Choose the correct category for each word or phrase shampoo

Предмет: Английский язык,

автор: polinaperfileva5520


Автор ответа: toniadura


•the cooking
•the cleaning
•the shopping
•the dishes
•the bed
•a call
•a plan
•a mistake
•a taxi
•a seat
•a bath
•a shower

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Предмет: Математика,
автор: savinokolesa0

7. Вычисли. 9.7 +49: 7 100 — 4.6 8.9 + 7.5 9.4 + 81:9 70-6.7 90 — 64:8 45:9 + 72:8 56:8 + 56:7 : 42:7.9 + 28​

3 года назад

Предмет: Математика,
автор: silvestrovbogdan

хелп помогите 3 пж срочно​

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Предмет: Литература,
автор: erepuscko

сочинение на тему мое любимое стихотворение лермонтова тучи, желательно 150 слов​

3 года назад

Предмет: Химия,
автор: Smileofpain16

определите массовую долю гидроксида калия в растворе 25 г KOH в 250см3 воды. Желательно оформить как задачу. Пожалуйста!!

6 лет назад

Предмет: География,
автор: Ilona3435

Воздушные массы в Континентальным климате

6 лет назад

1. Being the cautious type, I read the email again before sending it off. — Будучи осторожным типом, я снова прочитал письмо, прежде чем отправить его.
2. Tom and Meg fight constantly — they are completely incompatible. — Том и Мэг постоянно борются — они совершенно несовместимы.
3. It’s rude to drum your fingers even if you’re impatient or annoyed. — Грубо барабанить пальцами, даже если вы нетерпеливы или раздражены.
4. We need someone really smart. He or she doesn’t have to be a brainbox though. — Нам нужен кто-то действительно умный. Тем не менее, он или она не должны быть головой (об очень умном человеке).
5. I know I should talk up to that girl, but whenever the opportunity arises I can’t say anything. — Я знаю, что я должен заговорить с этой девушкой, но всякий раз, когда появляется такая возможность, я ничего не могу сказать.
6. He suffered from polio as a child, and as a result, he limps. — В детстве он страдал от полиомиелита, и в результате он хромает.


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el baloncesto



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Test 3

1.Listen and choose the correct category for each word and word

  1. Modern
    technologies are developing slowly. 

True      False      Not

  1. Technologies
    can make people’s lives simpler. 

True      False     Not

  1. Many travelers
    get lost due to GPS. 

True     False     Not

  1. You need to
    go to the library if you need some books. 

True     False   Not

  1. Some people
    are trying to curtail their use of technology 

False   Not Stated

2.Read the text and choose the correct answer.

We cannot imagine our life without the telephone. This is
the first thing we take in our hands in the morning, very often use it during
the day and,to be honest, the last thing we see before going to bed.

A telephone was patented in the USA in 1876 by Alexander
Bell. A handset was used both to receive and send peoples’ messages. A bell was
invented by Mr Watson, Mr Bell’s colleague, later in 1878. The distance of
operation of this line didn’t exceed 500 meters. For a very long time, A. Bell
was believed to be the inventor of the telephone. However, in 2002 the Congress
of the USA credited Antonio Meucci with the right of the invention of the
telephone. The thing is that Antonio had published an article about the
telephone in an Italian newspaper 17 years earlier than A. Bell made his great
invention. He failed to patent it because of financial problems.

The first telephones were without a direct communication
line. That means that manual telephone stations could be used only with the
help of operators. Only at the beginning of the 1920s, the possibility of
direct connection appeared, and the disk phones were produced and used.

Nowadays cell phones or mobile phones are common because
they are very convenient and quite cheap. The coverage zone is now wide and
stable, allowing to make phone calls and send messages almost from everywhere.
The whole cover zone is divided into «cells». The main idea of cell
communication is based on the principle of honeycomb in a beehive. There are
base stations and the coverage zone of each in ideal conditions looks like a
circle. But because of the buildings, the shape is distorted and looks like a
hexagon. The coverage zones of each base station slightly overlap each other
providing a stable signal even when the user moves from one zone to another.

Communication is a very important thing in our life. The
evidence of that we might find in ancient times, when not having a phone people
communicated using a whistle or gong. Now we have plenty of opportunities and
devices to meet all our needs.

1.      Telephone

most essential thing in our lives     b.the thing which most people are
addicted to         c. the thing we often use.

2.      A
bell was invented by

Alexander Bell     b. Mr. Watson   c.  Antonio Meucci.

3.      The
distance of the first line operation was

less than 500 metres    b. more than 500 metres    c. more than 5000 metres.

4.      A
telephone first was invented by

Alexander Bell      b. Mr. Watson     c. Antonio Meucci.

5.      The first
telephones were

a. with
a direct communication line    b. disk phones     c.without a direct
communication line.

6.      Stable
communication is NOT provided if

are gaps between the cover zones of base stations    b. a user moves from one
zone to another          c.there are buildings in the area.

7.      Means
of communication in ancient times were

and effective     b. primitive     c.  the same as now.

3.Choose the correct verb form

  1. I won because I (had played/had
    been playing)
     this computer game before, and I knew how to play
  2. The children’s clothes were dirty.
    They (had played/had been playing) in the garden.
  3. Larry (had read/had been
     this book three times, but he couldn’t understand it.
  4. I was scared because I (hadn’t
    ridden/hadn’t been riding)
     a motorbike before.
  5. (had walked/had been
     all morning, so my feet hurt in the afternoon.
  6. Sandra was very tired. She (had
    worked/had been working)
     in the garden all day.
  7. She (had cried/had been crying) all
  8. She was happy because she (had
    passed/had been passing)
     her driving test.
  9. George was a wise man because
    he (had travelled/had been travelling) a lot when he was
  10. Mary (had travelled/had been travelling) for
    three months, and she didn’t want to stop.

4. Complete
the sentences using the given time expressions. There are three extra options.

When   by    how much    yet    How long   never   since   all
evening    By the time   for   already

  1. We
    had been walking …… three hours before we came to Brighton.
  2. Jane
    had tidied up her room ….. 
    10 o’clock.
  3. She
    has been dancing 
  4. Jake
    had ….. done his homework when his friend called him.
  5. I
    had just fallen asleep ….. the phone rang.
  6. Steve
    had been playing video games ……..early morning.
  7.  ……. had
    you been waiting when he finally came?
  8.  …… we
    reached the station, the train had already left.

5. Use the correct
forms of the verbs to complete the text. Choose between the Past Simple, the
Past Continuous, the Past Perfect and the Past Perfect Continuous.

I met Jane on a train
last year when I1.______ (go) to Brighton. I was very happy on that day because
I 2._____(pass) my
exams. But the weather was terrible. It 3._____(rain) heavily since early morning. I (listen) to music and
looking through the window at the grey clouds when suddenly a beautiful
girl 4.______(sit) down
next to me. I saw she 5.______(walk) in the rain for a long time because her hair and
clothes were completely wet. But she still looked great. I think I fell in love
with her when she smiled at me. We started a small talk. We found out we 6._______(meet) before. By the
time our train 7._______(arrive) in Brighton 8._______(I tell) her I was in love
with her. By the way, we are getting married next month.

Choose the correct options to complete the sentences

  1. My
    sister fell unconscious, and we had to bring her …… with some
    ammonia. That was scary!
  2. Whenever
    we meet, he always brings …… lots of trouble.
  3. A
    new book about science has been brought …. recently. Do you want
    to read it together?
  4. Mr Luis was brought … by
    his grandparents.

7.      Fill in: desk job, salary, Geography, overtime, cashier,
Management, research, deadlines, Linguistics, part-time, Politcs.

After many years of scientific … M.
Cuire  won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

Jane has worked …… every day this week
as it is the busiest time of a year in the company.

Alex has to meet tough …… , so he’s
been working during the weekend.

I have to travel a lot. I think a …….
isn’t for me.

Now that Jenny has children she works
…… from 4 to 8 every weekday.

Mary wants to travel to all those
countries she studied in her … class.

A ……. is a person people pay money to
in a shop.

Robert has a degree in …… . He can tell
you anything you want to know about English language.

9.   Mary’s …… is £
5000 a

…….. is the science which studies
the way the governments work.

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