Choose the correct word 8 класс тест ответы по английскому

1. Choose the correct word. I) I’m sure she’ll write soon. Just try to be patient/reliable. 2) He’s selfish/optimistic about our chances of winning. 3) You can trust Leo — he’s totally sociable/honest. 4) I clenched/crossed my teeth, wondering what to do now. 5) Dad started going blond/bald when he was in his thirties. 6) A good-looking/middle-aged young woman in a business suit came into the room. 7) If you’re feeling energetic/talkative, we could go out for a run. 8) This noise is driving/breaking me crazy. 2. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1) Penguins… (live) in Antarctica. 2) Sorry, I… (not/understand) what you’re talking about. 3) She looks sociable…. (shc/like) meeting new people? 4) Look! Helen… (wear) a red dress. 5) We… (have) a barbecue on Saturday afternoon. Do you want to come? 6) The film… (not/start) yet. 7)… (you/speak) to Jeff recently? 8) I… (wait) here for two hours! 9) Oh no! This bottle… (fall). 10) … (it/be) very expensive? — No, it won’t. 11) When… (you/start) learning English? 12) Tommy … (catch) a really big fish yesterday. 13) We… (work) in the garden when we found some old coins. 14)… (he/ride) his bike while you were shopping? 3. Choose the correct answer. 1) After a while, I got … and left. a) bore b) bored c) boring 2) He began to feel depressed and b) helpful c) helpless a) help 3) They seem to get … with cach other. a) along b) down 4) It’s taken me ages to get … the flu. c) across a) on b) with c) over 5) Why are you so jealous… his success? a) of c) about b) to 6) Susan sat on a chair close … the window. a) with b) to c) at 4. Your grandparents are​

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Choose the correct words. — Выберите правильные слова.
1. He isn’t watching a match now. He’s in the library. — Он не смотрит матч сейчас. Он в библиотеке.
2. Paddy often watches football matches with his friends. — Пэдди часто смотрит футбольные матчи со своими друзьями.
3. Are you working or can I come in? – Ты работаешь, или я могу зайти?
4. My English is getting a lot better. — Мой английский становится лучше.
5. He usually stays in his flat in London, but he is staying with his parents at the moment. — Он обычно останавливается в своей квартире в Лондоне, но в данный момент он со своими родителями.
6. I am spending more time with my girlfriend these days. — Я провожу больше времени со своей подругой в эти дни.
7. We don’t write to each other very often. — Мы не пишем друг другу очень часто.

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4 августа 2021

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Vocabulary and Grammar.


I. Fill in: invaders, preserved, unique, consult, invisible.

1. Many Hindu temples were destroyed by Islamic _______________ in the 8th century BC.
2. The managers of the business firm frequently __________their lawyers for legal advice.
3. Artists visit Greenland for the island’s _______________atmosphere and magnificent surroundings.
4. It is a beautiful town with a picturesque harbor and well-__________ building.
5. The peaks of the mountains were ______________ from down belong because of the fog.

II. Choose the correct word.

1. Chinese is / are difficult to learn.
2. 100 dollars was / were too much for the jacket.
3. Some children has / have very bad manners.
4. Many people like / likes to drink coffee in the morning.
5. The United States is / are a big country.
6. That bunch of grapes look / looks delicious.
7. Those trousers really suit / suits you.
8. My advice is / are to take the job.
9. There was / were water everywhere.
10. My family is / are large.

III. Choose the correct item.

1. I want to hear whole / all truth.
2. No one / Anyone cared that it was raining.
3. Is / Are there any money left.
4. You can do it some / any way you like.
5. A few / A little of us suffer from travel sickness.
6. Some children like broccoli, although many / a lot of do not.
7. I’ve been working hard each / all day and now I’m tired.
8. James didn’t know the answer neither / either.
9. Some / Any people prefer to work in the evening.
10. I can’t find no one / anyone to help me with this.

IV. Give English equivalents for:

1. Я уже упаковал чемоданы и спускаюсь вниз, чтобы выписаться из отеля.
2. Проверь по списку имена всех, кто присутствует.
3. Вы не можете подняться на борт самолета без посадочного талона.
4. Мы с трудом нашли свой багаж на ленточной платформе.
5. К сожалению, из-за погоды наш рейс отменили.

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