Choose the correct word biology

Choose the correct word

This writer is
his amazing books.
He has
an amazing plan.
of nature is gorgeous.
Please, turn on the
a lot in Physics.

Choose the correct word.

The plan
the introduction, main body, and conclusion.
My grandfather
three years ago.
This is the
reason why I left yesterday.
She is very interested in
my beloved teacher.

Choose the correct word.

James was
in a small village near Brighton.
He is
his research.
She really
in her English.
My grandma always listens to the
in the evenings.
This famous actor
in a car crash yesterday.

Choose the correct word.

a lot in the scientific research.
She is
her role in this film.
Penicillin was
many years ago.
problem is that you are always being late.
My sister’s favourite subject at school is

Choose the correct word.

This is the
of my beloved friend.
I would really like to i
my knowledge in French.
that I had lost my wallet somewhere.
I have the best
teacher in the world.
Please, turn off the
! I want to have some rest.

Match the words with their definition.

Choose the correct word.

I took a lot of
when I was on holiday.
He likes
My dinner always
fresh vegetables.
problem is his nasty behaviour.
I have just
that my friend is at hospital.

На данной странице находятся упражнения с ответами по английскому языку из рабочей тетради (Workbook) 8 класса УМК Spotlight. Упражнения из 7h.

Exercise 1. Correct the sentences. Use the words: advertisement, writing, reporter, instructions, download, capital, forecast.
Упражнение 1. Исправьте предложения, испoльзуя: advertisement, writing, reporter, instructions, download, capital, forecast.


1) The weather broadcast always comes on after the news.
2) I install songs from the Internet because it is usually cheaper that way.
3) Read the explanations first before you start setting up your computer.
4) If you want to sell your old DVD player, why don’t you put an article in the paper?
5) Jeremy Clarkson is a famous newsreader for The Times newspaper in London.
6) Dublin is the heart of Ireland, not Cork.
7) I’m texting an email to my e-friend in Australia.

1) The weather forecast always comes on after the news. – Прогноз погоды всегда идет после новостей.
2) I download songs from the Internet because it is usually cheaper that way. – Я скачиваю песни из интернет, потому что таким образом обычно дешевле.
3) Read the instructions first before you start setting up your computer. – Сначала прочтите инструкции, перед тем как настраивать компьютер.
4) If you want to sell your old DVD player, why don’t you put an advertisement in the paper? – Если хочешь продать свой DVD-проигрыватель, то почему бы тебе не разместить объявление в газету?
5) Jeremy Clarkson is a famous reporter for The Times newspaper in London. – Джереми Кларксон – это известный репортер газеты The Times в Лондоне.
6) Dublin is the capital of Ireland, not Cork. – Дублин является столицей Ирландии, не Корк.
7) I’m writing an email to my e-friend in Australia. – Я пишу электронное письмо моему другу по переписки в Австралии.

Exercise 2.
Упражнение 2.

a) Label the pictures: games console, laptop, mobile phone, MP3 player, TV, radio.
Определите названия предметов: games console, laptop, mobile phone, MP3 player, TV, radio.


Spotlight 8 Workbook 7h

1 – laptop – лэптоп
2 – mobile phone – мобильный телефон
3 – TV – тв
4 – MP3 player – MP3-проигрыватель
5 – radio – радио
6 – games console – игровая консоль

b) Match the definitions to the pictures.
Соотнесите картинки и данные ниже определения.


a) a very small portable device that plays music
b) an electronic device used to play video games
с) a small, portable device usually used to connect to the Internet
d) a piece of equipment used to listen to music and news broadcastings
e) an electronic device used to make calls or send text messages
f) a piece of equipment on which you can watch programmes

a) a very small portable device that plays music – очень маленький переносной прибор, который проигрывает музыку. (ответ 4 – MP3-проигрыватель)

b) an electronic device used to play video games – электронный прибор, используемый для проигрывания видео-игр (ответ 6 – игровая консоль)

с) a small, portable device usually used to connect to the Internet – маленький, переносной прибор, который используется для подключения к интернету (ответ 1 – лэптоп)

d) a piece of equipment used to listen to music and news broadcastings – предмет оборудования, используемый для прослушивания музыки и новостей (ответ 5 – радиоприемник)

e) an electronic device used to make calls or send text messages – электронное устройство, используемое для осуществления звонков и отправки электронных сообщений (ответ 2 – мобильный телефон)

f) a piece of equipment on which you can watch programmes – предмет оборудования, на котором вы можете смотреть программы (ответ 3 – тв)

Exercise 3. Match the words to form phrases. Then complete the sentences below.
Упражнение 3. Соотнесите слова, чтобы образовать фразы. Затем вставьте их в предложения.


1. computer
2. rush
3. check
4. university
5. report
6. live

a card
b degree
с programme
d coverage
e my emails
f hour

1) Emma got a __ in Biology and now works as a scientist.
2) We now have __ from the Prime Minister’s press conference.
3) The teachers gave each student a __ to show them their progress throughout the term.
4) I didn’t have time to __ this morning.
5) I installed a new __ that stops Internet viruses.
6) I’m sorry but I’m going to be late due to the __ traffic.

1. computer programme – компьютерная программа
2. rush hour – час-пик
3. check my emails – проверять электронную почту
4. university degree – университетская степень, университетский диплом
5. report card – дневник, табель с оценками
6. live coverage – прямая телепередача

1) Emma got a university degree in Biology and now works as a scientist. – Эмма получила университетский диплом по биологии и теперь работает в качестве научного работника.
2) We now have live coverage from the Prime Minister’s press conference. – Сейчас мы ведем прямую трансляцию с пресс-конференции премьер-министра.
3) The teachers gave each student a report card to show them their progress throughout the term. – Учителя дали каждому ученику табель с оценками, чтобы показать им их успеваемость на протяжении четверти.
4) I didn’t have time to check my emails this morning. – Сегодня утром у меня не было времени проверить свою электронную почту.
5) I installed a new computer programme that stops Internet viruses. – Я установил новую компьютерную программу, которая блокирует интернет-вирусы.
6) I’m sorry but I’m going to be late due to the rush hour traffic. – Простите, но я опоздаю из-за движения на дорогах в час-пик.

Exercise 4. Choose the correct word.
Упражнение 4. Определить правильный ответ.


1) Don’t divide your __ between too many activities, otherwise you will forget what you’re doing.
a) attention
b) knowledge
c) concentration

2) I heard it through the __ that Jerry was accepted into Oxford University.
a) headlines
b) grapevine
c) news

3) Sophie Raworth is the __ on the six o’clock news.
a) host
b) newsreader
c) presenter

4) People use the Internet to __ online with their friends.
a) talk
b) chat
c) write

5) When British students are sixteen, they must sit their GCSE __ .
a) exams
b) tests
c) certificates

1) Don’t divide your attention between too many activities, otherwise you will forget what you’re doing. – Не распыляй внимание (дословно: не разделяй внимание) на слишком многие виды деятельности, иначе ты забудешь, чем ты занимаешься.

2) I heard it through the grapevine that Jerry was accepted into Oxford University. – Я слышал слухи о том, что Джерри был принят в Оксфордский университет.

3) Sophie Raworth is the newsreader on the six o’clock news. – Софи Рэйуорт – это ведущая новостей, выходящих в шесть часов.

4) People use the Internet to chat online with their friends. – Люди испoльзуют интернет, чтобы общаться онлайн со своими друзьями.

5) When British students are sixteen, they must sit their GCSE exams. – Когда британским студентам исполняется шестнадцать лет, они должны сдавать экзамены на получение аттестата о среднем образовании.


cell division
cell division
human bones
human bones
red blood cells
red blood cells
test tubes
test tubes

Biology exercise (Multiple choice)

In this quiz you will see 5 random pictures related to Biology, you should choose the correct words from the options below











Biology exercise

In this quiz you will see 12 random pictures related to Biology, you should enter the correct words in the following boxes








red blood cells



human bones


Other Word Lists
North American Countries
Sport Equipment
Medical and Health
Musical Instruments
Art And Craft Supplies
Gym Fitness
English Exercises
Most common irregular verbs quiz
Irregular verbs quiz — find past simple forms
Weather related vocabulary
Days and expressions about days in English
Edible fruits vocabulary
Modal verbs — must, have to, has to and had to
Present Simple Tense — Practice Common Verbs
Indefinite pronouns quiz (someone, somebody, anyone, anything, nobody…)
Basic Time Expressions — Telling time in English
Baby and maternity vocabulary


Choose the correct word (выбрать правильное слово) Konstantin juggles really good/well Vera walks quickly/quick
She`s a careful/carefully driver
Maxim s really badly/bad at Maths
My teacher speaks softly/soft
Darya sings bad/badly

Остались вопросы?

Новые вопросы по предмету Английский язык


Task 1. Choose the correct word. (ВЫБРАТЬ ВЕРНОЕ СЛОВО)

Everything was closed. It was like a ghost / busy town.

My parents buy the daily / weekly newspapers every Sunday.

There were many new / ruined buildings in that ghost town.

I was really puzzled / worried. I didn’t understand it.

His parents were very excited / worried because he didn’t come home.

We heard / said a strange noise.

Tom gave / saw a ghost in the hall.

He fell asleep because he was very tired / naughty.

They are puzzled / bored because they have nothing to do.

The street is deserted / crowded. Look at all these people.

Task 2. Match the adjectives to their opposites.(СОЕДИНИТЬ ПРИЛАГАТЕЛЬНЫЕ ПРОТИВОПОЛОЖНЫЕ ПО СМЫСЛУ)

beautiful A. polluted

busy B. ugly

crowded C. stressed

clean D. quiet

relaxed E. deserted

Task 3. Write the Past form of the verbs. (НАПИСАТЬ ГЛАГОЛЫ В ПРОШЕДШЕМ ВРЕМЕНИ)

have — ……….

try — ………….

read — ………..

be — …………..

stole — ………..

make — ………

go — …………..

stay — ……….

write — ………

find — ………

Task 4. Choose the correct response.( СОЕДИНИТЬ ВОПРОС И ОТВЕТ)

Do any of these look familiar? A. Some money and a camera.

What was in it? B. You’re welcome.

What does it look like? C. Yes, what can I do for you?

Excuse me. Is this Mr Brown’s office? D. Yes, the one in the corner is mine.

Here you are. E. It’s black with a silver handle.

Thank you very much. F. Thank you.​

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