Choose the correct word and complete the sentences i would like




9 лет назад

Английский язык

5 — 9 классы

   Choose the correct word and complete the sentences.
1.    I’d like (some / a) cheese.
2.    We all eat (some / an) apple every day.
3.    Have (some / a) water. It’s good for you.
4.  I need (some / a) meat, (some / a) potatoes and (some / a) bottle of orange juice.

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(5 оценок)


9 лет назад

Светило науки — 17621 ответ — 451600 раз оказано помощи

1.    I’d like some  cheese.
2.    We all eat an apple every day.
3.    Have some water. It’s good for you.
4.    I need some meat, some potatoes and a bottle of orange juice.

(5 оценок)


1 Choose the correct words to complete the
1 My boss / staff is really nice. She gives me a lot
of responsibility.
2 I would like to start / earn a lot of money.
3 My father works in a very big customer / office in
the centre of the town.
4 We were very busy / friendly at work yesterday.
There was no time for lunch.
5 I work in a shop. I help the company / customers
with their shopping.
6 The staff / business all wear green shirts.​

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<span><u /> Choose the correct word and complete the sentences.
</span><span>1. I’d like (some / a) cheese.
2. We all eat (some / an) apple every day.
3. Have (some / a) water. It’s good for you.
4. I need (some / a) meat, (some / a) potatoes and (some / a) bottle of orange juice.

1 ответ:



1.    I’d like some  cheese.
2.    We all eat an apple every day.
3.    Have some water. It’s good for you.
<span>4.    I need some meat, some potatoes and a bottle of orange juice.</span>

Читайте также

If she didn’t go to bed too late, she wouldn’t be tired all the time. 

<span>Напишите предложение во множественном числе:

1. <em><u>We are</u></em> in the slipping car.
2. <u><em>The managers are </em></u>from the computer center.
3. <em><u>The women are</u></em> at the booking office.
4. The diesel <em><u>locomotives are </u></em>very heavy.
5. <em><u>The workmen are</u></em> on the track.
6. <em><u>The men are </u></em>a station master.
7. You are office<em><u> masters</u></em>
8. The technicians are from the locomotive depot.

<u><em> Вставьте правильный предлог:</em></u>

1.  There is a garden <em><u>behind </u></em>our house.
2. The bridge is <u><em>above</em></u> the river.
3. All students are <u><em>at  </em></u>the lesson now.
4. He will sit<em><u> near</u></em> you.
5. There was a lamp <u><em>on (above) </em></u> the table.
6. Take your books <u><em>from </em></u>your bags and put them  <u><em>on</em></u> the tables.
7. The box was <em><u>under </u></em>the bed.
8. He looks <em><u>out of t</u></em>he window.</span>


2)had just left


4)had he already gone





9)had been knocked out


Какой класс? Сочинение для 9,10,11.
Russian Soul
Many people in Russia are proud of their Slavic roots. Russian people is individual and like no one. Because of this, we are trying to preserve the culture of the Slavic people. Russian soul – a phenomenon that is understandable only to us, despite the fact that foreign nationals heard about it. Russia embodied the stereotype of the balalaika, a cap with earflaps, bears and fairy frost. Our mighty ancestors were brisk, but welcoming; courageous, but gentle and these qualities we are trying to fill. The notion of «Russian soul» is not affected by nationality, but a state of human consciousness, a kind of patriotism and the imprint of our ancestors.

My friends are fond of playing active games and swimming.
some of my classmates join clubs.
i  think they like to move and to play sport games together. they are very friendly and active.

I  love my hobby very much. I am fond of it, and I think that I am feel sadness without my hobby.
it took me about 2 years.

Choose the correct item to complete the sentences. 1) I really like listening to music/the music. 2) One of my legs is a bit shorter than another/the other. 3) There are/ is many things I would like to do in future. 4) Only some/a little people have been into space. 5) Each /all child was given a present. 6) I am going to print out/off an extra copy. 7) The machine log on/off automatically after a certain period of time ​

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2 комментария:

Думаю будет так? 1) I would never take up a job in a factory 2) I often think what l’ll be doing in five years’ time.3) I think it’s better to spend your money in your lifetime rather than leave an inheritance to your family.4) The company launched a new app last week.5) At some moment in the future, l would like to live in another country for a while.6) I don’t like routine; prefer to do different things every day.

Вот перевод. 1) Я бы никогда не занимал должность на заводе2) Я часто думаю, что я буду делать через пять лет.3) Я думаю, что лучше потратить свои деньги на всю жизнь, а не оставить наследство своей семье.4) На прошлой неделе компания запустила новое приложение.5) В какой-то момент в будущем я хотел бы жить в другой стране на некоторое время.6) Мне не нравится рутина; предпочитают делать разные вещи каждый день.

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