Choose the correct word 6 класс тест с ответами

Choose the correct word.
Example: Sam does / makes his morning exercises every day.
1. Look / See at the photo! This is my nephew Tim. He is five here.
2. Susan opened the window, made / did her bed and went to the bathroom.
3. Has she got any hobbies? − Yes, she likes doing / making cupcakes.
4. In the evening they watch / see TV in the living room.
5. Can you describe the young man? − Well, he is tall. He is quite handsome / beautiful.
6. Speak/ Tell louder, please. I can’t hear you.

Английский язык ENJOY ENGLISH Английский с удовольствием (рабочая тетрадь) 6 класс Биболетова. Test yourself 2. Номер №2


Перевод задания
Выберите правильное слово.
Пример: Сэм does / makes утреннюю зарядку каждый день.
1. Look / See на фото! Это мой племянник Тим. Ему здесь пять лет.
2. Сьюзан открыла окно, made / did постель и пошла в ванную.
3. Есть ли у нее хобби? − Да, любит doing / making кексы.
4. Вечером они watch / see телевизор в гостиной.
5. Можете ли вы описать молодого человека? − Ну, он высокий. Он довольно handsome / beautiful.
6. Speak/ Tell громче, пожалуйста. Я тебя не слышу.

1. Look at the photo! This is my nephew Tim. He is five here.
2. Susan opened the window, made her bed and went to the bathroom.
3. Has she got any hobbies? − Yes, she likes making cupcakes.
4. In the evening they watch TV in the living room.
5. Can you describe the young man? − Well, he is tall. He is quite handsome.
6. Speak louder, please. I can’t hear you.

Перевод ответа
1. Посмотрите фото! Это мой племянник Тим. Ему здесь пять лет.
2. Сьюзен открыла окно, застелила постель и пошла в ванную.
3. Есть ли у нее хобби? − Да, она любит делать кексы.
4. Вечером смотрят телевизор в гостиной.
5. Можете ли вы описать молодого человека? − Ну, он высокий. Он довольно красивый.
6. Пожалуйста, говорите громче. Я тебя не слышу.

Modular Test 7          

 V- 1

№1. Choose the correct word.

1) My sister feels stressed/bored when she
takes an exam.

2) When we heard that strange noise, we got so tired/scared.

3) You look so miserable/puzzled. Did you get
the bad news?

4) This was my worst birthday ever. I was bored/excited.

5) Cathy worked so hard yesterday that she feels very worried/tired now.

№2. Fill in the gaps with : was,
wasn’t, were, weren’t

1) There two lemons in the fridge yesterday.

2) The boys at school last Wednesday. They stayed at

3) James at your party last night?

4) I in London last year. I travelled to Spain.

№3. Complete the questions with the verbs in brackets. Then
answer the questions.

1) What time Leo yesterday? (get up)
— He at 7:15 am.

2) What he for breakfast? (have) — He
a sandwich for breakfast.

3) What time he to school? (go)
— He to school at 8 o’clock.

4) What Leo for lunch? (eat) — He
meat and vegetables.

5) he coffee? (drink) — No, .

6) When he home? (get) — He
home at 3 pm.

7) he his homework in the afternoon? (do)
— Yes,

№4. Read the story and mark the sentences  T
or F (false).

da Vinci

Leonardo da
Vinci was born on the 15th April, 1452. He lived in a small
town in Italy with his grandparents. He studied at home and enjoyed music,
singing and mathematics. At the age of 16 he wanted to study art, so he moved
to the city of Florence for art classes. Leonardo finished his studies after
four years. He then worked in Milan as an engineer and he started his life as
an inventor. In 1500 he went back to Florence and in 1516 he travelled to France where he stayed for the rest of his life.

Leonardo da
Vinci lived and worked before people used electricity and petrol for power, but
he had the first ideas for many machines that we use today. For example, he
designed the first helicopter but he never made it. He made the first diving
suit of leather with long pipes to carry the air to the diver. These are just
some of Leonardo’s hundreds of inventions. He also invented a parachute and
even high heels!

inventor — изобретатель

petrol — бензин

helicopter — вертолет

heels — каблуки


1) Leonardo da Vinci was born in Italy. _____

2) He studied mathematics in Florence. _____

3) He worked as an engineer in Milan. _____

4) He made the first electric machine. _____

5) He invented the diving suit. _____

Modular Test 7          

 V-  2

№1. Choose the correct word.

1) He felt puzzled/tired when he didn’t
see Lucy at the party.

2) She was crying and looked bored/miserable.

3) I’m leaving for New York tomorrow. I’m so excited/puzzled!

4) After working all day in the office my father felt very scared/tired.

5) Mum is always worried/excited when Tom
comes home late.

№2. Fill in the gaps withwas,
wasn’t, were, weren’t

1) Where your brother? I didn’t see him yesterday.

2) … you late for school? Your teacher called me.

3) There many people in the park last weekend. It was too

4) Tina didn’t buy food because she at the supermarket.

№3. Complete the questions with the verbs in brackets. Then
answer the questions.

1) What time Laura … yesterday? (get up)
— She at 7:00 am.

2) What… she for breakfast? (have)
She porridge for breakfast.

3) What time Laura to school? (go)
— She to school at 8 o’clock.

4) What she for lunch? (eat) — She tomato

5) … she tea? (drink) — No,

6) When she home? (get) — She
home at 2:30 pm.

7) … she her homework in the afternoon? (do)
— Yes, .

№4. Read the story and mark the sentences  T
or F (false).

da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci was
born on the 15th April, 1452. He lived in a small town in Italy
with his grandparents. He studied at home and enjoyed music, singing and
mathematics. At the age of 16 he wanted to study art, so he moved to the city
of Florence for art classes. Leonardo finished his studies after four years. He
then worked in Milan as an engineer and he started his life as an inventor. In
1500 he went back to Florence and in 1516 he travelled to France
where he stayed for the rest of his life.

Leonardo da Vinci lived
and worked before people used electricity and petrol for power, but he had the
first ideas for many machines that we use today. For example, he designed the
first helicopter but he never made it. He made the first diving suit of leather
with long pipes to carry the air to the diver. These are just some of
Leonardo’s hundreds of inventions. He also invented a parachute and even high

inventor — изобретатель

petrol — бензин

helicopter — вертолет

heels — каблуки


1) Leonardo da Vinci liked music and singing. _____

2) He lived in Florence and studied art for 16 years. _____

3) He died in France. _____

4) People didn’t use electricity in the past when Leonardo lived and

5) He made the first helicopter. _____


Вариант 1

№1. (5 points)

1 — stressed; 2 — scared; 3 — miserable; 4
— bored; 5 — tired.

№2. (4 points)

1 — were; 2 — weren’t; 3 — was; 4 —

№3. (14 points)

1 — What time did Leo get up yesterday? —
He got up at 7:15 am.

2 — What did he have for breakfast? — He
had a sandwich for breakfast.

3 — What time did he go to school? — He
went to school at 8 o’clock.

4 — What did Leo eat for lunch? — He ate
meat and vegetables.

5 — Did he drink coffee? — No, he didn’t.

6 — When did he get home? — He got home at
3 pm.

7 — Did he do his homework in the
afternoon? — Yes, he did.

№4. (5 points) 1T, 2F,
3T, 4F, 5T.

Вариант 2

№1. (5points)

1 — puzzled; 2 — miserable; 3 — excited; 4
— tired; 5 — worried.

№2. (4 points)

1 — was; 2 — were; 3 — weren’t; 4 —

№3. (14 points)

1 — What time did Laura get up yesterday?
— She got up at 7:00 am.

2 — What did she have for breakfast? — She
had porridge for breakfast.

3 — What time did Laura go to school? —
She went to school at 8 o’clock.

4 — What did she eat for lunch? — She ate
tomato soup.

5 — Did she drink tea? — No, she didn’t.

6 — When did she get home? — She got home
at 2:30 pm.

7 — Did she do her homework in the
afternoon? — Yes, she did.

№4. (5points) 1T, 2F,
3T, 4T, 5F.


 27-28 points


21— 26 points


14- 20 points


13 > points

Страница 17 из 53

*A. Fill in the correct word. Вставьте правильное слово.

• restaurant • zoo • gallery • cottage • store • palace • pool • library • sports • tent • park

e.g. Bill and Joy go for a walk in the park on Sundays.

1. They live in a cottage in the country.
2. There are lots of works of art in the gallery.
3. This is a really big department store.
4. My sister wants to see the animals at the zoo.
5. I’m hungry. Can we go to a fast food restaurant?
6. The Queen lives in a big palace.
7. They are staying in a small tent at the campsite.
8. Timothy is keeping fit at the sports centre.
9. I’m taking this book back to the library.
10. Why don’t we go swimming in the swimming pool?


например, Билл и Джой гуляют в парке по воскресеньям.
1. Они живут в коттедже за городом.
2. В галерее много произведений искусства.
3. Это действительно большой торговый центр.
4. Моя сестра хочет увидеть животных в зоопарке.
5. Я голоден. Мы можем пойти в ресторан быстрого питания?
6. Королева живет в большом дворце.
7. Они остановились в небольшой палатке на территории лагеря.
8. Тимофей поддерживает форму в спортивном центре.
9. Я отношу эту книгу назад в библиотеку.
10. Почему мы не плаваем в плавательном бассейне?

*B. Choose the correct item. Выбери правильный вариант.

e.g. Bruce lives in a large block of _ .
     A. flats  B. hotels  C. tents

11. They are staying in a fantastic _ while they’re on holiday.
      A. hotel  B. palace  C. tent
12. Are you _ ? I totally disagree.
      A. strange  B. serious  C. brilliant
13. There are too many _ about what we can and can’t do.
      A. timetables  B. grounds  C. rules
14. We pay the _ for our house every month.
      A. rent  B. price  C. ticket
15. He’s going to the International Summer _ in August.
      A. School  B. Flat  C. House

11 – A, 12 – B, 13 – C, 14 – A, 15 – A.


например, Брюс живет в большом многоквартирном доме.
11. Они останавливаются в фантастическом отеле на время отпуска.
12. Ты серьезно? Я полностью не согласен.
13. Слишком много правил о том, что мы можем, а что не можем.
14. Мы ежемесячно платим арендную плату за дом.
15. В августе он едет в Международную Летнюю Школу.

*C. Underline the correct words. Подчеркните правильные слова.

e.g. You can buy bread / have a snack at the baker’s.

16. You can have a picnic/watch a film at the cinema.
17. You can exercise/relax at the gym.
18. You can find a book/take pictures at the library.
19. You can see fish/watch football at the aquarium.
20. You can swim/see a play at the theatre.


например, Вы можете купить хлеб / перекусить в пекарне.
16. Вы можете посмотреть фильм в кинотеатре.
17. Вы можете потренироваться в тренажерном зале.
18. Вы можете найти книгу в библиотеке.
19. Вы можете в аквариуме увидеть рыбок.
20. Вы можете посмотреть спектакль в театре.

*D. Underline the correct item. Подчеркните правильный элемент.

e.g. You must/mustn’t talk during the test. It’s against the rules.

21. You must/can’t pay your rent. That’s the rule.
22. You must/mustn’t eat in the classroom. It’s forbidden.
23. You must/can’t have any pets in this house. It’s not allowed.
24. You must/mustn’t go to the doctor. You look very ill.
25. You must/can’t go to school. That’s the law.


например, Вы должны / не должны разговаривать во время теста. Это против правил.
21. Вы должны платить арендную плату. Это правило.
22. Вы не должны есть в классе. Это запрещено.
23. Вы не можете иметь домашних животных в этом доме. Это не разрешено.
24. Вы должны идти к врачу. Вы выглядите очень больным.
25. Вы должны ходить в школу. Это закон.

*E. Write the correct form of the adjective in brackets. Напишите правильную форму прилагательного в скобках.

This is Sarah Jones and her brother, Mike. Sarah is e.g. shorter (short) than Mike, but he is 26) younger (young) than her. He is the 27) youngest (young) student in his class. They are both intelligent, but Sarah is 28) more intelligent (intelligent) than Mike. In fact, Sarah is the 29) most intelligent (intelligent) girl in their school. Sometimes they argue, but Sarah thinks Mike is the 30) best (good) brother in the world.


Это Сара Джонс и ее брат Майк. Сара ниже Майка, но он 26) моложе ее. Он 27) самый младший ученик в своем классе. Они оба умны, но Сара 28) умнее Майка. Фактически, Сара 29) самая умная девочка в их школе. Иногда они спорят, но Сара считает Майка 30) лучшим братом в мире.

*F. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. Расположите слова в правильном порядке, чтобы получились предложения.

e.g. to / go / school / has / Tracy / to. Tracy has to go to school.

31. the/has/do/He/washing up/to.  
      He has to do the washing up.
32. early/wake/They/to/have/up.  
      They have to wake up early.
33. a/have/wear/to/don’t/uniform/We.  
      We don’t have to wear a uniform.
34. your/You/make/needn’t/bed.
      You needn’t make your bed.
35. the/have/doesn’t/flat/to/She/clean.
      She doesn’t have to clean the flat.


Трейси должна ходить в школу.
31. Он должен мыть посуду.
32. Им нужно рано вставать.
33. Нам не обязательно носить форму.
34. Тебе не нужно заправлять постель.
35. Ей не нужно убирать квартиру.

*G. Match the questions to the answers. Сопоставь вопросы и ответы.

e.g. Shall we go home? F

36. Why don’t we go shopping?         C
37. Shall we go to the cinema?          A
38. How about visiting Dave?            E
39. Why don’t we go to the gym?      B
40. How about having a picnic?        D

A. Brilliant idea! They have a new film.
B. That sounds good. I need to exercise.
C. OK. Let’s look for a new shirt.
D. I don’t really like eating outdoors.
E. I’d rather not. I don’t like him.
F. Yes, I want to go to bed.

36 – C, 37 – A, 38 – E, 39 – B, 40 – D.


например, Может нам стоит пойти домой? 
36. Почему мы не ходим по магазинам?
37. Может нам стоит пойти в кино?
38. Как насчет посещения Дэйва?
39. Почему мы не ходим в спортзал?
40. Как насчет пикника?

А. Блестящая идея! У них идет новый фильм.
B. Звучит хорошо. Мне нужно заниматься спортом.
C. ОК. Давай поищем новую рубашку.
D. Я не очень люблю есть на открытом воздухе.
E. Я бы не стал. Он мне не нравится.
F. Да, я хочу спать.

*H. Read the text and answer the questions. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.

Dear Amy,
Hi! How are you? I’m writing to say thank you for letting me stay with you.
Your family’s cottage is very different from our flat. The rooms in your cottage are much bigger than the rooms in our flat. We can go to the cinema or the theatre, but we can’t go for a walk in the countryside. We can see a lot of people, but we can’t enjoy peace and quiet. I guess nobody can have everything they want.
Visit me soon.
All my love,

Дорогая Эми,
Привет! Как дела? Я пишу, чтобы поблагодарить вас за то, что позволили мне остаться с вами.
Коттедж вашей семьи сильно отличается от нашей квартиры. Комнаты в вашем коттедже намного больше комнат в нашей квартире. Мы можем пойти в кино или в театр, но мы не можем гулять за городом. Мы видим много людей, но не можем наслаждаться тишиной и покоем. Я думаю, никто не может получить все, что хочет.
Приезжай ко мне в ближайшее время.
Со всей любовью,

e.g. What kind of home does Kirsten live in?
A flat.

41. What kind of home does Amy live in?
      A cottage.
42. Which home has the biggest rooms?
     The cottage.
43. Which home is close to a cinema and a theatre?
     The flat.
44. Which home is in the countryside?
     The cottage.
45. Which home is peaceful and quiet?
     The cottage.


например, В каком доме живет Кирстен? В квартире.
41. В каком доме живет Эми? В коттедже.
42. В каком доме самые большие комнаты? В коттедже (имеется в виду коттедж Эми)
43. Какой дом находится недалеко от кинотеатра и театра? В квартире (имеется в виду квартира Кристен)
44. Какой дом находится в деревне? В коттедже (имеется в виду коттедж Эми)
45. В каком доме тихо и спокойно?  В коттедже (имеется в виду коттедж Эми)

*I. Listen to two people talking about an aquarium and complete the advertisement. Послушайте, как два человека говорят об аквариуме, и дополните рекламу.

Georgia Aquarium
Visit the World’s Largest Aquarium and enjoy more than 46) 100,000 fish and sea mammals from around the world. Sharks, whales, 47) penguins and many more!
You can even touch anemones and starfish!
Adults S24.00
Child S 48) 18.00
Opening Hours
Monday – Thursday 10am – 5pm
Friday – Sunday 9am – 49) 6pm
You 50) must book in advance!


Аквариум Джорджии
Посетите крупнейший в мире аквариум и насладитесь более чем 46) 100,000 рыбами и морскими млекопитающими со всего мира. Акулы, киты, 47) пингвины и многое другое!
Вы даже можете потрогать анемоны и морские звезды!
Взрослые S24.00
Детский S48) 18.00
Часы работы
Понедельник − четверг 10.00 − 17.00
Пятница − воскресенье 9.00 − 49) 18.00
Вы 50) должны забронировать заранее!

Аудио к заданию:

− Why don’t we visit the Georgia Aquarium today? I heard it has more than 100,000 fish and sea mammals from all around the world.
− Really? What kinds of fish and mammals?
− Sharks, whales, penguins and lots of other kinds too. You can even touch some of them, like the anemones and starfish.
− Wow! It sounds like a great idea! Is it expensive?
− Not really. It’s 24 dollars for adults and 18 dollars for children.
− All right then. Today is Saturday. Do you think it is open after 3 o’clock?
− Of course. The advert says that from Fridays to Sundays it stays open until 6 pm. There’s just one little problem.
− What?
− It says here you must book the tickets in advance.
− Let’s book them then for next Saturday.

Перевод аудио:

− Почему бы нам сегодня не посетить Аквариум Джорджии? Я слышала, что здесь обитает более 100,000 рыб и морских млекопитающих со всего мира.
− В самом деле? Какие виды рыб и млекопитающих?
− Акулы, киты, пингвины и многие другие тоже. Вы даже можете потрогать некоторых из них, например, анемонов и морских звезд.
− Ух ты! Звучит как отличная идея! Это дорого?
− На самом деле, нет. 24 доллара для взрослых и 18 долларов для детей.
− Тогда все в порядке. Сегодня суббота. Как вы думаете, он открыт после 3 часов?
− Конечно. В объявлении сказано, что с пятницы по воскресенье он работает до 18:00. Есть только одна маленькая проблема.
− Что?
− Здесь написано, что билеты нужно бронировать заранее.
− Тогда давай забронируем их на следующую субботу.


1. Choose the correct word.

1. My sister feels stressed when she takes an exam.

2. When we heard that strange noise, we got so scared.

3. You look so miserable. Did you get the bad news?

4. This was my worst birthday ever. I was bored.

5. Cathy worked so hard yesterday that she feels very tired now.

2. Fill in the gaps with was, wasn’t, were, weren’t.

1. There were two lemons in the fridge yesterday.

2. The boys weren’t at school last Wednesday. They stayed at home.

3. Was James at your party last night?

4. I wasn’t in London last year. I travelled to Spain.

3. Complete the questions with the verbs in brackets. Then answer the questions.

1. What time did Leo get up yesterday? (get up) — He got up at 7:15 am.

2. What did he have for breakfast? (have) — He had a sandwich for breakfast.

3. What time did he go to school? (go) — He went to school at 8 o’clock.

4. What did Leo eat for lunch? (eat) — He ate meat and vegetables.

5. Did he drink coffee? (drink) — No, he didn’t.

6. When did he get home? (get) — He got home at 3 pm.

7. Did he do his homework in the afternoon?(do) — Yes, he did.


Spotlight-6. Test 7.


Task 1. Listen and match the people to where they were yesterday.

1      Tony

A           train station

2      Ann

B           doctor’s

3      Mary

C           restaurant

4      John

D           park

5      Bill

E           post office


Task 2.  Choose the correct word.

6. Everything was closed. It was like a ghost / busy town.

7. My parents buy the daily / weekly newspapers every Sunday.

8. There were many new / ruined buildings in that ghost town.

9. I was really puzzled / worried. I didn’t understand it.

10. His parents were very excited / worried because he didn’t come home.

11. We heard / said a strange noise.

12. Tom gave / saw a ghost in the hall.

13. He fell asleep because he was very tired / naughty.

14. They are puzzled / bored because they have nothing to do.

15. The street is deserted / crowded. Look at all these people.

Task 3. Match the adjectives to their opposites.

16. beautiful          A. polluted

17. busy                 B. ugly

18. crowded          C. stressed

19. clean                D. quiet

20. relaxed            E. deserted


Task 4. Choose the correct item.

21. The Smiths moves / moved to the USA last week.

22. These days he lives / lived in a cottage in the country.

23. They work / worked in a factory in 1970.

24. The town is / was a busy place today.

25. We often visit / visited the beach when we were young.

26. She opens / opened the box and took out her present.

27. He comes / came back late yesterday.

28. I meet / met with my friends at weekends.

29. Nowadays a lot of people travel / travelled around the world.

Task 5. Write the Past  form of the verbs.

30. have — ……….

31. try — ………….

32. read — ………..

33. be — …………..

34. stop — ………..

35. make — ………

36. go — …………..

37. stay — ……….

38. hear — ………

39. find — ………

Task 6. Write the Past Simple form of the verbs in brackets.

40. We….  (go) to the cinema last week.

41. How many books …..  (you / buy)?

42. – ……  they (be) happy when they moved to their new house?

43. – Yes, they  ….. (be), but their son (not / be).

44. – How much money ……  (you / spend) on your camera?

45. – I  …… (spend) about $100.

46. Where ……  (he / find) this book?

47. …… she (have) lunch at work?

48. My parents  …….. (decide) to paint the house.

49. I’m sorry. I  ……  (not / do) my homework last night.


Task 7. Choose the correct response.

50. Do any of these look familiar?                              A. Some money and a camera.

51. What was in it?                                                       B. You’re welcome.

52. What does it look like?                                           C. Yes, what can I do for you?

53. Excuse me. Is this Mr Brown’s office?                  D. Yes, the one in the corner is mine.

54. Here you are.                                                           E. It’s black with a silver handle.

55. Thank you very much.                                            F. Thank you.


Task 8. Read the the text and choose the best word A, B or C for each space.

I had 56) ………. great day! I woke up 57) ………. 7 o’clock and the sky 58) ………. blue. I met Larry and George at the port at nine and we left for Little Island. The sea was calm (спокойный) and the trip only 59) ………. an hour. When we arrived, we 60) ………. swimming and then we had a picnic on the beach.

61) ………. the afternoon, we went for a walk around the island. We 62) ………. an empty house on the top of a hill. There 63) ………. a lot of strange paintings on the walls of the house. It was cool!

When we came out of the house, the sky was grey and then it started to rain. We decided to leave the island but the sea was 64) ………. rough. The boat moved up and down and from side to side on the waves. We 65) ………. very  afraid but it was also fun. It took 66) ………. two hours to get back but we arrived safely.

When I got home, my mum was very 67) ………. but I 68) ………. her  that I had had a really great day.

56.   A   the     B   a     C   an

57.   A   at     B   on     C   of

58.   A   was     B   were     C   had

59.   A   was     B   took     C   last

60.  A went       B   walked     C   came

61.  A   On     B   At     C  In

62.  A   found     B   met     C   heard

63.   A   was     B   were     C   had

64.  A   very     B   lot     C   much

65.  A   are     B   was     C   were

66.  A   our     B   us     C   them

67  A   puzzled     B   bored     C   worried

68   A   told     B   saw     C   heard  

Module 3 6th form TEST 1. Match the words. 1) traffic        A lanes        6) seat        F crossing 2) parking        B limit        7) bike        G warden 3) yellow        C sign        8) speed        H car driver 4) zebra        D lines        9) traffic        I helmet 5) racing        E zone        10) bicycle        J belt 2. Fill in the correct word. watch                road            plane            boat        bike         car         lights         left        handgrips            kerb 1. This man is a pilot. He can fly a ___. 2. Use the ____ when there are no free seats on the bus. 3. My little sister can’t ride a ___ yet. 4. His brother is very young. He can’t drive a ___. 5. Don’t run from the pavement onto the ___. 6. Can your father sail a ____. 7. Always stop at the traffic ____ when it’s red. 8. Turn ___ into Apple street. 9. There’s a car coming. ____ out! 10. Stand on the pavement near the ____. 3. Complete the Road Safety Instructions with the correct verb. 1. When on the street, ____ both ways before crossing the road. 2. When on the bus, don’t ____ to the driver. 3. When going to school, ____ on the pavement. 4. When you ride a bike, ____ a bicycle helmet. 5. When in the car, don’t ____ out of the window. 4. Choose the correct preposition (on, by, in, from, at) 1. Be careful when you cross the street __ foot. 2. When you travel __ a bus, don’t annoy others. 3. Always wear a seat belt when you travel __ a car. 4. It’s safe to travel __ train. 5. It’s expensive to travel __ plane. 5. Find the correct response to each sentence. 1. Is there a cinema near here?            A Yes, it’s next to the chemist’s. 2. Is it far?                        B Don’t mention it. 3. Do you know where the bank is?        C Not really. 4. Do I turn right at the traffic lights?        D Yes. There is a nice one on High Street. 5. Thank you very much.                E No, you turn left. Look at the sign. 6. Read the text and answer the questions. Hi! My name is Fran and I’m ten years old. My best friend is Susan and she is twelve. Susan is very smart and can do a lot of things. She can play the guitar and the piano. Susan is also very good at sports. She can swim and sail a boat, too. I can’t swim very well and I can’t sail a boat. Susan cooks lunch for herself and her little brother every day. I can’t cook because my mum says I’m too young. There is one thing that Susan and I can’t do. We can’t drive a car! 1) How old is Fran’s best friend? 2) What can Susan play? 3) What sport can’t Fran do? 4) How old is Fran? 5) What can’t the girls do? 7. Describe the traffic signs using the modal verb CAN/CAN’T​

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