Вопрос №

Casual trousers are …. and …

more simple, convenienter
simplier , convenienter
simple, convenient
the simpliest, convenient

Вопрос №

кружевной, хлопковый, кожаный, льняной, меховой, джинсовый

linen, cotton, leather, fur, lace, denim
lace, cotton, leather, linen, fur, denim
linen, leather, fur, lace, cotton, denim
lace, leather, fur, lace, cotton, denim

Вопрос №

Flowers make a … pattern.


Вопрос №

Lines make a … pattern.


Вопрос №

Too small clothes or boots are …


Вопрос №

To be a fashionable person you should choose clothes that … in colour and shape.

go well with

Вопрос №

Clothes that are comfortable and simple are …


Test for 8 form “fashion and clothes”

Variant A

I. Listening comprehension:

Right or wrong?

1. Hotels have dress codes

2. Dress code is a rule.

3. People in casual wear can’t enter these places.

4. Restaurants with dress codes are cheap.

5. People should wear official clothes.

II. Reading comprehension:

Marks & Spencer

Marks & Spencer is Britain’s favourite store. Tourists love it too. It attracts a great variety of customers, from housewives to millionaires. Princess Diana, Dustin Hoffman, and the British Prime Minister are just a few of its famous customers.

Last year it made profit of 529 mln. Pounds, which is more than 10 mln aweek.

How did it all begin?

It all started105 years ago, when a young Polish immigrant, Michael Marks,had a stall in Leeds market. He didn’t have many things to sell: some cotton, a little wool, lots of buttons, and a few shoelaces. Above his stall he put the now famous notice: DON”T ASK HOW MUCH- IT”S A PENNY.

Ten years later, he met Tom Spencer and together they started Penny Stalls in many towns in the north of England. Today there are 564 branches of M&S all over the world- in America, Canada, Spain, France, Belgium, and Hungary.

What are the best sellers?

Surprisingly , tastes in food and clothes are international. What sells in Paris sells just well in Newcastle. The most popular clothes are: jumpers, shirts, snickers, pyjamas, underwear, suits. Best sellers in food are fresh chickens, bread, vegetables, and sandwiches.

Why is M&S so successful?

The store bases its business on three principles: good value, good quality and good service. Also it changes with its time, but perhaps the most important key to its success is its happy, well trained staff.

1) Right or wrong?

1. The text is about the chain store.

2. marks was the founder of M$S.

3. marks was from Germany.

It’s a cheap store.

5. M&S has stores only in the UK.

2) Choose the right variant:

1. The text is about … .

a) a chainstore b) a shop c) a boutique

2. The founder of it was … .

a) Michael marks b) Karl Marx c) Friedrich Engels

3. He had … stalls in Leeds Market.

a) money b) penny c) pound

4. The store sells … all kinds of things.

a) different b) indifferent c) definite

a) bad b) good c) well

III. Choose the correct word : to suit, to fit, to match

1. Do you think this skirt is the right size? –yes, it … perfectly.

2. You look so nice today! This dress … you perfectly.

3. The most difficult thing is to find a tie to … your costume.

4. Do you think this blouse …. this costume?

5. Would you put something else? It doesn’t … you at all. It’s too tight.

6. I can’t wear my green shoes with the black s

Test for Unit 5 “Changing times, changing styles”

Variant B

I. Listening comprehension:

Right or wrong?

1. Different places have different dress codes.

2. Shorts and tops are not allowed at expensive trestaurants.

3. Ladies should wear casual dresses.

4. Visitors should be tidy if they want to enter expensive hotels.

5. Mc Donald don’t have a dress code.

II. Reading comprehension:

Marks & Spencer

Marks & Spencer (or favourite store. M&S) is Britain’s favourite store. Tourists love it too. It attracts a great variety of customers, from housewives to millionaires. Princess Diana, Dustin Hoffman, and the British Prime Minister are just a few of its famous customers.

Last year it made profit of 529 mln. Pounds, which is more than 10 mln. Aweek.

How did it all begin?

It all started105 years ago, when a young Polish immigrant, Michael Marks,had a stall in Leeds market. He didn’t have many things to sell: some cotton, a little wool, lots of buttons, and a few shoelaces. Above his stall he put the now famous notice: DON”T ASK HOW MUCH- IT”S A PENNY.

Ten years later, he met Tom Spencer and together they started Penny Stalls in many towns in the north of England. Today there are 564 branches of M&S all over the world- in America, Canada, Spain, France, Belgium, and Hungary.

What are the best sellers?

Surprisingly , tastes in food and clothes are international. What sells in Paris sells just well in Newcastle. The most popular clothes are: jumpers, shirts, snickers, pyjamas, underwear, suits. Best sellers in food are fresh chickens, bread, vegetables, and sandwiches.

Why is M&S so successful?

The store bases its business on three principles: good value, good quality and good service. Also it changes with its time, but perhaps the most important key to its success is its happy, well trained staff.

1) Right or wrong?

1. The text tells about M&S .

2. Spencer was the first founder of the store.

3. M&S sells furniture.

4. It is not very popular with people.

5. M&S has stores all over the world.

2) Choose the right variant:

1. The name of the store is …

a) M&S b) M&P c) S&M

2. Its founder was from …

a) Iceland b) Greenland c) Poland

3. His first business was started in …

a) Weeds b) Leeds c) Seeds

4. Its customers are … people .

a)polite b) impolite c) famous

5. The store has …all over the world.

a) ranchoes b) bridges c) branches

III. Choose the correct word : to suit, to fit, to match

1. Do you think this skirt is the right size? –yes, it … perfectly.

2. You look so nice today! This dress … you perfectly.

3. The most difficult thing is to find a tie to … your costume.

4. Do you think this blouse …. this costume?

5. Would you put something else? It doesn’t … you at all. It’s too tight.

6. I can’t wear my green shoes with the black s

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