Choose the correct word a some oranges

3. Choose the correct word:
1. Are there any/some oranges left?
2. How much/many soup is there in the bowl?
3. There isn’t many/any cheese in the fridge.
4. There are much/many dairy products to choose them.
5. We’ve got a little/a few shops here.
6. I have any/some biscuits in my bag.
7. There aren’t much/any onions.
8. There is a few/a little sugar left.
9. There are a lot of/much bananas on the table.
10. I’ve got a few/a little apples here.

4. Complete the sentences with: peel, stir, boil, bake, put.
1. ______eggs for two minutes.
2. ______ the mixture into 10 muffin cups.
3. In a bowl, _______all the ingredients together.
4. ______ the apples and put them in the bowl.
5. ______ a cake for 30 minutes.

5. Put the verbs in brackets in the present simple, present continuous or past simple.

My mum usually 1).________(cook) for the family, but today is her birthday, so I 2)._________(make) a special dish for the family. Yesterday mum 3).__________(bake) fish and today I 4)._________(want) to make grilled chicken. My little sister 5). ____________(prepare) burgers for a snack. We’re happy!
6. Read the advertisement for a restaurant and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).
At the Bombay Palace, the food is great and the prices are fantastic. A meal for two costs about £40.Are you tired of going to the same restaurant all the time? Well, come visit us at the Bombay Palace on Willow Avenue. The Bombay Palace is an Indian restaurant with a difference! The Palace’s starters are the best in town. Try the hot spicy soup or the chef’s salad. For your main course, choose between the beef curry with rice or the Punjab baked chicken with vegetables. But save room for dessert! How about apple pie? No? Then why not try the fruit salad? The Bombay Palace is open Monday to Saturday from 7pm to 12pm.

1. The Bombay Palace is an Indian restaurant. ____
2. You can have salad for a starter. ____
3. The chicken comes with rice. ____
4. There is only one kind of dessert. ____
5. A meal for two costs more than £50. ____
6. The Bombay Palace is not open on Sundays. ____

4. There is only one kind of dessert. ____
5. A meal for two costs more than £50. ____
6. The Bombay Palace is not open on Sundays. ____

1. Choose the correct word. 1) Are there any/some oranges left? 2) There wasn’t many/any cheese in the fridge. 3) There are much/many dairy products to choose them. 4) We’ve got a little/a few restaurants here. 5) There is some/any salad in the bowl. 2. Fill in the table with the words: bread, tea, water, sugar, cheese, honey, apples, juice, olive oil, cereal, rice, jam, chocolate, tomatoes. Some words can be repeated in different columns. A loaf of A cup of A glass of A kilo of A piece of A bottle of A bag of A jar of A box of A bar of 3. Put the verbs in brackets in the Present Simple, Present Continuous or Past Simple. 1) …(be) you at the cinema last night? 2) Her parents … (work) at a bank. 3) I … (hear) a noise last night, I went to see what it was. 4) Look! The cat … (drink) milk. 5) How often … (you/go) to the cinema? 6) Sam … (not/like) potatoes. 7) She … (clean) vegetables an hour ago. 8) My friend (be) at home yesterday. 9) She always (make) a cake on her birthdays. 10) I (cook) breakfast at the moment. What… (you/do) now?

Обучайтесь и развивайтесь всесторонне вместе с нами, делитесь знаниями и накопленным опытом, расширяйте границы знаний и ваших умений.

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Как быстро и эффективно исправить почерк?  Люди часто предполагают, что каллиграфия и почерк являются синонимами, но это не так.

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Choose the correct word.
1. a/some potatoes
2. some/an eggs
3. a/an apple
4. some/a milk
5. some/a biscuits
6. a/some rice
7. an/a banana
8. some/a sugar

Английский язык 5 класс Spotlight Английский в фокусе Ваулина. Progress Check 8 (страница 104). Номер №4


Перевод задания
Выберите правильное слово.
1. a/some картофелин
2. some/an яиц
3. a/an яблоко
4. some/a молока
5. some/a печеньев
6. a/some риса
7. an/a банан
8. some/a сахара

1. some potatoes
2. some eggs
3. an apple
4. some milk
5. some biscuits
6. some rice
7. a banana
8. some sugar

Перевод ответа
1. немного картофеля
2. несколько яиц
3. яблоко
4. немного молока
5. несколько печений
6. немного риса
7. банан
8. немного сахара

Пж помогите.
Choose the correct word.
1. Have you got a/any tissues?
2. Have you got an/any orange?
3. Have you got a/any key?
4. I`ve got a/some sweets?
5. I`ve got an/some apple.
6. I`ve got a/some hairbrush.
7. I haven`t got a/any mobile phone.
8. I haven`t got a/any money
9. I haven`t got a/any purse


1. There is some/any orange juice in the fridge.

2. Are there any/some apples left?

3. There wasn’t many/any coffee left.

4.There are a lot of/much apples in the bowl.

5. Is there much/many rice left?

6. There are some/a tomatoes in the packet.

7. I want a few/a little sugar in my coffee.

8. I need a little/a few bananas for fruit salad.

9. The Smiths have little/few money. They aren’t rich.

10. The theatre was almost empty. There were little/few people there.


  1. many
  2. much
  3. much
  4. many
  5. many
  6. much
  7. many


  1. C
  2. D
  3. B
  4. E
  5. G
  6. A

Страница 104

1. Match the words to form collocations. — Соедините слова, чтобы получились словосочетания.

  1. E — have street parades — устраивать уличные парады
  2. C — dress up — наряжаться
  3. B — exchange gifts — обмениваться подарками
  4. A — light bonfires — зажигать костры
  5. F — decorate the house — украшать дом
  6. D — cook special food — готовить особую еду

2. Find ten foods/drinks. — Найдите 10 названий еды и напитков.

  1. pineapple — ананас
  2. meat — мясо
  3. cabbage — капуста
  4. milk — молоко
  5. burger — гамбургер
  6. pie — пирог
  7. butter — масло
  8. pasta — паста
  9. rice — рис
  10. chicken — курица

3. Fill in the missing letters. — Вставьте пропущенные буквы.

  1. a carton of milk, — пакет молока
  2. a bottle of olive oil, — бутылка оливкового масла
  3. a bowl of sugar, — чашка сахара
  4. a glass of orange juice, — стакан апельсинового сока
  5. a packet of pasta, — упаковка макарон
  6. a box of cereal — коробка хлопьев

4. Choose the correct word. — Выберите правильные слова

  1. some potatoes — немного картошки
  2. some eggs — несколько яиц
  3. an apple — яблоко
  4. some milk — немного молока
  5. some bisquits — несколько печений
  6. some rice — немного риса
  7. a banana — банан
  8. some sugar — немного сахара

5. Fill in the gaps with: some, any, much, many. — Заполните пробелы словами: some, any, much, many

  1. A: How many potatoes have we got? — У нас много картошки?
    B: Not many. — Не так много
  2. There are some peas, but there aren’t any onions. — Есть горох, но нет лука.
  3. A: Are there any apples? — Есть яблоки?
    B: Yes, but not many. — Да, но немного
  4. A: Are there any bananas? — Есть бананы?
    B: No, there aren’t any. — Нет бананов.

6. Use the prompts to complete the exchanges. — Используйте подсказки для того, чтобы закончить фразу

  1. A: Would you like a glass of milk? — Вы хотите стакан молока?
    В: That would be nice. — Это было бы неплохо.
  2. A: Can I take your order? — Могу я принять ваш заказ?
    B: I’d tike a cheese sandwich, please. — Я бы хотел сырный сэндвич, пожалуйста.
  3. A: How about pizza? — Как насчет пиццы?
    В: I don’t think so. — Не думаю.
  4. A: Enjoy your meal. — Приятного аппетита.
    B: Thank you. — Спасибо.
  5. A: Is there any orange juice? — Есть апельсиновый сок?
    B: There is some. — Да, есть.

Now I can… — Теперь я умею

  • talk and write about festivals and celebrations — говорить и писать о фестивалях и празднованиях
  • talk about and order food/drinks — говорить о еде и напитках и заказывать их
  • write a birthday party plan — писать план вечеринки в честь дня рождения
  • make suggestions about food for a party — делать предложения о еде для вечеринки
  • write a magazine entry about how we celebrate birthdays in my country — писать заметку в журнале о том, как мы празднуем дни рождения в моей стране
  • talk  and write about kitchen safety — говорить и писать о безопасности на кухне

Smile — Улыбнись

I’ve got five apples in my right hand, and seven apples in my left hand. What have I got? — У меня пять яблок в правой руке и семь яблок в левой руке. Что у меня есть? 

Very big hands! — Очень большие руки!


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