Choose the best word to complete each sentence mr du bois lives in germany

1) Mr Dubois lives in Germany, but he comes from … a) French b) France 2) Both Aslan and Zeynep are … a) Turkish b) Turkey 3) Is JVC a … company? a) Japanese b) Japan 4) The new accountant is from … a) Kuwaiti b) Kuwait 5) What’s the capital of …? a) Peruvian b) Peru 6) Lloyds isn’t a … bank. a) USA b) American 7) The company’s CEO is … a) the UK b) British 8) We manufacture our products at a factory in … a) China b) Chinese 9) The company closed its office in … a) Greece b) Greek 10) Nokia isn’t a … company! a) Sweden b) Swedish

Таблица лидеров

Эта таблица лидеров в настоящее время является частной. Нажмите Поделиться, чтобы сделать ее общедоступной.
Эта таблица лидеров была отключена владельцем ресурса.
Эта таблица лидеров отключена, так как у вас и у владельца ресурса разные значения параметров.

Викторина — это открытый шаблон. Он не создает баллы для таблицы лидеров.

Требуется вход в систему


Требуется вход в систему


Переключить шаблон


Дополнительные форматы будут отображаться при выполнении занятия.


9. Choose
the word 1

Choose the best
word to complete each sentence.


After hours of walking across
the desert they thought they saw an oasis, but they were wrong. There was
nothing there; it was only a ____ mirage










The boxer recovered, although
he had been __________ for ten minutes after the fight. His doctor has told
him to give up fighting.










Today’s football match has
been __________ because of bad weather. They will play next Thursday


put away








If workers and bosses cannot
agree, they sometimes bring in professionals from outside to __________ in
the dispute.










The soldiers __________ around
the square in a perfect display of discipline, watched by the President and
his foreign guests.










The very idea of my sister
being a thief is quite __________! She is a qualified dentist, a mother of
three and a governor of a primary school.










Heavy snow __________ the
train for several hours.










According to the weather __________,
there will be more snow tomorrow.










I liked her. She gave me the __________
of being clever but modest, which is quite unusual.










The __________ of the ship now
lies under 300 metres of water, and we shall probably never discover its









Sometimes a
dictionary definition is not enough. You need to see words in action. Extensive
reading is the secret of success.

Answer key

25 questions from the British Council LearnEnglish online English level test Options

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A cooperator
Thursday, June 11, 2020 8:58:37 PM

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Hi Everyone!
These are 25 questions from the test at
But I was scored with 94% and intermediate level although I selected in each choice with «certain» on the answering of the question «Are you sure? Not sure. Fairly sure. Certain.»

Choose the best word to complete the sentence.
The baby boy saw … in the mirror and started to cry.
a. itself
b. herself
c. himself

Choose the best word or phrase to complete the sentence.
A lot of trains … late today due to the heavy storms.
a. are run
b. run
c. are running

Choose the best word or phrase to complete the sentence.
… was a strong wind last night.
a. There
b. Here
c. This

Choose the best word or phrase to complete the sentence.
Firstly, I want to congratulate you all. Secondly, I would like to wish you good luck and … I hope you have enjoyed the course.
a. in the end
b. at last
c. finally

Choose the best word or phrase to complete the sentence.
You … clean your teeth twice a day to avoid having problems.

a. can
b. should
c. will

Choose the best word or phrase to complete the sentence.
The children thought they were … when they saw the bull.
a. in a danger
b. in danger
c. in the danger

Choose the best word or phrase to complete the dialogue.
Jack: I think it’s going to rain.
Jill: I … , the clouds are clearing.
Jack: We’ll soon see.

a. disagree
b. complain
c. argue

Choose the best word or phrase to complete the sentence.
I really don’t like this meal. … money in the world wouldn’t get me to eat it.

a. Whatever
b. Enough
c. All the

Choose the best word or phrase to complete the sentence.
Last year, Joanna bought two … coats in New York.

a. long, black, leather
b. black, long, leather
c. leather, black, long

Choose the best word or phrase to complete the sentence.
I must report to the meeting that Cyrus completed his first piece of work well ahead of schedule. …, however, his work has been handed in late.

a. Sequentially
b. Subsequently
c. Consequently

Choose the best word or phrase to complete the sentence.
That’s very good of you but you … have paid me back until tomorrow.

a. needn’t
b. wouldn’t
c. couldn’t

Choose the best word or phrase to complete the sentence.
I … intending to stop smoking even before I got this bad cough.

a. would have been
b. had been
c. have been

Choose the best word or phrase to complete the dialogue.
Anne: Oh! I watched the new TV show last night.
Jo: Was it any good?
Anne: Yes. … the TV set is so old I could see very little.

a. Mind you
b. Still
c. By the way

Choose the word or phrase which has a similar meaning to:

a. think about
b. seem well
c. go for

You removed a message

Choose the word or phrase which has a similar meaning to:

a. stroll
b. point out
c. converse

Choose the word or phrase which has a similar meaning to:

a. finish
b. go through
c. full

Choose the word or phrase which has a similar meaning to:

a. account
b. go back
c. reverse

Choose the word or phrase which has a similar meaning to:

a. go after
b. account
c. respect

Choose the best word to complete the sentence.
She hit her … while she was playing football.

a. motor
b. tail
c. shoulder

Choose the best word to complete the sentence.
The … went to the police.

a. crime
b. solicitor
c. shoulder

Choose the best word to complete the sentence.
It was bad but it was not a … .

a. gate
b. magazine
c. crime

Some words are often used together, e.g. smelly + socks. Choose a word which is often used with:

a. builder
b. thrill
c. proposal

Some words are often used together, e.g. smelly + socks. Choose a word which is often used with:

a. diet
b. words
c. beast

Some words are often used together, e.g. smelly + socks. Choose a word which is often used with:

a. dress
b. purse
c. ship

Some words are often used together, e.g. smelly + socks. Choose a word which is often used with:

a. movement
b. proposition
c. instrument

Back to top FounDit
Thursday, June 11, 2020 9:45:08 PM

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The only one I would question is #12

Choose the best word or phrase to complete the sentence.
I … intending to stop smoking even before I got this bad cough.

a. would have been
b. had been
c. have been

I would have chosen C. «have been». It could be argued that using «had been» gives the impression you gave up the intention before getting the bad cough. Using «have been» conveys an intention that was on-going when you got the cough.

I don’t know why you scored 94, however. With 25 questions, each should be worth 4 points each, so you should have scored a 96.

Back to top tautophile
Thursday, June 11, 2020 11:29:05 PM
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Very interesting. I pretty much agree with all the choices marked as correct.

But I have some commments:
—In #4, the words should be «First» and «Second», not «Firstly» and «Secondly». But «finally,» is the correct choice.
—In #9, in my opinion the choice «long, black, leather coats»—though better than the other two choices—isn’t really good. It ought to be «long black leather coats» without the commas.
—In #12, unlike FounDit, I prefer «had been intending…» to «have been intending…». To me, «had been intending» does not mean you ceased intending to stop smoking.
—In #13, I have to say I wouldn’t used the phrase «Mind you»—I would prefer «However—but «However» that wasn’t one of the choices, and «Mind you» is better than the other two.
—And in #22, «concrete proposal» seems a better matched pair than «concrete builder» in most contexts. In the absence of a context for the sentence, «concrete builder» is an acceptable answer.

Back to top Sarrriesfan
Friday, June 12, 2020 2:18:33 AM

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tautophile wrote:

Very interesting. I pretty much agree with all the choices marked as correct.

But I have some commments:
—In #4, the words should be «First» and «Second», not «Firstly» and «Secondly». But «finally,» is the correct choice.
—In #9, in my opinion the choice «long, black, leather coats»—though better than the other two choices—isn’t really good. It ought to be «long black leather coats» without the commas.
—In #12, unlike FounDit, I prefer «had been intending…» to «have been intending…». To me, «had been intending» does not mean you ceased intending to stop smoking.
—In #13, I have to say I wouldn’t used the phrase «Mind you»—I would prefer «However—but «However» that wasn’t one of the choices, and «Mind you» is better than the other two.
—And in #22, «concrete proposal» seems a better matched pair than «concrete builder» in most contexts. In the absence of a context for the sentence, «concrete builder» is an acceptable answer.

#4 Firstly and secondly are commonly used in British English.
I agree with FounDit for #12 I prefer “have been”, it’s how most British people would use that phrase.
#13 Mind you is the phrase that an ordinary British person would use.
#22 is a question of association it is not about forming an actual pairing builder and concrete go together in the same way bread and baker or bat and cricketer do.
Remember the British Council is trying to teach people to speak English as it is used in Britain today, on behalf of the British Government, some of its usages won’t match American English.

Back to top Drag0nspeaker
Friday, June 12, 2020 6:57:30 AM

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The ones I saw were #12 and #22.

In #12, I could see circumstances in which all three choices could be the «best choice».
Personally, I’d use «has been» or «was» in most circumstances.

In #22, «concrete proposal» is a common phrase. «Concrete builder» isn’t.
A builder may use concrete occasionally, but there’s no such job as «concrete builder».

Yes, I’d commonly use «mind you».
Mind you, it is a little «archaic»

in form

, in that the verb «mind» meaning «pay attention» is not now used intransitively; AND imperatives don’t nowadays have that form with the ‘person’ after the verb. «Mind you» = «(You) take notice!» = «but I’m mentioning so that you can take notice»

Back to top tautophile
Saturday, June 13, 2020 3:15:06 AM
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My «native speech» is AmE, but I lived in England for 4 years and have many British friends, so I’m very familiar with BrE. My first wife grew up in Gateshead and later in Banbury, so I know both Geordie and Thames Valley speech—so much so that when I saw the movie «Billy Eliot» [2000]—set mostly in Tyneside and full of Geordie accents—in the theater here in Illinois, I was the only person in the audience who understood all of what was being said.

I know, for example, about «mind you»—which is the best choice of the three put forward in #13. It’s a well-known BrE phrase, and is not unknown in AmE. Of the three choices given, it’s the one I would choose.


, if one of the choices for #13 were «However», that is the one I would pick. It’s perfectly good BrE and AmE.

I have seen both American and British usage guides that prefer «first» and «second» to «firstly» and «secondly». Most usage guides agree, though, that the «-ly» forms are acceptable, and more formal.

Back to top Drag0nspeaker
Saturday, June 13, 2020 8:38:31 AM

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Gateshead to Banbury — couldn’t be much different, dialectically, and stay in England!

Like FounDit, I’m curious how 25 questions can give a score of


That means one question wrong and one «half-right».

Most of the questions (being multiple choice) can’t be ‘half-right’.

Back to top A cooperator
Sunday, June 14, 2020 9:54:59 PM

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Hi Everyone!
Thank you all very much indeed,

But, do you not think we must have a comma after «mind you»?
There is no comma in the original question question. So, I excluded the ‘a’ and ‘c’ since both must have a following comma if they initiated a phrase.
Anne: Oh! I watched the new TV show last night.
Jo: Was it any good?
Anne: Yes. Mind you the TV set is so old I could see very little.

I read Guide for Mixed Tense Exercises:


Time word: Before:
Time clause tense: Simple present, Simple past
Main clause tense: Simple future

Before Karen leaves for work, she will roller-skate around her house three times.

Time word: Before
Time clause tense: simple past
Main clause tense: Simple past or past perfect

Before Karen left for work, she (had) roller-skated around her house three times.

So, in no #12, the speaker is talking about two actions, «I got cough», and «the «intend to stop smoking». «Intend to stop smoking» happened before «I got cough». So, I think that the past perfect progressive must be used in the main clause tense(I had been intending to stop smoking) and the past simple in the time clause tense(before I got this bad cough).

I had been intending to stop smoking(main clause tense) even before I got this bad cough(time clause tense).
a. would have been
b. had been
c. have been

Back to top A cooperator
Tuesday, June 16, 2020 5:31:35 PM

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PS. FounDit, along with Dragonspeaker, I am sorry I was wrong that I said I scored 94%. I scored 96%, really.
Yes, each question of the 25 questions can give a score of 4%.
So, 4% X 25 = 4/100 X 25/100 = 100/100 = 100%.

For the 12th question, when I selected «have been», my score decreased by 4%. However, when selecting ‘had been’, I scored 96%. That means another question wrong.

Back to top Drag0nspeaker
Wednesday, June 17, 2020 12:57:39 AM

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You’re right on #12 — the most «grammatically correct» is the past perfect (plus the simple past), when looked at logically (sorting out WHEN each thing happened).

The one you had wrong is #22 — concrete proposal.

Take a look at the n-gram graph here.
It’s probably just a phrase you’ve never come across — it’s mostly a business or legal-type idea.

con•crete adj.
1. constituting an actual thing or instance; real; perceptible; substantial: concrete proof.
2. pertaining to or concerned with realities or actual instances rather than abstractions; particular as opposed to general: concrete proposals.

Still, I’d say 96 is a


score. Well done.

Back to top FounDit
Wednesday, June 17, 2020 10:37:14 AM

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Drag0nspeaker wrote:

You’re right on #12 — the most «grammatically correct» is the past perfect (plus the simple past), when looked at logically (sorting out WHEN each thing happened).

The one you had wrong is #22 — concrete proposal.

Take a look at the n-gram graph here.
It’s probably just a phrase you’ve never come across — it’s mostly a business or legal-type idea.

con•crete adj.
1. constituting an actual thing or instance; real; perceptible; substantial: concrete proof.
2. pertaining to or concerned with realities or actual instances rather than abstractions; particular as opposed to general: concrete proposals.

Still, I’d say 96 is a


score. Well done.

I wondered when I read the score of 94 if two points had been taken off for the «builder/concrete/proposal» question. But since there was no mention of that, I assumed either answer would be given credit, since «builder» and either «concrete» or «proposal» fits. That was really a poor question. But 96 is an excellent score. Well done.

Back to top Babouri Salim
Thursday, January 7, 2021 2:23:53 PM

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CONCRETE / Proposal is the correct answer

Back to top francescoalzetta88
Tuesday, April 20, 2021 10:49:21 AM
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Babouri Salim wrote:

CONCRETE / Proposal is the correct answer

Yes, exactly: all the answers by A cooperator are right except 22c: «concrete proposal«.

Not that «concrete builder» per se is wrong, it’s just that they wanted us to choose the most frequent lexical collocation, which is «concrete proposal«.

Just stick to all the answers given by A cooperator — except for 22 — and you’ll score 100%!

Back to top tautophile
Tuesday, April 20, 2021 12:30:49 PM
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By the way, the phrase «Mind you» in #13 should have been followed by a comma: «Mind you, the TV set is so old….» rather than «Mind you the TV set is so old…».

Back to top Wilmar (USA) 1M
Tuesday, April 20, 2021 4:35:54 PM

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Does everyone realize this post is from June 2020?

Back to top Dr. Sayag Avi
Wednesday, March 2, 2022 8:39:58 AM

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1. All of the answers cooperator posted are correct, except question 22: the correct answer (according to the website) is: concrete proposal (this is what I answered and I got 100%).
It should be noted, though, that few questions in that test have more than 1 correct answer. For example, another word for «complete» can also be «full» if used as an adjective (the question in the test refers to its verb form, thus «finish» is accepted as the correct choice).
2. Question 9: (a) is the correct choice (long, black, leather) because the order of adjectives follows the ranking conventions of standard English: opinion, size, age, shape, color, origin, material, purpose. Thus, long comes before black, and leather is the last in rank.
3. Question 12: the past perfect tense is the only grammatically correct choice. Choice c (have been) is grammatically incorrect (the clause «before I got this bad cough» is in the past tense, and the «intention» precedes the emergence of the cough).

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Choose the best word to complete the sentences.

1 My friend never listens to pop music, _______ he? a) is b) isn’t c) does d) doesn’t

2 Wait a minute, I _______ if we have them in your size. a) will check b) check c) am checking d) will be checking

3 — Mum, where’s Dad? — I don’t know he _____ in the garage. a) must be b) should be c) could be d) will be

4 – You look tired. — My car broke down. I _____ for an hour. a) have been walking b) have walked c) am walking d) walked

5 I really like the soup. It tastes _______ . a) well b) better c) the best d) good 6 My dad _______ be at home now. He usually works at this time of the day. a) shouldn’t b) couldn’t c) mustn’t d) can’t

7 — Why are you putting the scarf on? — I _______ wear it, I’ve got a sore throat. a) had to b) must c) can d) could

8 Tony’s grandfather’s bought him a bike, _______ he? a) isn’t b) doesn’t c) hasn’t d) wasn’t

9 I was really _______ when I found out that we are going to the seaside next summer. a) exciting b) excited c) excitingly d) more exciting

10 My uncle _______ three stories about his adventures in Africa and he is going to write the fourth. a) wrote b) had written c) has written d) has been writing

пожалуйста сделайте

1 You
know they don’t allow in here.

eat and drink b you eat and drink c to eat and drink d
eating and drinking

2 He
never doing that.

agreed b concentrated c mentioned d persuaded

3 Flights
kept because of bad weather.

delaying b being delayed c having delayed d having been

4 In
my dream, Brad Pitt offered me a ride on his motorbike and I told him
I’d rather

walk b walking c walked d to walk

Mrs Jacobson reminded us of the importance our passports in a safe

keep b keeping c to keep d of keeping

each sentence, using an infinitive or gerund, in such a way that it
is as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence above it.

1 It’s
sometimes hard finding a place to park.

place to park

2 Is
keeping all these old files really necessary?

it really necessary

3 He
shouldn’t buy a new car now.

would be a mistake for

  1. Amy
    was bitten by a dog when she was very young and she still remembers

still remembers

  1. The
    boy said that he hadn’t done anything wrong.

boy denied

13. Complete this text with appropriate forms of these reporting verbs.

beg claim explain mention shout talk tell think wonder

was in the Arctic last summer to photograph foxes, but I had been
having no luck. I was on my way home one day when I saw a
construction engineer called Malcolm Davidson waving and (l) …. to
me as I drove by. We had met the previous weekend and he (2)
areas further north where I might find foxes. I (3)
he was trying to stop me there. I pulled over and got out to (4)
him. He (5) … if I was still looking for foxes.

walked over to what was left of some old rusted cars by the side of
the road. I looked down and saw three little foxes asleep beside a
broken car door. He (6)
that he would have to catch them all and move them away from there.
It was his next construction site, he (7)…
‘I’m afraid that when we (8) that
we are «developing» or «improving» an area, we
don’t always make things better for wild animals.’

me get my camera and take some photos before you do anything,’ I (9)

I ran to get my camera. I do hope they’ll survive, I (10)

myself. That afternoon I used up all the film I had while the young
foxes played among the old cars.

14. Correct the mistakes in this text.

word ‘biker’ is used for people who ride motorcycles. They sometimes
ride around in gangs. Some people say j»e that bikers are dangerous
criminals, but 1 can’t agree them that all bikers are like that. One
time I had a flat tyre on the motorway and two bikers in black
leather jackets stopped and offered me to help. I explained them that
I can’t get the wheel off. One of them told that it was ‘no problem’
and assured that it wouldn’t take long. He even suggested me to stand
behind the car for safety and warned me watch out for broken glass on
the ground. They fixed it really quickly and joked the small wheels
on my little car. I spoke them thanks. They refused take any money
when I offered pay them. They were like angels. Actually, it said on
their jackets that they were ‘Hell’s Angels’.

each sentence, using an infinitive or gerund, in such a way that it
is as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence above it.

1 ‘I’m
not guilty!’ called out one of the defendants.


2 It
really surprised us when she said she’d been adopted.


  1. The
    students’ argument is that the cost of tuition has increased too
    much and I agree


4 He
claimed, ‘I’m not a thief!’, but no one believed him.

one believed his

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