Choose the correct word a balanced diet helps to our weight


Fill in the correct word.

artistic * patient * caring * helpful * well-organised * friendly * honest *
cooperative *

Kay for a hand. She’s the most _____ person in the office.

at that fantastic painting! Tom is so _____.

nurse was very _____ and looked after Grandma really well.

the most _____ person I know; he never tells a lie.

chats to everyone; she’s really _____.

is _____ he never misses a deadline.

teacher was very _____ and explained everything one more time.

have to be _____ to work successfully in our team!

2.      Choose
the correct word.

need wholemeal/self-raising/low-fat flour to make a cake.

too much red fish/dessert/meat is not good for you.

an extra 15 min if you prefer your steak well-done/unripe/rare.

forget to buy a bottle of fizzy/sparkling/bubbly water at the
supermarket!” he told her.

cup of black/white/brown coffee has almost no calories.

fruit and vegetables are cheaper and tastier.

3.      Choose
the correct item.

balanced diet helps to _____ our weight.

A examine      C

B check          D

2.      Malnutrition
could _____ your immune system.

A reduce         C

B shrink          D

3.      Foods
high in carbohydrates could _____ blood sugar levels.

A raise            C

B rise              D
grow up

4.      Mark
is the kind of person who always ____ his goals.

A manages     C

B achieves     D

5.      When
you _____ the banana skin, throw it in the dustbin.

A delete           C

B take out        D

6.      He
has always _____ his students in a polite and respectful way.

A treated          C

B behaved        D

7.      My
grandfather took out his _____ teeth and put them in a glass.

A artificial       C

B fake              D

8.      “She’s
far too _____! She needs to put on weight,” Bill said.

A skinny          C

B slim              D

9.      Canned
food contains lots of _____.

A supplements  C

B extras             D

10.  “You
need a doctor’s _____
to get these particular pills,” pharmacist

receipt            C recipe

B instruction      D

4.      Fill
in the correct derivatives:

When Jenny saw how badly her leg was _____, she
burst into tears.

People get paid quite highly in the UK because the
cost of _____ is so high.

I usually acquire information on new _____ from the

Many people tend to _____ wealth with happiness.

You should cut down on junk food if you want to
improve your _____.

His weight _____ between 75 – 80 kilograms,
depending on how much he exercised.

Jill tried to _____ Anna to apply for the teaching
job, but she didn’t want to.

There was a severe _____ of fruit and vegetables in
Ryan’s diet.









5.      Fill in: over, from, with, to,

looks _____ his little sister when his parents go out.

came down ____ measles at the weekend.

must tell your doctor if you are allergic _____ certain antibiotics.

has a brother who suffers _____ heart disease.

took Frank a long time to get _____ the shock of his brother’s death.

6.      Put
the verbs in brackets into the : — ing form, to- infinitive or  bare

you admit (steal) that watch?

tried ( wake) him up but I failed.

really looking forward ( have) two weeks off work.

can’t afford (take) you out every weekend!

never forget ( ride) my first bike.

regret ( inform) you that your application will not be taken any further.

room needs ( clean).

prefer ( stay) in tonight.

parents made her ( practise) every day.

10.  They
couldn’t help ( laugh) while reading this story.

7.      Change
the sentences into reported speech using:

forbid * allow * order * suggest *
remind * beg

please help me,’ he asked me.

cannot eat in the classroom,’ he said to the student.

can go to the party,’ he said to me.

forget to call Steve,’ he said to me.

don’t we go to the cinema?’ he asked.

8.      Read
the text and choose the correct part of a sentence to fill in the gaps:

During recent years, people have
become obsessed with their weight. The desire of people to look like their
favourite movie star or supermodel has prompted an almost endless list of celebrity-endorsed
diets. Actress Jodie Foster says ‘Yes!’ to the Beverly Hills Diet, Kylie
Minogue uses the Montignac Diet and Sarah-Michelle Gellar even gives a
thumbs-up to a Cabbage Soup Diet! But no nutritional programme has gained quite
so much attention as the world-famous Atkins Diet.

Brad Pitt, Jennifer Aniston and
Catherine Zeta-Jones are just a few of the personalities 1) _____. So what is
‘Atkins’, why does it have such a high-profile following and, more importantly,
is it safe? The basic idea of the diet is quite simple. Atkins dieticians claim
that carbohydrates are the reason 2) _____ These include foodstuffs such as
flour and sugar, like you would find in a cake. Our bodies burn carbohydrates
first. So the Atkins scientists say that if we cut down on these carbohydrates,
our bodies will search for other forms of energy to burn instead. When our
bodies burn fat, we naturally become less hungry, 3)_____.

Not everybody thinks 4) _____. Several
nutritionists have said that the diet upsets the balance of fruit and vegetable
intake 5) _____ . The human body needs a variety of minerals and vitamins and
these should be part of any diet. It is also thought that the Atkins Diet is
too low in fibre, which is mainly found in bread, cereals and potatoes. There
is wide scientific agreement that lack of fibre can cause serious stomach
problems. However, an Atkins spokesman has rejected claims made about flaws in
the diet. He agrees that the intake of fruit and vegetables is reduced at the beginning
of the diet, 6) _____. Dieters are also encouraged not to neglect fibre, and
the Atkins website advertises a special range of bread and cereals which ensure
that a person’s nutritional needs are met.

A number of scientific studies back
the claim that ‘Atkins’ is a good way to lose weight quickly as noticeable
results can easily be seen after a short length of time. Life in the limelight
is very likely the reason that celebrities choose to use this diet, but if you
are considering trying it, you should consult a doctor first. ‘Atkins’ is only
successful if it is well-planned, nutritious and includes regular exercise.

includes other forms of energy

have tried the diet

Atkins is the best way to lose weight, though

we put on weight

they think is necessary for us to stay healthy

we start to lose weight

there is still a healthy amount that is slowly increased

Опубликовано 13.06.2017 по предмету Английский язык от Гость
>> <<

#4. Underline the correct world.
1.Physical activity/a trip abroad is important for good health.
2.A balanced diet contains a lot of fat/meat/vegetables/fruit/all sorts of healthy food.
3.McDonalds is an expensive restaurant/a fast food restaurant.
4.I like this ice cream,its disgusting/delicious.
5.Tom went to the gym to burn calories/to feel guilty.

Ответ оставил Гость

1 activity
2  vegetables
3 a fast food
4. delicious
5. to burn calories

Оцени ответ

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На данной странице находятся упражнения с ответами по английскому языку из рабочей тетради (Workbook) 9 класса УМК Spotlight. Упражнения из 7d.

Exercise 1. Match the words in the two columns. Then use the phrases in their correct form to complete the speech bubbles.
Упражнение 1. Соотнесите слова из двух колонок, чтобы образовать сочетания. Потом вставьте их в предложения.


1) join
2) cut down on
3) lose
4) go on

a. fatty foods
b. a diet
с. a gym
d. weight

A) I should __ and start eating more fruit and vegetables.
B) I am glad I ___; now I can exercise more often.
C) This is my last slice of pizza! I ___ tomorrow.
D) Congratulations, you have ___ about 3 kilos!

1) join a gym – пойти в спортзал
2) cut down on fatty foods – сократить потребление жирной пищи
3) lose weight – терять вес
4) go on a diet – пойти на диету

A) I should cut down on fatty foods and start eating more fruit and vegetables. – Мне следует сократить упoтребление жирной пищи и начать есть больше фруктов и овощей.

B) I am glad I joined a gym; now I can exercise more often. – Я рад,что пошел в спортзал; теперь я могу тренироваться чаще.

C) This is my last slice of pizza! I am going (или will go on a diet) tomorrow. – Это мой последний кусочек пиццы! Завтра я сажусь на диету.

D) Congratulations, you have lost weight about 3 kilos! – Поздравляю с тем, что ты похудел на три килограмма!

Exercise 2. Fill in: key, recipe, physical, balanced, treat, junk, habits.
Упражнение 2. Вставьте слова: key, recipe, physical, balanced, treat, junk, habits.


My friend Katie is such a health nut! She goes jogging every day, and eats a 1)__ diet. She says the 2)__ to a healthy lifestyle is eating well and exercising regularly. But Katie thinks I don’t get enough 3)__ activity because I prefer watching TV to exercising. She says my lifestyle is a(n) 4)__ for disaster and that I need to make some changes. Well, I agree that my eating 5)__ may not be the best but I could never do what she does. Avoid all 6)__ food? No, thanks! I think it’s important to 7)__ yourself once in a while! But I see what she means about exercise. So I think I will make some changes in that department!

My friend Katie is such a health nut (Моя подруга Кэти так помешана на здоровье)! She goes jogging every day, and eats a balanced diet (Каждый день она делает пробежку и придерживается сбалансированной диеты). She says the key to a healthy lifestyle is eating well and exercising regularly (Она говорит, что ключом к здоровому образу жизни является хорошее питание и регулярные тренировки). But Katie thinks I don’t get enough physical activity because I prefer watching TV to exercising (Но Кэти считает, что я не получаю достаточно физической активности, потому что я предпочитаю просмотр телевизора тренировкам). She says my lifestyle is a recipe for disaster and that I need to make some changes (Она говорит, что мой образ жизни – это рецепт для бедствия и что мне надо внести некоторые изменения). Well, I agree that my eating habits may not be the best but I could never do what she does (Ну, я согласна, то мои привычки в питании могут быть далеко не лучшими, но я никогда бы не смог делать то, что делает она). Avoid all junk food (Избегать всей неполезной еды)? No, thanks (Нет, спасибо)! I think it’s important to treat yourself once in a while (Я считаю, что очень важно баловать себя иногда)! But I see what she means about exercise (Но я понимаю, что она имеет в виду по поводу тренировок). So I think I will make some changes in that department (Так что, я думаю, что в этом отношении я сделаю некоторые изменения)!

Exercise 3. Underline the correct item.
Упражнение 3. Определите правильный вариант.


1) People who are watching their weight prefer food which is low/short in fat.
2) Did you know that spinach is rich/full in iron?
3) Exercise helps us destroy/burn calories more easily.
4) A piece of fruit or some nuts are healthy desserts/snacks to have if you’re hungry between meals.
5) Jane is a vegetarian, and doesn’t eat any meat produce/products.
6) You’re looking so much healthier now that you’re eating sensibly; give/keep up the good work!

1) People who are watching their weight prefer food which is low in fat. – Люди, которые следят за своим весом, предпочитают еду и низким содержанием жира.

2) Did you know that spinach is rich in iron? – Ты знал, что шпинат богат железом?

3) Exercise helps us burn calories more easily. – Физические упражнения помогают сжигать больше калорий.

4) A piece of fruit or some nuts are healthy snacks to have if you’re hungry between meals. – Какой-нибудь фрукт или орехи являются полезной закуской, если ты испытываешь голов между приемами пищи.

5) Jane is a vegetarian, and doesn’t eat any meat products. – Джейн вегетарианка и не ест продукты из мяса.

6) You’re looking so much healthier now that you’re eating sensibly; keep up the good work! – Теперь, когда ты ешь разумно, ты выглядишь гораздо здоровее; продолжай хорошее дело!

Exercise 4. Choose the correct item.
Упражнение 4. Определить правильный вариант.


1) Students __ to call the school if they miss a class.
A. can
В. should
С. have

2) You __ only eat at the restaurant if you are a guest at the hotel.
A. could
В. have to
С. can

3) We __ wash our hands before eating so as not to get sick.
A. must
В. needn’t
С. can

4) You __ wash the dishes. Doug has already done it.
A. don’t have to
В. ought not
С. mustn’t

5) Mum, __ I have some ice cream after dinner, please?
A. must
В. can
С. should

6) If you’re not happy with the gym you’re going to, you __ try coming to mine; it’s very good.
A. may
В. could
С. need

7) I __ return the book to the library today or I’ll pay a fine.
A. ought
В. may
С. must

8) If you’re on a diet, you __ avoid eating junk food and anything that has too much sugar in it.
A. should
В. can
С. could

1) Students have to call the school if they miss a class. – Ученики должны позвонить в школу, если они пропускают занятия.
2) You can only eat at the restaurant if you are a guest at the hotel. – Вы можете есть в этом ресторане, если только вы гость этой гостиницы.
3) We must wash our hands before eating so as not to get sick. – Мы должны мыть руки перед едой, чтобы не заболеть.
4) You don’t have to wash the dishes. Doug has already done it. – Ты не должен мыть посуду. Даг уже сделал это.
5) Mum, can I have some ice cream after dinner, please? – Мама, можно съесть немного мороженого после обеда?
6) If you’re not happy with the gym you’re going to, you could try coming to mine; it’s very good. – Если тебе не нравится спортзал, в который ты ходишь, то ты мог бы попробовать ходить в мой; он очень хорош.
7) I must return the book to the library today or I’ll pay a fine. – Я должен вернуть книгу в библиотеку сегодня, либо я заплачу штраф.
8) If you’re on a diet, you should avoid eating junk food and anything that has too much sugar in it. – Если ты на диете, тебе следует избегать есть неполезную еду и все, что содержит слишком много сахара.

1 Книги, газеты, радио и телевидение дают все виды информации о том, какие продукты здоровые. Однако не все это является точной информацией.

1) Посмотрите на информацию. Как вы думаете, какая информация о каких продуктах? (применение знаний)

0) чеснок помогает сделать ваше сердце сильным.

1) Зеленый чай защищает ваши зубы.

2) Лук хорош для ваших нервов.

3) Молоко делает ваши кости сильными.

4) Бананы хороши для ваших мышц и кожи.

5) Морковка хороша для ваших глаз.

6) Поедание только одного типа еды, такого как грейпфрут, помогает сбросить вес.

7) Некоторые травы могут помочь сбросить вес, но остаться сильным и гибким без диеты или тренировок.


1) Green tea

2) Onion

3) Milk

4) Bananas

5) Carrot

6) Grapefruit

7) Herbs

2) Прослушайте и исправьте свои заметки при необходимости (прослушивание определенной информации)

Текст аудирования:

Сбалансированное питание помогает людям оставаться здоровыми. Сбалансированное питание включает все группы продуктов питания. Но некоторые продукты более здоровы, чем другие. Конечно, вы должны есть больше здоровых продуктов.

Некоторые люди считают, что чеснок помогает сделать ваше сердце сильным. Они думают, что зеленый чай защищает ваши зубы. Они уверены, что лук хорош для ваших нервов, что молоко делает ваши кости сильными, а бананы хороши для ваших мышц и кожи. Морковь считается хорошей для ваших глаз.

Если вы едите только один вид продуктов, такой как грейпфрут, то это помогает вам похудеть. И некоторые травы могут помочь вам сбросить вес без диетпитания или тренировок.

3) Определите, какая информация является мифом (поставить на букву М), а какая является научным фактом (поставить букву F).

(применение знаний)

Говорят, чеснок помогает…

… считается…

… известно…

Я думаю, что это миф (факт), потому что, когда вы… вы не можете (можешь)..


0) F.

1) F.

2) F.

3) F.

4) F

5) F

6) M

7) M

4) Прослушайте и проверьте, (прослушивание конкретной информации)

Текст аудирования:

Люди верят в разные вещи. Но есть некоторые факты и мифы о продуктах. Мифы могут быть очень опасными, особенно для подростков.

Факты — чеснок помогает сделать ваше сердце сильным. Зеленый чай защищает ваши зубы. Лук хорош для нервов. Молоко делает кости крепкими. Бананы хороши для ваших мышц и кожи. Морковь полезна для глаз.

Мифы – употребление только одного типа пищи, такого как грейпфрут, помогает похудеть. Некоторые травы могут помочь похудеть без диет и упражнений.

1 Books, newspapers, radio and television give all kinds of information about food are health. Not all of it, however, is accurate information.
1) Look at the pieces of information. What products do you think each piece of information is about? (applying background knowledge)
0) Garlic helps to make your heart strong. F
1) _ protects your teeth. _
2) _ is good for your nerves. _
3) _ makes your bones’ strong. _
4) _ are good for your muscles and skin. _
5) _ is good for your eyes. _
6) Eating only one type of food, such as _, helps to lose weight. _
7) Some _ can help to lose weight but stay strong and flexible’ without diet or exercise.

2) Listen and correct your notes if necessary, (listening for specific information)
Текст аудирования:
A balanced diet helps people to stay healthy. A balanced diet is one that includes all the food groups. But some foods are healthier than others. Of course, you should eat more healthy ones.
Some people believe that garlic helps to make your heart strong. They think that green tea protects your teeth. They are sure that onion is good for your nerves, that milk makes your bones strong, and bananas are good for your muscles and skin. Carrot is thought to be good for your eyes.
If you eat only one type of food, such as grapefruit, it helps to lose weight. And there are some herbs that can help to lose weight without diet or exercise.

3) Decide which information is a myth (put the letter M) and which is a scientific fact (put the letter F). (applying background knowledge)
Garlic is said to help …
… is considered to …
… is known to …
I think this is a myth (a fact), because when you … you don’t (can) ..

4) Listen and check, (listening for specific information)
Текст аудирования:
People believe in different things. But there are some facts and there are myths about products. Myths can be very dangerous, especially for teens.
Facts are — Garlic helps to make your heart strong. Green tea protects your teeth. Onion is good for your nerves. Milk makes your bones strong. Bananas are good for your muscles and skin. Carrot is good for your eyes.
Myths are — Eating only one type of food, such as grapefruit, helps to lose weight. Some herbs can help to lose weight without diet or exercise.

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Eating a balanced diet is vital for maintaining good health and keeping your body to function properly.

What is a balanced diet?

A balanced diet means eating a variety of foods from all the food groups daily, in the recommended amounts. There are five main food groups that provide all the essential nutrients your body needs to function properly and stay healthy. These include:

  • Grains, including bread, breakfast cereals, rice, pasta, noodles, quinoa, barley, oats.
  • Proteins foods, including meat, fish, poultry, eggs, nuts, and legumes (such as dried peas, beans, lentils and chickpeas).
  • Vegetables & legumes, including green leafy vegetables (such as cabbage, spinach and broccoli), red, orange coloured vegetables (such as carrot, sweet potato, and pumpkin).
  • Fruits, including apples, bananas, berries, grapes, melons and oranges.
  • Dairy products, including milk, cheese, butter and yogurt.

Why is a well-balanced diet so important?

A healthy balanced diet may help to reduce your risk of serious diseases, such as cancer, heart diseases, diabetes, and stroke.

If you become sick, eating a healthy balanced diet may help you to recover more quickly. Also, if you are overweight or obese, eating a healthy diet can help you lose weight and maintain a healthy weight.

How much of each food group should you consume in a day?

The Australian dietary guidelines recommend the following number of serving from each of the five food groups per day.

The dietary patterns in the table below provide the nutrients and energy needed by adults and children of average height with sedentary to moderate activity levels.

Grains* Protein foods* Vegetables & legumes* Fruits* Milk & dairy products*
Toddlers **
1-2 4 1 2-3 ½ 1-1 ½
2-3 4 1 2 ½ 1 1 ½
4-8 4 1 ½ 4 ½ 1 ½ 2
9-11 5 2 ½ 5 2 2 ½
12-13 6 2 ½ 5 ½ 2 3 ½
14-18 7 2 ½ 5 ½ 2 3 ½
2-3 4 1 2 ½ 1 1 ½
4-8 4 1 ½ 4 ½ 1 ½ 1 ½
9-11 4 2 ½ 5 2 3
12-13 5 2 ½ 5 2 3 ½
14-18 7 2 ½ 5 2 3 ½
19-50 6 3 6 2 2 ½
51-70 6 2 ½ 5 ½ 2 2 ½
70+ 4 ½ 2 ½ 5 2 3 ½
19-50 6 2 ½ 5 2 2 ½
51-70 4 2 5 2 4
70+ 3 2 5 2 4
Pregnant 8 ½ 3 ½ 5 2 2 ½
Breastfeeding 9 2 ½ 5 ½ 2 4

*Includes an allowance for unsaturated spreads or oils, nuts or seeds (½ serve [4.5g] per day for children 2-3 years of age; 1 serve [7-10g] per day for children 3-12 years of age; 1 ½ serves [11-15g] per day for children 12-13 years; 2 serves [14-20g] per day for adolescents 14-18 years of age; 4 serves [28-40g] per day for men less than 70 years of age; 2 serves [14-20g] per day for women, older men and for pregnant and breastfeeding girls.)

**An allowance for unsaturated spreads or oils or nut/seed paste of 1 serve (7–10g) per day is included. Whole nuts and seeds are not recommended for children of this age because of the potential choking risk.

Recommended serving size for each of the food group

1. Grains

Grains provide many nutrients that are vital for the health and maintenance of our bodies. They contain carbohydrate, fiber, several B vitamins (folate, thiamin, riboflavin, and niacin), and minerals like iron, magnesium, and selenium.

Whole grains in particular are the healthiest choices as they are higher in fibre, B vitamins and minerals such as magnesium and iron compared to their more refined counterparts. Examples of these include wholemeal bread, brown rice and oats.

One serving of grain foods is 500kJ or equal to:

  • 1 slice of bread
  • 1/2 cup of cooked rice, pasta, noodles, quinoa, porridge
  • 2/3 cup wheat cereal flakes
  • 1/4 cup muesli
  • 3 crispbreads

2. Protein foods

This food group provides excellent source of protein, iron and some other vitamins and minerals. They are primarily responsible for building and repairing muscles, digesting nutrients, and improving immunity.

Opt for fish, poultry, and legumes as healthier options for your diet. When eating meat, choose lean meat over fatty cuts and remove visible fat before eating to reduce saturated fat.

Note that legumes are included in this group because they provide many of the same nutrients as lean meat, fish, poultry and eggs.

One serving of this food group is 500–600kJ or equal to:

  • 100g cooked fish
  • 80g cooked poultry
  • 65g cooked lean beef, lamb, or goat
  • Two large eggs
  • 30g nuts or peanut butter or seed paste
  • One cup cooked dried beans, lentils or chickpeas

3. Vegetables and legumes

Vegetables and legumes are low in fat and high in fiber. They also contain vitamin A, vitamin C, folate, iron and magnesium.

These can help reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease and stroke. Because veggies are low in calories and high in fibre, they can aid in losing weight as well.

Aim to include at least two different colors of vegetables. When cooking vegetables, do not over-boil. Steaming, stir-frying, or lightly boiling are best to retain the nutrients.

One serving of vegetables is 75g (100–350kJ) or equal to:

  • 1 cup of green leafy or raw salad vegetables
  • 1/2 cup of cooked vegetables
  • 1/2 medium potato

4. Fruit

Fruits are great sources of vitamin C, dietary fibre, folate, and many phytonutrients. They can support your immune system and prevent diseases.

Choose whole fruits or sliced fruits rather than fruit juices, since they contain the most fiber; if eating canned fruit, choose fruit canned in juice (rather than fruit canned in syrup).

One serving of fruit is 150g (about 350kJ) or equal to:

  • 1 medium piece such as apple, banana, orange or pear
  • 2 small kiwi, plums, or similar sized fruit
  • Half a grapefruit or avocado
  • A dessert bowl of salad
  • 1/2 cup (125ml) fruit juice

5. Dairy products

Dairy products are the good sources of calcium and protein. They also provide riboflavin, vitamin B12, vitamin D, potassium, magnesium, and zinc. This food group helps promote strong bones and healthy teeth.

As the fat content of dairy foods can vary, make sure that you go for lower-fat options, such as skimmed milk, low-fat cheese and low-fat yoghurt.

One serving of dairy products is 500–600kJ or equal to:

  • 1 glass (250ml) milk
  • 1/2 cup (125ml) evaporated milk
  • 200g low fat yogurt
  • 1/2 cup (120g) ricotta cheese
  • 2 slices (40g) of hard cheese, such as cheddar

Kilojoules explained

Almost everything we eat and drink gives our bodies energy. The energy we get from food and drink is measured in kilojoules (kJ). This is the metric term for calorie. Kilojoules and calories represent the same thing. One calorie is about four kilojoules. You can easily convert from calories to kilojoules or vice versa here.

Tips for healthy eating

Follow these steps to help you eat healthy:

  • Eat a variety of foods from each of the five food groups.
  • Eat the recommended amount of food for your age and sex.
  • Read food labels to compare the saturated fat, trans fat, fiber, and other nutrient contents of various foods. The Nutrition Facts table and the Percent Daily Value can help you make better choices.
  • Limit the intake of foods and drinks that are high in calories, fat, sugar, and sodium.
  • Drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration and help the body to get rid of waste products and toxins in the urine.

1. Choose the correct words to complete the text.

The brain: our hungriest organ

Our brains account for 2% of our weight, but 1 reduce / consume 20% of the energy that our bodies 2 produce / digest after eating. When we sleep, our brains continue to 3 burn / produce energy because they are still working. The 4 process / burn all the day’s activities and create memories. The brain also repairs itself, but if we don’t sleep enough, it 5 reduces / burns the time that our brains have for this work. Having fewer fours of sleep also affects our diets, as it is more difficult for our brains to 6 control / process our weight if we don’t sleep enough. If we want to 7 consume / boost our brains’ energy levels, we should do exercise. Exercise pumps blood full of oxygen to our brains.


1 consume   2 produce   3 burn   4 process

5 reduces   6 control   7 boost

2. Match the verbs below with the definitions. There is one extra verb.

ache      boost      consume      control      digest      process      produce      reduce

1   to use fuel, energy, or time, especially in large amounts …………………………

2   to make something smaller in size, importance, amount, etc. …………………………

3   to make something …………………………

4   to improve or increase something …………………………

5   to change food in your stomach into substances that your body can use …………………………

6   the feeling you get in your muscles when you’re done a lot of exercise …………………………

7   to order, limit, or rule something …………………………


1 consume   2 reduce   3 produce   4 boost   5 digest

6 ache   7 control

3. Complete the words in the sentences.

1   Sausages, sliced ham and bacon can be tasty, but p__________ m__________ is not very good for you.

2   You should avoid all types of p__________ f__________ such as pre-cooked meals.

3   D__________ p__________ like milk and cheese are important for growing children because they strengthen their bones.

4   It’s much better to eat brown bread made from w__________ g__________ flour rather than processed white bread.

5   Some p__________ farmers keep turkeys and ducks as well as chickens.


1 processed meat   2 processed food   3 Dairy products

4 whole grain   5 poultry

4. Listen to a nutritionist giving advice about the best food for people who do sport. Tick the things he mentions.

1   calcium

2   calories

3   carbohydrates

4   cholesterol

5   fat

6   fibre

7   minerals

8   nutrients

9   preservatives

10   protein

11   vitamins


1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11


See exercise 5.

5. Listen again and complete the advice with the words you ticked in exercise 4.

*  You don’t have to eat broccoli, which is full of 1…………………….. , with oil and salt, but it might help to make it tastier!

*  Sweet potatoes and tomatoes contain a lot of 2…………………….. .

*  You should try and avoid red meat because although it has 3…………………….. , it also has a lot of 4…………………….. .

*  You must eat fruit – bananas are a good option because they have a lot of 5……………………..

*  You mustn’t eat too many nuts because although they provide you with 6…………………….. , they also contain a lot of 7…………………….. .

*  If you have to exercise in the evening, milk will help you relax and provide your bones with 8…………………….. .


1 nutrients   2 vitamins   3 protein   4 fat   5 fibre

6 minerals   7 calories   8 calcium


A balanced training schedule also means eating properly, so here are the best fitness foods.

No doubt you refused to eat vegetables when you were a child, but now broccoli, which is full of nutrients, should be part of your diet. Eat it with a little oil and salt and you’ll soon forget saying it tasted horrible!

Accompany broccoli with sweet potatoes and tomatoes. Both are full of vitamins, especially vitamin C.

I regret to say that red meat is out. Although it’s a good source of protein, it contains too much fat. It’s much better to eat fish, especially salmon. You must eat fruit – don’t forget to eat plenty of bananas, the perfect energy food. Bananas contain fibre, which helps your body absorb the sugar they contain slowly so we produce energy for longer. Nuts are packed with minerals and make a perfect snack, but be careful! They’re high in calories and you could put on weight if you eat too many of them!

If you exercise in the evening, it can be difficult to sleep, so try drinking a glass of warm milk before you go to bed. Milk stimulates chemicals in the body that will make you feel sleepy and of course the calcium in milk is excellent for making our bones stronger.

Extra exercises

1. Complete the sentences with the words below.

calories      carbohydrates      dairy products

minerals      preservatives      pulses

1   People burn ………………………… when they do exercise.

2   Nuts, eggs and are good sources of protein.

3   ………………………… can be found in bread, rice, pasta and potatoes.

4   ………………………… contain calcium, which makes teeth and bones stronger.

5   Processed food contains ………………………… so that it doesn’t go off.

6   Salt is one of the most common ………………………… found in food, but there are many others.


1 calories   2 pulses   3 Carbohydrates   4 Dairy products

5 preservatives   6 minerals

2. Match the verbs in A with the words in B to make collocations. Then complete the sentences.

   be      beat      convert      keep      lift      pedal      play      push

   an opponent      a team sport      competitive      fit

        food into energy      on a bike      weights      yourself to the limit

 If you want to ………………………… that isn’t football, why not try rugby?

 My mum tries to ………………………… by going running every morning.

 The eight B vitamins help the body ………………………… so that we are always ready for action.

 When exercising, I think you should train as intensively as you can. It’s only when you ………………………… that you get results.

5   You should use the right technique to ………………………… so as not to injure yourself.

6   I’m always over the moon when I ………………………… at tennis, because I usually lose.

7   Playing sports at school encourages children to ………………………… which helps them to have higher expectations and achieve better results.

8   In my opinion, you should cycle outdoors as much as possible. It’s just not the same when you ………………………… in the gym.


1 play a team sport   2 keep fit

3 convert food into energy   4 push yourself to the limit

5 lift weights   6 beat an opponent

7 be competitive   8 pedal on a bike

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