Choose the correct word although however

Представляем вопросы и ответы на конкурс Британский бульдог (British Bulldog) за 2009 год для 7-8 классов.  Ответы находятся после вопросов — в конце страницы.

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I. Listen to the tour guide and choose the correct answer

1. The tour starts … .

A) in the centre B) in the old town square C) near the church

2. The tour probably takes place in … .

A) January B) July C) October

3. The monument to Jan Hus is in the … of the square.

A) centre B) eastern part C) northern part

4. The monument to Jan Hus was built in … .

A) 1346 B)  the fifteenth century C) the twentieth century

5. How many churches do they see during the tour?

A) Two B) Three C) Four

6.  … was used in the film «Amadeus”.

A) The theatre B) The market C) The small church

7.  It was used in the film because … .

A) it hasn’t changed B) it’s beautiful C) it has good acoustics

8. The independence was announced in … .

A) 1346 B)  the fifteenth century C) 1918

9. The Community House … .

A) has good acoustics B)  was used in the film C) has a famous cafe

10. The church is very popular with the … .

A)   tourists B) citizens C) spectators

II. Read the text and fill the gaps with prepositions

Dave is a bank clerk in London . He thinks his job is boring – but the salary is good. He lives in a small village and goes to work … (11) train and then the underground. It’s a long journey – he leaves home at half past seven – and people ask him why he doesn’t move nearer … (12) London, but Dave prefers to live in his village. He doesn’t like crowds, smog and traffic and he loves going … (13) long bike rides or walks in the country when the weather is fine. He also has a lot of friends in the village and he doesn’t want to lose them.

He arrives … (14) the bank at nine and usually finishes at half past five. He gets … (15) home at about seven o’clock. He has an hour for lunch, at one o’clock. When the weather is good, he often buys sandwiches and eats them in the park near his bank. When it’s raining, or cold, he goes … (16) a small cafe for lunch.

Dave’s girlfriend, Liz, is a student at Reading University and lives in a small flat near her university … (17) three other students. Dave and Liz met two years ago when they were both in Spain … (18) holiday. Dave would like to marry her when she graduates from university next year, but Liz prefers to wait … (19) two or three years before getting married. They don’t meet during the week because Liz is busy … (20) her studies, but they usually spend the weekends together.

11. A ) by B) on C) in

12. A ) in B) to C) at

13. A ) in B) out C) for

14. A ) at B) in C) near

15. A ) to B) by C)

16. A ) at B) for C) to

17. A ) of B) with C) near

18. A ) at B) in C) on

19. A ) for B) about C) nearly

20. A ) at B) in C) with

III. Read the text again and find the right answer

21. Dave doesn’t enjoy working in a bank.

A) True B) False C) Doesn’t say

22. Dave would like to live nearer London .

A) True B) False C) Doesn’t say

23.  Dave likes his village as there aren’t crowds, traffic and smog.

A) True B) False C) Doesn’t say

24. Dave lives with his parents.

A) True B) False C) Doesn’t say

25. Liz is going to graduate from university next year.

A) True B) False C) Doesn’t say

26. It takes Dave … to get to the bank.

A) little time B) much time C) two hours

27. Dave … .

A) always brings sandwiches from home

B) returns to work after lunch at two ‘clock

C) doesn’t have lunch when it’s cold

28. Dave and Liz … in Spain two years ago.

A) enjoyed the holidays B) got acquainted C) spent

29. Liz and Dave … .

A) are getting married next year

B) usually meet at weekends

C) are going to Spain for their holidays

30. Dave would like to marry Liz … .

A) next year B) at the weekend C) in two or three years

IV. Choose the correct answer

31. The teacher asked … read the next paragraph.

A) her to B) her that she C) that she

32. I don’t understand … you’re trying to say to me.

A) that B) what C) which

33. I … to walk until I was nearly two.

A) couldn’t B) wasn’t able C) didn’t able

34. Her grandfather … a policeman in London .

A ) used to be B) used to being C) is used to be

35. Susan is going … holiday next Christmas.

A) on B) at a C) to a

36. Visitors are expected … between 9.00 and 11.00 daily.

A) arrive B) arriving C) to arrive

37. … he studied hard, he didn’t pass the exam.

A) However B) Even though C) Despite

38. «… the truth”, his mother said.

A) Tell me B) Say to me C) Tell to me

39. She usually takes a sandwich to school … she gets hungry.

A) in case B) although C) however

40. Look out! That stack of plates … any moment now.

A) will fall B) is going to fall C) is falling

V. Choose the correct word

41.  Today only about five hundred Amur … live in the Far Eastern forests.

A) taigas B) tiger C) tigers

42. When he … the answer, he usually puts up his hand.

A) no B) know C) knows

43. It has … a wonderful day!

A) been B) bean C) being

44. The ship set … for Jamaica .

A) sale B) sail C) sailed

45. She threw the ball … into the air.

A) hi B) high C) highest

46. World … II broke out in September 1939.

A) Wore B) Warn C) War

47. Let me give you a … of advice.

A) piece B) peace C) pieces

48. I bought a … of shoes yesterday.

A)   pair B) pea C) peas

49. She wore her hair in a … .

A) plate B) plaque C)   plait

50. You’d be … stiff in a job like that.

A) board B) bored C) bore

VI. Choose the correct variant

51. The capital of the United Kingdom is … .

A) Glasgow B) London C) Edinburgh

52. On this day children dress up as ghosts and witches because it’s … .

A) Valentine’s Day B) Christmas C) Halloween

53. Agatha Christie is the «queen” of … stories.

A) «ghost” B) adventure C) detective

54. In Trafalgar Square there is a monument to … .

A) Nelson B) Henry VIII C) William the Conqueror

55. Which is not a university town?

A) Bath B) Oxford C) Cambridge

56. Shakespeare was born in … .

A) London B) Stratford-on-Avon C) Oxford

57. Which is the symbol of the republic of   Ireland ?

A) The rose B) The daffodil C) The shamrock

58.  There are … stripes on the American flag.

A) twelve B) thirteen C) fourteen

59. The Statue of Liberty was given to the USA by … .

A) the UK B) Canada C)   France

60. America was not free from British rule until … .

A) July 1776 B) January 1777 C) February 1783

Как сделать такие снежинки из бумаги — смотрим ЗДЕСЬ.


1 —B

11 —A

21 —A

31 —A

41 —C

51 —B

2 —B

12 —B

22 —B

32 —B

42 —C

52 —C

3 —C

13 —C

23 —A

33 —B

43 —A

53 —C

4 —C

14 —A

24 —C

34 —A

44 —B

54 —A

5 —B

15 —C

25 —A

35 —A

45 —B

55 —A

6 —A

16 —C

26 —B

36 —C

46 —C

56 —B

7 —A

17 —B

27 —B

37 —B

47 —A

57 —C

8 —C

18 —C

28 —B

38 —A

48 —A

58 —B

9 —C

19 —A

29 —B

39 —A

49 —C

59 —C

10 —B

20 —C

30 —A

40 —B

50 —B

60 —A

1   …………………. it was expensive, the CD wasn’t very good quality.

      A Although   B In spite of   C However

2   …………………. being expensive, the CD wasn’t very good quality.

      A Although   B In spite of   C However

3   …………………. the cost, the CD wasn’t very good quality.

      A Although   B In spite of   C However

4   The CD was expensive. …………………., it wasn’t very good quality.

      A Although   B In spite of   C However

5   The CD was expensive. It wasn’t very good quality, …………………. .

      A although   B despite   C however

6   The CD wasn’t very good quality, …………………. being expensive.

      A although   B despite   C however

7   The CD wasn’t very good quality, …………………. it was expensive.

      A although   B in spite of   C however

8   The CD wasn’t very good quality, …………………. the cost.

      A although   B despite   C however

Консультации по учебе, на самой крупной бирже
студенческих работ !

Ответы на Тесты по Английскому языку для всех курсов ПОЛИТЕХ (СПБСТУ) ИММИТ ИЭИТС ИСИ ИКНТ ИФНИТ ИПМЭИТ …

Наилучшим решением для поиска задачи является ввод 2-3 первых слов условия задачи !!!

What else сап ме do insteadof $  going юга сир of coffee? ...

What else сап ме do insteadof $ going юга сир of coffee?

Choose the sentence from the list below that would make the best topic sentence.
= = 1
There are many popular sports in my country, but the most pop ...

Choose the sentence from the list below that would make the best topic sentence.
= = 1
There are many popular sports in my country, but the most popular is football.
children begin learning to play football when they are very young. You can offen
see them playing at school or in the streets around their houses. Al secondary
school, students may play football in a team and compete in championships. [а
player is very good
play for а professional team. People
my country love watching football on
и and also go k
ey can. Many people have a
feam or player, and everyone
wes to talk about matches and
competitions. Football is really like а
national sport in my country
I love playing football, and I hope I can become a professional player one day.
Football is a difficult sport to learn to play well.

I told John the car was too expensive. Although / However, he still bought it.
Выберите один ответ:
a. Although
b. However ...

I told John the car was too expensive. Although / However, he still bought it.
Выберите один ответ:
a. Although
b. However

Choose the correct answer.
To lose a sum of money - То такеа 10$$ ...

Choose the correct answer.
To lose a sum of money — То такеа 10$$

Write the missing travel word:
А disaster is (an event that results in) great harm, damage, or death, or serious difficulty. ...

Write the missing travel word:
А disaster is (an event that results in) great harm, damage, or death, or serious difficulty.

Fill т the gap with the appropriate word.
Like my favorite film lead actor! do my best for achieving all my goals. ...

Fill т the gap with the appropriate word.
Like my favorite film lead actor! do my best for achieving all my goals.

Some tourists enjoy going on organized tours, many other tourists prefer travelling on their own.
Выберите один ответ:
а. while
b. different from

Some tourists enjoy going on organized tours, many other tourists prefer travelling on their own.
Выберите один ответ:
а. while
b. different from
c. likewise

геодезическая съемка
Ответ: geodetic surveying ...

геодезическая съемка
Ответ: geodetic surveying

Make а question using the Past Perfect Tense.
- I wasn"t surprised by the birthday present.
- (you I already I know I about I it)?
Ответ: Had you a ...

Make а question using the Past Perfect Tense.
— I wasn»t surprised by the birthday present.
— (you I already I know I about I it)?
Ответ: Had you already known about it?

Choose the correct answer.
I"d love to come to the cinema, but! have to $ hand in this assignment tomorrow. ...

Choose the correct answer.
I»d love to come to the cinema, but! have to $ hand in this assignment tomorrow.

Choose the correct tense:
Cabot was $ ¥ instrumental in exploring a Northwest Passage in North America. ...

Choose the correct tense:
Cabot was $ ¥ instrumental in exploring a Northwest Passage in North America.

Read the sentence and complete the question. The underlined word should be the answer.
(используйте только один пробел между словами; в начале и в ко ...

Read the sentence and complete the question. The underlined word should be the answer.
(используйте только один пробел между словами; в начале и в конце пробел не нужен)
Extroverts usually form close relationships.
What relationships do extroverts usually form 2

Mrs Garrison is the most oldest teacher in the school.
Ответ: most ...

Mrs Garrison is the most oldest teacher in the school.
Ответ: most

Match the roles with their activities.
a group of people, usually 12, who judge a court case. jury
someone whose profession is to provide people wit ...

Match the roles with their activities.
a group of people, usually 12, who judge a court case. jury
someone whose profession is to provide people with legal advice and services lawyer
a person who is the prisoner of someone who threatens to kill them if they do not get what
they want hostage

Choose the correct answer. Use "can"t" 3 times.
1. The house isn"t hard to find. It"s the red one at the end. You can"t I miss it!
2. What an amazin ...

Choose the correct answer. Use «can»t» 3 times.
1. The house isn»t hard to find. It»s the red one at the end. You can»t I miss it!
2. What an amazing trip! You I must
3. That can»t
have some incredible photos.
be the vegetarian option. It»s got chicken in it.
4. Have you got your passport? I»m not sure if you need it, but they I might I ask your ID.
5. Who left their laptop on my desk? It
6. Samira has the flu. We don»t know yet, but she
can»t I be Mel»s — she»s working at home today.
need to take the whole week off.

Ifthey had ¥ (have) more money, they"d ask a famous celebrity to endorse it. ...

Ifthey had ¥ (have) more money, they»d ask a famous celebrity to endorse it.

Read the sentence and complete the question. The underlined word should be the answer.
Bill Clinton is an ex-president.
Who _ is Bill Clinton и? ...

Read the sentence and complete the question. The underlined word should be the answer.
Bill Clinton is an ex-president.
Who _ is Bill Clinton и?

Most people feel satisfied at work when they know they"re moving towards something.
Выберите один ответ:
Неверно ...

Most people feel satisfied at work when they know they»re moving towards something.
Выберите один ответ:

Complete the sentences with the correct modal verb.
№ can"t be him. He"s on holiday until next week. ...

Complete the sentences with the correct modal verb.
№ can»t be him. He»s on holiday until next week.

Make up а sentence using Present Simple or Present Continuous. Choose positive, negative
or question.
These personality tests/ to be/ reliable.
The ...

Make up а sentence using Present Simple or Present Continuous. Choose positive, negative
or question.
These personality tests/ to be/ reliable.
These personality tests are reliable.

The words although, though, despite, in spite of and however have very similar meanings; however, they are used in different structures.

Though and although are conjunctions. They go before a clause. Despite and in spite of are prepositions. They go before a noun or noun equivalent. However is a transitional adverb. It goes at the beginning of a sentence.

This grammar exercise tests your ability to use these words correctly.

1. ………………………. the watch was expensive, he bought it.


Although is a conjunction. We use it before a clause.

2. We went out …………………………….. the rain.

in spite of


Either could be used here


The prepositions ‘despite’ and ‘in spite of’ are interchangeable.

3. We went out …………………………. it was raining.


We use ‘although’ before a clause.

4. ………………………. my husband didn’t like the movie, I enjoyed it a lot.



Either could be used here


The conjunctions ‘though’ and ‘although’ are interchangeable.

5. He passed the test. ………………………., he didn’t get the job.


‘However’ is not a conjunction. It is a transitional adverb and goes at the beginning of the sentence.

6. ………………………… he passed the test, he didn’t get the job.

In spite of



7. They managed to do it ……………………… I was not there.

8. Tired ……………………….. he was, he went on working.

9. …………………….. hard she tried, she couldn’t do it.



In spite of

10. ………………………….. of the headache, I enjoyed the movie.


The correct expression is ‘in spite of’. It means the same as ‘despite’.

11. …………………….. I don’t agree with him, I think he is honest.


Although is a conjunction. We use it before a clause.

12. We understood him ………………………….. his strong accent.


Despite is a preposition. It goes before a noun.


1. Although the watch was expensive, he bought it.
2. We went out despite / in spite of the rain.
3. We went out although / though it was raining.
4. Though / although my husband didn’t like the movie, I enjoyed it a lot.
5. He passed the test. However, he didn’t get the job.
6. Although / though he passed the test, he didn’t get the job.
7. They managed to do it though / although I was not there.
8. Tired though he was, he went on working.
9. However hard she tried, she couldn’t do it.
10. In spite of the headache, I enjoyed the movie.
11. Although I don’t agree with him, I think he is honest.
12. We understood him despite his strong accent.

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