Choose the correct word 6 класс контрольная работа ответы 2 вариант

Choose the correct word.
Example: Sam does / makes his morning exercises every day.
1. Look / See at the photo! This is my nephew Tim. He is five here.
2. Susan opened the window, made / did her bed and went to the bathroom.
3. Has she got any hobbies? − Yes, she likes doing / making cupcakes.
4. In the evening they watch / see TV in the living room.
5. Can you describe the young man? − Well, he is tall. He is quite handsome / beautiful.
6. Speak/ Tell louder, please. I can’t hear you.

Английский язык ENJOY ENGLISH Английский с удовольствием (рабочая тетрадь) 6 класс Биболетова. Test yourself 2. Номер №2


Перевод задания
Выберите правильное слово.
Пример: Сэм does / makes утреннюю зарядку каждый день.
1. Look / See на фото! Это мой племянник Тим. Ему здесь пять лет.
2. Сьюзан открыла окно, made / did постель и пошла в ванную.
3. Есть ли у нее хобби? − Да, любит doing / making кексы.
4. Вечером они watch / see телевизор в гостиной.
5. Можете ли вы описать молодого человека? − Ну, он высокий. Он довольно handsome / beautiful.
6. Speak/ Tell громче, пожалуйста. Я тебя не слышу.

1. Look at the photo! This is my nephew Tim. He is five here.
2. Susan opened the window, made her bed and went to the bathroom.
3. Has she got any hobbies? − Yes, she likes making cupcakes.
4. In the evening they watch TV in the living room.
5. Can you describe the young man? − Well, he is tall. He is quite handsome.
6. Speak louder, please. I can’t hear you.

Перевод ответа
1. Посмотрите фото! Это мой племянник Тим. Ему здесь пять лет.
2. Сьюзен открыла окно, застелила постель и пошла в ванную.
3. Есть ли у нее хобби? − Да, она любит делать кексы.
4. Вечером смотрят телевизор в гостиной.
5. Можете ли вы описать молодого человека? − Ну, он высокий. Он довольно красивый.
6. Пожалуйста, говорите громче. Я тебя не слышу.

6 класс

Модуль 7

Контрольная работа №7

Вариант 1

1. Choose the correct word. (max – 5 points)

1) My sister feels stressed/bored when she takes an exam.

2) When we heard that strange noise, we got so tired/scared.

3) You look so miserable/puzzled. Did you get the bad news?

4) This was my worst birthday ever. I was bored/excited.

5) Cathy worked so hard yesterday that she feels very worried/tired now.

2. Fill in the gaps with was, wasn’t, were, weren’t. (max – 4 points)

1) There ___________ two lemons in the fridge yesterday.

2) The boys __________ at school last Wednesday. They stayed at home.

3) _________________ James at your party last night?

4) I________________ in London last year. I travelled to Spain.

3. Complete the questions with the verbs in brackets. Then answer the questions. (max – 14 points)

1) What time _______ Leo ________ yesterday? (get up) — He ________ at 7:15 am.

2) What_____ he _______ for breakfast? (have) — He _____ a sandwich for breakfast.

3) What time _____ he _____ to school? (go) — He ______ to school at 8 o’clock.

4) What_____ Leo _______ for lunch? (eat) — He _______ meat and vegetables.

5) ______ he __________ coffee? (drink) — No,______________ .

6) When _____ he _______ home? (get) — He __________ home at 3 pm.

7) _____ he _______ his homework in the afternoon? (do) — Yes,____________.

4.Read the text and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). (max – 5 points)

Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci was bom on the 15th April, 1452. He lived in a small town in Italy with his grandparents. He studied at home and enjoyed music, singing and mathematics. At the age of 16 he wanted to study art, so he moved to the city of Florence for art classes. Leonardo finished his studies after four years. He then worked in Milan as an engineer and he started his life as an inventor. In 1500 he went back to Florence and in 1516 he travelled to France where he stayed for the rest of his life.

Leonardo da Vinci lived and worked before people used electricity and petrol for power, but he had the first ideas for many machines that we use today. For example, he designed the first helicopter but he never made it. He made the first diving suit of leather with long pipes to carry the air to the diver. These are just some of Leonardo’s hundreds of inventions. He also invented a parachute and even high heels!

Слова для справок:

inventor — изобретатель; petrol — бензин; helicopter — вертолет; heels – каблуки;


1)Leonardo da Vinci was born in Italy. ____

2) He studied mathematics in Florence. ____

3) He worked as an engineer in Milan. ____

4) He made the first electric machine. ____

5) He invented the diving suit. ____

5. Choose the correct response. (max – 6 points)


What was in it?


You’re welcome.


Excuse me. Is this Mr Green office?


Thank you.


Thank you very much.


Some money and a camera.


What does it look like?


Yes. What can I do for you?


Here you are.


It’s black with a silver handle.


Do any of these look familiar?


Yes, the one in the corner is mine.

6 класс

Модуль 7

Контрольная работа №7

Вариант 2

1. Choose the correct word. (max – 5 points)

1) He felt puzzled/tired when he didn’t see Lucy at the party.

2) She was crying and looked bored/miserable.

3) I’m leaving for New York tomorrow. I’m so excited/puzzled.

4) After working all day in the office my father felt very scared/tired.

5) Mum is always worried/excited when Tom comes home late.

2. Fill in the gaps with was, wasn’t, were, weren’t. (max – 4 points)

1) Where ______ your brother? I didn’t see him yesterday.

2) _______ you late for school? Your teacher called me.

3) There __________ many people in the park last weekend. It was too cold.

4) Tina didn’t buy food because she _________ at the supermarket.

3. Complete the questions with the verbs in brackets. Then answer the questions. (max – 14 points)

1) What time _____ Laura ________ yesterday? (get up) — She ______ at 7:00 am.

2) What_____ she ______ for breakfast? (have) — She ____ porridge for breakfast.

3) What time ____ Laura ____ to school? (go) — She _____ to school at 8 o’clock.

4) What_____ she _____ for lunch? (eat) — She _______ tomato soup.

5) ______ she ._____ tea? (drink) — No, ___________ .

6) When _____ she ______ home? (get) — She _______ home at 2:30 pm.

7) _____ she ______ her homework in the afternoon? (do) — Yes,_________.

4. Read the text and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). (max – 5 points)

Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci was bom on the 15th April, 1452. He lived in a small town in Italy with his grandparents. He studied at home and enjoyed music, singing and mathematics. At the age of 16 he wanted to study art, so he moved to the city of Florence for art classes. Leonardo finished his studies after four years. He then worked in Milan as an engineer and he started his life as an inventor. In 1500 he went back to Florence and in 1516 he travelled to France where he stayed for the rest of his life.

Leonardo da Vinci lived and worked before people used electricity and petrol for power, but he had the first ideas for many machines that we use today. For example, he designed the first helicopter but he never made it. He made the first diving suit of leather with long pipes to carry the air to the diver. These are just some of Leonardo’s hundreds of inventions. He also invented a parachute and even high heels!

Слова для справок:

inventor — изобретатель; petrol — бензин; helicopter — вертолет; heels — каблуки


1) Leonardo da Vinci liked music and singing. ___

2) He lived in Florence and studied art for 16 years. ___

3) He died in France. ___

4) People didn’t use electricity in the past when Leonardo lived and worked. ___

5) He made the first helicopter. ___

5. Choose the correct response. (max – 6 points)


What was in it?


Yes. What can I do for you?


Excuse me. Is this Mr Green office?


You are welcome.


Here you are.


Some money and a camera.


Do any of these look familiar?


Thank you.


Thank you very much.


It’s black with a silver handle.


What does it look like?


Yes, the one in the corner is mine.

Keys для контрольной работы №7, модуль 7 (6 класс)

Вариант 1

1. 1 — stressed; 2 — scared; 3 — miserable; 4 — bored; 5 — tired.

2. 1 — were; 2 — weren’t; 3 — was; 4 — wasn’t.

3. 1 — What time did Leo get up yesterday? — He got up at 7:15 am.

2 — What did he have for breakfast? — He had a sandwich for breakfast.

3 — What time did he go to school? — He went to school at 8 o’clock.

4 — What did Leo eat for lunch? — He ate meat and vegetables.

5 — Did he drink coffee? — No, he didn’t.

6 — When did he get home? — He got home at 3 pm.

7 — Did he do his homework in the afternoon? — Yes, he did.

4. 1T; 2F; 3T; 4F; 5T.

5. 1C; 2D; 3A; 4E; 5B; 6F.

Вариант 2

1. 1 — puzzled; 2 — miserable; 3 — excited; 4 — tired; 5 — worried.

2. 1 — was; 2 — were; 3 — weren’t; 4 — wasn’t.

3. 1 — What time did Laura get up yesterday? — She got up at 7:00 am.

2 — What did she have for breakfast? — She had porridge for breakfast.

3 — What time did Laura go to school? — She went to school at 8 o’clock.

4 — What did she eat for lunch? — She ate tomato soup.

5 — Did she drink tea? — No, she didn’t.

6 — When did she get home? — She got home at 2:30 pm.

7 — Did she do her homework in the afternoon? — Yes, she did.

4. 1T; 2F; 3T; 4T; 5F.

5. 1 — C; 2 — A ; 3 — D ; 4 — F ; 5 — B ; 6 — E .

Перевод баллов в оценки:





16 и меньше






Test 6-9

  1. Match the words

  1. a bottle of

  2. a carton of

  3. a packet of

  4. a piece of

  5. a jar of

  6. a loaf of

  7. a bar of

  1. chocolate

  2. jam

  3. olive oil

  4. milk

  5. crisps

  6. cheese

  7. bread

2. Choose the correct word

  1. There isn’t some /any coffee in the jar.

  2. Bob usually has some /any bacon for breakfast.

  3. There aren’t much / many eggs left. I’ll go buy some.

  4. You put too much / many sugar in my coffee. It’s very sweet.

  5. Do you want sugar in your cocoa? – Yes, a little/ a few, please.

  6. There’re a little/ a few carrots in the fridge. We need to buy some.

  7. Is there some /any cheese in this sauce? I don’t like cheese.

  8. We haven’t got much / many apples left.

  9. You don’t need to buy bread. We’ve got a little/ a few loaves of bread.

3. Complete the sentences.

  1. Finally, ___________ the mixture to the first bowl. (добавь)

  2. Would you like me to _____________ you an egg for your breakfast? (сварить)

  3. You _____________ the bacon and I’ll make the toast. (жарить)

  4. Let’s ______________ a birthday cake for Jack. (печь)

  5. Can you _____________ the potatoes, please? (чистить)

4. Complete the sentences. Use Present Simple, Present Continuous.

  1. He ____________ (eat) rice every day.

  2. I ______________ (work) at the moment.

  3. They ___________ (not / go) to the party tonight.

  4. He ____________ (not / play) golf on Mondays.

  5. ______________ (you / study) every night?

  6. ______________ (Julie / sleep) now?

  7. I _____________ (not / drink) coffee very often.

  8. ______________ (he / come) to London often?

5. Translate into English

  1. банка меда,

  2. кислый лимон

  3. сладкая дыня

  4. мешок сахара

  5. килограмм картошки

  6. бутылка воды

  7. пачка печенья

  8. кусок сыра

  1. Rewrite the sentences in the Past Simple.

  1. I usually stir together eggs, sugar and flour. –

    1. Yesterday, ___________________________________________________________

  2. My mum usually bakes apple muffin once a fortnight. –

    1. Yesterday, ___________________________________________________________

  3. I sometimes dice cheese for canapés. –

    1. Yesterday, ___________________________________________________________

  1. Keys 6-9

  1. Match the words

  1. C) a bottle of olive oil

  2. D) a carton of milk

  3. E) a packet of crisps

  4. F) a piece of cheese

  5. B)a jar of jam

  6. G)a loaf of bread

  7. A) a bar of chocolate

  1. Choose the correct word

  1. Any

  2. Some

  3. Many

  4. Much

  5. a little

  6. a few

  7. any

  8. many

  9. a few

  1. 3. Complete the sentences.

  1. Add

  2. Boil

  3. Fry

  4. Bake

  5. Peel

  1. 4. Complete the sentences. Use Present Simple, Present Continuous.

  1. eats

  2. am working

  3. aren’t going

  4. doesn’t play

  5. do you study

  6. is Julie sleeping

  7. don’t drink

  8. does he come

  1. 5. Translate into English

  1. A jar of honey- банка меда,

  2. Sour lemon — кислый лимон

  3. Sweet melon — сладкая дыня

  4. A bag of sugar — мешок сахара

  5. A kilo of potatoes -кило картошки

  6. A bottle of water — бутылка воды

  7. A packet of biscuits — пачка печенья

  8. A piece of cheese — кусок сыра

  1. Rewrite the sentences in the Past Simple.

  1. I usually stir together eggs, sugar and flour. –

    1. Yesterday, I stirred.

  2. My mum usually bakes apple muffin once a fortnight. –

    1. Yesterday, my mum baked apple muffin

  3. I sometimes dice cheese for canapés. –

  1. Yesterday, I diced cheese.

Страница 14 из 53

*A. Write as in the example. Напишите как в примере.

e.g. windsurfing
например, виндсерфинг

1. cycling
2. billiards
3. marbles
4. Scrabble
5. fishing


1. езда на велосипеде
2. бильярд
3. шарики
4. Эрудит
5. рыбалка

*B. Use −ist, −or, −er to form nouns. Используйте −ist, −or, −er для образования существительных.

e.g. write – writer

6. play – player
7. art – artist
8. direct – director
9. football – footballer
10. paint – painter
11. cycle – cyclist


6. играть − игрок
7. искусство − художник
8. руководить − директор
9. футбол − футболист
10. красить – художник, маляр
11. езда на велосипеде – велосипедист

*C. Fill in the correct word. Вставьте правильное слово.

• board • drama • boring • meet • literature • jigsaw • once • novels • weekend
e.g. Julie is fond of reading novels. Джули любит читать романы.

12. Are you good at acting? Why not join our drama club?
13. How often do you meet your friends?
14. Laura and Peter don’t like doing jigsaw puzzles.
15. I think board games like backgammon are lots of fun.
16. Mary is interested in literature.
17. Mark loves windsurfing. He tries to go every weekend.
18. Sharon goes cycling once a week.
19. I hate computer club. It’s really boring.


12. Вы хорошо играете роли? Почему бы не вступить в наш драматический кружок?
13. Как часто вы встречаетесь с друзьями?
14. Лора и Питер не любят собирать головоломки пазлы.
15. Я думаю, что настольные игры, такие как нарды, доставляют огромное удовольствие.
16. Мэри интересуется литературой.
17. Марк любит виндсерфинг. Он старается заниматься каждые выходные.
18. Шэрон ездит на велосипеде раз в неделю.
19. Я ненавижу компьютерный клуб. Это действительно скучно.

*D. Match the words to make compound nouns. Сопоставь слова для того, чтобы сделать составное существительное.

e.g. tooth зуб F brush чистить

20 wind – C. windsurfing
21 basket – E. basketball
22 news – B. newspaper
23 birth – A. birthday
24 home – D. homework


20 ветер – C. виндсерфинг
21 корзина – E. баскетбол
22 новости – B. газета
23 рождение – A. день рождения
24 дом – D. домашняя работа

*E. Underline the correct item. Подчеркните правильный элемент.

e.g. Mum is cooking / cooks at the moment. Мама готовит сейчас.

25. I go / am going to see my grandparents every Saturday morning.
26. George is learning / learns to windsurf these days.
27. He is not having / doesn’t have a shower right now.
28. Pete and I are playing / play Scrabble at the moment.
29. My sister meets / is meeting her friends every afternoon.


25. Я езжу навестить бабушку и дедушку каждую субботу утром.
26. Джордж сейчас учится виндсерфингу.
27. Он не принимает душ сейчас.
28. Пит и я сейчас играем в Scrabble.
29. Моя сестра встречается со своими друзьями каждый день.

*F. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous. Поместите глаголы в скобки в Present Simple или Present Continuous.

e.g. Joy goes (go) jogging in the mornings. Джой ходит (ходить) на пробежку по утрам.

30. Bob plays (play) football on Fridays.
31. Jess loves (love) reading. It’s her favourite activity.
32. Peter likes (like) playing board games.
33. “What are you doing?” “I am looking (look) at my hair in the mirror.”
34. John is running (run) around in the garden at the moment.
35. Ken is having (have) a shower right now.


30. Боб играет в футбол по пятницам.
31. Джесс любит читать. Это ее любимое занятие.
32. Питер любит играть в настольные игры.
33. «Что ты делаешь?» «Я смотрю на свои волосы в зеркало».
34. Джон сейчас бегает по саду.
35. Кен сейчас принимает душ.

*G. Choose the correct response. Выбери правильный ответ.

e.g. I’m looking for a present for a friend. G

36. Do you like cycling?                        D
37. How about this dart board?            C
38. What board games do you like?     E
39. How much in this puzzle?               A
40. What do you do in your free time?  B
41. Would you like me to wrap it?         F

A. It’s −15.
B. I love going windsurfing.
C. Great! I’ll take it.
D. Yes, I’m very keen on it.
E. Monopoly and Scrabble.
F. Yes, please, that would be great.
G. I have the perfect thing for you.

36 – D, 37 – C, 38 – E, 39 – A, 40 – B, 41 – F.


например, Я ищу подарок для друга. G
36. Ты любишь ездить на велосипеде?
37. Как насчет этой доски для дартса?
38. Какие настольные игры тебе нравятся?
39. Сколько стоит эта головоломка?
40. Чем вы занимаетесь в свободное время?
41. Вы хотите, чтобы я его завернул?

A. 15.
B. Я люблю заниматься виндсерфингом.
C. Отлично! Я возьму это.
D. Да, мне это очень нравится.
E. Монополия и Эрудит.
F. Да, пожалуйста, это было бы здорово.
G. У меня есть идеальная вещь для вас.

*H. Read the text and answer the questions. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.

My friend Karen is a very busy person. When she’s not doing her homework or studying, she is out having fun.
On Tuesdays, she goes swimming after school. She practises a lot because she’s in the school team. Then, on Wednesdays, she goes to music club. On Thursdays, she meets her friends for a coffee in town. Then, on Fridays, she goes to the cinema or plays scrabble with her sister.
At the weekend, Karen always spends time with her family. She usually helps her mum around the house and sometimes her dad takes her windsurfing.

Моя подруга Карен очень занятой человек. Когда она не делает уроки или не занимается, она развлекается.
По вторникам после школы она ходит плавать. Она много тренируется, потому что входит в школьную команду. Затем по средам она ходит в музыкальный клуб. По четвергам она встречается со своими друзьями за чашкой кофе в городе. Затем по пятницам она ходит в кино или играет с сестрой в Эрудит.
По выходным Карен всегда проводит время с семьей. Обычно она помогает маме по дому, а иногда папа берет ее заниматься виндсерфингом.

e.g. Is Karen a busy person?     Карен занятой человек? 
Yes, she is.                                  Да.

42. What school team does Karen belong to?
     The swimming team.
43. What does she do on Wednesdays?
     She goes to music club.
44. When does she meet her friends?
     On Thursdays.
45. Which board game does Karen like to play?
46. Who does she spend her weekends with?
     Her family.
47. What activity does Karen do with her dad?


42. К какой школьной команде принадлежит Карен?
В команду по плаванию.
43. Что она делает по средам?
Она ходит в музыкальный клуб.
44. Когда она встречается со своими друзьями?
По четвергам.
45. В какую настольную игру любит играть Карен?
46. С кем она проводит выходные?
С семьей.
47. Чем Карен занимается со своим отцом?

*I. Listen and for questions 48−52 tick the correct box. Слушайте и для вопросов 48−52 отметьте правильный квадратик.

e.g. What does Pete enjoy doing?
       а.   b. √   c.

48. What game are Mark and Les playing?
     а.     b.     c. √
49. What club does Jane want to join?
     а. √  b.     c.
50. What activity does Simon think is boring?
     а.    b. √   c.
51. What is Mary doing at the moment?
     а.    b.   c. √
52. Where does Roger usually go cycling?
     а.    b.   c. √

48 – c, 49 – a, 50 – b, 51 – c, 52 – c.


например, Что Питу нравится делать?
48. В какую игру играют Марк и Лес?
49. В какой клуб хочет вступить Джейн?
50. Какое занятие Саймон считает скучным?
51. Чем Мэри сейчас занимается?
52. Куда обычно ездит Роджер на велосипеде?

Аудио к заданию:

What does Pete enjoy doing? (2 раза)
− So, Pete, how do you like to spend your free time? Do you like reading books?
− Not at all. I love playing computer games.
− Do you ever play chess on the computer?
− Never.
48. What game are Mark and Les playing? (2 раза)
− You know, Les, I really don’t like playing this game. It’s so boring.
− But, Mark, you usually love playing marbles.
− Not any more. Let’s play dominoes instead.
− I don’t have dominoes but I have Monopoly. How about that?
− Great idea!
49. What club does Jane want to join? (2 раза)
− So, Jane, what school club do you want to join? I’m in the Drama Club and it’s great!
− I’d like to join the Music Club but it full up.
− I hear that there are some places left in the Art club. What about that?
− Oh, that sounds nice!
50. What activity does Simon think is boring? (2 раза)
− Shall we go swimming at the weekend, Simon?
− Why don’t we try windsurfing instead?
− I don’t want to go fishing again either. Why?
− So dull that we do and sit there all day. I never catch any fish either.
− OK.
51. What is Mary doing at the moment? (2 раза)
− Hi, Mary! Do you want to come for a walk in the park with us?
− I’d love to. But I’m doing my homework now.
− Oh, no! Perhaps you can come later on.
− I have to cook dinner as well. So maybe tomorrow is better.
− OK then. See you tomorrow.
52. Where does Roger usually go cycling? (2 раза)
− Wow! Your new bike is great, Roger!
− Yes, I love it. I go cycling every weekend.
− Where do you go? I know there are some nice cycle tracks in the park.
− Oh, I don’t go there – too easy. I usually go out into the country.
− Really?
− And sometimes I even go up that mountain over there. That’s tough!
− I bet.

Перевод аудио:

Что Питу нравится делать? (2 раза)
− Итак, Пит, как ты проводишь свободное время? Ты любишь читать книги?
− Совсем нет. Я люблю играть в компьютерные игры.
− Ты когда−нибудь играл в шахматы на компьютере?
− Никогда.
48. В какую игру играют Марк и Лес? (2 раза)
− Знаешь, Лес, я не очень люблю играть в эту игру. Это так скучно.
− Но, Марк, ты обычно любишь играть в шарики.
− Уже нет. Давайте вместо этого сыграем в домино.
− У меня нет домино, но есть Монополия. Как насчет этого?
− Отличная идея!
49. В какой клуб хочет вступить Джейн? (2 раза)
− Итак, Джейн, в какой школьный клуб ты хочешь вступить? Я в Драматическом клубе, и это здорово!
− Я хотела бы вступить в Музыкальный клуб, но он полон.
− Я слышала, что в Художественном клубе остались места. Что насчет этого?
− О, это мило!
50. Какое занятие Саймон считает скучным? (2 раза)
− Пойдем купаться на выходных, Саймон?
− Почему бы нам не заняться виндсерфингом?
− Я также не хочу снова ловить рыбу. А что?
− Это настолько скучно, что мы вообще сидим там целый день. Я еще никогда не поймал ни одной рыбы.
− ОК.
51. Чем Мэри сейчас занимается? (2 раза)
− Привет, Мэри! Хочешь пойти с нами погулять по парку?
− С удовольствием. Но сейчас я делаю домашнее задание.
− О нет! Возможно, ты придешь позже.
− Мне еще нужно приготовить ужин. Так что, может быть, завтра будет лучше.
− Хорошо, тогда. До завтра.
52. Куда обычно ездит Роджер на велосипеде? (2 раза)
− Ух ты! Твой новый велосипед великолепен, Роджер!
− Да, я люблю его. Каждые выходные я езжу на велосипеде.
− Куда ты ездишь? Я знаю, что в парке есть хорошие велосипедные дорожки.
− Ой, я туда не езжу − слишком просто. Я обычно выезжаю за город.
− В самом деле?
− А иногда я даже поднимаюсь на ту гору вон там. Это тяжело!
− Держу пари.


1. Choose the correct word.

1. My sister feels stressed when she takes an exam.

2. When we heard that strange noise, we got so scared.

3. You look so miserable. Did you get the bad news?

4. This was my worst birthday ever. I was bored.

5. Cathy worked so hard yesterday that she feels very tired now.

2. Fill in the gaps with was, wasn’t, were, weren’t.

1. There were two lemons in the fridge yesterday.

2. The boys weren’t at school last Wednesday. They stayed at home.

3. Was James at your party last night?

4. I wasn’t in London last year. I travelled to Spain.

3. Complete the questions with the verbs in brackets. Then answer the questions.

1. What time did Leo get up yesterday? (get up) — He got up at 7:15 am.

2. What did he have for breakfast? (have) — He had a sandwich for breakfast.

3. What time did he go to school? (go) — He went to school at 8 o’clock.

4. What did Leo eat for lunch? (eat) — He ate meat and vegetables.

5. Did he drink coffee? (drink) — No, he didn’t.

6. When did he get home? (get) — He got home at 3 pm.

7. Did he do his homework in the afternoon?(do) — Yes, he did.


Spotlight 6 Test 7 ОТВЕТЫ — контрольная работа № 7 по английскому языку в 6 классе с ответами из сборника контрольных заданий УМК серии «Английский в фокусе» для учащихся 6 класса общеобразовательных организаций. Авторы: Ю.Е. Ваулина и др./ М.: Просвещение. Цитаты из пособия указаны в учебных целях.

Spotlight 6 Test 7A Module 7 ОТВЕТЫ


        A Fill in the correct word.
1 Can I ……. • introduce…….. myself? My name is Lenny White.
2 Everything was closed. It was like a …….. • ghost…….town.
3 My parents buy the ….. • weekly……… newspapers every Sunday.
4 Lots of men worked in coal…… • mines…… the nineteenth century.
5 My little sister can be very …. • naughty……… at times. She often throws things at me.
6 There were many……. • ruined……..buildings in the town that people wanted to rebuild.
7 I was….. • puzzled…….; I really didn’t understand.
8 His parents were …… • worried……. because he didn’t come home.
9 I always ……. • knock….. on the door before I enter a room.
10 Everyone is in a hurry. They ……. • rush……. around everywhere all day.

         В Match the adjectives to their opposites.
11 clean ……… E polluted
12 beautiful ……… A ugly
13 busy ……… В quiet
14 crowded ……… F deserted
15 relaxed ……… C stressed

         C Complete the types of buildings.
16 saloon    17 restaurant    18 post office    19 school    20 hotel


        D Write the correct past form of the irregular verbs.
21 heard                 22 saw
23 gave                   24 said
25 drank                 26 made
27 left                     28 kept
29 ate                     30 went

          E Write the Past Simple form of the verbs in brackets.
31 Paul…… found………… (find) a wallet on the bus yesterday.
32 My brother ……. spent………. (spend) €120 on CDs last weekend.
33 We …… decided………… (decide) to stay in and watch a film last night.
34 I ……. knocked………. (knock) at the door but no one was in.
35 He ….. said………. (say) hello to me but I don’t know who he is.
36 We ……. met……… (meet) on holiday last summer.
37 I……. heard………(hear) a lot about you.
38 Albert Einstein…… died……….(die) in 1955.
39 I……. read………(read) an interesting article about dogs this morning.
40 He was so happy that he …… jumped……… (jump) up and down.

Everyday English

         F Choose the correct response.
41 Excuse me. Is this Mr Brown’s Office? D Yes. What can I do for you?
42 Thank you very much. A You’re welcome.
43 What does it look like? E It’s black with a silver handle.
44 Here you are. В Thank you.
45 Do any of these look familiar? F Yes, the one in the corner is mine.


        G Read the text and choose the best word A, B or C for each space.
Saturday, 14th June
I had e.g. a great day! I 46) ….B……. up at 8  oclock and the sky was blue. I met Larry and George at the port 47)……A…….. nine and we left for Little Island. The sea was calm and the trip only took 48)…C…….hour. When we arrived, we went 49)……B………and then we had a picnic on the beach.
50)…C….. the afternoon we went for a walk around the island. We found an empty house on the top of a hill. There were 51)….B…. strange paintings on the walls of the house. It was cool!
When we came out of the house, the sky was grey and then it started to rain. We decided to leave the island but 52)….A…….. the sea became very rough. The boat moved up and down and from side to side. We 53)….B…….. afraid but it was also fun. It 54)……A……. us two hours toget back but we arrived safely.
When i got home, mum was very 55)……C……. but I told her that I had had a really great day!
46 A get В woke C stood
47 A at В on C in
48 A the В а C an
49 A swam В swimming C swim
50 A On В At C In
51 A lots В a lot of C lot of
52 A then В when C and
53 A was В were C are
54 A took B made C had
55 A worrying B worry C worried

         H You will hear two people talking about a town in the past. Listen and circle the correct answer A, В or C.
56 In the place of the Cathedral Hotel, there is
A a music college.   В an art college.   C a business college.
57 In the past, Manchester was
A interesting.   В dangerous.   C beautiful.
58 A lot of people worked in
A restaurants.   В the mines.   C shops.
59 In the past, Market Street was
A busy.   В quiet.   C boring.
60 Today, the library has
A many visitors.   В very few visitors.   C no visitors at all.

Spotlight 6 Test 7B Module 7 ОТВЕТЫ


          A Fill in the correct word.
1 The streets were empty. It was like a ……… • ghost………town.
2 The police were…….. • puzzled………They had no idea who stole the money.
3 Can I…… • introduce……..myself? My name is Henry Smith.
4 Fred was very …… • naughty……… yesterday. He didn’t do his homework.
5 There were many……. • ruined……….. buildings in the town that people wanted to rebuild.
6 There are a lot of ……. • weekly……… health magazines that give good advice about diets.
7 We have got a lot of time. You don’t need to • rush.
8 She was …….. • worried……… because her sister didn’t come home after school.
9 You must ……… • knock…….. on the door before you enter my room.
10 There are many gold ……… • mines……… in South Africa.

        В Match the adjectives to their opposites.
11 relaxed   C stressed
12 crowded   A deserted
13 clean   E polluted
14 beautiful   F ugly
15 busy   D quiet

        C Complete the types of buildings.
16 hotel   17 post office   18 restaurant    19 saloon    20 school


        D Write the correct past form of the irregular verbs.
21 drink — drank               26 come — came
22 see – saw                     27 read — read
23 go — went                    28 give — gave
24 find – found                29 make — made
25 hear – heard               30 be — was

         E Write the Past Simple form of the verbs in brackets.
31 Mike…… walked………… (walk) to school yesterday.
32 Walt Disney ……… died………. (die) in 1966.
33 I ……….spent……….. ,. (spend) €40 on a new dictionary.
34 My parents ……. decided………… (decide) to take a few days off work and paint the house.
35 Mark ………..did not sing……. (not/sing) at the karaoke last night.
36 Our teacher ……..said………….. (say) that the class was very good today.
37 Peter …….shouted…………. (shout) at his sister this morning.
38 My grandparents………met……. (meet) during the war.
39 Be careful. We ……..paid…… (pay) a lot of money for that vase.
40 I’m sorry. I …….. didn’t do………. . (not/do) my homework last night.

Everyday English

         F Choose the correct response.
41 Excuse me. Is this Mr Brown’s Office? A) Yes. What can I do for you?
42 Here you are. D) Thank you.
43 Do any of these look familiar? F) Yes, the one in the corner is mine.
44 Thank you very much. В) You’re welcome.
45 What does it look like? E) It’s black with a silver handle.


        G Read the text and choose the best word A, В or C for each space.
 Saturday; 14th June
I had e.g. a great day! I woke up 46) ………… 8 oclock and the sky 47)…………. blue. I met Larry and George at the port at nine and we left for Little Island. The sea was calm and the trip only 43)……….. an hour. When we 49)……………, we went swimming and then we had a picnic on the beach.
50)…….. the afternoon, we went for a walk around the island. We found an empty house on the top of a hill. There 51)…….. a lot of strange paintings on the walls of the house. It was cool!
When we came out of the house, the sky was grey and then it started to rain. We decided to leave the island but then the sea was 52)…………. rough. The boat moved up and down and from side to side on the waves. We 53)………….. afraid but it was also fun. It took 54)………..two hours to get back but we arrived safely.
When I got home, mum was very worried but I 55)…………… her that I had had a really great day.
46 A on   В at   C of
47 A had   В was   C were
48 A was   B last   C took
49 A came   B got   C arrived
50 A On   В In   C At
51 A were   В was   C had
52 A much   В lot   C very
53 A was   В were   C are
54 A our   B us   C them
55 A said   B heard   C told

        H You will hear two people talking about a town in the past. Listen and circle the correct answer A, В or C.
56 In the place of the Cathedral Hotel, now is
A a music college.   В an art college.   C a business college.
57 In the past, Manchester was
A interesting.   В dangerous.   C beautiful.
58 A lot of people worked in
A restaurants.    В the mines.   C shops.
59 In the past, Market Street was
A busy.   В quiet.   C boring.
60 Today, the library has
A many visitors.   В very few visitors.   C no visitors at all.

Spotlight 6 Test 7 Module 7 ОТВЕТЫ — контрольная работа № 7 по английскому языку в 6 классе с ответами из сборника контрольных заданий УМК серии «Английский в фокусе» для учащихся 6 класса. Авторы: Ю.Е. Ваулина и др.

Вернуться к списку контрольных работ Spotlight 6 Test booklet Ответы.

Module 3 6th form TEST 1. Match the words. 1) traffic        A lanes        6) seat        F crossing 2) parking        B limit        7) bike        G warden 3) yellow        C sign        8) speed        H car driver 4) zebra        D lines        9) traffic        I helmet 5) racing        E zone        10) bicycle        J belt 2. Fill in the correct word. watch                road            plane            boat        bike         car         lights         left        handgrips            kerb 1. This man is a pilot. He can fly a ___. 2. Use the ____ when there are no free seats on the bus. 3. My little sister can’t ride a ___ yet. 4. His brother is very young. He can’t drive a ___. 5. Don’t run from the pavement onto the ___. 6. Can your father sail a ____. 7. Always stop at the traffic ____ when it’s red. 8. Turn ___ into Apple street. 9. There’s a car coming. ____ out! 10. Stand on the pavement near the ____. 3. Complete the Road Safety Instructions with the correct verb. 1. When on the street, ____ both ways before crossing the road. 2. When on the bus, don’t ____ to the driver. 3. When going to school, ____ on the pavement. 4. When you ride a bike, ____ a bicycle helmet. 5. When in the car, don’t ____ out of the window. 4. Choose the correct preposition (on, by, in, from, at) 1. Be careful when you cross the street __ foot. 2. When you travel __ a bus, don’t annoy others. 3. Always wear a seat belt when you travel __ a car. 4. It’s safe to travel __ train. 5. It’s expensive to travel __ plane. 5. Find the correct response to each sentence. 1. Is there a cinema near here?            A Yes, it’s next to the chemist’s. 2. Is it far?                        B Don’t mention it. 3. Do you know where the bank is?        C Not really. 4. Do I turn right at the traffic lights?        D Yes. There is a nice one on High Street. 5. Thank you very much.                E No, you turn left. Look at the sign. 6. Read the text and answer the questions. Hi! My name is Fran and I’m ten years old. My best friend is Susan and she is twelve. Susan is very smart and can do a lot of things. She can play the guitar and the piano. Susan is also very good at sports. She can swim and sail a boat, too. I can’t swim very well and I can’t sail a boat. Susan cooks lunch for herself and her little brother every day. I can’t cook because my mum says I’m too young. There is one thing that Susan and I can’t do. We can’t drive a car! 1) How old is Fran’s best friend? 2) What can Susan play? 3) What sport can’t Fran do? 4) How old is Fran? 5) What can’t the girls do? 7. Describe the traffic signs using the modal verb CAN/CAN’T​

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