Choose the correct word can i have some any water

Английский язык, 7 класс


Вопрос от
1087 дней назад

2. Choose the correct word. Можно пожалуйста с переводом!!
1. Please have some / few / much of these chocolates. I know you like them.
2. Have you got much / many / some coffee?
3. There isn’t some / any / many water in the bottle.
4. Have we got some / any / a lot of milk?
5. There was a few / a little / much food in the fridge. It was nearly empty.
6. There aren’t many / much / a little eggs left. I’ll go and buy any/some/much.
7. There are much / many / a lot of skirts to choose from.
8. There’re a lot of / a few / a little carrots in the fridge. We need to buy some.
9. I always have a little / a few / much milk with my tea.
10. Can I have any / some / much water, please?

Ответ от Дарья

1. Пожалуйста, возьми несколько шоколадок. Я знаю, ты их любишь.
2. Ты выпил много кофе?
3. В бутылке нет воды.
4. У нас есть молоко?
5. В холодильнике мало еды. Он почти пустой.
6. Осталось мало яиц. Я пойду куплю немного.
7. Есть много юбок на выбор.
8. В холодильнике мало моркови. Нам нужно купить немного.
9. Я всегда добавляю немного молока в чай.
10. Можно мне воды, пожалуйста?

Английский язык,

вопрос задал dakzzz,

7 месяцев назад

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Ответил umpallumpa


Ответ: 1 any 2 some


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Помогите с английским, пж, желательно в течение получаса:

Open the brackets using Present Simple, Present Continuous, Future Simple, Future Continuous, Future Perfect, Future Perfect Continuous, or “to be going to”.
1. At this time tomorrow they _________________________ (to drive) home.

2. She’s been practicing hard for the exam, I’m sure she _________________________ (to pass).

3. Sarah _________________________ (to see) a doctor tomorrow afternoon.

4. I hope there _________________________ (to be/not) another economic crisis in my lifetime.

5. When _________________________ (to have/you) a holiday this year?

6. The construction started last summer and _________________________ (to finish) by Christmas.

7. The train _________________________ (to depart) at 11 o’clock sharp, don’t miss it.

8. He _________________________ (to wear) a tuxedo for the prom party.

9. By June I _________________________ (to live) in London for three years.

10. I _________________________ (to meet) some friends You can come too if you like.

11. Hurry up! The lecture _________________________ (to begin) in two minutes.

12. Just imagine, in only four hours we _________________________ (to sunbathe) in Spain!

13. If I work hard I _________________________ (to write) this book by spring.

14. By spring I _________________________ (to write) this book for nine months.



Вопрос по английскому языку:

1.Choose the correct variant.
1) Is there any/some milk in the tridge? 2) There’s no/ any sugar at home 3) Can I have any/ some water, piease? 4) The English put no /some milk into ther tea. 5) I’ve got some/ any appies. Let’s make an apple pie 6) There are some/ no oranges left. l must go buy some.7) T`m going to buy some/ any boxes of chocolate tor the birthday party. 8) we don’t need any no cartons of juice. There are plenty of them here. 9) She needs no/ some fish and potatoes to cook the traditional Fnglish dish. 10) Are there any sweets. Carly? Not sume/ any.
2.Fill in some/ any/ no.
1) can’t see ____ sugar Where is it? 2)There are ____ fruit in the basket. Where have they gone? 3) Let’s get ____ bottles of Coca-Cola. 4) Liza has ____ money in the purse 5) I think they can bring ____ packets of crisps for the party. 6) Mother thinks we don’t need to buy ____ yogurt . 7) There aret ____ jars of jam in granny’s cellar. Go and bringt ____ you like.8) Do you havet ____ new recipes? — Yes, I’ve found ____ 9) To cook a pizza we need ____ tomatoes, cheese, an onion and some oregano. 10) How about ____ chocolate cakes? -Good idea!

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Ответы и объяснения 2



1) Is there ANY milk in the fridge?
2) There’s NO sugar at home
3) Can I have SOME water, please?
4) The English put SOME milk into their tea.
5) I’ve got SOME apples. Let’s make an apple pie
6) There are NO oranges left. l must go buy some.
7) I`m going to buy SOME boxes of chocolate for the birthday party.
8) we don’t need ANY cartons of juice. There are plenty of them here.
9) She needs SOME fish and potatoes to cook the traditional English dish.
10) Are there any sweets. Carly? Not ANY.

2.Fill in some/ any/ no.
1) can’t see ANY sugar. Where is it? 2)There are NO fruits in the basket. Where have they gone? 3) Let’s get SOME bottles of Coca-Cola. 4) Liza has NO/SOME (любое) money in the purse 5) I think they can bring SOME packets of crisps for the party. 6) Mother thinks we don’t need to buy ANY yogurts . 7) There aren’t ANY jars of jam in granny’s cellar. Go and bring SOME you like.8) Do you have ANY new recipes? — Yes, I’ve found SOME. 9) To cook a pizza we need SOME tomatoes, cheese, an onion and some oregano. 10) How about SOME chocolate cakes? -Good idea!



Some,no,any,some,some,no,some,any,some, any,any,no,some,no,some,any,any,some,any,some,some,some

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Английский язык — язык англо-фризской подгруппы западной группы германской ветви индоевропейской языковой семьи.

1. Choose the correct variant.

1) Is there any / some milk in the tridge?

2) There’s no / any sugar at home 3) Can I have any / some water, piease?

4) The English put no / some milk into ther tea.

5) I’ve got some / any appies.

Let’s make an apple pie 6) There are some / no oranges left.

L must go buy some.

7) T`m going to buy some / any boxes of chocolate tor the birthday party.

8) we don’t need any no cartons of juice.

There are plenty of them here.

9) She needs no / some fish and potatoes to cook the traditional Fnglish dish.

10) Are there any sweets.


Not sume / any.

2. Fill in some / any / no.

1) can’t see ____ sugar Where is it?

2)There are ____ fruit in the basket.

Where have they gone?

3) Let’s get ____ bottles of Coca — Cola.

4) Liza has ____ money in the purse 5) I think they can bring ____ packets of crisps for the party.

6) Mother thinks we don’t need to buy ____ yogurt .

7) There aret ____ jars of jam in granny’s cellar.

Go and bringt ____ you like.

8) Do you havet ____ new recipes?

— Yes, I’ve found ____ 9) To cook a pizza we need ____ tomatoes, cheese, an onion and some oregano.

10) How about ____ chocolate cakes?

— Good idea!

Вопрос 1. Choose the correct variant?, расположенный на этой странице сайта, относится к
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