Choose the correct word check in your dictionary i want a bottle of fizzy

Choose the correct word.

Check in your dictionary.

1. I want a bottle of fizzy / still water, not sparkling.

2. she loves bitter / oily chokolade.

3. Cinammon and ginger are additives / spices.

4. Lets eat.

I am starving / greedy.

5. Fizzy drinks contain artificial / fake additives.

6. We had lamb chops for our main / basic course.

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Развернуть задание

Choose the correct word. Check in your dictionary.

1 I want a bottle of fizzy/still water, not sparkling.
2 She loves bitter/oily chocolate.
3 Cinammon and ginger are additives/spices.
4 Let’s eat. I’m starving/greedy.
5 Fizzy drinks contain artificial/fake additives.
6 We had lamb chops for our main/basic course.

Развернуть задание


1 I want a bottle of still water, not sparkling. (still water – негазированная вода, sparkling water = fizzy water – газированная вода)
2 She loves bitter chocolate. (bitter chocolate – горький шоколад)
3 Cinammon and ginger are spices. (spices – специи, пряности)
4 Let’s eat. I’m starving. (to be starving – ужасно хотеть есть, быть ужасно голодным)
5 Fizzy drinks contain artificial additives. (artificial additives – искусственные пищевые добавки)
6 We had lamb chops for our main course. (main course – основное блюдо)

1 I want a bottle of still water, not sparkling. (still water – негазированная вода, sparkling water = fizzy water – газированная вода)
2 She loves bitter chocolate. (bitter chocolate – горький шоколад)
3 Cinammon and ginger are spices. (spices – специи, пряности)
4 Let’s eat. I’m starving. (to be starving – ужасно хотеть есть, быть ужасно голодным)
5 Fizzy drinks contain artificial additives. (artificial additives – искусственные пищевые добавки)
6 We had lamb chops for our main course. (main course – основное блюдо)

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Опубликовано 09.06.2017 по предмету Английский язык от Гость
>> <<

Choose the correct word. Check in your dictionary. 1. I want a bottle of fizzy/ still water, not sparkling.2.she loves bitter/oily chokolade.3.Cinammon and ginger are additives/spices.4.Lets eat.I am starving/greedy.5.Fizzy drinks contain artificial/fake additives.6.We had lamb chops for our main/basic course.

Ответ оставил Гость

1. fizzy

2. bitter

3. spices

4. starving

5. artificial

6.  main

думаю, что так

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